Login to gmail mail. Clearing the browsing history in Mozilla Firefox. Passwords for applications to access your mail from any device

Gmail.com is a free email service from Google... In many ways, Gmail is like any other email. You can send and receive emails, block spam, create an address book, and perform other basic email related tasks. At the same time, Gmail has a number of unique features that make it one of the most popular postal services in the world.

In this tutorial, we will talk about some of the features and benefits of Gmail, and also take a look at the interface of the Gmail mail window.

Google account

Needed to have your own Gmail mail. Because Gmail is one of the services that Google provides to registered users. The account is created free of charge. The process is simple, and the username you enter will be part of your Gmail address.

Thus, if you go to your Gmail, it means that you are automatically logged into your Google account and you will be able to access other Google services, for example, Google Docs, Calendar, YouTube, etc. Creating a Google account also means that you become a member of the Google+ social network. Simply put: "One account - the whole world of Google."

Of course, you don't have to use all of these. Google services, for the moment, you can just focus on email and only use it. However, if you would like to learn more about Google Account, we recommend that you check out:, which reviews the various services offered by Google, as well as how to create your Google account.

Features of Gmail mail

Gmail has many useful features, ranging from standard functions of the mail service (such as the ability to receive and send letters), to unique functions. Below are some of the features of Gmail mail.

  • Spam filtering. Spam is the name given to junk mail. Gmail uses Hi-tech to protect you from spam. Spam is automatically placed in special folder and is automatically deleted after 30 days.
  • Incoming priorities. it new function Gmail. It is opposed to spam filtering. Instead of blocking unwanted emails, Gmail finds the most important ones and puts them at the top of the list. This is especially useful if you receive a lot of emails. Now you don't need to waste your time sorting them.
  • Displaying message threads. A chain of letters takes place every time you reply or send emails to someone else (forward them). Often these emails are related to one topic or event. By default, Gmail groups these emails together so that there is no mess in your inbox. You can always turn off this feature.
  • Built-in chat. Instead of writing a letter to someone, you can write to him instant message or use the voice or video chat function. (If your computer has a microphone and a webcam).
  • Phone call. Function phone call similar to voice chat... The difference is that you can connect to the subscriber real phone anywhere in the world. It's free for calls within the US and Canada, and cheap enough for other countries.

Gmail interface

When you work with Gmail, you mostly use the main interface. This window contains your inbox and allows you to navigate between your contacts, mail settings, etc. Also at the top of the window are links to other Google services such as YouTube or Calendar.

The dropdown menu allows you to navigate between Mail, Contacts and Tasks.

If you are confused, you can simply click on the Gmail option to revert to the default view.

2) Left menu bar

The left menu bar allows you to Compose a new mail, navigate your Mail, view Sent mail, manage Labels, and more.

Command buttons are located above the list of letters. When there are no letters selected, only the Select and Refresh buttons are available.

When a letter is selected, a few more buttons appear. You can use the following functions: Archive, To Spam, Delete to organize the structure of your emails.

4) Inbox

Inbox is where incoming messages are displayed. To read a message, just click on it.

5) Search bar

If you cannot find an important letter, then you need to start typing key information about it in the search bar.

6) Gear Icon

To change your settings, simply click on the gear icon and select Settings. You can also select Help if you have any questions.

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Let's consider in this article step by step what is -.

Google is the world's largest search engine. It has its own zip Gmail service, where you can do for free email address and with it get access to several other services, including YouTube.

To start registration, you need to go to gmail website. Now click on "Create an account" login to the profile.

Will appear simple form to be filled in.

In the fields of the name and surname, it is best to indicate real data. This can be useful for using other services, as well as if you need to return access to the mailbox if you lose your password. You can hide your details, so don't worry, no one will find out more about you than you allow.

Username (nickname) is your login... It will appear in the name of your mailbox. You need to come up with a login yourself. It can consist of Latin letters, symbols and numbers.

The password should be chosen so that it is as complex as possible. In addition to the fact that with its help you will go to your mail, it will also protect your mailbox from hacking. In combination, you can use letters(it is advisable to combine small and big letters) and numbers.

! You can write down the password in a safe place so as not to forget.
! Otherwise, you will not be able to access your mail.

