Tracking user activity on the computer - the best spyware. Download spyware Remote spyware on your computer

Spyware is a type of malicious software (software) that performs certain actions without the user's knowledge, such as displaying advertisements, collecting confidential information, or modifying device settings. If your internet connection slows down, your browser becomes slow, or some other unusual phenomenon occurs, your computer may be infected with spyware.


Detect and remove spyware on your Android device

    Remember the signs of spyware. If your internet connection drops frequently or if you receive strange text messages, including messages from strangers, on your smartphone, the device is most likely infected with spyware.

    • Spyware often generates messages with a random set of characters or with a request to enter a specific code.
  1. Check how apps are using internet traffic. Open the Settings app and click Traffic Control. Scroll down the screen and see what traffic is being consumed by a particular application. As a rule, spyware consumes a lot of traffic.

    Back up your data. Connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable, and then drag important files (such as photos or contacts) to your hard drive.

    • Since the mobile device and the computer are running different operating systems, the computer will not be infected.
  2. Open the Settings app and tap on Backup & Reset. A screen will open with several options, including the option to reset the device to factory settings.

    Click "Reset to Factory Settings". It's near the bottom of the Backup & Reset screen.

    Click "Factory data reset". The smartphone will automatically restart and user data and applications, including spyware, will be removed.

    • Please note that resetting to factory settings will erase all user data. Therefore, be sure to back up important information.

    Using HijackThis (Windows)

    1. Download and install. This is a utility that is designed to detect spyware. Double click on the installer to run it. Once you've installed this utility, run it.

      • Similar software is Adaware or MalwareBytes.
    2. Click Config. This button is located in the lower right corner of the screen under the Other Stuff section. The program settings will open.

      • In the settings, you can enable or disable certain features, such as file backups. It is recommended that you create a backup if you are working with important files or software. The backup is small; moreover, it can be deleted later (from the folder in which the backups are stored).
      • Note that the "Make backups before fixing items" feature is enabled by default.
    3. Click "Back" to return to the main menu. This button replaces the Config button when the settings window is open.

      Click Scan. This button is located in the lower left corner of the screen, which will display a list of potentially dangerous files. It is important to note that HijackThis will quickly scan the most vulnerable nodes of the system, so not all files in the list will be malicious.

      Check the box next to the suspicious file and click "Info on selected item". A window will open with detailed information about the file and the reason why it was included in the specified list. After checking the file, close the window.

      • The detailed information on the screen displays the location of the file, its possible use and the action that is recommended to be applied to the file.
    4. Click "Fix checked". This button is located in the lower left corner of the screen; HijackThis will either restore or delete the selected file (depending on the selected action).

      • You can select multiple files at once; to do this, check the box next to each of them.
      • Before taking any action, HijackThis will (by default) create a backup copy of the data so that the user can undo the changes made.
    5. Restore data from backup. To undo any changes made by HijackThis, click Config in the lower right corner of the screen and then click Backup. Select the backup file from the list (its name includes the date and time it was created) and then click “Restore”.

      • Backups will be kept until you delete them. That is, you can close HijackThis and restore the data later.

    Using Netstat (Windows)

    1. Open a command prompt window. Netstat is a built-in Windows utility that detects spyware and other malicious files. Click on ⊞ Win+ R to open the Run window and then type cmd... The command line provides interaction with the operating system through text commands.

      • Use this method if you don't want to install additional software or want more control over the malware removal process.
    2. Enter the command netstat -b and press ↵ Enter . A list of processes that have access to the Internet (may open ports or use an Internet connection) will be displayed.

      • In this command, the operator -b means "binary code". That is, the screen will display the active "binaries" (executable files) and their connections.
    3. Click on Ctrl + Alt + Delete . The Windows Task Manager will open, listing all active processes. Scroll down the list and find the malicious process that you detected using the command line.

      Right-click on the process name and select "Open file storage location" from the menu. A folder with a malicious file will open.

      Right-click on the file and select "Delete" from the menu. The malicious file will be sent to the Trash, which prevents processes from starting.

