Yandex mail main login. How to find your email address. Switching between boxes

Good afternoon dear friends. Today's topic will be devoted not to specific ways of making money, but to registering with Yandex and creating an e-mail from a Russian search engine, which will be needed to register on sites to make money. As it turned out, many people do not know how to create a mailbox, especially older people.

A woman came to Skype for me with a request to help her, she is a philologist by education and now works as a teacher at school. She decided to make money on and on helping students. She was able to create a webmoney wallet according to mine, but she had problems with the mailbox. Of course, I helped her, but I decided to write this small instruction so that no one would have any more difficulties.

If you choose between Russian free postal services, then the choice will be quite small and meager. Here you have to choose, in fact, between mail from Yandex and from Mail, there is also Rambler, but he has long been feeling bad and few people are considering him. But between mail from Yandex and mail, Yandex really has a number of advantages:

A more suitable mail is Gmail, but we will cover that separately.

  • In view of the less spamming, messages to Yandex arrive more stable and fall into the spam folder less, reducing the chance of losing an important message with a link to register on. It is very important.
  • Yandex mail is hacked less, hackers send fewer fake emails to it.
  • Creating one Yandex account opens access to all services from Yandex (webmaster, metrics, keyword selection, Yandex.disk, Yandex-money, etc.). All of them will greatly facilitate further work on the Internet and making money.
  • Possibility to connect your domain to mail. If you are planning to create your own website, you can mail your domain to Yandex mail, and mail on your own domain looks more authoritative and causes more trust.

In short, mail from Yandex is simple, convenient, free.


Registration in Yandex and creating a mailbox is very simple and intuitive, you shouldn't have any problems with that.

That's it, your free Yandex mail has been created, you can start using it to make money.

Configuring Yandex Mail

When you first log in, Yandex will offer you the initial settings for your mail.

First of all, you will be asked to get a link to install the Yandex mail application on your mobile phone.

I usually skip this step, as it is easier for me to download the application from Google Play or the AppStore myself.


In the second step, you can choose a beautiful design for your mailbox from the free library.

If you skip the choice of design at this stage, you can always return to it by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner of the mailbox.

Collecting letters from other mailboxes

In the third step, you will be prompted to set up mail collection from other mailboxes. A very useful function, if you have several email addresses, enter the data from them in the proposed form and all letters from third-party mailboxes will be sent to Yandex mail.

If in the process of work you need to add a new mailbox to collect mail, then you can add it in the settings (gear icon) in the section "collecting mail from other mailboxes".


Immediately I advise you to set up a letter signature, which will be automatically added at the end of the message. This will save you from having to spend extra time writing the same text in letters. You can configure it in the sender information.


In the security settings, you should add your phone number to restore access to your mailbox in case of hacking or losing your password, if you did not do this at the registration step.

It is also worth adding another mailbox in case of hacking or losing your password.

Here you can also see the log of visits if you suspect that third parties have access to the mailbox.

Mail programs

You should go to this section of settings if you will use mail programs (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbitd, etc.) using the POP3 protocol to work with Yandex mail, which allows you to download letters from Yandex to your computer. By default, this protocol is disabled and mail programs will not be able to deliver messages to you.

Useful Yandex services

Once you decide to use Yandex email and register an account, then it will be a sin not to use its additional free services that can facilitate your path to millions.

  • Yandex Disk. Cloud solution from Yandex, where you can upload documents, photos and other files.
  • Yandex. Money for withdrawing earned money from sites to earn money and pay for the services of the same freelancers.
  • Wordstat. A service that allows you to select keywords and watch the frequency of their request in a search engine. As a free analogue to any and others, it will be enough for the first time.
  • Webmaster. If you plan to make money on your sites, then you should definitely add it to Yandex. A webmaster that allows you to track the status of your site, errors, indexing, etc.
  • Metric. Also an indispensable tool for web developers. Collects all statistics on the visits to your site by users: visits, keywords, session duration, bounce rate and much, much more. With the help of the webvisor, you can see in real time what the user was doing on the site. Definitely Must Have!
  • AppMetrica. An analogue of the usual metric, but only for mobile applications, if you decide to make money on the development and distribution of mobile games and applications.
  • Direct. Tool for creating and placing contextual advertising. In case you decide to pay for the attraction of visitors to your website, online store, landing page, etc. Or plan to engage in traffic arbitrage. Has its own service for selecting key phrases that can be used in conjunction with Wordstat.

