Happy birthday, computer mouse. Congratulations mouse

Who gnaws at night everything that comes to hand so that the teeth do not grow to a height of two meters? Who cares for their fur, carefully licking and combing it? We hope for your good sense of humor and understanding of ours! Congratulate your dear birthday boy on a wonderful and long-awaited day of the year - Happy Birthday. In our not very kind and sympathetic world, there are now very few kind, creative and optimistic people, so let's be like that! Although the birthday man will not even have to try - today this gift is laid in him by nature! So let him smile broadly, all over his face, with a wonderful and sincere, cheerful smile, having received your warm congratulations!

(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

You were born in the year of the Rat
Practical, absurd let
But you are sweeter than a kitty
The soul is full of feelings!
Nobody saw kinder:
On your day - hurray! -
You haven't offended a fly
Not like a mosquito! ..
We round off this speech,
To "upload" your toast:
Be happy, respect,
Healthy, smart and simple !!!

The mouse is a cute creature.
She uses charm
So that with your cunning
Fill the bins as soon as possible.
A mouse in love is sentimental
But she is extremely persistent:
Makes bets on everything
To get your way.
Mouse, you are our dear!
There is no more expensive and more beautiful than you.
We wish that always
The bins were full
So that good luck comes to you
And in love affairs!

Our mouse is restless
But praise is always worthy
Though you have a lovely charm,
You are aggressive, we know!
You are smart you are the best critic
The wisest analyst
You are kind, generous,
And you are good-natured!
We love you, mouse,
We congratulate, loving,
And we wish you to be happy
Sweet, tender and beautiful!

May she was born in the year of the Rat,
You shine the sun's light
More practical, more absurd than an actress,
More beautiful in the world - no!
You are overwhelmed with feeling
Of good. Brains are full of intelligence.
It's dark and empty without you
You know about it yourself!
We wish you full
Love, health and spring,
To be seen on the stages
So that you enter our dreams !!!

At a merry, at a party
We're having a pig year
Let's meet the mouse with cheese pizza
And let's start all the fun!
We believe that Myshkin is
Will bring us good luck!

The mouse is a glorious creature.
Using the charm,
With her sweet cunning
You can fill the bins faster.
Mouse, you are our dear!
Do not find more beautiful in the world.
We wish that always
The bins were filled
So that good luck comes
And in love affairs!

In the year of the mouse, I heartily congratulate everyone,
Born under the sign of this animal.
And I wish you a successful year,
May your life be easy!
I wish you the same nimbleness
Like a mouse, and no less perky!

Today, December 9, is your birthday computer mouse... Technically, this is just an input device, but we know how you can become akin to a mouse, express your rage, erase the case cover in gaming raids and pick out that very ball. Having appeared in 1968, the mouse has not lost its relevance - moreover, it has not even changed its appearance - it remains a device with a mouse-like body. True, in the course of evolution, the tail disappeared in some species. Therefore, we want to devote our first Saturday post in history to computer mice - old and modern.

The complex evolution of a simple mouse

The inventor of the mouse is Douglas Engelbart, a scientist who sought not only to invent, but also to make his inventions simple and accessible. The first prototype was developed in 1964, and the device itself was referred to in the patent application as the "XY Position Indicator for a Display System." Agree, it is difficult to come up with a more precise and succinct definition. Engelbart's mouse was made of wood, was a size comfortable for a human hand, and generally looked like steampunk before steampunk itself appeared. Under the wooden "back" there was a diagram and two metal wheels, and on the back there was a not very convenient button. The second inconvenience was the cord, which did not go forward, but got in the way under the user's entire hand. The mouse could draw lines and move the cursor across the screen. By the way, in the same 1967, the mouse was deprived of its vintage appearance and was attached to a plastic case.

Naturally, as is always the case in science, Mr. Engelbart was not the discoverer of the input device in principle. Back in 1952, the Canadian Navy used a secret development (invented by Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff) - a trackball, which was ... a bowling ball with five pins-thorns, cleverly connected to a hardware and software complex that "shoots" and imitates the movement of the ball on the screen. Agree, not the most convenient thing. At the time of the invention of the mouse, the scientist already knew about this "technology", but found it unsuitable for widespread use and inconvenient (well, wow!).

