Promotion of products on Instagram. How to promote your business on instagram? Think about your potential customers

Greetings to all Instagrammers! Let's get to know a little and I'll start.

My name is Vasily Blinov, I am the author of this blog about remote work and everything connected with it. Instagram including! I myself have been working remotely since 2015 and traveling the world. I am promoting my account on Instagram and other social networks, which will also be discussed on my blog.

I could have done a paid course on the promotion and promotion of Instagram, but I decided that I would post all my experience and knowledge for free, let those who make money on such trainings execute me for it :)

I think the article today will turn out to be long, but interesting, so I recommend that you carefully read it to the end. And at the end leave your feedback and comments about what you read.

So let's go?

Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

In terms of audience activity, he is in my first place.

Because there is not as much garbage as there is, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook. News feeds and updates in which are teeming with advertisements and all sorts of entertaining nonsense. People still tend to use Instagram for its intended purpose, add photos from their lives there.

And the audience there, thanks to live content, is more open and adequate.

Therefore, for everyone who promotes their brand, looking for customers, selling their services and products, I recommend promoting their business accounts or personal page on Instagram. Moreover, you can promote Instagram yourself, learn everything from scratch, using free and paid methods, which I will talk about today.

Some experts who offer to quickly promote an account on Instagram do the same for only 5-10 times more expensive. My friends, freelancers, and Internet entrepreneurs have ordered similar services, and the result is the same with what I do myself.

Instagram promotion is a constant process, you should not hire guys who promise you to catch up with a lot of subscribers in a short time.

If you do not have time to promote yourself on your own, then hire a remote employee for a permanent position - an Instagram manager who will do all the work for you, retain the audience and bring new customers.

How to promote Instagram yourself?

I must say right away that I am not interested in the twisted numbers (subscribers), from which there is usually no sense. I try to gather only a live and active audience.

Where to begin?

Ahh? AND! - The audience! First step.

Why the hell are you going to do Instagram promotion? Earn? I think that 95% are interested in this issue for this very reason.

Then what are you going to earn on? What does your client look like? What will he be interested in? What will help solve his problem, I NEED? If I may say so.

For example, my goal is to convey to people how, thanks to her, you can make your life more interesting, free, and start traveling. Help them take the first step - to master the promising Internet profession of the future.

They often write to me, ask questions, give feedback. I know I have a large audience reach from 17 to 70 years old. But the target group is guys 21 - 35 years old, who want to develop, learn, master something new and dream of traveling the world.

Knowing your audience, it is easier to create useful and interesting content for them, look for places where they live, and attract them from there through your own activity or advertising.

Next 3 Easy Steps - this is:

  1. Profile design.
  2. Content plan creation and publication.
  3. PR and advertising.

Today I will review them briefly, more detailed information and instructions will be in separate articles.

How to create a profile?

A photograph and information about you or your product is the first thing a person will see when they visit the page. For me personally, these two indicators play an important role whether to subscribe or not.

For example, this is how my profile looks like, SUBSCRIBE -

  1. Profile picture - live photography that is used on all my social networks. It's easier to find and remember me this way.
  2. Name and surname. It is better to write in Russian as it is, and not in transliteration. Transliteration, firstly, not everyone decides to make out what is written there, and secondly, they can read and remember incorrectly.
  3. Where are you from.Increases the loyalty of your fellow countrymen.
  4. Who you are and what you do. Let the person immediately understand what you are doing and on what issue you can be useful. To make it clear why subscribe to you.
  5. Active link in profile... The only place on Instagram where you can put an active link. It can lead to your website or another social network. In my case, there is a link (), which leads an article about an online marathon in our Knowledge base.

Almost all traffic from Instagram comes through this link in the profile. In posts, they usually just write a "call to action" - follow it. Because there is no point in inserting links in posts, they are inactive there, and no one will follow them.

How to publish posts?

As they say: CONTENT IS KING!

Your posts are the main factor which will hook a person, make a subscriber out of a visitor, and a subscriber into a friend or client and will keep him for many years.

If you want to promote Instagram, recruit live and active followers, then publish only your photos and thoughts. Sometimes, infrequently, you can dilute them with some kind of pictures or infographics with something useful.

Instagram - this is your photo album , only on the Internet and open access. Make it so that you yourself would be pleased to go into it and look at your photos.

