World of tanks voice messages. Disappeared voice chat in WoT - solving the problem

The minimum tactical unit in World of Tanks is a platoon - a group of two or three tanks. To survive and achieve victory in battle, team play and the interaction of fellow platoons are extremely important. However, such interaction is impossible without reliable communication between the players. Due to the dynamic nature of the battle, using regular chat for this purpose can be difficult. A much more convenient way of communication is voice chat, available to all World of Tanks players. The minimum equipment required to use it consists of a microphone and headphones / speakers.

Step 1

To enable audio chat, open the game menu:

Step 2

Click the Settings button:

Step 3

Select the "Sound" tab and check the box next to the "Enable voice communication" option:

Make sure your mates have also activated voice communication in the settings.

Important: on the "Sound" tab, you can also test the quality of voice communication and adjust the volume of the players' voices, microphone sensitivity and the overall volume of the environment during a call.

Step 4

To use voice chat, press and hold the microphone activation button on the keyboard (by default, this is the Q key). At the same time, green waves will emanate from your in-game name in the chat list, indicating that the sound transmission mode is on.

If you want, you can assign any other key for the function of turning on the voice chat.

Important: you can turn off the transmission of voice messages for each specific player both during the battle and in the Garage. To do this, right-click on the player's nickname and select the option "Disable voice messages":

    1) Possibly a microphone malfunction - you need to check;

    2) The microphone settings on the computer are lost or the settings in the game itself are lost;

    3) Maybe just a glitch, try restarting the game and the computer;

    • Mumble;
    • Raidcall;
    • TeamSpeak 3.
  • The reasons why voice communication is absent / does not work in this game may be the following:

    • change of settings / their failure;
    • low speed or no work of reading to the Internet at all;
    • there may be problems in the microphone, and not in the game;

    You can try restarting the game itself, or restarting your computer. Check the network connection. Log out of the server and try logging in again in a couple of minutes.

    1. You have lost the settings in the game itself. Go to the settings and set the settings as you see fit;
    2. Perhaps the microphone settings in the computer itself are out of order;
    3. The microphone may be broken;
    4. Try to re-enter the game, or restart your computer.
  • There can be several reasons for non-working voice communication in the game WOT. To begin with, just restart the computer and if after that the connection does not recover, then we go step by step further. We check the sound drivers of the card, whether there are any errors there, and whether it is detected at all. We check the microphone settings themselves, they may simply be incorrect. We check the settings in the WOT game. Or maybe the case is on the Internet and there is simply no connection, we check. There may also be viruses.

    • a trivial computer failure, just restart it and everything will return to normal,
    • the microphone is out of order, it is extremely simple to check it - go to skype and listen to yourself offline,
    • the drivers have flown to the sound card, check the device manager for undefined devices,
    • the game server lags and the problem is not on your part!

    Go through the points and have a good game!

  • There are many reasons. Bad Internet. Bad microphone. Check the settings. Log out and log in again (it helps for a while). There are also many programs for communication.

    Read more about the problem and its solutions here

    Voice communication here can work for several reasons, the main one in the settings could be a failure and the second is that the problem itself is in the game, sometimes when updates are released, there are lags. There may also be a problem with the headset. And best of all, you need to use the game communication through programs such as RaidCall, TeamSpeak 3, Mamble.

    Microphone problems in WoT can be caused by either incorrect settings or some kind of changes to the system files. For example, when you add a new mod, it can affect the voice communication. Go to settings and select the correct device for voice recording.

    It is not uncommon, especially for novice players of the popular game World of Tanks, voice communication does not work or stops working. I will name several reasons and how they can be eliminated.

    Reason 1.

    Game settings are out of order. It is not necessary to return to the original positions, you just need to check everything and correct it as you see fit. More often it is the reconfiguration that can immediately fix the problem.

    Reason 2.

    The settings are already lost on the PC microphone. You can check them through the control panel. And then turn on the voice chat test.

    Reason 3.

    Client with error. Just try restarting it. It did not help, then try to restart the PC.

    You can try the following:

    1) Restart your personal computer and check if the connection works.

    2) Check the operation of the microphone in other programs to exclude its malfunction;

    2) Check the microphone settings in the game, maybe something is wrong there.

The article will discuss which voice communication applications are best used in the exciting game World of Tanks.

As you know, the game itself already has a standard connection. Yes, it is not the best, and in some cases it is completely inaccessible to the players. This is due to the fact that it consumes traffic, and it is also impossible to enable it for those users who have a weak, slow Internet. For your team to hear what you are saying, you must constantly press the Q key. Despite some of the shortcomings of the standard communication, many players still use it and do not complain. In the photo you can see how to set up such a link and enable it.

