Login to your personal account beeline internet. Beeline personal account. Registration and Login. Login via app

Personal Area Beelineonline serviceproviding fast and convenient round-the-clock access to settings, operator and information about balance, tariff plan, etc. Now, if any problem occurs, no need to go salon mobile communication - just click a couple of times to enter your personal account, and you can independently resolve issues without leaving your home.

Login to your Beeline account by phone number

To enter your personal account, you need to go to the official website mobile operator (my.beeline.ru). The number is usually used as a login mobile phone without +7 and brackets... To get a password, you need to dial *110*9# and press the call key. After that, an SMS with a temporary password should come. After the first login to the LC, you will be prompted to change the password to a permanent one.

Login options for your personal account

Login to the LC through the Beeline website

The easiest way to enter the operator's Personal Account is to use the main Beeline website. To do this, you will only need to click on the button below:

It is also possible to use your personal account using an application for phones, tablets and PCs.

Login via app

You can enter your personal account not only from cell phone, but also from PC or tablet... You can also use free app "My Beeline", to download which you need to go to the official website of the mobile operator or download to Play Store... When launching the application for the first time, you must log in. After completing all the instructions, you will receive a password and you can enter the LC.

Download the application "My Beeline":

  1. https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/bilajn/id569251594?mt\u003d8 - for IOS
  2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id\u003dru.beeline.services - for Android
  3. https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/store/apps/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%91%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0% B9% D0% BD / 9nblggh0c1jk - for windows Mobile

Subscribers registered on VKontakte or on Facebook, by linking their account to their accounts in social networks, can do without a password.

What can be done through your Beeline personal account

Personal account greatly simplifies the life of subscribers, allowing:

  • Promptly check the status of the account;
  • Top up the balance;
  • Receive detailed information about calls;
  • Change tariff plan and learn about its conditions;
  • Connect and disconnect services;
  • Contact support.

In general, through your personal account, you can manage all services, settings of your phone number.

How to use your Beeline account

LC Beeline is quite functional, simple and easy to use. Depending on what manipulations the subscriber wants to perform, after entering the cabinet, go to the desired section:

These and many other functions are available to Beeline subscribers registered in their personal account.

An example of using a personal account

As an example, consider the following situation: after arriving at the airport at night after a long stay abroad and inserting a Russian SIM card into a mobile, the subscriber discovers that there is no money in the account. As you know, airports have free access to Wi-Fi, so you need to connect to the network, go to the Beeline LC, replenish the account from a bank card and turn on the mobile Internet. That's it - you can use the phone.

How to protect your personal account from unwanted expenses

Often money is debited from telephone accounts for services that the subscriber knows nothing about. To avoid such troubles, you can use the following methods:

  • Block money in your account from unauthorized expenses. In this case, the balance will be used exclusively for communication, that is, it will be impossible to perform the operation of replenishing the account of another subscriber, etc.
  • Connect the "Even list" option. To do this, you just need to call the number. AND required numbersthat do not pose a danger, enter into the "White List".

In conclusion, it should be said that it is impossible to delete the Beeline Personal Account. If the need for a personal account has disappeared, then you can either not enter it, or contact the office to terminate the contract.

Video about using the Beeline Personal Account

How to create a password for your Personal Account?

After entering your phone number (or login), click "Send" and to your the phone will come SMS with a password that must be entered within 5 minutes.

Entering email is optional.

With the "Continue" you will only have to accept the terms of Beeline's offer and choose the option of access to the Personal Account: full or limited.

And you will automatically be taken to the page of your Personal Account.

There are many ways to get information on your number and manage the tariff and services on it, for example, you can contact the communication salon or call the operator's support service. But the most convenient way to do this is to use your personal Beeline account, which is entered via the Internet from a phone, tablet or computer.

The subscriber's online account allows you to solve not only everyday tasks, such as finding out your number, phone balance or the remainder of minute packages, but also more complex ones - choosing and changing a tariff, getting details, replenishing the balance of your phone or your loved ones. At the same time, its intuitive interface makes it possible to manage all services with ease. If you have not yet registered in your personal account, it's time to create it!

