Who is a call center operator? Transfer of functions to an external company. Training and employment: the right approach to business

General provisions of the instruction

In this section, the company prescribes to whom the call center operator must report directly, whose instructions he must follow, and also, in the absence of a specific employee, replace him. Of course, there are times when there is no operator listed in this job description. Then it is necessary to indicate who will replace him.

It should be clarified that to appoint a person to the position of operator call center, and also release from it, should the general director of the call center by order.

Call center job description:

  • Labor legislation.
  • Methods, techniques of negotiation and business communication.
  • Rules of business etiquette, basic skills in telephone business negotiations.
  • Norms and rules of labor protection, sanitary and fire protection, safety measures.
  • Internal labor regulations.

It is necessary and to clarify what the operator should be guided by in his activities.

Operator's duties:

It is worthwhile to clearly define what exactly is the responsibility of the call center operator. For example, receiving incoming calls, conducting telephone sales, advising potential customers, processing complaints and customer requests, and transferring them to the appropriate departments. Operators also need to enter all the information they receive into the database, quickly assimilate the project information necessary for the correct line maintenance. In this section, the company must write down absolutely all the duties that the hired employee must perform.

Operator rights:

A call center operator, like any employee, must know his rights. He has the right to receive all the necessary documents and materials that are directly related to the activities of the employee and his employees. The operator has the right to get acquainted with those projects and decisions of the company's management that relate to the activities of this department. Call center employees can offer managers their suggestions for improving the work.

Operator responsibility:

The job description of the call center operator should determine why call center operator will be responsible. What kind key points directly depend on the employee. For example, failure to fulfill official duties, causing material damage and the like.

By order

No. 97 dated 01.01.2001

Job description


I. General Provisions

1. The Call-center operator belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a secondary technical, incomplete higher or higher education and work experience in the field of telephone sales (marketing) for at least a year is appointed to the position of the Operator on the telephone.

3. Appointment to the position of Call Center Operator and release from it is made by the order of the General Director of the Company upon the recommendation of the Head of the Sales Support Department, with the consent of the Commercial Director.

4. Call center operator should know:

4.1. The established financial and economic practice in the field of wholesale and retail trade in food (including alcoholic beverages).

4.2. Rules for the conclusion and execution of contracts for the supply of products.

4.3. The procedure for settlements under contracts.

4.4. Features of the technology of working with the Client by phone.

4.5. The Company's database, as well as other softwareused by the Company to support the trading process.

5. The Call Center Operator reports directly to the Head of the Sales Support Department or to a person replacing him, carries out the instructions of the Commercial Director.

6. During the absence of the Call Center Operator (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another Call Center Operator, appointed during his absence by a corresponding order with the payment of the difference in official salaries and for a period not exceeding one calendar month.

II. Job Tasks

1. Provides telephone reception of Clients' standard orders.

2. Provides Clients with reference information regarding prices, assortment and conditions of the Company.

3. Maintains and develops the existing Client base of the Company.

4. Fully complies with all the requirements of the Company in terms of technology and methods of telephone sales.

5. Ensures accuracy, efficiency, responsibility and competence in working with Clients.

III. Job responsibilities

Call Center Operator:

1. Receives calls from Clients.

2. Determines the type of Client (“market”, “key Client”, “own point”, “retail”, “regional”, etc.) and assignment of the Client to a specific Manager.

3. In accordance with the technology and methodology adopted by the Company, he personally accepts orders from all Clients, except key and new ones (who called for the first time and do not have a Manager assigned to them).

4. Key Clients are switched to the corresponding Manager. In the absence of a Manager, it switches to another Key Account Manager. If at the moment there is not a single Key Account Manager available, he switches to the Head of the Wholesale Sales Department.

5. Before accepting an order, checks on the computer for the presence of overdue or excess receivables for this Client. The order is accepted only if there are none. Informs the Client about the availability of debt.

6. If the Client has an overdue or excess debt, he switches it to the assigned Manager or to the Financial Service.

7. When accepting an order, he must draw the attention of the Client to a new product in the assortment of the Company, to special positions as directed by the Management of the Commercial Service, and also reminds him of the product that is traditional for this Client (type of Client). He never finishes accepting an order without offering the Client three or four more items in addition to what he has already ordered.

