How to set up a router without the help of a specialist. How to connect and configure wired Internet through a router

Through a router, but not sure where to start? We will help you with this. Only a small part of all those who themselves connected a Wi-Fi router at home make this installation without errors - they carry out the configuration, organize a wireless network and combine various devices into this network. Ignorance of the basics of planning local networks in the future can lead to problems when using them.

What is important to know at the beginning of the process

It is important to understand the nuances: in order to create a functional local network, you must purchase a Wi-Fi router. Don't confuse it with a non-Wi-Fi wired router that uses wires for signal routing - it usually doesn't have an antenna. Or with a similar device - an access point that performs other tasks.

To connect to the Internet through a router and organize a home Wi-Fi network, you can use various routers, because the main differences in the settings and connecting Wi-Fi routers to the Internet are only in the graphic design of the admin panel. Thus, if you understand the principle of connection using the example of one router, you can easily connect and configure any other. For example, today we will configure ASUS WL-520GC, the whole process with screenshots.

How to connect the Internet on a computer via a router

Before buying a Wi-Fi router, your PC received its own IP address from an ISP, and now, using your new purchase, you can connect other computers and devices. Now it is the router that will "communicate" with the provider and in your local network it will assign an internal IP-address to any of the connected gadgets.

So let's go.

  • We connect the router to the mains and configure it to communicate with the PC. To achieve this goal, we insert the Internet wire into the WAN connector on the router, and connect the other wire with two plugs (RJ45) to the PC network card (where the Internet cable was previously connected) and to any of the LAN1-LAN4 router connectors.
  • We recommend that you always use an uninterruptible power supply to protect your system from potential line surges and resulting hardware problems.
  • Let's start setting up your PC for work. Remember that not all networks are configured the same. Some people need static IPs, others need dynamic ones. Still others use PPPoE connection (regular login and password entry). The fourth do not require any settings at all: just connect the router to the provider's cable, open any site and you will get a menu with a login and password.

Many, by the way, are interested in how to connect the Internet to xp through a router. Nothing complicated - we take the following steps according to the scheme.

For Windows 7, the path looks like this: “Start\u003e Control Panel\u003e Network and Internet\u003e Network and Sharing Center\u003e Change adapter settings. Then, in the list of existing connections, we have to find and double-click the "Local Area Connection" tab, then select "Properties", select the "Internet Protocol version TCP / IP v4" item and click the "Properties" button (in the diagram, I am in the wireless settings connection, but since you do not have it yet, but connected the PC and the router via an Internet cable, then you select the menu item "Local Area Connection").

If you have any data here, be sure to rewrite it for yourself. This is important for those users who cannot find an agreement with an Internet provider for the provision of services and, accordingly, do not remember important data from the network setup agreement. This data can be useful when you move on to the task of how to configure the Internet via a Wi-Fi router (WAN), which will be discussed below.

Then, in the same window, go to the "Network connection parameters on the PC", set the IP, gateway and DNS values \u200b\u200bas automatic - we will enter them separately in our router ourselves.

We drive the address or into the browser search engine (if the first one did not work), here in most cases the settings of almost any router are located. If this address did not work, look in the manual for the router, at which address we can go to the settings menu of our device. You can also flip your router over. The sticker on the bottom of it contains the information you need.

Even if you did not find this path in the above ways - go to the "Control Panel", right-click on "Local Area Connection", in a new window, click on "Details", then we find IPv4 The main gateway - it is the IP address our router.

  • In the settings menu of our router, we must find the DHCP Server (usually in the LAN or Local Area Network submenu), then we set a number of values \u200b\u200bfor the IP addresses of various gadgets that will connect to our home network.

I used the following Start IP values \u200b\u200b- and End IP, you can vary them depending on the number of connected devices.

Turn on DHCP Server opposite to set “Enabled”. “Domain Name” (possibly also “Host Name”) - the name of the created local network.

Keep in mind that the screenshots were taken by me from my routers, which have an English interface and for a beginner to understand what and how, without screenshots, is problematic - so these screenshots should help. And given that almost all new routers come with Russian-language software, it will be even easier for you. For the device in question, it will look like this.

  • The global connection of the router occurs in the WAN menu. In Online, for example, the IP is set automatically, you do not need to configure it, you just need to insert the cable, set the network settings - and you are on the Internet.

