Mac diagnostics, or how to independently detect hardware problems on Apple computers

As you know, Apple pays a lot of attention to the organization of maintenance and repair of its devices ... while they are under warranty. If the warranty period for your MacBook has expired, then its repair can result in a serious amount. You may be charged several hundred dollars for some trivial problem.

Therefore, let's deal with those problems that we can fix ourselves. Here I have collected all the important information on DIY MacBook repair. It also comes in handy for Mac desktop users.

Before you start: backing up

If your MacBook starts to work with problems and you are going to deal with them, then before proceeding with action, create a backup copy of all important information.

I hope you already know how to use Time Machine. Use this utility to create a copy of your Mac to an external drive or online storage. Ok, let's get down to troubleshooting MacBook problems and fixing them.

1. Download updates and check for viruses

In the first step, make sure that the latest software versions are installed on your computer. Download the latest updates for your operating system, applications, component firmware ... absolutely everything. Launch the App Store and go to the Updates section. If an update is ready for some software product, install it.

If you installed some programs not through the App Store, then run each of them separately and check if they are ready to update.

After updating the programs, run an anti-virus scan (after updating the anti-virus) to make sure that there are no viruses and other malware that could be the source of problems with your computer. You can also use a program to find and remove adware, such as Adware Mdic. Just don't use MacKeeper for this.

Many users still live in the dark and believe that viruses do not threaten Macs. But the situation has changed a long time ago, and unwanted programs displaying ads can easily get into your system.

After updates and virus checks, restart your computer. It is possible that it will work without problems.

2. MacBook Diagnostics

If your Mac still has a problem, you need to find out the source. First, you need to decide on the category of the problem: software or hardware. To test the hardware, you need to run Apple Diagnostics (or Apple Hardware Test, depending on the age of your computer). To do this, we will use the following algorithm:

  1. Shut down your MacBook and disconnect all peripherals from it (except the network adapter, mouse, keyboard, and Ethernet connector).
  2. Hold the D key until the Apple Diagnostics download begins.
  3. Select a language and press the Enter button.
  4. If your Mac was released earlier than 2013, then select “Perform extended testing” and click “Test”.

The procedure for diagnosing the computer hardware will begin. This may take a long time - be patient. At the end of the diagnosis, a table with information about the found problems with the hardware will appear on the screen. Write it all down somewhere and restart your computer.

The built-in Disk Utility of OS X can detect a number of file system problems, especially those related to permissions.

If these diagnostic tools do not find anything, then you will have to use an alternative method. Explore "Troubleshooting Mac OS X" - in this document, Apple has put together helpful tips to help you find the source of your computer problems. Having found it, you may understand the further strategy of MacBook repair yourself or you will have to look for relevant information on thematic forums.

If you still don't know how to get full functionality back to your Mac, read on.

3. Problematic programs

Let's start with what is easier. As a rule, problems with software are solved cheaper and faster.

Correcting access rights

Incorrect access rights often create problems that are difficult to explain. Fixing them in many cases allows you to quickly solve seemingly incredibly complex problems. Launch Disk Utility (Applications -\u003e Others) and click the Check Permissions button.

The utility will almost certainly find several objects, the access rights to which will advise you to fix it. After it completes its work, click the "Fix access rights" button. If the list of fixes is long enough, this procedure will take several minutes. You can relax and have a cup of coffee for now.

Resetting PRAM and SMC

The random access memory where system parameters are written (PRAM) and the System Management Controller (SMC) are responsible for many important things in your Mac. To reset PRAM, do the following:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Press the computer power button.
  3. Press the Command, Option, P, and R buttons at the same time until the screen is gray.
  4. Hold these buttons until you hear the computer boot sound again.
  5. Now release the buttons.

Resetting the SMC depends on the type of computer used. On a MacBook with a removable battery:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Unplug the AC adapter.
  3. Remove the battery.
  4. Press and hold the power button for five seconds.
  5. Insert the battery back.
  6. Turn on your computer.

