Chrome constantly refreshes the page. Auto Refresh Web Pages in Google Chrome Auto Refresh Plus

Auto-refresh of the page in the Yandex browser helps out great when you need to constantly "monitor" currency rates, trading on Forex, bids in online auctions, bookmakers, in a word, on all web resources where data, parameters, information on the pages change almost every second. Agree that it is better to entrust the program with the time cycle of web page updates than to manually frequently refresh the page each time in Yandex using the "F5" key.

Unfortunately, updating in automatic mode using standard browser tools cannot be performed. This task can be accomplished through special add-ons. Read about how to make web pages auto-update with these software tools in this article.

For those who do not know how to connect extensions, we give a short instruction:

1. Click the "three stripes" button at the top right.

2. In the drop-down menu, left-click on "Add-ons".

3. At the bottom of the page, click "Extension Catalog".

4. In the search box of the opened directory, enter the name of the add-on.

5. In the search results, click on the block of the desired extension.

6. On his page, click "Add ...".

7. Confirm the installation: under the request text, select the answer "Install ...".

So, let's look at the work of two popular add-ons that automatically update specified web pages.

Setting up and using this tool comes down to a few simple steps. In other words, the addon is launched after a few mouse clicks have been made.

1. Open the page you want to configure auto-update.

2. When the installation is complete, click the add-on button on the right side of the upper browser bar.

3. In the drop-down list, click the time interval after which you want to refresh the web page. For example, "10 minutes".

After these actions, the page will regularly reload after the specified period.

4. To turn off the automatic update mode on the same tab, open the menu again and select the "Don't Refresh" command in the list.

This add-on has more options than the previous one. It is more expedient to use it if you need to regularly update several pages.

1. Click the add-on button.

2. In the menu that opens, in the Interval line, enter the update interval, expressed in seconds. Parameters can be specified using the keyboard (dial numbers) or arrows (up - increase the value; down - decrease).

3. Below the interval setting line, the URL of the page that will be updated is displayed.

4. The add-on is controlled using two buttons.

"Square" is the stop of auto-update. After pressing it, the interval value is reset and the function is no longer executed.

"Broom" - this button turns off the update on all tabs where it was enabled.

These simple tools help you get the latest information quickly. With them, you are guaranteed not to miss a drop in the dollar rate, the value of a share, as well as the appearance of a new post on your favorite site.

- this is not a feature that is often used on the Internet. Most people will never even wonder why they need to configure it. However, a number of users are faced with the need to frequently update the page, and would not mind automating this process. For example, when they communicate on some forum and messages are published very quickly, like in real communication. Also, someone may need it at work.

Whatever the reason, the essence remains the same: the user does not want to manually "click" on the page refresh icon or by pressing the F5 key. How to configure in popular browsers?

Auto-refresh of the page. "Opera"

Setting up auto-refresh of pages in Opera is easier than in any other browser. The fact is that this function is built automatically here. Users do not have to learn and install extensions, or engage in such additional tricks.

  • Go to the required page.
  • Click the mouse (right button) anywhere.
  • A context menu will drop out, in which you will immediately see the desired item: "Update every ...".
  • Set the time interval after which the page will be updated by itself. Sections from 5 seconds to 30 minutes are available to choose from.
  • The process will start, and will continue until you stop it yourself.

Auto-refresh page in Google Chrome

It is also quite easy to set up auto-refresh of the pages of the Chrome browser. But unlike the "Opera", here you have to resort to additional tricks. The fact is that Google Chrome does not have built-in tools for the automatic update function. But there is an extensive range of different extensions.

What we need is called Auto Refresh. In addition to this program, there are analogues. But it is “Auto Refresh” that is especially popular.

  • Find the extension in the "Market" and install.
  • On the right, where you have the icon for saving the page to favorites, a new icon will appear.
  • Click on it and a menu will open in front of you. In it, you can select the time period between page auto-updates.
  • After clicking on the Start button, the auto-update process will start. It will be active even if you switch to other tabs. The process will stop only after pressing the Stop button in the same menu.

Auto-refresh of a page in Yandex Browser

Auto-refresh of the page in setting up is as easy as in Google Chrome. The point is that both of these resources are practically the same. At least in its interface. This also applies to the settings for automatic page refresh - you need to find and install the appropriate extension.

After you go through the installation process, look for a new icon in the same upper right corner. Using the program is as easy as shelling pears: click on the icon, set the time between updates and start the process with the Start button. You can safely use other pages while the one you need is updated by itself.

To interrupt the process, just click on the same icon. In addition to the Start label, there will be a Stop button. Click it, and auto-update will stop immediately.

Finally, a little secret: if you enable the use of cache in the settings before starting auto-refresh of pages, the process will go much faster. Indeed, in this case, the browser will have to "load" only that part of the page that has changed after the last display. But everything else will be loaded from memory.

Very often webmasters have a need to constantly update the page, for which they can freely use their written script in jQuery, but this method does not always work. Unfortunately, the script is not universal, so I had to look for other ways to do automatic page refresh without using programming. Such a set of tools is available to any user, so let's take a look further at its use in the most popular browsers.

Google Chrome and Yandex

These browsers can be used immediately in conjunction, since the toolbox is not different at all. Each can include extensions from the Google Online Store. To solve the problem of refreshing the page, you just need to go to the store, find and install the "Easy Auto Refresh" extension. It will allow you to set the time during which the refresh will take place.

