The google app crashed. An error has occurred in the Google Play Market application. Reasons and remedies for the error

Every third owner of a gadget running the Android operating system has seen error notifications on the screen. Most of them are related to the operation of Google Play services. Basically, you see a notification like this: An error has occurred in the Google Play Services app. This kind of malfunction is a failure of a given program or system applications that interact with each other. As part of this article, I will describe what errors are associated with Google Play services and indicate methods that will help you get rid of them.

Error without number

Malfunctions and error notifications are common in Google Play services. Many of them have their own number, with which you can determine what exactly the malfunction has occurred or help to narrow the search for solutions to the problem. It also happens that Android has not specified an error number in the Google Play Services app.

In this state of affairs, you can take turns doing the following:

Errors with number

Numbered errors help identify the problem. Each code contains information to assist in troubleshooting. There are a lot of notifications with a code, so in the article we will sort them in ascending order.

Unknown error code during application installation -24

Error 24 when installing an application on Android occurs with "data overlay". Usually it appears during the reinstallation of a program that was already on the device. The reason is a conflict when installing new files with the "previous files" of the application remaining in the system.

To fix the problem, you need to delete the previous application files. This will require. Using the Root Manager or Root Explorer applications, which work with superuser rights, go to the folder sdcard / android / data / and remove obsolete files of the desired program.

Failed to load application due to error -101

Error code 101 notifies that there is not enough free space in the memory of the Android device. To fix, free up memory:

Failed to update the Google Play Services app due to error 403

Usually, a malfunction occurs when you try to make a payment for an item in the Play Market, when two or more Google accounts are linked to an Android device.

Solution Process: Leave only one account with which you want to make a purchase. This tutorial will help you on Android. Then uninstall the program with which the problem occurred and retry the purchase.

Advice! Check the information on the link if you received the error code 403 Play Market in another application.

Error code 413

If you work on an Android device through a proxy server, this may cause some disruptions. To fix, do the following:

  • clear the cache, stop, and then clear the data for the Google Play Services application;
  • do the same with the Play Market;
  • clear the cached data of the internet browser in which you are working.

Code 481

The cause of the malfunction is a malfunctioning Google account.

The solution is to link a new account, having previously deleted the old one:

Android error 491

An error code 491 occurs when downloading programs from the Play Market or when trying to uninstall them. How to fix it:

Error code 492

The problem occurs when the Dalvik virtual machine, which runs in the java language and is an integral part of the Android operating system, crashes.

To get rid of the error, clear the cache and data in the Google Play Services and Play Market applications. If the notification with error code 492 continues to appear, you can do the following:

Important! Both methods delete personal data from Android devices! Make a copy of the data to keep the information you need.

Error code 495

Error code 495 in the play market is associated with crashes in the Google Play Services and Google Service Framework applications. Try to clear the cache and application data: go to "Settings" → "Application manager" → open the desired application → click "Clear cache" and then "Clear data". Then check the work. Removing Play Market updates can also help.

If the problem persists, disconnect your Google account on the gadget, restart the device, and then sign in to your account again. To do this see the analogy for fixing.

Error 498

The problem is that your device's cache is full. It needs to be cleaned. It can be cleared:

Error 504

The malfunction is the same as error c. The solutions are the same.

Error 911

Often, the problem is related to the end of authentication using Wi-Fi on a web page that requires authorization. To fix the problem:

Error 919

A notification with code 919 appears if there is not enough memory in the device to download the application. To successfully download the application, free up memory from unnecessary programs, photos and other media files.

Error 920

The malfunction occurred due to problems with the Wi-Fi connection. To fix this:

Error 921

The notification with code 921 is related to the blocking of new applications during installation. To fix in the Play Market and Google Service Framework programs, clear the cache. How to do it, by.

Error 923

Code 923 when loading applications occurs due to a full cache or during program synchronization. How to fix:

Error code 926

A notification with code 926 appears on the screen of an Android device when downloading any programs from Google Play. To fix, try the following:

Error 927 in the Play Market

Basically, an error can occur if you are trying to download an application to your Android device while the Play Market application itself is being updated. In this case, just wait until the end of the procedure.

Malfunctions with a code 941 - 942

Crashes are also related to the Play Market. How to fix:

  1. In the application manager, stop the Play Market. Then clear the data and cache.
  2. Follow the same steps with the Google Framework and Download Manager programs.
  3. Disable your Google profile, reboot your device, and sign back in to your account.

