Ways to work with e-mail. Email

Hello! Let's continue to dive into the functionality of Yandex in more detail. In one of the articles, we have already figured out that. Today we will continue this topic and take a closer look at how to use Yandex mail. Let's find out many of its previously unfamiliar features. we will reveal the maximum of functions and "tricks" of your mailbox.

Authorization and pre-configuration

To access Yandex mail through a browser, just go to the yandex.ru page, click on the button with the corresponding name "Enter mail" in the upper right corner of the page and enter your account login and password in the window that opens.

Once on the page with letters, you should customize the work of mail for yourself. The basic features are quite minimalistic, and the settings have a lot of interesting things. The preliminary configuration of Yandex mail includes many points.

You should start by visiting your account settings: click on your login icon (by default, the circle contains the first letters of the first and last name specified during registration) in the upper right corner of the page and select "Account Management" in the drop-down menu.

Here you can add a photo that will be seen by everyone who receives letters from you and respond to them, change personal data, add social media accounts for quick login without entering a password from Yandex, and also improve account security: set up two-factor authentication, passwords for Yandex applications or for the mail itself, add an additional box for recovery in case of loss of access to this account.

To give the mail individuality, there is a customization of the Yandex mail interface - this is changing a boring standard theme to something pleasing to the eye.

To do this, find the gear icon at the top right of the main page of the box. By clicking on it from the drop-down list, select "Design" and apply any theme you like. Now it will be more pleasant to parse letters.

How to use email on Yandex

Email is not only about sending and reading correspondence. You can make working with letters convenient and fast. This is especially true for those users who use Yandex-mail for business purposes and are forced to parse hundreds of emails every day.

Creating and sending letters

To create a new letter, click on the large "Write" button at the top of the page. You will be greeted by fields:

From: Here you can edit the sender's name or choose a different ending for the mailbox address.

"To" in this line you specify the recipient's full mail address with the @ sign and the domain of the mail service (for example, @ yandex.ru).

"Subject" Specify the subject of the letter so that the recipient quickly understands what it is about and from whom.

Below in the editor window, enter the text of the letter. The editing panel allows you to insert a variety of elements into the letter: lists, quotes, hyperlinks, images, and also beautifully design the text.

To activate the function of writing a letter, you need to click on the "Without registration" button.

If you have to send such a letter to a large number of people, then save it as a template so as not to write again. To do this, before sending, at the end of the "Subject" line, click on the word "Template". The "Send" button will deliver the letter to the addressee.

In case you need to reply to a received letter, it is not necessary to use the "Write" button. You can always click on "Reply" in the open letter window to write a reply.

How to send a photo and other files with text

If you want to transfer a file to the recipient in addition to text, there are three ways. In the window for entering the text of the letter on the editing panel there are three icons - paper clips, Yandex disk and envelope.

By clicking the first one, select a file on your computer's hard drive - when you send a letter, it will be sent along with the letter as an attachment.

You can attach a photo to a letter in four clicks

If the file or photo to be sent is located on a Yandex disk, click on the corresponding icon. In the window that opens, select the desired file and send it directly from yours.

In my opinion, this is the most convenient and fastest way to send files. This method makes it possible to send files and photos using a smartphone. You can attach any number of files and not only photos, but also text documents, PDF-files, archives, etc. Your recipient will receive a letter with links to these files and will be able to download them from your Yandex disk.

You can read more about uploading photos to Yandex cloud storage in our article:.

If you need to send a file that is in mail attachments, click the envelope icon in the editing panel, select the desired file from the mail and attach it to this letter for sending. This method works similarly to the previous one. So, if you were sending a file from a Yandex disk.

By selecting the icon with a picture in the editing panel, you can insert a photo into the text of the letter by entering a direct link to this image on the Internet.

Working with the address book

The address book is a convenient way to collect all the important addressees in one place. You can open the list of your contacts by clicking on the word "Contacts" at the top of the main mail page to the right of the inscription "Yandex Mail".

In the "Contacts" section, you can manually add a contact by filling in all its details in the appropriate fields.

To set up the address book, click on the gear button you already know and select the "Contacts" item.

You can uncheck or leave the checkbox opposite the automatic collection of contacts, load contacts from a file, or save existing contacts to a file.

How do I find the letter I need?

If you need a specific e-mail, and you remember the exact phrase from it or other data, then enter them in the blank line next to the word "Find" at the top of the page. A list with the best matches appears.

What are labels and how do I use them?