      • If a window opens with a warning that the file cannot be deleted because it is in use, return to the Task Manager window, highlight the process and click End Process. The process will be completed and you can delete the corresponding file.
      • If you deleted the wrong file, double-click the Trash to open it, and then drag the file from the Trash to restore it.
    4. Right click on the Trash and select Empty from the menu. This will permanently delete the file.

    Using Terminal (Mac OS X)

      Open a terminal. In the terminal, you can run a utility that detects spyware (if, of course, there is one). Click "Applications" - "Utilities" and double click on "Terminal". The terminal provides interaction with the operating system through text commands.

      • The terminal icon can be found in Launchpad.
    1. Enter the command sudo lsof -i | grep LISTEN and press ⏎ Return . A list of active processes and information about their activity on the network will be displayed.

      • Command sudo grants root access to the subsequent command, that is, allows you to view system files.
      • lsof is short for list of open files. That is, this command allows you to view running processes.
      • Operator -i indicates that the list of active processes should be accompanied by information about their network activity, because spyware connects to the Internet to communicate with external sources.
      • grep LISTEN- this command selects processes that open certain ports (this is how spyware works).
    2. Enter your admin password and click ⏎ Return . This is required by the command sudo... Keep in mind that while entering the password, it is not displayed in the terminal.

    3. Find out which processes are malicious. If you don't know the name of the process, or if it opens a port, it is most likely malware. If you are unsure of a particular process or port, search for the process name on the Internet. Most likely, other users have already encountered unusual processes and left feedback about their nature (malicious or harmless). If you are sure that a process is malicious, delete the file that starts the process.

      • If you still have not figured out the nature of the process, it is better not to delete the corresponding file, because this may lead to the crash of some program.
      • rm Is an abbreviation for “remove”.
      • Make sure you want to delete this particular file. Remember that the file will be deleted permanently. Therefore, we recommend that you create a backup beforehand. Open the Apple menu and click System Preferences> Time Machine> Backup.
    • If HijackThis produces too many suspicious files, click Save Log to create a text file with the results and post them to this forum. Perhaps other users can recommend what to do with this or that file.
    • Ports 80 and 443 are used by many reliable network access programs. Of course, spyware can use these ports, but this is unlikely, meaning the spyware will open other ports.
    • When you find and remove spyware, change the passwords for each account you log into from your computer. Better to be safe than sorry.
    • Some mobile apps that supposedly detect and remove spyware on Android devices are in fact unreliable or even fraudulent. The best way to clear your smartphone of spyware is to return to factory settings.
    • Factory reset is also an effective way to remove spyware from iPhone, but if you don't have root access to system files, chances are the spyware won't be able to infiltrate iOS.


    • Be careful when deleting unfamiliar files. Deleting a file from the System folder (in Windows) can damage the operating system and then reinstall Windows.
    • Likewise, be careful when deleting files using the terminal in Mac OS X. If you think you have found a malicious process, first read the information about it on the Internet.

Even beginners who are just beginning to master the basics of computer literacy are probably familiar with the concept of a computer virus.

Spyware - malicious spyware for your computer - is NOT a common virus, it is a separate type of illegal interference with the user's computer system.

And most antivirus products contain separate software sections for working with Spyware.

What is the difference between spyware Spyware and common computer viruses - for example, from Trojans or network worms?

A computer virus typically damages the operating system, software, and user data. This, by and large, is what makes Spyware different.

Unlike viruses, spyware does not harm your computer - neither the system, nor programs, nor user files. However, a user, if a spyware is installed on his computer, is unlikely to be able to count on the full performance of his machine - Spyware uses a certain amount, and this can often cause the computer to freeze and slow down.

But this is the technical side of Spyware, what is the essence of spyware?

Computer spyware - what is it?

The task of spyware, as you can see from the name itself, is to periodically collect information about users:

  • this and the contents of the hard disk,
  • and a list of visited internet sites,
  • and email contacts,
  • and other personal information that can be used for some kind of mercantile purposes, unfortunately, often to the detriment of the owner of such information.