Server error RH-01


Many malfunctions associated with Android system applications can be solved by simply clearing cached data, removing updates or conflicting applications. Some are solved with setting up a Wi-Fi network or re-entering the Google profile on the device. In more severe cases, resetting data or editing system files using root rights can only help.

To protect yourself in the future from frequent mistakes, you should:

  • use optimized applications;
  • periodically clean cached data and delete junk files so as not to completely fill the device's memory;
  • use a stable Wi-Fi connection when downloading programs.

That's all! I will be glad if you solve the problem and write about it. If you have questions or need advice, write in the comments. Perhaps, by joint efforts we can help you.

Good luck and keep your gadgets working!

Most errors on the Google Play service are solved by simply disconnecting the device and then rebooting it. But this does not always help, and the error persists to appear on the screen of the gadget. This article contains the most common service errors and methods for quickly accelerating them. Try each one if you have problems.

Problem without error number on Google Play

Very often, an error message may appear on the phone screen, but without specifying its specific number. This often happens for two reasons: incorrectly set date and time, as well as clogged device cache. To fix it, follow the algorithm:

  • go to settings,
  • select "Programs" or "Applications", depending on your Android firmware,
  • find the utility “Google Services Framework” in the list,
  • go to its settings and clear the application cache,
  • restart your smartphone, if the error is still present, try to set the true parameters in the date and time settings,
  • find the “Date and time” tab in the settings and set the date first, then the time,
  • now follow the upper algorithm, but with respect to the Google Play application itself.

Error number 101 in Google Play services

The error number tells you that there is not enough space on the device. Delete unnecessary files and applications, clear your phone cache. Or insert an SD card into the device.

For a quick cleaning, you can use the “Auto Cache Cleaner” application very effectively. When there is enough free memory, you can download any applications and Google Play services will no longer display an error on the screen.

Error 403 on Google Play

Quite a rare mistake, but it takes place. This will happen if you have two Google accounts installed on your device.

Restart your device in safe mode. Remove the app that is signed in to another account. Restart the device again and go to settings, then accounts. Make sure you are signed in with the same Google account.

How to fix error 413 in Google Play Services

The treatment procedure will be already familiar to you - clearing the cache. This collection involves a third-party proxy server that interferes with the installation and updating of any application. Look in the tray, which application is unable to update, then go to the application settings, select the one you need and click “Stop”, then “Clear data”. After these simple manipulations, the service will work again.

Fixing error 481 on Google Play

This crash is also related to the operation of the account. Go to this location on your device:

  • Settings.
  • Then “Accounts”.
  • Select a Google service.

  • Delete your account from the device. After that, the phone needs to be restarted or create a new account, or enter the old one.

How to fix error 492 on Google Play

If you see this message on the screen, then most likely you will need to do a factory reset. This is a serious failure and is caused by the virtual machine not working properly on the device.

  • Select “reset data”. Your device will now reboot, after which it will be completely blank, just out of the box. In the settings select “Restore Backup” and most of your files will be returned.

How to fix error 911 on Google Play

To do this, just connect to another Wi Fi network or turn on mobile data transmission. Please note that your carrier will charge a data transfer fee according to your tariff plan.

Clearing the device cache can also be effective. You already know how to do this.

What to do with error 941 and 942 on Google Play

If you are faced with these numbers, then nothing needs to be done. It's just that there is a background update in the services - wait for it to end or restart the device to interrupt them.

As you can see, many errors on services are related to an overflowing cache of a device or a separate application, or the problem lies in an unstable Internet connection. Of course, there are really serious failures that will ultimately lead to the need to reflash the phone. Be careful, in which case it is better to contact the service center.

Android is one of two popular mobile gadget systems. And although the platform's support is very good and efficient, there are frequent cases when failures occur in work, including the Google Play Market application store, from where almost all applications for the device are downloaded. "Unable to connect to server" is one of the most common errors.

Server error in the Play Market: causes of the problem

A server connection problem can occur due to an incorrectly installed system update or Google Play. This is the most common problem. Also, one of the possible reasons is a problem due to an overflowing application cache.

It is possible that there are no problems with Google Play, but there is simply no Internet connection. Check if mobile internet or wi-fi is on.