In "WAN connection type" set Automatic IP.

On Starnet and similar networks, PPPoE type. When configuring PPPoE, we must enter: username, server name (or Service Name), password, primary and secondary DNS. All of the above can be found in the contract with the internet service provider.

Greetings, our dear readers. In the modern world, almost everyone is faced with Wi-Fi routers. The Internet is firmly established in our lives. Sometimes you have to connect and configure it yourself, let's find out how to configure a Wi-Fi router yourself.

First of all, we need this:

  • availability of a wired Internet connection;
  • PC or laptop;
  • wireless router;
  • connection cable to the network board.

Setting up a Wi-Fi router.

How to properly configure the Internet via a Wi-Fi router for home? The equipment must be connected first. It is the same for all routers, for clarity, everything is clear in the photo.

And sometimes manufacturers just draw a diagram on the modem itself. Very convenient and understandable.

Here's what we need to do:

  • To do this, insert the power supply cord into the router.
  • Next, the provider's cable should be inserted until a characteristic click into one of the ports on the device, which differs in a different color from the others.
  • We connect our laptop or desktop computer to any of the remaining LAN ports.

Connecting via the web interface.

Nowadays, almost all network routers are managed using the web interface. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of how to set up a Wi-Fi router at home through a computer browser. To use the program, you must first enter it.

To this end, we do the following:

Setting basic parameters.

In the Wan tab / Basic settings / General settings (or something similar), you need to set the following parameters:

  • connection type
  • username and password
  • iP parameters
  • connection mode

Currently, in most cases, the PPPoE connection type is used, for clarification, you can find out from the contract with the provider or in the support service.

Sometimes there is no such parameter, more often the required type of connection is automatically connected there, if not found, we skip.

We enter the username and password from the documents provided at the conclusion of the contract.

Leave the IP parameters Disable, or Dinamic IP, depending on the conditions provided by the operator.

We set the connection mode to Auto so that the devices can connect to it automatically and at any time. And don't forget to save the settings! \u003d)

After that, proceed to setting up the WiFi connection.

Open the Wireless / WiFI tab or something similar. In the tab of the basic settings of the wireless network, we need to specify:

  • Connection type
  • Network mode
  • Wireless network name SSID
  • Channel

The type of connection is set based on the data in the contract, most often as "Access point". Sometimes this parameter is simply not there.

Set the network mode as b / g / n or g / n mixed. The bottom line is that, depending on the network mode, devices with different WiFi standards can work in it. So if you have an old phone or laptop, then it will not be able to connect to the modern Wi-Fi standard. If you have a modern device, then it is capable of working in most standards.

We set the name of the wireless network as desired - this is the name of your wifi for connection, for example "My_WiFay".

The channel can be left auto.

However, if the devices will not connect in this mode, then you should manually change it to 7 or any other selection method. This is due to the fact that in our time there can be several routers nearby, for example, in a multi-storey building and they can work in the same range, which causes difficulties.

And at the final stage of setting up Wi-Fi on the router, we go to the security settings. Here you need to do the following:

After that, we try to connect to WiFi from a phone or tablet and check the functionality. Next, you need to correctly change the settings of the network card in order to connect the laptop to the network.

Configuring the network card

In order to fully answer the question, they say, how to set up a Wi-Fi router, we still need to properly configure the network card itself. You can perform manipulations in the "Network Connections" menu.

  • The easiest way to get into it is through entering the parameters of the network adapter through the command line, using the Win + R key combination, after which you execute the ncpa.cpl command.

  • Or just go to the network parameters;

  • Next, you should open the properties of the connection that interests us;

  • After that, you need to go to the "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)";

  • Where is it worth putting a checkmark in front of the IP and DNS items, allowing them to be automatically received in this way.

  • After that, we connect to the configured WiFi network of our modem as usual!

So we figured out how to set up a Wi-Fi router (Wi-Fi) without a disk using the web interface. That's all for me, leave your comments or questions below, subscribe to our group, bye, everyone.

Updated: January 9, 2018 by the author: Pavel Subbotin

The Internet can be accessed through an Internet cable or Wi-Fi router. In the second case, the connection speed is much higher, and the amount of data transferred is not limited.

A router, aka a router, works as follows. A cable is brought into the room, which is connected to the router, and then pulled to the computer. The router processes the signal and transmits it to all devices over the air. Most routers are pre-configured at the factory. The user only needs to connect the device to a PC and use the Internet.