All information collected by spyware is sent to those who create it - the Spyware developers. This can be their email address, an Internet server, or any other space on the Internet where information collected by spyware will be stored, waiting for its owner.

In most cases, users are unaware that they are being monitored - spyware tends to run unnoticed because its developers have an interest in getting the information they need over time.

The question arises - why do spyware developers need such information? Information is used for various purposes - it can be a harmless collection of information for statistics on website traffic, but it can also be a collection of data for the purpose of stealing money from credit cards and electronic wallets.

How can spyware get into your computer?

Most often this happens during the installation of third-party applications on the system.

For example, you find a free program on the Internet, and it is installed by default only with the built-in spyware. Moreover, if your antivirus module detects and removes the spyware, the main program will not start.

When installing third-party applications, you need maximum attention, often spyware penetrates the computer after clicking "OK" at the request in the window of the installation wizard.

Another way for such programs to enter the system is directly from the Internet.

The operating system is protected from them by a firewall - a buffer in which attempts to infiltrate spyware are blocked. The firewall is built into Windows, it is activated when there is no antivirus on the computer. Antivirus packages, among other utilities, usually have their own firewall.

Let's take a look at the most common types of spyware below.

Types of spyware

1. Key loggers

Key loggers are perhaps the most dangerous spyware programs used by cybercriminals to obtain pin codes, passwords, logins and other confidential data necessary to access credit cards, electronic (including bank) accounts, and other user accounts. Internet accounts.

Key loggers can also target other classified information, user correspondence - everything that fraudsters can use for their own selfish purposes.

Key loggers are so-called keyloggers; they collect and send information to their developer about all keystrokes on a specific computer. Key-loggers are either prescribed by the program (these are software key-loggers), or connected to the computer as an additional hardware device (hardware key-loggers).

Discover hardware key logger, which is usually smaller than a matchbox, is not difficult. This can be done using an external examination of the computer: are there any suspicious devices connected to the various outputs of the system unit?

The presence of a hardware key logger can be seen from the analysis of data from the Windows Device Manager. There are also special programs that diagnose all computer hardware - for example, SiSoftware Sandra or AIDA64.

Detect and neutralize software key logger using the launch of special programs such as Anti-Spyware. Typically, they are included in the antivirus packages as separate utilities. But Anti-Spyware can also be installed and run separately - for example, Anti-keylogger.

100% protection against key loggers hardly exists. Nevertheless, I would still recommend using it as a habit when entering passwords, for example, to access.

2. Hard disk scanners

Hard disk scanners are spy programs designed to examine the contents of hard drives on a user's computer.

What are hard drive scanners interested in? What files are stored in folders, what programs are installed - any user information that might be useful to a spyware developer.

The scanners of the hard disk send the obtained information to their owner, and for sure, he will be delighted if the results of his work are crowned with success - for example, a couple of TXT files with inspiring names like "My passwords".

3. Screen spies

Screen spies are programs that collect information about what a user is doing on a computer. At specified intervals, such screen spies take screenshots, then send them to their destination - either to the developer or directly to the customer.

The development and implementation of screen spies, in most cases, is ordered by corporations - for example, management in this way can exercise control of office employees, periodically reviewing what the staff is doing during working hours.

4. Proxy spyware

"Proxy spyware" - such spyware, penetrating into user computers, turns them into proxy servers. Attackers can hide behind the victim's computer for illegal actions. As a result, the latter will have to bear responsibility for the deed - the owner of the computer on which the spyware is installed.

A typical example of the work of such "proxy spyware" is sending spam from the victim's computer. Of course, no one will bring him to criminal responsibility, but problems with the provider are guaranteed.

5. Mail spies

Mail Spyware - These spy programs collect information about a user's email contacts.

Information is typically collected in address books, email clients, organizers, and similar software environments. Then all this data is sent to the spyware developer, and he uses it all to send spam.

Another function that spyware can provide is to replace the content of emails.

Mail spies insert ad blocks, links and other material intended to achieve the goals of the developer into the letters of victim users.

Can spyware be protected?

