How to protect your data from prying eyes. How to put a password on a folder using special programs or archivers

In this article, we will figure out how to password protect a folder on a computer running Windows. I must say that this system does not have its own function of setting a password for individual files and folders, but when working with a computer, sometimes it becomes necessary to hide the contents of a certain folder from prying eyes.

This is especially true when several users work on one PC under one (family members, colleagues at work, etc.), when there is a high degree of probability that your information, which is undesirable for outsiders to see, will sooner or later be viewed by them.

Although it is possible to restrict access to information by means of the operating system, for example, by creating accounts with limited privileges, there are often situations when it is only justified to password-protect one or several folders, for example, when transferring a flash drive to other hands, on which, along with publicly available, personal data. Naturally, it is better to hide personal information. The easiest way to do this is using third party software.

How to set a password for a folder or file using the archiver

Let's consider this operation using the example of the free 7-ZIP archiver, which can be downloaded from here. Download and install this program, which is considered one of the most effective means of data with strong encryption. Zip the desired folder or file with the password setting, according to the following instructions:

When you double click on the file, a password entry window will appear, after typing it correctly, the folder will be opened in the archiver window, where you can view the files, change or delete them.

Perhaps, when working with an archive folder for the first time, it will not open by double-clicking on it in the 7Zip program, then set the file association with this program by right-clicking on the file name, select from the menu .

In the window that opens, select 7-Zip File Manager, if it is absent, click on the button Overview and select the executable program file in the explorer. Don't forget to check the checkbox “ Use the selected program for all files of this type"So that in the future the password-protected folder will open immediately by double-clicking.

Important! Create a strong, yet easy-to-remember password. How to do this is described in the article "". If the password is forgotten, then access to the folder will be lost forever!

The considered method is attractive because the user gets two functions in his system for free at once: protection of confidential data from prying eyes and archiving information for backup.

In addition to this method, the folder can be password protected using specialized programs, of which a sufficient number has been developed. Unfortunately, most of them are in English, so it is worth considering one of the few free Russian-language programs of this type - Anvide Seal Folder.

First of all, you need to download the program from the developer's official website and install it. During its installation, it will offer to install additional services of the Yandex search engine, which can be canceled by unchecking the appropriate boxes.

Having launched Anvide Seal Folder, you can add a folder or several folders required for password protection by clicking on the + icon in the program toolbar.

Next, right-click on the folder name in the list added in the program window, call up a menu where you can select “ Close access»And set a password for the selected directory. Thus, you can set different passwords for folders by selecting them in turn.

Alternatively, you can password-protect all directories added to the list with one password by selecting “ Close access to all folders».

Anvide Seal Folder is simple and intuitive for anyone, even a novice computer user. The only requirement is the need to unlock protected folders when updating the program.

Choose any method you like to password-protect the folder, each of them will help you keep your personal information intact.


Almost every PC or laptop user has information on his device that he would like to hide from outside attention - working documents, personal photos and videos, some important files, etc.

There are many ways to achieve privacy, but the easiest way is to set a password for the folder with the content that needs to be hidden.

You will learn how to do this in this article.

Before moving on to a direct examination of specialized programs that allow you to set a password for folders and archives in the Windows environment, first familiarize yourself with the rules for creating effective passwords - those that would be very difficult for attackers to pick up by hand or using automatic software.

If you are at a loss to come up with a strong password yourself, you can use one of the many online generators.

It is enough to enter the phrase “password generator” into Google or Yandex and follow one of the links on the first page.

As a rule, most of these services allow you to set the desired options - the number of characters, the use of uppercase and special characters, numbers, etc.

All that remains is to copy the resulting combination and save it in a safe place (it is best to write it down on paper).

Folder password setters in Windows

Let's move on to examining special software for protecting folders with a password.

The choice of such programs is truly diverse, but it is best to use solutions proven by hundreds of thousands of users, such as those that will be described below.

  1. Password Protect USB

    The program allows you to set a password for a folder on your computer - you only need to launch the application once, select the desired folder and click on the “Lock Folder” button in the main window.

    Then, in the highlighted field, enter the required sequence of letters and numbers.

    So you can protect information on multiple devices at once by writing Password Protect to a USB flash drive and connecting it if necessary.

  2. Folder Protector

    Folder Protector not only allows you to set a password for the selected folder, but also encrypts its contents.

    An outsider, not having access to the program and the master password, will not be able to get into the folder and get acquainted with its contents.

    To set a password, you just need to launch the application, click on the folder image in the main window and select the directory located on the computer or a device connected to it.

