Blur in photoshop CS6. Blurred rear background: how to make or blur the background in the photoshop CS5 and CS6. Temporary hide and pin removal


If you want to blur the background, open the photo in Photoshop and create a duplicate of the main layer (Duplicate Layer).

In the layers panel highlight new layer, Go to Filter (Filter) - "Blur" (Blur) - "Gaussian Blur" (Gaussian Blur). Choose the value that will suit you. Blur can be done barely noticeable or vice versa strong.

Staying on the same layer, add a mask: "Layer" - "Layer-Mask) -" show all "(show all). Use the Eraser tool. Come on the object that should remain clear. The result is a clear object in the foreground and a blurred layer. Drain the layers and save the image in necessary format.

To make the effect of blur, as when driving on a snapshot with a car, open the image. Highlight the car using the Lasso tool (LASSO) or "Rectangular Lasso" (Polygonal Lasso). Transfer the dedicated car to a new layer: "Layers" - "new" - "Copy to a new layer".

Accept the effect to the main layer of Background Layer. Go to "Filter" (Filter) - "Blur" - "Blur in motion" (Motion Blur). Specify the desired value. It turns out a car on a blurred background, like at high speed.

To create around the image frame with blurred edgesAs on old photos, open the picture in the program and use the rectangular selection tool to limit the central part of the photo, slightly smaller than the photo itself.

Click "Select" (SELECT) - "MODIFY) -" Rastune "(FEATHER). In the window that opens, select Decays Radius.

Wise to blunt the background? Causes may be very different. Sometimes it is necessary to emphasize the object in the center of the photo. Sometimes the background is non-cellular and then blur is salvation. In each case, it may be your reason to blunt the background.

Consider the example of the photo of the monument two ways of blurring the background in the photoshop program of the Russian-speaking version of CS-4.

Blur background in photoshop

Method number 1.

1. After opening the picture, apply the Lasso tool. Cut the background by contour by closed it.

2. To the selected area to apply such a sequence: the filter is blur - Blur in Gauss. Set the radius parameter by 2.1 pixels or any other at your discretion. Press approx.

3. Remove the allocation by the combination of the CTRL + D keys.

4. It would be possible to leave it, but the border between the blurred and underestimated areas are very striking.

Therefore, we use the "Blur" tool.

We install the brush of the desired size and go through the entire border. Now save the result.

Method number 2.

1. After opening the picture, apply a fast mask tool. Click on the fast mask button. Then click on the brush, at the same time choosing the desired size of the brush. Start circling slowly brush around the monument to highlight the background. Places where we spend will get a red raid. So we know where the brush has already passed.

2. After small parts are circled, you can enlarge the brush and 1-2 seconds also process the remaining background area.

Remove the fast mask by pressing the letter Q or the same button. Invert: CTRL + SHIFT + I. Now you can repeat the operation with the filter from the first method, starting with 2 points: that is, turn on the filter again - blur - Blur in Gaussia is a radius of 2.1 pixels. It will be approximately the same result.

In general, the main thing is that it is necessary to understand in the blur system, this is that it is necessary to select the area that we want to blur, and then apply the filter to it. And to highlight in Photoshop, there are several different techniques. Two of them we just considered.

In some cases, that your photo look more interesting, you need to do so that the background Beyond man or object shot was blurred. Using a professional camera, you will do it without problems. But if you have the most ordinary lens or you have already worked on the photo and replaced background imageYou can freeze the background using the computer and Adobe Photoshop program.

About how you can cut a person in Photoshop and replace the background for a photo, you can read by clicking on the link. In this article, let's consider two ways to help make blurred background in photos in Photoshop.

In the first, we will use creating a new layer with a mask.

Open the desired image: "File" - "Open" or "Ctrl + O".

We turn to the layer palette and create a duplicate background layer. Click on the layer "Background" (background) right-click and select from the Duplicate Layer menu (create a duplicate layer).

Name created copy The background layer "Layer 1", click "OK".

In the layer palette, Layer 1 layer should remain dedicated. Now we will apply to it blur in Gauss. Click on the "Filter" tab and select "Blur" - "Gaussian Blur" (Gaussian Blur).

A dialog box appears. In it, using a slider, select the blur radius, you can immediately see the result in the photo. If nothing changes in the main photo, check the box in the "Preview" field. Click OK.

Create a mask for the layer "Layer 1". On the palette of the layers, and leave it allocated, click on the "Add Layer Mask" icon (add a layer mask).