Registration and entrance to the Personal Account "My Beeline"

For all Beeline subscribers, the office address is the same, but the registration procedure in it and its capabilities are different, and depend on what services the client uses.

Login by phone number

You can enter the My Beeline account on the official website: https://beeline.ru/login/.

Mobile subscribers also have access to the old personal account on the Beeline website, at the address: my.beeline.ru.

To enter your personal account as login the Beeline phone number is used in a 10-digit format (without the first 8 or +7).

To get a Password dial the command * 110 * 9 # or send a request through the Beeline website. Within a few minutes you will receive a letter or SMS message with a temporary password.

A temporary password will be valid only for 24 hours, so it will need to be changed at the first login or through the cabinet settings. The number of requests for a temporary password is limited - if you try to get a password more than 5 times within one day, the ability to reset it will be blocked for 24 hours.

Users tariffs "All in one" and those subscribers who have several numbers are connected at once within the framework of one contract to obtain a login and password, you must contact the operator's office.

Login without password and registration

Regardless of the device in which the SIM card is used - in the phone, tablet or modem - any Beeline subscriber can enter his personal account without a password and without registration.

To do this, you must disable on your phone, tablet or computer wifi and connect to a 3G / 4G network using the capabilities mobile internet Beeline. After that you need to go to the site my. beeline. ru - authorization in the account will occur automatically.

When authorizing without a password, the possibilities of the My Beeline account are limited - you cannot change the access settings and perform some financial transactions. But, at the same time, the subscriber has the opportunity to receive key information by your number, set up the tariff and services.

If your device does not have access to the Internet or you cannot enter your account for any other reason, read the section - frequent problems and their solution or call for help at 8-800-700-0611 or via chat with operator.

Mobile personal account

The easiest way to manage your phone or tablet number is just with the help of these same devices. For this, the operator has developed mobile office - application "My Beeline". It is not only more convenient to use on mobile devices, but also has more capabilities.

To get started, you need to install it and register following the instructions.

How to enter your personal account if you forgot your username or password?

If the username or password has been lost, access to the account can be easily restored. Learn old forgotten password, unfortunately, it will not work, but you can reset it and create a new one.

To do this, you need to re-obtain a temporary password from the user's account using the command * 110 * 9 # or by sending a request through the form.

Do not try to guess the password yourself, but when entering it, be careful - after 10 attempts to enter incorrectly, for security reasons, access to the account is blocked for up to 24 hours.

Recovering your login is also quite simple. In most cases, the login is the phone number and which comes in the SMS along with the password when sending the command * 110 * 9 #. If a USSD command you can't send, then you can use other methods to find out your phone number.

If the login is the personal account number or the contract number, then to restore it, you will need to contact the nearest Beeline office.

Features of the cabinet "My Beeline"

The subscriber's personal account is one of the most convenient and simple ways managing your number, setting it up and receiving operational information about the account status and statistics.

On the main personal page all basic data and the most requested number controls are displayed. It shows the phone number, the balance of the main and additional personal accounts, the current tariff plan with an indication of the subscription fee. In one click, the subscriber can view the characteristics of the tariff and change it, block the number, top up the balance or take a trust payment.

Below, the "Service Guide" Beeline contains information about discounts and offers from the company's partners.

In the section "Connected services" all connected services are shown and information services... Here you can see their description and the amount of the monthly fee, as well as disable unnecessary ones or select and connect new options.

On the Detailing page you can get a full report by your number - the history of the main and bonus balances, see general structure and detailing expenses by day. If necessary, you can download the report in a convenient format or order its sending by e-mail.

In settings" personal account, you can set the parameters of access to your account and notifications about actions with the number, change the password and configure the methods for its recovery.

