Who can see pictures from google clouds. Google Cloud Drive: Getting Started

Google Cloud it is one of the best services on the Internet, which is convenient for storing, processing and managing digital photographs. It has two independent services on the basis of which this can be done at a high level - Google Drive and Google+ Photos.

Google drive Goggle is one of the largest digital cloud storage facilities on the Internet. It was first introduced to users in April 2012 as a standalone 5 GB service for free storage of 30 different file types.

Google+ Photos is a worldwide social networking service Google+, which was created together with the network in 2011. This service is not only a place to conveniently store photos in the Google cloud, but also a very handy photo editor that has many automatic functions.

What is the volume of the Google cloud

Following a change in disk space allocation policy, three separate Google Drive, Google+ and Gmail services were merged into a single cloud on May 13, 2013. Now, when you register an account in the Google cloud, you will forever receive 15 GB of free disk space for storing data from these three services (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Google cloud storage capacity.

If the amount of dedicated cloud space is not enough, you can purchase from 100 GB to 30 TB, but at an additional cost. Google cloud storage space monthly price for January 2015 is:

100 GB - $ 2
1 TB - $ 10
10 TB - $ 100
20 TB - 200 $
30 TB - 300 $

In the Google cloud, you can simultaneously store mail, photos, and other types of files in a way that suits you best. For example, you can store all these files in different volumes, or you can store only one photo or some other type of file.

The peculiarity of storing files of Google cloud services is that when calculating the occupied disk space, some files are not taken into account. For the user, this means that he can store an unlimited number of such files in the Google cloud.

Google Drive does not include files saved in Google format, for Gmail the contents of the Spam and Trash folders, and Google+ Photos, all photos are smaller than 2048 x 2048 pix and videos are less than 15 minutes.

Sign up in the Google cloud

In order to purchase part of your space in the Google cloud and get access to all of its services, you first need to register. On the page http://www.google.ru/ in the upper right corner you need to click on the "Login" button.

After that, a window for logging into a Google cloud account and registering a new account will appear (Fig. 2). Under the data entry panel, click the "Create an account" link and start registration.

In the registration window, you must correctly indicate your personal data. They will form the basis of your Google Cloud profile. After that, in the lower right corner, you need to click the "Next" button to go to the next window (Fig. 3). The button is not shown in the figure.

Fig. 3 Google cloud registration panel.

But first, Google will check that the data is correct. If you made a mistake, you will be prompted to fix it; if everything was done correctly, a window for creating a Google+ profile in the cloud will open (Fig. 4).

Fig.4 Window for creating a Google+ profile in the cloud.

In this window, you can add your photo, which will be visible in all Google cloud services, but you can do this after logging into your account. To complete registration in the Google cloud, you need to click on the "Create a profile" button, after which a final window will open, in which your email address will be indicated (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 The window for completing registration in the Google cloud.

After that, all Google cloud services will be available, including Google Drive and Google+ Photos. In order to open them, you need to press the "Services" button in the upper right corner and select from the list (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 List of selection of Google cloud services.

To select the Google Drive service in the Google cloud, you need to select the "Drive" service, after which a window of this service will open (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Google Cloud - Google Drive service window.

To select the Google+ Photos service in the Google cloud, you need to find the “Photos” service in the list, after which a window of this service will open (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 Google Cloud - Google+ Photos service window.

How to remove Google Cloud

There are situations when you may need to remove any services from the Google cloud or completely all data and your entire account. To do this, in the upper right corner of the screen, click on the profile avatar and follow the link "Account" (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 Window for entering Google Cloud Account settings.

This will immediately open the Google Cloud Account Settings page. You need to scroll it all the way down and select an item from the list that suits your purposes (Fig. 10), and then do everything according to the instructions.

Figure 10 Google Cloud Account Settings.

Google cloud capabilities

The Google cloud differs from most similar services on the Internet in its ability to work with photos. In it you can not only store a large amount of digital photos for free, but also do a lot with them, which cannot be done in other services.

This is possible because Google Cloud services are closely related to each other, with the Google Chrome browser and Picasa. Each of them significantly increases the capabilities of Google cloud services and, in addition, they allow the photographer to do without installing many specialized programs on the computer.

Read about the main features of photo services in the Google cloud and their integration with other programs in the following chapters of the article:

Other cloud services and cloud storage principles are described in the following articles:

| 01.07.2016

The Google Drive service is a "cloud" file storage, file hosting from Google. The Google Drive service (popularly called simply Google Drive) is simple, convenient and practical. It perfectly complements other Google services.

If we compare the Google cloud with other similar products (DropBox, Yandex.Disk, Disk.Mile, VanDisk), we can note both similar and distinctive features. Objective advantages of Google Disk:

- minimalism of the interface (there are not many settings in the Google Drive system, and therefore it is very difficult to get confused);

- easy file management - even a student will quickly understand what's what;

- using classic functions and standard Windows operations (copy, paste, delete, cut, move, etc.);

- the option to install additional applications (expands the functionality and usability of the service to an unimaginable size);

- the ability to synchronize the file structure with a computer or laptop (using a special program);

- the ability to manage Disk from any mobile device (via the app of the same name for Android or iOS);

- work offline (with saving periodic copies in the computer memory and subsequent synchronization when connected to the Internet);

- connectivity of Google Drive with other Google services and services (this advantage is often a priority in choosing the "cloud" of Google Disk);

- 15 Gigabytes of free space on the "cloud" hosting, distributed between services Gmail, Google Photo and Google Drive.

