Photoshop make the background transparent. Make a transparent background in Photoshop

Online program Pixir-make a transparent background for the picture.

Sergey Feschukov

Sometimes you come across a very suitable picture for your post and everything would be fine ... But the background of the picture does not fit the background of a blog or a block with text. Obviously, none of me have this problem and none of me have a white background, which would be suitable in most cases. I need transparent background!

I haven't found any normal ideas on the internet how to make a transparent background for the finished picture, so I started experimenting myself and found a more or less suitable solution!

How to make a transparent background for a picture

Let's take as an example one simple image in .jpg format (in general, the format is not particularly important):

There is a white background here which I want to get rid of and make a transparent background instead. Pixlr, an online version of Photoshop, will help us with this.

Load our image. On the right, in the "Layers" window, the "Background" layer will appear, on which there is a lock (does not allow deleting the background of the picture).

By double-clicking the left mouse button on this lock, you can remove the lock from the background. A check mark appears instead of the lock.

Now we take the magic wand (toolbar, right column is the second button from the top), specify the following parameters: tolerance \u003d 21, checkmarks are on smoothing and continuity (usually such parameters are by the standard), although you can experiment with the parameters; and click on the background of the picture (in our case, on the white background).

Now we remove the background by pressing the "Delete" button and get the image we need with a transparent background.

As a result, we get the same image with a transparent background.

Pixlr's only negative - the image cannot be saved in .gif format, which also retains a transparent background, but much easier than the .png format. But if there is no other way out, why not take advantage of it?

thanks to Natalia Petrova

12/21/14 32.7K

Before you make a transparent background in Photoshop, you need to know everything well about the capabilities of this program. And then suddenly, instead of the background, your clothes in the photo will become transparent.

Basics of working with backgrounds in Photoshop

Photoshop is considered to be the most powerful tool for working with raster images. Sometimes it seems that you already know everything about the capabilities of this graphic editor. But then again and again you come across something new:

The most demanded area of \u200b\u200bapplication of Photoshop among ordinary users is changing and editing the background of an image. As if anticipating this, the program already at the first stages of creating a new graphic file asks how to make its background layer:

Creation of a new graphic file in the graphic editor is carried out through the menu "File" - "New". In the dialog box that appears, you can set the dimensions and basic parameters of the future image. Setting the Background Content field to Transparent is the main way to remove the background at the stage of drawing.

The ability to edit images in Photoshop is built on the use of layers. Each of them is a separate independent object. Changing any of the layers will not affect the content of the others. Layered structure of the image is displayed in the "Layers" panel:

But all this is theory that can be quickly learned in practice. So let's get started with a creative expression that will be enhanced by Photoshop.

Using an adjustment layer

Let's take an example of how you can change the background in Photoshop using an adjustment layer. At the start, we have the following image:

The upside of using an adjustment layer is that it saves you time by adjusting the effect on the entire color gamut of your drawing. You can create it by clicking on the black and white circle at the bottom of the Layers panel. In the menu that appears, select the "Curves" item:

By moving the point on the curve and adjusting the color channel, you can achieve various changes in the entire photo. With a skillful approach, further editing may not be necessary. This is probably the fastest way to change the background of a photo:

With an adjustment layer, you can easily change the time of day throughout the city.

Removing the sky

We are tired of the boring sky over the city. Therefore, we will remove it using the Background Eraser tool. It's in the sidebar on the left:

Of course, the above example lacks a bit of precision. Therefore, in order not to remove the necessary details in the drawing, you should use a thin nib.

All changes affected only the main layer. Before changing the background, create a new one through the menu "Layer" - "New":

Now, to make a new sky over our city, you can apply your imagination and various Photoshop tools. For example, some kind of gradient. Here's what you might end up with:

But the contours of the city are very difficult to cut exactly. So we'll use a desert photo to demonstrate the next tool. The task is the same: we change the sky:

To select the cloudy sky above the desert, we will use the " Magic wand". It is suitable for use in cases where the design consists of several pronounced color shades.

