Synchronization of Yandex calendar and to-do list between a computer and other devices. An extremely useful service of the Yandex company, which no one knows about Holiday from the calendar on Yandex

This document (hereinafter referred to as the Terms) is an offer of the YANDEX Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as Yandex) to an Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the User) to use the Yandex.Schedule API service (hereinafter referred to as the Service), as set out below conditions: \\ n

1. General conditions

1.1. The User's use of the Service is governed by these Terms and \\ n

    \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n
\\ n (hereinafter collectively referred to as - "Regulatory Documents"). \\ nThe user undertakes to familiarize himself with all the Regulatory Documents and independently bears the risk of such failure.

1.2. The laws of the Russian Federation shall apply to these Terms and the relationship between Yandex and the User arising in connection with the use of the Service.

1.3. The User is solely responsible for his compliance with the Legislation when using the Service. Throughout the text of these Terms, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the term "Legislation" means both the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the User's place of residence or the place where he takes legally significant actions in accordance with these Terms. If the User's use of any opportunity provided by the Service violates the laws of the User's place of residence, the User undertakes to refrain from using the Service.

1.4. By using the Service, including receiving an API key, posting the Service code on the User's website or in a mobile application, or using any other functionality of the Service, the User expresses his full and unconditional consent to all the terms of the Regulatory Documents and undertakes to comply with them. The use of the Service on terms different from these Terms is possible only with the written consent of Yandex. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Regulatory Documents, the User has no right to use the Service.

2. Terms of Service

2.1. Terms and Definitions.

"Service" is a programming interface that enables interaction with the Yandex.Schedule service, including the Data of this service, and the ability to use the functionality of the specified service on the User's website (s) or mobile applications.

"Data" - information about the timetables of passenger transport, as well as other related information.

"API-key" is a unique identifier issued to the User, which allows access to the functions of the Service.

2.3. The use of the Service is permitted only under the following conditions:

2.3.1. To gain access to the Service, the User must register in the prescribed form and receive an API key. Yandex has the right, at its sole discretion, to deny access to the Service without giving any reason.

2.3.2. The Service can be used by the User only within the framework of sites or mobile applications available for free public use by an unlimited number of persons. The service cannot be used for projects that require payment or otherwise restrict access to them by third parties. The need to register is not considered a restriction of access under this clause.

2.3.3. The User can use the Data and functions obtained through the Service only within the functionality provided by the Service.

2.3.4. Yandex reserves the right to establish any restrictions on the use of the Service, as well as change the restrictions at its sole discretion, without prior written notice to Users.

2.3.5. When using the Service, it is obligatory to indicate Yandex technology by placing it in the description of the software product, in the corresponding help section, on the official website of the software product, as well as on all pages / screens where Yandex.Schedule Service Data is used, directly above or below the Data, the text "Data is provided by the Yandex.Schedule service" with an active hyperlink to the page This instruction must be followed by a font, the size of which is not less than the font size of the main text, and the color of which does not differ from the font color of the main text.

2.4. Yandex reserves the right to change, correct or update the Service at any time, without prior notice to the User. When the next stable version is released, Yandex announces its release on the Service web pages. After the release of a new version of the Service, Yandex does not guarantee the stability and duration of its outdated versions. The User who does not agree to use the updated version of the Service can either continue to use the outdated version of the Service at his own risk, or stop using the Service by removing the corresponding code from the User's website (s).

2.5. Yandex has the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate or suspend the User's access to the Service without notice and without giving reasons, in particular, if the User violates the requirements of these Terms.

3. Intellectual rights

3.1. The exclusive right to the Service belongs to Yandex.

3.2. When using the Service, the User has no right:

3.2.1. Change, decompile and / or in any way modify the program code obtained through the Service.

3.2.2. Delete, hide or modify any trademarks, logos, links or other indications of copyright holders contained in the Service or Data, as well as any other notices and / or information transmitted by the Service along with the Data.

3.2.3. Use any automatic programs or devices to obtain an API key.

3.2.4. Save, process and modify the Data received through the Service, except for cases of temporary storage (caching) of results solely for the purpose of improving the functionality and performance of the Service and only for use within the capabilities provided by the Service.

3.3. By using the Service, the User grants Yandex the right to use the logo, trademark and / or corporate name of the User and / or the User's website for informational, advertising and marketing purposes without the need to obtain additional consent from the User and without paying him any remuneration for such use.

4. Disclaimer

4.1. The Service (including Data and other information provided with its help) is provided by Yandex “as is”. Yandex does not guarantee the compliance of the Service and the Data with the goals and expectations of Users, the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the Service as a whole and its individual components and / or functions, and does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data obtained using the Service. Yandex is not responsible and does not compensate for any losses, including any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the User of the Service or to third parties as a result of the use or inability to use the Service, its individual components and / or functions, as well as as a result of the use or inability to use Data received using the Service.

