MegaFon turned off the number what to do. Why did the megaphone telephone number blocked

Found in the table box an old SIM card Megafon? But most likely it will not be able to use it immediately, because if you have not used it for a long time, it seems that Simka is already blocked. In order for it again to become a working need to unlock it. We will try to tell in detail how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card.

There are several reasons for which the SIM card can be blocked. For example, you lost your mobile or you have stolen it, it's not immediately to block your card, so that extraneous personalities could not use any means on the account, no contact with the subscriber for various scams.

Or such a case: you damaged the card, removing it from the slot mobile phone. And perhaps you went to the country for a long time and independently blocked the card from " Personal Cabinet", And now you want to resume its performance.

How to unlock SIM cards on a megaphone.

Most often, the number is blocked automatically if it was not used for half a year. If you are temporarily not using the MegaFon SIM card temporarily, we recommend that you periodically paste it into the phone and make a call.

In the event that you made a period of 6 months, the SIM card is blocked and the subscriber has exactly 10 days to unlock it. Otherwise the contract for this number is terminated in unilaterallyAnd your number is set back for sale.

But if your number has not yet been used by other subscribers, it is likely that you will be able to restore it, even if a few months after blocking the card.

However, if another subscriber has already enjoys the number, then you will not be able to restore it. Now only one option remains to get your old phone number - call it, describe your situation and ask you to sell you.

Now consider the case when the term of 6 months has not yet expired, but the map is blocked. To resume its maintenance you need to call service number 8 800 333 05 00. You will be connected to the operator, which will tell in detail what actions must be performed to unlock your SIM card. On the territory of Russia, the call is free, and in the event of a call from the border from your account, the means for roaming will be spiked.

Also, the subscriber can call reference number 0550, where the autoinformer will offer you help. To connect to the "alive" operator, press the number "0". A qualified call center operator will necessarily help you in this matter.

Remember that when you remotely handle such questions, you may need to confirm your personality. Therefore, when you call, have a passport with you, and also remember your a codeword. This data can request your call-center operator.

How to unlock the number in the megaphone network.

In the case when none of the above methods We did not work, we recommend contacting one of the network offices of MegaFon. A subscriber must have a SIM card that is required to unlock, as well as a document certifying personality (citizen's passport Russian Federation).

In the Customer Service Center, contact your free consultant, describing your problem. Experienced staff mobile operator MegaFon will help in the current situation and will do everything possible.

How to unlock the modem on the megaphone.

If the SIM card is blocked in the modem, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Find out the IMEI of your modem, for this go to the Device Manager on your PC. Select "Modems", find your device and clat on it by selecting "Properties", then "Diagnostics", then click "Poll." Then go down to the bottom window, there you will see imei of your modem.
  2. Load the program from the Internet to create codes.
  3. Install the program and run it.
  4. Enter the code in the program field that you found in paragraph 1.
  5. Press the "Start" button, then appear the "unlock" value, rewrite it.
  6. Now install a new SIM card in the modem.
  7. Enter on request the code obtained in paragraph 5.

That's all, now the modem works in normal mode.

Today we will talk to you a little about how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card. There is a lot of diverse approaches that will help us overcome the problem. Only not all of them will arrange a modern user. It is for this reason that we will try to thoroughly figure out what. After all, if you know how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card, you can always stay in touch, regardless of life situations and circumstances.

Business in balance

Did you have blocked the MegaFon SIM card? How to unlock it? First of all, it is worth paying attention to the source of the problem. That is, it is found out under what circumstances a number blocking was performed. After all, it is quite often to correct the situation much easier than you can imagine.

And the first problem with which the modern user faces is when its number is blocked due to a minus balance. Eliminate this problem Very simple - replenishment. Then you do not have to think how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card (or any other operator). But it can not be so simple, right? Of course no.

Modern users are much more often faced with other options for developing events. What exactly? And how to correct the situation? Let's try to deal with you in all this.

For a long time did not work

Another method that will help us to figure out how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card is suitable only for special cases. Then when you did not use your number for a long time. As a rule, the period must exceed 6 months. In this case, you have to return your number. But how to do that?

Quite often enough to just contact the operator's office with all identity documents, and with the relevant statement. After employees certify that you are the true owner of the room, your request will be satisfied. And all the problems will be solved. You no longer have to break your head over our current theme.