As the saying goes, if there is poison, then there is an antidote. As mentioned above, to counter spyware on the software market, special security programs such as Anti-Spyware are provided. Their main task is to recognize spyware and block their work.

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Grigor created this theme: Android Tracker, Top 10 Spyware for Android

Let's start with the Talklog app. The program has the following features:
call log. You will receive a complete report on all calls to your e-mail;
audio recording of telephone conversations. Each conversation can be recorded and then stored on the server;
receive SMS messages. You can intercept all messages from your phone;
location of the phone;
web browser. You can receive history from an internet browser;
applications. Talklog can also keep track of and monitor applications on the phone;
audio control. The program allows you to turn on the microphone on your phone.

Talklog is a spy program that, once connected to the service, offers the user a number of special features. You should start with the fact that Talklog saves all information about incoming and outgoing calls in your personal account. The same goes for sms and mms messages. They can be read and listened to, even if they were immediately deleted. The application allows you to record telephone conversations, and all records are stored on the server. The audio monitoring function records all the sounds that surround the device, regardless of whether it is currently being used or not. Talklog application is also a program for tracking the phone by subscriber number, GPS-module or data received from Wi-fi points. Thus, the user can have access to the speed of movement of the device, its location in height, as well as coordinates on the map. There are also a couple more useful features. The first allows you to view the browser history, and the second - to record the moment when the device was turned on and off and the time it went into safe mode.

The MobileTool program allows you to organize remote access from a computer or tablet to the phone on which it is installed.
After registering and installing the program on the phone

You will get access to calls, SMS, MMS, GPS, Skype correspondence, Viber, Whatsapp, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, etc. directly from our website.

Cell Phone Spy PRO
The Cell Phone Spy PRO + program is mainly aimed at catching a loved one in adultery. Works in much the same way as all other spyware programs.

But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of this program may be at risk, because during its launch it requires entering a password and thus it can be easily removed from a mobile phone. Despite this, Cell Phone Spy PRO + will detect the location of the phone, its calls and messages.

TrackView spy program is able to track the location of a mobile phone, view messages and listen to calls, listen to ambient sound, and watch a picture from a camera.

This program is perfect for spying on a child's phone. The only drawback is that the application's functionality is small, so if you need a program with wide functionality, then it's best for you to install another mobile spy.

spy for Android FlexiSpy
Stands out among the first three described programs for tracking your phone FlexiSpy. This application has many more features than the first three. All data will go to your personal account on the website.

Apart from all the known capabilities of any mobile spy, FlexiSpy can also crack screen lock passwords, e-mail and application passwords. In addition, you will receive notifications when the owner of the phone has visited restricted places. But it is worth noting that none of the above mobile spy guarantees the safety of information from third parties.

VkurSe service
The VkurSe service not only guarantees the safety of all transmitted data from third parties, but also has a huge list of features. Such as:
interception of messages from popular instant messengers (WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Odnoklassniki, etc.);
also interception of SMS;
call recording;
recording the environment over time;
Taking screenshots of the screen in time;
phone control using special commands;
and many other useful features.
Just look at the entire list of program features. Not a single "program" for spying on the phone has such a wide functionality. That is why the majority of users choose VkurSe mobile spy. The program was created not only for tracking and finding the location of the phone, but first of all, it is one of the methods of parental control, as well as protecting the phone from theft, increasing the productivity of employees, finding a device if it is lost, and much more. See for yourself by downloading the VkurSe phone tracking application.

Lockout Security & Antivirus (Android / IOS)
Lockout has been developing protection tools for mobile devices against malware and theft for several years. The company's specialists are constantly reworking existing approaches to make them more effective. This phone tracking software is a whole system that protects the device. After the simplest registration, several functions will be available to the user.

You can, for example, track the location of a device, trigger a loud alert, restore and delete data remotely, and block a device from a distance. All these actions are performed on the website. In this case, even if the phone is turned off, or the program is deleted, its location will be sent at the time of the last activity. As an antivirus, this application, like many other programs for tracking the location of the phone, searches for and removes viruses, blocks malicious sites and prohibits the download of unknown files.