- the possibility of a paid increase in disk space;

- the ability to create in the interface "cloud" documents, tables, presentations and any other types of files;

- the function of "shared" access (you can configure shared access to files and folders);

- the ability to easily transfer large files that "do not fit" in the mail because of their large size (by link or personal invitations);

- reliability (files that we will store in the "cloud" Google, guaranteed no one will delete, they will not disappear anywhere);

- availability of an application forum, technical support, help;

- the option to automatically store earlier versions of documents (this can be useful when working together on files to restore the original version of the document);

- high functionality and flexibility with seeming simplicity.

Naturally, some of the functions and capabilities are pretty standard, typical for most other "cloud" storages. However, Google Drive also has features that are not available for other systems. In addition, to work with Google Drive, we don't have to create a new account or re-register.

A single profile in the Google system provides access to all the capabilities and services of the company at once. And this is definitely another plus of the Google Drive service.

Google Drive (Disk): registration, login to Google Drive

Let's start with a digression. We remind readers that we have already published step-by-step instructions for Google services. In particular, we advise you to read articles about Google Docs and Gmail:

1. Google Docs: features of working with documents, spreadsheets and presentations in Google Docs

2. Gmail (Google Mail): registration, login, configuration, mail collection, import of contacts, folders and shortcuts, change of subject, exit

If the reader managed to study these articles, then he has already 100% created his own profile in Google, which can be used to access the "cloud" file storage.

For users who have not registered and do not yet have their own profiles in Google, we advise you to carefully review the article on Gmail, which just begins with a detailed step-by-step registration with screenshots and examples:

REGISTERING with Google is described here:

Now for the entrance. You can get into Google Drive from any page of the Google system, from any service. Notice the grid grid icon located in the upper right corner of the Google search page. When you click on this icon, a list of services opens, where there is also a button-link to "Disk":

The second way to log into Google Drive is a direct link (if you are not yet logged into Google, the system will first offer authorization):


In the Google Drive interface, we will see either an empty window (if we do not have any files on the disk yet) or a list of those files and documents that were uploaded earlier:

Pay attention to the small information block below the left-hand menu. Here you can see how full our Drive is and how much space is available. On hovering with the mouse, the block expands and displays the busy statistics for Gmail, Photo and Drive. Since we have not added or created anything, we have 15 Gigabytes free, 0, 0, 0 used:

In the process, when we receive and send mail, upload files to Disk or sync photos, free space will become less, the initial numbers will change. Now everything is zero.

Google Drive (Disk): add files, photos, videos, documents

You can add files to the Google storage "cloud" in at least three ways:

1. Just manually drag the file into the opened Disk window in your browser.

2. Using the "Upload files" or "Upload folder" option (options are available through the "My Disk" button or the "Create" button):

Note: if you select "Upload file", you can select several files for upload at once, not just one. When you select the "Load folder" option, a window for browsing computer folders opens.

So, let's upload a few files to Google Drive, and then we'll continue working with the service, we'll figure out the basic settings using examples.

Google Drive (Disk): useful information, options and settings

We invite readers to change the way they are displayed to make the Disk working window clearer. To change the view, you need to click on the list icon located on the right side, below the search bar and enter the Google profile settings. Like this:

Now let's take a look at the information window of properties, which contains a list of all operations with files (the latest information is located here above the others):

- settings of our Google Drive;

- the "Install Disk on Computer" option;

- a list of keyboard shortcuts that make your work easier if you learn and use them regularly;

- help on working with the system.

Select the "Settings" menu item and see 3 tabs with settings: "General", "Notifications" and "Application Management". Let's stop at the "Settings" - "General" tab. Here we can:

- get additional disk space;

- change offline access settings;

- enable automatic conversion of uploaded files to Google format;

- set parameters for uploading photos;

- change the interface language.

Next comes the "Notifications" tab. Make sure that all the boxes / checkboxes are checked so that we receive notifications if we are given access to files on the side, if our opponent will comment on the files by link, if they send us an access request. At the same time, the topmost checkmark means that these alerts will be displayed directly in the browser!

If you disable some options here, then notifications will only come by mail.

The last tab is the most interesting here. It allows you to connect applications that can create and read files for popular programs and services. To add new applications, you need to click on the "Application Management" tab, click on the "Connect other applications" link.

The next window contains a huge number of applications that allow you to work with all kinds of content (video, audio, photo, animation, tables, shapes, wireframes, diagrams, PDF, playlists, 3D layouts, interior plans, scripts, algorithms, compilations, studies, statistical collections, program code, and so on). The list of additional applications is huge!

Just select the application we need, click on its window, press the "Connect" button.

Note: in the additional applications window, pay attention to the "ALL" button with an arrow down. Clicking on this button will help you sort useful applications by topic and purpose (business, photography, work, education, entertainment, video, audio, etc.).

We return to our own profile, close the settings windows (if you changed something, save the settings with the "Finish" button). Now we can create documents in additional applications that we just installed! To create a file in the application we have installed, run one of the options:

1. The button "Create" - "More ..." find the desired document format.

2. The button "My Disk" - "More ..." - find the desired document format:

When you select the format of the file to be created, a new browser tab opens with an application interface ready to work. All created files will be saved in Google Drive.