The analogy is exactly the same in Yandex. The browser interface is 95% identical to the above-described comrade, so no one will have problems with installation and search. As soon as the extension is installed and activated, an auto-update icon will appear on the right side of the address bar window, it is located next to the add to bookmarks icon (unless you have installed additional extensions displayed in the same area). To activate it, you need to click on it with the left mouse button and indicate in the field a number that will be responsible for the time interval between page updates in seconds. Then we click on the "Start" button, and everything is ready. You can stop auto-update in the same way, only by clicking on the "Stop" button on the page where the extension is running.


How not to do without everyone's favorite opera. Five years ago it was my favorite browser, but as soon as I entered the world of web programming, it immediately changed to Google Chrome. This is because it has more features and functionality, but time still goes on, and the functionality again becomes at the same level as that of competitors, in addition, support for extensions from other browsers has appeared. You will understand about this further.

Previously, it was enough to use the built-in tool for constant updates in Opera. Thus, the user right-clicked and selected the Update Every menu. It was very convenient and accessible for everyone, by the way, this option is still published on many blogs, but no one notes that it is not relevant for the latest updated versions of the Opera. Therefore, we read further on the solution to the problem.

Searched, searched, and found! The answer was not found so quickly, but it turned out to be very simple. There is such a wonderful extension "Download Chrome Extension". By installing it, you can use the online store from Google, and thus, do the same steps as above. Easy, isn't it?

Some More Useful About Extension

Many people may think that using Easy Auto Refresh is unnecessary when you are fluent in many programming languages, and writing a script is not a problem at all. But the problem still exists, and it may be as follows. You write the code, run it on your local server, and you're good. But imagine, if such a case arises as limited access of requests to the server from one ip, what to do then? Then we need to move the script to a virtual server, and that's where a third-party assistant comes in handy, and why? Because no server can guarantee 100% access to it 24 hours a day. Sometimes failures can occur, and as a result of a failure, the script becomes inaccessible for processing data and transmitting it to the browser, which cannot be said about the extension described above.

Have you ever hit the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh site and wait for changes on the page? Maybe it was during the last minute of an online auction, maybe a confirmation email that has not yet arrived in the inbox, or an answer to technical issues that you described in a web forum.

I sometimes cannot access the page quickly enoughand press the F5 key to refresh the page, although this is getting boring. Auto Refresh Plus - automatic browser update Chrome automates part of the procedure. Expansion Auto Refresh Plus can be configured to automatically refresh the active web page at a specified time interval by selecting one of the pre-configured intervals from the extension options, or selecting a different time period in which the page should be refreshed.

Click on the "Start" button, the process is initiated, from this moment the page will be refreshed at the specified interval. Auto Refresh Plus will continue to make the page refresh even if the page on the tab becomes inactive. Users can switch to other tabs to continue browsing the web session without having to worry about manually refreshing the selected tab.
This will continue until the browser is closed. Auto Refresh Plus comes with automatic stop detection. Users can add content to automatic update configuration. If the extension detects content on the page it will stop and automatically refresh. This means that users need to know the content that appears on the site that is not currently displayed. It would be nice if the extension Auto Refresh Plus could detect changes automatically and stop updates. The extension is a handy extension for users who use the F5 key to regularly update web pages. Download and install the extension. Auto Refresh Plus for Google Chrome you can follow the link Auto Refresh Plus .

Unfortunately, the author has removed the extension Auto Refresh Plus for Google Chrome but can be set expansion Chrome reolad - Install it can be, like others enlargement by downloading from the Chrome web store... To go if the pages of the online store Chrome you do not have bookmarks or frequently visited sites, click the "key" icon in the upper right corner of the window browser... Then go to Tools and click Extensions.

Will open window with installed extensions, where to go to chrome web storeclick More Extensions.

On web page extensions type “ChromeReolad” in the search box and press “Enter”. After the search made, select your expansion and click Install.

After installation, an inscription will appear that the extension has been added to Chrome, and the icon appears in the browser window Chrome reolad.

Click on this icon and in the drop-down menu set the required web page refresh interval.

While working on the Internet, the need to automatically update pages is quite rare - for example, during active communication on the forum, when new messages constantly appear. However, if the user does not want to manually refresh the pages, he can configure auto-refresh at the required interval.


  • The ability and convenience of setting up automatic updates directly depends on the browser you are using. Only the Opera browser has a built-in option to configure auto-update. If you are using other browsers, you will have to download and install special extensions.
  • To set up automatic page refresh in the Opera browser, right-click anywhere on the open page, open the "Refresh every ..." item, then select the required interval from 5 seconds or more (5 seconds, 15, 30, 1 minute, 2, 5 , 15, 30).
  • To configure automatic updates in the Mozilla Firefox browser, you will have to download and install the TabMix Plus or Tab Utilities add-on. They have many useful options, including setting auto-refresh pages.
  • If you use Internet Explorer, you will not be able to configure automatic page refresh, it does not have the corresponding options. You can get out of this situation by using one of the browsers, which are add-ons to IE. For example, automatic page refresh is available in the popular Avant Browser.
  • Users of the Google Chrome browser can automatically update pages using a special extension ChromeReload, which allows you to set the update time. The Auto Refresh Plus extension has similar functions.
  • For those using the Safary browser, you will need to install the Safari Tab Reloader extension, which allows you to adjust the required page refresh rate.
  • If you are viewing pages in automatic refresh mode, do not forget to enable (if disabled) and configure the browser cache, this will allow pages to load much faster. Only new content will be downloaded from the network, the browser will take all the rest of the page content from the cache.
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