Beeline personal account for managing your services. With it you can:

  • change tariff,
  • view the account history,
  • view traffic statistics,
  • use services on credit (trust payment),
  • connect and disconnect additional services.
  • your account is one if you use

to enter your personal account, use your login and password to access the Internet, usually it is indicated when connecting, c.

Same beeline personal accountavailable to you from the menu of your TV-box, through it you can:

  • monitor your account,
  • pay for services using a Beeline express payment card,
  • change the channel package,
  • connect and disconnect additional packages channels

lk.beeline.ru - Login to the cabinet

Instructions for the Beeline personal account

1. Click on this link lk.beeline.ru ... Enter your loginand password from an internet connection and click To come in.

Your login is indicated in the contract form, which the installer gives you when you connect. If you have not changed the password for the Internet, then usually the installer sets the password 0123456789 or 123456789.

2. You in Personal Cabinet! You can manage your account status, payments, services, etc. without leaving home. More details later in this section.

3. In the tab Information on the contract You can find out the current state of the account, the date of the end of the billing period, the cost of the tariff, etc.

4. For convenience, you can configure receiving notifications about your account status as an SMS message to your mobile phone number, for this click on Configuring notifications, enter your mobile phone number and press the button Save... From this moment you will receive SMS reminders about the need to pay for services Beeline with a personal account number a few days before the end of the billing period, in order to always be on-line.

5. Trust payment - this is the opportunity to use home Internet and digital TV Beeline on credit (without overpayment), when there is no way to pay for services before the end of the billing period. The service is available for activation 3 days before the end of the billing period and within 5 days after, provided that there were no earlier delays in the payment of the Trust Payment. After activating the service, you need to pay according to your personal account not later than the expiry date of the Trust Payment.

6. Change of tariff plan.In order to change the tariff for Internet Beeline, you need to go to the tab the Internet, left-click on the link Change of tariff plan, select the tariff plan you need and press the button Change your tariff plan. After that, you need to disconnect the Internet connection, wait a minute and connect again, if you are using wi-wi router, you just need to disconnect and reconnect the power of your router.

In order to see the result of these actions, I recommend using the service for measuring the speed of the Internet connection, preferably before and after))

7. Change username or password- it's quite simple, for this you need to go to the Beeline Personal Account tab Information on the contract, then choose Change username and password, enter the values \u200b\u200byou need in the appropriate fields and press the button Change login or Change password.

Note: If you are using WI-FI router, after changing your username or password, you will also need to enter new credentials in the router settings. Or if you are using VPN connection, it is also necessary to change the settings for Internet access.

8. Voluntary account blocking.Convenient when you go to the country or somewhere else for a long time. This service provides an opportunity to save money. You don't have to pay for the internet if you don't use it. In my opinion this is very reasonable) The service is provided for a period from 1 to 90 days... So, to temporarily block the account, you need to go to the tab the Internet, Further Service management and click on the link Temporary voluntary blocking of the InternetBeeline.
Carefully read the terms of service, tick the box and click the button Further
Read this text and click Enable blocking.

Now you can turn off the computer and go to collect things \u003d)) On your return, you need to go to the Beeline Personal Account in Saratov and unlock. (you do not need to connect to the Internet for this)

p.s. Do you have any questions on this topic ?! - ask them in the comments.

It is difficult to imagine a comfortable, fulfilling life today without the presence of the Internet in the house. But along with this, providers do not devote a lot of time to optimize and improve the way they access the network. Only in recent years this market segment has begun to develop actively.

If earlier, in order to find out the balance, to request details of the transactions performed on the account, it was required to personally appear at the office, now there is no such need. Any actions related to managing your own account are easily performed after entering the personal account of the Beeline home Internet.

Moreover, there is absolutely no difference through which device the connection is made, be it a modem or a router or a direct wired connection.

Ease of use LC Beeline

Now anyone can connect, its availability covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. All present possible options connections: via modem or router or direct wired connection. This is what allows subscribers to stay in touch, no matter what method is available to them and the most convenient.

