Ussd teams by welcom belarus. Waiting for activation status

Velcom is one of the most popular operators mobile communication on the territory of Belarus. This is because it offers many favorable rates... Some users forget which plan they have chosen. Today we will tell you how to view your tariff plan Velcom.

Ways to find out your tariff for Velcom

There are several ways to find out your data plan. We have prepared short instruction for each of them. It describes step by step how to use this or that method correctly.

USSD request

Each operator provides the ability to manage the number thanks to USSD requests. These are such commands, by entering which the user can find out the tariff plan, mobile number, balance and so on.

To find out current tariff Velcom:

  1. Open the keyboard on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Dial a simple combination * 141 * 2 * 1 #.
  3. Click the Call button.

An SMS message will be sent to your number, which will contain the name of the tariff plan and the phone number.

Call to short number

Some people absorb the information they hear better. For such, the operator offers a voice service. To use it, you need to dial short number 411 and press the Call button. The robot will answer you. Navigation through the sections of the service is carried out by buttons. You just need to listen to what he says automatic system and press the desired number. If something is not clear, right there you can contact the operator and ask him a question of interest.

Internet assistant

Another way to find out the tariff plan is to use your personal account. This method works from both phone and computer. All you need is the presence of the Internet. The method itself does not take much time. If you have not registered in the LC, you will have to do this.

Registration in your personal account

How to login

To log in, go to home page LK. Then open the "Personal Account", there, in the special fields, enter the phone number and password. After that, click the "Login to your account" button.

How to view tariff information

Knowing the name of the tariff plan, you can easily find out the conditions for its operation. This is done through the operator's official website:

  1. Follow the link -
  2. IN top menu select the "Rates" section.
  3. Find your tariff plan in the presented list and study its conditions.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in finding out the name of your tariff. Use whichever method is best for you.

The simplest and most famous USSD request is to check the balance of your personal account: * 100 #. It is universal: it works for velcom, MTS and life :). But the rest of the USSD operations are not always known to users, although many residents of Slutsk are not averse to simplifying their lives by using the capabilities of USSD. We bring to your attention a list of some USSD requests mobile operators.

Velcom USSD requests

* 100 * 1 # - information about the remaining minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in the subscription fee.
* 100 * 2 # - notification about the balance of the prepayment.
* 100 * 3 # - information on the amount of the monthly payment, the remaining amount to pay for the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of contributions.
* 114 * 1 # - refusal from SMS-mailing of the company.
* 114 * 2 # - refusal to listen to ACCA news ( automatic service customer service).
* 115 * 0 # - receiving USSD messages in transliteration.
* 115 * 1 # - receiving USSD messages in Cyrillic.
* 145 # - providing the opportunity to work without prepayment.
* 145 * 9 # - switch to prepaid work.
* 131 * Company subscriber # - “Waiting for a call”.
* 135 * 1 # - activation of the service “ Mobile Internet", Changing the TP of the Mobile Internet service, changing / deleting an application for changing the TP of the Mobile Internet service.
* 135 * 2 # - enable / disable MMS.
* 135 * 0 # - receiving settings for the "Mobile Internet" service, MMS, streaming video ("Mobile TV"), all available.
* 141 * 2 # - information about the phone number and tariff plan.
* 141 * 3 * 1 (* 2,) # - operations related to services international communication (roaming). Except for subscribers connected via the "Ediny" tariff plan.
* 141 * 3 * 3 # - connect / change your favorite number. Except for subscribers connected under the tariff plans BUSINESS.PRO, BUSINESS.PRO.WEB, WEB 250, WEB 500).
* 141 * 3 * 4 # - change the tariff plan.
* 141 * 3 * 5 # - "Pause".
* 141 * 3 * 7 # - "Back in touch".
* 141 * 5 # - repeat invoice for the closed period by e-mail.
* 141 * 9 # - USSD help.