On the toolbar, select "Brush Tool" (Brush). Black color must be selected as the primary color, the white one. Select the desired size and drive a black brush along a person or object that should remain clear in the photo. If you accidentally erased the non-blur, change the color of the brush on the white and spend the mouse over it.

The girl in the photo becomes a clear, and the background behind it remains blurring. To correct the edges, bring the photo and go through the brush of the black brush of a small size, on a white brush background.

In the palette of the layers on the mask, those parts for which we walked brush will be highlighted in black.

As a result, we will get the following image: Now the background behind the girl is blurred a little.

Go to the second method. here we make a copy of the layer and select the desired object.

Hide the image for which we made the rear background blurred previous way: Remove the eyeballs opposite the layer "Layer 1".

Create a copy of the background layer. Click on the "Background" (background) right-click and select "Duplicate Layer" (Create a duplicate layer).

Let's call a new layer "Layer 2". Leave it allocated on the palette of the layers.

To blur the background for the photo, we apply to the layer "Layer 2" the filter Blur in Gauss. Opening the dialog box, as described above, select the appropriate radius and click "OK".

Now you need to unlock the background layer. To do this, click on the layer "Background" (background) twice by the mouse, in the next window you do not need to change anything, click "OK". After that, the name of the background layer will change to "Layer 0", and the lock is disappeared.

We leave on the palette of the layers allocated "Layer 0". It needs to highlight the object that should remain clear in the photo. We will allocate the girl.

In the toolbar, choose "Quick Selection Tool" ( Fast allocation). Configuring the appropriate size of the brush and click on the girl with the mouse, thus expanding the area of \u200b\u200bselection - it will be highlighted by a dotted line. If you mistakenly select an extra fragment, inspire "ALT" and click on it.

There are various ways to allocate in Photoshop. By clicking on the link, read the article and select the one that is suitable for your object is best. Then the selection does not take much time.

On the blurred background, leave clear girls and packages ahead. After we allocate them, we put "Layer 0" on the layer palette in front of the layer "Layer 2" -K, we used blur, it will be used as a background layer.

We invert the selection: click "Ctrl + Shift + I". This we do in order for the whole photo, except the girl with packages.

Click "Delete" to delete everything allocated on the Layer 0 layer. You can remove the selection by the "Ctrl + D" key combination.

Thus, we made a blurred background in photoshop for a photo. At first they created a duplicate of the main layer "Layer 2" and applied a filter to it. Then they unlocked the background layer "Background" and he became "Layer 0". Allocated the girl on Layer 0 and placed the layer in front of the Layer 2 layer. Then inverted the selected fragment and removed the background to "Layer 0". As a result, the blurred background on "Layer 2" substituted to the carved on transparent background The girl on the layer "Layer 0".

In this lesson, we will consider in detail the blur in the diaphragm ( Iris.Blur) - the second of the three new effects of blur, added in the battery gallery in Photoshop CS6. In the previous lesson, we learned to use blur over the field ( FieldBlur), which allowed us to vary the degree of blur in various parts of the image without using a layer mask (formally, new blur filters in Photoshop CS6 use layers masks, but the program creates them without our participation). As you can learn from this lesson, blur over the diaphragm repeats the possibilities of blur over the field, and at the same time it allows us to more accurately control the desired degree of blur in different parts of the image.

This lesson is based on the material of the erosion lesson on the field, so if you have not become familiar with him, I advise you to first read the previous lesson.

Here is the picture with which I will work:

Source image.

As always, I work with a copy of the source layer to avoid irreversible changes in the original. You can see it on the layers panel. The original image is located on the layer of the rear background, and its copy is on layer 1 (you can make a copy of the layer by pressing the keyboard Ctrl + J. / Command + J. on keyboard)

The layer panel indicates that I work with a layer 1, and not with a layer of rear background.

The choice of effect blur on the diaphragm

you can find new filter Blur in the appropriate menu bar at the top of the screen. Go to the Filter menu bar (Filter), select the "Blur" section (Blur) and then - "Blur over aperture" (Iris Blur) (second above)

Select Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Diaphragm Blur (Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Iris Blur)

When in the previous lesson we chose "Blur over the field", it appeared new gallery Blur, which temporarily replaced the standard photoshop interface. Since this time we chose "Blur over aperture", then in the upper right corner of the blur galleries containing the Blue Tools Panel (Blue Tools Panel), the parameters for blurring along the aperture, and more precisely, the only parameter is the same slider that And for blur over the field.