Before replacing the sky background with another, activate the magic wand in the toolbar and click on the sky with it. In this case, it is better to set the sensitivity of the instrument to the maximum value. Otherwise, the background will not be selected correctly:

After that, on the selected area, right-click, and in the appeared context menu, select “ Layer through cropping»:
Nothing seems to have happened. But if we look at the "Layers" panel, we will see a new element there. To remove the cut-out background, select the layer containing it and select the "Delete Layer" command from the context menu. This is what our desert looks like now:

Now you can add a new layer and fill the Sahara sky with bright colors:

Blurring the background

Still, I want to practice not only on cats, but also on humans. Let's look at how to blur the background in Photoshop. Let's take a picture of a person for editing. According to the unwritten laws of the Internet, a photo of a beautiful girl is most often used for such a demonstration:

Now let's try to blur the background of the photo so that all the attention is focused on the female beauty. This effect can be obtained by using expensive "DSLRs" for photography. But we will achieve this with a graphical editor.

The main problem is to correctly define the contours of the body. Let's try to use the magnetic lasso for this.

If you draw the "Magnetic Lasso" tool along the contour on the image, then the silvery stroke as if magnetically attracts to the boundaries of the selected object.

After activating the tool, carefully draw the cursor along the contours of the girl's figure. And then in the context menu, select the item " Invert selection»:

Before blurring the background, apply the built-in filter of the graphics editor. To do this, in the "Filter" menu, select the item "Lubrication" - " Gaussian smear»:

It turned out, of course, not without flaws. But all of them can be removed using the Blur tool. And this is what happened:

Now let's take a different approach and use a mask to select the girl's shape. First, let's create a duplicate of our layer. To do this, mark it in the "Layers" panel and select the item " Duplicate layer»:

Then, apply the filter “ Gaussian smear". And add a mask to the copy of the layer by clicking on the icon in the form of a rectangle with a white circle inside it. This is how the girl's photo should look at this stage:

Quite often, you can find a suitable image on the Internet, for example, to embed it on a website. Or perhaps you are making a collage, and you need to add others to one drawing. But the images you need usually have some kind of background.

Let's figure out how you can make a transparent background for the picture using the editor Adobe Photoshop... I have an English version of Adobe Photoshop CS5 installed, so I will show on it. I will try to give you various keyboard shortcuts.

If you do not have Photoshop installed yet, you rarely use it or it is in English, you can make a transparent background in This is a simple Russian-language image editor that will take up little space on your hard drive. By clicking on the link, you can read a detailed article. You can download from our website.

Let's start with a simple example. Suppose you have an image on a plain background, it can be a logo or a name for something. Let's make this logo or inscription on a transparent background in Photoshop.

Open the desired image in the editor. Now let's make a transparent background for the layer. In the "Layers" window, double-click on the added layer - there will be a lock opposite it. The "New Layer" window will open, click "OK" in it. After that, the lock will disappear.

Choosing a tool "Magic wand"... In the property bar, specify the sensitivity level, give different values \u200b\u200bto understand how it works, for example 20 and 100. To deselect the picture, press "Ctrl + D".

We set the sensitivity and click with a magic wand on the background area. To add to the selected background, those parts that are not selected, hold down "Shift" and continue the selection. Press “Delete” to remove the selected areas.

Now, instead of the background, there is a checkerboard - this means that we have succeeded in making the white background transparent. Remove selection - "Ctrl + D".

If you have an image or photograph that has many different colors and objects, consider how make a transparent background for the image in photoshop.

In this case, we will use the tool "Quick Selection"... We click on the magic wand with the left mouse button with a slight delay and select the desired tool from the menu.

Now we need to select the object that we want to keep on a transparent background. In the property bar, set different sizes and click on the object, adding areas to it. If an unnecessary background is mistakenly selected, press "Alt" and remove it.

Press “Q” to view the result. The parts of the image that will become transparent will be highlighted in pink.

Copy the selected areas by pressing "Ctrl + C". Next, create a new file, "Ctrl + N", with a transparent background.

Paste the copied fragments into it, "Ctrl + V". If there are unwanted background parts left on them, remove them using the Eraser tool. Save pictures made on a transparent background in PNG or GIF format.

Make the white background of the picture transparent, or make the background transparent for individual fragments of a color image or photo in Photoshop. After that, you can use them where it is necessary: \u200b\u200bembed them on the site, add them to another picture or make interesting collages.

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When you work on website design, you often have to deal with the fact that the found image, which would ideally fit your site, has a different background, which would be desirable to remove.

And so, open our picture in Photoshop.