Google Drive (Disk): File Sharing Settings

Sharing files in the Google cloud is nothing new, as all file storages and file hosting have similar settings. In Google Disk, sharing is configured in several ways. Here's the first option:

1. Select a specific file or folder that we have uploaded to the Disk (ie, click on it with the mouse, select it).

2. An additional toolbar appears with access settings and other options:

The panel includes options:

- provide private access by Google username or E-mail (viewing, commenting, editing the file):

- preview (opens the file for viewing in a new window) - using this option we can view the contents of the files;

- delete - the classic icon "Trash".

2. To set up general access, select either the first or second item. That is, you need to open access by link or access by invitation.

3. Now all that remains is to copy the link to the file or folder that we “shared” (opened), to pass the link to your opponent. The same link can be placed on the website, blog or social networks (if we want third-party people to view, comment or download our files):

4. By the way, files and folders with open access are marked with special icons. Example of marked open files:

5. If you need to close access to the file, just move the settings engine to the inactive "Disable" state.

Important: we already mentioned above that you can also configure public access to folders. Moreover, this is done in the same way as with files. Same menus, same tools:

DELETING files: if an attentive reader noticed, then the "Trash" was mentioned above, into which we can send files that we do not need. If you suddenly deleted something superfluous, go to the "Trash" (this is a menu item) and restore the files (everything is like in OS Windows - delete / restore):

By the way, the "Basket" needs to be cleaned periodically! Moving files to Trash does NOT free up space on Google Drive! To free up space, files need to be deleted not just from the main window, but from the Recycle Bin too.

Google Drive (Disk): Create folders and sort files

If we just randomly throw more and more files into the main directory of Google Drive, then very soon we will not be able to find the necessary files there among the heap of other documents. You need a structure. We need order. And this is done like this:

1. Press the button "Create" - select "Folder +".

2. Now you need to come up with a name for the folder. We will call it "Site Rost".

4. Select the files that you want to transfer, drag them with the mouse into the created folder (that is, create a tree-like structure for storing files).

Note: to select multiple files, hold down the Ctrl or Shift keys (as in Windows). By the way, you can move (cut and paste) files by pressing Ctrl + X (cut) and Ctrl + V (paste into the desired folder).

By dividing all your files into different folders (by groups and categories), you can create the perfect order on Disk! And then it will be more convenient to work.

Google Drive (Disk): file operations

In addition to the basic operations with files that have already been mentioned in this instruction (move, load, delete, restore, view, share), there are other possibilities. To get acquainted with all the available operations, you must:

1. Select a specific file (or a specific folder).

2. Click on a file or folder with the right mouse button.

3. View the list of possible operations:

Of greatest interest here are options that we haven't talked about yet. In particular, these are:

- "Add tag" - add a star icon to the most important files to make them look clearer and attract attention (the principle is the same as in Gmail with "Important" tags).

- "Versions" - a window with available versions of the file opens (the option is relevant when working together on documents to return to earlier versions).

Other functions "Rename", "Properties", "Move", "Delete", "View", "Share", "Create a copy" and "Download", we think, speak for themselves, and there is nothing to explain here.

This concludes the review of the web interface of the "cloud" storage Google Drive, and move on to the next important part of the article - to work with the Google Disk application for a computer.

Google Drive (Disk): a DISK application for a computer or laptop

The next step after familiarizing yourself with the web interface, we recommend downloading and installing the Google Drive application for your computer, laptop, netbook, laptop. This application will simplify operations with files in the Google cloud (uploading, downloading, editing) and speed up the work with the file storage. In addition, the Google application will allow you to work with files offline without an Internet connection.

It turns out that we will be able to edit Disk files on our computer or laptop, and later they will be automatically synchronized with the information of the “cloud” (they will be uploaded to the “cloud” themselves). With the Disk application, the modified files are automatically saved to Disk as soon as the computer is connected to a high-speed Internet channel (direct cable or Wi-Fi).

How to download the Google Drive app for PC

1. Find the corresponding button "Download Disk for PC" under the left-side menu, click on it:

2. On the page that opens, we find the button "Download for PC", click on it.

Note: The page in the top menu contains links to Help, Features and additional information about the Google Drive app.

3. Here we will be offered "Accept the terms and conditions", as well as participate in improving the service. Participation is not required at all, and check the box / tick only if you wish. We accept the conditions, move on.

4. If everything went well, the download will start automatically in the Google Chrome browser. However, other browsers (Yandex Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Explorer) may require confirmation to save or open the file. If your browser asks such questions - select "Save" file.

5. After a second of waiting, we can launch the Google DISK application installer. When working with different browsers, the file can be downloaded to different folders on the computer, but you can always extract and run it from Downloads (Ctrl + J key combination).

Installer file name - "GOOGLEDRIVESYNC.EXE"

How to install the Google Drive app for PC

1. Run the downloaded application file. Surely, you also have Windows OS, and therefore, once again we confirm our intentions - we press the "Start" button.

2. Since the previously downloaded file is just a shell and a link, you will need an Internet connection to install. The program itself will download the necessary files and launch a welcome window. We press the button "Getting Started":

5. When we see a window with the word "Done" and a panel of several buttons, it is important not to rush to make a choice. Here we click the "Synchronization Options" button to specify the location on the computer where:

- the folder of the same name "Google Drive" will be created;

- synchronized files will be stored;

- copies of files will be created for offline operation.

6. In the upper field "Path to folder" press the right button "Change ..." and specify the directory where it will be more convenient for us to save files on the computer! For example, in a separate folder on the local drive "D:" or "E:". To save the settings and start automatic synchronization, click the "Synchronize" button.

