Yahoo com mail is my entry. Yahoo mail: login my page in Russian electronic (Yahoo registration create mail passwords settings delete restore for free). Yahoo mail - anyone can register a free mailbox on the server

October 17, 2015

Yahoo mail

Email holders Yahoo can now log into their mailbox without entering a password. It is enough to know your username and have a smartphone. The revolutionary passwordless login technology allows any user to be identified by their smartphone, guaranteeing a high degree of security and greatly simplifying the use of mail. In the future, most Internet services will ditch passwords in favor of simpler, more secure ways to identify users, according to Yahoo officials.

The company also introduced a new version of its email service for computers and mobile devices, using an improved search function for messages and contacts. From now on users Yahoo Mail can use the service to access messages through accounts of other mail services: Hotmail, AOL and Microsoft Outlook.

Yahoo email, which first started its work in the distant 1990, and to this day remains the cornerstone of the company. However, now the developers at Yahoo are striving to make it as user-friendly as possible in the era of smartphones and tablets. More than half of Yahoo's daily mail use currently occurs on mobile devices.

New Yahoo Features: Login Password Removal, Improved Search, and Authentication Key

In today's competitive environment, the mailer Yahu strives to stay on the market with all his might and therefore has to look for new solutions and improve his e-mail. The company has spent tens of millions of dollars over the past 2 years on new passwordless login technology and tens of millions of dollars on improving email search functionality, which also required a significant increase in server processing power.

Starting this week, all users Yahuwho register for a "passkey" will receive a special notification on their mobile phone every time they try to log into their email account from a regular computer. The message will contain information about the location of the computer requesting access to the user account. This will happen every time Yahoo will not detect any strange user behavior that could indicate that another user is logging in or a hack is being attempted.

This feature goes beyond the so-called two-step authentication that major competitors offer, including Google... Recall that with two-step authentication, a secret code is sent to the user's mobile phone, which must be entered in a special field to log into your account. Yahoo's developers claim to be the first to introduce a completely new method of authenticating a user using a "passkey".

What is the most popular email address?

By increasing the security of its mail and making it easier to work with it, Yahoo's company hopes to regain some of the market that it lost after the appearance of mail on it. Google gmail, which immediately overtook all competitors and became the most popular email in the world... In the United States, users of the mail services Google and Yahoo in 2013 were approximately 96 million people. In 2 years, Google grew by 40%, increasing the number of users to 135 million, while Yahoo, on the contrary, lost 26% of the market, rolling back to 71 million users.

Rating of Email Services in Russia and Europe

In Europe, the most popular mail is Gmailfollowed by Yahoo, it is noteworthy that on the 4th and 5th place were Russian and Yandex Mail.

The most popular email in Europe

In Russia, the most popular postal service is still mail Mail.rufollowed by a rapidly developing Yandex Mail... Interest in these mail services has increased even more after they launched their own cloud storage and.

What kind of email is asked on Google more often?

What mail are people most often interested in?

As we can see from the graph, despite the fact that back in 2012, Gmail bypassed HotMail in terms of the number of users, most people are interested in information about this particular mail. It speaks about its popularity or, on the contrary, about the existing problems arising from its use, it is difficult to say.

As for the new technology of fast search in Yahoo, the developers here cannot boast of originality. It provides that after entering only 2 characters in the search field, the system itself will guess the user's further request and display the necessary options. Such a search system has been around for a long time, but the developers insist that their algorithm will be based on thousands of different parameters, ranging from the user's search history to the time of year and time of day. In this case, you will not need to enter more than 2 characters, according to the Yahoo programmers. Whether this is so, we will be able to see in the very near future.

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9 comments on “Yahoo cancels password for login to mail”

    Some kind of nonsense. Here, mail is hacked with a password, and without it, it will be even easier to select poppy addresses. What if you lost your smartphone? And if you left it unattended for a minute?

