Beeline personal account registration by phone number. Beeline personal account

Service Beeline "Personal Account" is a convenient mechanism for round-the-clock control of mobile services from any corner of the world without the help of a call-center operator.

In the article:

For each owner of the Beeline number, there is the possibility of quick and easy registration in the personal account to control financial expenses, connect (disconnect) services, change the tariff plan, replenish the account in a convenient way, including with a plastic card.

Now there is no need for separate and tedious control of expenses on several numbers. All the necessary information is compactly systematized in the "My Beeline" service and is always available for analysis and correction.

How to access your Beeline personal account: registration and login

The registration procedure is implemented on the Beeline operator's website and has a simple and intuitive algorithm that does not require special computer skills.

Users are identified by their phone number, which is used as a unique login name (it is possible to change the login at your discretion). For correct entry of the mobile number, you must drop the initial "8" or "+7", do not put spaces and brackets.

To be able to use a permanent password, you first need to get temporary access via SMS. To do this, the "Get password" option is activated, the "Login" (phone number) field is filled in, and all actions are confirmed by pressing the "Send" button. Within 3-5 minutes, a message comes with a time code, which is intended for the "Password" field. After that, the user can come up with his own permanent password, based on subjective ideas of reliability.

Options for obtaining a password to activate your personal account

You can also access the online service using short USSD requests or a call to the operator's number using a phone, USB modem or tablet computer:

  • for phone and tablet with SMS function: dial the USSD service command * 110 * 9 # and enter the password from the reply SMS. You can also call tel. 8 800 700 611, to voice passport data and receive a temporary password from an employee of a mobile company;
  • for a tablet without SMS function with the ability to transfer data over a mobile network: disable the Wi-Fi function and use the functionality of the operator's website using a browser;
  • for USB modem: the operator's website provides a separate option for receiving SMS with a password to the SIM card of the wireless modem.

The owner of a contract with several Beeline numbers must contact the office of the mobile operator to manage his subscriber portfolio. Another way to activate the My Beeline profile can be to register one number with the subsequent addition of the entire number package to your personal account.

After passing the registration procedure, the entrance to the Beeline personal account can be performed through an account on the social network Facebook or VKontakte. In such a situation, you can do without entering a username and password.

Features of the self-service "My Beeline"

The user interface of the client page is concise, clear and easy to read. A brief and descriptive description is attached to each option. The resource also contains a button "Video tour of the office", which contains all the necessary background information in the format of an explanatory video.

Section "Settings"

Obtaining access rights to your personal account provides ample opportunities for setting, monitoring and managing the Internet, home television, mobile and landline numbers from Beeline. Using the functionality of the self-service service, the user can set up automatic access to his page from any gadget supplemented with the operator's SIM card.

Within the framework of the client page, you can view the balance and news, control expenses, prohibit access to the profile for other subscribers, compare accounts, manage tariffs, add and block numbers, choose a payment method, connect (disconnect) services, etc. It is also possible to transfer the rights to manage the client page to a third party and add numbers of other mobile operators thanks to the "Switch to Beeline with your own number" option.

The main functionality of the personal account

The list of activated services, information about the current tariff plan and balance status is always available in the client profile. The main menu is located at the top of the page, which consists of the following items:

  • "Tariffs": contains the name, parameters and description of the tariff plan used. The option "Change the tariff plan" is provided here and a convenient sorting of current and advantageous tariff offers is implemented.
  • "Services": allows you to get acquainted with all active and available services. It is enough to uncheck or check the boxes to optimize the list by deactivating less useful and connecting the necessary services.
  • "Finance and Detailing": an important section containing information about payments, balance sheet, details of services received. Here you can view all account movements and their purpose by date, set up a monthly e-mail sending of a detailed financial report in xls or pdf format.
  • "Application history": this section stores information about the relationship between the subscriber and the operator. Applications for connection (disconnection) of services, account replenishment within the framework of the "Trust Payment" service, etc.
  • "Help and Feedback": contains answers to frequently asked questions and helps the subscriber to overcome the problem. Here you can "Create a call" to the operator and get an instant response.
  • "Payment methods": Beeline customers are given the opportunity to determine the minimum account limit, replenish the balance of their number and the number of loved ones through the site, from a bank card, using a one-time payment in automatic payment mode. In the same section, an application for connection to the "Trust Payment" service is available.
  • “Recommended offers”: subscribers often do not have enough time to track the optimization of the operator's offers regarding services and tariffs. If (at the discretion of Beeline) the current terms of cooperation are less beneficial to the client than any other tariff plan, the company places a corresponding offer in this section.