Phone, country and alternate mail address can be omitted - they are not needed for registration.

If after you pressed « Further", some of the fields are highlighted in red, it means you missed something or entered something incorrectly. Correct the error and press again "Further".

After all the fields are filled in, you will be prompted to read "Terms of Use" .

There are no items that you are sold into slavery, so feel free to click "I accept" - registration cannot be completed without it. Now you will be shown a window where the address of your mailbox will be written. Write it down somewhere so you don't forget.

To go to your mail, you need to click on the button Go to Gmail Service .

How to come up with a username for gmail mail

It can be difficult to create a username. The fact is that each such login in the Google system must be unique, that is, two identical addresses cannot exist.

If the login you entered is already taken, the system will inform you about it (red text will appear under the field) and offer several unique options that you could use.

They are created based on the entered first name, last name and login. If you don't want to choose from what the system has suggested, come up with another nickname.

An additional parameter for the username is its length. It must not be shorter than 6 characters and longer than 30.

You cannot change the name after creating the box, so think carefully before choosing the final version. If you need mail only for registration on some resources, then the name is not important.

Your Google Mail Username

As mentioned above, the username will be displayed in the name of your mailbox, and it will be your email address. After creating a mail, “@ gmail.com” will be added to it. Your address will look like this:

It turns out that the name of the mailbox is made up of the username and the name of the mail service, connected to each other "Dog" ... The address is written in one piece, the dot is placed only before "Com" .

You can give this address to friends, acquaintances or clients to contact you.

How to find out your google mail address

Once logged into your profile, you will see a welcome window that explains why Google Mail is the greatest, and more.

You can safely close this window, you will not be shown it again.

To find out your email address, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name in the upper right part of the window. A small hint will appear where the address will be written.

How to log into your Google mail

To go to your mail, you need to do a few simple manipulations. Typically, browsers remember our data so that we do not have to constantly enter it.

Therefore, to enter, you just need to go to google site and in the right corner, click on the icon with squares.

From the drop-down menu, select the Mail icon and that's it. The box will open and you can use it.

If the browser has not saved your data or you are accessing your mail from another computer, you will need to enter your username and password. And first you enter your username, then the password

Features of gmail mail

The most obvious features of mail are receiving and sending letters. It can be both work and friendly correspondence. You can attach to letters different files such as photos or documents.

In addition to mail, registration gives you the opportunity to use other products. Here's what's available to you after you create your Google account:

  • Disk ... You can store files up to 15 GB in total for free. Here you can upload data from a PC or mobile device, and then open or download them from another computer or device. In addition, you can make it so that other users can also view your files.
  • The documents . Service is online editor... Here you can create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. They are saved on your disk. You can download, forward and edit them at any time.
  • Youtube ... This is the most famous video hosting in the world. You can watch videos without registering, but through the google mail address, you can log in to the site, subscribe to different channels, leave comments and upload your videos.
  • Google play ... It is a platform for mobile devices from which you can install applications, download music, movies, etc.
  • Google + . Social network, like Facebook and other projects.

Together with your email address, you simultaneously get access to several services. This is a big advantage of Google Mail.

Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello everyone. Today I will tell you what is Gmail.com mail login. In case of unsuccessful authorization on Google mail, it will not be superfluous to try to recover the password. To get started, go to the site - accounts.google.com (do this, preferably from the device from which you are in last time successfully logged into your account). Login pages offer their users the ability to change the language, choose the one that is most comfortable for you and get started!

Then you need to find the link: "Can't access your own account?" Here you will need to confirm that you are not a robot by entering a verification code.

Very often the solution to the problem is simple password recovery. How to do this, read the next article.

The resulting page offers a list of various options for restoring access. If you have one more email address in the settings, or a phone number, then the recovery procedure is greatly simplified.

Check if cookies are enabled for this site

Cookies are files that help a web browser remember the client's settings for a specific resource, while saving its configuration and collecting statistics. Now virtually all sites require these files. For this reason, in order to check their availability for Google Mail, you need to open your Internet settings and enable them. We invite you to consider the process of including them in three popular browsers such as: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome.

