How to remove an unnecessary item from a photo online. Photo editor, remove unnecessary items. How to remove unwanted objects from photos in Photoshop

A photo session is a responsible business: light, composition and so on. But even with the most careful preparation, unwanted objects, people or animals can get into the frame, and if the frame seems to be very successful, then simply removing it does not raise a hand.

And in this case, Photoshop comes to the rescue again. The editor allows you to remove a person from a photograph in a very high quality, of course, with straight arms.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to remove an extra character from a photo. There is only one reason: a person blocks the people standing behind. If this is some part of clothing, then it can be restored using the tool "Stamp", in the same case, when most of the body is covered, then such an undertaking will have to be abandoned.

For example, in the picture below, the man on the left can be removed completely painlessly, but the girl next to him is almost impossible, as she and her suitcase cover important parts of the neighbor's body.

The work of removing people from images can be roughly divided into three categories of complexity:

Photo with white background

In this case, everything is quite simple: you need to select the desired person and fill him with white.

As a result, we get a photo without an extra person.

Photo with a simple background

You could see an example of such a picture at the beginning of the article. When working with such photos, you will already have to use a more accurate selection tool, for example, "Pen".

We will delete the girl sitting second from the right.

  1. Make a copy of the original picture, select the above tool and outline the character along with the chair as accurately as possible. It is better to displace the created contour towards the background.

  2. Form a selection created using a path. To do this, right-click on the canvas and select the appropriate item.

    Set the feathering radius to zero.

  3. Remove the girl by pressing a key DELETE, and then deselect ( CTRL + D).

  4. The next most interesting thing is the background restoration. We take "Straight lasso" and select a section of the frame.

  5. Copy the selected piece to new layer hotkey combination CTRL + J.

  6. Tool "Move" drag it down.

  7. Copy the area again and move it again.

  8. To eliminate the step between the fragments, turn the middle section slightly to the right using "Free transformation" (CTRL + T). The angle of rotation will be 0,30 degrees.

    After pressing the key ENTER we get a completely flat frame.

  9. The rest of the background will be restored "Stamped".

    The tool settings are as follows: Hardness 70%, opacity and pressure - 100%.

  10. If you have studied the lesson, then you already know how it works "Stamp"... First, let's finish restoring the window. For work we need a new layer.

  11. Next, let's get into the small details. The picture shows that after the removal of the girl, there are not enough areas on the jacket of the neighbor on the left and the hand of the neighbor on the right.

  12. We restore these areas with the same stamp.

  13. The final step will be to paint large areas of the background. It is more convenient to do this on a new layer.

Background restoration is complete. The work is quite painstaking, and requires accuracy and patience. At the same time, if you wish, you can achieve a very good result.

Landscape on background

A feature of such images is the abundance of small details. You can take advantage of this. We will delete the people on the right side of the photo. In this case, it will be quite possible to use Content-Aware Fill with subsequent revision "Stamped".

  1. Copy the background layer, select the familiar "Straight lasso" and circle the small company on the right.

  2. Next, go to the menu "Selection"... Here we need a block "Modification" and the item titled "Expand".

  3. We configure the extension to 1 pixel.

  4. Hover the cursor over the selected area (at the moment we have activated the tool "Straight lasso"), press PKM, in the drop-down menu, look for the item "Run Fill".

  5. In the drop-down list of the settings window, select Content-Aware.

  6. As a result of such a fill, we get the following intermediate result:

  7. With help "Stamp" let's move several areas with small elements to the place where people were. We will also try to restore the trees.

    The company is gone, we move on to removing the young man.

  8. We circle the boy. It is best to use the pen here, since the girl is in the way, and she needs to be circled as accurately as possible. Further, according to the algorithm: expand the selection by 1 pixel, fill it taking into account the content.

    As you can see, parts of the girl's body also got into the fill.

  9. We take "Stamp" and, without removing the selection, we modify the background. In this case, you can take samples from anywhere, but the tool will only affect the area inside the selection.

When restoring the background in landscape photographs, you should strive to avoid so-called “texture repeats”. Try to take samples from different places and do not click on the site more than once.