Tags - a way of cataloging letters by importance, subject matter, addressees (for example: work contacts, friends, relatives, services). Open any letter and in the top line after "Reply, Forward, Delete ..." you will see the "Label" button.

By default, the list of options is small, but you can select New Label from the drop-down menu. Give it a name and choose a comfortable color. Now the letter marked in this way is easier to find in the general list.

You can also configure automatic installation of such a label for similar letters.

How do I move emails between folders?

There is a To Folder icon next to the Label button. The letter will be moved when you select a folder. You can create your own folders, for example "Letters from colleagues" or "Special importance".

Speed \u200b\u200bup work with mail using hot keys

While on the main page of the mail press the "?" or just "7" (you don't need to hold down Shift). A mini-window will open with a list of all available hotkeys for more efficient work with letters and contacts.

If this did not work, click on the gear and select "Others." Find the item "Use hot keys" - there should be a checkmark. To disable keyboard shortcuts, remove it.

Yandex-mail mobile application: how to use

In the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android, you can easily find the Yandex mail application. It is very popular and is a convenient way to read and send emails from a mobile device.

Having installed it on a smartphone or tablet at the first start, you will need authorization by login and password. All possible functions and folders are accessed via the context menu button in the upper left corner of the screen.

The application duplicates the basic capabilities of browser mail. For example, note: the "write a letter" button is in the upper right corner of the screen.

If you forgot your email password

There are three ways to restore access to the mailbox:

  1. by the number of the linked mobile;
  2. using an additional box (if specified);
  3. the answer to your secret question.

Therefore, make sure in advance that if you lose your password, you can use any of these options.

Deleting a mailbox on Yandex

If you no longer need mail, you can delete your account.

Go to "Account Management" and scroll down to the bottom.

There is a faint inscription "Delete account".

Remember: deleting an account will delete all Yandex services that were active on it, including a Yandex disk with files, photos and albums. Plus, you will permanently lose access to your wallet. Therefore, if you decide to delete your Yandex account, weigh the pros and cons and prepare for this in advance.

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The description is based on the example of Windows XP Professional.


Sections on this page:

Nowadays, not being able to use e-mail is like not being able to read. Send a report to management or a resume to an employer, make penpals, conduct business communication, exchange photos, etc. - all this is impossible without mastering the tricks of e-mail. That is why only lazy people don’t have their email address today. Here, we'll cover how to set up your own email account, how to send and receive emails, forward file attachments, and much more.

9.4.1. How to create your own email account?

In this section, we will consider the procedure for opening a mailbox using the example of the mail service of a popular portal www.yandex.ru.

* * *

On the home page of any Internet resource that provides free e-mail services, there is a link designed to switch to the mode of creating a mailbox. This link may be called by various names; on www.yandex.ruat the time of this writing, it is called Start a mailbox... After clicking on this link on the screen, the dialog shown in Fig. 9.22.

Figure: 9.22. The first stage of creating a box

At the first stage, you need to enter your last name and first name, as well as the name of the mailbox being created ( login). All this data is entered from the keyboard. When entering a login, you can use letters of the English alphabet, numbers, as well as the underscore and hyphen (spaces in the name are not allowed).

* * *

In the process of entering a login, the mail service automatically checks if it is busy at the moment. If it turns out that a mailbox with the same name already exists, you will be offered other login options that are close to the one you tried to enter (they are offered anyway, see Fig. 9.22).

After filling in the specified details, click the button Fartherto proceed to the next stage of creating a mailbox (Fig. 9.23).

Figure: 9.23. The second stage of creating the box

At this stage, you should enter a password, which will later be used to access the mailbox. To enter a password, you can use the same characters as when entering a login, as well as special characters ( % , & , + and etc.). The password must contain at least 6 and no more than 20 characters.

* * *

To eliminate an error when entering a password, enter it twice: in the field Passwordand in the field Confirm the password... If identical values \u200b\u200bare entered in these fields, then under the field Confirm the passwordthe inscription is displayed entered correctly(see Figure 9.23). If an error is made when entering the password (any difference in the fields Passwordand Confirm the password), then under the field Confirm the passworda corresponding information message will be displayed prompting you to re-enter the password. While the differences in the fields Passwordand Confirm the passwordwill not be eliminated, mailbox creation is not possible.