The Beeline online user service significantly improves the quality of the operator's services, saves the subscriber's energy and time in terms of access, detailing and managing financial and technical information.

Beeline subscribers registered on the official website of the company can easily top up their account, connect or disconnect services, contact technical support for help, receive up-to-date information about promotions and special offers ... In other words, by managing a personal account from a computer, smartphone or tablet, the user receives a full control over your tariff, regardless of location and time of day. In order to actually evaluate all the listed advantages, you need to figure out how to get a login and password from the Beeline Personal Account.

Login from the Personal account "My Beeline"

The mobile operator Beeline made sure that subscribers did not experience difficulties accessing their account and at the same time could be sure of the reliability of their personal data protection. In this regard, the official website of the company has undergone some changes, and the interface has become more functional and understandable.

To gain access to the Personal Account, the user must go through the authorization procedure. But first you need to register on the official Beeline Internet resource.

Login is an identifier with which the system authenticates the user, that is, verifies the authenticity of the entered data. It can be a subscriber's phone number, e-mail address, or an arbitrary set of characters. During registration, in the login line, you must specify the phone number in 10-digit format (without +7). In the future, it can be changed to any alphanumeric combination.

Retrieving a password

Now a few words about how to get a password to log into your account. To do this, from your Beeline SIM card, you need to send a USSD request to the number * 110 * 9 # and wait for a response SMS message. The operator's service will automatically generate and send a temporary password, which should be entered in the appropriate line, and then click the "Login" button. It is recommended that you change your identification data immediately after logging in to exclude unauthorized access to managing your tariff, account and services.

A password from a simple combination is easy for scammers to guess and crack. It is recommended to change the password to a more complex combination of 8 or more characters, containing numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters.

To change the login and password in the Beeline Personal Account, you need to log in to it, then go to the settings tab and click on the "Password recovery" item. Here you will be asked to choose one of two options: by SMS or by email. In the future, the subscriber will be able to receive it in the specified way if he forgets or loses.

Password recovery

Users who, for any reason, cannot remember the password for entering their Personal Account, can always recover it. To do this, we suggest using the following instructions.

  1. We load the main page of and click on the link "Personal account".
  2. Next to the field for entering the password, we find the "Get password" hyperlink, click on it.
  3. In the new window that opens, select which Beeline account you want to access: mobile or home.
  4. Next, we click on the name of the device (phone, tablet, USB-modem) and, following the prompts, we receive a password in the form of an SMS or an email.

In the case of the Beeline home Internet, it is allowed to enter the personal account number in the login line.

Beeline company, in addition to an extensive line of versatile tariff plans, additional offers in the form of various options, as well as a host of other services, also offers its customers an excellent opportunity to independently control the services used. This opportunity was realized by creating a personal account system available for free use by all clients of the company. And today we will pay attention to the nuances of its use in as much detail as possible.

Beeline personal account

Conveniently!No, bad!

Beeline subscriber's personal account functionality

By and large, the main functions of the "Personal Account" system, be it Beeline, or its closest competitors such as MegaFon, MTS or Tele2, for example, almost always remain identical, and boil down to the following list:

  • Self-service cost management;
  • Change of tariff plans;
  • Activation and deactivation of additional options and services;
  • Checking the status of services and accounts;
  • View up-to-date information about balances in minutes, messages and Internet packages.

The options listed above almost always remain the same, and various loyalty programs and unique services inherent only to specific companies add variety. But what else unites all these services is that they are an ideal and completely irreplaceable assistant for any modern subscriber. This explains why you need to think about gaining access to the LC system, if you have not yet acquired a personal page on the operator's website.