  1. Take great pictures.
    Beautiful pictures from the Internet, jokes, demotivators, food photos, etc. in our time, very few people are interested. People need your photos! It's great when Instagram is in real time.
  2. Sign photos.
    Create useful and entertaining content. Write your stories, what you think about, where you go, what you do, give useful advice. Encourage to speak in the comments or like.
  3. Post more often.
    But not too often, 1-2 photos a day will be enough.
  4. Respond to comments.
    When you publish a new post, try to respond to comments immediately. Active discussions get the most attention from other subscribers, and they also begin to comment. Live communication with subscribers personally will build more trust in you. On Instagram, it is not very convenient to track comments with a lot of subscribers' activity. Therefore, the service helps me StarComment in controlling comments under all posts.

In order to competently maintain contact with the audience, you need a content plan or at least a simple plan for the interests of your target audience. In a separate article, we'll talk about how to draw up such a plan (the link will be later).

How to attract new subscribers?

Now let's move on to methods that will allow you to notice you and interest living people.

Free actions:

  1. Broadcast live.
  2. Make Stories.
  3. Use #HASHTAGS. By hashtags, your photos can be seen by other Instagram users. Here is an article on
  4. Mark the places where the photo was taken. Other users can also see you by geolocation tags.
  5. Like it. The person you have liked may want to know who liked their photo, and they will be redirected to your profile.

Instagram ranks among the most promising social platforms for business promotion. Firstly, the popularity of this network is growing steadily. At the same time, Instagram users demonstrate high engagement in interactions with each other and with brands. Secondly, Instagram allows you to publish and consume visual content that is perceived by users tens of thousands of times faster than text. Add to that the ability to use Instagram literally on the go with mobile devices. It turns out almost an ideal social platform for a modern person living at a frantic pace. Thirdly, unlike traditional social media, visual content sharing platforms successfully generate immediate conversions.

After reading this article, you will stop doubting the effectiveness of Instagram promotion. You will also learn how to promote projects using Instagram.

Why businesses need Instagram

You can answer this question using statistics. According to the Pew Research Center, 17% of total social media users over 18 check their Instagram account daily. The core audience of this social network is represented by young people aged 18 to 29 years. We are talking about a generation of millennials who often make purchasing decisions under the influence of social platforms. In terms of gender, Instagram is dominated by women. Instagram users use this network very actively. 57% of owners check their account at least once a day, and 35% do it several times a day.

In preparing the material, the following materials were used

How to independently promote a page on Instagram for sales? What bots are there for promoting a store on Instagram? How to attract new followers for free when promoting an account from scratch?

Instagram for an enterprising and energetic person is not only a convenient application for storing and displaying photos, but also an enrichment tool. A promoted account on Instagram brings its owner a stable income due to the sale of their own and other people's goods, advertising and high popularity.

With you, Denis Kuderin is an expert of the HeatherBober edition on financial issues. I will tell, how to promote Instagram and attract new subscribers on your own, as well as with professional help.

We read to the end - in the final you will find life hacks to keep followers on your page, as well as an overview of popular paid services for Instagram promotion.

1. Promotion of Instagram - expanding the client audience for your business

Social media is a territory of unlimited possibilities. Instagram is no exception. Initially, the resource was created as mobile application for shooting, storing and distributing photographic materials, but gradually the site expanded its functions and became a full-fledged platform for the exchange of impressions, comments, news and likes.

The service grew in popularity in 2012, when Facebook acquired it from its original owners for $ 1 billion ... A host of new features immediately appeared here, including an option for recording and posting videos.

Today Instagram is hundreds of millions of registered users, a huge viewing audience, thousands of new pictures and videos every day. And endless prospects for making money.

I will list the main ways to make money online:

  • selling your own and other people's goods and services through a promoted account;
  • companies, products, events and anything that can be sold and advertised;
  • promotion of accounts on a professional basis;
  • earnings from the sale of photographs.

The most profitable option is your own business. It doesn't matter what you do - any product and service can be beautifully presented, displayed and sold.

Instagram does not take money for registering on the network and using all the functions. All that is required for success is free time and desire. And a well-promoted popular account.

Page promotion - sine qua non for monetization... Popular accounts are visited by thousands of users per day, and sales inevitably grow with the number of visitors.