8. If necessary, advises the Client on the optimal composition of the assortment based on the specifics of this Client's business and on the Company's strategic focus on long-term cooperation with this Client.

9. Within the framework of the conditions mentioned in clause 8, as well as taking into account the quality of the existing debt of the Client and his credit history, strives to maximum size Order not only by volume, but also by assortment.

10. Based on the rules and regulations in force in the Company, determines the amount of discounts (column of the price list).

11. In the event of a non-standard situation, consult with the Head of the relevant Sales Department.

12. When accepting an order, he coordinates with the Client in detail the assortment and amount of the order, agrees on the delivery time, the obligatory presence at the specified time of the responsible persons of the Client who are authorized to accept the goods, make (if necessary) settlements and sign the necessary documents.

13. In case of accepting an order from a regional Client, agree on the form of payment, the time of the Client's arrival in Moscow or the details for sending the goods to the Client.

14. Registers all calls from Clients and all orders received, promptly transmits information to Department Managers to track the execution of Orders.

15. Calls from new Clients are transferred to the Heads of the respective departments for subsequent assignment to one of the Managers.

16. Makes initiative calls on the card index to “asleep” (not showing up for more than two quarters - 6 months in a row) to the Market Clients.

17. Makes calls to Clients according to the instructions of the Heads of sales departments, reports the results of these calls to the instructing Head of the sales department.

18. In case of a request by the Client (potential Client) of reference information regarding the assortment, prices, delivery conditions, certificate security, etc. - provides all necessary information... Provides sending of the corresponding fax or e-mail if necessary.

19. In case of a call from the Client ( potential client) for a purpose other than ordering or obtaining reference information, it switches it to the corresponding Manager, and in the absence of a Manager, to the corresponding Head of the sales department.

20. In any case, promptly transfers all received information about the comments and / or wishes of the Clients to the interested Departments of the Company.

21. Supports the proprietary technologies and methods of working with Clients adopted in the Company.

22. In case of operational need - provides assistance in the work of other operators of the Call-center.

23. If there are appropriate decisions of the Management, it works to implement special programs discounts and bonuses, other sales promotions.

24. Constantly improves his professional level.

25. Ensures the timely execution of all required reporting and other working documentation.

26. Provides a regime for maintaining trade secrets.

2. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For mistakes made in the work that led to the failure to meet the target indicators of the Department established by the Management - within the variable part of the salary.

Vi. Criteria for evaluating the activities of the Operator Call Center

The criteria for evaluating the activities of the Call Center Operator are:

· Achievement of target indicators by the Department.

· Absence of reasonable claims to the Operator from the structural divisions of the Commercial Service.

· Efficiency, accuracy and accuracy when accepting orders, no errors.

· Absence of justified claims from Clients.

· Absence of negative evaluations from the side of the Company Management and the Management of the Commercial Service.

Vii. Final provisions

1. This Job Description has been drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the Employee.

2. The Tasks, Duties, Rights and Responsibilities of the Operator on the phone can be clarified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the Commercial Service.

3. Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the General Director of the Company with the familiarization of the Employee at least two calendar months in advance against personal signature.

The SKB Kontur contact center provides support for 16 different accounting products and services, and the main task of the consultant is to competently answer questions from customers - users of the products. Primarily, this support is provided by telephone, but there is also a dedicated team of consultants who handle email processing and answer questions via online chat. All customer questions are recorded in the CRM system - this data is of particular value to our analytical department. With the help of this statistics, an analysis of frequent calls is made, the results are transferred to the development department, sales departments, marketing department, on the basis of which changes are made to our products, to the processes of the company's interaction with customers.

What should a consultant know?

The consultant needs to know not only the product itself, but also to navigate in the field of accounting and tax accounting, to be a technically competent specialist. For successful consultations, we use a knowledge base where you can find a solution to almost any question. If the consultant has difficulties, he turns to the supervisor for help.

What is the specificity of your contact center?

