How to make big letters small. How to capitalize all letters in Word: ways

You can type text in different programs: WordPad, OpenOffice, Microsoft Office, or Notepad, but the keyboard capabilities in all of these programs remain the same. It switches from Russian to English by pressing two keys at the same time: as a rule, these are Alt / Shift or Crtl / Shift. There are also key combinations for switching the case on the keyboard, which we will talk about below.

How to capitalize the keyboard

If we carefully examine all the labels on the keyboard buttons, we will find several keys with strange designations - service keys. Some of them will help us make lowercase and uppercase letters.

By default, all letters are printed small - lowercase. To capitalize the first letter, you must simultaneously press two keys: the letter and Shift. Shift switches registers. In this case, the sizes of the numbers do not change. If you press Shift and a number at the same time, a punctuation mark will appear on the screen. Which one exactly depends on the keyboard layout and on the language in which the text is currently being typed.

The keyboard layout can be changed through the "Control Panel" in the "Keyboard" tab, but do not rush to do this. As a rule, by default, when you press Shift / a number, the character shown on the key is printed. With the English layout, the sign shown above the number is printed, and with the Russian layout, the sign on the key next to the number is printed.

If you need to make not only the first, but all the letters in the text in capital letters, then you will have to type with one hand, because the other will constantly hold down Shift. But this is inconvenient, which is why the keyboard has a Caps Lock key. If you press it, all letters will be printed in capital letters. Only the number keys will not be affected by Caps Lock. Pressing Shift while Caps Lock is pressed will print a small letter or punctuation mark on the numeric keys.

If Caps Lock is pressed, an indicator on the keyboard lights up, by which you can always find out which letters you will now start typing.

How to capitalize with Office

Microsoft Office is a very handy program: sometimes it fixes some errors itself or allows you to do it faster. For example, if you forget to capitalize a letter at the beginning of a name or a city name, the Office will correct the mistake by changing the lowercase letter to uppercase.

But here you need to be careful, because The office can overdo it. For example, in the words split-system, he will definitely try to write Split with a capital letter, considering it the name of the city. The same will happen if we are talking about a Trojan virus: after all, Trojan is a name! If you write about viruses more often than about ancient heroes, you should add the "Trojan" with a small letter to the Word dictionary. To do this, right-click on the word and select "Add to Dictionary" in the menu that opens.

In case you find that you forgot to capitalize the first letters where necessary, you can use the Word menu. Select the text that is typed with the wrong case. In the "Format" tab, select "Case". A window will pop up, which will offer a choice of several options for changing the case. All that remains is to check the box in the required option, for example, "MAKE ALL LETTERS IN CAPITAL" (uppercase). You can also completely change the register there.

Although Excel belongs to Microsoft Office, all these Word software tools do not work in it. There you need to type text in the cells, as in Notepad. Therefore, if you forgot to capitalize letters in Excel, you will have to fix it manually.

At the time of formatting a text document, there is often a need to capitalize all letters. In addition to the most basic way with caps, there are two more methods for solving the problem. We will consider in more detail below.

What are these "CAPITAL" letters

In order not to get confused between the names: uppercase, uppercase and lowercase letters, it is worth considering examples.

“IF THE SENTENCE IS WRITTEN IN CAPITAL LETTERS” - they say differently that only capital letters or capital letters are used in the sentence.

“If the text is written from small letters” - this means that only lowercase letters are used in the text.

Now, after an illustrative example, it will become easier to call things by their proper names and you will not have to replace "uppercase letters with capital letters". So, to make lowercase letters uppercase, you should choose the most appropriate from the methods below.

Using the "Register" icon

To make the text in capital letters, you must first select it (Ctrl + A), or select only the desired fragment by double-clicking it. Next, you need to open the "Home" tab in the main menu. Find the "Font" area and click on the register sign. Specify the option "ALL CAPITAL".

The selection changes from lowercase letters to uppercase letters.

Shortcut keys

Select the part of the article you want to convert to capital letters. While holding down the "Shift" key, click the desired number of times on "F3" until the text gets the desired appearance.