And, no, steampunk, he's here - this is how the first secret trackball looked like

By the way, Douglas Engelbart did not receive a cent for his patent. The patent expired just before the device was widely used on all computers in the world. But this does not mean that the scientist eked out a poverty-stricken existence - he received more than half a million dollars for his other inventions (including those related to hypertext). And the mouse has remained his pride and contribution to the development of not only computer technology, but of all mankind (just think what we would be deprived of without a mouse).

In 1973, Bill English of Xerox PARC developed a design called the Ball Mouse. Surely there are no readers on Giktimes who have never worked with such a mouse with a heavy ball inside. The wheels on the mouse have been replaced with a tracking ball and three buttons have been added to the body. The mouse came with a $ 16,595 PC.

Of course, Apple also did not pass by the mice. Steve Jobs and his partners did what they always did: noted good ideas other people and make them better. Their mouse has become a model for the industry. Eventually apple computer Lisa 1983 came with a mouse, but it still cost insanely expensive for a home PC role - as much as $ 9,995.

Microsoft ousted Apple in 1983 with the IBM PC mouse with two buttons for $ 195 each.

In 1998 year Apple radically abandoned the square design - so radically that he created a round mouse with USB port specifically for the iMac. I must say that the mouse was not the most convenient solution in the hands of users.

In 1980, the ball began to be gradually disposed of because it quickly got dirty, collecting dirt, hair, crumbs and dust, and interfered with the functioning of the mouse. The world was confidently going to the optical mouse, and the author of this post, together with his classmates and even classmates, confidently cleaned the balls right up to 2005-2006.

But such a long period of transition to the optical option was not a feature of the Russian educational system. The fact is that developed in the 1980s optical mouse went to its popularity and commercial success for 20 years. And there were economic and technical reasons for that.

In 1995 Mouse Systems released mouse Genius Easy Scroll, invented by Eric Michelman. It was the first mouse with a scroll wheel, the most similar to those we know today.

After that, mice began to evolve and evolve like a mouse quickly: there were giant buttons Razer Boomslang in 2000, no less a giant wireless laser Microsoft 6000 mouse in 2007. By the way, about laser mice. This subtype of optical device was first released in 2004 by Logitech.

Razer Boomslang with huge buttons - not everyone liked

Logitech, of course, needs to be said separately - in 1980, it was able to compete with the mighty computer corporations. The company tried not to repeat the experience of others, but to do something of its own. Following the first release of the 3-button mouse in 1982, Logitech introduced the MouseMan Left, MouseMan Right, and MouseMan Large in 1990. Then she released the first wireless logitech mouse Cordless MouseMan. The wireless mouse used radio frequencies to communicate with the computer.

Logitech Cordless MouseMan, 1st wireless mouse with radio module, 1991

By the way, when in 1999 all manufacturers began to actively release versions of optical mice, it was Logitech who developed the hit and already legendary Logitech MX-1000 laser mouse.

Logitech 3D laser mouse for $ 24,180. This is so, unpretentious, the company also had options with sapphires, black diamonds - and about $ 35,000 each.

By the way, if we talk about exotic, then mouse manufacturers have repeatedly tried to make a revolution and cross a snake and a hedgehog. The result is quite funny hybrids. For example, a VoIP (Skype) mouse is a phone with a slider form factor.

We talked about the steampunk of the world's first mouse above, but there are also modern copper-wood options. Here, of course, we are no longer talking about ergonomics - art for art's sake:

Some interesting facts about the computer mouse

  • Twitching and clicking the mouse when the computer freezes? They shook it on the rug when some site did not load? This phenomenon has its own name and description - the fury of a computer mouse. In such situations, a person aggressively controls the device, which, in turn, cannot in any way affect the correction of the situation.
  • In 1984, computer columnist John C. Dvořák wrote: "There is no evidence that people want to use these things [computer mice]."
  • Early versions of mice were named after another animal, the turtle. But the mouse took root, but the turtle did not. All because, “Legs, wings. The main thing is the tail! " The tail (wire) and defined the name.
  • The device name "mouse" is understandable in most countries - people will understand what you are talking about. This device is named by the same word in English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian, and in several other languages.