To provide maximum comfort from using the home Internet, the client is given the opportunity to manage all services through the Personal Account. It is a tool that provides full interaction with the full range of Beeline capabilities. Here you can not only customize the selected tariff to fit your needs, but also pay online for all services.

Beeline's personal account can also be called the most in a convenient way to manage a service like. If the client has only recently been connected to the network, then he should first of all familiarize himself with the full capabilities of such a service.

Of course initial setup and getting access to your personal account is provided by a specialist in charge of connecting to the network. He performs all the necessary operations and issues a contract with an indication of the number, which is subsequently a login to enter. It also provides the current password with which the client can enter the account. The password can subsequently be changed by the client at any convenient time.

Two Important Benefits of LK Control

The first thing that can be noted is the speed of access to any services connected to the client, as well as the ability to independently control them and disconnect if desired. Detailed information is provided to the user for absolutely any service for familiarization and more efficient use of it in the future.

The second important advantage is full control over the expenditure of finances, as well as other resources, such as:

  • the number of minutes spent on conversations;
  • the amount of used mobile Internet traffic;
  • quantity money on the account, as well as bonuses.

This allows you not only to control current expenses, but also to plan a budget, calculating expenses for the coming months. There are several ways to do this.

How is the home Internet managed through the PC?

Login form to your Beeline account on the home Internet

First of all, when entering the website of the Beeline provider, you must correctly indicate the region in which the connection to the network was made. This point is the most important on the list, since in different regions the same service may be provided with different conditions. Next you need:

  • go through a simple stage of authorization on the site and choose which type of personal account will be used - home or mobile Internet;
  • after that, you should get an access code, which can be a modem or mobile number;
  • then you can simply complete the user registration and log in directly on the site by specifying the address email, it is required to receive a letter with confirmation of registration;
  • the last step is to click on the confirmation link in the letter, as well as to confirm your registration data and complete the procedure.

It should be noted that the second step may differ for owners of a mobile Internet and a stationary router. In the first case, you need to send a short request to the number * 110 * 9 #, after which the subscriber will receive an access code in the form of an SMS notification to the subscriber's number.

In the case of using a router or modem, the login for the Beeline personal account is the contract number specified in the corresponding form when the specialist connects the services. If the connection is made directly via wired Internet, then the password is also immediately indicated in the contract.

Important changes

Behind recent times, LK Beeline has undergone significant changes and now, in fact, is a full-fledged network for unified management of connected services, be it the Internet or TV. This means that now, after logging into his own personal account, the client gets the opportunity to manage all available sections, and they include:

  • home Internet using a router or modem;
  • mobile communication from Beeline;
  • access to current promotions and offers at a discount price;
  • digital home television control;
  • the ability to request details of the costs of communication services;
  • access to setting up and managing all active services, as well as the ability to connect new ones.

In other words, it is the ability to manage absolutely all the services provided by Beeline.

Since we have already talked about service management, it is worth saying a few words about disabling them in case of such a need. After all, it is not always possible to be behind a stationary device. In the event of a long vacation or an upcoming business trip, it may be necessary to temporarily stop the provision of the service.

And there is such an opportunity - under the name “ Voluntary blocking". This service is also available to every owner of a Beeline personal account, and the period of its use can be arbitrary, but cannot be more than 90 days.

The complete shutdown of the services provided cannot be carried out through a personal account, since this requires termination of the contract with direct attendance at the office. But through the LC, you can submit an appropriate request for disconnection in advance. It should be noted that the urgent termination of the provision of services under the contract is possible only if there is no debt on the account.

Benefits of using your Beeline personal account

Access to the Beeline personal account for each user is provided absolutely free of charge, as well as there is no tariffication for managing the service. A distinctive useful feature this service is the maximum information content and efficiency of obtaining all the data required by the client about the current functioning of the network. For example, on the eve of holidays, the provider can conduct profitable promotions to connect or rent a router.