1. The first thing to do is to create a work area for the picture with a transparent background. For this:
- in the layer window, double-click on our layer (with a lock)
- In the popped up window, click OK

The lock should disappear

If the background is solid:
Select the tool " Magic wand"Is a very flexible tool for selecting the desired area. Our task is to select the entire background, except for the picture. To do this, adjust the settings of the magic wand (parameter tolerance) until we get the desired result. Also, use the Shift key to select an area in addition to the already selected one. Press Del and the selected region is deleted.

If the background is multicolored:
We use the tool " Fast selection". Here our task is to select not the background, but the object itself, which should remain. Press until the desired area is highlighted. If the extra is highlighted, hold down Alt and minus the oblite. You can view the result with the Q key.
When the selection is ready, copy it with Ctrl + C. Create a new document with a transparent background (Ctrl + N) and paste the object there Ctrl + V.

3 ... If there is something superfluous in the picture, use the tool “ Eraser“, Just erase the extra background.

4 ... Save the image for the Web (Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S) select the GIF or PNG format (in others, our transparent background will turn into white).

Useful video on the topic:

Good day to all, my dear friends and readers. I write articles on my blog every day, and accordingly, each of them needs some kind of introductory picture. To do it, you have to look for special images on the Internet. Ideally, there are images with a transparent background. This greatly facilitates the work, since they fit perfectly into the picture without unnecessary objects.

But it happens that I found some awesome image that would fit the general theme, but she, such a dog, is with unnecessary objects and background. And then what? To score on good graphics? No way. And just today, I will be happy to show you how to make a transparent background of a picture in Photoshop in several fairly simple ways.

You can see my article where I wrote about. This method is suitable for our purpose (you also select an object and transfer it to a new document with a transparent background), but I would recommend using it for such complex selections. For the usual removal of unnecessary background (that is, creating a transparent one) we will use simpler methods.

Before starting the main work, open an image and try to crop it to the point that the element fits into it. It will be easier this way, believe me. Moreover, this is not difficult to do. Just take and shrink the boundaries.

If you expect to do something from scratch, then initially make sure that when you create a new document you have a transparent background. To do this, create a new document and after setting all the parameters, be sure to set "Transparent background"... And then we work as usual

Magic wand

This tool is best for removing the background when it is uniform or with a similar texture. For example, I took a photo of a monkey on a rope. As you can see, it is on a white background, and we need a transparent one. Then we crunch our fingers and start doing everything step by step.

If you see that the background is either too little or too much, then play with the tolerance. The larger it is, the more similar pixels it will capture, i.e. more if the tolerance is minimal, then it will highlight strictly one color, and if you increase it, then the range will also include shades that are close to this color.

Just don't forget that such images must be saved in the format PNGotherwise the transparency will be lost and you will have a white background again.

If the background is very heterogeneous and it is clearly visible that even the tolerance will not help, then use others, for example, or even a lasso. By the way, I already showed this on.


You can also erase the background with the usual one. Yes, exactly to them. Just do not forget to remove the lock from the layer, otherwise, instead of transparency, everything will be painted over with white.

The process is, of course, quite dreary. After all, it is necessary to pick up the normal rigidity and wash it calmly, without touching the element itself, in this case the leopard. In any case, it cannot be ruled out as an option. Do you agree?

Of course there is a simpler way, namely the tool "Background eraser"... The only thing is that it is better that the background and the element differ enough from each other in color and saturation. So I took a photo of a tiger jumping against the sky. A great option.

Well, at the same time I will not forget about one more eraser. In the same toolset, select "Magic eraser"... Again, we look at the tolerance. With such a composition, a high level of tolerance can be set, even 80-90 .

Now we just need to click on the sky once. See what happened? We no longer need to wash anything. Most of the sky is shaved off with a single tap.

Click on the rest of the sky to remove it completely. The tiger should only be on a transparent background. Well, then everything follows the scheme. Clean up everything to transparency and save the picture in the format PNG.

Well? Isn't it beauty? All. Now it can be used for any kind of collages or other kinds of images. You can even make it look like he is trying to attack you))). Well, this is how your imagination will tell you.

Well, if you seriously want to learn how to make beautiful, interesting and professional collages, then be sure to look course from Elena Vinogradova, a professional collage maker on this topic. The course is really great and looks a breeze.

Well, on this I say goodbye to you. I hope that you enjoyed my lesson today and was useful to you. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates and share with your friends on social networks. And I'm waiting for you in my other articles. By the way, have you forgotten about the competition? I'll announce the results in a week. So let's hurry! Well, I wish you success. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

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