    After that, another window will open where you will need to enter a sequence of password characters, confirm it and, if you want, leave yourself a hint “Password Hint”.

    The program works with all more or less current versions of Windows - 2003, XP and higher, it is very easy to use and weighs a little less than a megabyte.

    The only drawback is that you have to pay almost $ 23 for the full version.
  3. Dir lock

    Another handy tool to protect the contents of your folders. A small program, a couple of hundred kilobytes in size, is embedded into the context menu of Windows Explorer when first launched.

    To protect a particular directory, just right-click on it and find the “Lock” button in the drop-down list.

    A window will immediately open where you will need to enter and confirm your password.

    Nearby are the Add and Remove Context Menu buttons - they allow you to unload the program from the context menu and load it back.

    If you no longer need to password protect the folder, you can remove the lock.

    To do this, just run Dir Lock. The main window displays a list of all password-protected folders on the connected device.

    Select the required directory from the list and click on the “Unlock selected directory” button. You will have to enter the password again, after which the protection will be removed.

  4. Anvide Seal Folder

    Are you looking for free password setting software that will not be inferior in functionality to paid solutions?

    Then you should definitely take a closer look at Anvide Seal Folder.

    This free application works very simply - click on the plus sign in the main menu, specify the path to the directory in need of protection, and set a password for it in the window that appears.

    Alternatively, you can simply drag the desired folder (or even several selected folders at once) into the program window by holding down the left mouse button.

    If you are afraid to forget your password, add a secret question / hint to it.

    In addition to being free, Anvide Seal Folder has a number of other advantages - there are several languages, including full Russian localization, the ability to automatically update to the current version, work in the background and several appearance options (skins).

We put the password on the folder using archivers

As practice shows, the average PC user does not have to download additional software to protect confidential information in his system.

Archiving programs, which are used by almost every active user, also have similar functionality.

How to put a password on a network folder in Windows

The procedure for setting passwords on folders that need to be made available to several users on the local network is somewhat more complicated than the manipulations described earlier.

Let's look at the sequence of actions using the example of Windows 7 (there may be differences in other versions, but they will be insignificant):

On a computer to which several people have physical access, confidential or proprietary information of a particular user can be stored in a certain directory. In this case, so that the data located there is not declassified or changed by someone by mistake, it makes sense to think about how to restrict access to this folder to other persons. The easiest way to do this is to set a password. Let's find out in what ways you can put a password on a directory in Windows 7.

You can password-protect a directory in the specified operating system either with the help of special password application software, or using archiving applications. Unfortunately, there are no own funds specially designed for password setting on a directory in Windows 7 OS. But, at the same time, there is an option with which to solve the task, you can do without third-party software. Now let's dwell on all these methods in more detail.

Method 1: Anvide Seal Folder

One of the most convenient programs for setting a password for a directory is Anvide Seal Folder.

  1. Run the downloaded Anvide Seal Folder installation file. First of all, you need to select the installation language. As a rule, the installer selects it in accordance with the settings of the operating system, so here just click "OK".
  2. Then the shell opens Installation Wizards... Click "Further".
  3. A shell is launched where you need to confirm your agreement with the current developer license agreement. Put the radio button in position "I accept the terms of the agreement"... Click "Further".
  4. In the new window, you need to select the installation directory. We recommend not to change this parameter, that is, to install it into the standard program storage folder. Click "Further".
  5. In the next window, you can configure the creation of an icon for "Desktop"... If you want to observe her in this area, then just click "Further"... If you do not need this shortcut, then first uncheck the item "Create an icon on the desktop", and only then click on the indicated button.
  6. The application installation procedure is performed, which will take you very little time.
  7. In the last window, if you want to activate the application immediately, leave a check mark next to the item "Launch Anvide Seal Folder"... If you want to launch later, uncheck this box. Click "To complete".
  8. Sometimes launch in the above way through Installation Wizard fails and an error appears. This is due to the fact that the executable file must be run with administrative rights. This can be done by simply clicking on its shortcut on "Desktop".
  9. A window for selecting the language of the program interface opens. Click on the flag of the country from the presented options, the language of which you want to use when working with the application, and then click on the green checkmark below.
  10. A window of the license agreement for using the program opens. It will be in the previously selected language. Read it and if you agree, click "Accept".
  11. After that, the functional interface of the Anvide Seal Folder application will be launched directly. First of all, you need to set a password to enter the application. This must be done so that an unauthorized user cannot enter the program and remove protection. So, click on the icon "Password to enter the program"... It is located on the far left of the toolbar and looks like a lock.
  12. A small window opens, in the only field of which you need to enter the desired password and click "OK"... After that, to start Anvide Lock Folder, you will constantly be required to enter this key.
  13. Returning to the main application window, to add a directory that should be password protected, click on the icon in the form of a sign «+» entitled "Add folder" on the toolbar.
  14. The directory selection window opens. Going through it, select the directory for which you want to set a password. After that, click on the green checkmark at the bottom of the window.
  15. The address of the selected folder will be displayed in the main Anvide Lock Folder window. To set a password on it, select this item and click on the icon "Close access"... It looks like a closed padlock icon on the toolbar.
  16. A window opens, where in two fields you need to enter the password that you are going to impose on the selected directory twice. After performing this operation, click "Close access".
  17. Next, a dialog box will open asking whether to set a password hint. Setting a reminder will allow you to remember the code word if you suddenly forget it. If you want to enter a hint, click "Yes".
  18. In the new window, enter a hint and click "OK".
  19. After that, the selected folder will be password protected, as evidenced by the presence of a closed lock icon to the left of its address in the Anvide Lock Folder interface.
  20. In order to enter the directory, you need to select the name of the directory in the program again and click on the button "To open access" as an open lock on the toolbar. After that, a window will open in which you must enter the previously set password.