The number of incoming calls we have is directly related to tax reporting periods - during these months the load on the contact center triples. But the reporting is always followed by an interreporting period, when during the quiet days the consultant has the opportunity to diversify his activities. You can take on new tasks: become a mentor for interns, take part in outbound calls, try yourself as a tester, and much more.

What skills should a call center employee have?

It is important for a technical support specialist to be able to work with a large volume new information, think quickly and respond flexibly to changing circumstances. And the main thing is to have a sincere desire to help clients and bring the solution of each issue to the end.

What is the schedule for the contact center employees?

The contact center operates 24/7/365, so the consultants' schedule is "floating". You can work from 8 in the morning, but you can start work shift after lunch. Upon reaching a certain level of knowledge and experience, it becomes possible to work on weekends and at night - this makes the schedule even more flexible and convenient. That is why so many students work in our contact center. This is a great place to start your career.

Pros and cons of the profession

Working in a contact center helps develop communication skills in a very tight timeframe. Also, this work allows you to keep up with the times: IT technologies do not stand still, and you inevitably follow the latest developments in this area and develop professionally.

Our profession helps to acquire qualities and skills that are important in everyday life.

After a year of working at the forefront of the contact center, many will envy your resistance to stress and endurance. We become more tolerant, we learn to look at the world in many ways and, most importantly, we are constantly developing.

Are there any rules for communicating with a client?

In our contact center, there is a rule: "A subscriber who turns to us for help is guaranteed to receive it." The most important thing in our work is the desire to solve the client's problem and do everything so that he does not have it again. Neither the knowledge base nor the regulations will help if there is no desire to figure it out. At the same time, we definitely study the rules of conducting a conversation in certain situations.

Also, the company has developed a series of trainings to improve the level of communications. They help the consultant to conduct a dialogue in a business style, create a favorable atmosphere in the conversation, and we monitor the fulfillment of these conditions. But all this is secondary, the most valuable thing is the ability to correctly understand the problem and solve it.

Our main principle - honesty with clients and with each other: we provide subscribers with only reliable information, we keep our promises and admit our mistakes.

In addition, we always try to make the life of the subscriber easier, and when we see the problem, tell about it. We offer ideas for product improvements, and the developers are always attentive to the information from us.

What kind of career can you make in a call center?

Labor activity begins with the title of "Consultant". During the probationary period, which lasts 3 months, the consultant needs to assimilate as much information as possible, working under the strict guidance of a mentor. Having successfully coped with this task, he begins to work independently. Gradually, the consultant gains experience, acquires the necessary competencies and first moves to the position of a specialist, and then a leading specialist. Each new step brings new opportunities and, of course, an increase in wages.

It is important for us that consultants can realize their abilities.

Can you solve complex issues, analyze requests and make suggestions for improving products? Welcome to the expert analysis department. Do you like helping newcomers, do you feel like a teacher? Go to the training department. Can you speak the language of any client and resolve conflict situations? They are waiting for you in the service quality department.

Also, our contact center has long become a “forge of personnel” for almost all divisions of the company. Several people move to other services of our company every month. Here, former contact center employees work as analysts, experts, testers, and developers.

How are candidates selected for work in the contact center?

Competitive selection consists of several stages: work with candidate questionnaires, telephone interviews, technical testing. We invite candidates who have successfully passed these stages to our office, where we talk in detail about the company's activities and the specifics of working in the contact center. Candidates receive answers to all their questions.

This is followed by one of two competition formats. The first is the assessment. We use it when it is necessary to receive a large number of employees at once. All candidates get together for the whole day, conduct self-presentation.

Then the participants play “Activity” - dividing into teams, they explain to each other the words written on the card. At the end we carry out “ role-playing games"- the guys enter the role of a support service expert and help the" calling "client, played by one of the managers, to help him get out of his predicament.

The second format is a personal interview with the candidate, for which 10 minutes are allocated. During this time, managers, who themselves "grew" from a consultant to leading positions, understand whether a candidate is suitable for our team or not. There is no clear list of questions, each interview is unique -

we ask someone to tell you how to cook borscht correctly or hang a shelf, and with someone we play a conversation with a conflicting subscriber.
Not without standard questions - why SKB Kontur, why work in a contact center. The answers to these seemingly typical questions tell us a lot about the candidate and help us make the right decision.