Skype communication

Today almost every user has downloaded this useful program for himself. Skype is currently used in World of Tanks as well. The advantage of the program is that you do not need to hold down a certain key to exchange voice messages, you just need to add the player to your Skype, call him and communicate calmly. There is an opportunity to create your own groups, which will include several members. Among the shortcomings, we can only note that you need a fairly good Internet.

Probably the most common form of communication today. It can be used even in company battles, even in team battles, and also in randomness. Such a connection works according to the following principle: you create a channel, and then give a link to connect to this channel.

The result is a virtual room, the participants of which can easily communicate with each other. This type of communication does not require high-speed Internet and is quite easy to use.

This type is gaining popularity every day. So far, TeamSpeak is the second most popular after Raid Call, although in the future, perhaps most players will exclusively use this connection.

Among the minuses, it is worth highlighting the English language, as well as the fact that enemies can connect to the server, moreover, from any state. As for the language, I have not yet found a way to change it to Russian. In general, this connection is quite solid and suits me personally.

The choice of connection depends entirely on you. Remember the main thing - it should help you play and win, and not interfere with the process of an exciting game.

Updated (07-24-2014, 20:55): made links clickable

Hello everyone, Frostninzya163 is with you and today we will talk about the popular communication applications that we use for a more comfortable game in the world of tanks.

It's no secret that the game has a standard connection, but even if it is not ideal, since it eats traffic, it is generally inaccessible to someone with a weak Internet (since you will not be heard), you constantly need to press the Q key so that the platoon or team you heard. But still, players still use the in-game connection. Above, I posted a photo where you can see where the connection is located, how to enable and configure.

I think every PC and laptop user has this kind of connection. Due to its popularity, skype reached the world of tanks. Since I often watch streams, I notice that streamers use Skype, and not only them, many players prefer Skype. The advantage of Skype is that you don't need to press any keys, you just add the player to your list (if, of course, he has Skype), call him and the whole channel is open. You can also create a group in which many participants will communicate. However, there are also downsides. Again, you need a good Internet connection, and of course, for the player or players to have Skype. You can download Skype.

Raid Call

In my opinion, the most popular form of communication. Players use it in team battles, in company battles, and in randomness. How the connection works: a channel is created, and then the creator gives a link to connect to the channel.
How would you get a virtual room in which all those who are there communicate. Of the advantages, ease of use and not very demanding on the speed of the Internet. You can download it.


The increasingly popular teamspeak voice communication. Many have already learned its advantages, and switched to this connection. We can say the second most popular connection for the game, after the raid call. The principle is as follows: we are looking for a server on which we will communicate, connect and distribute the link to the players. To speak, you do not need to press anything, they just said, and the microphone is automatically activated, at the end of the speech it turns off. Probably, this is a big plus, along with the fact that it is also not very picky about the Internet speed. However, there are enough minuses, the first minus is English, I have not yet found a way to change it to Russian (but there is a Russian version on the Internet, but did not download it), the second minus can be connected to you by ill-wishers, and absolutely from any country. In general, this connection suits me. You can download

The voice communication built into our game with you cannot boast of ease of use and an abundance of useful settings, and therefore tankers use third-party programs, for example, Raidcall for World of Tanks. In this article we will take a look at the program and see how it works.

Why download Redcall for World of Tanks?

Let's talk first about the benefits that every tanker will receive by installing Raidcall for World of Tanks.

    Ease of use in the clan. Voice communication software is the backbone of every clan. With its help, you can always be in touch with your clanmates and friends.

    The possibility of using rooms. A clan room in a group is a kind of chat, where many themed rooms are located. For example, "Company room", "Room for AFK players" or "Room for other games". This way, you will always be in the community.

    Overlay. In Raidcall World of Tanks, the overlay will allow you to see which player is currently talking.

    A variety of all kinds of settings. Sensitivity, volume, individual volume settings for each player, voice activation of the microphone are just a few of the settings available to the user.

Installing and using RK for World of Tanks

If you have already decided to download Raidcall for WoT, then let's talk about how to use the program. After you download the archive from our site, you will need to extract the exe file and run it. An installation window will appear, agree to the agreement of use and install the program anywhere on your computer.

Important note!

I ran into the following problem - since I am using the Chrome browser, I did not have a flash player installed on my PC. Open Internet Explorer and download the flash using it. Only after that I was able to register in the program.

Move on. After registration was successful (a matter of a few minutes), you are a newly-appeared Raidcall user, congratulations;). It remains only to customize the program to your needs and go to the desired group. You will need to download Raidcall for free for World of Tanks if the clan uses it, and not TeamSpeak 3. Once you enter the group, you will only have access to basic rights, you will not be able to go anywhere except the living room. To obtain the rights, contact the administrator of your clan's server, who has the right to grant you rights. And after that, you can easily move around the rooms and communicate with the players.

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