Registration in your Beeline account: step by step instructions

The procedure for creating a personal account in Beeline LC is not much different from similar procedures for other mobile operators, and for its correct implementation, subscribers need to spend no more than 5 minutes of their time.

It is important to note only that Beeline distinguished itself by the fact that customers using a phone, tablet, or USB modem need to register in different ways.

Registration in your Beeline account from a smartphone or tablet - video instruction

However, the instructions for registering in the system still do not differ much, and looks like this:

  1. Go to the site and on the main page find the button "Personal account" located in the top line of the resource on the right.
  2. Move the mouse cursor over the "Personal Account" button and wait for the pop-up window to appear.
  3. In the pop-up window, click on the "How to get a password?" Button located immediately below the password input window.
  4. You will be redirected to the next page, where you need to select the option "To mobile or All in one", which will allow you to proceed to the registration procedure for an account for a user of cellular services.
  5. Choose if you are a phone, tablet or USB tethering user.
  6. Enter your phone number or USB device username in the “Login” field.
  7. Click on the "Get password" button.

Registration in your Beeline account from a computer - video instructions

After you complete the steps described above, a code will be sent to your mail address (for users of USB gadgets), or your phone number (for mobile subscribers), which will serve as a password for entering the PC.

As for the users of tablet devices, to gain access to their personal account, they just need to follow the link using the Beeline network, and authorization in the system will occur automatically.

How to enter your Beeline personal account

Now that you have an access code to the system, it will be extremely easy to log into your Beeline account using your phone number. To do this, do the following:

  • Go to and hover the mouse cursor over the "Personal Account", or immediately follow the direct link of the resource
  • In the "Login" field, enter your phone number or username.
  • In the "Password" field, enter the code you received earlier in an SMS or email.
  • Click on the "Login" button.

How to change or restore a password in your Beeline account

If you want to change the password for entering your Beeline account for a more memorable one, you can do this in the security settings directly in the system interface. Remember, however, that the password must be strong.

Often, self-set passwords are forgotten by users, but this problem is not difficult to solve. In order to recover the password, subscribers will need to repeat the registration procedure in the system, as a result of which they will simply receive a new access code to enter the LC. In addition, you can get a new password to enter the system if you enter a USSD combination on the phone keyboard *110*9# .

Mobile application for using the Personal Account from Beeline

Like other large companies, Beeline Corporation also made sure that the interface of the personal account was available to customers in a more convenient and compact mode - through an optimized application. Moreover, it is available today not only for the most popular Android and iOS devices, but also for devices running the less popular Windows Phone.

You can download the corresponding versions of the applications using the following links:

  • For

The Internet has long and firmly entered the life of every modern person. Internet users have already deservedly appreciated the opportunity to make purchases, order tickets, order food and pay for services without leaving home. And more recently, all users of the Beeline mobile network have the opportunity to control and manage not only their number and services on it, but also their finances via the Internet, thanks to the Beeline personal account.

A personal account is a kind of mini-office of a subscriber, in which he can very quickly and conveniently perform all operations related to his number. But in order to start using your personal account, you need to register in it. Registering a Beeline personal account is as easy as shelling pears, below is a convenient and understandable instruction on how to do this.

Here is just a short list of the possibilities that the personal account provides:

  • connection / disconnection of services;
  • change of tariff;
  • transferring funds from your number to other subscribers;
  • call detailing order;
  • refill;

First, you need to get a username and password to enter the system and register your Beeline account. To do this, you need to dial * 110 * 9 # call on your phone or tablet. Information will be sent to your number with the assigned temporary password for entry and login (it will be your sim card number).

You can get or recover your password by calling 8-800-700-06-11 or through the password recovery page - enter your number and click the "Send" button - an SMS with a login and a new password will be sent to your phone in a few seconds.

After logging in for the first time, you will be asked to provide your additional email address and come up with your password - enter and remember it.

This completes the registration in your personal account. If everything was done correctly, on the page you will see your phone number, the name of the current tariff plan, your account balance, number status and a list of services connected to the number.

Video guide to the personal account "My Beeline"

Create a personal account Beeline

Greetings to you, dear visitor of the blog!