In Ukraine, blocking of a number of Russian services is coming, including the mail services Yandex and How easy, free and guaranteed to provide yourself with access to your mailbox in any of these services, after Internet providers fulfill the president's request? Read about this in this article.

It all started with the fact that on May 15, 2017, a decree appeared on the website of the President of Ukraine, which introduced the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on sanctions against Russian companies. Among them are the mail services Yandex and, social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, as well as hundreds of other companies.

A wave of panic and indignation is already growing on the Internet. The Rozetka online store even sent out a notification to some of its customers who registered using email from Yandex and, in which they recommended changing their mail to Gmail, Ukr.Net or YahooMail. OLX has already sent a similar notification. In her blog, wrote an article on bypassing blocking, recommending using proxy servers, anonymizers, VPN, Tor browser and a number of other tools. All of this will certainly come in handy for visiting blocked sites, but do you need such difficulties to use mailboxes on blocked resources (and some of those services are also paid)? Of course not!

In this article I will describe a simple instruction, by following which already today, you are guaranteed to keep access to your mailboxes tomorrow both on PC and on mobile devices. You do not need to install any additional programs and the usability will remain the same as before. The essence of the instructions is to connect mail from Yandex and to Gmail mail.

So, let's begin.
The first thing you need to do is Gmail, an inbox from Google. I think most people have it, as many have some kind of Android device that only works with a Gmail account. And who does not have it, register.

Bypass blocking access to Mail.Ru Mail in Ukraine

Let's start by connecting the email address to Gmail mail.

First, let's make sure that all letters coming to the mailbox are automatically redirected to the Gmail mail. For this:

1. We go to your mail .

2. Go to the sectionSettings.

3. Go to subsectionFiltering rules .

4. Click the "Add forwarding" button.In the field that appears, enter your Gmail mail and click “save”.

5. In the field that appears, enter your Gmail mail and click “save”.

6. For confirmation, enter the password from mail and click "continue".

7. We automatically go to the filtering rules page and click “confirm” opposite the Gmail address that appears in the list of rules.

8. On another browser tab, go to your Gmail mail, open the letter you just received with the subject “Confirmation of forwarding from mailbox ...@ ”, Look for a code from Latin letters and numbers at the beginning of the letter and copy it.

9. Return to the browser tab with mail and paste the copied confirmation code, and also enter the password from mail and click “confirm”.

10. Now on the page of filtering rules the Gmail mail address is marked as confirmed and all that remains is to turn the switch to the “ON” position.

This completes the redirection of incoming mail from to Gmail. Now let's make it so that you can write on behalf of the mailbox, but at the same time be in the Gmail account. For this:

1. Go to your Gmail.

2. Go to the sectionSettings.

3. Go to subsectionAccounts and imports and click “Add another email address”.

4. In the window that appears, enter your name in the Name field (you can enter any name that you want to be visible to the recipients of your letters), and also enter the mail address and click “next”.

5. In the window that appears, indicate the following data:

  • in the field “SMTP Server” - enter “” (even if you have an address like @, @ or with any other domain from
  • in the “Username” field - mail address.
  • in the “Password” field - the password from mail.
  • select port 465.
  • sSL connection.
  • click “Add account” and a window appears for entering the confirmation code.

6. A letter with a confirmation code is sent to your mail. To read it, you no longer need to go to mail, since the letter has already been redirected to your Gmail inbox (we configured this in the previous step). Open the letter, copy the code and enter it for confirmation. We press "confirm".