For all its complexity, it is on such photos that you can achieve the most realistic result.
This is the end of the information on removing characters from photos in Photoshop. It remains only to say that if you take on such work, then be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort, but even in this case, the results may not be very good.


Here is the first photo of a group of people enjoying the sea and sun.

Remember that the original photo before it is processed in Photoshop is called the SOURCE. Who came up with this word, but you will meet it often.

I decided to leave in the photo only a man reading a magazine on the sea surface, I will remove everything else, using a tool that is mostly familiar to you.

For reference: you can select an object with any selection tool (rectangular, oval selection, lasso and so on) .

1. I hope that you already remember, and I will not repeat the screenshot. Menu - File - Open… In this case, we are opening SOURCE-1.

4. Now, in order to better see the transformations in the photo, I will zoom in on the working area. The original is 1,900 pixels wide. To do this, prescribe 100% in the left corner.

5. Now we will start deleting unnecessary objects from the photo. I'll start with the smallest. This is a red buoy. To do this, activate the tool rectangular selection and outline this object.

After selecting the object, go to Menu - Edit - Fill

But we do not fill it with color, as we did in the tutorials on creating frames, but use the fill function TAKING INTO ACCOUNT... CS5 will figure out which background to fill the required object.

Click on OK, and after a while we see that the buoy has disappeared and in its place is a piece of the sea.

You can deselect the selection by going to Menu - Select - Deselect, and start removing new unnecessary objects.

Or you may not remove the selection. If you select something else with the same Rectangular Selection tool, in this case men looking out for something in the water, then the first selection (buoy) will be canceled by itself. So I removed the men one by one. The objects are small and it didn't take long to tinker with them.

Now it remains to remove the woman and her reflection in the water from the photo. This task was more difficult, because the larger the object, the more errors in the filling of the selected area.

So I started to remove it in parts. Select the head and shoulders. Go to Menu - Edit - Fill - Content-Aware.

Click OK, and I didn't really like the fill with the sea instead of the head and shoulders, but I haven't done anything yet.

Select small pieces and delete in the same way its reflections in the water and legs. And then again select a large piece of the entire fragment where the woman was,

and repeat Menu - Edit - Run Fill - Content-Aware - OK... It seemed to me that the piece of sea that appeared in the fragment is somewhat different in some places from the main surface of the sea.

To fix this, we use a new Photoshop tool. BlurI set the parameters to a soft brush with a diameter of 19 pixels, hardness 41%

And blurred this place a little.

It seems to me that it turned out well. Also, I reduced the size of the photo to 700 pixels wide ( Menu - Image - Image Size).

We save the processed photo in jpg format in a known way: Menu - File - Save For Web & Devices.

And here is a lonely man with a magazine on the sea surface in front of you.


Here is such a beauty caught on the Internet, but SOURCE -2 has the logo of the site's author.

Let's take it out. I selected the entire logo with the Rectangular Selection tool, after I performed the already known actions with filling the selection, taking into account its contents, but ...

After these actions, some kind of growth appeared on the girl's left hand. Let's remove it with a tool REPAIR BRUSH... To do this, we will activate it. Hold down the Alt key on the keyboard and left-click on a good area of \u200b\u200bskin on the left hand and then, working with a brush, remove defects in the photo.

I used a Hard Round Brush with a pressure equal to the diameter. The diameter was 32 pc, the hardness was 50%. You can try other parameters, no one forbids trying.

Now we hold down the Alt key on the keyboard and left-click on the right elbow, which is under water.

Tool STAMPremembers this place and transfers it to the left hand. I painted on the elbow in 2 clicks. The beauty turned out! Save the photo in jpg format and rejoice.

Note that in example 2, I did not convert the background to a layer or rename it.

To summarize: you have learned how to remove unnecessary objects from a photo by using the SELECTION tool and filling the selected fragment WITH THE CONTENT. You have learned how to use the BLUR, REPAIR BRUSH and STAMP tools to correct small fill errors.

The lesson is over! I hope that you can easily repeat it using my sources, or your pictures to your liking.

P.S .: All pictures for the article are enlarged by a click.