Also, the connection to the server may be lost if the device has the wrong date and time, for example, after the user has removed the battery or completely discharged the device, this data is automatically reset.

Affects the work of the Play Store and synchronization with the Google account, which all Android users have. Perhaps the problem appeared due to the installation or removal of an application downloaded from the store.

A connection problem can occur if you've installed a jailbroken app or use cracks to play games.

And the last thing. Oddly enough, not all devices on the Android system support the application and the web version of the store. This is because some smartphones and tablets simply do not meet the compatibility requirements. You can view the list of models on the Google Play website in the Help section.

Clearing the cache

The connection to the server cannot be established, although the Internet on the device is stable and the date is set correctly. The first thing to do is to clear the cache of the Play Store and Google Play Services applications.

To do this, go to the system settings in the "Device" item and select "Applications". We find the Play market and press sequentially:

  • stop;
  • erase data;
  • clear cache;
  • remove updates.

How to clear the cache

We carry out the same actions for the Google Play Services application.

Just like in the Market application, click stop, delete data and clear the cache

We reboot the device and try to enter the Play Market. If the connection to the server still cannot be established, we try to take the next step.

Disable sync

Due to a synchronization error, the app store also cannot connect to the server correctly. To disable it again, go to the device settings, move to the "Accounts" item, select Google.

Disable all synchronization and restart the device. Go back to your account and turn on the sync back. An error may appear, but we do not pay attention to it and try to enter the Play Market.

To disable, uncheck all the boxes

It is important to be sure to turn sync back on. Due to its absence, there may also be problems with the Market.

If there is still no connection to the server, proceed to the next step.

Deleting a Google Account

This step can help in some cases, and if games and other applications are not tied to it, you can try using this method to fix the server communication error.

In order to delete an account you need:

  • go to Settings;
  • Accounts;
  • click on the email address;
  • we call the context menu with the button on the front panel of the phone (next to the Home and Back buttons), in some phones the context menu is called by pressing the button with three dots in the upper right corner of the screen;
  • choose to delete your account.

How to add an account

Reinstalling the Play Store

If the problem persists, you can reinstall the Play Market. For this:

  • open the tinctures;
  • applications;
  • choose Play Market;
  • stop;
  • click to remove updates;
  • erase data;
  • remove from startup by default;
  • download the application with the .apk extension;
  • go to the device's file manager;
  • run the file;
  • after installation, open Play Market and enter your username and password.

How to remove Play Market

The app should work.

Important. Since the Market is sewn into the system and it is not supposed to be removed, it is not on the official Google website, so you have to download it from third-party sources. Use only trusted and secure websites to secure your device. The latest version of the Play Market can be found on the resource and the like.

What else can you do

If the connection with the service has not been established, despite all the actions taken, you can download applications remotely. Go from any browser to the Google Play site and log in with your account.

Google Play web version

The interface almost does not differ from the application, after selecting the desired program, click install, after a while it will appear on your device. The site can be accessed from a computer, phone or tablet. The main thing is that the accounts on the device on which you need to install the application and on the site match. That is, if you use several accounts, for remote installation you need to make one active.

And the most drastic option is to factory reset the device. But at the same time, all user data is deleted: downloaded applications, photos, music, contacts, etc., a smartphone or tablet will come to a state as when buying.

Video: Play Market - server error, what to do

If the Play Store malfunctions, first of all, restart the device, this helps with most problems. If the error persists, then one of the above methods will definitely help to eliminate it. Do not forget to clear the application cache, due to its overcrowding, not only the Play Market, but also the system as a whole, cannot work correctly.

A large number of users are experiencing problems with the Google Play Services application. At the same time, a message appears on the screen: "The Google Play Services application has stopped" or "The Google Play Services application has crashed."

Google Play Services is a system application that has many functions, from updating applications in the Play Market to synchronizing all Google services on your device. In other words, normal operation of the device is impossible without Google Play services.If the Google Play Services app is not updated to the latest version or it crashes, you will not be able to update apps in the Play Market.

Despite its importance, errors often occur in Google Play Services for various reasons. Using the methods below, you can try to get rid of them.

The Google Play Services application has stopped. How to fix?

Method 1: setting the correct date and time.