9. Now from your Gmail account you can write letters on behalf of the mail address To do this, it is enough just when writing a letter to choose on behalf of which mailbox you want to send it. This choice is available both in the browser version of the Gmail mail client, and in its versions for Android or iOS. If you want the mailbox address in to be selected as the sender by default when writing all letters, then in the subsectionAccounts and imports select the option “use as default” next to it. Also, for convenience, I recommend setting the option “reply from the address to which the letter was sent”.

This is how the choice of the mailbox from which you want to send a letter looks like in the compose window in Gmail:

Bypass blocking access to Yandex.Mail in Ukraine

Now let's get down to connecting a Yandex mailing address to Gmail mail.

First, let's make sure that all emails arriving at Yandex inbox are automatically redirected to Gmail. For this:

1. Go to your mail on Yandex .

2. In the settings, look for the item "Incoming mail processing rules" (or Mail processing rules).

3. Click the "Create Rule" button.

4. On the rule creation page, do the following:

  • delete the created first condition with a red cross;
  • put a tick “Forward to address” and enter the Gmail mail address;
  • click "create a rule";
  • in the window that appears, enter the password for Yandex mail and click “confirm”.

Yandex.Mail is one of the most popular free email services. There you can freely register and get an address that ends with @ Yandex's mail service is convenient, easy to use and always available on your computer, tablet or smartphone - you only need Internet access.

If your mail is on Yandex, then you need to enter its website every day. Easy entry to the mail is provided by the start page "Login" - just add the address there, and put the "Login" page (address as the start page in the browser.

The entrance to the mail will always be at hand, you can get there literally with one click:

When you first log into Yandex.Mail, you will need to enter your username (mailing address) and password. If you have already indicated them (entered), then your mailbox with letters will simply open and you can work with them.

And, of course, if you already have a mailbox on Yandex, you can always get there from the Yandex main page (link in the upper right corner).

Registration in Yandex mail

To register in Yandex.Mail (get your address), you can open the Yandex.Mail website through the VHOD.RU start page, as we just described, or simply open Yandex and click in the upper right corner Start a box. Whichever method you use, a simple registration procedure will begin. You will need to come up with a name for the mailbox (your address, at the end of which there will be @, eg: [email protected] ) and a password that must be remembered and kept secret. You will also need to provide basic personal information.

Please note that you can enter your phone number - this is very useful if you need to restore access to your mail in the future (for example, if you forget your password). Indicate the number that you use and which you always have with you. If you do not specify the number, then how, instead, you will be asked to assign a secret question, the answer to which only you know (this is necessary in order to protect against hacking).

How to enter Yandex mail via VK, Odnoklassniki, Facebook ...?

Having opened the Yandex website, you will see the mail entrance in the corner, and there are buttons for entering via VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other sites. In our picture, they are underlined - first there is VK, then Facebook, then Twitter. If you click on the ellipsis, then the entrance will appear through other sites, including Odnoklassniki:

And if you have already opened the Yandex.Mail website, then you will see similar buttons just below the buttons "To come in" and "Registration". That is, for example, if you want to enter the mail through VK, then you do not need to click "Registration", and immediately press the button with the letter "AT":

How to use Yandex.Mail

So, if you have already registered and you have a mailbox. What to do next?

How to view the letter?

When you enter Yandex.Mail (for example, through VHOD.RU), you are taken to your Inbox folder. These are the letters that came to you. These may include letters from people, mailings, advertisements, and more. The screen shows how many unread letters you have and how many letters are in this folder. For example, "Inbox 2 / 99 ”means that you have 2 new letters, and there are 99 in the folder.

The most recent letters are shown at the top, older ones below. New letters are highlighted in bold. To open the letter and read it, just click on it! To go back, click on "Inbox" or swipe back if you're reading emails on your phone.

How do I reply to an email?