Does your company have any special "chips" in the work with personnel?

Many people know that in the McDonald's network, once a month, the director of each restaurant puts on an apron, a branded cap and becomes a cash register. In 2009, we decided to learn from this experience, and the heads of the main divisions in the hottest period "sat down" on pipes together with consultants. Since then, this action has been held regularly, and now not only managers, but also developers, testers, project managers and many other leading employees take part in it. We consultants are very pleased to see them in our ranks. Some of them are very worried, someone masterly solves difficult issues, but at the same time forgets to introduce themselves. The main thing is that all the participants of the Free Cash campaign get invaluable experience of communication with clients.

It is not always possible to find a job in your specialty. But you have to live somehow. Therefore, people go to work in call centers. The salary there is not bad, and there seem to be few responsibilities. Is this so? In this article, we will explain what responsibilities a call center operator should perform.

Receiving incoming calls

The call center operator has many responsibilities. One of them is to answer phone calls... This is the easiest task. A person needs to competently advise a client. If the operator's work phone rings, he can be sure: the person on the other end of the line has a problem. So, it needs to be solved. The specificity of each call center is different. Somewhere the operator helps to set up the modem, somewhere it fixes problems with the TV. It is also the operator's responsibility to process any overlays on the order. For example, a client has made an application for Internet connection. But the editing team did not show up on time. In this case, the call center employee must react quickly, find a free team and send it to the address, or find out where the installers have gone and why they did not show up on time to the client. In such situations, you need to not only solve the problem, but also try to calm the client down. After all, people are different, some may decide that if the company has an overlap at the first stage, then such troubles will continue to happen. The call center operator is the face of the company. It is on him that all complaints and accusations will fall.

The duties of the taxi call center operator are to accept applications. A person must react quickly, form an order and enter it into the database. Finding the car in person is not his responsibility. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in spelling the address, because often taxi operators are not located in the same city from which the order is made.

Outgoing calls

Also, the responsibilities of the call center operator include calling customers personally. What to talk to people about? Certainly not the weather. Each call center operator has a job description. His duties are prescribed in it. One call center can handle different projects. Connecting the Internet, lending, ordering a taxi - this is only a small part of what the operators are working on. More often than not, people offer services to clients. For example, one of the tasks of an operator who works in a bank is to call people and offer them a loan. Each employee of the call center has a customer base, that is, they do not call everyone, but potential customers. If a person has already received loans from a bank at least once, it is likely that he may need another loan. The operator's task is to instill in the client's soul the desire to take money at interest. But a call center employee who works on a project to connect the Internet, calls customers in a certain area in order to invite them to change their provider.

Processing applications

After the call is completed and the client has agreed to connect to the service or accepted any other offer, the operator draws up an order form. This reporting is carried out in a special computer program. It is the responsibility of the call center operator to correctly fill in certain columns. Most often they include full name. customer, his address, the type of service he agreed to, and the date when the order will be placed. Depending on the specifics, the information that needs to be entered into the database may vary. For example, the responsibilities of a bank call center operator include filling out an application for a loan or filling out a form stating that a call was made to remind the client to deposit money into the account on time.

All the operator's work is concentrated in one, maximum two computer programs... Moreover, you need to understand them very well. Every employee is obliged from time to time to undergo trainings and consultations, during which they talk about updating the software product.

Placing orders

Call center operator's job responsibilities include more than receiving calls. The employee must complete the accepted orders. For example, the operator has agreed to connect a new tariff for the Internet, but for this it is necessary to change the equipment. The call center employee must place an order, in which he writes the date of arrival of the master, all the materials that will be required for installation, as well as the amount that the client will have to pay. And he does not just enter all this information into the program. He must inform the client about everything, so that he is at home on the appointed day, has a passport with him and does not give money to employees, but puts it into a new personal account.

Maintaining a customer base

The call center of MTS and similar projects includes calling customers. For what purpose do they bother citizens? Operators offer people to switch to new tariffs. Some agree, others refuse. In order to somehow separate refuseniks from those who agreed, call center employees have to maintain a client base. Information is entered there that the person was called, that he was offered. If the client has refused the service, then the reason for the refusal is necessarily recorded. Perhaps the fare was too expensive. If new services appear in the company, the person will be called again and offered cheaper package options.