Important: when changing the folder for storing files, you only need to specify an empty directory (i.e. a new empty folder with no files). Otherwise, the entire contents of the folder (if it is NOT empty and contains files) will be transferred to the Google cloud!

In the future, any files that fall into the "Google Drive" folder will be automatically transferred to the Internet - to the Google Drive "cloud".

Note: in this settings window, you can also set synchronization rules for each of the folders separately. This can be useful if several people work in the same Google profile, and there is no need to transfer all the folders at once.

Note: on the "Advanced" tab we can: limit the download speed of files during synchronization (upload and download), disable the launch of the program at Windows startup, set the priority options for the Internet connection.

You can find out about the work of the Google Drive application on a computer by a characteristic icon on the taskbar (where the clock and language are in the lower right corner). From here, you can configure and manage the application:

If you click on this icon (which is one-to-one similar to the shortcut of the well-known Promt translator), an information block will open, supplemented by the settings functionality and direct links to working folders (on the Web and on a computer).

The amount of used and free disk space of the "cloud" is displayed here, there are additional settings. To set up synchronization, let's pay attention to the vertical three dots at the top of the expanded block.

If you click on the "three dots", another small menu appears, in which we see the items:

- About the program

- Reference

- To send the comment

- Suspend

- Settings

- Close Google Drive

We think that there is no point in commenting on this menu, everything is obvious. From the menu, you can return to the synchronization settings that we set during the installation of the PC application (synchronization parameters), you can open the help for study, stop the application, set the upload and download speed, change the Google user.

Important: The main thing is to understand that the contents of Drive on the Internet and the contents of the Google Drive folder on your computer will always be identical! If we change files on the web, changes occur on the computer. The same will happen if we change the files in the Google Drive folder on the computer - the changes are immediately uploaded to the Internet.

Other features of Google Drive "cloud"

In this step-by-step and detailed guide, we covered 90% of all the obvious features of the Google Drive service (Google Drive). But this is not the limit!

1. The Google Drive app has responsive versions for Android and iOS mobile platforms. We can download and install these programs using the link:


You can also download mobile apps from Google Play and App Store.

2. The external simplicity of Google Drive (Disk) is deceiving, as there are tremendous possibilities behind simple functionality and uncomplicated settings. Recall that the system supports the installation of related programs for all types of content ("Settings" - "Application management" - "Connect other applications").

3. A whole range of additional resources and services is attached to such a serious service - technical support, a forum, questions and answers, a help center, related programs, available through links from the "footer" of the Google Drive website:

4. The Google Drive service overlaps with its capabilities, an integrated approach and consistency, all other "cloud" storages, in which you can only save or download files, at most - configure access. Google, as always, is global, keeps its brand, which makes it so popular with users all over the world!

Hello dear readers of the blog site! I am opening a series of publications dedicated to cloud storage, which allow you to store files on disk space and work with your documents not only from your home computer, but also from any suitable electronic device (for example, from a tablet). This is very convenient when you are away from home and do not have access to your main computer.

Perhaps I'll start with a cloud Google Drivewhich is one of the many products of the almighty Google. Of course, the Google service has quite worthy and real competitors in the person of the same Yandex Disk, Dropbox, Skydrive, which we will certainly talk about in more detail.

Perhaps a comparison of their capabilities will help orient your choice in favor of one of these cloud storages according to your preferences. As you know, there is no ideal in the world, each of them has both pluses and minuses. This is no exception.

Login to Google Drive and an overview of the services provided

First, let's see how you can go to your Google Drive account. Login is easy and simple by going to the page drive.google.com... However, beforehand, you must enter your. You can also navigate to Google Drive by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner after logging into your account:

To determine the possibilities that Google cloud storage provides us, we find the "Settings" link in the lower left corner of the drive.google.com home page. If you move the cursor to it, a tooltip will appear with brief information about the total use of free space at the moment:

If you click on this link, you will be redirected to a page where more detailed information on this issue is given and you can choose tariff plans:

The total disk space provided in Google Drive for the free plan is quite solid, and equals 15 GB... But keep in mind that the proposed space is divided for files that will be stored on three services: Google Drive, GMail mail and Google+ Photos.

However, judging by the information below, the restriction does not apply to all files. For example, spreadsheets, documents, and presentations don't take up Disk space. The same applies to photos located in Google + Photos. Space is limited only for images larger than 2048x2048 pixels.

If you need more space to store your folders, emails, photos and the free plan is not enough, then there are several paid plans at your service, from which you can choose the appropriate one. You can learn more about the rules for storing files on Google Drive on this support page. A small video will supplement the information:


Working in the online version of Google Drive

Now let's see what actions you can perform in your Google Drive account using work functions. On the left side, after logging into your account, there is a menu that offers to carry out various useful promotions directly online. For example, by clicking on the red button with an upward arrow, we download files or even entire folders from the computer.

By clicking on the "Create" button next to it, which is also red, select the type of future object you need from the drop-down list (folder, document, presentation, table, form, picture):

Note that, if necessary, it is possible to connect an additional application, I will talk about this just below. So, select the desired item from the menu and start creating your creation. For example, in Drive Google it is easy to create an Excel-like spreadsheet, albeit not as fancy as in the original program:

After you create the documents and upload the necessary files, the account view will look like this:

The All Items tab will display the files included in the My Drive folder and others, including those that are shared. Also, using the menu, you can filter them and select those available only to you, marked as important, recently created and placed in the trash. By going to the trash can, you can empty it, permanently deleting unnecessary files.