    Yahu has only been disappointing lately. I had several mailboxes, in half of them I have not been able to enter for half a year, it requires some kind of secret word, although I did not install any secret words. I remember that exactly. Moreover, I managed to enter one of the boxes, but I did not find any function for changing or setting a secret word. As a result, several Yahoo mailboxes disappeared, and very important services were tied to them. Now I don't know what to do

Hello dear readers of the blog site. When I wrote the comparative, I was pleasantly surprised by the innovations that appeared in Yahoo Mail recently.

The most striking impression was the size of the mailbox provided for free - a whole terabyte... In this regard, there was an interest in studying other innovations from Yahu, which, in theory, should accompany the updated interface and extended functionality. So why not?

This mail service has acquired a Russian-language interface for a long time, but now they have also translated the help to "great and mighty" (albeit with very serious typos in places), which again is a step in the right direction. In addition, in 2015, Yahu Mail and Gmail promise to add the ability to encrypt letters to reduce the likelihood of damage during interception. As the saying goes, "we'll have a look," and now I will allow myself to go over the capabilities of the updated mailbox from one of the largest Internet portals in the world.

Registering, logging in and getting started with Yahoo Mail

Contacts, by the way, can be exported from your existing ones, your other accounts in Yahoo or.

In the upper right part of Yahoo Mail (above the list of messages) you will find a button "View", by clicking on which you can change the appearance of the interface.

It will be possible to activate the so-called "tabs", similar to those used in browsers (by default, they are formed on the basis of five buttons above the left column and all pages with letters that you are currently reading, writing or editing), as well as customize displaying the contents of the letter immediately below their list or to the right of it (it is quite convenient, in my opinion).

In the left menu of Yahu mail, in addition to the usual folders (Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Spam, Trash), you can add any number of your own (although you cannot create nested folders), and just below (in the "Smart views)" area you can quickly filter out still unread messages, either marked with asterisks (you can do this yourself when viewing the letter using the context menu or pressing the letter L on the keyboard), or sorted by Yahoo by category:

By the way, an advertising banner will be annoyingly shown to you in the left column of the mail, but you can push it, opening the web interface to full screen, but when the page is refreshed, it will appear again. Apparently the free mailbox from Yahoo implies the presence of advertising in it.

Possibilities for working with correspondence and sorting it, perhaps, do not differ much from competitors. On the toolbar above the list of letters, you will find all the buttons you need, some of which, however, are hidden under the "More" spoiler.

Unless only the drop-down menu of the "Spam" button, in addition to simply marking the message as spam, allows you to report a hacking attempt or (invitations to go to a fake site to retrieve registration data, etc.).

Yahu mail tinctures

Yahoo Mail settings are hidden in the context menu of the gear located in the familiar upper right corner:

In the same menu, you can correct the details of your Yahu account. For example, add an alternative email or mobile phone number, which will then help you restore access to the account if it is lost (as a result of hacking or other force majeure). It is clear that it makes sense to worry about these things only if you want to continue working with a free e-mail box you created (1000 GB in size, which is in sharp contrast to competitors) in this service.

Well, when you select the "Settings" item, a window will open with a number of tabs, where you will first be asked to customize for yourself yahoo Mail interface for viewing messages:

By default, there is a check mark in the "Enable dialogues" field, which, in my opinion, is very convenient, because it implements an analogue of a chain of letters in Gmail, which allows you to see all your correspondence with any opponent. A similar cartoon is also available in many mail clients (for a computer), which provides very fast orientation in correspondence and tracking the progress of a conversation in your correspondence.

The multitasking settings in Yahu (the ability to add tabs in the manner of a browser), we have already considered a little higher. In the prince, a handy thing, as well as displaying the viewport of letters below or to the right of their list. In my opinion, this also improves the usability of mail. Well, at the very bottom, you can choose between a fully functional web interface and its faster, but very simple implementation.

in Yahu Mayle are also quite useful to themselves. In any case, I, for example, do not like the automatic addition of correspondence opponents to contacts, but the preview for links inserted into the letter is a very wonderful thing. And the font setting and the universal signature for messages (including formatted, i.e. colorfully designed) will appeal to many.