How to create an MTS personal account, we have already sorted out with you. Now let's find out how to create a personal Beeline account. Although there are no people among my friends who use this provider, I think some of you will find this material useful.

We register Beeline personal account


First of all, we open the official beeline page Yes, and notice that the word “physical” is highlighted in yellow in the title. In the “Login” field, enter your phone number. But you will need to request a password by dialing * 110 * 9 # on your phone. We waited for SMS by phone and entered the received password. We press the button "Login":

By the way, if you are registered in social networks Facebook or VKontakte, you can use them to enter and create. These buttons are shown below. This, in fact, for the phone, registration ends. But if you need to create a personal account for a tablet or USB-modem, then you will not have to wait for SMS, but call 8 800 700 06 11 and confirm your passport data.

Main features of your personal account

Why major? Yes, because some of them, in my opinion, are not required for the bulk of users. This is especially true of our target audience of pensioners - retirees. So, let's list:

  • Controlling our finances;
  • Services.Disable and enable;
  • \u003e Tariff change;

But sending SMS from computer to phone, which I liked so much, is unfortunately absent here on MTS. Now let's look at how to use these features.

Control of finances through your Beeline personal account

That's what I like about the Beeline, so that they understand the importance of this service for many of their subscribers and therefore they designed it so that it is immediately visible and striking. There is nothing extraordinary here. Select the period that you want to control, click "Create a report" and it will open immediately for you:
Beeline somewhat surpassed MTS in terms of convenience and ease of providing this service. And this pleasure is absolutely free and you can also print information, if you wish.

Connection - disconnection of services in the personal account

This is a very necessary service for subscribers of any mobile operator. All of them, without exception, by hook or by crook try to create and put in some kind of “just necessary thing” to their users, and not always free of charge. For example, I unexpectedly discovered that I suddenly had a voice alert about subscribers who did not get through to me at a cost of 0.75 rubles a day.

Perhaps for some, this information, presented in this form and of paramount importance, but to me it is absolutely useless, even for such a seemingly insignificant amount. These are the “charms” we can find and “neutralize” in our personal Beeline account. The main thing is not to be too lazy to create it.

You can get there by clicking on the inscription "Services" also at the top of the window:

In fairness, it should be noted that all services are presented very clearly and anyone, even a person who is poorly versed in the intricacies of various Internet windows, will understand everything intuitively. It is enough to click on the switch, and after the button appears, click on it and the service will be disabled or enabled:

Changing the tariff through your Beeline account

Perhaps not many will be interested in this. And yet, for those who are not indifferent to their mobile expenses, it will not even hurt. The thing is that sometimes mobile operators have new tariff plans. And sometimes they are very attractive. For example, I have done this many times.

We find the inscription "Tariffs" at the top left of the Beeline logo and click on it:

A window will open where you can, by checking the box, express your preference in providing the desired tariff plans for the review. Well, there, already using all the same switches, you can mark what you need:

Before deciding on a choice, be sure to read the detailed description. To know the cost of switching to a given tariff and possible pitfalls.

I did not begin to describe to you the procedure for replenishing your account through your personal account, since this service is not widespread, because there are quite a few other possibilities to do this. Moreover, many are currently using online banking systems. Which, in my opinion, is much more convenient.

Well, that's all. Create a personal Beeline account and use it for your own benefit and pleasure.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog

Create a personal account Beeline: registration, login

A personal account is a convenient way to manage your SIM card, because it is on the site that you can always find records of new favorable conditions and promotions, and you can connect to them through a personal account with just one click. Creating an account implies the presence of a valid SIM card of a mobile operator, since registering in the Beeline Personal Account is possible only when confirming access to the phone.

Registration in the LC for different devices

You can use a SIM card not only in phones; the mobile operator also issues special rates for tablets and USB modems. Management of functions from the site is available for any form of using a SIM card, however, the methods of registration in the Beeline Personal Account may differ slightly.

Using a mobile phone

When using a SIM card in a regular phone or smartphone, the subscriber needs to go to the site. You can go from your phone to, or to the official website In both cases, the subscriber receives tips on how to create a Beeline personal account, and can also log in.