The mobile operator Beeline has been operating in the mobile communications market under this trademark since 2005. At one time, the company was one of the hundred most expensive corporations in Russia. Today, this project covers millions of subscribers in all regions of the Russian Federation, offering customers loyal tariffs and high-quality communications. Focus on the interests of users is still at the forefront of customer policy. Therefore, each room owner is provided with private online cabinet Beeline, allowing remotely to carry out a wide range of different operations.

The main features of the Beeline personal account

  • Replenishment of a mobile account using a wide range of financial services, including electronic money and bank cards;
  • Changing the tariff plan remotely without operator assistance;
  • Service management (connection / disconnection), the unconditional benefit of which is described above;
  • Detailing of costs with the ability to download detailed data on calls and SMS in text / tabular formats;
  • Temporary / permanent blocking of a valid number
  • Sending free SMS to Beeline numbers

How to enter your Beeline personal account

Before proceeding to the description of the main functions and capabilities of the personal account, it is necessary to highlight its key advantage. Often, the subscriber does not even know that he has some kind of payable service... In this case, the money for an unused unnecessary option is withdrawn every month. In the personal account, the user can immediately see the entire list of connected services and instantly disable any active utilities.

How to enter your Beeline account:

  1. Go to the site https://my.beeline.ru, and enter your phone number in the "Login" line.
  2. Receive a reply message with an alphanumeric password.
  3. Enter your password into the proposed form on the above site.

The password can be changed in the "Password and Access Settings" section. It is important to understand that intruders' access to your personal account will allow them to perform any valid operations on your behalf. In this case, you risk not only funds for mobile account, but also personal data. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that when changing the password, choose a complex abbreviation without using such common combinations as surname, year of birth, etc.

ATTENTION! A three-fold error in the password leads to the need to repeat the entire registration procedure!

Login to your Beeline account from your mobile phone:Send a request to the number "* 110 * 9 #".

Beeline personal account login by phone number

In addition to the usual login, which is issued to all subscribers of the Beeline Internet and television, you can use it instead of a login telephone number... The main thing is that this number was indicated earlier in the profile of your personal account.

  1. We go to the beeline website (the link is above), enter the phone number in the login field;
  2. Enter the password;
  3. We press the "Login" button and get into your personal account.

If you failed to enter this way, it means that a mistake was made somewhere: your phone number was not indicated in your personal account, or you made a mistake when entering the password. This instruction is relevant for both mobile subscribers and home Internet users.

Beeline personal account settings

  1. "Subscriber profile". This section contains information about personal data, phone number, tariff plan and account balance. The default page opens immediately after logging into your personal account.
  2. The section "Services" is divided into subsections "Connected" and Available ". Simple fast connection and disabling service applications usually does not cause any difficulties for anyone.
  3. "Finance and Detailing". Highly useful functionality, which provides the ability to download information about mobile calls, messages and internet traffic in pDF format and XLS. The data can be obtained in your personal account and saved to hDD computer or mobile phone. Alternatively, study the information online without copying. The table includes the number of the incoming / outgoing call, the time of the event and the duration of the call, the total cost. If we are talking about the Internet, then the number of sent / received KB is indicated.
  4. "Ways of payment". In this section you can top up your account, pay for a new tariff plan, service or subscription using electronic financial services or bank cards... All data is processed using advanced encryption algorithms with security guarantees.
  5. The Application History is another useful glossary where you can see all the applications made and completed. Together with service management, this section provides the ability to exercise complete control over expenses, avoiding unproductive or incidental costs.

For those who have difficulty using any function, there is a section "Frequently asked questions" and " Feedback". Finally, it is worth noting that from your Beeline personal account you can manage all the mobile numbers of this operator registered in your name. This is especially important when it comes to mobile numbers children and adolescents who need constant supervision by their parents.

It is really convenient to have such functionality at hand in any place where there is Internet. We hope that our article will help you quickly master all the functions of your personal account, using the many advantages of a personal remote control and management.

Video instruction

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