Open the letter you want to answer. At the bottom there will be an empty field (you need to scroll to the end if the letter is long), where you can immediately write an answer. When everything is ready, press "Reply".

Another option is to press the button "Reply". With this method, the letter to which you are responding will be quoted in the reply window. You can just write an answer, or you can answer certain parts of the letter by inserting your answers between the lines. When finished answering, press the button "Send". The letter will go to the addressee, and a copy will appear in the Sent Items folder. You can always open it and see what, to whom and when he answered.

How to write and send a letter?

Click the button "Write". Where there is an empty field "To whom", enter the recipient's address (for example, [email protected] ). It is also advisable to briefly indicate the subject so that the recipient immediately understands what the letter is about. Write the letter below. When everything is ready, press "Send". As in the case of a reply to an incoming letter, your letter will be sent to the address, and its copy will be in the Sent Items folder.

There is another question!

Check out the Yandex.Mail help - most likely, there is an answer.

What to do if Yandex.Mail won't open?

First of all, use the Login start page to enter your mail. Perhaps you are entering the wrong place - the start page will help with this.

If the mail says that the password does not work, most likely you are entering the password incorrectly. Even if everything seems to be right. Maybe big letters are included? Or is it the wrong language? Check and try again.

If you have forgotten your password or it does not work, use the restoration of access - open the login page for Yandex.Mail and click on the link "Remember password".

Yandex.Mail on the phone

Yandex has Yandex.Mail mobile applications that allow you to use mail directly on your phone. All the necessary functions are there, the applications themselves are free. There are options for iPhone and Android (to install, open Epp Store or Google Play on your phone and type there in the search "Yandex Mail").

Another way to install mail on your phone is to go from a computer or tablet to the Yandex.Mail website and order a link to your phone (you need to specify the number).

A bit of history

Yandex.Mail appeared in 2000 (Yandex itself was launched in 1997). Now about 22 million people use Yandex mail.

Yes, when you need to remember something, especially urgently, the tension of each gyrus is felt in the head. Consciousness wanders convulsively through the neurons of the hemispheres in search of the correct answer. But he must be in these very neurons, he just hides, probably, in some secluded corner of memory.

And if you're lucky, the research does not last long: “Oh, that's how! Oh, how could I forget! " And if not ... the outcomes may already be different. For example, such as those of Chekhov's heroes, who guessed the "horse" surname ... Hmmm, only chance helped them.

But in our case, dear reader, in order to find out a forgotten e-mail address, we can strain not only our own head, but also the computer, the resources of global networks. It is very possible that they will be able to show us an e-mail (eh, well, what is this e-mail address ?!).

So let the secret be revealed. Still, let's try to find the address lost in memory.

1. Contact your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, in general, to all those people with whom you corresponded via e-mail with a request to see messages from you in their mail profiles. In letters, in the "From" line, there will be the login of your e-mail box, that is, the sender's address.

2. If you used your lost e-mail to register on social networks, on sites and forums, open your account there (log in) and go to the panel with personal data. As a rule, the address of the specified box is displayed in the panel.

An example of how to do this on
Change settings (link under the avatar) → the "General" tab → the line "Email address" mail "(here you can find the lost! - mailbox login)

3. Try to ask the search engines what your email address is. Type your first and last name in the search box. Perhaps an indexed page will appear in the search results with this same e-mail on the social network or on the online service that you used.

4. If the "Autocomplete" option is enabled in your browser, place the cursor in the login field (in the authorization panel of the mail service). There is a chance that the address will appear in a tooltip (drop-down list of snippets).

5. Open the "Save Passwords" setting in your browser. If it is enabled and the cache has not been cleared, the mail login will be displayed in the list of saved credentials.

Example for Google Chrome:
Settings → Passwords and Forms → Prompt to save passwords ... → Change (link in the same line)

Solutions for individual services

1. Type your name and surname in the Google search engine (as you indicated them in the questionnaire) and next to it add the domain name of the service - "".