4.2. The user must independently assess the accuracy, reliability, completeness or usefulness of the Data and independently bears all risks associated with the use (inability to use) the Service and Data, as well as liability to third parties for their actions when using the Service and Data, including for the fact that that the actions comply with the requirements of the Legislation and do not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. The User, independently and at his own expense, undertakes to settle all claims and / or claims of third parties related to the actions of the User when using the Service.

5. Final provisions

5.1. All questions and claims related to the use / inability to use the Service should be sent through the feedback form at\u003dapi-timetable.

5.2. Yandex has the right to change the text of these Terms, Regulatory Documents and / or any other conditions for using the Service at any time without notifying the User. The current version of these Terms is posted at: The risk of not becoming familiar with the new version of the Terms and Conditions or Regulatory Documents is borne by the User, continued use of the Service after changing the Terms and / or Regulatory Documents is considered to agree with their new edition.

Date of publication: __. 03.2014

The Russian company Yandex is a pride for the whole of Russia. In fact, this is the only large IT corporation in the country that can oppose something to software from Google, Apple and Microsoft. Most Russians probably know it from the Yandex Maps map service or the Yandex Mail service. Nevertheless, this techno giant has one extremely useful service that no one knows about, but which everyone should start using.

At the end of 2017, Yandex updated its proprietary service, which, for some mysterious reason, is only known to a few. This is a real "Calendar" with advanced functions for scheduling cases and events. A couple of weeks ago, it underwent a complete redesign with a completely new look that is made in the best spirit of minimalism. This is an incredibly convenient service that helps you plan your business for the day, week or even month in advance. All data is linked to the account, so they will be available on all smartphones, tablets and computers, which are authorized through it.

One of the incredibly useful functions of the Yandex Calendar service is the ability to notify in advance about any planned events in three ways - by mail, via CaiDAV (for software developers) and using SMS messages. It is the last method of notifications about certain events added to the service that most may like most of all, since it will help not to miss an important meeting or a promised call to someone.

Moreover, in the extremely useful service of the Russian company Yandex, you can even select the first day of the week, as well as the start time of the day. For people who work on unusual schedules, this can be incredibly convenient. If necessary, you can send your calendar with planned tasks to colleagues at work, relatives or friends in order to notify them about certain events. On average, it will take about 30-60 minutes to fully base the Calendar service functionality, but then it will be pleasant to use it every day, knowing about every nuance.

It goes without saying that using the Yandex Calendar service is absolutely free, and thanks to the absence of any advertising, it is doubly pleasant to do so. By planning your life at least 1-2 days in advance, you can “unload your head” from unnecessary information quite well, thereby focusing your brain activity on performing some other tasks.

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Friends, hello everyone!

In this article, I will compare the following online calendars:

  1. Yandex
  2. Google
  4. Bossnote

To begin with, all the calendars I describe are almost complete copies of each other and the choice of a specific service is a matter of taste and commitment to any of these companies.

In order to use the calendar, you need to register an account in one of the systems. If you already have a Yandex, Google or mail account, just log in and follow the link to the service you need (in these systems, one account allows you to use all the services provided by the company).

As you can see, the design of calendars from different developers is almost the same.

Yandex and Google calendars, I would say, are just twin brothers, similar services and Bossnote differ slightly in interface, but the principle of operation is the same for all (in my opinion, the calendar from Mail.Ru outperforms its competitors in design). We can choose one of the following view modes:

  • Day - view your scheduled tasks for the day
  • Week - view tasks for the week
  • Month - view cases for a month
  • google calendar also has 4 days mode, and Bossnote - 5 days and 2 weeks (maybe it will be useful for someone)

By clicking on any day of the week, we create an event that we plan for that day, while we can create a quick event, or edit its other parameters by clicking a special button (in each calendar it is called differently; in the Bossnote calendar, creating a task looks like a pop-up window with tabs.). When going to the details of the event, you can specify the following:

Parameter Yandex Google Bossnote
Event name + + +
Date, time and prod. events + + + +
Event location + ++ +
All day (schedule all day) + + +
Repeat event + + +
Remind me about the event + + +
Add event participants + + +
Organizer status (free / busy) + +
Granting rights to event participants + +
Ability to add attachment +
Set event color +
Agenda + +
Ability to create different calendars + + +

First, the event needs to be named somehow; for this, all calendars, except for Bossnote, have a special field, then we set the time and duration of the event. In all calendars, except for Bossnote, we can indicate the place of the event, Google is especially distinguished in this, here the address can be immediately viewed on Google Maps. We can also mark, by setting a special checkbox, whether our event will be scheduled for the whole day without being tied to any specific time and "repeat" if our event will repeat with any frequency that can also be configured.
A very important feature of all calendars, again except Bossnote, is the event reminder. We can customize how to receive a reminder (pop-up window in the calendar, email, SMS) and how long this reminder will be activated. To receive a reminder by SMS, you must register your mobile phone number in the service and confirm it by entering a special code that will be sent to you in the message.

