How to use VK from your phone with maximum comfort. How to use the social network VKontakte. We disassemble the functional

Almost 100 million users - this is the VKontakte audience, which
need to be serviced. Fast and smooth. For a long time, the details of the technical
VKontakte's implementations remained a secret. But recently the most popular in Russia
the social network has shed some light on how it actually works. In the end
October, Moscow hosted the HighLoad ++ conference, at which representatives
VKontakte, represented by Pavel Durov and Oleg Illarionov, finally told something
about the architecture of the social network.

The guys were literally inundated with questions on completely different aspects of work.
VKontakte, including technical. Still would. It is easy to imagine the load on
server side of the service: how many people do you know who do not use this
social network? And how much time do you spend there, wasting your precious hours
living with friends, watching videos, playing games, music? Math pretty
is simple: a fabulous number of users * a lot of time spent on
resource \u003d prohibitive number of requests to web servers and database +
terabytes of constantly loaded and viewed photos, video and audio.

VK statistics

  • 99.5 million accounts.
  • 40 million active users worldwide (comparable to
    audience of the Internet in Russia).
  • 11 billion requests per day.
  • 200 million private messages a day.
  • The video stream reaches 160Gbps.
  • More than 10 thousand servers, of which only 32 are nginx frontends
    (the number of servers running Apache is unknown).
  • 30-40 developers, 2 designers, 5 system administrators, many
    people in data centers.
  • About 10 hard drives fail every day.


For us, of course, the architecture of the project is of particular interest: how
the main components of the system interact, which own developments
it took what tricks I had to use. But before we go to
it, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic things - the technologies used and

Debian Linux is used as the main operating system - solution,
time-tested, one of the oldest and most stable modern
distributions. To balance the load between application servers, use
Nginx HTTP server running in reverse proxy mode. His responsibilities include
keep a connection with the user's browser and send requests to servers,
responsible for the execution of PHP code, as well as control the hit
the result back to the browser. PHP code is executed via mod_php module for
Apache - there are a lot of alternative options, especially based on the protocol
FastCGI, but the VKontakte management took a more conservative path in this
the question using the most time-tested solution. No special
PHP code performance optimization systems are not used (for example, in
Facebook wrote their PHP to C compiler called HipHop), the only
external optimization is op-code caching by all available
XCache solutions.

The data storage situation looks rather blurry: on the one hand,
is actively using its own database management system, written in
C and was created by the "best minds" of Russia, on the other hand, MySQL was often mentioned in the role
main storage. I'll tell you more about my own VKontakte database
below. Speaking of data storage, one cannot fail to mention such an important aspect as
caching frequently used information (its location in RAM
for quick access). For this, a very popular product is used in this
scopes - memcached. If you haven't heard: this system allows you to exercise very
simple atomic operations such as positioning and getting arbitrary
key data. The main feature is lightning fast access and
the ability to easily combine the RAM of a large number of servers
to a common array for temporary storage of "hot" data.

Third-party projects that are not key for VKontakte are often implemented
either using rather exotic solutions, or, conversely, on the most
simple technologies. For example, the instant messaging service is implemented
on node.js (you can read more about this development in the article "" c) using the XMPP aka Jabber protocol (we still have to
back). Video conversion is implemented in the simplest and most efficient
library - ffmpeg, which also runs the very popular VLC video player.


The most noticeable difference from the architecture of many other large
Internet projects is the fact that VK servers are multifunctional.
Those. there is no clear division into database servers, file servers, etc. - they
used simultaneously in several roles. Moreover, the redistribution
roles occurs in a semi-automatic mode with the participation of system
administrators. On the one hand, it optimizes the efficiency of use
system resources, which is good, but on the other hand, it increases the likelihood of conflicts on
operating system level within one server, which entails
stability problems. However, despite the use of servers in different
roles, the computing power of the project is usually used less than 20%.

Load balancing between servers is performed according to a multi-level scheme,
which includes balancing at the DNS level (the domain is served with
using 32 IP addresses), as well as routing requests within the system, and
different servers are used for different types of requests. For example, generating
pages with news (now it is customary to call it microblogging) works on a tricky
a scheme using the parallel sending capabilities of the memcached protocol
requests for obtaining data on a large number of keys. In the absence
data in the cache, a similar request is sent to the data storage system, and
the obtained results are sorted, filtered and redundant
already at the PHP code level. This functionality works in a similar way on Facebook.
(they recently exchanged experiences), only instead of their own DBMS on Facebook
use MySQL.