  • Enabling cookies in Internet Explorer. First you need to go to the "Control Panel", in the same place to find "Internet Options". Click on the "Privacy" tab, then - "Advanced". In the resulting window, you will need to check the box "Override the automatic handling of cookies", and set the "Accept" markers on both the main and third-party files.
  • Enabling Cookies in Mozilla Firefox. First of all, open a browser, go to settings. Find the "Privacy" tab there. Find the block with history, where you will need to click on the last item from the drop-down list "will apply settings to save history." On top of that, check the box next to "Accept cookies from sites." Close the settings window by clicking the "OK" button.
  • Turn on cookies in Google Chrome. Open the browser, then go to "Settings" (in the upper right corner there is an icon with three stripes, after clicking on it a window appears in which you can find the very settings).

At the bottom of this window there is a subsection "Additional settings", go into them and click on "Personal data", and then - "Content settings". In the resulting window, put a check mark under the item "Allow saving local data." Finally, confirm the configuration by clicking on the "OK" button.

Upon completion of cleaning Cookies you can also clear browser history and cache. As a rule, the history of visits becomes so large that performance is significantly reduced, and certain functions even stop working. We suggest you take a closer look at deleting history in popular browsers.

Clearing IE browsing history.

First you need to go to the "Service", and then hold down the "Alt" button. As a result of this, a menu will appear, in the list of proposed items, select "Delete browser history". In the resulting window, you will need to mark the items that you need to delete. It remains only to confirm your actions by clicking on the appropriate button. Made!

Clearing the browsing history in Mozilla Firefox.

With this browser it will be a little easier: you just need to hold down the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + Delete", in the resulting window select the items that you need to delete. It is important to systematically clear your browser cache and history. By the way, at the end of the deletion procedure, you will need to re-enter your profiles on the sites.

Clearing the browsing history in Google Chrome.

The deletion process is generally the same as with other browsers, but there is one caveat: upon completion of this procedure on one of the devices, the history is deleted absolutely on all devices from which authorization was made to the Chrome account. So, open the web browser menu, go to the "Tools" tab. On the resulting page, select Clear Browsing Data. In the window that appears, select the items that need to be deleted.

Along with this, it will not be superfluous to see which extensions are installed in the browser. If you find extensions that are unfamiliar and unnecessary, it is best to remove them, as they (to some extent) hinder browser performance.

Following our advice, you can easily solve the problem with authorization on any site.

Gmail.com mail login mail

If you have not been registered with Gmail, you can fix it on the website - mail.google.com. On the right side, click on the "Create an account" button.

You can create your own profile in this system in 3 steps.

The first stage involves filling out a questionnaire.

  1. Write your first and last name. Electronic mailbox usually created at long term... Moreover, with the help of it are activated mobile devices operating room Android systems... If you need an additional email address, it is better to use the services of mail.ru.
  2. Choose a username. This stage is not the easiest one, as choosing a name takes a lot of users' time. For example, names such as artem, andrey, etc. already exist in the database. It is good that the system is fully automated, due to which you only need to substitute your version, and she will say whether you can use it or not.
  3. ... Its length must be at least eight characters. Try to make it different from those that you installed on other portals.
  4. Confirm the password. The site needs to make sure that you really remember set password... Important: the password must include Latin characters. Errors often occur due to an incorrectly set keyboard layout, so be careful.
  5. Please enter your date of birth.
  6. Select gender.
  7. You can write your phone number for protection purposes account... If an important confidential message history is stored on it, then you can put two-step authorization by entering an SMS message. Along with this, if you forget your password, you can easily recover it using your mobile phone.
  8. The reliability of the protection system will increase significantly if. Suppose your main mailbox is being hacked into and doing their wicked deeds, and notifications are sent to your secondary email address.
  9. You can check the box under the item "Make Google my home page th "if you want this search engine to be displayed on the home page when you open the browser.
  10. After that, you need to pass a test that distinguishes spam robots from real users. This is an absolutely easy task, and it goes through quickly.
  11. Item "Country": select the place of stay.
  12. Place a check mark in the sign of agreement with the terms of use of this system.
  13. If in the future you intend to actively use Google+, then it will not be superfluous to put a tick under the item “I want to see what they recommend….”. Thanks to this, you can watch what your friends recommend to you.

This is all that is needed for the survey. Click on the "Next" button and proceed to the next stage of registration.