Only here and this version of the development of events is not the only one of its kind. The reasons for blocking the number can be still very and very much. And for each there is its own approach. Thus, we will continue to find out how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card.

Additional codes

In principle, a rather rare situation is the one at which you enter the wrong PIN code when you turn on the phone. It is then that it is pretty to try, in order to carry out the system unlocking the number. Unfortunately, many users forget very important data for this action.

We are talking about the so-called Pak code. It is he who will help you in unlocking, as well as inventing a new password to gain access to SIM card. Just enter it on demand, then come up with and score code, repeat it - and you can no longer worry about our today.

True, in most cases, as already mentioned, the bunch of the code is simply lost. And then there are very tight. How to unlock the MegaFon SIM card if you forgot the bunch code? In this we will deal with our conversation with you. So let's get acquainted with other methods of solving the problem. There are still quite a lot of them.

Short number

Well, now we go to the most common occasion. Very often in order to figure out how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card, we have to contact the support service. And without leaving the house: with the help of a call to the so-called " hot line»Operator.

Dial from any mobile phone 0500, and then wait for the operator. After that, inform your intention to unlock a specific number. Next, you have to prove that you are the true owner of the SIM card. To do this, you will have to call your passport data, sometimes - a place of registration. And only then you can rejoice in the results achieved.

If the SIM card is not framed about you, then you can forget about unlock. Or ask the official owner of the number to hold the procedure.

And we go with you to other options for developing events. They very often help in any situations. Only not everyone is convenient to the modern user.

Personal visit

If you think about how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card, you can easily contact your operator's nearest office. There, employees will quickly solve your problem. Regardless of whether you know the bunch or not.

True, to use this opportunity, you will have to grab a certificate of person. As a rule, it is a passport. When you take required documentYou can safely go to the MegaFon office, and then wait for your turn. Report your intentions and prove your rights to the room.

If everything goes successfully, you can very quickly enjoy your "SIM" again. Otherwise, you will have to look for other approaches to the decision of today's issue. Fortunately, they still have. Let's learn them as soon as possible.

the Internet

World Wide Web and Official Operator Website will help you answer how to unlock MegaFon. Login to other SIM cards does not apply (this is what is issued to you for authorization on the site). That is, a separate password and user name is issued for each number. Thus, you will have to find your own, tied to the locked number, and then with it to pass authorization.

You will get to the "Personal Account". It controls all the functions on the card. Find the unlock parameter in the "services" and activate it. Now you have to wait some time until a special notification of the processing of the operation comes. That's all. No problem. You are now known how to unlock the MegaFon SIM card using the Internet. Easy everything and simple.

But this is not the end of our conversation. We forgot with you about another rather interesting approach, which will help to cope with the task. What exactly are we talking about? Let's figure it out.

Duplicate issuance

For example, the most extreme measure is an appeal to the salons. cellular communication In order to get a Duplicate SIM card. It helps a lot when you have entered the wrong pack code several times in a row. As a rule, 10 incorrect combinations lead to full blocking of the room. And then only the replacement will be able to help.

Previously, users had to buy new numbers. But now in any office mobile communications You can get a duplicate of your "SIM card" and use it without any problems in the future.

Only you have to think how to activate the SIM card. There is nothing complicated: just insert it into your phone, and then turn on the gadget. It will be better to make one trial call - and all the problems will be solved. As you can see, nothing hard or supernatural. Everything is extremely simple. Thus, now we know all options for developing events when blocking the user's number.


So, today we have learned the situation with you, in which your SIM card can be blocked. In addition, now we have become known how to deal with this problem when using MegaFon.

As you can see, a lot of events development options are very much. And they all have their own characteristics. In fact, in most cases it is easier to apply for help in a cellular salon. Only there will help you quickly and efficiently solve the problem.

Your SIM card was blocked and you do not know what to do with it? You have a question - how to unlock the SIM card? Each megaphone user has the ability to restore a blocked card without registering a new phone number.

To begin with, you need to determine the cause of the card lock, after which, by performing the simple algorithm of action presented below, you can, as before, make calls and send messages.