Android Lost Free
Also noteworthy is this completely free phone tracking program. To work with it, registration is also required, after which the google-key of the device is sent to the server. It offers a lot of functions, but let's take a look at the most interesting ones.

First, the program can turn on the screen and the siren sound at the highest volume. And it will yell even if the phone is in silent mode. You can also set the vibration activation time. Secondly, the application sends the coordinates of the device, linking them to Google Maps. If the GPS module does not work or is turned off, the coordinates will be calculated through the cellular operator. This means that Android Lost Free is a program for tracking your phone by number. Although even a switched off GPS sensor can be turned on by going to a special section on the website. In addition, the program allows you to view up to 50 recent messages. It can even hide itself in the list of installed applications, which is a strong advantage. You can lock the device by setting a pin code, delete data from a memory card, reset smartphone settings, and much more.

FlexiSPY (Android / IOS)
And this is another phone tracking program, which is designed to not only track mobile devices, but also wiretap and video surveillance. After installing it, interception of messages immediately begins, analysis of the operation of applications, and the location is determined.

All this is sent to your personal account for further research. The program has a number of remote functions, such as turning on the microphone, starting the camera, sending messages, etc. You can even listen to telephone conversations that are intercepted in real time. FlexiSPY phone tracking software can intercept the chat of almost any messenger (Viber, Skype, Whatsapp, etc.). Allows you to access the history of calls and sms messages, bookmarks, calendar, notes and address book. True, it is paid, at least for Apple devices.

Where's My Droid
And finally, one more program for tracking the phone ("Android"). In case of loss of the device, it allows you to send an SMS message to it, which will turn on the signal.

Another message can be used to get the coordinates of the device. By the way, you can also manage your lost smartphone through the web interface. Thus, you can expand the functionality of the application. For example, to avoid unauthorized changes, a password lock is provided. And when changing a SIM card, the user will definitely receive a notification. This program can provide even more opportunities for tracking your phone if you install the Pro version. Then you can take photos with the camera, lock the phone, delete any applications and data so that they do not fall into the hands of intruders.

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1 year 10 months back by Grigor

Grigor replied in the topic Android tracking software, Top 10 spyware for Android

Spy software for Android for tracking callers or listening to conversations - how to find and install

Applications and special programs on smartphones are increasingly used by us in our everyday life. We get used to making purchases with their help, conducting financial transactions, communicating with friends around the world. If it becomes necessary to additionally monitor your child's social circle, to listen to the conversations of company employees or family members, you will need a spy program for android or ios, which is easy to download and install on a smartphone. It will be useful for monitoring children, the elderly, domestic staff or employees.
What is spyware

To use the phone control service, personal registration is required on the program developer's website. When registering, you must remember your login, password to enter the service, confirm your phone number or email address. Spy programs differ from each other in their control functions, in the types of presentation of information "taken" from the controlled apparatus to you. It can be a screen screen, a table of calls, SMS, call records. The program for spying on the Android phone must be downloaded, installed, activated on the smartphone secretly from the user.
Types of spyware

Remote control programs for smartphones are divided into the following types:

Tracking user activity in messengers WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook, VK;
remote control of a video camera or microphone on the device for real-time monitoring;
control of your own and other people's SMS, voice messages;
wiretapping of calls;
determination of the location of the controlled apparatus.


Spy functions

By exercising control over the smartphone, the spy program for Android implements the functions of tracking and logging all the actions of the object. After collecting information, depending on the type of functions you have selected, the utility will provide an opportunity to receive data on your smartphone or computer via the Internet:

Log of incoming, missed, outgoing calls of subscribers with their names, the duration of the conversation;
audio recordings of telephone conversations;
list and texts of all sms, mms messages with the time they were received or sent;
photo and video information taken by the spy camera of the controlled apparatus;
the current location of the subscriber with online tracking of movements using geolocation at the base stations of the GSM operator or GPS navigation;
the history of visits to the pages of the smartphone browser;
accounting of downloaded, installed, used applications;
surround sound control with remote microphone control.