Also, a very useful function of the leading three calendars is the addition of event participants. We can add the e-mail addresses of those people whom we plan to involve in the task, or simply notify them about the planned event - for this you need to enter the e-mail addresses separated by commas in a special field. After creating an event, a letter will be sent to the addresses added by you in the event, which will contain all the details of the event and an offer to the participant to confirm whether he can take part by clicking on the corresponding link in the letter. If you have deleted or changed an event, all participants receive an email notification of such a change.

In Yandex and Google calendars, it is possible to give participants the rights not only to view the event, but also to edit it and invite other participants. In Google Calendar, we are given the opportunity to mark an event with our own color so that it stands out from other events.

Google and have a very convenient, in my opinion, "Agenda" mode in their calendars, where events are listed in the order of succession, separated by the dates for which they are scheduled.

Another important point is that the Big Three services support the creation of different types of calendars, which means that you can create a work calendar, personal calendar, birthday calendar, calendar of Russian holidays, etc. (moreover, the services already have their own set of calendars for every taste). Each type of calendar can be marked with its own color so that you can distinguish between events, and you can also make it visible and invisible to view only the events you need, which, in my opinion, is very convenient.

The online service Bossnote has gained very few advantages, but its disadvantages are, in some cases, not disadvantages, just the principle of the calendar is slightly different. There are no separate fields for the name and description of the event, just when you create an event, all you need to write about it, you write in a special note. You can also create an all-day event here, for this you need to click on the yellow field at the beginning of each day, while the events you created for the whole day will be fixed at 00:00 of the planned day.

Of course, online calendar services would not be so interesting and useful if they could not be used on a smartphone or tablet, which a modern person always has with him.

The Bossnote service is currently only available on Apple devices (i.e. Macbook, iPad, iPhone), which will automatically alienate Android supporters from this calendar. However, the developers still promise to soon release similar applications for Andriod and Windows.

Yandex, Google and Mail.Ru calendars can be used on all devices, the software of which supports calendar synchronization using the CalDav protocol, while most applications already offer you to log in directly using your Google account, since this system is the most common. Mail.Ru has a special application for Android "Calendar.Mail.Ru", an analogue of the program for iOS is being prepared for release in the near future.

How to sync calendars via CalDav protocol:

Options Yandex Mail.Ru
Account type CalDAV CalDAV
Server (Server address)
User (Username) [email protected] the full name of your mailbox, including your username, doggy "@" icon and domain
Password the current password that you use to log into the mailbox
Official help page

Not only an interesting, but also a very useful Service - Yandex Calendar.
After all, it is he who will help you to do everything and remember everything.
Let's go to the Yandex Calendar service in the usual way by going to.

By clicking on the Calendar in the Personal and entertainment section, we get to the page for creating your own calendar.

  1. Click on the tab - Create calendar (1)
    2. We remove the inscription My events (2), which is given by the service by default, and write our own version, for example, Work.
    3. Select a color (3) and click the Save button (4)

The created calendar is displayed in the Calendars section (1). By this principle, you can create several more Calendars (for example, Schedule, Sports, Birthdays, etc.)
The checkboxes (2) mark the calendars that you are using at this time, in order to remove the activity, you just need to uncheck the box (tick) opposite the unnecessary calendar.

After Yandex.Calendar is created, you need to fill with events.
To do this, click on the Create event tab (3) and you will be taken to the full event editing page. Fill in all the necessary fields that characterize the event you need - Name, time, participants ... and as a result, you will receive a reminder about the specified event by e-mail 15 minutes before the start.
To change the reminder method, click on + more reminder (4)
And in the proposed list choose the most suitable reminder method and time for you.

After pressing the button Create a, the Event we created will be displayed in Yandex Calendar.

But you can create an event in another way.
By double-clicking in the cell that matches the date and time for Events, a window will open in front of you, where you need to specify the minimum set to be displayed in the Event Calendar

Thus, you can create events in the calendars you need.
At the end of the week, month, we analyze the completed events and, if necessary, we can postpone them to another day. To do this, click on the Event and drag it to another day.
To cancel an Event, left-click on the event and in the pop-up window, select Delete.

At any time, the previously created Yandex Calendar settings can be changed. To do this, click on the Settings button (1) in the calendars section. On the right, make all the necessary edits.

But you can use the Yandex Calendar service not only to display any events.
There is one more section - My Affairs.
To do this, go to the active Calendar link (1) and click on the My to-do button (2).
Now click on the Create List button (3)

In the window that opens, enter a name for the list, for example, Purchases.