To mark a document as important, simply click on the star next to it. If you check the box of any of the elements (to select all the elements, you must check the Title option), then a panel with options will appear at the top that allow you to perform certain actions with the selected file or document.

When you click on the picture depicting a man with a plus, the settings for shared access to this object are made:

If you check the second option, then the above link to the file with the document will be used by those to whom you provide it. Here you can also define the actions that will be allowed. In this case, select the required settings from the menu (editing, commenting, reading). Then everyone who received the link will have access to the file, but first they will have to log in to Google.

If you want to open some file for downloading or review ( share from English share - share, share), then check the box next to the option "To everyone on the Internet"... Then all users, without exception, will be able to get to it, and authorization is not needed in this case.

In addition to the above, it is possible to invite specific individuals as editors by entering their names or email addresses. If you click on the bottom link "Change", you can determine whether they have the right to change access settings:

In the same menu that appears after putting a checkmark, you can move the marked file to another folder, delete it by throwing it into the trash, and view its contents. Move to the right side of the Google Drive window interface, where there is another panel with settings:

If any object is marked, an icon appears with the Latin letter "i", clicking on which, you get full information about this file or document, including its description, location (in which folder is located), access rights, and See also editing history by time and date.

The next two buttons allow you to determine how files are displayed in your Google Drive account (in the form of a list or table), similar to how it is done in the Windows interface. Finally, if you call the drop-down menu from the bowels of the button with the gear image, you can customize the document interface by selecting the appropriate item, configure the download and shortcuts.

I would also like to dwell on application management, which I mentioned at the beginning of this section. By clicking on the corresponding line, get a list of applications installed by default (the same list, if you remember, can be found in the left menu):

For each application, there is a button that can be used to view its parameters. But it so happens that additional features need to be added to the existing functionality. In this case, click on the "Connect other applications" link, then choose from the provided list:

If you know the name of the app, you can try searching for it. You enter the desired combination of letters into the search line, press the "Enter" button on the keyboard and experience a surge of satisfaction that the required program has been found. For example, when working with the site I use it heavily, so I decided to apply it to Google Drive as well.

To connect the application to Google Drive, press the button of the same name and, voila, the procedure is over, which you will immediately be aware of:

Please note that a checkbox will be checked by default, which will activate the option that sets Pixlr as the default application for files that are opened with it. In principle, this checkbox may not be checked. Simply, if any image is created using this program, it is quite logical to assume that its editing will be done in it.

How to install Google Drive on your computer

As you probably already noticed, the online version is quite self-contained and provides a fairly wide range of possible actions. However, in order to use the functionality to the maximum and view the contents of folders created in Drive on your computer, which will be synchronized with Google Drive, it will not hurt to install the program. To do this, click on the corresponding icon at the very bottom of the left menu:

Immediately after that, a beautiful picture will appear with the "Install on PC" button. Click on it and download the installation file to your computer. The installation will proceed quickly, after which you will receive a message that it is complete. Then you need to move on to the next steps. First of all, find the "Google Drive" folder from the list of programs. Let's say for the Windows7 operating system, this list is in the Start menu:

As you can see, the folder contains 4 items (Docs, Drive, Sheets and Slides). Click on the "Drive" line and log in to the corresponding Google account by entering your username and password:

I have been using two-step authentication for a long time when logging into my account, if you also use this effective security tool, you will have to enter the security code you received via SMS:

Personally, I try not to place third-party software folders on the C drive, where I have the operating system files. Therefore, I used the "Advanced Settings" option and selected the D drive:

Now click on the "Synchronize" button to complete the process. As a result, the “Google Drive” folder will open, where all folders and files created by you in the online service and uploaded there will be duplicated:

Needless to say, once the sync is complete, any changes to files or folders you make on your computer will be reflected in your cloud storage account as well. Let's say you can edit the access settings in the same way as you do in your Google Drive cloud account. To do this, you just need to click on the selected file and from the context menu click "Share":

As a result, you either block access to this file or folder for strangers, or, conversely, share it for downloading or reading. In general, I have already described in detail the process of setting up access above in the text. When working with objects on a computer, it is completely identical. After installing the application and finishing the synchronization, the Google Drive logo will immediately appear in the notification panel (tray):

To open the context menu, simply click on the logo once with the left mouse button. In this case, you can choose the action you want, including editing settings and opening the Google Drive folder.

In conclusion, I note that the program provides for some system requirements: this application is available for Windows and Mac OC operating systems, for iPhone and iPad (iOS 5.0 and later), as well as Android devices. Help videos (with titles in Russian).

Today, cloud storage has become almost the most reliable and secure way to store files and important information. If earlier few knew, and those who knew were afraid to use cloud storage as a place for storing personal important information, then in modern times each of us knows that this method of storing data is one of the best.

Google has created a great solution, its own cloud storage called Google Drive. And it is this storage that can be called one of the best, since in addition to the usual storage of files, we have access to a number of other very useful functions.

What is Google Drive? This is not only a cloud to which you can upload your files. Using it, we get the ability to open files of any format in the browser, for example, for quick editing of Word, Excel or Power Point files, you do not have to download them to your computer and upload changes back to the cloud. Everything can be done right in the cloud using the built-in tools of the Google Sheets, Documents, Presentations service.