Modern technologies make life much easier for photography lovers. Even if the picture came out not very successful, using Photoshop, you can retouch it on your computer and remove unwanted objects. FROM mobile application TouchRetouch makes it even easier to edit and remove unwanted photos - no need to use computer mouse, one finger is enough.

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How to remove unnecessary objects from a photo

1 ... Open the app, click on “ Albums»And select a photo.

2 ... Enlarge the part of the image you want to remove.

3 ... Press on " Removing objects". By default, the tool “ Brush". Paint over the unnecessary object in one motion. Press on " Forward».

4 ... At this stage, the unnecessary object should disappear from the photo. If you still have extra lines, erase them again. You can also click on the " Back to", Return everything as it was, and try again.

Alternatively, you can use the " Lasso", Which also very accurately marks extra objects. « Quick edits"And "Deleting lines" act in a similar way.

Today is a small article on how to remove an inscription from a photo in Photoshop. To do this, you do not need to be an advanced user of Photoshop, everything is done easily and quickly. I will show 3 ways with which you can remove any inscription. They are perfect for non-professional but fairly high quality photo editing. I'll use photoshop program CS6 though previous versions also do an excellent job of this task.

Method 1: performing a fill

This method is very effective when the inscription is placed on a fairly uniform background.

Open the desired photo. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select the place where the inscription is located. Then, right-click to bring up an additional menu.

In the window that opens, select "use: taking into account the content", click ok.

That's it, the inscription has disappeared.

Method 2: Spot Healing Brush

This method also does an excellent job of removing the caption from the photo with a uniform background.

Select the Spot Healing Brush tool. Use the “[” and “]” buttons to set the optimal brush diameter, then press left button mouse and select an editable area with text or date.

Then release the button. The inscription will disappear.

Method 3: Combined

If the background the photo is versatile and the first 2 methods do not help, you need to use a combination of several Photoshop tools.

We will be using the Lasso, Spot Healing Brush and Patch tools.

Remove part of the inscription with the help of the dotted restoration brush.

The other part is with the patch tool. You need to select an area with text and drag it to a similar background.

As a result, the selected area will be replaced. The photo is ready.

Please note that in this article I have only used a couple simple ways to remove the caption from the picture. In fact, the functionality of Photoshop is much wider and allows you to use wider possibilities for removing any inscriptions and objects, depending on the task at hand.

For those who want to see everything more clearly, I suggest watching the video.


The situation when you need to get rid of any inscription present in the picture arises quite often. For example, you may need to remove from advertisement company logo or even just a date from a photo taken by yourself. You can erase an unnecessary part by means of almost any of the existing ones. graphic editors... So how do you remove text from a picture?

Graphic editor Paint

In the event that the inscription is located on, you can delete it using the tools of the Paint editor. This program is available on any home computer with Windows OS. In order to open it, you need to press the "Start" - "All Programs" button, and then go to the "Standard" item.

How to remove text from a picture in Paint?

So you've found the app and opened it. What's next? And then we open our picture by going to the main menu and clicking on the "Open" item. We select the desired image in the folder in which it is located.

You can delete the inscription in Paint by simply copying a part of the background and putting a patch on it. To do this, click on the triangle under the item "Select". In the menu that appears, select the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Next, place the cursor that has been transformed into a cross on the part of the picture where there is a background free from the image. Then hold down the mouse button (left) and select a small rectangular area. Place the cursor in the resulting rectangle, press the mouse button (right) and select the "Copy" item in the menu that appears.

Now click anywhere on the picture and again click on the right button. In the window, select the line "Insert". Now let's see how to remove the captions from the picture. To do this, drag the resulting patch onto the text by clicking on it and holding the mouse button (left). Most likely, it will not completely cover the inscription. Therefore, it will need to be stretched. To do this, place the cursor in the corner of the patch. As a result, it transforms into a diagonally directed arrow. Hold down the mouse button (left) and drag the patch to the side, down or up until it enlarges to the required size. Correct its position so that the inscription is completely covered.

Photoshop editor

The graphics editor "Photoshop" is by far the most popular of all applications designed for working with images. The widest possibilities of this program are used by both professionals (artists, photographers, etc.) and amateurs. The editor is not free. However, it is much more convenient to work with it than with most similar programs. With its help, you can remove unnecessary text not only from a plain, but also from a background that is not uniform in texture.