The Blur Tools panel shows the parameters for blurring along the diaphragm.

Our image appeared in the preview area, which takes almost the entire gallery of blur, and, as well as for the blur effect on the Photoshop field, suggests us by default the effect pin that we can use to select the degree of blur in the desired part of the image. This time, however, the pin looks like a solar system where the planet rotate in orbit around the star.

The blur pin for the effect "blur over aperture" looks more interesting than for blurring on the field.

Control degree of blur

Let's stay in more detail on what we see. As we learned from the previous lesson, this funny icon is called a pin, because we can "pin" additional pins in different parts of the image, which will allow us to vary the degree of blur in the image. In the center of the pin, the external control ring or the blur regulator is already known to us, which we used in the blur effect on the field to reduce or increase the degree of blur.

Just hover your mouse over the knob, then holding down the mouse button, turn the ring clockwise or against it. The turn clockwise will strengthen the degree of blur, while turning against the clock will reduce. Similarly, the volume controller in the tape recorder works. Photoshop will display you a preliminary result of the rotation of the regulator, and in the panel window will reflect the level of blur in the pixels (in my case it is 36 pixels)

Click on the outer ring and turn it to adjust the degree of blur.

You can also control the degree of blur using the slider on the Blur Tools panel. Move the slider to the right to enhance blur or left to reduce it. The slider and the pin are tied to each other, so there is no difference in which tool is to use - changing one, you automatically change the other.

The slider can also be used to change the degree of blur

100% blur line

The blur regulator is surrounded by 4 points, which in turn are surrounded by 4 smaller points connected by a thin curve. These points allow us to accurately monitor the blur area in the image, and this is exactly what is distinguished by the effect of blur on the diaphragm from blur over the field. Let's look at 4 smaller points connected together by a curve (like the edge solar system). They are responsible for the mark of one hundred percent blur.

In other words, everything that is outside the curve connecting the point is completely blurred - 100%. The area inside the curve depending on the location in relation to the center of the pin is blurred to a lesser extent or is not blurred at all. Some weather, we will learn how to change the degree of blur within the curve.

There are several ways to change the curve responsible for one hundred percent blur. First, you can hover the mouse cursor to any of the 4 points connected by the curve, and see that it will change to a special icon (small curve with an arrow at each end). Press the point and holding the mouse button pressed, pull it to change the curve form or turn it.

Click on any of the 4x external points And pull it to change the shape of the 100th line of blur or turn it.

Secondly, if you are satisfied with the shape and turn of the curve, and you just want to resize the area of \u200b\u200bone hundred percent blur, press and pull the curve itself. In this case, the shape and angle of rotation will remain the same.

Click on the line itself and pull it to change the size of the blur area without changing the shape and angle of rotation.

If you look more closer to the curve, then notice the square marker icon (between the upper and right points). We can use this icon to adjust the curve bend, i.e. Instead of an ellipse, you can get a rectangle with rounded corners, if you click on the icon and pull it out. Pulling the icon inward, we will refund the curve form of the ellipse.

Press the square marker and pull it to give the curve the form of a rectangle with rounded corners.

Transition area

What about four large points located between the center of the pin and the external one hundred percent line of blur? These points are determined where the transition area begins for the blur effect. The region between the center of the pin and these large points is completely protected from the blur effect and has the same sharpness as the original image.

The region between the center of the pin and four large barrels is protected from the blur effect.

Blur starts from these four points and gradually enhanced towards the external line, where the effect of blur achieves the greatest value.

The area between 4 large points and the outer line is the transition area for the blur effect.

We can move these transition points closer to the center of the pin or on from it by pressing them the mouse button. The closer to the external line we move the point, the more pronounced the transition area will become. To smooth the transition area, you need to move the points closer to the center. By default, moving one point automatically entails moving all points that in most cases we need. But if we want to move the points on one, you need to press and hold the key Alt. (Win) / Option (Mac) when moving a point.

Adjust the size of the transition area by moving large points.

Change focus

By default, the area between the center of the pin and the four transition point is protected from the blur effect and remains constantly in focus (sharp), but we can change it if necessary. If you look at the options window, you will see that the value of the focus ( Focus) Equally 100% (again by default). Reducing the focal value, you will add blur into a protected area. I will reduce this value up to 75%.

The choice of focal value regulates the degree of blur in the area between the center of the pin and the transition points.