The need to make large letters small in a Microsoft Word document most often arises when the user has forgotten about the CapsLock function enabled and wrote some part of the text that way. Also, it is quite possible that you just need to remove the large letters in the Word so that all the text is written only in lowercase. In both cases, large letters are a problem (task) that needs to be solved.

Obviously, if you already have a large piece of text, typed in large letters, or there are just a lot of capital letters in it that you don't need, you probably won't want to delete all the text and retype it or change the uppercase letters to lowercase one at a time. There are two methods for solving this simple task, each of which we will describe in detail below.

1. Select a piece of text written in large letters.

2. Click "Shift + F3".

3. All uppercase (large) letters become lowercase (small).

    Advice: If you want the first letter of the first word in a sentence to be capitalized, press "Shift + F3" again.

Note: If you typed with the active CapsLock key, pressing Shift on those words that should have been capitalized, they, on the contrary, were written with a small letter. Single press "Shift + F3" in this case, on the contrary, it will make them big.

Using the built-in MS Word tools

In Word, you can make capital letters lowercase using the tool "Register"located in the group "Font" (tab "Home").

1. Select a piece of text or all of the text whose case settings you want to change.

2. Click the button "Register"located on the control panel (its icon is the letters "Aa").

3. In the menu that opens, select the required format for writing the text.

4. The case will change according to the spelling format you have chosen.

That's all, in this article we told you how to make capital letters small in Word. Now you know a little more about the capabilities of this program. We wish you success in its further development.

For some users, in the process of using the Microsoft Office Word program, it becomes necessary to type text not in the usual lowercase, but in CAPITAL or CAPITAL. In this regard, the question arises of how you can make the letters in the Word large. How this can be done very simply, read on.

How to make large letters in a Word

How to make uppercase letters in a Word

Of ways make letters big in Word there are several. The first of them, perhaps the simplest, can be used in the case of typing the text of the document from the very beginning, so to speak "from scratch". When you create a new document and retype the text.

Word capitalize letters

And in order to make letters large in Word, in capital, uppercase, simply, it is necessary press the CapsLock key on the keyboard, after which all the text will be printed in large letters.

If, for some reason, after pressing CapsLock, the text is still typed in small letters, press it again - press it again. The key may have been accidentally pressed earlier.

How to make text in large letters in a Word

Similarly, you can use the Shift key instead of the CapsLock key. However, in this case, you will need to continuously hold Shift with one hand (finger), and type text with the other hand.

Of course, this option creates significant inconvenience, but it still takes place if, for example, the CapsLock button does not work.

Word make small letters large

And finally, one more option that can be applied in the case when you already have some text printed in a standard font, in small letters. But you need to replace small letters with large letters, for example, the volume of the document is too large, and ... there is no desire to retype the entire text, and there is no time. To do this, do the following:

1 Open the document and select the text for which you need change case , i.e change letters to large... If you need to completely replace all the text in the Word with large letters, in this case to select all the text, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A.

2 After the text is selected, press the Register on the Toolbar in Word. In the standard form it is located in the section Font and looks like two letters Aa.

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3 By clicking on Register, in the list that appears, select the appropriate item. In our case, it will have the name ALL CAPITAL.

As you can see, all the selected text has become large letters.

Word make big letters small

How to make large letters small in a Word

It is not difficult to guess that the procedure for changing the register from large to small is practically no different from the previous method.

And in order to make large letters small in Word, it is also necessary to select the text in the document or the entire document if you need to replace the entire document.

After that click on Toolbars button Register (In chapter Font ), and in the list that appears, select the item all lower case.


In most cases, Word from the manufacturer Microsoft Office is installed with pre-configured settings. In particular, as a rule, the text in this program is typed like this by default. The sentence, as it should be according to the rules of the Russian language, begins with a capital letter, the text is written in lowercase. As soon as you put a full stop, the new sentence will automatically be capitalized.