The device contains a routing table. It contains paths to all devices. This is how a whole network is formed. Periodically, the router sends messages to each device to see if the signal will reach it. This is how the current state of the routing table is checked and dynamic routing works. To prevent the signal from passing to someone else's device, specific addresses are set. Static routing is more difficult to control when there are many devices connected, but it is more secure.

What you need to connect the router to your computer or laptop

To connect a Wi-Fi router to a computer you need:

    the router itself; network cable; PC, laptop with a network card.

Modern devices are equipped with 4 LAN connector... That is, you can connect 4 computers to one device or form a local network. The cable usually comes with the router, and the card is integrated into the motherboard.

How to connect a router yourself

Usually, the installation of the device is carried out by employees of the provider company. But beginners will also be able to connect a Wi-Fi router to a computer on their own.

The equipment kit includes a router, cable and instructions. The first step is to connect your Wi-Fi router to your computer. Since the included cable is short enough, you need to install the router close to the computer. If necessary, order a longer cable from the store and crimp it.

First you need to connect the power cord from the wall outlet to the machine. Next, connect the provider's cable and the cable from the computer.

The final step is to pull the network cable into the socket of the PC.

One end of the network cable must be connected to LAN connector (yellow) router, and the second to a computer or laptop.

One of 4 indicators on the device should light up.

The connection should be reflected in the taskbar of the PC screen.

How to properly set up a wifi router

After the connection is established, you can start setting up.

For one pc

If you connect Wi-Fi router to the computer failed, then the toolbar will light red cross.

The first step is to simply change the cable. If the connection status has changed. for example on yellow cross, then the problem is in him.

Most often, difficulties arise due to the fact that network card disabled... To fix this error you need to “ Toolbars"Select the item" Network and Internet", and then " Network connections". “” Appears among the icons. Right-click on the shortcut and select " Enable».

If there is no such shortcut at all, then on the PC driver not installed... It is best to download the driver from the disk that came with the equipment.

For PC and mobile gadgets

You can also set up a connection on a laptop through the toolbar. A shortcut to the Internet connection is displayed in the lower left corner. Click on it and go to the section " Network and Internet parameters". Available devices are displayed in the list. You need to find the name of the router on the network, click on the shortcut and press the button " Connect". If the connection is protected, the system will ask for a username and password.

The connection on the smartphone is configured in the same way. In the phone settings, you need to select the section WLAN, find the name of the wireless network in the list, and then enter login and password.

How to install a new router instead of an old one

First you need to connect a new router to your PC, as described earlier. If the device has already been configured by the provider, then immediately after connecting the cable, the Internet will work. To check it is enough to open a browser and load the pages of the sites. But in the case of replacing the old device with a new one, most often you have to change the settings.

After connecting the network cable, you need to open a browser and type in “ " or " "And press Enter... One of these IPs will open the settings. If none of them worked, then the correct IP must be indicated in the instructions for the router.

If everything is done correctly, a window for entering the settings will appear in the browser window. The system will ask for a username and password. When connecting for the first time in both fields, you should specify “ Admin". Instead password the combination can be applied 1234 ... Also, the login and password for the system can be specified in the instructions for the router.

If none of the proposed options worked, it was not possible to open the settings, then your connection needs additional settings. Only the provider company can understand this issue. The exact settings may vary depending on the device model and service provider. There is no universal instruction for such cases.

The settings menu contains several items. Fill in the fields according to the instructions for your device. It is very important to come up with a strong password. Its length must exceed 7 characters... A strong password consists of latin letters and digits.

Passwords and limited access when distributing the Internet

The router itself does not provide access to the World Wide Web. It must first be configured and connected to the provider's network. At this point, the problem may arise due to limited access.

If the network cable is connected, but the adapter does not work, then there may be several reasons:

    the router is not configured correctly; the drivers are out of order; the wireless network is not configured.
Another reason may be the inclusion of saving mode on laptops with low battery power. In the first case, you need to reconfigure the router according to the instructions. And in the second - reinstall the drivers. If problems arise in the network, then you should check the IP address settings. On the Toolbar in the Network Control Center, select the wireless connection item and open " Properties».

In the next menu, select the item " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)».

In line " IP address"You need to manually drive subnet addresswhich is indicated on the sticker at the bottom of the case.