A large number of software has been developed within the walls of VKontakte, which is more
exactly suits the needs of the project than the available opensource and
commercial solutions. In addition to the mentioned own DBMS, they have a system
monitoring with SMS notification (Pavel himself helped to typeset the interface),
automatic code testing system and analyzers of statistics and logs.

The project uses powerful enough equipment, roughly
the following server characteristics are named:

  • 8-core Intel processors (two per server, apparently);
  • 64 GB of RAM;
  • 8 hard drives;
  • RAID is not used (replication and backups are performed
    at the software level).

It is noteworthy that the servers are not branded, but are assembled by a specialized
a Russian company. Now the project equipment is located in 4 data centers in
Petersburg and Moscow, and the entire main database is located in
St. Petersburg datacenter, and Moscow hosts only audio and video. In the plans
replicate the database with another data center in the Leningrad region, and
also use Content Delivery Network to improve download speed
media content in the regions.

Many projects faced with a lot of photographs often
invent their own solutions for their storage and delivery to users. About it
was the first question asked to Pavel from the audience: "How do you store images?" - "On
disks! ". One way or another, representatives of VKontakte said that this whole bunch
photos of all colors and sizes are simply stored and served from the file system
(use xfs) of a large number of servers, no extra frills.
Confused is the fact that other large projects do not have such an approach.
worked - they probably didn't know the magic word :).

The very own C database is no less magical.
This product was perhaps the main focus of the audience, but at the same time
almost no details of what it actually is,
was never made public. It is known that the DBMS is developed by "the best minds"
Russia, winners of Olympiads and TopCoder contests, and also that it is used
in the most highly loaded VKontakte services:

  • Private messages
  • Messages on the walls
  • Statuses
  • Search
  • Privacy
  • Friends lists

Unlike MySQL, the non-relational data model is used, and most
operations are carried out in RAM. The access interface represents
is an extended memcached protocol. Specially composed keys
return the results of complex queries (most often specific to a particular

The system was designed taking into account the possibility of clustering and automatic
data replication. The developers would like to make from this system
universal DBMS and published under the GPL, but so far it has not been possible due to the high
the degree of integration with other services.

  • The development process is close to the Agile methodology with weekly
    iterations (cycles), within which all stages of development go through:
    planning, requirements analysis, design, development and
  • The operating system kernel has been modified (to work with
    memory), there is a package base for Debian.
  • Photos are uploaded to two hard drives of one server
    at the same time, after which a backup is created on another server.
  • There are many improvements over memcached, incl. for a more stable and
    long-term placement of objects in memory; there is even a version
    ensuring the safety of data.
  • Photos are not removed to minimize fragmentation.
  • The decisions on the development of the project are made by Pavel Durov and Andrey Rogozov,
    responsibility for services - on them and on the developer who implemented it.
  • Pavel Durov has been saving money for hosting since 1st year :).


Audio and video services are secondary to the social network, on them
the creators of the project are not particularly focused. This is mainly due to the fact that they
rarely correlate with the main purpose of using a social network - communication, and
also create a lot of problems. Video traffic is the main cost item
the project, plus well-known problems with illegal content and claims
copyright holders. 1000-1500 servers are used for video transcoding, on
it is stored there. Media files are banned by hash when deleted upon request
copyright holders, but this is ineffective and it is planned to improve this
mechanism. Obviously, we are talking about developing a more intelligent algorithm
recognition of audio and video content by tags, as it is, for example, implemented
on YouTube, where an uploaded video that violates the license may be
automatically uninstalled within minutes after downloading.