What is promotion from a technical point of view? This is a deliberate and purposeful popularization of your profile using various methods. Promotion can be natural and artificial.

The first option is when the popularity of the page increases due to truly unique and interesting content, non-trivial design and other chips. Artificial promotion implies use of specialized programs, applications and services... Both methods are used for maximum efficiency.

By itself, profile promotion is one of the ways to make money on Instagram. This is done by both freelancers on exchanges and entire agencies to promote sites on the network.

Instagram successfully integrates with Facebook and VKontakte... By connecting your accounts, you can automatically publish everything that you have filmed on Instagram on the pages of other social networks.

Businessmen, athletes, actors and other media people have Instagram accounts. A lot of people taking pictures with their phones use this network. Such popularity has turned Instagram into a kind of cult for a whole generation.

For account promotion, it is important that the posts are regular and the pictures are bright

So, the promoted page on the network is a kind of capital, an asset that you use at your own discretion. It is wiser to use the asset for the benefit of the wallet.

When your page turns into full source of income, you no longer have to spend time promoting. The account will promote itself or with the help of a hired administrator.

But remember a few important rules:

  • the resource is created for communication, entertainment and content publishing: take monetization as a useful side effect;
  • you won't be able to promote your account quickly - be prepared to waste time;
  • the main thing in this network is unique content, everything else is secondary;
  • the topic must match the content.

Which account is considered promoted? This indicator is rather arbitrary, but among businessmen and moneymakers it is generally accepted that real popularity starts with a few thousand followers... The network has accounts with hundreds of thousands of subscribers - this is a really promising platform for stable income.

2. How to promote Instagram yourself - step by step instructions for beginners

First of all, Insta is a friendly community, i.e. a community of people who exchange impressions, experiences, observations and useful information among themselves.

Here they hold contests, organize promotions, collect likes and votes. A citizen of any country or group of people can create their own page and use it for any purpose - within the limits of law and ethics.

I will not write about how to create a profile and what the interface is - you will figure it out yourself. The topic of publication is the promotion and monetization of your account, keeping followers on your page.

Most of the participants try to use their pages for their intended purpose - they add pictures from life there, share observations and adequate content. Compared to VKontakte and Facebook less useless rubbish here, the content is more lively and the people are more open.

Act consistently and success is assured!

Step 1. Create and design an Instagram profile

Your photo (avatar) or profile product image is the first thing a potential follower sees... There will also be a short text - personal data, description of the company or product.

For many, design and the first impression of a profile is a decisive factor. Looking at the image, people decide whether to follow you or not. If you treat your profile photo casually, you will scare away the consumer audience.

The description should be concise but informative... Indicate your location, type of activity, topic and a link to the main site, if any. This is the only place on Instagram where you can put an active link.

We need a call to action - not a vague “if you want to see more, then ...”, but a specific one - “ click here, you will see a lot of interesting things" or something like that.

Step 2. Preparing a content plan

Since in our case the purpose of creating an account is commercial activity, you need to think over a content plan in advance - what, when and how much will we publish.

Posts should contain high-quality pictures, a short accompanying text and several thematic hashtags - important keywords that will make it easier for users to find the pages they want.

Do not overload your page with intrusive ads - combine promotion with useful information for followers.

Think in advance:

  • what consumer needs are you going to meet;
  • what audience are you targeting;
  • how best to arrange or present goods and services;
  • what else, besides the object of sale, you can give the visitor.

Even the owners of business accounts are not prohibited from periodically creating personal posts, sharing their observations, knowledge, and impressions. But don't stray too far from the subject matter and stick to your unique style.

Step 3. Publish new content

If you are promoting yourself - you want to first attract an audience, gain followers, and only after that make money on your image, then personal pictures will be the main content. If you are promoting your business, stick to a pre-selected style... The optimal frequency of posts is 1-2 per day.

For example, you cook deliciously and beautifully. Why not post photos on Instagram, thereby increasing your popularity ?!

  1. Use filters and don't be afraid to create - the more creative the pictures, the more subscribers.
  2. Post only high quality images - passing pictures are of no interest to anyone.
  3. Make a little story out of each photo.
  4. Post videos periodically- but not too long, no more than 5 minutes.
  5. Sign your photos - where, when and why were removed.
  6. Use hashtags- then your photos will be easier to find.