Method 2: WinRAR

Another option to password-protect the contents of a folder is to archive it and apply a password to the archive. This can be done using an archiver.

  1. Start WinRAR. Using the built-in file manager, go to the directory where the folder you are going to password protect. Select this object. Click on the button Add on the toolbar.
  2. A window for creating an archive opens. Click on the button in it "Set password…".
  3. A password entry shell opens. In the two fields of this window, you need to alternately enter the same key expression, with which you will open the folder placed in the password-protected archive. If you want to further protect the directory, then check the box next to the parameter "Encrypt file names"... Click "OK".
  4. Back in the backup settings window, click "OK".
  5. After the archiving is completed, as a result of which a file with the RAR extension has been generated, you need to delete the original folder. Select the specified directory and click on the button "Delete" on the toolbar.
  6. A dialog box opens in which you must confirm your intention to delete the folder by clicking the button "Yes"... The directory will be moved to "Basket"... To ensure complete confidentiality, be sure to clean it.
  7. Now, in order to open the password-protected archive containing the data folder, you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button ( Paintwork). The password entry form will open, where you should enter the key expression and click the button "OK".

Method 3: Create a BAT file

You can also password-protect a folder in Windows 7 without using any third-party programs. This task can be accomplished by creating a file with the BAT extension in the standard Notepad of the specified operating system.

  1. First of all, you need to launch Notepad. Click the button "Start"... Next choose "All programs".
  2. Move to folder "Standard".
  3. A list of various programs and utilities opens. Select name "Notebook".
  4. Notepad is running. Paste the following code into the window of this application:

    title Secret folder
    if EXIST "Secret" goto DOSTUP
    if NOT EXIST Papka goto RASBLOK
    ren Papka "Secret"
    attrib + h + s "Secret"
    echo Folder locked
    goto end
    : DOSTUP
    echo Vvedite cod, chtoby otcryt catalog
    set / p "pass \u003d\u003e"
    if NOT% pass% \u003d\u003d secretnyj-cod goto PAROL
    attrib -h -s "Secret"
    ren "Secret" Papka
    echo Catalog uspeshno otkryt
    goto end
    : PAROL
    echo Nevernyj cod
    goto end
    md Papka
    echo Catalog uspeshno sozdan
    goto end
    : End

    Instead of expression "Secretnyj-cod" enter the code expression you are going to install on the secret folder. It is important not to use spaces when entering it.

  5. Then click on the item in Notepad "File" and press "Save as…".
  6. The save window opens. Go to the directory where you intend to create a password-protected folder. In field "File type" instead of option "Text files" select "All files"... In field "Encoding" select from the dropdown list "ANSI"... In field "File name" enter any name. The main condition is for it to end on the next extension - ".Bat"... Click "Save".
  7. Now using "Explorer" move to the directory where you placed the file with the BAT extension. Click on it Paintwork.
  8. In the same directory where the file is located, a directory is formed called "Papka"... Click on the BAT object again.
  9. After that, the name of the previously created folder changes to the name "Secret" and it disappears automatically after a few seconds. Click again on the file.
  10. A console opens where you can see the entry: "Vvedite cod, chtoby otcryt catalog"... Here you need to enter the code word that you previously recorded in the BAT file. Then click Enter.
  11. If you enter the wrong password, the console will close and you will need to click on the BAT file again to restart it. If the code was entered correctly, the folder will be displayed again.
  12. Now copy into this directory the content or information that you want to password protect, of course, afterwards deleting it from its original location. Then hide the folder by pressing the BAT file again. How to display the directory again in order to access the information stored there has already been described above.