On Yandex, you can request your login in technical support, having in your hands other identification data used in related services of the system.

1. Open the help section in a browser -

2. In the text of the instruction, click one of the proposed methods (depending on what data you have).

Account number in Yandex.Money

Enter your personal information (name and surname) in the form. In the "What happened" field, state your request (ask technical support to provide you with your email login). Enter your Yandex wallet ID and provide your other valid e-mail for feedback. After completing the application, click the "Submit" button.

Counter ID in Metrica

If you use Yandex Metric on your site, on the page that opens, specify its ID (it is displayed in the HTML layout code) or the site address. Optional: in the "Message" field, place a request for an email address. Provide contact e-mail.

Specify the campaign or ad number and all other required data (see form fields).

3. After sending an application with verification data, Yandex technical support will send you a mailbox login to your specified e-mail address.


Method number 1
If you used e-mail on a mobile device running Android, open its settings and go to Accounts → Google. In the panel that opens, you will see your username.

Method number 2
1. On the page for entering the mail, under the line for entering a login, click "Find an account".

2. In the menu that opens, select a recovery method:

  • by additional e-mail;
  • by phone.

3. Enter your first and last name.

4. Provide verification information. Accordingly, the address of an additional mailbox or mobile number.

5. Click the "I'm not a robot" box. Complete the test task.

6. After confirming the rights to the mailbox, the Gmail service will send you an email address by email or phone (via SMS).

Successful restoration of access to your mailbox! ...

Yandex email is one of the main and irreplaceable tools for modern
Internet user. Difficulties associated with starting to use the Yandex service
mail (login to my page) are easily overcome.

What is Yandex Mail

Yandex mail is a popular free mail service, which is currently one of the most popular among users in Russia and the CIS countries. It is very simple, convenient, and most importantly - reliable. In addition, mail provides a number of services that significantly facilitate the user's work (Yandex.Disk, Yandex.Photos, Yandex.Video and many others).

The maximum letter size provided by the service is 30 megabytes. Also, special attention should be paid to the fact that there are no restrictions on the size of the mailbox, which can be confidently attributed to one of its main advantages.

Login methods

Let's consider several ways to log into the Yandex Mail service.

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Login and password

If an email address has already been created in Yandex, then to enter it via a username-password, it is enough:

    1. Open Yandex website
    2. Select in the upper right corner "Mail".

  1. Enter the data specified during registration.

Through social network

Authorization through well-known social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and others) is also provided, provided that the user has previously created a page there and still has access to it. To do this, under the button "To come in" click on the icon of the social network through which you plan to log into Yandex-mail, and link to your account.

How to log in through someone else's computer

For those who regularly enter their mailbox through a computer located at their workplace or in an Internet cafe, and are afraid of hacking (unauthorized access to my Yandex email page), it is recommended to check the box next to the inscription "Another's computer" after entering your username and password.

Instructions for creating an account, if it does not exist

If the account has not yet been created, then to register Yandex mail, it is enough to
simple steps:

    1. First you need to enter the Yandex portal, then pay attention to the upper right corner, where it will be written "Start mail", and press the button.

    1. Next, the user has to fill out a questionnaire - enter a first name, surname, come up with a login (if the login entered is already taken by someone else, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen), as well as a password. Special attention should be paid to the choice of a password for a mailbox. It is not recommended to choose simple passwords (qwerty, youcuken, and the like), otherwise it will not be difficult for attackers to take over your account. It is advisable to choose a password that will consist of 8 characters - numbers, capital and uppercase letters of the Latin alphabet, signs #,%, & and others.
  1. The next step is to enter the phone number. The need for this action is due to the fact that if you lose your password (and, as a result, access to your mailbox), it can be easily restored. If the user does not have an available number, he will be prompted to select any "Secret Question" and enter the answer to it.


The above steps will help you quickly make the transition to the Yandex service and make full use of its mail functions. They do not require significant investment of time and ensure high quality of work in the future.

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