On a MacBook with a non-removable battery:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Connect the AC adapter.
  3. On the integrated keyboard, press the Shift, Control, and Option buttons on the left and the power button at the same time.
  4. Release Shift, Control and Option at the same time.
  5. Turn on your computer.

On a Mac Pro, iMac with an Intel processor, Mac Mini with an Intel processor, or Xserve on Intel:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Unplug the power cord.
  3. Wait fifteen seconds.
  4. Plug in the power cord.
  5. Turn on your computer.

Removing problematic programs

If you still haven't gotten your MacBook to work properly, and you suspect a particular program is causing problems, try uninstalling it and see if your computer works better after that. If this is the case, try installing this program again. Sometimes this is all there is to do to repair your MacBook. If you still have problems, then try a few more things.

Reinstall OS X

We are moving on to drastic measures. Sometimes the operating system has a serious problem that can only be fixed by reinstalling it. That's why you backed up your Mac at the beginning of this article.

If you have OS X Yosemite installed (you've already upgraded your Mac), then proceed as follows:

  1. Restart your MacBook.
  2. When you see a gray screen, press and hold Command + R.
  3. Options should appear, among which select "Install OS X" (Install OS X).
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. The operating system will reinstall. See if the problem is gone.

4. Hardware problems

If your MacBook has a hardware problem and you want to fix it yourself, then you will have to use online resources filled with useful information. The Apple Diagnostics or Apple Hardware Test information should be a starting point (assuming the utility is running and the computer display is running, of course). Sometimes, diagnosing hardware problems can be very difficult and requires professional skills and tools.

We collect information

Before you start repairing your MacBook hardware, you should prepare well and collect the necessary information. There are quite a few resources on the Internet about Mac repair. I recommend starting with iFixIt, Instructables, and YouTube. Before disassembling your MacBook case, read or view the instructions carefully and make sure you have everything you need.

MacBook Repair Tools

Unfortunately, to repair Apple laptops, you need tools that are not included in the traditional home kit. In the iFixIt online store and in local hardware markets, you can find almost everything you need: ingenious screwdrivers, soldering tools and special kits.

You can also search Amazon and eBay for the repair fixtures you need. In the latter case, the prices can pleasantly surprise you (only the delivery will most likely cost a pretty penny). Used tools are unlikely to lose their functionality after one or two computers are repaired.

Where to get spare parts

On eBay, you can find not only tools, but also replacement parts for MacBooks, from motherboards to displays. You can also buy a faulty Mac at a low cost, in which we will find many working parts to repair. iFixIt also sells Mac parts.

Before buying, check a hundred times that this is the exact part you need. Protect yourself from incompatibility issues. If you are not sure of the exact name of this part, on your MacBook go to the Apple Menu (in the upper left corner of the screen) -\u003e About this Mac -\u003e System report and find a description of the required component there (of course, if the computer turns on) ...

For the cause!

If you know what to do, have prepared the tools and the necessary parts, then it's time to start repairing your MacBook. Reread the required instructions. Protect yourself from possible electric shock and proceed.

Please be patient. Repairing a modern computer is a very delicate task, there are many small and fragile parts, and some of them can be irreparably damaged by static electricity. Be extremely careful when working with the battery and microcircuits.

Or maybe a service center?

Fixing a MacBook takes time, patience, and sometimes a lot of money - but it comes with a return to your computer's performance and increased self-esteem.

I recommend taking on major repairs only if you like digging into the stuffing of electronic devices. After solving serious hardware problems with Macs a few times, you will be transferred to the group of favorites.

But for most of us, you should outsource your Mac major repairs to a trained professional. You can try to take the relevant courses yourself. But they are unlikely to seem simple to you. Therefore, most users entrust the repair of their MacBook to a professional. Yes, you will give more money, but you will receive qualified help.

In what situation are you ready to fix your computer yourself? When would you prefer to entrust its repair to a qualified person? Share your opinion in the comments.

The easiest way to avoid the help of service centers when looking for hardware problems (not all of them can boast a good reputation) is to use the built-in Mac diagnostics. In this article we will tell you how to run and use " "And" Apple Diagnostics».