An incorrect date and time may cause the Google Play Services to malfunction. To set the current time you need:

1) go to "Settings" to the section;

2) disable function "Auto time detection" (it can also be called "Time zone of the network");

3) install correct date and timeand also choose your timezone;

4) after setting the time reboot device.

Method 2: enable permissions for "Google Play Services".

Permissions give the application the right to perform certain functions on the device. If any application has not received the required permission, it may cause errors. In order to enable permissions for "Google Play Services" you need to:

1) go to "Settings" and press "Application Manager";

2) in the list of applications, select "Google Play Services" and go to section "Permissions";

3) in order to get rid of the error, all permissions are needed turn on.

Method 3: clear cache and uninstall Google Play Services updates.

Information in the cache can also cause errors in the operation of the "Google Play Services" application. To clear the cache and uninstall updates:

1) go to "Settings", go to "Application Manager" and select the tab "All";

2) find in the list "Google Play Services"and going to the section "Memory"click "Clear cache";

3) to remove updates, go back one step, press the button "Stop" and confirm the action and then going to "Options" select "Remove updates".

If your device has buttons "Stop" and / or "Remove updates"are not active go to the section and disable the function Find My Deviceassociated with "Google Play Services"... For this you need:

1) go to "Settings";

2) select an item "Lock screen and protection" or "Safety";

3) press "Other security options", and then ;

4) now you need push the switch opposite function Find My Deviceand confirm the action.

After uninstalling app updates "Google Play Services"the system will prompt you (in the notification panel) to update its version to the current one, which is what you need to do.

Method 4: clear the cache of the "Google Services Framework" application .

Optionally, you can also clear the cache of the Google Services Framework application. For this:

1) go to "Settings", go to "Application Manager" and select the tab "All";

2) go to "Options" and enable the function "Show system applications"(if it is needed);

3) select from the list;

4) go to section "Memory" and press "Clear cache".

Method 5: reset the device to factory settings.

If none of the previous methods worked, perhaps a factory reset will help you. However, remember that performing a factory reset will erase all data on your device. To perform a reset:

1) go to "Settings" and go to section "Archive and reset".

2) in paragraph "Reset" press (the names of the items may differ) and confirm the action.

After following the above methods, the error with the message "The Google Play Services application has stopped" should not bother you anymore.

The Android operating system has been successfully developing and improving without a little ten years. However, problems do appear from time to time, even taking into account the fact that hundreds or even thousands of people are working to get rid of them. As you understand, today we will tell you what to do with the message "An error has occurred in the Google Play Services application." To be honest, there are plenty of options for solving the problem, but in this article we will analyze only the main ones that we encounter most often.

What to do if the Google Play Services app crashes

I would like to note right away that with this error, not only this application can crash, but also any other application, if it is somehow connected with Google Play Services. In general, such problems are divided into two types:

  • No error number;
  • And with that.

    If an error is indicated, this makes our task easier - it is much easier to identify it. Consequently, the elimination will take less time. But first, we want to tell you how to deal with the problem if there is no error code. So let's get started:

    Next, you should check if this error appears again or if you managed to get rid of it. If all else fails, go to plan B:
    This time the problem must be solved. Most likely, upon entering Google Play, the aforementioned application will ask for permission to update - this is normal, because we have just removed these updates. For correct operation in the future, we recommend that you update it.

    Error 403: how to fix it

    You are lucky if you have this particular type of error. The fact is that it can be solved as simply as possible. This occurs when purchasing applications from those users who use two or more Google accounts.
    The solution is trivial: tap the Buy button again and the error will disappear. You may need to repeat the procedure a couple of times.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It will be a little more difficult for those who get 901 errors.

    Getting rid of error 901

    Most often it is encountered when working in a browser or while downloading applications from the official store - Google Play. The problem is the abrupt end of the Wi-Fi network authentication. There are several ways to solve it:
    1. Clear the cache in the Google Play Services app. You already know how to do this from the very first instructions described in this article.
    2. Reconnect to this or another Wi-Fi network.
    3. Use to open a page in a browser or download a mobile data application.
    If you have chosen the last option, we remind you about the rational use of Internet traffic - it is better not to experiment without an accompanying tariff plan, it may cost you too much.

    If you get a message "An error has occurred in the Google Play Services application" with a number not described in our article, then it is solved in the same way - by clearing the cache, removing updates or reconnecting to the Wi-Fi network, as described above.

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