As you know, some time ago it became possible to communicate on
VKontakte via Jabber protocol (aka XMPP). The protocol is completely open and
there are a lot of opensource implementations. For a number of reasons (including problems
integration with other VKontakte services), it was decided to create
own server, which is a layer between internal services
VKontakte and the implementation of the XMPP protocol. It is implemented in node.js - choice
due to the fact that almost all project developers know JavaScript, to
it is also a good set of tools to accomplish the task. Difficult moment
began to work with large contact lists. Many users have
VKontakte friends are measured in hundreds and thousands, shift activity is high
statuses: people appear and disappear from online more often than in other similar
situations. In addition, it was necessary to implement close integration with the internal
VKontakte personal messaging system. As a result, on the service 60-80
thousand people online, at the peak - 150 thousand. TCP / HTTP Load Balancer
HAProxy handles incoming connections and is used for distribution
queries by server, as well as deploying new versions.

When choosing a storage system, thought about non-relational storage systems
data (in particular, about MongoDB), but in the end decided to use the usual
MySQL. The service operates on 5 servers of different configurations, on each of
which code runs on node.js (4 processes per server), and on the three most
powerful - also MySQL. An interesting feature is the lack of communication between
groups of friends in XMPP with groups of friends on the site - made on request
users who didn’t want their friends to see over their shoulders what
group they are.

You will learn how you can earn on VKontakte ( without initial investments, how much you can earn through the VK network and how to withdraw the money you earn.

We welcome our readers to the pages of the business magazine! The founders of the resource Vitaly and Alexander are with you.

Today we will again talk about ways to make money through the Internet. The topic of the article is getting a stable income through the VKontakte social network.

This topic will be of interest to everyone who wants to start their own business from scratch or wants to find additional income in their free time.

So, sit back - we're getting started!

1. Earnings VKontakte - how and how much you can earn through the social network

Statistics show that every third inhabitant of the planet is registered in one or more social networks. The audience of several billions consists mainly of young, capable and energetic people with financial wealth.

You can use the VKontakte network exclusively for entertainment, correspondence with friends, search for new acquaintances and interest groups. There is another possibility - to spend your time more wisely, namely, to use VK to make money.

Think for yourself: you are still on VKontakte - if instead of chatting with friends and watching the news, you engage in a more profitable activity, this will bring you not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

You can earn even more in VK if you take special courses on business promotion in social networks and Internet marketing.

He managed to build a remote business thanks to his internet marketing opportunities and visited 32 countries in 2 years, combining business and travel.

Thanks to the knowledge gained on the free course, we increased the income of our HeatherBober project.

If you decide to earn on VKontakte from 50,000 rubles a month or engage in Internet marketing in any other form right from home, we can confidently recommend this tutorial to you.

Working through VK does not require intellectual effort and complex actions. You also don't have to get up to work on an alarm clock: you can make money in VK at any time of the day.

2. Ways to make money on VKontakte - TOP-5 popular

In this publication we will talk about five ways to make money, but in reality there are many more. Perhaps you personally will be able to create your own, even more effective and profitable method of making money through VK.

We will consider the simplest and most affordable options that even a high school student can use if he has free time and a desire to try himself in commercial endeavors.

Group organizers can take part in a variety of projects: with payment for an action, for an order, for registering in a service, a game, filling out a purchase order, for each visitor attracted to the partner's website.

You just have to attach affiliate programs to your group in VK and make money on them automatically.

Step 5. Withdraw the earned money

When working through affiliate programs, an accumulative system operates with a certain minimum for withdrawal to the wallet (Qiwi, YandexMoney, WebMoney). The conditions for withdrawing money from the account are different for each affiliate program.

If the group's attendance is low, it is logical to choose those systems where the withdrawal amounts are small. In addition, in many affiliate programs there is such a concept as "hold" - the initial period of work, during which payments are not available.

4. Services for making money on VK groups

Now in more detail about the services for making money in VK. We'll start by listing the most popular ones and then comparing their pros and cons in the final table. - a serious site for making a profit for community owners;

  • - a service that allows you to make money on advertising posts on your personal page or in the community;
  • - a resource that allows you to make money on advertising not only on VK, but also on Odnoklassniki and Twitter;
  • - a project to make money by posting videos in groups.
  • Experts advise to start working with several services at the same time, in order to compare their advantages and disadvantages firsthand.

    For group owners, we recommend the services Blogun or Plibber. These are very solid and reliable partners for earning money, allowing promising novice moneymakers to develop and experienced merchants to increase their working capital.

    The blogger offers his partners more stringent conditions than in other systems, but the earnings here are quite decent. The project carefully chooses sites for work, but if your community suits it, the income will be stable and high.