At the second stage, if you wish, you can choose an avatar.

That's all for me!

In order to get into your account and see the list of letters, you need to go to gmail address com and enter your personal username and password... Unlike most mail services, here you need to enter your full address, including @ gmail com... This is because Google provides the ability to create a gmail com email for a domain for free.

Anyone on their domain can use gmail as mail for corporation employees or for your website creating mailboxes for users. In such a situation, the user's domain will follow the dog symbol.

By filling in your username and password, click the "Login" button... These steps open the folder that you set to display by default. By default, the Inbox folder will open.

In addition, you can customize your email collectors, such as Outlook or The bat... Google specialists did their best. IMAP settings take no more than 5 minutes. And most importantly, you do not have to enter your username and password every time. They will be stored in a program designed to enter them for you.

Gmail is a product from worldwide famous company Google. Officially in open access she hit back in 2004, and from that moment on, anyone could create a mail on gmail com.

Few believed that the post would be the way it was presented in the press release. Doubts were fueled by the date of the announcement of the start of the first, after search engine, a large project from Google. The first of April, after all. That the global giant is going to provide a service free mail became known the day before the start. The New York Times wrote about this on 03/31/2004. It said that it would be possible to create mail absolutely free.

Distinctive feature innovative postal service has become mailbox size... 1 gigabyte at that time seemed like a fantastic figure. This was 500 times more than the then rival Hotmail from another American giant Microsoft. This is what associated the news with an April Fool's joke.

However, on April 1st, Google released a press release. But even this did not convince all journalists and users of the veracity of the news. So revolutionary was the news. But everything turned out to be true. Product instantly ousted its competitors(Yahoo mail, Hotmail) from the market. It is not surprising, because almost every active Internet user wanted to create mail on gmail com. With this product, Google has created a trend in the development of the Internet for the coming years.

In addition, everyone who decided to create a mail on gmail was provided with innovative functionsearch by mail... At that time, google was the first to introduce such a function that was already familiar to us. But some ten years ago it was a real breakthrough. Mail gmail com, registration on which remained absolutely free, is dynamically developing to this day.

How to create mail on gmail com?

The process of creating an account on jail simplified as much as possible... The gmail mailbox, which is registered by visiting the gmail com site and clicking the "Create an account" button, is your window into the world around you.

The second option: you can go to the google ru website and select "Mail" at the top of the menu and click on the button " Create an account».

The registration form, which will open, contains only the most necessary questions, which will not be difficult to answer. The corporation's specialists took care of new users and prescribed clear prompts as much as possible. The key thing to fill out is unique login and personal password .

Since the postal service has been around for more than ten years, it will not be so easy to come up with a unique login. In case the desired username is already taken, then the system will offer you derivatives from the desired login which are currently free. You can choose from the proposed options, or come up with a new variation.

Also, when registering, you will need indicate your mobile phone and backup mail ... Do not be afraid to provide this personal information. This is necessary, first of all, for the security of your mailbox. In case you forget your password, you can easily restore it either to your phone or to an alternative mailbox.

In addition, if hackers try to hack into the mailbox, it will be much more difficult for them to do so. However, the phone number can be omitted. Instead, it will be enough point out Secret Question and the answer to it. For safety reasons, choose a question and answer such that only you know them. After filling in all the fields, click the "Next" button in order to create your first google mail.

Basic google mail settings

To customize your inbox, personalize it, and create comfortable conditions for further operation, follow the steps described in the Google Mail Login section.

Here you can create your own address book of contacts for quick writing of letters, set up the language of the mail itself, choose a design theme, set the text style and much, much more.

Of interesting and unique features:

  • Chains- correspondence between the same recipients with the same subject are grouped into the conversation list. This makes it possible not to miss a single letter from the correspondence and always keep abreast of events.
  • Notifications- on top of all windows, translucent notifications will pop up that a new e-mail has arrived. It is very important if you do not want to miss an e-mail and at the same time are doing other work on your PC.
  • Importance markers- the system will display a special icon next to letters, the sender of which marked them as important.
  • Categories- sorting letters by specific categories. This makes it possible to separate the most important letters, mark them according to certain parameters and distribute them into folders.

And, of course, standard, but very useful features that can be found google users mail in your mail settings: answering machine, signature and filters.