As you can see, there is a fairly wide range of options to password-protect a folder in Windows 7. To do this, you can use a number of programs specially designed for these purposes, use archivers that support data encryption, or create a BAT file with the appropriate code.

The question of how to put a password on a folder in Windows arises at a time when information does not appear for everyone on your computer. It doesn't matter what it will be - secret documents that should be hidden from competitors and employees or materials that should not be shown to children - the methods of concealment are the same.

In this article, I will consider six ways to lock directories, one of which is based on the capabilities of the operating system, which not everyone knows about, the rest work using programs:

How to set a password using Windows

There is a widespread opinion on the Internet that it is impossible to set a password for a directory without programs using the standard features of the operating system - this is a delusion caused by the fact that the computer literacy of users and many "grief bloggers" is at a low level.

In terms of security, each new version of Windows is better than the previous one, you need to learn how to use these features.

Folder password protection is based on user accounts. In order to close the directory with a secret key, do the following:

  1. Create separate accounts for yourself and for other users. By default, only your administrator account, created during the installation of the operating system, is valid.
  2. Put a password on your account.
  3. Specify which documents and directories are public and which are available only to certain users. To access such objects, everyone except you will need a password.

As a result, in order to gain access to your personal data, you will need access to an administrator account. The rest of the information on the computer (general) will be available to everyone.

Now let's look at how to install and configure all this in detail.

Create a shared account

  1. We go to "Start" -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e

  1. We select the item "Create an account". There, come up with a name, if there are any specific users, you can make them by names (wife / husband, children), or something general, such as "Regular user".

From now on, you will have an administrator - that's you, and everyone else - are other accounts.

We put the access code on the account

To begin with, select ourselves in the list of users. After you have created an additional account, you will have several users (at least 2). If you forgot how to get to this choice, then again "Start" -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e "Add and remove user accounts"

Then click on the link "Create a password" and set it. There will be an opportunity to add a hint, if your password is difficult, then I recommend doing it so as not to forget and not block access to your own computer.

From this moment, the administrator's functions will be available only to you, all others will be deprived of them, but they can use the machine, including all its folders and files, except for those that we will prohibit further.

Close the folder with a password

User accounts belong to different groups, you are the administrator, the rest are users. In order to put limited access to certain folders, it is enough to remove the permission to read these folders for all users and leave it to the administrator (you).

This is done as follows:

  1. Click the edits with the mouse button on the desired folder and select "Properties";
  2. Open the "Security" tab (the rights of all groups and users in relation to this folder are registered in this tab);
  3. Press the "Change" button under the group list;
  4. Selecting groups and users in turn (usually, these are the "Users" and "Verified users" groups), put a check mark with a ban opposite to change, read, read and execute, the list of folder contents (total).

Applying the changes made will automatically deny access to this folder from all outsiders. To access, they will need a password from the account that is allowed access.

Closing an archive with a folder with a password

The second way to put a password on a folder is based on packing the desired directory into an archive using a special archiver program and setting an access code to the archive. It is not entirely correct to call this method setting a password for a folder, since it ceases to be a folder, turning into a RAR or ZIP file.

But, nevertheless, for the convenience of using this method of protection, the method is at its best, since the WinRAR program, which is necessary for working with archives, allows you to work with files and folders inside the archive directly, without decompressing them. That is, you added data to a password-protected archive. In the future, you get access to them only when you enter the key. And all changes inside the archive are automatically added inside by the archiver itself.

I described in detail how to use WinRAR and how to archive a file in. There the instructions are very detailed, there is even a video lesson, but here I will duplicate everything briefly:

  1. Install the WinRAR archiver
  2. Select the folder where you want to put the password and right-click
  3. In the context menu, select the item "Add to archive"
  4. In the archive settings window, click the "Set password" button
  5. Enter your password
  6. Create an archive by clicking "OK"

I will add only one nuance - if the folder is large and there is no purpose to compress it, but you just need to password-protect it, then, when setting up the archive, set the parameter "no compression" - this will significantly save time.

Programs for setting a password for a folder

The disadvantage of this method is that it requires the installation of additional special software (third-party programs), which is no longer used for any purpose. In general, I recommend using special utilities only when absolutely necessary, when other methods are not available.

DirLock Password Installer

There is no need to study the multi-page instructions in order to use the DirLock utility, as it is intuitive even for an inexperienced beginner. It will take 10 seconds to set access restriction using it.