Attractive visuals encourage the study of text content. The more interesting the photo and video content, the more comments, subscribers, transitions to the basic site and customer calls.

Step 4. Attracting subscribers

The first subscribers will be your friends, acquaintances, and sometimes not familiar people who came to your page by accident. If you sync your profile with other social networks, the audience will quickly gain.

Further promotion depends on your activity and creativity. The more time you spend promoting your page, the more you will achieve. If there is no time, but there are free funds, use paid methods of promoting your account. About them - in the following sections.

Step 5. We analyze page traffic and make edits to the strategy

Performance analysis is the study of indicators of audience reach (how many subscribers), engagement (likes, comments), number of clicks (how many people clicked on the link).

If the indicators do not suit you, it's time to make changes to the strategy - slightly adjust the subject of posts, make the page more "hooligan" or, conversely, academic.

3. How to attract new subscribers - useful tips and tricks

Free ways to promote Instagram require free time. But they also need to be disposed of wisely.

If you follow good advice, things will go faster.

Hashtags are useful: they help users find publications they are interested in... Tags will attract target audience and new subscribers to your page. But do not use common and popular keywords - otherwise your posts will get lost in hundreds of others.

General rules:

  • come up with your own label - it will increase your brand awareness;
  • do not make too long labels: 3 words in a hashtag is the maximum;
  • separate elements in hashtags with an underscore;
  • place tags not only in the explanatory text, but also in the comments.

The app remembers all the hash marks that you entered earlier - as soon as you enter the first letters, a list of words that you can use will drop out. The maximum number of tags for one photo or video is 30.

Anyone can promote an Instagram account on their own and for free, but this will require preliminary preparation, a little imagination and a mountain of patience. You can easily and playfully get thousands of subscribers by paying money to a third-party specialist or smm-agency. True, here you can expect unpleasant surprises in addition to considerable expenses. If you have free time, the best option would be to figure it out on your own and become a pro on Instagram promotion.

Does your topic fit?

Before you start promoting, you need to understand if Instagram is suitable for your topic. Jurisprudence, accounting, medical services (except for plastic surgery) will be difficult to present on a social network. Interesting photos and vivid pictures are what are expected of you, and if you are limited in choosing visual content, difficulties will arise. Of course, there are craftsmen who can promote any topic, but this requires a more professional approach and considerable funds for advertising.

The most popular topics on Instagram are beauty, fashion, clothing, sports, food, travel. If you have an online clothing store, your own culinary channel on Youtube or an interesting life - don't even hesitate. Welcome to Instagram.

What do you get?

Today Instagram is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting a business, brand, personality or creating a thematic community for further earnings. However, it is worth considering some of the features that photo hosting users face:

You can create an account and register it according to all the rules in the web version of the service or through a desktop application. The application is available in the Windows store and can be found in the latest versions of the operating system.

Everything seems to be clear, only it is worth clarifying about the link. It can lead not only to the site, but also to any page on the Internet. Often account administrators add the address of their VKontakte page or in Odnoklassniki, where the main activity takes place.

Step two. Publish photos, videos and stories

  • photos;
  • photo galleries;
  • video;
  • stories.

All this is complemented by all sorts of filters, stickers and supplemented photos. There is where to scatter. By using all the tools, you can really stand out very well. Most stop at some pictures downloaded from the Internet.

How you can post photos

  1. The best option is a phone or tablet. Take quality pictures with your camera, add effects, come up with hashtags and go. You can also upload pictures and videos to your smartphone and then publish them on Instagram.
  2. Third party services... If it is much more convenient to work through a computer, this is an option for you. Here are some services that allow you to work with Instagram accounts:

Register, attach your account (in, you still need to install their application on your phone) and start posting photos and videos. One caveat: start working with such services only if you have all the logins and passwords with which you can restore access to the page. Instagram does not like such sites and can easily reset the password, suspecting a hacking attempt.

You can also publish photos and videos from a computer without third-party services, read how to do this here:

Add hashtags to photos and videos

The entire search for posts on Instagram is based on hashtags. Perhaps this is the only social network in which their importance is difficult to overestimate. Be sure to add.