Sometimes users forget or lose the password for their mailbox. To solve such problems, a special mechanism has been implemented that allows the user to access their mailbox without entering a password. The idea behind this mechanism is to answer a security question. This secret question and the answer to it are indicated at the second stage of forming the mailbox in the fields control qestionand Answer(see Figure 9.23). Moreover, the question itself is selected from the proposed drop-down list, and the answer to it is entered from the keyboard. Examples of security questions: Mother's Maiden Name(see fig.9.23) Favorite dish, My school nicknameetc. It is obvious that control questions are formed in such a way that only a specific person can know the exact answer to them. If the password is lost, the system will issue the security question specified during the creation of the box, and if the answer to it is correct, then access to the box will be open.

In field Another e-mail (if any)you can enter your previously acquired email address, if available. This field is optional. If it contains an email address, then registration information will be sent to this address immediately after creating the mailbox. Also, if you wish, you can specify your mobile phone (although this is not recommended)

In field Check digitsfrom the keyboard you need to enter the numbers (without separators and spaces!), which are displayed above (see Fig. 9.23).

After filling in the listed details, you need to click the button Register- as a result, the screen will display information that registration has been successfully completed (Fig. 9.24). Here, if you wish, you can enter some additional data about yourself.

Figure: 9.24. Completion of registration

You can enter them, or you can just click on the link Start using mail- immediately after that, the mailbox interface will open on the screen (Fig. 9.25). To subsequently enter your mailbox, you need to enter your username and password in the appropriate fields on the main page of the portal (in our example, www.yandex.ru) and click the button To come in.

Figure: 9.25. Mailbox interface

The left side of the interface contains several folders for storing e-mail. The following folders are offered by default: Inbox, Sent, Deleted, Spamand Drafts.

All incoming e-mail, with the exception of messages recognized as spam, goes to the folder Inbox... This folder is open by default when you log into your mailbox.

Folder Sentis intended for storing sent (outgoing) e-mail. When each letter is sent, a copy of it (with all attachments, if any) is placed in the folder by default Sent.

In the folder Deletedstored e-mail that was deleted using a link Delete.

To folder Spamall incoming correspondence that is recognized by the system as spam is placed. This folder can be quickly cleared using the link located to the right of the folder name (it appears if there is at least one letter in the folder). By the way, folders are cleaned up in the same way. Deleted.

* * *

In the folder Draftsyou can store letters that for some reason are not intended for any of the folders listed above.

In order to move letters from folder to folder, you should mark them in the list using the appropriate checkboxes, then in the drop-down list Move to folder(this list is located on the right side of the interface above the list of letters) select the required folder and click the button on the right OK.

Above the list of letters there are several links designed to switch to one or another mode of operation. The list of these links may look different in different folders. Since the order of their use is simple, we will only consider the links that are located in the folder Inbox.

Via link Write a messagethe transition to the mode of creating a new e-mail is performed. At the same time, an interface opens on the screen, in which the addressee (or several addressees), the subject of the letter are indicated, the text of the letter is formed, and, if necessary, files are attached to be sent along with the letter.

* * *

If the current mail message (or several messages marked with a flag) is spam, then you should use the link This is spam... Using this link, you can report spam to the postal administration so that appropriate measures are taken against spammers. When clicking on a link This is spama window opens on the screen in which you need to confirm the fact of spam.

Section The address bookis intended for maintaining a list of addressees with whom the most active correspondence is supposed to be maintained. To add a new recipient to the list, use the link Add a note, after which in the window that opens, enter the name and surname of the addressee, his email address, phone number, any comment and date of birth. The only required requisite for each addressee is an email address.

In chapter Customizationthe mailbox parameters are configured. In particular, here you can create, edit and delete folders intended for storing e-mail, choose the style of writing letters, customize the mail interface, etc. Separately, it should be noted the possibility of filtering incoming mail in order to combat spam (using "black" and "white" lists). Also noteworthy is the implemented mechanism of automatic mail collection, the configuration of which allows you to automatically collect mail from all other mailboxes available to the user and deliver it to this mailbox.

Section Searchis designed to quickly search for letters. It is advisable to use the capabilities of this section when working with large volumes of e-mail. As search parameters, you can specify an arbitrary text fragment (which can be contained both in the text and in the subject line) and the sender / recipient's email address. You should also specify the folders in which the search will be performed.

Thus, we have learned how to create our own mailbox on our own. However, in this case, all actions for working with e-mail have to be performed directly on the server using the interface provided by the mail service. It is much more convenient to use special mail programs for working with e-mail. In this book we will look at one of the most popular of these programs - Outlook Express.