In contact with

With the help of standard diagnostic tools, you can effectively detect hardware malfunctions (problems with the hard drive, solid state drive, RAM, GPU, motherboard and other corners of the hardware). How can this be done?

On which Macs which utility

Regardless of (MacBook, iMac, Mac mini or Mac Pro) and year of release, the operating system includes a utility for self-diagnosis of the hardware. In computers that were produced before June 2013, it is called " Apple Hardware Functional Test"(Apple Hardware Test - AHT), and after -" Apple Diagnostics».

Before starting any of the utilities, be sure to disconnect all peripheral devices (including optical drives, if you still have such antiquity) except for the keyboard, mouse, display and Ethernet adapter. Some versions of OS X Lion and later may need Ethernet or Wi-Fi to run the internet version of AHT. It is no different from its offline counterpart.

To use AHT, be sure to connect your MacBook to a power source.

List of keyboard shortcuts

If you don't have a mouse, the following shortcuts will come in handy:

  • Option (⌥) + D: run diagnostics with the Internet;
  • Command (⌘) + G: start the operation;
  • Command (⌘) + L: display a list of languages;
  • Command (⌘) + R: restart the test;
  • S: shutdown;

How to Run Diagnostics on Mac (Apple Hardware Function Test or Apple Diagnostics)

Note: " Apple Hardware Functional Test"And" Apple Diagnostics»Work in the same way. The only caveat is for launching " Apple Diagnostics"Requires an active Internet connection, and the interface will be much nicer.

1 ... Turn on or restart your Mac if it's on.

2 ... Press and hold the " D»Until the language selection screen appears.

3 ... Select the language (if a mouse is not connected to the computer, then select the language using the arrows, and enter the input with the "Enter" key).

4 ... Mac diagnostics will start.

After the check is complete, the results are displayed.

To exit the ANT utility, click the " Reboot" or " Turn off"At the bottom of the window.

What do the results indicate?

If, during the test, problems with the hardware are found, then get ready to contemplate the error and some explanatory details.

You can decipher the AHT errors on the Apple technical forum, and in general I recommend that you first of all, when looking for solutions to problems with apple gadgets, go there. True, you need knowledge of English at least with a dictionary.

Apple Diagnostics error codes and their decryption can be found below:

ADP000 - No problems found on the computer;

CNW001, CNW003, CNW004, CNW005, CNW006 - There are problems with the Wi-Fi module on the computer;

CNW007, CNW008 - No Wi-Fi networks found. There are no available Wi-Fi networks, or the Wi-Fi module is faulty;

NDC001, NDC003, NDC004, NDC005, NDC006 - The camera is faulty;

NDD001 - There is a problem with the USB module. Disconnect all external devices except keyboard, mouse, and Ethernet adapter. Run the scan again. If this code appears again, contact the service center;

NDK001, NDK003, NDK004 - There is a problem with the keyboard;

NDL001 - There is a problem with the Bluetooth module;

NDR001, NDR003, NDR004 - There is a problem with the trackpad;

NDT001, NDT002, NDT003, NDT004, NDT005, NDT006 - There may be a problem with the Thunderbolt module. Disconnect external Thunderbolt devices and run the test again. If this code appears a second time, contact the service center;

NNN001 - The serial number could not be found. The computer needs service, please contact the service;

PFM001, PFM002, PFM003, PFM004, PFM005, PFM006, PFM007 - There is a problem with the System Management Controller (SMC);

PFR001 - There may be a problem with the computer's firmware;

PPF001, PPF003, PPF004 - There may be a problem with the fan;

PPM001 - There is probably a problem with the memory module;

PPM002, PPM003, PPM004, PPM005, PPM006, PPM007, PPM008, PPM009, PPM010, PPM011, PPM012, PPM013, PPM014, PPM015 - There may be a problem with the built-in memory;

PPP001, PPP002, PPP003 - There is probably a problem with the MagSafe power adapter. Try unplugging the power adapter from your Mac and from the outlet, then plugging it back in. Run the scan again. If this code appears a second time, contact the service center;

PPP007 - There may be a problem with the power adapter or it is not connected. To test the power adapter, reconnect it to your computer and the outlet. Run the scan again. If this code appears a second time, contact the service center;

PPR001 - There is probably a problem with the processor;

PPT001 - Could not detect the battery;

PPT002, PPT003 - The battery will need to be replaced soon. It is functional, but its capacity has decreased.