How to find hashtags:

  1. The easiest way is to go to Instagram from your computer. In the search bar, start typing words that you think might be popular. Next, you will see how many materials with a similar hashtag are currently in the Instagram search. This method is simple, but not the most efficient.
  2. Using the service will reduce your search time and will also allow you to find more hashtags you need.

The competent use of hashtags will increase the reach of your publications and at the same time attract an interested audience that will like and subscribe to the channel.

Boost subscribers

Many will skip this point, because cheating is a risky business. The account can be blocked, and the administration is unlikely to make concessions to you and restore the page. However, if the promotion is successful, you will get an excellent base that will help you in further promotion.

What the promotion will give you:

  • for a small amount, make it appear the popularity of your account;
  • page guests will be more willing to subscribe to the channel;
  • mass following will work itself out much more efficiently.

Not a lot, but at the initial stage, an excellent base. Here are some services where you can order followers on Instagram inexpensive.

If you need more fine-tuning, you can buy subscribers through exchanges
... Here you can specify gender, number of subscribers, subscriptions and more. The price will be more expensive, you have to pay extra for the quality.

Massliking, mass following and mass commenting

The idea is simple - you do well to others and some in return do well to you. Put your likes, subscribe to channels, communicate in the comments and your account will definitely be noticed, and those interested in content or product will probably subscribe. It sounds simple, but in practice it turns out to be much more difficult, or rather dreary. In order to earn at least some kind of feedback in this way, you have to work hard.

To automate and thereby facilitate the placement of likes and cheat subscriptions, you can turn to the help of services

Be careful, this automated promotion method is also punished on Instagram and the account can be blocked. It is certainly the safest to do everything manually, but many simply do not have time for this.

Also, at the initial stages, do not forget about hashtags for mutual likes, subscriptions and comments:

To receive subscriptions:

#follow #followme #follow4follow #followforfollow #follow #followforfollow #follow_for_me #follow #subscribe #subscribereplace #subscribe mutually and others

To get likes:

#likes #likesforlikes # likes4likes #likesforfollow, #likes #likesmutually #like #likename #likes #likesalikes and others

For comments:

#comment #commentback #comments #commentforcomment # review # feedback # comment # comments # comments and others

Ordering advertising posts from bloggers

By the time you get to paid advertising, you should already have a good start: 10-20 posts, feedback (likes, comments), subscribers (more than subscriptions). When interested users come to visit you, they should see that you are popular and they are joining a well-known community. Few people like to be first.


  • choose communities with similar topics;
  • experiment with promotional materials;
  • use bright and understandable photos;
  • add interesting and concise descriptions;
  • do not forget to put a link in the description on your Instagram account (others will not work).

Targeted advertising

One of the main features of targeted advertising is that you can add an active link not only to your social network account, but also to any other page on the Internet.

What formats are available:

  • the photo;
  • carousel;
  • video.
  • geographic targeting;
  • age targeting;
  • you can set up ads only for women or only for men;
  • the ability to enable and disable ads at any time;
  • audience reach depends on your desires and the size of your budget.

Despite the apparent advantages, setting up high-quality ads is much more difficult than ordering it from a popular blogger. This format is for those who are ready to experiment, clearly set goals and know their audience.

Contests and sweepstakes

A tempting format that, if done right, can help a lot in page promotion. Despite its promising potential, many refuse such a promotion due to some difficulties:

  1. You need to come up with a competition or drawing. Without a bright idea, it will be difficult to draw attention to the event. Typical pictures with the word “DRAW” do not work well and may simply not live up to expectations.
  2. We need a meaningful prize. It is very difficult to interest Instagram users to post photos that are not related to them on their page. Therefore, the prize must be rare, original or expensive. Better all together.
  3. You need to follow the drawing, respond to comments, and at the end give a prize to the winner. It is true, many are simply afraid of this prospect.
  4. The competition needs promotion. Many organizations run large-scale advertising campaigns with street banners, in-store flyers and online support. However, most often the organizers limit themselves to targeted advertising and ordering posts from bloggers.

If this does not scare you, then feel free to start planning and implementation.

From the author: Hello, friends! Today I will tell you how to promote your online store on Instagram. If you decide to open your store on this social network, then our article will definitely help you - in it you will find the basic principles of promoting an online store and tips on how to gain a large number of subscribers.