9.4.2. Purpose and capabilities of Outlook Express

Microsoft Corporation is the developer of the Outlook Express mail program, and this largely contributes to the fact that this program is one of the most popular mail clients. This is primarily due to the fact that Outlook Express works well with other Microsoft products (Internet Explorer, etc.). In addition, this program is very convenient for home users - unlike, for example, the same Microsoft Outlook, which is also developed by Microsoft, but is addressed primarily to office users.

The default program interface is shown in Fig. 9.26.

Figure: 9.26. Outlook Express

As you can see in the figure, the program window has the structure of a typical Windows application. At the top is the main menu, below it is the toolbar, and the main part of the interface is occupied by the workspace, divided into four panels. The top left pane contains a list of email folders, the top right pane displays the contents of the folder where the cursor is positioned. The lower left panel contains a list of contacts from the address book, and the lower right - the text of the letter on which the cursor is located.

The functionality of the Outlook Express mail program allows you to solve the following tasks:

Receiving, reading, creating, sending and storing electronic correspondence;

Working with the Windows Messenger instant messaging service: connecting, sending messages, setting parameters;

Using multiple accounts to work with e-mail;

Maintaining an address book in which e-mail addresses are stored;

Working with newsgroups (receiving, reading, storing, sending);

Flexible customization of the user interface and parameters of the program in accordance with the needs of a particular user;

Creation of mail messages using a variety of forms, the choice of which can be carried out both from the list offered by the program, and from any place on the disk;

Setting up and using anti-virus and anti-spam protection;

Import of e-mails from other popular mail programs using the built-in import wizard;

Importing an address book from other popular email programs;

Export of e-mail and address book;

Printing out e-mail messages;

Saving an e-mail message as a separate file or as a form;

Saving email attachments as a separate file;

Performing a number of other actions due to the specifics of using the program and the needs of a particular user.

However, before using Outlook Express, you must create an e-mail account. This is discussed in the next section.

9.4.3. Create an account in Outlook Express

To switch to the mode of working with Outlook Express accounts, execute the command of the main menu Service? Accounts- as a result, the window shown in fig. 9.27.

Figure: 9.27. Email accounts

To create a new mail account, follow in this window on the tab mailpush the button Add to(this button is located at the top right of the window, see Fig. 9.27), and in the menu that opens, select the item mail... As a result, a window will open on the screen Internet Connection Wizard; using the Wizard, you step by step create a new account. This does the following:

1. At the first stage, enter an arbitrary username from the keyboard (for example, first and last name), and then press the button Further.

2. At the second stage, you also need to enter an email address from the keyboard (for example, [email protected] ), then press the button Further.

3. At the third stage, you will need to specify the servers of incoming (POP3, IMAP or HTTP, in most cases - server POP3) and outgoing messages. The choice of servers depends on the location of the user's mailbox; for the addresses of these servers, contact your email service provider. For example, if the mailbox is open at www.yandex.ru, then the inbound server will be pop.yandex.ru, and outgoing - smtp.yandex.ru... After entering the servers, click the button Further.

4. At the fourth stage, in the appropriate fields from the keyboard, enter the name of the created account and password, and then click Further.

5. In the fifth step, by pressing the button Donethe process of creating a new account ends.

As a result of the actions performed, the created account will be displayed in the window Online accounts(see fig.9.27) on tabs Alland mail.

Now you can start working with e-mail messages.

9.4.4. How do I receive and send emails?

To receive email, you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Deliver mail(this command is also invoked by pressing the key combination Ctrl + M), or click the corresponding button in the toolbar (do not forget to connect to the Internet before that).

Received emails will be placed in a folder Inbox, and the number of unread letters will be shown in brackets (see Fig. 9.26).

When it comes to sending emails, there are two ways to do it. The first one is that the letter is sent immediately after writing - we will describe how to do this below. When using the second method, messages are sent from the folder Outbox(users place written, but not sent letters here) - for this you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Send allor press the button in the toolbar Deliver mail(This button is used to both receive and send e-mail).

9.4.5. How do I write and send an email?

To switch to the mode of generating a mail message, you can use several methods. The most common one is to execute the main menu command File? Create a? Mail message... As a result, a window for generating a mail message, shown in Fig. 9.28.

Figure: 9.28. Creating a mail message

You can also create a new message in the panel Contacts(this panel is located at the bottom left of the program's working interface) double-click on the desired recipient or on a group of contacts. In this case, in the window for creating a contact (see Fig. 9.28), the field will be automatically filled in To whom... To create a reply message, in the main program window, select the letter to which you want to reply with the cursor and press the button on the toolbar Replyor execute the command of the main menu Message? Reply to sender(this command is also called by pressing the key combination Ctrl+ R). In this case, the fields in the contact creation window will be automatically filled in To whomand Topic.