PPT004, PPT006 - The battery needs service. The battery is defective, although this may not affect performance or capacity;

PPT005 - The battery is not installed correctly. Shut down and turn off your computer;

PPT007 - The battery on the Mac needs to be replaced. The battery is functional, but its capacity has decreased significantly. Until you replace the battery, you can continue to use it without damaging your computer.

VDC001, VDC003, VDC004, VDC005, VDC006, VDC007 - There is probably a problem with the SD card reader;

VDH002, VDH004 - There is probably a problem with the storage device;

VDH005- Can't start macOS recovery;

VFD001, VFD002, VFD003, VFD004, VFD005, VFD007 - There is probably a problem with the display;

VFD006 - There is probably a problem with the GPU;

VFF001 - There is probably a problem with the audio hardware component.

In any case, if it was not possible to avoid repair at the service center, we strongly recommend that you contact only certified specialists who specialize exclusively in Apple technology. It will not be cheap, but buying a new gadget is much more expensive. It's better to forget about the basement workshops "at Uncle Vasya's". Apple device repair requires a very meticulous approach and advanced skills.

Today there are many utilities for testing and diagnosing personal computers. And not all of them are designed only for troubleshooting. Several of the existing applications can help identify weak points and may even provide some useful advice. A utility called TechTool Pro is one of those.

TechTool Pro is a fairly popular utility for testing an apple computer, which has wide capabilities and a pleasant interface. Thanks to this, it can be used by both beginners and advanced users.

One of the main tasks of TechTool Pro is to test the Mac hard drive. The utility allows you to scan drives for bad partitions, restore access rights, perform SMART tests, and clone volumes.

However, the possibilities of TechTool Pro do not end with monitoring the health of the hard drive. This application also allows you to test other components of the apple computer. For example, check the operation of coolers, RAM, monitor, etc.

To summarize, TechTool Pro is a powerful application that can replace a whole arsenal of diagnostic programs. But this utility has one significant drawback - the price. The latest version of the program will cost $ 99.99. You can purchase TechTool at.

Fair, not overpriced or understated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", it is clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The website lists the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and liability

Any repairs must be guaranteed. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half of the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts of current models so that you do not have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a good form for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device as a result.

Service repair and delivery

A good service values \u200b\u200byour time and therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: correctly and according to technology, it can only be done at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient so that you can be in time before and after work. Good service works both on weekends and on holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are being restored.
Other service centers trust us and transfer complex cases.

How many masters in directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken over immediately.
2. You are giving Macbook repairs to an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, the description tells you what happened and how to fix the problem.

It's good when the Mac runs like clockwork. But it doesn't last forever. Being hardened by poppy growers, we carry the same laptop with us for many years in a row, changing it to a new one only in exceptional situations. For example, if there are problems with the "hardware" - overheating and loss of OS stability. To prevent or fix this, it is worth conducting maintenance.

It's time for me to write a book about how to most successfully get into seemingly insoluble situations. Most recently, I wrote about how I got into a hopeless situation with a burned-out loop, which made me search urgently for a laptop repair service. The current situation is not much better.

I came to Moscow for a few days on a working visit just in time for the spring presentation of the Apple Watch. That evening, the work process was in full swing, and posts poured in one after another. Finishing work on the next news, I noticed that the laptop began to behave incomprehensibly. For several days it had been unusually hot and hummed strongly with coolers. And now the system kept freezing, although nothing resource-intensive was happening.