Also, Google Drive gives you access to your files anytime, anywhere in the world, since you have more than just the web version at your disposal. Google has developed a large number of applications that will help you manage your files in the cloud from any smartphone, tablet and any operating system. All apps are completely free and available in all popular app stores.

Using this particular cloud, you get the ability to create shared access to files and folders so that other users can view, edit and download your files. To do this, you just need to send an invitation.

Space on the cloud should be enough for you, since Google Drive provides 15 Gb of free space for storing photos, drawings, text documents, tables, video files, audio files and much more. But if that's not enough for you, you can purchase a subscription and use as much space as you need.

How do I use Google Cloud (web)?

In order to access your own cloud storage, you need to have a Google account. Anyone who has registered mail using the Google service has 15 GB of cloud storage at their disposal.

If you do not have a Google account yet, then you should follow the link and register.

In the event that you already have an account, then you need to go to the Google Drive service website, and enter your data in order to access your cloud.

Here you can create and monitor all your file folders.

In order to upload information to Google disk, you can simply drag the file or folder you need into the browser window or click on the "My disk" item and select the "Upload files" section in the drop-down menu. After that, uploading files to the cloud will be pressed.

To download information from the cloud, select the file or folder you need and then click on "Other sections" (3 dots in the upper right corner) and select "Download". This will start downloading files to your device.

To edit the color scheme

Working with files in the cloud

To work with Microsoft Office files, you don't need to download them. All files of type, xlsx, txt, pdf and others, are available for editing directly in the web version of the repository (via a browser). To open such a file, simply click on it 2 times with the left mouse button, or through the context menu.

To save files to the cloud, you just need to select and drag them into the browser window.

To create a file or folder in the cloud, you need to click on the "Create" button located in the upper left corner and select the type of file or folder. Here you can also select the "Upload file" item.

It is worth noting the very useful features of Google Drive:

  • Save the history of changes to files or folders with the ability to restore previous versions that you made earlier. File history is stored for 30 days. When you share a file, you can view the editing history and find out exactly who modified the file or folder. To view the history of a file and restore previous versions, you need to open "Properties" and go to the "History" tab.
  • File types that Google Cloud supports. The total number of types is impressive and growing. More than 30 types of files are available as standard, which Google disk allows you to edit and view directly from the web interface on any device. The good news is that for those file types that Google Drive doesn't support, you can install third-party apps. To install additional applications in the "Create" menu, select "More" and then "Connect other applications". Other applications are installed as browser extensions. It is best to use the Google Chrome browser for Google Drive to work, since all extensions that you offer to install are available from the Google extension store.
  • The disk space in the cloud, which the service provides for free, is 15 GB, which is quite a lot. But it should be borne in mind that this space is allocated to you not only for storing files, but also for storing mail messages and attachments in Gmail, as well as Google Photo (if you use this function). Google also offers to expand disk space, for this you need to subscribe to a paid subscription.
  • Shared access. This feature is useful in that you can give access to view or edit a file to certain people or everyone who has a link to the file. This way you can start co-authoring or viewing a specific file. This is useful because you do not have to send the same file to different people, wait for them to edit it, return it back and you will need to compare all this, it will be enough to make a link and send it to everyone who needs to be given access. You don't need to have a Google account to edit the file.

Installing and using Google Drive on your computer

To download and install the program, you can go to the main page of the Google Drive and click on the "Download" menu item, or follow the following link: https://www.google.com/drive/download/

After downloading, run the installation, during which you will be asked to log into your Google account so that the application can access your cloud storage and synchronize files and folders on your computer with it in the future.

During installation, you will be prompted for a place to place the Google Drive folder, as well as files and folders that will be synchronized with your computer. By default, the folder will be located in the user folder on the system drive.

After installation, you will see a Google Drive icon in the tray (bottom right corner of the screen). In the future, you can make all the application settings by right-clicking on this icon and selecting the desired action in the drop-down menu.

After completing the installation, you can launch the application, after which it will start downloading files from the cloud to your computer. At the first launch, the program will give you a choice of which folders and files to synchronize with your computer.

Granting access rights

To provide access to a folder or file and copy the link to the clipboard, you just need to open the Google Drive folder and right-click on the required object, then select “Google Drive” in the drop-down menu, and then the required action.

Such a menu item will be added only in the explorer context menu, so when using, for example, Total Commander it will no longer be there.

My device Computer

At this point, you can select folders on your computer to sync with the cloud or change the current folders that save files to Google Drive.

You can also configure the deletion settings here, namely, allow the synchronous deletion of files. When you delete a file from a folder on your computer, the file will also be deleted in the cloud, this option can be used to enable or disable the deletion of cloud files.

You can also configure the option to automatically save from USB devices and SD cards, which will automatically upload all files to the cloud when such devices are connected or detected.

Google drive

At this point, you are given the option to select or change the location of the main Google Drive folder.

You can also select folders that will be synchronized with the cloud, for this, check the boxes next to the folders you need. All folders that you do not select will not be saved on your computer, but will remain on the cloud and will be available in the web version.


Here you can configure the display of notifications when objects are deleted from shared folders, namely, disable or enable them. Also activate the option to automatically turn on the application when the system boots and visualize the synchronization status using icons.

In the network settings, you can set speed limits for downloading and uploading information to the cloud.

Google Drive for mobile

The cloud provides access for different mobile devices. You can download the Google Drive app from the app store.