* * *

In the window for generating a mail message in the field To whomthe recipient's email address is indicated. If necessary, you can enter several addresses in this field - in this case, separate them with a comma or semicolon.

In field Copythe addresses of recipients are entered to whom a copy of this mail message should be sent. If several recipients are specified, then they are separated by a comma or semicolon.

* * *

In field Topicthe subject of this mail message is entered from the keyboard, briefly reflecting its essence; examples of the values \u200b\u200bof this field - Meeting, Evening invitation, Order, Vacation plans, Feedback on the adetc. This field is optional; nevertheless, it is still recommended to indicate the subject of the letter - this is convenient for the recipient of the mail message.

The text of the mail message is entered from the keyboard in a specially designed field that occupies the main part of the interface (see Fig. 9.28). By the way, you can format the text of the letter - the formatting panel is intended for this, which is located between the field Topicand a field for entering the text of the letter.

You can insert any image (picture, photo, etc.) into the text of the letter - to do this, in the formatting panel, click the last button, which is called Insert picture.

* * *

When you click this button, a window opens on the screen in which the settings for inserting an image are performed. The order of work in this window is intuitive, so we will not dwell on it here.


E-mail is used by millions of people - it is convenient, fast and affordable.

To send e-mail you need a computer, internet, e-mail. To register a mailbox, you need to go to any mail service (Mail.ru, Yandex.ru, Gmail.com or others) and fill out the proposed form.

1:1085 1:1095

So, you have started a mail, and now you need to write to someone. How do I send an email?



Let's consider the process of sending an email letter using the Mail.ru service as an example. After registering the mailbox, you will be taken to a page where the folders "Inbox", "Outbox", etc. will be offered.
Find the "Write" button and click on it.
You will see a letter form and the "To" and "Subject" fields.
In the "To" field, enter the recipient's email address, for example, If you need to send a letter to several recipients, enter the recipient addresses separated by commas. In order not to fill in addresses manually, you can use the "Address Book" function, which is located in the "To" line. Click on the underlined word "To", and you will see a list of addressees (if you have previously saved them in the notebook of your mailbox). Put a check mark with the desired name or names and click "Add Selected".
In the largest field, write the text of the letter. You can change the text color, font size, insert links or emoticons. To do this, select the text and click on one of the buttons located above the message input field.
After filling in all the fields, click on the "Send" button.



By e-mail, you can send not only letters, but text documents, sound and video files, pictures and photos.

3:747 3:757

How do I send a photo by email?


We enter the mail, click on the “write” tab, fill in the lines “To” and “Subject”.
In the window that opens, select the folder with the photo you want to send. For example, your photos are in the "Photos" folder on the D drive. Click on the "My Computer" tab, double-click on the "(D :) Local drive" tab, then 2 times on the "Photos" folder.
Select the desired photo and click on it 1 time.
The name of the selected file will be displayed at the bottom of the window in the "File name" line.
We click once on the "Save" button and the photo starts to upload to the email page.
After downloading the file (a green check mark under the file will indicate that the download is complete), click on the "Send" button.



To send a photo by e-mail, you need to know the volume of the addressee's mailbox. If the volume is limited, adapt, i.e. reduce photo size. At the bottom of the window with the photo you will see the inscription “The photo will not be adapted for the Internet Change”. Click on the "Change" button. In the window that opens, select the function "Compress large photos" and click "Apply".

4:1201 4:1211

How to send a document by email


E-mail allows you to send documents of various formats: Open document, Microsoft Word, HTML, PDF, RTF, Open Office tables, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint presentations. To send a document by email, follow the similar rules for sending photos.
Fill in the "To" and "Subject" lines.
We click on the "Attach file" button.
In the window that opens, select the desired document and click "Save".
We click on the "Submit" button.



If you need to delete an attached document, click on the red cross located in the upper right corner of the file.