There are a number of reasons due to which the MegaFon card can be blocked:

  • Very often this happens when the client incorrectly enters the PIN code or loses the SIM card.
  • Clients can independently block the SIM card, if, for example, the phone was stolen or the subscriber went abroad for a long time.
  • Another reason for blocking the map is its continuous inactivity. In the event that the subscriber did not use the phone within 6 months, the number will be automatically blocked by the operator. From this point on, the client has 10 days to unlock the card at its disposal. Otherwise, its contract will be terminated, and the phone number is again set for sale. In order to avoid such situations, it is recommended to sometimes insert a SIM card into the phone and make calls.
  • For physical damage The card can also be blocked.
  • It should be remembered that the numbers with a negative balance on the account are blocked. At the same time, you cannot extend outgoing calls, but you have the opportunity to receive calls.
  • In the latter case, you need to simply replenish the score, after which the card will be unlocked.

Methods for remote recovery number

If you did not use the number more than 6 months, and it was put up for sale, you still have the opportunity to restore it until it was transferred to the use of another subscriber. However, in the case when your phone number already has a new owner, you have the last option - to call your old number and ask the subscriber to sell it.

If the period of 6 months has not yet had time to expire, but the card was still blocked, you should call the subscriber support center at 8-800-333-05-00. The operator will try to explain to you what actions must be made to unlock the number. Calls to the operator within the borders of the Russian Federation are free. If you are calling this number From another country, the funds for roaming will be removed from your account.

You can contact the service call center also for a short number 0500. In order for you to be connected directly with the operator, you must push the number "0". It must be remembered that the Call Center operator can request confirmation of your personality, so in this situation you have to attend the corresponding document during the call.

Another way to independently unlock the MegaFon card is the use of the Self-service system "Service Guide". On the site you will be prompted to enter the name of the region in which you recorded a locked map, as well as your phone number and PUK1 code. After you enter the system, you can easily activate a blocked SIM card.

Other ways to unlock the SIM card MegaFon

In the case when none of the above methods are suitable for you, you need to take a blocked SIM card with you, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and contact one of the offices of the company. The consultant will definitely respond to your questions and will do everything possible to help with the problem.

If you are a subscriber of the metropolitan branch of the company MegaFon, subject to the personal presence and availability of a document confirming your identity, you can replace the lost SIM card by saving the former phone number. To do this, you must also contact the office of MegaFon and fill out the questionnaire.

Such a service is possible for legal entities. At the same time, the algorithm for the recovery of the SIM card looks the same: you can fill out the questionnaire on the site (after which the courier will contact you) or contact the MegaFon office personally with a document confirming the personality. This service is available for all MegaFon tariffs.

Cost replacement cards

Delivery new card It is carried out for 5-7 days for free within the Moscow Ring Road, and within the nearest Moscow region the cost of replacing the card is 200 rubles. You also have the opportunity to order the urgent delivery of duplicate card, the cost of which will be 400 rubles.

Any cellular operator blocks the SIM cards of its customers for any reason or other reasons. Most often, the reason for such a step becomes untimely payment of communication services or incorrect introduction of special codes. But the subscriber itself can use the possibility of blocking, for example, if a long time is not going to use this SIM card. No matter what reason your smartphone is blocked. Our task is to learn to remove the ban on the use of communication.

So, before doing this, you need to know the following: if your SIM card has been blocked due to a long "idle" (from 6 months or more), the following methods do not work. The megaphone operator blocks the subscriber numbers forever if they have not been used for a long time. After this time, the SIM card with your number is set for sale and can be purchased by another subscriber. Therefore, if the number has not been needed for a long time, you should not try to restore it - it is better to buy a new SIM card.

Ways to unlock SIM card MegaFon

Options designed to unlock numbers are divided into two types. Some of them are universal, that is, can be used regardless of the causes of the lock, while others are used exclusively in specific cases. You can use the following ways if your SIM card has been blocked by one of these reasons:
  1. You owe a large amount for communication services.
  2. You independently blocked your SIM card.
  3. You did not use the number for a long time (were at home, there are sim cards of other operators, etc.).
  4. You entered the incorrect PUK / PIN code.
Important information! If you have specified the incorrect PIN code three times in a row, the number is blocked and you should know the PUK code to remove the prohibition. If this code you specifies incorrectly ten times in a row, your SIM card is already blocked forever.

To unlock the number on the megaphone, use one of three options.:

If the number is blocked due to non-payment, simply replenish the personal account and the prohibition will be removed in automatic mode.