Now it is clear that the region between the center of the pin and the transition points was slightly blocked:

Even the protected area can be blurred if necessary.

Move pins

As in the blur effect on the field, we can move the pin to another image place by simply by clicking onto its center and moving the pin.

Click on the pins and move them where you need.

To add a new pin to the image for larger control over the blur, move the cursor to the desired location and click the mouse button. In my case, I added two more pins - one - on the area of \u200b\u200bthe face of a woman and another - on the face of a child, which allowed me to regulate the degree of blur separate in these areas.

Click the mouse button to add new pins.

As in the effect of blur over the field, only one pin can be active at a time, and only the current active pin displays the blur area around itself. However, we can easily switch between pins, simply by pressing them, and work in the necessary regions. In my case, I chose a pin in the head of the woman's head by clicking on it.

Click on the pins to switch between them and work with blur areas.

We can temporarily hide the pins to view the image and estimate the blur effect by pressing and holding the letter H on the keyboard. When the key is pressed, the pins disappear from the field of view. After releasing the key, we will refund the additives visibility.

We can also view the original image to estimate the blur effect by removing the checkbox from the Preview item ( PREVIEW) In the parameter window. When the "Preview" item is not selected in the preview area in the blur galleries, the original image appears. Select the "Preview" option again to return to unfinished working with blur. For more fast switching Between the source and processed images, press the button several times. P.on the keyboard to switch between images.

Enable and disable the Preview option allow you to compare the original and processed images.

Removal pin

If you need to remove some one pin on the image, make it active, and then press the key Backspace. / Delete. On the keyboard to remove the pin. If you need to remove all pins and start working again, click on the "Delete all pins" icon in the parameter window.

Click the Delete All Pins button to remove the pins from the image.

Cancel action

If you have made a mistake when working, the blur filter on a diaphragm makes it possible to cancel the latest action that you have done when working with the filter. To cancel the last step, press the CTRL + Z / COMMAND + Z key combination.

Applying blur effect

While you are working in the battery gallery, you do not make the final changes in the image. Photoshop gives you the ability to preview the result obtained. When you finally finished working with the blur effect and are satisfied with the result, click "OK" in the parameter window or the ENTER / RETURN key on the keyboard to apply blur to the original image and exit the blur galleries.

Pressing the OK key applies the effect to the image itself.

And now again, for comparison, the original image:

Source image.

And end result:

Final result.

We did it! We learned to break the image using a new filter "Blur over a diaphragm", which is part of the blur galleries in Photoshop CS6

Translation: Ksenia Rudenko

Often, the perfect photo is the one that does not distract attention from the main object of shooting. Excellent focus can be achieved by increasing the aperture or using a special lens; However, there are a number of tricks with which conventional photo You can turn into a piece of art. All you need is Photoshop.

The article presents the simplest and effective answers to the question of how to blur the background in "Photoshop". CS6 is the English-language version of the program in which all the listed photomanitations are made.

Why do you need a blurred background?

Clear and rich in detail background can spoil a great picture, since the attention of the audience will be distracted by what is "for the scenes". Properly blurred back plan is able to instantly attract views to the chief object of shooting, which is in focus. The ability to effectively muffle the second plan is especially important for sports or concert pictures, where the crowd and props often "littered" the composition.

The use of special lenses and the most enlarged diaphragm, of course, will provide best quality A snapshot, but sometimes the photographer still has to resort to the help of "Photoshop" in order not to lose a promising frame, and on the contrary - "squeeze" from it all possible.

How to blur the background in "Photoshop"?

"Photoshop" is a very friendly program with a rich choice of tools and actions. Working with the back background can take from a few minutes to several hours, depending on how difficult the background should be as a result.

With just one layer and one filter, it is possible to create a homogeneous rear-line blur, while leaving the desired object in the focus. This light I. fast way Clearly divides the picture for two plans - the first and second, without leaving any transitions.

In the case when a comprehensive background is required, that is, several rear plans and focus elements, work on the image will be long and painstaking. But for modern versions of the program, that is, CS6 and above, there is almost nothing impossible.

Several simple blur options

A quick and absolutely homogeneous blur of the background can be achieved over several steps. There are three very simple ways how to make the back background blurred in the "Photoshop" without resorting to a set of layers and absolutely passing work with masks.

Such blur, let the simple and spectacular, are still not perfect, since the space of the picture loses part of its realism and depth. Listed methods are more suitable for amateur editing and perfectly cope with the task - blur the background.