The application has a useful feature - automatic saving of photos from the device. This option can be configured so that it automatically saves photos to Google drive whenever you connect to the Internet, or only when connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot. This function is very useful, because if the device is lost or broken, all your photos will be saved and available to you on the cloud, from where you can download them or provide access to other people.

The application on phones has a search bar with which you can quickly find the files you need. To edit files, you can use the web version of Google Drive, optimized for mobile devices; to edit files, you just need to select the desired file in the application, after which it will automatically open in the browser on the page for editing.


Google has made a pretty good product. Google Drive is one of the popular cloud storage solutions and will suit many. An integral plus and privilege over other similar repositories is the ability to edit files directly from the web version, which saves time. It is also worth understanding that the product is constantly being updated and within a short time the developers have eliminated a large number of shortcomings, this surely leads Google Drive to the first place.

The cloud is a service where data can be stored and easily managed. That is, you can upload your files to it, work with them directly on the Internet, download them at any time, and also transfer them to another person.

Any user can get such a service at their disposal for free. In fact, it is your own hard drive on the Internet.

We can say that this is something like the Local Disk of a computer, but only with the ability to use it on any device with an Internet connection. Plus, you can transfer files to other users by simply sending them a download link.

So, the cloud is needed to:

  • Store files and file folders
  • Work with them on any computer or smartphone with the Internet
  • Easily and quickly transfer files to other people

Thus, it replaces flash drives, disks and other devices for transferring information.

That is, I can upload the files I need to such a service and work with them on any other computer with an Internet connection. These can be documents, books, music, videos - in general, any files.

Initially, they are only available to me, but if I wish, I can make some of them public. Then they can be downloaded.

That is, a special Internet address (link) will be generated, where the file can be saved to a computer. I can send this address to any person (for example, via Skype or via mail), and the person will be able to download my file.

Where and how to get the cloud

There are websites that give users a cloud. It's like with mail: there are sites where you can get it. We go to such a site, register and get a cloud service for storing data.

We are allocated a certain free volume. On some services, it's a pretty decent 50-100 GB. If you want more, this is for money.

And you can register several times and, accordingly, get several free volumes. Everything is free, everything is legal!

The easiest way to get the cloud is to do it wherever you have your mail. The fact is that the largest email sites (Yandex, Mail, Gmail) distribute such services for free. You just need to want.

That is, you don't even need to register. Just open your mail and indicate that you want to receive the cloud. They give it to you immediately.

Websites that give out clouds for free

Yandex.Disk is a cloud service from Yandex. If you have mail there, then you also have such a disk. Free and forever given 10 GB.

To receive Yandex.Disk, you need to open the yandex.ru website and go to your mail. Then open the "Disk" tab (top).

They will greet you and offer to download a special program to your computer for convenient work with Yandex.Disk.

Better not to do this right away - you can always install it later. I recommend closing this window and first learning how to use Yandex.Disk without a program.

That's all! Upload files, sort them, share, delete. In general, you already have a cloud. It even has some files and folders with files already loaded on it for example.

For further access to Yandex.Disk, you need to do all the same steps: open the yandex.ru site, open your mail, go to the "Disk" tab.

Or you can install and configure a special program "Disk for Windows" and use the cloud directly from your computer - without going to the site yandex.ru

Cloud Mail.ru is a service from the mail site mail.ru. Free 25 GB.

To receive this good, you just need to have a mail.ru mailbox. If it is, then you also have a cloud.

To enter it, you need to open the mail.ru website and open your mail. Then at the top, click on the "Cloud" button.

Your personal cloud service will open. It already has some sample files loaded. You can delete them, or you can leave them. In general, your cloud is ready to go.

You can use it directly, via mail, or you can download and install a special application (program). Then the cloud will be available directly from the computer - a shortcut will appear on the desktop for its instant opening.

Google Drive (Google Drive) is a service that is “attached” to the gmail.com mail. 15 GB is allocated for free.

To get into it, you need to go to your email account at gmail.com. Then click on the picture with small squares next to your name (top right) and click on the "Disk" item.

Perhaps after that Google will ask you a couple of questions. A little below, in the pictures, it is shown that he should answer in this case.

After that, your personal cloud will be loaded. It will already have a folder with several files. You can delete this folder with all its contents, or you can leave it as you like.

So the disk is ready to go. You can start downloading!

It opens in exactly the same way - via mail. Or you can install a special program. Then it will be available from your computer.

It seemed to me that this cloud is much more difficult to use than all the others. Not everyone will figure it out. But there are certain advantages that other services do not have. For example, you can create a document, presentation, spreadsheet, form or picture right in it.

That is, a program will open directly on the Internet to create a file of the required type. It is quite simple and allows you to create a file, save it to Google Drive, and download it to your computer in the required format.

Such programs can be used instead of Word, Excel, Power Point. It is very convenient when you have to work at a computer on which they are not installed.

Which service is better

Various tests have shown that the "mail" clouds, which I have just talked about, are superior in quality, convenience and free features to all other similar services.

I won't go into details, but the places were distributed as follows:

Therefore, I recommend that you still use one of these services. If you do not have an email account on any of them, then you just need to register. You will have a new mail (which, by the way, is not at all necessary to use) and a cloud.

Of course, there are other sites where you can get the cloud service for free. But most of them have various unpleasant restrictions in the free versions.