Graphics editor Photoshop® CS5

First, let's take a look at how to remove the caption from a picture in Photoshop CS5. The way to get rid of unnecessary parts of the picture in this version is slightly different from that used in earlier versions of the program. It is somewhat lighter and takes less time. We will tell you how to get rid of the inscription in earlier versions below.

How to remove decal in Photoshop® CS5?

Open the purchased program and click on the "File" - "Open" buttons. We select the photo requiring correction. In order to work with the inscription more conveniently, it is worth increasing it. This can be done using the Loupe tool.

Now let's see how to remove the captions from the picture. To do this, in the navigator, take the Lasso or Rectangular Selection tool and select the text. Next, on the control panel, go to the "Editing" tab and in the menu that appears, select the line "Fill". After that, the "Fill" dialog box will be displayed on the screen. Here, in the "Use" area, select the "Content-Aware" item. In the Overlay area, apply the following settings: Opacity - 100%, Mode - Normal. Now click on the OK button. As a result of all these manipulations, the selected area will be filled with the background.

Removing decals in Photoshop® CS6

Let's see how to remove the caption from the picture in Photoshop CS 6. This is done in the same way as in Photoshop® CS5. We also open our picture by going through the items "File" - "Open". Then again copy the Background layer and enlarge the unnecessary label. After that, go to the section "Editing" - "Fill" and make the necessary settings in the dialog box that appears.

How to remove labels in other versions of Photoshop using the Clone Stamp tool

In earlier versions of the program, you can remove unnecessary details from the picture using the Stamp tool. This work is very simple, but it requires a certain amount of accuracy. In this case, the Background layer also needs to be copied.

So how do you remove captions from a picture with the Clone Stamp tool? First, enlarge it with the Loupe tool. Take the "Stamp" and place the cursor-circle on a free area of \u200b\u200bthe background somewhere near it. Hold down the Alt key and click on the selected area. In this case, the cursor circle will decrease in size, and a cross will appear inside it. Next, move it to the inscription. Releasing the Alt key, click on it. As a result, part of the background will be copied over the inscription. Step by step fill in the entire area that needs adjustment. You may have to click on the background while holding down the Alt key more than once. In this case, the final result will look much more accurate.

How to remove an inscription in the Photoshop program by cloning?

The cloning method in the Photoshop editor is similar to the one we considered at the very beginning for paint programs... The inscription is removed using the Lasso tool or the Rectangular Region tool. All that is required is to select the area of \u200b\u200bthe background that will serve as a patch. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, simply stretch the square over the desired area. More complex selections can be made with the Lasso. The resulting patch must be copied to a new layer. To do this, also using the "Lasso" or "Rectangular Region" tools, click on the selected area with the mouse button (right) and select the line "Copy to a new layer" in the pop-up window. A new one with a patch will appear in the layers window. It will not be highlighted in the working area.

Next, take the Move tool (black arrow) and drag the patch (being on the layer with it) onto the text. In the event that it does not completely cover it, you should go to the "Editing" - "Free Transformation" tab. After that, holding the mouse button (left) on one of the squares on the transformation outline, you need to stretch the patch to the required size. Next, it should be moved so that it is on top of the text, which in this case is located one layer below. This can be done without leaving the transformation field. After the text is closed, press Enter. Thus, instead of an inscription in the picture, only a piece of the background will be visible, merging with the surrounding.

At the very last stage, you will need to merge all layers into one. To do this, click the mouse button (right) anywhere in the picture and select the "Merge layers" item in the pop-up menu. As a result, there will be one Background with the inscription already removed.

So, you, most likely, now understand how to remove the inscription from the picture. "Photoshop" and others allow you to perform this operation in just a few clicks. In Paint, this can be done by selecting the patch, copying and closing the text with it. The same technique, along with the method of painting with the "Stamp" tool, can be used in the "Photoshop" editor of earlier versions. In Photoshop CS5 and later, deleting is even easier — automatically, using the Content-Aware Fill tool.

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