    Plibber is an ideal start for beginners: there is no minimum wage and, in addition to VKontakte, accounts of all popular social networks are served.

    For ease of comparison, we present the characteristics of the main services in the form of a table:

    5. Where it is FREE and with high quality to learn how to make money on VK

    It is best to take advantage of special courses in which you will have a mentor. Personally, we received free training from Dmitry Chevychalov on the course "".

    This guy has been traveling the world for more than 2 years, having organized a successful business on the Internet - his own marketing agency.

    During the training, Dmitry examines in detail the topic of making VKontakte from scratch and other options for making a profit using Internet marketing tools.

    6. Conclusion

    It's time to take stock, friends! Now you know that making money through the VKontakte network is available to everyone. The main thing is to take the first step to organize a very profitable and far from the most tedious business.

    We would like to wish speedy success and successful promotion to all those who want to start work or are already earning money to all those who want to start work or are already earning money to all those who want to start work or are already earning money to all those who want to start work or are already earning money to everyone those who want to get started or are already making money through social networks!

    How to make money on the social network Odnoklassniki ( - a detailed guide for beginners with illustrative examples + an overview of popular services for making money

    The other day I had a long correspondence with a very expressive schoolgirl from "contact", trying to promote her own group. In this regard, I thought that I was starting to move away from the blog topic. After all, it was originally conceived precisely as a help "for dummies" and small businesses in the development of social networks for their advertising. I am getting better.

    So, gives you unique opportunities to promote your pages. Previously, there were also groups, but they are outdating their own, their functionality has ceased to develop. If you decide to create a VKontakte page for your brand, you will be immediately offered to create a PAGE. Under the cut I will describe in detail how to make it. After the page is created and framed with texts - pictures, you need to click on the "advertise page" button under its avatar:

    You will have the opportunity to place a bright and attractive picture, as well as a few words in your ad.

    99% of the success of an advertising campaign on social networks depends precisely on the picture - whether it will make people distract from friends, entertainment content, "cool videos" and other things, being to the left of the "wall" in an inconspicuous place (and the advertisement itself, i.e. its picture - it will end up being very small, small details will not be visible, see the examples for yourself):

    But further will be the most interesting and important for you. There are many, many columns that can be filled in, choosing the one to whom the advertisement will be shown. Don't be lazy or greedy, choose your audience carefully. If, for example, you have a judo section on Sokol, there is no point in paying a schoolgirl from Reutov or Kuzminki to watch an advertisement. But you can fill in the columns so that only men of the age you need, who live at the nearest metro stations (or only on your street - this is important for beauty salons, for example), who have “sports”, “judo” in their interests, will see the advertisement. "Films with Bruce Lee" (conditionally), and which are in the groups "everything about judo", "secrets of martial arts", etc.

    There will be fewer clicks - but on the other hand: a) spend less money, b) everyone on whom you will spend is really your future potential customers.

    There are chips that help you save:

    • Choose the largest possible audience. Vkontakte is a young social network, with most of the youth. Even if you select the sample by age "from 17 to" - 98% of the clicks to your page will be from those from the sample who are under 18 years old. And these people are too young: they are not capable of holding something in their head for too long (excuse me), first of all; secondly, adolescents do not yet have the full amount of money that will help you "do business".
    • Another tip: "VKontakte" by default will offer its extortionate rates for placing your ad (I will not indicate the exact size - in different areas it varies greatly, moreover, they will depend on how many graph you have chosen and which users, how old, you interested - for example, Muscovites are men over 30 years old, often traveling - the most expensive audience). They can be safely done 3-6 times less, or even more (depending on how quickly you want to spend your budget on advertising or fill in a user group).

    For example, to my group - the screenshots of which are on top - “contact” persistently offers rates of 6 rubles per 1000 impressions (and the number of clicks on them depends on the degree of “attractiveness” of the picture - but it is very small by definition) and 24 rubles per page transition. In reality, I put prices for both types of advertising no more than 2 rubles and the result suits me. But if you put on 3 and 6 rubles, respectively, the group will grow twice as fast. But in this case, it will take from 5000 to 15,000 per day, and at once, and so - about 1000 per day and it turns out stretched out in time.