But there is one that compares favorably with all the others (including the "postal"). It is best for transferring files to other people. His address: mega.co.nz

Mega - it makes sense to use this service for those who place files for download. The fact is that through special loaders like MiPony they can be saved very quickly and easily to a computer. Much easier and faster than other cloud services. A free volume of 50 GB is allocated.

Initially, the site opens in English. To switch to the Russian version, click on the Menu button (top right), select the Language item from the list, then click on Russian and the Save button.

Just in case, I will give two more good cloud services:

Dropbox - 2 GB free.

One Drive - 7 GB free.

How to manage the cloud

You can manage it on the very site where you received it. Go there with your username and password, go to a specific section and get access to the cloud.

And you can do it even easier, more convenient and, most importantly, much faster: using a small application (program).

Each service has its own, that is, you need to download it from the site on which you have the cloud.

This application allows you to quickly and easily upload, watch, download files and file folders from your cloud service. It takes up very little space, and you can install such a program on any computer or smartphone (not only on yours).

How to install the app... Open your cloud and there will be a link or a download button in a prominent place. The pictures below show where such a button is in "mail" cloud services.

Download the program file and open it. Installation starts. Below is an illustrated instruction for each "mail" service. Do everything as in the pictures, and the application will be installed.


Cloud Mail.ru:

How to use the app

After installing the application, a shortcut to the program appears on the desktop. With the help of it, we will work with the cloud.

When you first start the program, you will be asked to enter data from the cloud. Type your email address and password from it. Then you agree to the terms of service and click "Login".

Now, when you open the program icon, your cloud will open directly in your computer - in a regular folder.

Also, along with the opening of the application, its icon appears in the tray.

This is where the computer clock is - in the lower right corner of the screen (on the taskbar, where the rest of the icons are).

This icon can be hidden under the small arrow next to the alphabet.

With it, you can control the application. To do this, click on it with the left or right mouse button.

File / folder sync... This is the hardest part to understand, but you definitely need to understand it in order to successfully work with the application.

The meaning of synchronization is that the computer or smartphone on which the application is installed must connect to your cloud and download files from it or to it.

This process must be completed, otherwise we will not be able to use the downloaded data. Synchronization is in progress over the Internet. That is, it is simply impossible without the Internet.

Consider the following situation. My cloud already has uploaded files and file folders.

By the way, initially, when you receive a cloud, there is already some information on it. So if you didn't delete it on purpose, then several files are there.

I installed the application on my computer, opened it, entered my username and password. A folder with a cloud opened. So all the data that was on it initially should be uploaded to this folder. That is, my cloud and computer must sync.

It turns out that all the files that are on the cloud are downloaded to my computer in this same folder. And if there are few of them and they are small in size, then this process will happen quickly - I may not even notice it.

But if the files are large, and my Internet is not very fast, then synchronization will take some time.

In practice, it looks like this: I open the application shortcut and see an empty folder, although I know for sure that there are files on my cloud.

Usually, in this case, users start to get nervous - they worry that their files have been deleted. In fact, they are all in place. And we do not see them because the synchronization procedure has not yet been completed.

And this can be checked. When syncing is in progress, the application icon (the one in the tray) appears to move.

And if we click on it, then in the menu that opens there will be an item indicating the progress of the process.

In fact, at this moment, files are being downloaded from the Internet. That is, the Internet itself may slow down because of this.

Synchronization can be turned off if necessary. To do this, click on the application icon in the tray and select the appropriate item from the menu. By the way, there you can also completely exit the program.

In general, while synchronization is in progress, the files will not be available. The same happens when transferring information from a computer to the cloud.

How to upload a file (folder with files) to the cloud... To do this, you just need to copy the files you need and then paste them into the application folder.

Copying / pasting happens as usual, but after that all the transferred files should be synchronized. Otherwise, they will not be uploaded to the Internet to your cloud.

In the Mail.ru Cloud application, this process occurs instantly. Moreover, even for large files (from 1 GB).

In Yandex.Disk, synchronization takes some time, but it is still fast.

On a fairly slow Internet, I had a 1GB file downloaded in just a few minutes. If you upload it directly to the cloud (without an application), this process would take over an hour.

But Google Drive lags behind in this regard. Apparently, this application works on a different technology, and synchronization takes as long as a regular file download.

My results may differ from yours. Perhaps your synchronization process will be faster or vice versa slower than mine.

How to download a file (folder with files) from the cloud... All files that you want to download to your computer or phone from the application must be fully synchronized.

You can transfer them to your computer by ordinary copying. That is, open the application, copy the necessary files and paste them into the folder of your computer of your choice. That's all! A couple of seconds - and the files are downloaded.

Cons of cloud services

Everything has its pros and cons. And cloud services also have them. I will list the main ones:

1. Memory consumption... In other words, the work of cloud services "strains" the computer. In the case of Yandex.Disk and Cloud.Mail.ru, the load is insignificant, but Google Drive is rather gluttonous. Modern computers may not notice this, but the old ones will have to pant.

2. Security. Since the cloud is an Internet service, there is always a certain possibility that your files may fall into the wrong hands. Of course, modern data protection technologies minimize this probability, but there is always a risk. Moreover, the service is public.

3. You need the Internet. Without the Internet, you will not be able to use any cloud service.

Additional Information

In case you do not have enough information provided in this lesson.

Each cloud service has detailed instructions for use. Users do not particularly like it, but there is really a lot of useful and interesting information in it.

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