Now let's look at how to remove restricted access on Windows 8 PC... To solve the problem, you need to restart the network adapter. To do this, in the "" command, enter the line ncpa.cpl.

A list of available connections will appear on the screen. We find the desired one and open the context menu of the RMB. In the drop-down menu, select the item " Disable», Wait until the adapter changes color to gray, and then reconnect the device. Another reason for the incorrect connection may be the incorrectly entered network login and password. To solve this problem, you should contact your provider.

The question of how to connect a wi-fi router to a computer, users are asked when they want to use the Internet throughout the apartment and have free access to the wi-fi network from several devices.

In addition, they are interested in how many computers can be connected.

Installing and connecting a router is a simple process, which, however, requires careful adherence to the algorithm of actions.

Installing the router

Router installation can be done in two ways:

  • wirelessly;
  • using a twisted pair (special wire, which usually comes with the device).

The second method is less preferable. In order to make a connection, three main components are needed:

  1. The actual wi-fi router;
  2. Stationary computer or laptop with an installed network card;
  3. Network cable.

If you only need a wi-fi router to use the Internet from your phone or tablet at home, then inexpensive models of routers designed for 4-6 devices are quite suitable for you.

However, still pay attention to how many computers can be connected to the network at the same time.

Advice! Special requirements for the device should be presented if you plan to store data. Also, when choosing, it is worth clarifying what speeds the device supports, they must be gigabytes. Otherwise, working on the Internet will become very difficult.

Wired connection

It is quite simple to connect a router using a twisted pair cable, however, this connection greatly complicates its operation.

In particular, you will not be able to move away from the computer more than a certain distance.

Therefore, this option is not applicable for laptops. But it can be a good solution if you have a stationary computer.

Has such a connection to wi-fi and pluses. For example, it is believed that in this way the Internet gives less disruption to work.

  • First, connect the internet cable to the router.
    Locate the WAN port on the back of the product and plug the cable into it. Then take a network wire and connect it to the router to the Ethernet port, and the other end to the corresponding port on the computer.

  • Set up your router.
    Open any browser and enter the IP address of the device in the address bar. The address must be in the format. The true IP of the router can be viewed on a sticker on its bottom or in the technical documentation for the equipment.

After the IP is registered, the setup program will require you to enter your username and password.

Then you can change the password for convenience. After that, the main menu of the wired network settings opens.

Important! If you are using a wired connection, then pay attention to the number of connectors in the router. How many of them - how many computers you can connect to the device.

Wireless connection

If you intend to connect a wi-fi router wirelessly, then you will have to configure the connection in two steps.

The first of them is the actual settings, and the second is the work on network security.

  • In the router's menu, open the "Wi-Fi" tab, and there find a tab called "Manual settings". The names of the tabs may differ depending on the type of router, but their meaning is usually obvious.

  • In the main settings, we find the SSID field. In it we write the name of the network. This is the name that you will see, connect the Internet from any device. Set the correct region in which the wi-fi network will work.
    Next, you need to select a channel for data transmission. It is better to leave the one that was specified initially. However, over time, it can be changed if problems arise with access to the Internet.

  • Choose wi-fi standards. It is advisable to leave mixed at the default. Now choose how many network users can connect multiple computers to it at the same time.
    If the number of users should not be limited, select "0".

  • Go to the "Security" or "Security Settings" tab. In the field above, select the type of protection. WPA2-PSK will do. Enter the password in the "Key" field. Such measures will protect you from hacking and from those who like to use the Internet at someone else's expense.
    Only someone who knows the password can connect the device to the network.

The advantage of this method is that you can use the Internet throughout the apartment.

And, besides, only with this type of network it is possible to connect a second, third or more computers located far from the device.

Now on sale there are a huge number of different Wi-Fi routers from different manufacturers. And that's good, there is plenty to choose from. But immediately after purchasing a router, we need to install, connect and configure it. And if the connection process practically does not differ depending on the model, then the setup process itself and the page with the router settings may be different even for one manufacturer.

It is very difficult to give detailed and step-by-step instructions for setting up different models within one article. But I'll try. In this article, I will describe in detail and show you how to install and configure a Wi-Fi router. Regardless of what make and model you have. This universal instruction is suitable for both setting up a new router and re-setting. You can do everything yourself. And it is not at all necessary to pay for customization to specialists.