And provide a shopping list, for example, Products.
and your cases will be recorded in the specified list.
In order to mark a completed task, it is enough to check the box opposite the task that has already been completed.

But let's see how our planned Cases and Events look on the calendar:

Please note that the to-do list is not time-bound like an Event. The to-do list is tied only to a specific date, which is why the to-do list is located immediately below the date.

Agree that using Yandex Calendar, you can clearly see all the things you have planned, both today and in the future. This will help you organize your day properly.

Victoria Kezina

It was told how to establish synchronization of contacts, incl. using Yandex services. But in addition to working with contacts, it can be very useful to establish calendar synchronization. Thanks to this, you can have your current schedule on all your devices and, thanks to this, do not miss an important event or meeting. Now we will tell you how to synchronize your Yandex calendar in such a way that you can work on the road not only with calendar events, but also with the to-do list. On the Yandex website, this to-do list is available for editing in the mailbox, while the calendar is located on a separate page. However, both of these resources are stored in the same account and can be used on mobile devices when synchronized.

Technical tools to synchronize calendar and to-do list

Calendar entries and tasks are synchronized in the same way that contacts are synchronized. Newer data at the time of synchronization is saved on the devices, and thus the current information is maintained everywhere. While the CardDAV server is usually used for contacts, there is a companion for the calendar and to-do list - the CalDAV server. As you might guess, the three letters Cal is short for Calendar. And such a server is publicly available on Yandex sites. And of course, if you have a desire to use local synchronization, avoiding public servers, then the Baikal server mentioned in the last article allows you to create CalDAV accounts and synchronize them over the network.

Calendar records do not contain a wide variety of fields. Therefore, they usually do not have such a problem as with contacts - the problem of partial incompatibility on different systems. The only stumbling block is android smartphones - they have no means for working with tasks as standard, and also no means for synchronization via DAV servers. Therefore, an android will need to install additional software.

With a Yandex account, you can use the network calendar and tasks using the following software:

In the Windows system, you can work in the emClient application, given the fact that it synchronizes, incl. and contacts. If you don't need contact synchronization, then you can use the completely free one, which, thanks to the Lightning extension, allows you to work with a shared calendar and tasks.

IOS devices are able to work with the CalDAV server by default, so there is no need to implement special calendar programs for them.

There are no completely free solutions for Android smartphones and tablets. The existing CalDAV-Sync Free application does not sync the task list. For such synchronization, you will need to purchase an inexpensive paid version of this program and use it in conjunction with the free OpenTasks application from the same author. The second option is to use another paid app, DAVdroid, which syncs both your to-do calendar and contacts. And you still have to work with the list of tasks in the OpenTasks program, since the standard android calendar does not display the list of tasks. All of the above programs are available in the Play Market.

In any modern browser, you can work with Yandex calendar directly through the web interface. Unlike the contact editor, the web version of Yandex's calendar has full functionality and is quite convenient to use.

Connecting Yandex account on a computer

If you use the emClient email application, then the procedure for setting up Yandex synchronization for this program is described in the previous article (link at the beginning of the article). If you want to use Mozilla Thunderbird, then to use the calendar synchronization feature, you will need to select the "File / New / Calendar" main menu item.

The next step is to choose the option - "Online".

We indicate the type of CalDAV server and its URL -

At the final stage, you will need to indicate the name.

As a result, the account will be ready to be updated over the network.

At the first session of communication with the server, you will be asked for a login and password to enter.

As a result, all information received from the server will be displayed in the local calendar and task list. You can open them through the "Events and Tasks" menu.

Setting up synchronization on smartphones and tablets

On iPhones and iPads, connecting the calendar account is carried out in the same way as adding an account for contacts. This is done in the "Settings" / "Calendar" section. In the window that appears, select the option "Accounts" / "Add account" / "Other" / "CalDAV account" /. You will need to provide your server login information.

On the android system, you need to use additional applications. If you have synchronized Yandex contacts using the DAVdroid program, then through the same program you can synchronize your calendar and to-do list. It is enough to mark both items “My events” and “Do not forget” in the CalDAV window in the accounting settings. After updating the data over the network, all events from the Yandex calendar will appear in the standard android calendar.

But to access the to-do list, you need to install the free OpenTasks application from the Play Store. This application was created by the author to work in conjunction with the inexpensive CalDAV Sync application. But it also works well when paired with the DAVdroid app.


Using free public Yandex servers, you can synchronize your calendar between your PC and other devices - smartphones, tablets, other computers. You can also work with this information through the web interface - all changes made will be saved on devices by synchronizing the Yandex account. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase the level of personal organization. After all, now you don't have to be at the computer to work with your tasks and schedule. Conversely, it is not necessary to edit information on a small smartphone screen. It is much easier and faster to do this on a computer - and it will update automatically on a smartphone.

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