Filter Iris Blur.

The first and most easy way - Use the Iris Blur filter. It simultaneously displays the selected object into the focus and blurs the rest of the snapshot. The advantage of this method is the speed and quality of the result, among the disadvantages it is worth noting the form of the focus, which can only be a circle or ellipse.

The IRIS Blur filter allows you to choose only one element or part of the picture in the elliptical focus, while soaring and lubricating the remaining background. Focus size and blur radius is very easily changed and controlled. There is also the ability to set up a smooth transition between clear and blurred photographs.

Step-by-step instruction

The following steps describe in detail how to blur the background in the "Photoshop CS6" using the IRIS Blur filter ("Blur diaphragm"):

  1. You must open the file in the "Photoshop" and remove the layer lock by clicking on its icon twice, press OK in a swimming window.
  2. Next, you need to select the desired filter in the main (upper) menu of the "Photoshop program", repeating the following steps: Filter -\u003e Blur -\u003e Iris Blur. The photo opens in a new menu that offers to choose a focus point and blur radius using a mobile ellipse.
  3. When configuring the focus, it is necessary that the center of the ellipse, indicated by the circle, was in the very center of the main object of the photo. After the focus is selected, you can adjust the dimensions and even the form of an ellipse, turning over or pulling onto the sides of its edge.
  4. From the inside of the ellipse there are four points that allow you to adjust the transition from focus to blur.
  5. On the side panel under the inscription Iris Blur there is a runner controlling the level of blur - the lower the value, the clearer background.
  6. By configuring all the parameters, you must click OK, and the snapshot is ready.

Blur Tool

The second way is to resort to the help of the Blur tool and "paint" the background. The use of the "Blur" tool may be the most simple way Answer to the question of how to blur the background in "Photoshop". To work with it, you need only one layer, which can be the original photo.

The main advantages of this method are simplicity and speed, but do not underestimate and the ability to control not only the radius, but also the blur areas. The disadvantages of the tool "Blur" are rudeness and some elderness of the final result.

Detailed description

Following several steps below, you can very just figure out how to blur the background in "Photoshop" is convenient and quickly, thereby improving the picture:

  1. You need to download the selected photo in "Photoshop" and remove the layer lock.
  2. On the toolbar (left) you need to choose Blur, it is indicated by the drop icon.
  3. The settings panel, under the main menu of the program, allows you to select the size of the brush and the intensity of the blur (Strength).
  4. By configuring all the parameters of the tool, you need to carry out a brush along the background that you want to blur.
  5. The size of the brush and the intensity of the blur can be changed as the focus object approaches, you can also experiment with the Blur tool and blur the background unevenly.

Work with two layers

The third way - to create two layers, one of which will serve blurred backgroundAnd the other will be the object of focus. The advantages of this method are simplicity of use and the ability to select multiple focus objects. Negative moments of using this method - unprofessionality and "cheap" appearance of the final result.

However, for beginners, this is another simple way that tells how to make a background blurred in "Photoshop" is almost as easy as with a Blur tool. To do this, open photos in pHOTOSHOP program and duplicate the main layer by clicking on it with the right key and selecting the Duplicate Layer option. This will create two working layers. For ease of work, you can rename the top layer by calling it the "background".

Detailed description

The subsequent instruction step by step explains how to make a background blurred in "Photoshop" using only two layers:

  1. Select the top layer on the sidebar on the right.
  2. Choose a suitable blur filter from the gallery: Filter -\u003e Blur -\u003e Filter to choose from. For a quick and relaxed effect it is better to use Gaussian Blur. As a result, it will turn out completely blurred photography.
  3. In order to highlight the focus object, you need to select an eraser (eraser) on the toolbar and, adjusting its size, erase part of the top layer over the part of the photo that should be clearly focused.
  4. Correcting the size and transparency of the lasty, you can create a complex and different blurred background.
  5. In the end, you must connect both layers into one, for this in the main menu you need to select Layer and then click on Flatten Image.

These methods are ideal for beginners, just beginners to get acquainted with "Photoshop". They answer on fAQ About how to blur the background in "Photoshop" quickly and beautiful. In addition to the above, there is still a lot of opportunities to turn a simple photo into a deep and comprehensive snapshot with several points of focus and complex rear plans.

There are a number complex waysrequiring a lot of time and skill, but at the same time they show how to make the back background blurred in "Photoshop", without losing quality and adding artistry.

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