USSD requests privet (velcom trademark)

* 120 # - information about the state of the personal account and the duration of the statuses;
* 124 * card code # - replenishment of the account with a PRIVET prepaid card;
* 131 * company subscriber number # - “Waiting for a call” in the velcom network / roaming (“Outgoing communication barring” status);
* 114 # - refusal to send PRIVET SMS.
* 126 # - additional services menu. Among them:
* 126 * 1 * 1 # - activation / deactivation of the "Mobile Internet" service;
* 126 * 1 * 2 # - activation / deactivation of MMS service;
* 126 * 1 * 5 # - activation / deactivation of the service "Back in touch";
* 126 * 1 * 6 # - connection to the Internet 50 service;
* 126 * 9 # - USSD-help (SMS with basic requests can be received in the status "Active" and "Barring outgoing calls")

USSD requests MTS

* 110 # - Menu of the service "Be in touch!", Thanks to which you can manage the services "You have been called!" (messages come with numbers, the number of calls and their time when you were not available or could not answer the call) and "There is a connection!" (no more than ten subscribers whose calls you missed are sent messages that are already available).

* 120 * (number of the subscriber to whom you are sending the request) # - "Call me back!" Service. Available only to MTS subscribers who are in partial blocking. Maximum amount requests "Call me back!" - no more than 5 per day.

* 363 * 375ХХХХХХХХХ * YYYYY #, where: 375Х ... is the phone number of the subscriber in whose favor the order is generated; Y ... - amount (number from 500 to 10,000 rubles) - service "Share balance".

* 111 # - USSD-portal allows you to manage your account, connect and disconnect services, carry out transactions with the balance, use many information and entertainment services without remembering the access number to them.
The main menu of the USSD portal includes:
1. Hit - all the most relevant: games, melodies, videos, weather;
2. USSD assistant. Allows you to manage your account and MTS services;
3. Promotions / Services. Allows you to receive information and activate the current marketing campaigns of MTS, as well as connect additional services for phone;
4. Horoscope for today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, subscription to the horoscope;
5. Play - games;
6. Download - games, melody, video, pictures;
7. More - weather, anecdotes, aphorisms, exchange rates, tests and much more.

Life :) USSD requests

* 105 # - information about the validity periods of internet packages, SMS packages, video calls, bonuses, free minutes.
* 115 # - information about the current tariff plan and phone number.

Life :) USSD requests for independent operations:
* 100 * card code # - top up your personal account using top-up cards;
* 110 * 1 # - switch to a tariff plan;
* 110 * 2 # - add a service;
* 110 * 3 # - add / remove service package;
* 110 * 5 # - add / remove tariff Internet service;
* 110 * 6 * 1 * 1 # - add / remove tariff SMS service;
* 120 * 1 # - use the "Balance transfer" service;
* 120 * 2 # - use the "Call me" service;
* 120 * 6 * 1 # - add / cancel the Voice Mail service;
* 120 * 6 * 2 # - add / refuse the service "Who called?";
* 120 * 6 * 3 # - add / cancel the service "Back in the network";
* 120 * 7 # - add / unsubscribe from the "Call Line Identifier" service;
* 120 * 8 # - add / refuse the Call barring service;
* 120 * 9 # - set / change password;
* 150 # - perform operations with your favorite numbers.

The USSD menu is free of charge. The mobile operator's system, as a rule, warns of possible one-time costs for changing the tariff plan or connecting to services.
To use the USSD request, enter the required key combination on the phone keypad and press the "Call" key, after which the final answer to your request will appear on the phone display or a list of further possible operations will be offered.
Please note that in some cases actions using USSD requests may affect the balance of your phone number... If the actions in the USSD menu cause you questions, all additional information you can get it on the official websites of mobile operators or at their representative offices.
Also, when using some USSD commands, there are other conditions that depend on your tariff plan and other factors.
The USSD menu is based on the data of the official websites of velcom mobile operators. by, privet. by, mts. by,

The situation when you need to determine the number of your mobile phone, is not so rare. It happens that a person recently bought and installed a new SIM card, but the number has not yet been memorized. It also happens that an old SIM card is found, but it is not possible to remember its number. So what do you do in a situation like this?

Call another mobile

The easiest answer to the question of how to find out your number is to call mobile person near you. Of course, he will display your number, unless you have activated the AntiAON service. But, unfortunately, there is not always a person with a cell phone next to you. Plus, your phone might just run out of money.

Use carrier commands

Almost all operators provide subscribers with the opportunity to find out their number using special commands. Let's see such commands for each operator

How to find out the phone number of Beeline

You can dial the following sequence 110 * 2 * 1 * 2 # and press the "call" button. In response, you will receive an SMS containing your phone number. By the way, you can also call the operator on toll free number 067410. In general, this way services are connected and disconnected, but the operator will not refuse help, the number will inform you.