In the morning, everything got really bad: after a short run on the Internet, the computer suddenly turned off. The touch is simply fiery. The next day Nikita and I were going to look into iCases on Taganka, and, in addition to the planned cases, we decided to turn in my Mac for diagnostics at the same time. There is nothing to lose.

A master named Igor took my working tool and took it to the holy of holies of any repair service. While Nikita was typing gadgets for the next batch of reviews, I also decided to look inside my own laptop.

The first thing the master asked was how long had I been doing prevention. To be honest, I was taken aback and answered negatively. For some reason I was sure that the problem with the laptop is purely software. After all, I never dropped, did not flood it and generally tried to treat it with care. Igor smiled condescendingly and proceeded to unscrew the screws.

First, he cleaned the MacBook air vent. If anything, it is between the display pivot and the main body. It was stuffed up thoroughly: probably because I like to take my laptop to bed, I often leave it on the bed and under the "sheep's" blanket.

Secondly, the wizard removed the dust from the cooler - the fan next to the Mac processor. The fact is that clogged ventilation grids lead to overheating of the laptop and to malfunctions in its operation. What I, in fact, faced.

The entire cleaning procedure took about half an hour. He managed to blow through the grates, clean the fan of dust, change thermal paste and remove the "traces" of the ginger cat living in my house. And then, most of the time we talked, discussing the presentation that took place the day before.

  • Make sure that the air inlet and outlet grilles are open.
  • Do not hesitate to give your laptop to clean, especially if you like to eat over it;)
  • If the Mac is more than two years old, install software to check the CPU temperature.
  • A selection of programs to check the temperature of Mac:

    1. Temperature Gauge

    2. Magican Paster

    3. SensorX

    If the temperature at rest and minimum load rises above 40-45 degrees, the laptop must be urgently carried to service - save.

    Taking care of yourself should come from taking care of your gadgets. Replacing thermal paste, cleaning the coolers and air vents will not only lower the temperature of your knees, but also prolongs laptop life... Don't learn from my mistakes. Avoid them.

    Where to carry

    AT ready to carry out the same procedure for your MacBook - for only 2490 rubles. Saying that you came by recommendation website, you will be nice 10% discount! And without that it is inexpensive, and the benefits are tangible. comment

    Dear readers, we want to thank you for showing such interest in our article! Judging by the reviews, every day we will have more and more clients! Why? It's that simple!

    None of you in the comments, dear "experts", guessed. The review used thermal paste of the brand Mx-2 from a Swiss manufacturer Arctic coolingpacked in a 20 ml syringe. and a net weight of 65g. This ensures an accurate dosage of 0.05 mlL / cm2 (the syringe is equipped with a scale, it is convenient to control). In the most discussed photo, no more than 0.15 g was applied to the mirror surface of the chip with an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 cm2 (1.5x1 cm). heat transfer paste - since it is an Intel Core i5 processor. With a viscosity of 85 Pa * s, this is approximately equal to ketchup: it gives a strong spreading over the mirror plane of the chip.

    After grinding the heat sink to the crystal and under the pressing action of the heat sink and radiator fastening mechanisms, the paste is squeezed out over the edge of the crystal (not prohibited, since this type of paste is a dielectric). The layer between them remains about 1/60 mm. The rim of the squeezed paste serves additional heat conductor between the copper heat sink and the wiring part of the processor. The rim around the crystal also prevents the paste from drying on the crystal (if someone didn't know, then it dries from the edge to the center).

    So that the more thermal paste, the better, unless of course it is overdue and thickened! We remove the old thermal paste with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab, and a neat scraping with tweezers from the crystal was made for the sake of a photograph for review, in order to show you the dried thermal paste from the factory. The laptop is only 4 years old! (This is Air 11 "2011 i5 / 4gb)

    And for the future - guys, do not be lazy at first a little study the topic deeper;) 

    We are looking forward to welcoming you to our service centers! Judging by those specialists who very clever in the comments, we will have a lot of work. The services where they work should be ashamed that they have such employees!

    To all our readers 10% discount! With love, Igor!

    P.S .: More about the characteristics:

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