But sometimes in the text it is necessary to replace small letters with large ones. There are several ways to do this. For example, if you need to write a word in large letters while typing a text document, press the Shift button (there are two of them on the keyboard - left and right, use either one) and hold it while writing the word or abbreviation.

You can also write a word in capital letters using the Caps Lock keyboard key. Press this button once and type your text. Whenever you need to change the case, press the key again. If you are typing words using Caps Lock, to type multiple letters in lowercase, press and hold Shift. Once you have made the necessary changes, release the key.

If you have already written a word in small letters and you need to replace it with capital letters, use the mouse to select the word or part of the text that needs editing. Then move the mouse cursor to the top toolbar and find the "Format" section. Open the menu with one click on the button with the corresponding inscription and select the "Register" option. Click this button and in the window that opens, select one of the proposed text writing options: as in sentences, all lowercase, all uppercase, start with uppercase (in this case, each word will be written with a capital letter), change the case. After specifying the appropriate way to change letters, press the "OK" button to confirm the operation.

If you just need to change the size of letters in the text, select a word or phrase, right-click and select "Font" in the drop-down window. In the new window, the table "Size" select the desired font size. Click OK. In the same table, you can apply other changes to the text: font, style, text color, modification, underline, as well as spacing and animation.

There is also an easier way to change the text written in small letters. To do this, select it and simultaneously press the Shift + F3 keys. Pressing them again will change the case: from lowercase letters to uppercase letters, as in sentences, each word with a capital letter, etc. In this case, you will only have to stop at one of the options.

Changing uppercase letters to uppercase. As good as the old text editor (I mean Word 2003) is, it just doesn't have many useful features. Sadly, it can't be helped. There is only one conclusion - you need to upgrade to a newer version. And for that matter, it's best to be as new as possible. Get used, so immediately to the good. Today I want to tell you about another useful feature - changing uppercase letters to capital letters. It often happens that, by inertia, you print a text in small letters, and then you remember that it should be a heading, and it is desirable that all the letters in it be in capital letters. You erase it and write it again. But it turns out that the text could not have been erased.

  • Highlight the written text;
  • Go to dashboard and tab home press the button Register ;
  • In the dropdown list, select the entry - ALL CAPITAL ;

In the same way, you can change uppercase letters to lowercase or give the command to change the first letter in a word to uppercase, or vice versa.

  1. Function As in sentences - changes the first letter to capital (capital);
  2. All lower case - changes the uppercase letter to lowercase (small);
  3. ALL CAPITAL - changes all letters to uppercase (large);
  4. Start With Uppercase - all words in a sentence begin with uppercase (capital) letters;
  5. cHANGE REGISTER all first letters in words will start with lowercase (small) letters. True, I don't know what this is for.

I hope you find these functions useful.

Modern computers have become indispensable helpers for us in almost any occupation. With the help of them, we can spend our leisure time, make purchases, and most importantly, do work with documents.

Indispensable helpers in working with text

Depending on the type of activity, you can choose a specific software package. If you are using Windows OS, applications from Office immediately come to mind: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and others. It doesn't take a genius to master the basics of using these small programs. The developers tried to arrange all the tools in the most rational and structured way.

For example, "Word" is one of the most popular. Most often it is used for office work, but it is perfect for home use as well. The editor is good because it is suitable both for professional activities and for sketching the most simple documents. It is widely used by schoolchildren, students, journalists, copywriters, bloggers. Thanks to its simplicity and intuitive interface, the editor is used even for quick sketches at home, for example, making a shopping list or writing down recipes.

Along with this, the capabilities of "Word" allow you to make complex text layouts, add graphs and diagrams, edit images and font styles and much more. Today we will get to know this editor better and learn about small tricks in its use, for example, how to do everything in the "Word".

MS Word

The first version of the "Word" was created back in 1983 by Richard Brodie. Since then, more than one update has been released for this small program. The editor uses simple forms of the table-matrix algorithm. Today the program is one of the most practical and used in the world. And this is far from an accident.