How to unlock SIM card MegaFon if there is no PUK code

In the event that the PIN code is entered three times incorrectly, the number is blocked. And to remove automatic blockingYou need to use PUK code. Where to find it? On the SIM card itself, pre-erased the protective layer, or in the documentation that went along with the purchase. If still, this code cannot be installed exactly, do not try to guess it. 10 times specify incorrectly and lose this number without the right to recovery.

What to do in this case? Of course, to get through to the Subscriber Support Center and explain the situation. Dial the number 88003330500, wait for the automatic information and follow the instructions. You will need to wait for the connection with the "alive" specialist, name your number, passport data and hear the PUK code of your SIM card.

Choose one of the options and unlock the number on the megaphone.

There are the following ways to unlock the Megaphone SIM card:

  1. If the money ended in your account and the number has been blocked, then simply replenish the balance. Activation of the SIM card will occur after repayment of debt.
  2. If your SIM card has not been used for more than 90 days, it can be blocked. To unlock your SIM card, you need to contact an identity card (passport) to the nearest salon of MegaFon. If during this period the number was not transferred to another user, you will be given a new SIM card with the old number.
    Find out if you can restore your number, send a free SMS message to short number 0500. The message needs to specify the number you are going to restore, and the name of the owner.
  3. In case of blocking the sim card of megaphone after loss or loss of it, you have the opportunity to get a new SIM card with the same number by contacting the operator's salon with the provision of a passport.
  4. In the case of a voluntary blocking of a MegaFon SIM card, no action should be taken: the megaphone number is unlocked automatically at the previously selected day. For ahead of time to unlock the number, you should take advantage of either contact your passport to one of the megaphone salons.

How to get a new SIM card with the old megaphone number?

You are in the right to get a new SIM card with the old number and all the services in any communication salon MegaFon. To do this, contact any salon megaphone with a passport.

When the SIM card replacement is required:

  • at the loss of an old SIM card;
  • if you need a SIM card of another format (micro, nano);
  • your old SIM card with damage or works with failures

Attention! It is impossible to recover old contacts with a lost SIM card. Also, if you want to change the old SIM card on a new thermo, you will have to pay 100 rubles.

How to replenish the balance to unlock a SIM card?

You can choose any of the presented sources of the balance:

  1. Explore the personal account with an electronic wallet or bank card.
  2. On your own, configure the autoplating with the help of the user on the official website of the company or contact the consultant in the Megaphone communication salon. This service will allow you to automatically replenish the balance from a bank card if the amount on the balance sheet decreases to a certain threshold.
  3. Translate funds from your bank card or activate into a single payment card.
  4. You can also activate a discount for points for a megaphone bonus.

Such a discount is virtual means on balance available for payment of communication services. Bonuses can be activated not only for their phone number, but also for the number of any subscriber MegaFon. To check and activate the bonus balance, go to your, and then click "spend bonuses."

Activation of bonuses is possible only if there is a positive balance.

There are also the following ways to replenish the balance:

  1. Another subscriber can translate funds from its own account using the option. Mobile translation. You can use this opportunity by typing * 133 * Amount of replenishment * phone number #. The recipient's telephone number kit can be carried out in any format - "+ 7", "8", without prefix (for example, 9yyxxxxxx).
  2. You can replenish the account without commission in cash in any salon of Megafon. To find out the location of the nearest salon, you should dial the * 123 # command.
  3. Use the terminals of payment systems ("Eleknet", QIWI, etc.). The size of the commission will be listed on the screen before the payment is confirmed.
  4. If you are a Sberbank client, as well as your card was tied to the telephone number, specify the amount in SMS and send a message to the short number 900. You can also use special program "Sberbank Online".

How to find out the tariff?

To find out the tariff, visit your personal account on the company's website or type the * 105 * 3 # command.

How to find out the phone number?

There are the following ways to learn your phone:

  1. Go from the device to your personal account. The phone number is indicated on top of the screen. To get a password for a personal account, put the SIM card into the device and type * 105 * 00 #;
  2. Dial the command: * 205 #. Your room will be displayed on the screen.

The company takes care of its customers and provides them with a wide range of services, including a voluntary blocking of the megaphone number, replenishment of the balance, transfer of funds between accounts, etc.

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