The story continues

Someone says that the era of mice is coming to an end: despite the active development of the industry peripherals, mice are replaced by sensors, multitouch, motion sensors, etc. The popularity of new devices is growing and it is obvious that their century will come not in 20 years, but much earlier.

But we at Gearbest know that this is not entirely true, and the new revolution in input devices is still far away, because hundreds of thousands of mice come to us with many buttons, cords and without, soft-touch or even Wi-Fi. We specially knocked out statistics and identified the most top-end and popular devices with customers from around the world. The very best was Backlit Game Mice for only $ 4.49.

Another hit of sales among the mouse kingdom is the elegant, silvery-white, ergonomic and simply amazingly comfortable mouse from Xiaomi. It costs $ 15.99 and supports Bluetooth 4.0, has 1200 DPI and weighs just 78 grams.

We have selected for you mice and accessories that you can safely give to colleagues at new Year, to lug into the office for the new working year, to buy for children or for yourself - in general, for every taste and with a very reasonable budget. In general, there is no reason not to celebrate the birthday of the mouse!

  • Great with a comfortable silicone cushion - $ 0.89
  • Game with good coverage - $2.49
  • 2400 DPI - $ 4.40
  • Slim Slender 1600 DPI - $ 3.29
  • Simple and Reliable 1000 DPI - $ 6.37
  • 3500 DPI - $ 15.99
  • Simple Variable DPI - $ 4.87

Yes, and that too, with great control over a bunch of home and office gadgets. This is a wireless mouse that can work remotely with android devices, Windows, Linux, Mac. The range of the mouse is impressive - 10 meters. It is especially good for business presentations, speeches and other stories, when you need to beautifully and effectively manage something from afar.

Well, besides this mouse, we have a few more useful and unexpected things for little money. Now it's off-season and the Christmas sale is just gaining momentum, so you can order new things for now, without fuss and stress. Here's what we chose from the most popular (there are not only mice, but also other important and necessary devices at the end of 2017).

Next year, the computer mouse will be half a century old, and it is more alive than all living things. In general, mice serve people very faithfully: there are versions for people with disabilities, with disabilities, mice for games and serious work, but all of them are invariably popular and help their owners. What was your first mouse? Which one is your favorite? Are there those who have never changed the mouse? Share stories and photos, it's very interesting!

For those born in the year of the Mouse
Good luck wishes
They are overcrowded.

Charm and charm
The year generously gives you
But taking care of things to come
Doesn't allow to enjoy.

I wish for the Mouse
Find peace in your soul
To make life flow calm
A full-flowing river.

Let the Mouse be small, but we know:
Are afraid of mice and elephants!
Remember this, my friend,
When suddenly it becomes difficult.

Let no free cheese
This world won't ruin you,
And the sun in the sky never
Will not stop shining!

Congratulations to the beautiful mouse according to the eastern horoscope. May all the good qualities of a mouse, namely decisiveness and wit, attentiveness and dedication, cheerful character and leadership abilities, help to achieve high success in life and work, find real happiness and be able to preserve it.

Our Mouse! You are a good sign
A symbol of happiness and good luck.
You know how to save -
Take it closer, if you hide further.

Your high intelligence
And the ability to work
Will bring you success
And they will save you from worries.

Congratulations, Mouse!
Be satisfied every day.
The bolder you go
The sooner you become the first.

Sharp mind, ingenuity and determination
Mice are also characterized by laughter, sociability,
The mouse does not need to offend and ignore
And it is not necessary to envy her "in a black way".

In the wishes I would like to note
That not everyone in the world can always be trusted,
You need to stand up for yourself
And strives for a lucky star.

She is kind and charming.
The stars do not tear off the roofs.
Active required
According to the horoscope, the mouse.

Things are subtle in the East.
We wish her well!
In the wallet, a ringing coin
And cheese to the mountain!

Terrify people
Such rodents from the fields
Like: mice, rats and voles,
Scurrying about in their skill

Well, what can I say? Mouse platoon
The people have been frightening for a long time.
They are smart and sagacious
They are extraordinary, patient.

Inventive and accurate
Sociable and irrevocable
Always resourceful, brave
And deep down, they are kind!

We wish you to be more beautiful than the sun,
That beats in the morning with a ray in the window.
Be ideal for people
"Favorite Mouse" for friends!