Next we have account settings, where you can change your password, create an additional mailbox in Yahoo, as well as add accounts of your other Emails, from which you want to automatically remove correspondence and store in this main mailbox. You can also select the main mailbox from which mail will be sent, and see how much more free space is available to you from the allocated terabyte.

On the next tab, you can customize and format the text that will be sent to all incoming letters that come to your mailbox in Yahu within the specified time interval. you can set different auto-responses.

Well, on the tab "Filters" you will be able to set up the rules for arranging incoming mail according to the necessary folders of your Yahoo mail. This can be mailings, business correspondence and much more, depending on your imagination and views on convenience.

In the tab "Safety" the settings are not typical for free mail services. For example, here you are offered (for registration, for example, on an unreliable resource), the mail from which will be immediately disposed of in spam (read the link).

To create it, it will be enough to enter a keyword in the form, which will be added to your main email through a dash. Actually, there will be other uses for the disposable Mayl. Immediately it will be possible to prohibit the display of images (in general or only in the "Spam" folder), because they can contain viruses, and also set the period for auto-deleting spam.

Free Mailbox Resume from Yahu

What is your impression of the updated brainchild of Yahu? For me personally, they are twofold. On the one hand, the functionality of the mailbox is somewhat lower than that of Gmail, on the other hand, for an ordinary user, the capabilities of Yahoo mail are enough for the eyes. In addition, simplicity, it can be different. For example, our today's hero is strikingly different from a much greater concern for user convenience thanks to the mass of all kinds of settings.

I would put it on the same level with (if you do not take into account the mail for the domain available in the domestic mailer). In fact, it is a well-made, fast-working and convenient service. The only problem can be communication with the technical support service in case of problems, because it is unlikely that she will be able to communicate with you in Russian (as it seems to me, but I could be wrong).

And, of course, box size 1 terabyte just hypnotizing. Although I don't need this, but ... By the way, Yahoo Mail can be linked to your Flickr account to send photos from it and everything that you have stored there.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site pages

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Yahoo! (read as Yahu) is the second most popular web service on the web, Includes search engine and mail. According to statistics from Alexa Internet, in 2012, Yahoo entered the top 5 most visited websites. In 2013, the developers integrated the Dropbox data storage into the service's e-mail, which expanded the ability to send and receive emails with large attachments.


To create a Yahoo account, follow this step by step guide:

1. On the main page of the portal, in the right corner, click the link “Sign In”.

3. Fill in the form fields:

  • "First name" and "Last ...": name and surname.
  • Email address: unique email address (use English letters and numbers).
  • "Password": password to log into your account.
  • “Mobile phone…”: set your country code in the drop-down list, dial the mobile phone number.
  • Birth: Date of birth (month / day / year).
  • Gender: gender (Female - female, Male - male).

4. Click the "Continue" button.

5. Select the method of receiving the verification code on your mobile:

  • "Text me a code" - SMS message;
  • "Call me with a code" - a voice call.

6. Enter the received code. Click "Verify".

7. After successful verification, the message "Congratulations!" (Congratulations!). To log into your Yahoo account, click the “Let’s get started” button.

How do I change my password?

To change the key for entering the mail, do the following:

1. Click on your avatar in the right corner.

2. In the drop-down panel, select "Account Info".

3. In the “Account security” section, click “Change password”.

4. Enter your new Yahoo password on two lines.

5. Click "Continue".

6. To go to your profile, under the message "Success!" click "Continue" again.

Also in the "Account security" section you can specify a backup email. It may be needed to confirm the rights to the account in case of password loss.

This setting is created as follows:

1. Click on “Add recovery email ...”.

2. In the "Please enter ..." field, type the address of the backup box and click "Send verification".

3. To send the code by email in the panel that opens, click "OK".

4. Open an email from Yahoo in the specified mailbox and click the link.

5. In the opened tab, click on the "Verify" button.

If you don't remember your password ...

2. Select the reason “I don’t remember…” by mouse click.

3. Enter your mobile or backup email number (which are "attached" to your profile). Click "Continue".

4. In the additional request, select the answer "Yes, send me code".

Upon completion of the procedure, you will lose access to your account. Within 3 months, all data contained in it will be deleted. For more information on maintaining confidential information, please click on the "Click here" link.