Registration of a personal account on the Beeline website

When you visit the site for the first time, you must receive a one-time code:

  • To do this, a request is sent from the phone to the number * 110 * 9 #. Within a few seconds, the subscriber will receive an SMS with a combination that will need to be driven into the "Password" field.
  • You can also make a code request directly from the site. Under the word "Password" in there is a clickable link "Get password". It can be used by both already registered users and new ones. In the window that opens, there will be only one field to fill in, where the number is entered, starting with 9. It will subsequently be indicated in the "Login when registering Beeline Personal Account" column.

After all the manipulations, you must enter your login, password and click the "Login" button. If the data is filled in correctly, a field will appear where you need to additionally specify your e-mail and change the password to a permanent one. Also in the settings of the LC, you can change the login from the phone number to any combination of letters and numbers.

Via tablet

You can register your Beeline Account on a tablet in the same way as with a mobile one. However, this is only possible if the tablet supports the function of receiving SMS. If this is not possible, then we register directly through the device.

On the tablet you need:

  • Disable wireless internet connection over Wi-Fi. When leaving a wireless connection, remember to be connected to a mobile data connection (3G / 4G).
  • Restart your browser.
  • Enter in the address bar.

On the site, the device will automatically log into the LC, however, for subsequent logins, it will be necessary to set a password and login, if required.

On a USB modem

On a SIM card from a USB modem, they connect to the LC after they move it to the smartphone and either request the primary code from the site, or call the hotline at 88007000611.

When you call the hotline to activate the Beeline Personal Account, you will also need to indicate the passport data of the SIM card holder.

Registration in the LC for legal entities

The operator also provides mobile services to organizations, so they also have the ability to manage their own data. However, the registration procedure is more complicated, since you need to send a request by mail or contact the Beeline service office, where you will need to write an application for the provision of this service. The use of Beeline Personal Account is free for users of this provider.

By the way, there is a mobile version - the application "My Beeline", which performs the same functions as the full version of the site. Registration in the mobile version is almost identical.

How to create a Beeline personal account for free?

Do you want to receive timely and comprehensive information about the options connected to your number, as well as promotions and new tariffs from the operator? Beeline clients have this opportunity together with the "Personal Account". Its device is convenient and functional, so it is quite difficult to get confused in the instrument. The average user can easily register and understand the menu of the "Personal Account" from Beeline. Virtual elements will help you connect or disconnect the options you are interested in with a single click.

We register in the Beeline Personal Account

Registration in the "Personal Account" takes place on the company's website and is completely free.

  • To register, click on the "Get password" link, after which you will be taken to a page where you will need to enter your mobile phone number in the appropriate field.
  • An SMS message from the operator will be sent to the number you indicate. The notification will contain a code that you will enter on the next page.
  • In order to get a password, you can also dial a simple USSD combination from your Beeline number in the format * 110 * 9 #. The operator will send you a message with the required password. In a few moments you will be able to enter your "Personal Account".
  • Enter the received password, be sure to go through the email verification.
  • Done, you are registered! In just a few minutes you can familiarize yourself with the interface of the "Personal Account" from Beeline.

If it is more convenient for you to specify not your mobile number, but come up with another login, you can do this. Login must necessarily consist of both letters and numbers.

How to enter your Personal Account?

To enter the "Personal Account", you need to enter in the required field your mobile number (or the login that you specified during registration), as well as your password.

In order to be able to use the tool without having to enter a password every time, you need to link the "Personal Account" to the profile of one of the social networks.

After you enter, the screen will display:

The field most demanded by subscribers is the list of connected services, by looking through which you can understand how you spend your funds. In the event that these paid subscriptions and services are not relevant to you, then unnecessary options can be instantly disabled by clicking on the appropriate buttons.

You can also view information about the spending of your finances on mobile communications from Beeline, see information about the monthly fee.

Tool management from Beeline

The operator made sure that subscribers could easily change the current tariff plan or activate services in the corresponding sections of the tool using the "Personal Account".