Health, to you, for a long time,
You are the best person!
Love yourself, respect
And do not meet troubles in life!


A woman born in the year of the Rat,
Very charming, sweet,
Purposeful and practical,
Her business is going uphill.

Happy birthday lady congratulations
And all together we wish her
Stay joyful, happy
Be wiser and a little bolder!

You can rely on the Rat -
He will not "sell" more than one secret.
Like a squirrel spinning in a wheel
But it will create comfort for the family.

So be so versatile
Smart, practical, cheerful,
As now, but real life.
And less tinsel in life.

The rat is strong and perspicacious
Charming and ambitious
He knows how to keep his tongue
And to multiply well-being.

The rat can be cunning and kind
She will always help
The rat can't stand being alone
Movement and society are closer to her.

We wish her joy and bright days,
Energy of the sea, good friends,
So that good luck brings income,
Love gave wonderful moments!


Eloquent and very friendly
Man, because in the year of the Rat he was born,
Open, honest, and will come to the rescue,
Confident in his charm.

We wish him to be always calm,
So that he does not create problems for himself,
Let society behave with dignity
And absolutely everyone will like him!

Today, December 9, is the birthday of the computer mouse. Technically, this is just an input device, but we know how you can become akin to a mouse, express your rage, erase the case cover in gaming raids and pick out that very ball. Having appeared in 1968, the mouse has not lost its relevance - moreover, it has not even changed its appearance - it remains a device with a mouse-like body. True, in the course of evolution, the tail disappeared in some species. Therefore, we want to devote our first Saturday post in history to computer mice - old and modern.

The complex evolution of a simple mouse

The inventor of the mouse is considered to be Douglas Engelbart - a scientist who sought not only to invent, but also to make his inventions simple and accessible. The first prototype was developed in 1964, and the device itself was referred to in the patent application as the "XY Position Indicator for a Display System." Agree, it is difficult to come up with a more precise and succinct definition. Engelbart's mouse was made of wood, was a size comfortable for a human hand, and generally looked like steampunk before steampunk itself appeared. Under the wooden "back" there was a diagram and two metal wheels, and on the back there was a not very convenient button. The second inconvenience was the cord, which did not go forward, but got in the way under the user's entire hand. The mouse could draw lines and move the cursor across the screen. By the way, in the same 1967, the mouse was deprived of its vintage appearance and a plastic case was attached to it.

Naturally, as is always the case in science, Mr. Engelbart was not the discoverer of the input device in principle. Back in 1952, the Canadian Navy used a secret development (invented by Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff) - a trackball, which was ... a bowling ball with five pins, cleverly connected to a hardware and software complex that "shoots" and imitates the movement of the ball on the screen. Agree, not the most convenient thing. At the time of the invention of the mouse, the scientist already knew about this "technology", but found it unsuitable for widespread use and inconvenient (well, wow!).

And, no, steampunk, he's here - this is how the first secret trackball looked like

By the way, Douglas Engelbart did not receive a cent for his patent. The patent expired just before the device was widely used on all computers in the world. But this does not mean that the scientist eked out a poverty-stricken existence - he received more than half a million dollars for his other inventions (including those related to hypertext). And the mouse has remained his pride and contribution to the development of not only computer technology, but of all mankind (just think what we would be deprived of without a mouse).

In 1973, Bill English of Xerox PARC developed a design called the Ball Mouse. Surely there are no readers on Giktimes who have never worked with such a mouse with a heavy ball inside. The wheels on the mouse have been replaced with a tracking ball and three buttons have been added to the body. The mouse came with a $ 16,595 PC.

Of course, Apple also did not pass by the mice. Steve Jobs and his partners did what they always did: celebrate other people's good ideas and make them better. Their mouse has become a model for the industry. As a result, the Apple Lisa 1983 computer came out with a mouse, but it still cost insanely expensive for the role of a home PC - as much as $ 9,995.

Microsoft ousted Apple in 1983 with the IBM PC mouse with two buttons for $ 195 each.

In 1998, Apple ditched the square design radically - so radically that it created a round USB mouse specifically for the iMac. I must say that the mouse was not the most convenient solution in the hands of users.