Enjoy your stay online!

To set up a mailbox on, follow the link

Most likely, your browser will redirect you to the page so to speak yahoo in Russian, for registration of a mailbox there is no difference from which page you start registration. I will use the English version of the site. You can upgrade to YAHOO! Russia and you will have everything too, only in Russian.

To register, click Mail

Press the button Create New Account (Create a new account)

Fill in the fields on the registration page

In the Name field, enter the Name, Surname (you can be real, you can make it up)

In the Gender field, select your gender.

In the Birthday field, select your date of birth.

In the Country field, select the country of residence.

Postal Code field, the code of your post office.

From the name and surname you will be offered options for their mailbox. You can choose, or come up with a different name for the box. Keep in mind that you will have to dictate the name of your mailbox over the phone, if your surname and first name are long, and even written in transliteration, so you will have to dictate by letter, then it is probably better to register a mailbox with the name ivan51478 (name and a set of numbers).

In the Password field, enter the password for your new mailbox, and in the Re-type Password field, re-enter the password.

In the Alternate Email (optional) field, you can enter the name of another mailbox (if you have one) to which you will receive a letter with a recovered password, if you forget the password from the mailbox (which happens very often) - this field is not required.

In the Secret Question 1 and Secret Question 2 fields, we must select secret question 1 and secret question 2, if the questions do not suit us, we can write our secret question by selecting –Type your question here - and in the Specify Your Question field enter secret question 1 and security question 2, respectively. If you forget the password for your mailbox, you will be asked secret questions to restore access to your mail.

In the Your Answer field - we answer our security question 1 and question 2

We only have to enter the letters and numbers indicated in the picture above in the Type the code shown field

If some data is entered incorrectly, then the fields that need to be edited will be highlighted in red.

If the form is filled in without error, then you will be taken to the page

where check the data entered in the registration form (by clicking Print Account Details, you will be able to print your data on the printer) and click the Continue button (In this case, I removed the check that suggests creating a personal page on the Internet).

After clicking the Continue button, you will be taken to your mailbox which is located on in this case This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To enter the mail, from any computer connected to the Internet, launch the browser, enter in the line, click on the mail icon, enter the name of your mailbox and password and click the login button.

Yahoo Mail is an original mail application for Android gadgets, besides the e-mail of the same name, it also supports Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail and Aol. Allows you to easily send high-resolution images, log in securely without a password, and own 1000 GB of free cloud storage space.

You can download Yahoo Mail for Android for free with the direct official APK file or through the Google store.

Functional Yahoo Mail for Android

The program has a convenient and well-thought-out navigation, allows you to personalize yourself with various themes, colors and styles. In addition to stylish design and user-friendly interface, the software makes it possible to:

  • receiving and sending letters, incl. several attachments at the same time;
  • well-thought-out and fast search by mail, documents and contacts;
  • comfortable switching between accounts;
  • connection to cloud resources and access to files saved on them;
  • facilitate the management and organization of the work schedule using the calendar;
  • viewing the latest news and searching the Internet from the Yahoo portal;
  • support for SSL encryption and spam filter to block unwanted emails;
  • using an account key to log in securely without a password.

The main window of Yahoo Mail will not raise questions even for an inexperienced user - everything is implemented using simple and understandable icons. And the menu on the left side of the interface will open access to a wide range of additional functionality.

Downloading and features of using Yahoo Mail on Android

Downloading the mobile application is possible on any Android gadgets, smartphones and tablets through the APK file, or through the Play Market. Being one of the most famous mail servers in the world, it will provide the user with a list of unique options:

  1. The largest free storage of any email service provider - with 1 TB of free space, you won't have to worry about saving anytime soon.
  2. A new method of accessing the mailbox without memorizing a complex username and password - an automatically generated code is sent to the linked mobile number every time you try to log into your account.
  3. A variety of color themes, from modern dark shades to original light colors, will help you choose the optimal color scheme and simply bring aesthetic pleasure.
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