    • When setting different columns, check the box "show one user no more than 100 times" and do not delete the page of the advertising campaign after completion - this saves the budget due to the accumulated CTR on the second - fifth pass.

    The statistics on how and where they were spent are very detailed. You can run several companies at the same time (with pictures for "girls" and for "boys", respectively, or just different companies with different words and pictures) - and in a day it will be clear to which picture there are more transitions and which one, accordingly, it makes no sense spend money. What this ad is for: It lets people know about you and your business. Some of those who visit the page - provided that there is useful and interesting information - will subscribe to it - and already completely free of charge for you they will see your news and advertisements in their news every day. Encourage this audience: Throw in ads generously with useful secrets, humor, and eye-catching images.

    We create public page for our site

    A public page can be created by going to the "My groups" list. Select the "Create Community" option and then click on the suggestion to create a page. Now we will see a form with a proposal to enter the name of our page and select the type, in our case we need to select the type "Company, organization or website". Attention! You can change the name of the page only within 24 hours from the moment of creation.

    After creation, you will see a page with additional settings, where you can specify the site address, description, assign administrators and enable / disable a number of options.

    • Contact Information
    • Links
    • activity
    • Discussions
    • Photo album
    • Videos
    • Audio recordings

    Pages are deprived of the usual "News" block, but you can publish links in microblog format only by the page administrator. You can see the result in the screenshot below.

    A new user of the VKontakte social network may face difficulties in mastering the interface of his own page. At first glance, everything seems very complicated. If you delve into contact: how to use, communicate and gain popularity, it can become the most beloved social network.

    Register an account

    How to use Contact

    When Vkontakte first appeared, it was easy to register there. It was enough to provide an email address and invent a password. A couple of years later, when the social network gained popularity, the registration rules were changed. It became necessary to get a recommendation from a registered user so that the created account was approved by the administration.

    But today, the registration process on the site takes several minutes and does not require confirmation from third parties.

    Starting registration on the site, follow the link. On the page that opens, select and click the "Instant registration" button. In the proposed form, enter your first and last name and press "Register".

    You will spend the next three steps to fill in the information by which friends will find you.

    First step: Select the school you attended. In the same place, put down the years of study and the date of graduation, select the letter of your class. From the list of alumni that appears, you can add all your classmates as friends.

    Second step: search for fellow students. Here you need to enter in the form the name of your university, the date of graduation and the faculty where you studied. Again, a list of those who graduated from this university will appear in parallel with you, you can immediately make friends.

    Third step: Find colleagues. Here, in the search field, enter the name of the organization where you worked, years of work. If there are several organizations, at the bottom of the form, click on the "add" button and enter the details of the next job. The algorithm for adding to friends is the same as in the previous steps. Select your colleagues from the list that opens and send them an invitation to be friends.

    You have now come to "complete registration". Here you enter the country in which you live and your mobile phone number. Wait for an SMS with an access code to the site, enter it in the "confirm registration" column.

    Congratulations, you passed the first test. in contact: how to use registration page.

    Personal page interface

    Having learned to use the registration field in contact, do not relax. Now you need to fill your personal page as much as possible in order to increase readers' interest in it.

    If, after reading our instructions on VKontakte: how to use your page, you still have doubts, watch a video that will help you understand the intricacies of a social network and start acting!

    We have released a new book, “Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand”.


    In 2017, VK launched a new post publishing format. Now you can create beautiful text with media files and design headers, quotes, without having to worry about wiki markup. The editor in which you need to work is simple, convenient and saves your time! The effort will only go to writing content. But the main thing is that your material will look perfect on any device. It will load instantly even on a weak Internet. What's even nicer is that a large audience will read it, since the longread can be opened even by those who are not logged into the social network.

    Are you ready to try this post format in action? Let's get started now! It is not difficult and you will not notice how to master all the functionality in a few minutes.

    How to make an article in VK

    Elementary! In your public, group or page there is a field "What's new with you?" There you usually type a post or attach a picture, music. Find it. You need the last badge. It looks like this.

    A window will appear as in the screenshot below. In it you can already write your message to readers. Come up with a title that captures the essence of the story and enter it on the first line. It will be reflected in the announcement that you post to the community. Place the cursor in the second and click on "+". Choose what you want to add: video, photo, animation, paragraph.