Spyware for Android

Among the assortment of spyware on offer, there are free utilities that are ineffective when analyzed and tested. To obtain high-quality information, it is necessary to spend funds for collecting and storing photo, video, audio information. After registering on the developer's website, the client receives a personal account indicating the connected control functions, collected information.

A paid program for wiretapping a mobile phone for Android is developed taking into account the need to satisfy the most fastidious customers in several ways:

Easy to install;
invisibility of being on a controlled smartphone;
convenience for the customer to receive and store the collected information.

One of the simplest spyware programs for your computer or smartphone is Neospy. NeoSpy Mobile for Android platform is a legal application that can be downloaded from Google Play. When downloading a new version of NeoSpy Mobile v1.9 PRO with installation, downloading the apk archive, settings are possible, when the program will not be displayed in the list of Google Play applications, it will be able to monitor the smartphone's keyboard, and intercept photos from the camera. The cost of using the program depends on the selected functions and ranges from 20 to 50 rubles per day.

Spyware Neospy

More serious is the spy on Android phone Talklog. Before installing it on your smartphone, you will need to disable the anti-virus software. You will need to allow the installation of applications from other sources in your phone's security settings. The Talklog service is a full-fledged spy capable of obtaining almost all information about the activity of a monitored object. The utility has a free trial mode with its capabilities and several basic free functions. The cost will be from 10 to 50 rubles per day, depending on the functionality you need.

Talklog spyware interface


The Flexispy spy program for Android includes a huge number of ways to access your smartphone - intercepting SMS, MMS messages, wiretapping your phone, recording phone conversations, reading dialogs from 14 internal chats (Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, WeChat, Telegram, etc.) , call interception in real time, listening to the environment of the phone through the microphone, more than 140 functions. The cost of using the utility is appropriate - the minimum Premium package will cost you 6,000 rubles for 3 months, the maximum Extreme - up to 12,000 rubles for 3 months of use.

Flexispy Spyware

Mobile Tool

The MobileTool spy application for the Android operating system will provide you with information about calls, SMS, MMS, phone location, phone book. It is able to remove its shortcut from the list of applications. You will have access to functions - viewing photos, protecting against theft by blocking the device, turning on the siren. All information will be available in your account on the application website. There is a two-day trial mode for checking the functionality, discounts depend on the period of use. The average payment for using the utility will be about 30 rubles per day.

MobileTool spy app

Mobile Monitoring

Mobile spy for Android Mobile Monitoring (mobile monitoring) after registering on the site, choosing a tariff plan and payment will make available the saving of telephone conversations, the function of a voice recorder, saving all SMS messages, geolocation of the location of the phone, building routes of movement. The program works on smartphones of any mobile operators in Russia. The cost when choosing only geolocation will be 800 rubles for 3 months, full functionality - 1550 rubles for 3 months, with a 40% discount when paying for a year.

Mobile Monitoring Utility

How to install spyware on your phone

The installation of a mobile spy begins with registration via the Internet on the manufacturer's website, choosing a tariff plan, and paying for services. Then a link is provided, which must be entered in the browser of the smartphone to download the program. Some spy programs for Android are available through Google Play and are downloaded like regular applications. When installing and activating the program, you will need permission to access all the smartphone functions necessary for its operation. Permission to use programs that are obtained from unknown sources may be required.
How to detect spyware on Android

Most of the spyware for Android have the function of masking their location on the smartphone. They can exclude themselves from the list of applications, be inactive during periods of using the phone. Many antivirus programs can detect such software. To protect against spyware and malware, it is worth getting into the habit of running a full phone scan once a week, or setting it up to run automatically on a schedule. The main signs of such programs working on the phone may be:

Slowing down the work of a mobile phone;
fast battery discharge;
unjustified eating up of Internet traffic.

Smartphone and battery


Spyware for your computer will help you find out what your child or employee is doing on the computer, as well as clarify which sites they visit, with whom they communicate, what they are writing to and to whom.

To do this, there are spyware - a special type of software that collects information about all of his actions imperceptibly for the user.

A spyware for your computer will do the trick.