Download the program here, you need to install it on your computer.

After installing and configuring the program, the "Lock / UnLock" item will appear in the context menu that appears when you right-click on the folder - this is the option to set a password.

If you do not have such an item automatically, then run the utility and select "File" from the menu, in it "Options". A window will open where such a menu is added by the Add ‘Lock / Unlock’ context menu button.

After that, you can put a password on any folder and when you try to open it, a message will appear stating that access is denied.

It will be possible to reopen the folder only when the ban is removed through the same context menu “Lock / UnLock”.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to get permanent access to the locked folder in this way, and the password will have to be set and removed each time.

Locking folders with Anvide Lock Folder

Another program designed to password-protect folders on your computer. In handling, it is not more difficult than the previous one, simply, with a slightly different approach.

Download the program Anvide Lock Folder here and install it.

In this utility, folders are closed through the interface of the program itself.

  1. Run the program,
  2. Find the desired folder through the built-in explorer (+ button),
  3. Press the closed lock in the panel,
  4. Enter the password twice and press the "Close access" button,
  5. You can enter a password hint (if you wish),
  6. The folder will become invisible.

How to remove a password

  1. Launch Anvide Lock Folder,
  2. Select a password-protected folder from the list,
  3. Click the open lock icon,
  4. Enter the password and click "Open Access".

As in the previous utility, you will have to install and remove the code every time to work with the content.

Set the password with the Lim LockFolder

This utility repeats the previous version 100%. All buttons and algorithms are the same, only the appearance of the buttons (design) is different. It will not be difficult to understand it.

Download Lim LockFolder here and run the installation.

Launch the program, select the desired folders through the explorer, set passwords, then remove through the open lock button - everything is like in Anvide Lock Folder.

Password Protect program

The last option discussed in this article is Password Protect. It differs from the previous utilities in that it does not require installation on a computer.

The second plus is that it is in Russian.

You can download the program here.

To put a password on a folder:

  1. Opening Password Protect
  2. Click the "Lock folders" button
  3. Select the desired element in the explorer and click "OK"
  4. We write the access code twice and, if necessary, a hint
  5. We see a message about successful closing - the folder becomes invisible.

To work with the contents of this directory, the password will need to be removed through the launch of the utility and the "Unlock folders" button.

Similar to all previous options, you will have to remove and set passwords all the time - this is the main drawback of all programs, which is why I advise you to use the standard Windows capabilities.


We have considered six possible options for password-protecting directories on a computer today. Each of them has its own pros and cons, so everyone must decide for himself what to give preference to - is it worth trusting third-party software or using the capabilities provided by the Windows operating system?

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Windows has no built-in functionality for this task. But you can use free third-party software. Let's take 7-Zip archiver and Anvide Seal Folder utility as an example.

With 7-Zip

7-Zip archives the folder, encrypts its contents and locks access to it with a password. You are most likely already using this program. If not, download 7-Zip from the official site. If you prefer another archiver, then, most likely, you can use it to put a password on the folder in the same way.

After installing the archiver, right-click on the desired folder and select 7-Zip → "Add to archive".

In the window that appears, under the "Encryption" item, enter the password and repeat the combination. Check the box "Encrypt file names" and click OK.

After that, the program will create a copy of the folder in the form of an encrypted archive, the contents of which can be viewed only after entering the password. Delete the original unprotected folder.

In the same way, 7-Zip allows you to password protect any selected file.

With Anvide Seal Folder

If you don't want to mess with the archive, you can set a password directly to the folder itself using the Anvide Seal Folder program. This utility encrypts the contents of selected folders and hides them from prying eyes. Containers protected in this way can only be opened through the Anvide Seal Folder interface after entering the password.

The program is very easy to use. By clicking on the plus, you can select the path to the desired folder or to several containers one by one. After that, the list of added folders will appear in the main menu of Anvide Seal Folder. To put a password on one or more of them, just select them, click on the lock and follow the utility prompts. You can also set a password to log into Anvide Seal Folder.

In macOS, you can do without third-party software. The system allows you to create a so-called folder image, which is an encrypted copy of it. All files that are stored inside this image are password protected.

To create such an image, open "Disk Utility" ("Programs" → "Utilities" → "Disk Utility").

Click "File" → "New Image" → "Image from Folder" and specify the path to the folder you want to protect.

Enter the name of the image and specify the location on the computer where you will store it, as well as the password to access its contents. Select 128 or 256 bit for encryption, and read / write for Image Format. Then save the changes.

Open the created image, enter the password and make sure all files are in place.

Delete the original folder. You can now use a secure image instead.

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