In 1980, the ball began to gradually get rid of, because it quickly got dirty, collecting dirt, hair, crumbs and dust, and interfered with the functioning of the mouse. The world was confidently moving towards an optical mouse, and the author of this post, together with his classmates and even classmates, confidently cleaned the balls right up to 2005-2006.

But such a long period of transition to the optical option was not a feature of the Russian educational system. The fact is that the optical mouse developed in the 1980s went up to its popularity and commercial success for 20 years. And there were economic and technical reasons for that.

In 1995 Mouse Systems released the Genius Easy Scroll mouse, invented by Eric Michelman. It was the first mouse with a scroll wheel, the most similar to those we know today.

After that, mice began to evolve and evolve like a mouse quickly: there were giant buttons Razer Boomslang in 2000, no less a giant wireless laser Microsoft 6000 mouse in 2007. By the way, about laser mice. This subtype of optical device was first released in 2004 by Logitech.

Razer Boomslang with huge buttons - not everyone liked

Logitech, of course, must be said separately - in 1980 it was able to compete with the mighty computer corporations. The company tried not to repeat the experience of others, but to do something of its own. Following the first release of the 3-button mouse in 1982, Logitech introduced the MouseMan Left, MouseMan Right, and MouseMan Large in 1990. Then she released the first wireless mouse, Logitech Cordless MouseMan. The wireless mouse uses radio frequencies to communicate with the computer.

Logitech Cordless MouseMan, the first wireless mouse with radio, 1991

By the way, when in 1999 all manufacturers began to actively release versions of optical mice, it was Logitech who developed the hit and already legendary Logitech MX-1000 laser mouse.

Logitech 3D laser mouse for $ 24,180. This is so, unpretentious, the company also had options with sapphires, black diamonds - and about $ 35,000 each.

By the way, if we talk about exotic things, then mouse manufacturers have repeatedly tried to make a revolution and cross a snake and a hedgehog. The result is quite funny hybrids. For example, a VoIP (Skype) mouse is a phone with a slider form factor.

We talked about the steampunk of the world's first mouse above, but there are also modern copper-wood options. Here, of course, we are no longer talking about ergonomics - art for art's sake:

Some interesting facts about the computer mouse

  • Twitching and clicking the mouse when the computer freezes? They shook it on the rug when some site did not load? This phenomenon has its own name and description - the fury of a computer mouse. In such situations, a person aggressively controls the device, which, in turn, cannot in any way affect the correction of the situation.
  • In 1984, computer columnist John C. Dvořák wrote: "There is no evidence that people want to use these things [computer mice]."
  • Early versions of mice were named after another animal, the turtle. But the mouse took root, but the turtle did not. All because, “Legs, wings. The main thing is the tail! " The tail (wire) and defined the name.
  • The device name "mouse" is understandable in most countries - people will understand what you are talking about. This device is named by the same word in English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian, and in several other languages.

The story continues

Some say that the era of mice is coming to an end: despite the active development of the peripheral industry, sensors, multitouch, motion sensors, etc. are replacing mice. The popularity of new devices is growing and it is obvious that their century will come not in 20 years, but much earlier.

But we at Gearbest know that this is not entirely true, and the new revolution in input devices is still far away, because hundreds of thousands of mice come to us with many buttons, cords and without, soft-touch or even Wi-Fi. We specially knocked out statistics and identified the most top-end and popular devices with customers from around the world. The best was Backlit Game Mice for only $ 4.49.

Another hit among the mouse kingdom is the Original Xiaomi Portable Mouse, a sleek, silvery-white, ergonomic and simply amazingly comfortable mouse from Xiaomi. It costs $ 15.99 and supports Bluetooth 4.0, has 1200 DPI and weighs just 78 grams.

We have selected for you mice and accessories that you can safely give your colleagues for the new year, lug into the office for the new working year, buy for children or for yourself - in general, for every taste and with a very reasonable budget. In general, there is no reason not to celebrate the birthday of the mouse!
  • Great Classic Mousepad with Comfortable Silicone Cushion - $ 0.89
  • Good Coating Gaming Mouse Pad - $ 2.49
  • 2400 DPI Optical Gaming Mouse - $ 4.40
  • Slim graceful
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