Before becoming popular in Russia, Instagram followed the usual trend development path: distrust, and then universal recognition. In August 2014, it bypassed Twitter in mobile traffic. The whole world will be drawn into this fascinating social network, annually more than 50 million photos and pictures are uploaded to users' pages.

Some users manage to post really high-quality pictures that arouse the interest of other people. It is they who attract followers - and where there is a mass audience, money is spinning. This I lead to the fact that on Instagram you can earn, and even very good.

Here are some helpful tips to help you build an online store on Instagram. Consider them, and you will succeed.

Decide what you will be promoting. Basically, beauty and fashion products are selling well on Instagram. But it must be something new, different from the competition.

Look for inspiration. Find a successful store and try to understand what is the key to its success. Just don't copy ideas, just look for inspiration.

Make a memorable logo. If you can't make a logo yourself, contact a graphic designer.

Create an interesting account. The username should not only be unique, but also short and easy to pronounce. Be sure to put the store logo on your profile page.

Complete your profile. Enter a brief description of the store, do not forget to include your email and phone number.

Upload images and fill in product descriptions. Make sure the photos are of high quality and the information is accurate. You can specify methods of payment and delivery.

Every day, Instagram users publish almost 60 million posts and like an average of 2.7 billion times. Among all this, there are many advertisements. You've probably noticed accounts with the names of online stores - I'll tell you a secret, they promote Instagram accounts using methods proven on other social networks, like mass-like or mass-following.

The first method is when users (or bots) massively like company photos, and the second is when they add them as friends. In both cases, marketers are hoping for a response from people. Once upon a time these options worked, but now the social network itself has suppressed mass-following. If the number of additions to friends exceeds the established limit, the account is blocked for a certain period.

Follow friends and high quality photos

Instagram has a special feature for following friends on other social networks. Just leave a link to your Vkontakte or Facebook account. This will attract curious parishioners to your page.

And also follow your friends' updates, sometimes look through photos and leave appropriate comments, mercilessly like everyone in a row. All this will help you gain more subscribers.

Beautiful photos are the main ingredient of a successful account. Choose a topic that depends on your occupation and post images that match it.

Hashtags and geo-tags

Pay attention to geo-tags and hashtags - they make it easier to find and make it possible for your photo to be highlighted in the front rows. You can write hashtags in both English and Russian, it all depends on the type of your activity. If you work only in Russia, I do not advise using hashtags written in Latin - the audience is blurring, because they are used not only by Russians, but also by residents of other countries.

Popular Instagram Pages

Browse celebrity and popular Instagram pages. They will probably notice your activity and add to subscribers. Take part in various promotions and sweepstakes of famous labels. This will kill two birds with one stone - you will find yourself an active user and, perhaps, even win a prize.

Services and programs

There are many programs that help to quickly and efficiently develop an online store on Instagram. There are paid services, but there are a few that do not require an investment. I'll tell you about them:

AddMeFast is one such service. It provides a service such as promotion of accounts on Instagram, YouTube, Vkontakte, etc. In this program, you choose what you would like to comment on, where you want to like or follow what you are interested in, and skip all unnecessary. AddMeFast does not sell likes, views, etc. This resource does not require personal information, as well as passwords and logins of your pages.

There is another popular service in the CIS, where you can gain a lot of likes, comments and subscribers - Gainer. The navigation of the resource is quite simple, but if you still have difficulties, the support service will solve any of your problems in a short time.

Instagrambot - this program does not require the installation of proxy servers, and this will save a lot of time, especially if you have no knowledge in this area. The server is very simple and gains subscribers easily. You just need to insert a link to your account and select the desired number of followers. Then the program will do everything by itself.

Instaget is another bot, easy to use, but I do not recommend using it if you don’t know English well - you will easily get confused in it and make a mistake. Also, I do not advise you to pay attention to scripts - these programs no longer work. A couple of years ago, scripts really helped to promote an account, but today it's a scam. If you are offered to buy a script, do not get fooled, you will just throw money down the drain, and, possibly, even lose your account.

Follow our advice, and your online store on Instagram is ready, and most importantly, you will have a large number of likes and followers, you will be able to promote yourself and make money selling goods using this social network.

Subscribe to our blog for even more new and useful information. See you soon!

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