Going to the field you are interested in, you will find virtual elements opposite the option names, by clicking on which you can activate or deactivate them.

Each Beeline subscriber can find information about your expenses for mobile communications, as well as a list of outgoing calls in the column "Finance and detail". The information is presented as a graph, with all mobile options sorted by group. If necessary, you can tell the report for the period you are interested in in .pdf or .xls format.

In the "Internet for everything" section, the operator's client has the opportunity to redistribute the Internet traffic provided for by one or another tariff plan to other devices. With this convenient and exclusive service, you no longer need to pay multiple bills, as traffic can be calculated for all your devices and gadgets. In this case, you will pay the costs for only one invoice.

An important item is the "History of orders", where you can view the statuses of the operations performed, for example, to change the tariff.

If you are confused in the "Personal Account" from Beeline, you can find a specific section or information about the service in the item "Help and Feedback". Create a request to the customer support service and you will receive all the information you need.

Do you need to top up your balance using the Internet? You can do this with the "Personal Account" without difficulty. In the column "Payment methods" operations to replenish the mobile account are carried out in a few clicks.

Want to delete your Personal Account?

Such an operation is impossible, and if you do not need to go to the "Personal Account", just do not go to the site. However, in the event that such a need arises, you can always use this tool again.

Home »Services» How to create a Beeline personal account for free?

How to register in your Beeline account

The legitimate desire of any subscriber is the independent management of the tariff plan, regardless of the operator. This opportunity is provided by the "Personal Account" service, access to which opens after activating a new SIM card. No additional effort is required from the subscriber. However, to work with the portal, you must pass user authorization. How to register in the "Personal Account" Beeline? For this, three variations of actions are available, which, for the convenience of subscribers, need to be covered in as much detail as possible.

Available options

Registration in the "Personal Account" Beeline

43 users find this page helpful.

The legitimate desire of any subscriber is the independent management of the tariff plan, regardless of the operator. This opportunity is provided by the "Personal Account" service, access to which opens after activating a new SIM card. No additional effort is required from the subscriber. However, to work with the portal, you must pass user authorization. How to register in the "Personal Account" Beeline? For this, three variations of actions are available, which, for the convenience of subscribers, need to be covered in as much detail as possible.

Registration in the "Personal Account" Beeline

Should we start with how to create a "Personal Account" Beeline? Here the user does not need to make any effort: the portal opens automatically for each subscriber of the network. The user only needs to authenticate to gain access to system resources. Registration in the "Personal Account" Beeline is as follows:

So registration is over, you can safely log in to any beeline services. Let it be a mobile application, official website or other services

But if you have several numbers and you want to have access to them from one login. You will have to visit the office, present the passport data of the beeline and get a login and password there. By which you will have access to all numbers at once.

Online registration

Important! All of these features are provided free of charge. However, the connected portal will consume Internet traffic, which is paid in accordance with the current tariff plan.


How to connect the "Personal Account" is already clear, but there are a number of points that will be of interest to users when working in the system. In particular:

Registration method
  1. It is better to register through popular browsers. These are the most secure systems that use special encryption codes. It is also better to open the created "Personal Account" in this browser.
  2. The password that the provider sends at the time of registration is temporary. It is recommended to replace it with a more user-friendly code.
  3. Entering the wrong password several times blocks access to the resource for 60 minutes.
  4. Application "My Beeline" excludes mandatory registration. The utility uses the subscriber's number for access.
  5. If the opened resource does not work correctly and hangs noticeably, then the system is overloaded. In this case, you need to restart your browser or log in after a while.

Important! For security purposes, the login can be tied to an e-mail box.

Additional features

If the user has forgotten the created password, a new access code can be obtained by resending the command * 110 * 9 #. In addition, you can link your personal BEELINE page to your social media accounts.

You can avoid the constant filling of the authorization window by performing the autosave procedure in the browser. However, experts do not recommend using this method: the resource will always be open, and accordingly, personal data can get to scammers.

Video to the article


It is easy to make a Beeline "Personal Account". The registration procedure also does not cause difficulties for subscribers. At the same time, users receive a multifunctional tool for managing the tariff plan and additional services.

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