Entering the router settings. How to enter the web interface?

Each router has its own web interface (site with settings, control panel), which can be accessed through a browser by going to the appropriate address.

Important! To go to the router settings and configure it, your device (PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet) must be connected to the router via cable, or via Wi-Fi network. At the same time, there may not be access to the Internet on the computer. You don't need internet to enter the control panel!

If you have a high-speed connection on your computer (maybe with the name of your provider), then after connecting through a router you do not need to start it!

To enter the settings, we need find out the address our router and factory username and password for authorization. This information is located on the body of the device itself. It looks something like this:

On a computer or mobile device that is connected to the router, open the browser (Opera, Chrome, Yandex Browser, etc.) and go to the address indicated on the body. Or try and

Important! We enter the address into the address bar, not into the search bar. Many people get confused, and instead of a page with settings, they end up on a page with search results of some search engine.

On the authorization page, you need to specify a username and password. Factory specified on the device body. Most often these are admin and admin. On some models, the default settings are not protected, and immediately after entering the control panel, you need to set a username and password.

Articles that may be useful to you at this stage:

If the settings page has opened, then we can continue. If not, then see the article with solutions to this problem at the link above.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router?

In order to use the Internet through a router, you need at least:

  • Set up an internet connection.
  • Configure a Wi-Fi network.

In most cases, this is sufficient. I also advise you to change the password that protects the web interface of the router. There are also settings for IPTV, USB drives, parental controls, etc., but not everyone needs them.

In the control panel of almost every router there is a so-called "Quick Setup Wizard", aka "Quick Setup". On some devices, it is open immediately after entering the control panel. With it, you can step by step configure your Wi-Fi router. Internet connection, wireless network, etc. For an example, how it looks from TP-Link:

You can try it, it's very convenient.

Setting up the Internet. The most important step

The main thing is correctly configure the router to connect to the provider... If he cannot connect to the Internet, then all devices will have a connection "Without Internet access". Many users who try to set up everything with their own hands most often encounter problems at this stage.

Each ISP uses a specific type of connection. Dynamic IP (DHCP), Static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP. This type of connection must be specified in the control panel of the router, and certain parameters must be set that are issued by the Internet provider.

Important! You must know exactly what type of connection your ISP has. Also, all the necessary data for connection (Username: Password)if needed. As a rule, this information is indicated in the contract that you received when you connected to the Internet.

Some ISPs bind by MAC address. It is also desirable to clarify this.

If your provider uses a "Dynamic IP" (DHCP) connection, then the Internet should work immediately after connecting, since this type of connection is set by default on routers.

If the Internet through the router is already working (and you haven't started any connections on the computer), you can skip this section and go directly to the Wi-Fi setup.

When the connection type is PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP, or Static IP (which is very rare), then you need to set the necessary parameters. Usually, this is the login and password that the provider gave you. In the control panel, the section with these settings is most often called: "WAN", "Internet", "Internet".

For example, what the PPPoE connection setting looks like on an ASUS router:

Other examples:

Goal: so that the Internet through the router works on all devices. Via cable and Wi-Fi. If this has not happened, then it is pointless to continue tuning.

You can always call the provider and clarify what parameters and where to specify. They help many by telephone.

Articles that may be useful to you:

I hope you succeeded.

Changing Wi-Fi network settings

I highly recommend changing the Wi-Fi network name and password. It is also desirable to set your region. Everything is simple there. This can be done in the section with the wireless network settings. It can be called in different ways: "Wi-Fi", "Wireless network", "Wireless", "Wireless mode". If you have a dual-band router, then the settings must be set separately for the network at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

  • In the "Network name" (SSID) field, you need to enter a new name. English letters.
  • In the "Password" field (wireless key) create and write down a password. Minimum 8 characters. Security type - WPA2 - Personal.
  • Well, there should be a "Region" field. Change it to yours.
  • IPTV on ASUS routers.

    If during the setup process something does not work out for you, you can always reset the settings to the factory settings and try to configure everything again. Find the "Reset" or "Reset" button on the case, press it and hold it for about 10 seconds. The indicators will tell you when the reset has occurred.

    You can leave questions in the comments. Only I have a small request, describe the problem in detail. Write your router model. And it is very difficult to understand and advise something when you do not understand the question itself. Good luck!

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