Of course, all these additional settings will help you to make the most comfortable use of the mail service from Google.

Separately, it is worth describing the service that is integrated into mail - " Tasks"... This seemingly mundane electronic organizer, not as simple as at first glance. He is able to remind you by e-mail or in the form of an SMS message that after a certain time you have scheduled, for example, a meeting. Having set a task even for a year ahead, be sure that the service will not forget about it. If your plans have changed, you can delete the task. And there will be no trace of her.

By the way, about contacts. They can export and import... This is very convenient if you have several mail accounts and want to use the same contacts for correspondence.

How to send email with gmail?

  1. In order to send an email, you need open site google mail, log into your account and click on the "Write" button.
  2. A window will open in which you must fill in the recipient, subject and text of the letter... You can choose the recipient from your personal address book.
  3. If you have a desire send a document, picture or any other file- click on the paper clip icon.
  4. In the dialog box select a file on your PC that you need to send, or insert the link if the file is already posted on the Internet.
  5. Click the "Open" button... The file download process will begin.
  6. Download speed will vary by size file and speed of Internet access. A filling blue bar will inform you about the progress of the download.

In case you need send a large file- then it does not need to be attached to the letter. Upload it to the Google disk service, and send only the link to it to the addressee. This will greatly speed up both your sending and the process of receiving the letter.

Signing in to your Gmail.com mail is very easy. But before you can log in, you need to have your Google account. In this tutorial, I will show you how to log into mail correctly and simply, and also show you how to set up Gmail, how to add and edit contacts, edit mail settings etc.

If you still don't have google account you need to start it first. To do this, we recommend that you skip to the lesson. After you create an account, come back and read this lesson to the end to learn how to sign in to Gmail and set it up.

Update from 02/14/2016. If you cannot enter your mail, then I wrote about how to solve this problem.

Gmail.com mail - login

Signing in to Gmail is easy. Immediately after creating an account, you will be automatically authorized, that is, you will be logged into it. However, you will always need to log in and out of your account when you are done. Signing out of your account is especially important if you are using a computer common use(for example, in a library or office). This simple action will protect your emails from "prying eyes".

Note: The article was updated on June 13, 2015. There are people who have some difficulty entering their mail. We did not find detailed and accurate information on why they fail. We also tried to log in with different computers with different operating systems- there were no problems, everything was standard. Therefore, we have come to the conclusion that those who fail to enter are doing something wrong. You may be confusing Gmail.ru and Gmail.com services. The first has nothing to do with Google, including Gmail.com, these are two different email services, so don't get confused. Also keep in mind that Gmail.com is a Google product, so it's okay if the Gmail.com page is redirected to google page... We also noticed some small changes, so we updated the article with all the images. Follow the steps below to log into Google mail. It should work out without problems. If not, then write in the comments, but in detail.

To enter the mail:

To log out of mail:

  • In the upper right corner, click on your photo and select Sign out.

Mail settings

There will come a time when you want to customize appearance or the "behavior" of your mail. For example, you can create a signature, change labels, or change a subject. All this can be done in Gmail settings mail.

To go to settings:

  • Here you can select the category you want to change.

Adding contacts

Gmail lets you save contacts to your address book so you don't have to keep in mind addresses Email... Also you can save Additional information about contact: phone numbers, birthdays and addresses.

To add a contact:

  1. From the Gmail drop-down menu, select Contacts.

  • The contact page appears. Click New Contact.

  • Enter the person's name and email address. You can also enter additional information about the contact. All changes will be automatically saved.

To change a contact:

  1. In the left menu bar, click My Contacts.

  • Click on the contact you want to change.
  • Now you can make any changes to the contact information.

By default, when you send an email to a new email address, Gmail adds that address to your contacts. Going to Contacts, you can edit this information.

Importing mail and contacts

You may already have a contact list in another mailbox, and it will take a long time to manually transfer it to a new box. Gmail lets you import contacts from other email accounts, and what's more, you can even import all your emails. You can import mail and contacts from many mail services, such as Yandex, Mail.

To import from another mail:

  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page and select Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Accounts category and click the Check email from other accounts button (using POP3). Following the instructions on the screen, you will be able to import your mail.

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