In our example, call center operators offered people to connect new tariff, but still more often their responsibility is to entice customers from another operator. And in this case, again, it is impossible to do without a base. She is bought from telephone operatorand the call center employees start calling. Here, their goal is not only to lure customers to a competing operator, but also to collect information why they use the services of this or that company.


What other responsibilities does a call center operator have to perform? Keep records. If an operator works not only on receiving incoming calls, but also independently calls up clients in order to offer them a product or service, then in this case his salary directly depends on successfully completed applications. So, the call center workers themselves enter their achievements in the table and calculate their average score. Of course, this data is double-checked. The data entry procedure should help the person monitor their progress and regression.

It is also the responsibility of employees to put down their days off. For a week, each operator must fill out a weekend form, so that later this table can be approved by a higher authority and a schedule can be drawn up.

Make decisions on your own

It is not difficult to imagine an adult who cannot be held responsible for his actions. So, such persons have no place among call center workers. People who provide consultations and accept applications must understand that their words are not an empty phrase. If the client remains dissatisfied, then a reprimand from the authorities is still the lightest punishment for a fault. The responsibilities of the call center operator in the bank include handling personal data of people. And since this is classified information, it cannot be disclosed outside of work. After all, everyone hopes that information about his financial well-being will remain secret.

Of course, the call center operator does not work alone, and in the event of any emergency, he can turn to a superior person for help. But rarely does a working day go on as usual. Clients ask questions every day that are not in the standard brief. You have to strain your imagination so as not to let the person down and not disgrace the company in his eyes.

What qualities should an applicant have?

Other responsibilities of the operator

The person who works in the call center must follow not only what is written in the job description, but also follow the unspoken rules of the company. For example, not only not to be late for work, but also to come 15 minutes earlier. Many call centers prohibit eating or drinking anything other than water in the workplace. Operators should be quiet so as not to interfere with their neighbors' work. A call-center employee has no right to raise his voice when talking with a client, just as he cannot hang up, even if he is undergoing a stream of foul language. The operator must keep his workplace and monitor the health of the working equipment.

The responsibilities of the call-center operator include receiving and distributing incoming calls, faxes, emails, maintaining a customer database. Such specialists provide reference and advisory services to subscribers, inform clients about tariffs, range of goods and services, working conditions of their company. The call-center operator accepts and issues orders made by e-mail, through the website or by phone, registers complaints. In addition, representatives of this profession are often involved in telemarketing projects (surveys, product and service presentations).

The average market salary offers for call center operators in Moscow are RUB 28,000. In St. Petersburg, applicants for a similar position can expect to earn about 22,000 rubles. In Kazan and Ufa, call center operators are offered an income of about 13,000 rubles. per month. Data for other cities that participated in the study are presented below (see tables).

Graduates of colleges and universities, students and applicants with incomplete higher education can find a job as a call center operator. The main requirements of employers for applicants for initial positions in this area relate mainly to their personal qualities. The specifics of the work implies that candidates have developed communication skills and stress resistance. The call center operator's speech should be literate and clear, the manner of communication should be polite and friendly. The starting salary of novice specialists in the capital is from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles, in the city on the Neva - from 12,000 to 16,000 rubles, in Kazan and Ufa - from 7,000 to 8,000 rubles.

Increases the cost of a job seeker in the labor market, computer ownership and work experience as a call center operator or a customer service specialist. Salary offers for applicants meeting the specified characteristics in Moscow increase to 24,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - up to 20,000 rubles, in Ufa - up to 11,000 rubles, in Kazan - up to 10,000 rubles.

The next salary range is open to specialists with at least six months of experience in a call center or telemarketing service. Their salary reaches 30,000 rubles in Moscow, 23,000 rubles in the northern capital, 15,000 rubles in Kazan, and 14,000 rubles in Ufa.