Spyware for a computer should not be confused with a Trojan: the first is absolutely legitimate and is installed with the consent of the administrator, the second gets on the PC illegally and carries out hidden malicious activities.

Although, cybercriminals can also use legitimate tracking programs.

Spy apps are most often installed by business executives and system administrators to monitor employees, parents to spy on children, jealous spouses, etc.

In this case, the "victim" may know that she is being monitored, but more often than not, he does not know.

Review and comparison of five popular spyware


NeoSpy is a versatile spy program for keyboard, screen and user actions. NeoSpy works invisibly and can hide its presence during installation.

The user who installs the program has the opportunity to choose one of two installation modes - administrator and hidden.

In the first mode, the program is put open - it creates a shortcut on the desktop and a folder in the Program Files directory, in the second it is hidden.

Program processes do not appear in Windows Task Manager and third-party Task Managers.

The functionality of NeoSpy is quite wide and the program can be used both as home tracking and in offices to control employees.

Real Spy Monitor

The next spy is Real Spy Monitor. This English-language program has not only tracking functions, but can also block certain actions on.

Therefore, it is often used as a parental control tool.

For each account in the Real Spy Monitor settings, you can create your own, for example, to visit certain sites.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of an English-language interface, it is more difficult to understand how Real Spy Monitor works, despite the graphic thumbnails for the buttons.

The program is also paid. The license starts at $ 39.95.

Real Spy Monitor features:

In general, Real Spy Monitor is liked by many users, among the shortcomings they note the high cost, the lack of a Russian-language interface and the display of the process in.

Actual Spy

Actual Spy is positioned by developers as a keylogger (keylogger), although the program can do more than just record keystrokes.

It monitors the contents of the clipboard, takes screenshots of the screen, monitors site visits, and so on, which is included in the main set of spyware we examined.

When installed, Actual Spy creates a shortcut in the Start menu, so it can be noticed by the user.

The launch also takes place openly - to hide the program window, you must press certain keys.

The possibilities of Actual Spy are not much different from those of competitors. Among the shortcomings, users noted that it correctly records keystrokes only in the English layout.


SpyGo is a spy kit for home use. It can also be used in offices to monitor employees.

To start monitoring, just press the "Start" button in SpyGo.

SpyGo is distributed under a shareware license and costs 990-2990 rubles, depending on the set of functions.

Key features of SpyGo:

  • monitoring of keystrokes;
  • recording of all actions on the computer (launching programs, operations with files, etc.);
  • control of visits to web resources (history, search queries, frequently visited sites, duration of stay on the site);
  • recording what is happening on the screen;
  • saving the contents of the clipboard;
  • listening to the environment (if there is a microphone);
  • monitoring of system events (time of turning on and off the computer, downtime, connection, disks, etc.).

Important! The disadvantages of SpyGo, according to users, can be attributed to the fact that it does not support all versions of Windows, when sending reports, it often throws errors and is quite easy to unmask.


Snitch - the name of this program is translated as "snitch", and very unfriendly attuned to the user. Snitch spies on computer activity.

It works hidden, does not require complex settings and has little effect on system performance.

The program is released in a single version.

Snitch capabilities and features:

  • monitoring, clipboard, system events, web surfing and communication in messengers;
  • preparation of summary reports and schedules of controlled events;
  • undemanding to network configuration;
  • protection against unauthorized termination of the program process;
  • monitoring is carried out even if there is no network connection.

Among the shortcomings, you can see conflicts with antivirus software.

How to detect a spy on a computer?

Finding spyware on your computer that doesn't show itself outwardly is difficult, but possible.

So, despite the legitimacy, the applications we have reviewed can recognize special antiviruses. , "Sharpened" for the search for spyware (Trojans with the function of espionage), so we recommend adding the installed program to the list of exceptions for such antiviruses.

And if you do not need to remove the spy, but only need to disguise your actions from it, you can use anti-espionage tools, which, despite the active surveillance of you, will prevent the interception of keyboard events and screenshots.

Then your correspondence and passwords will not fall into the wrong hands.

Review of the program for tracking computer NeoSpy

NeoSpy spy program will help parents monitor their children on the Internet

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