5:732 5:742

Email Ethics - How To Send Correct Email


The rules of email etiquette or "etiquette" are just as important as the rules for a telephone conversation or a face-to-face meeting. Sending email correctly is easy when you know a few simple rules.
Always send an email with the Subject line filled in. The presence of this column will help the addressee to determine the significance of the message and will facilitate the work with electronic correspondence.
Be polite. Remember the words of greeting and gratitude.
Observe the rules of grammar and punctuation. An abundance of mistakes can be mistaken for your incompetence and disrespect for the addressee.
Use capital letters only when necessary. In electronic etiquette, text in capital letters is perceived as a shout.
Write small messages that are logical in structure. Break the text into paragraphs, use short sentences. If the information cannot be abbreviated, format it as an attachment.
When replying to a letter, quote portions of the original message. So the addressee will more easily remember what was being discussed.
Do not email confidential information, credit card numbers. Information security comes first.
In business letters, do not use emoticons, bright backgrounds, and colored fonts.
At the end of the letter, sign (4-7 lines). It will help the recipient identify the sender of the letter and provide additional information (phone, fax).
After writing the letter, read it, putting yourself in the place of the recipient.

5:3514 5:12

How to send a photo by email


5:111 5:121

How to pull an attachment from an email


E-mail is one of the first services on the Internet to allow the exchange of messages, or for the term “electronic mail,” so-called e-mails. Today, few people write ordinary letters - it is faster to send a letter from your e-mail box, which will reach the addressee almost instantly.

E-mail has several slang names - email (from the English. Email), "soap", e-mail, mail. As well as for regular paper mail, there are such terms as mailbox, delivery, attachment, receipt, sending, write a letter, addressee, sender, etc. We can say that email is in many ways similar to ordinary mail, with the only difference that the letter is not written with a pen, but typed on a computer keyboard, and post offices are mail servers that collect, sort and send mail to recipients.

This section will consider all aspects of working with e-mail necessary for a novice computer and Internet user.

Email is a modern, accessible and fast communication medium. If before the massive spread of the Internet, electronic correspondence was the lot of enterprises and organizations, now almost every computer user with Internet access can use it. Over time, a certain culture of using e-mail has developed in the form of simple rules for conducting electronic correspondence. By adhering to these rules, you [...]

You have received an email and the sender is waiting for a reply from you. How to do it right? Of course, you can write a reply letter to the sender, where you can indicate that this is a reply to an email from such and such a date and such and such a subject. But it will be more correct and easier to use a special function of the mail service, which is called “Reply”. Let's learn it right [...]

Every active Internet user necessarily uses e-mail, because it is very convenient, fast and simple. In order to send e-mail, you need a mailbox from your Internet service provider (ISP) or a registered mailbox on one of the popular free mail services - yandex.ru mail, mail.ru mail and gmail. How to create a mailbox is discussed in the article [...]

Sooner or later, any active Internet user will have to create their own e-mail. without it, the full use of all the possibilities that the Internet provides is impossible. Of course, you can do without an e-mail box if you only need a network to watch news, view weather forecasts or TV programs, but to register in any services, forums or [...]

  • Settings, folders - create, edit and delete
  • Settings, filters - automatic distribution of letters into folders and protection from spam
  • Add mailbox - receive letters from other mailboxes, via mail
  • When you enter the mail service, a page with incoming letters opens immediately. Most likely there will be letters of welcome and thanks from the site administration. To open a letter, just click on it with the left mouse button. All unread letters are marked with a blue circle, read in light gray.

    The number of unread letters is indicated next to the word "incoming", at the top of the page label and in all projects related to the mail service (indicated at the top of the page), for example, "my world", "classmates", etc.

    By clicking on these circles, you can designate unread letters as read and vice versa.
    On the left side of letters, you can select the checkbox so that one action can be applied to several letters at once, for example, delete, send to spam, and the like.

    The colored icon is usually set by the service itself, the color is randomly selected, and the first letter of the name or email address is used. The sender is written next to the icon - this is either the First Name and the Last Name, and if they are not indicated, then only the email address. Next comes the bookmark, clicking on it, it changes color from gray to red, so as not to forget about important messages. To the right of the bookmark is the text of the message header, if there is no header, it will be indicated that the message has no subject. And on the very right side is the time or date the letter was received.

    Messages sent or outgoing. The appearance of the letter is similar to that of incoming letters.
    Drafts - letters written but not sent.
    Spam is unsolicited emails, usually of an advertising nature. If you send a letter to spam, then all subsequent letters from this author will also end up in spam, bypassing the page with unread letters.
    Trash - page with deleted messages.

    With further use, incoming letters will be replenished. The page can fit up to 25 letters, if there are more letters, a transition to other pages will appear. To go to an old message on another page, you need to find a link under the messages to go to other pages and select the one you need.

    It is available to go to page 5 at once, if there are a lot of letters, then you will have to jump every two pages until the desired one appears. When you press the arrow, the next or the previous page is loaded, depending on which direction to flip.

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