Employers are ready to offer higher earnings to specialists with experience of work as a call-center operator, telemarketer, sales manager or account manager for more than 1 year. Job seekers who are fluent in English enjoy additional employment benefits. The maximum earnings offered to call-center operators by vacancies in Moscow is 40,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, experienced professionals can count on income up to 30,000 rubles. per month. In Kazan and Ufa, call center operators that meet the above requirements earn up to 20,000 rubles.

According to the labor market research, the majority of job seekers for call center operators are young women. Representatives of the stronger sex in this area are few - only 13%. Young people under the age of 29 make up 72% of specialists. Higher education has 33% of call-center operators, incomplete higher and secondary specialized - 27% each, secondary - 13%. Every tenth applicant is fluent in English.

Study regions: biennium Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Samara, Ufa, Chelyabinsk
Research time: April 2012
Unit of measurement: Russian ruble
Object of study: employers' proposals and expectations of applicants for the position of "Call center operator"

Typical functionality:
- reception, distribution of incoming calls, facsimile messages, emails;
- reference and advisory services to potential and real customers (on assortment, tariffs, working conditions, etc.);
- reception, registration and maintenance of orders made by e-mail / via the website / by phone;
- implementation of telemarketing projects (surveys, product / service presentation to clients)
- operational maintenance of the client database;
- work with claims (acceptance, registration of claims).

Position requirements: type of employment - full time.

The level of remuneration of a specialist is determined by the well-being of the company, the list of job responsibilities, work experience in the specialty, the level of development of professional skills.

The study of an array of data on wages in the studied regions allows us to identify 4 main salary ranges, depending on the experience and professional skills of specialists.

Analysis of information on the levels of remuneration of a specialist:
(excluding bonuses, additional benefits and compensations)

Region Middle Range I

No work experience
in this position

Range II

With minimal experience
in this position

Band III

With experience
in this position

Range IV

With significant experience
in this position

Moscow 28 000 16 000 - 20 000 20 000 - 24 000 24 000 - 30 000 30 000 - 40 000
St. Petersburg 22 000 12 000 - 16 000 16 000 - 20 000 20 000 - 23 000 23 000 - 30 000
Volgograd 12 000 7 000 - 9 000 9 000 - 11 000 11 000 - 13 000 13 000 - 20 000
Ekaterinburg 18 000 10 000 - 13 000 13 000 - 15 000 15 000 - 20 000 20 000 - 25 000
Kazan 13 000 7 000 - 8 000 8 000 - 10 000 10 000 - 15 000 15 000 - 20 000
Nizhny Novgorod 13 000 8 000 - 9 000 9 000 - 11 000 11 000 - 14 000 14 000 - 20 000
Novosibirsk 16 000 9 000 - 11 000 11 000 - 13 000 13 000 - 17 000 17 000 - 20 000
Omsk 13 000 8 000 - 10 000 10 000 - 12 000 12 000 - 14 000 14 000 - 20 000
Rostov-on-Don 14 000 8 000 - 10 000 10 000 - 12 000 12 000 - 15 000 15 000 - 20 000
Samara 14 000 8 000 - 10 000 10 000 - 13 000 13 000 - 16 000 16 000 - 20 000
Ufa 13 000 7 000 - 8 000 8 000 - 11 000 11 000 - 14 000 14 000 - 20 000
Chelyabinsk 16 000 9 000 - 11 000 11 000 - 13 000 13 000 - 18 000 18 000 - 20 000

Explanations for the table "

Each salary range is characterized by a certain typical set of requirements and wishes for the candidate. Each subsequent salary range includes the requirements formulated for the previous ones.

Salary range Requirements and wishes for professional skills
No work experience in this position

- Higher / incomplete higher / secondary specialized education
- Good communication skills
- Competent and clear speech
- Polite and friendly manner of communication
- Stress tolerance
With minimal experience in this position

- Higher / incomplete higher education
- PC user (MS Office)
- Experience as a phone operator / customer service
With experience in this position

- Work experience as a call center operator / telemarketer from six months
With significant experience in this position

- Work experience as a call center operator / telemarketer / sales manager / client manager at least 1 year

Possible wish: knowledge in English conversationally or fluently

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Call center operator

In April 2012, the research center of the recruiting portal studied the proposals of employers and the expectations of applicants for the position of "Call center operator" in 12 cities of Russia. ");

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