How to find out the mobile number MTS

If you are an MTS subscriber, you can send SMS with the 0887 code to 111, or dial the command * 111 * 0887 # and press the "call" button.

How to find out your number in Megafon

Megafon subscribers need to enter the command * 127 # and press the "call" button. You can also use the command 225 * 5 * 1 #.

How to find out the mobile number Tele2

In Tele2, the command * 201 # is used to determine its number.

Definition of Life number

Ukrainian mobile operator Life makes it possible to determine your own subscriber number using the command * 161 #.

Velcom number determination

Subscribers of the Belarusian operator Velcom will need to send * 147 # to determine their number.

In conclusion, I would like to advise everyone to add their own number to the contact list on their phone. This will not only allow you to avoid problems with identifying your number, but also make it possible to easily transfer your contacts to another person.

1. The "Favorite Number" service allows subscribers to make calls to a number in the velcom network at special rates.
2. The number of the company's subscriber can be selected as a "favorite" number.
3. The number of "favorite" numbers and the payment procedure are determined by the subscriber's tariff plan.
4. Adding / changing "favorite" numbers is made by the subscriber independently from his mobile phone
4.1. at uSSD assistance:

4.2. with help Personal account, in the presence of this service at the subscriber.
5. Adding "favorite" numbers in the amount corresponding to the subscriber's tariff plan is made free of charge
6. Any change to the subscriber number selected as "favorite" is paid in accordance with the subscriber's tariff plan.
7. When changing the tariff plan, "favorite" numbers are automatically deleted. Further assignment / change of the "favorite" number by the subscriber is made independently in accordance with the new tariff plan.
8. Velcom / PRIVET numbers transferred to another network cannot be selected as "favorites". When a subscriber number is transferred to another network, it is automatically removed from the lists of “favorite” numbers of the company's subscribers.
9. If the client transfers, with the written consent of the company, the right to use the subscriber number to a new client without changing the tariff plan (available to velcom subscribers), the assigned “favorite” numbers are saved.
10. If the client transfers, with the written consent of the company, the right to use the subscriber number to a new client with a change in the tariff plan to any other tariff plan of the company (available to velcom subscribers), the “favorite” numbers are automatically deleted. Further assignment / change of "favorite" numbers by the subscriber is made independently in accordance with the new tariff plan.
11. The company has the right to unilaterally change this procedure by publishing changes on the official website of the company.
12. In everything else, not regulated by this procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the agreement concluded between the client and the company.

Surprisingly, sometimes situations arise when a person needs to find out his phone number. You never know, suddenly your own number is not deposited in your memory, and what is even more likely - you became the owner of a new SIM card, however, the operator's branded brochure with the coveted numbers was lost somewhere. There can be many situations - a solution is required!

We will not talk about obvious options, such as calling a friend and spying on his number on the screen of his mobile phone. You know this without us. To resolve the issue yourself, they will help us USSD requests and internal services of mobile operators.


To find out your number on MTS:

  • Submit USSD commandby typing *111*0887# and pressing the call button.
  • Call 0887


For subscribers operator Beeline you need to dial on numeric keypad your phone command *110*10# and press the call button.


The team will help everyone who "sits" on Megaphone *127#.

Attention! The cost of the service is 1 ruble.

Tele 2

Anyone who uses the services of this operator will be helped by the service with the unoriginal name "Find out your number" - available when dialing a request * 201 # call.


You will be surprised, but the Life company also took care of the possibility to find out your number for its subscribers.

  • For these purposes, there is a special USSD team *161# call .
  • Also you can find your number in the SIM menu
  • Call in help desk operator by number 5433


Velcom is a Belarusian telecom operator, whose users also need such reference information.

Here, too, they did not come up with a bicycle, but provided a service in the same USSD format *147# call.

If suddenly the impossible happens, and your operator is not on the list, I recommend that you contact the official website of your cellular provider for the information you are looking for.

If in the help center you still can't find a way to find out your own number, there is a universal method - call the customer support service (you can definitely find its number).

Ask an employee call center and get a reliable answer.

Good luck! Don't forget your numbers henceforth.

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