The advantages of "Vord"

Word integrates perfectly with other formats. For example, the 2007 version allows you to save the file in PDF format. The editor contributes to a fairly fast and pleasant formatting of documents. The functionality is configured so that you can instantly change the document style, insert a picture or a media file.

MS Word provides a wide range of SmartArt objects that are implemented in 3D format. Even a child can work with the editor, and if questions arise along the way, you can use the built-in assistant who will explain step by step how to complete a particular task. You can also vary the file size and recover damaged documents. Automatic use of built-in formulas and hyperlinks, table wizard, quick spell check, print preview - all this and much more can be found in this text editor.

All these functions "lie on the surface", but what happens if you "dig" deeper? For example, how to make capital letters Let's take a look at a few Word secrets that will help make it much faster and easier.

How to capitalize all letters in Word?

Many inexperienced users, having created a text, do not know how to make certain adjustments to it. For example, how to capitalize all letters in Word. So, they rewrite sentences again, wasting a lot of precious time. There are several ways to solve this problem.

The first is the CapsLook button on the keyboard. When you press it, you will immediately type in large letters. This is great for styling headings or highlighting specific parts of text.

But it happens that in the same way it is necessary to arrange the already entered text. How can I change the letters to capital letters in the Word if they are already printed? Not many people know that there are a number of "hot" keys or their combinations for quickly performing a certain function in a text editor. Select the text you are going to change with the mouse. Then press Shift + F3. Done! The letters are now capitalized. By the way, to select all the text, you can press Ctrl + A. There are other ways as well.

How to change letters to capital letters in "Word" using the mouse?

To do this, make a selection of the desired text, move the mouse over it and press the right button. You will see a context menu with "Font" in it. A small additional text editor will open. You need to pay attention to the item "Modification". In the third column, select "All Caps", press "OK", and the letters will become large.

The third way to capitalize text in Word is as follows. You should be in the "Home" tab. It is set by default when opening a new document. Select the desired piece of text again. In the "Font" panel (where the text is bold, italicized, underlined, etc.) you will see a small icon with two letters "Aa" and a small arrow down. Click on it and select "ALL CAPITALS", so the letters will change immediately.

Now you know how to capitalize text in Word. But what about other little tricks?

In addition to such an interesting function as changing the case, there are a number of secrets in our text editor. For example, using the combination Alt + 7 + 6 + 9, you can put stress. This is very handy when writing literary text and legal documents. You can also put a password on the document to protect your personal information. Such manipulation is available in the "File" menu. With Ctrl + Z you can undo the last action. If you need to select a large piece of text (for example, not on one page), you can put the cursor at the starting point and hold down the Shift key, then just move to the end of the passage.

Now you know how to capitalize all letters in Word. Create and edit text quickly and easily!

Microsoft Office Is the most famous office suite for editing and creating tables, presentations, text and other types of documents. Today we will focus on the Word application, with which almost everyone is familiar: children are taught to work with it in schools, colleges, universities. With the help of this program, abstracts and documents are prepared. However, few people are familiar with its extensive functionality. That is why today we want to tell you how to make large letters in Word small. In general, there is nothing complicated here - everything is solved literally in a few clicks, but if you are faced with this problem for the first time, finding a magic button that will make all capital letters lowercase can take a long time.

How to lowercase uppercase letters in Word

Not all people can blindly print, looking not at the keyboard, but at the screen of their laptop or computer - this is where these kinds of problems come from. Just press the Caps Lock key once, and then type, peering at each key on the keyboard ... and when you notice that all the text is in all caps, it will be too late to change anything. In this regard, we have made this instruction for you. So, to make all letters in Word small, you must follow these steps:

As you can see, thanks to the really extensive functionality of the Microsoft Office Word program, the problem of converting large letters to small letters is solved in literally a matter of seconds. That is why we advise all our users to study the functionality of this text editor more thoroughly. Believe me, it still hides a lot of interesting, and most importantly useful surprises.

Remember that the "Aa" icon is responsible for the case of letters. By clicking on it, you can format the text as you like: small; large; letters as in sentences; capitalize each word, and reverse the case where small ones become large and large ones become small.

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