    Working with text in the editor of VK articles

    Let's say you've typed the introduction to a note and want to format a snippet. This is very easy to do. Highlight the phrases you want, a menu will open.

    The following functions are available to you:

    • Bold font.
    • Italics.
    • Strikethrough words.
    • Insert a link.
    • Heading H1.
    • Subtitle.

    The last icon means the phrase is enclosed in a quote. It can be arranged in two ways.

    To get the second option, click the icon again. Bulleted and numbered lists are well perceived in texts. They are also easy to create. To do this, on the next line, start the first paragraph with the number 1. (period is required) and a space or with * and a space. Press Enter twice to complete the list. The maximum number of characters for one longread is 100,000 characters.

    Editing media files: the size of pictures and cover for an article in VK

    Images can be taken from the post author's page, from a group, or pasted from the clipboard. In the new field, select the type of material you want and upload. The proportions of photos and screenshots may vary. Use the 16: 9 ratio as a guide. It is recommended by the social network itself. The tool allows you to add a description to the object, it is automatically located in the center, at the bottom. A similar feature is available for other attachments. The following formats are suitable for work: JPG, GIF or PNG; AVI, MP4, 3GP, MPEG, MOV, FLV, F4V, WMV, MKV and others.

    Note! The copied video cannot be viewed while editing. Users will be able to watch it only after being attached to the news.

    VKontakte article editor: how to make a picture for the announcement

    You can also choose a cover for your note. This is a banner with a title that readers in the group will see. It looks like this.

    If you do not put the desired photo, the site will automatically take it either from the first image in the text, or from the avatar of the community, the author of the post. To find your option, scroll to the top. In the right corner, find the "Publish" menu, close the already installed option and download the appropriate one from your personal account or another archive. The recommended aspect ratio is 16: 9 or 510 * 286 px. Don't forget that part of the picture will be occupied by the title and the button. Don't forget to save the result.

    How to make articles in VK: hotkeys, additional features

    To speed up your work, use the following key combinations:

    • Shift + Enter or Ctrl + Enter - move to a new line.
    • Enter - create a paragraph.
    • Ctrl / Cmd + Z - undo the previous action.
    • Ctrl / Cmd + B - bold formatting.
    • Ctrl / Cmd + I - italics.

    The developers of the editor have combined many convenient functions in it. For example, autosave. A sudden power outage or an escaped thought won't spoil anything, as each change is automatically saved for two seconds. The latest version of the text is in the Articles menu, in drafts. Open them and start creating at any time.

    Additional features: delete, day / night, statistics

    Day and night illumination of the screen is also available. To keep the monitor light from annoying late readers, they can click on the moon in the upper right corner. You can get out of the twilight by clicking on the icon again.

    Admins and group owners can see the availability of reads, scrolls and other metrics. All users are counted, including unregistered and not logged into the site. More than a hundred visitors are required to obtain information. Then the “Statistics” button will appear in the view mode. You will find information about the number of people who opened the article at the end of the page. There is also data on mentions. They show how many people or publics have shared your material through a special button.

    Deletion is available in "Edit" - in the upper right corner. Open the menu and select the desired action. The post gets into drafts, from where it can be easily restored in a modified or previous form. If you remove it from the list, nothing will happen to the document, provided that it has already appeared in the community. But you won't be able to format it.

    A couple more useful features:

    To do this, just go to the already familiar "Publish" menu. Replace the link if necessary. It is initially formed from the title. Also at this stage, the selection of a different cover is still available. When everything is ready, click the corresponding button. If you are creating material for a closed community and you want no one to read it except the members, check the box next to the corresponding item. If there are no restrictions on joining or if this is your personal page, everyone will see the information.

    How to publish an article on VKontakte in a group

    After you've saved everything, the post is still available only to you. To fix this, open the link that appeared in the Publish menu box and send the text where your readers should see it.

    To start blogging, you no longer need wiki markup, a narrative split into several parts. Instead, users received a tool with a neat layout and simple functionality. With its help, you will simplify the perception of voluminous blocks of information and design them aesthetically.

    Developers are adding new features. Recently there was an instant transition to the next and previous material. This keeps the attention of the visitors, and engages them in reading the community.

    Did you like the article? To share with friends: