Rules for Provision of Communication Services by OJSC Rostelecom to Legal Entities General Provisions. Sample agreement for the provision of communication services by Rostelecom

Rules for the provision of communication services by OJSC Rostelecom to legal entities

1. General Provisions

Scope and regulation

The rules for the provision of communication services by OJSC Rostelecom to legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) have been developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Communications”, other applicable laws of the Russian Federation and regulate the relationship between the Subscriber and the Operator in the provision of communication services provided for Agreement.

These Rules are an integral part of the Agreement and the Subscriber, by concluding the Agreement, agrees to their terms.

If a separate agreement of the Parties establishes other conditions for the provision of Communication Services of the Operator than those provided for by these Rules, the rules of a separate agreement shall apply.

Communication services are provided by the Operator in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Rules for the provision of communication services and on the basis of licenses for the provision of the corresponding type of communication services. The details of the Operator's licenses are posted on the website of OJSC Rostelecom (Certificate of Mass Media Registration No. FS77-38643) and at places of work with Subscribers:

Intrazonal telephone communication services

Local telephone communication services, with the exception of local telephone communication services using payphones and public access facilities

Long distance and international telephone communication services

Issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation

11.12.2003 to 11.12.2013

Telematic communication services

15.05.2007 to 16.02.2015

Communication services for cable broadcasting purposes

05/06/2011 to 03/26/2016

Communication services for data transmission, except for communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmission of voice informatization

15.05.2007 to 27.01.2016

Communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmitting voice information

May 25, 2006 to May 25, 2016

2. Procedure and conditions for concluding, changing and terminating the Agreement

3.Rights and obligations of the Parties

The “Rules” are developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Communications”, and other applicable laws.

Rules for the provision of local, intrazonal, intercity and international telephone services

The operator is a limited liability company "telecom", providing communication services to individuals and legal entities on the basis of.

Features of the provision and payment of local, intercity and international telephone communication services 8

FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities." These Standard Terms are not an offer. The real ones.

Customer: Open Joint-Stock Company of Long-Distance and International Telecommunications "Rostelecom"

Agreement with Rostelecom

The form of the Agreement on the provision of communication services together with the details of the operator, the rules for the provision of communication services is posted for review on the operator's website and is available at the link

The appearance of the form of the Agreement looks like this:

It is important to note that the completion of the Agreement takes place in the subscriber department or operator's service centers by the potential subscriber personally, or by an authorized person in the presence of a drawn up power of attorney to conclude an agreement with Rostelecom. In any case, the issuing individual is required to provide a passport.

When filling out, in addition to passport and registration data, the necessary options for the provision of additional are marked with ticks.

Before going to conclude an Agreement with Rostelecom, we recommend that you thoroughly study the Rules for the provision of communication services of PJSC Rostelecom to individuals. By the way, there are repeated references to them in the contract form itself, printed in small print at the bottom of the document. You may not be able to change the form of a standard agreement, but you can always show yourself as a legally competent person, and, if necessary, require the drawing up of a protocol of disagreements to the agreement being concluded, in which disputable points can be taken into account.

Equipment rental

Usually, providers arrange various promotions for shareware provision of equipment, which significantly interest potential customers. And in combination with "tasty" tariffs, it seems unrealistic to refuse.

When renting equipment, do not forget to require the registration of an equipment acceptance certificate as an addition to the main Agreement.

In the future, if you decide to terminate the contract, you will have to return the equipment to the operator. And, if the acceptance certificate is absent, you will have to compensate the cost of the equipment in full

Please note that if you have refused the services of Rostelecom, and the equipment has not been returned, then the rent will continue to accrue to you, but not at the prices of the promotion, but at the basic rate.

An important point to remember is the contract number or, otherwise, the personal account. It will come in handy when making payments for the Internet both at stationary payment points, and online payments or using payment terminals. If you only use your home phone, you do not have to remember the contract number, just remember the phone number

You can find out the contract number by going to the official website, by selecting your region in the upper right corner of the page and only then, by entering your Personal Account after entering the login and password provided by the operator upon connection, in the settings you will see the desired a combination of 14 digits (framed in the figure)

If you are not an Internet subscriber, you can see your personal account in the monthly receipt sent to you.

Usually, contracts are concluded as follows: one party sends an offer to conclude an agreement, and the other party, in case of agreement with the terms, signs an agreement. But contractors may not always be in one place at the same time to conclude an agreement. Plus, the operator (in our case, Rostelecom) can offer the conclusion of a contract or annexes to it at the same time to an unlimited number of subscribers by publishing the text of the proposal on its official website or in the media. This is the offer of the offer.

The contract is concluded by the mutual expression of the will of the counterparties, when the person who received the offer, by his certain actions (registration on the website, making a payment, etc.) accepts his consent.

This should be taken into account when preparing a claim for filing a lawsuit against Rostelecom, if such a need arises and the Agreement or its Supplements were previously accepted.

More information about Rostelecom's offer proposals can be found on the operator's official website

A month ago I ordered a copy of the iPhone X, after 6 days I took it by mail) And so I decided to leave a review!

It was bought here (for 11,990 rubles). I was not afraid to buy, since the payment for the goods at the post office after you look at the goods. During my use, I did not notice any shortcomings, does not dull at all! Works very smoothly! If you don't like the phone, then there is an opportunity to return the phone back) Phone warranty for a year. The camera is very cool, beautiful and clear photos are obtained, charging is enough for only a day with active use, well, this is the case on all smartphones).

Rostelecom may need to measure Internet speed in different situations, so it's better to be aware of how.

Rostelecom is one of the largest telecommunications companies in our country. Fixed line, pay TV services.

Rostelecom pays great attention to the development of remote services and payment options for services. Now for implementation.

Appendix No. 1

to the contract for the provision of communication services

Approved by the President of OJSC Rostelecom
Rules for the provision of communication services by OJSC Rostelecom to legal entities

1. General Provisions
1.1. Scope and regulation

1.1.1. The rules for the provision of communication services by OJSC Rostelecom to legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) have been developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Communications”, other applicable laws of the Russian Federation and regulate the relationship between the Subscriber and the Operator in the provision of communication services provided for Agreement.

1.1.2. These Rules are an integral part of the Agreement and the Subscriber, by concluding the Agreement, agrees to their terms.

1.1.3. If a separate agreement of the Parties establishes other conditions for the provision of the Operator's Communication Services than those provided for by these Rules, the rules of a separate agreement shall apply.

1.1.4. Communication services are provided by the Operator in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Rules for the provision of communication services and on the basis of licenses for the provision of the corresponding type of communication services. The details of the Operator's licenses are posted on the website of OJSC Rostelecom (Mass media registration certificate No. FS77-38643) and at the places of work with Subscribers:

Intrazonal telephone communication services

№ 86466

Issued by Roskomnadzor

04.10.2002 – 16.02.2016

Local telephone communication services, with the exception of local telephone communication services using payphones and public access facilities

№ 86464

Issued by Roskomnadzor

04.10.2002 – 27.01.2016

Long distance and international telephone communication services

№ 29777

Issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation

11.12.2003 to 11.12.2013

Telematic communication services

№ 86475

Issued by Roskomnadzor

15.05.2007 to 16.02.2015

Communication services for cable broadcasting purposes

№ 86459

Issued by Roskomnadzor

05/06/2011 to 03/26/2016

Communication services for data transmission, except for communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmission of voice informatization

№ 86473

Issued by Roskomnadzor

15.05.2007 to 27.01.2016

Communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmitting voice information

№ 86474

Issued by Roskomnadzor

May 25, 2006 to May 25, 2016

1.2. Concepts and definitions

For the purposes of these Rules, the following concepts and definitions are used:

"Certificate of delivery and acceptance of services rendered" means a formalized document confirming the proper provision of Services to the Subscriber and signed by the authorized representatives of both Parties to the Agreement.

"Subscriber" - a legal entity with whom the Agreement has been concluded when allocating a subscriber number (s) and / or a unique identification code for these purposes;

"Subscriber device" ("Subscriber equipment") - technical means in the legal possession of the Subscriber, including software, which provides the Subscriber with access to the Operator's Services by connecting this device (equipment) to the Operator's communication network.

"Agreement on the provision of communication services (" Agreement ") - an agreement between the Operator and the Subscriber in accordance with which the Operator undertakes to provide the Subscriber with Services, and the Subscriber undertakes to accept and pay for the Services provided to him.

"Supplementary agreement" - any and every additional agreement, which is an integral part of the Agreement, in accordance with which the Parties make changes and additions to the Agreement regarding the list of Services provided by the Operator, the Tariff plan used, terms of provision and other essential conditions of the Agreement.

"Personal Area" - is an automated self-service interface for users of communication services of OJSC Rostelecom, posted on the corporate website of OJSC Rostelecom, or on the local sites of Macroregional branches of OJSC Rostelecom, which allows users to independently control the status of an account, order details of telephone communications, telematic communication services and services data transmission networks, view the list of issued invoices and payments made, gain access to additional services of OJSC Rostelecom, as well as perform other legally significant actions. Subscribers' access to the Personal Account is organized subject to the appropriate technical capabilities of OJSC Rostelecom.

"Operator" - Rostelecom".

« Reporting period”Means a period of one calendar month in which the relevant Services were provided.

"Rules" - this document, as well as annexes, additions and amendments to it.

"Rules for the provision of communication services" - Rules for the provision of local, intra-zone, long-distance, international telephone services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 310 of 05/18/2005, the Rules for the provision of communication services for data transmission, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 32 of 01/23/2006, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 575 of September 10, 2007, the Rules for the provision of communication services for the purposes of television broadcasting and (or) radio broadcasting, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 785 of 22.12.2006.

« Settlement period»- a calendar month starting immediately after the Reporting Period.

"Parties" - Subscriber and Operator, referred to together.

"Operator's communication network" ("Communication network") - technological system, which includes the means and communication lines necessary for the provision of Communication Services to Subscribers on the basis of the relevant licenses.

« Rate"Means the price at which the payment for the rendered Service between the Parties takes place.

"Tariff plan" - a set of price terms on which the Operator offers to use one or more communication services.

« Service"Means each of the communication services provided by the Operator to the Subscriber in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

The parties use the concepts and definitions given in this article when interpreting these Rules and the Agreement.

2. Procedure and conditions for concluding, changing and terminating the Agreement
2.1. Conclusion of the Agreement

2.1.1. Communication services are provided on the basis of an Agreement concluded between the Operator and the Subscriber.

2.1.2. The Agreement is signed in two copies of equal legal force - one for each of the Parties.

2.1.3. These Rules are an appendix and an integral part of the Agreement, posted on the Operator's website, at the points of service provision and places of work with the Operator's Subscribers.

2.1.4. Using the Operator's Services means the Subscriber's unconditional consent to these Rules.

2.1.5. Services are provided by the Operator to the Subscriber if technically possible.

2.1.6. At the request of the Subscriber, the contract can be concluded for a specified period. If the Parties have not agreed in writing on the term, the Agreement is considered concluded for an indefinite period.
2.2. Changes and additions to the terms of the Agreement

2.2.1. All changes and additions to the Agreement are made in writing, by agreement between the Operator and the Subscriber, by concluding Additional Agreements to the Agreement or by drawing up other documents in the form established by the Operator, with the exception of changes and additions made by the Parties unilaterally in accordance with these Rules or legislation RF. When the Agreement is changed, the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be deemed changed from the moment of the conclusion of the corresponding Supplementary Agreement, or - in the event of the unilateral amendment of the Agreement - from the moment the authorized Party takes the appropriate actions aimed at changing the Agreement.

2.2.2. Amendments to the Agreement in terms of the list of provided Services or Tariff plans are carried out by concluding an Additional Agreement between the Parties (the tariff plan for local telephone communication services is changed upon a written application of the Subscriber), and if the Operator is technically feasible, interactively, through the Personal Account.

2.3. Termination / termination of the Agreement

2.3.1. The Agreement can be terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.

2.3.2. Subject to payment for the Services provided, the Subscriber has the right at any time, subject to the requirements of clause 3.3.5 of the Rules, to unilaterally terminate the Agreement by issuing an application for unilateral termination of the Agreement and transferring the application to the Operator. The date of acceptance of the application by the Operator is the date of termination of the Agreement.

2.3.3. The Operator has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement if the Subscriber does not eliminate the violation of the requirements established by the Federal Law "On Communications", the Rules for the provision of communications services or these Rules (including in case of non-payment of Services) within 6 (Six) months from the date of receipt by the Subscriber notifying the Operator in writing of the intention to suspend the provision of the Services.

2.3.4. In case of termination of the Subscriber's right to own and use the premises specified in the Agreement, in which the equipment for the provision of the Services is installed, the Agreement with the Subscriber shall terminate.
3.Rights and obligations of the Parties
3.1. The operator is obliged:

3.1.1. Provide the Subscriber with Services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, licenses, the Agreement, these Rules.

3.1.2. Eliminate malfunctions that impede the use of the Services, at the request of the Subscriber, taking into account the technical capabilities within the time limits established by the current regulations, and the malfunctions that have arisen through the fault of the Subscriber, take into account the technical capabilities for an additional fee, in accordance with the current Operator's Tariffs.

3.1.3. Notify the Subscriber of the Operator's changes in the Tariffs for the Services within the time frame and in the manner provided for by the current legislation and the Agreement.

3.1.4. When connecting to the Services, the Operator is obliged to send the Subscriber 2 (two) copies of the Certificate of the beginning of the provision of services within (Appendix No. 7) 3 (three) business days from the date of signing the Agreement by the Parties. The date of commencement of the provision of the Services is the date specified in the corresponding Act of the beginning of the provision of services.

3.1.5. Before the 5th (fifth) business day of the Settlement period, send the Subscriber a signed on his part Certificate of acceptance of the services rendered (Appendix No. 8) in duplicate.

3.2. The operator has the right:

3.2.1. By notifying the Subscriber, suspend the provision of the Services to him in case of violation by the Subscriber of the requirements related to the provision of these Services and established by the Federal Law "On Communications", other regulatory legal acts and the Agreement, including violation of the terms of payment for the Services provided to the Subscriber and the obligations provided for in clause 3.3 .nine. of these Rules, until the violation is eliminated or documents are submitted confirming the payment to the Operator for the cost of the Services provided (if the suspension of the provision of the Services was caused by a violation of the terms of their payment).

3.2.2. Submit proposals for amending the Agreement, connecting the Subscriber to new Services by posting an offer on the OJSC Rostelecom website or in other media, or by sending a written notice to the Subscriber on account forms or in other ways. The Operator has the right in the posted offer to establish the procedure for the Subscriber's acceptance of the Operator's offer to amend the Agreement, connect new (additional) Services. The performance by the Subscriber of the actions provided for in the offer confirms the conclusion between the Operator and the Subscriber of an additional agreement on changing the terms of the Agreement.

3.2.3. Independently set and / or change the Tariffs for the Services, provided that the Subscriber is notified at least 10 (ten) days in advance of the introduction of these changes by posting the relevant information on the OJSC Rostelecom website or in other media or directions notifications in another acceptable way. The Operator has the right to additionally notify the Subscribers about the introduction of changes by posting information about the change on account forms, in places of work with Subscribers, as well as using electronic, facsimile, written messages, etc.

3.2.4. Require the Subscriber to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, incl. unfulfilled monetary obligations to the Operator, transfer (assign) to third parties the right to demand the fulfillment of these obligations with the provision of information necessary for this about the Subscriber and his obligations. In this case, the consent of the Subscriber is not required for the transfer (assignment) to a third party of the specified right of claim from the Subscriber.

3.2.5. To transfer information about the Subscriber to the operators of interacting communication networks for the purpose of carrying out mutual settlements for the Services and considering claims.

3.2.6. Suspend the provision of Services under the Agreement in the event that the Subscriber uses subscriber numbers or dedicated communication facilities to provide Services to third parties.

3.2.7. Demand compensation by the Subscriber for losses (in the form of lost profits) for the period of forced suspension of the provision of the Service, arising from damage and / or downtime of the Operator's equipment through the fault of the Subscriber, at the rate of the Tariff for the corresponding Service in proportion to the time of suspension of its provision.

3.2.8. Demand reimbursement of the full cost of restoring the Operator's equipment in case of its damage due to the fault of the Subscriber, and in case of non-return of the equipment by the Subscriber - full payment of the cost of the equipment.

3.2.9. Provide (send) the Subscriber information, including advertising, about the Operator's Services, methods and conditions for their provision and order in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.
3.3. The subscriber must:

3.3.1. Pay for the Services in full and within the terms specified in the Agreement, in accordance with the Operator's Tariffs effective at the time of the provision of the relevant Services.

3.3.2. Notify the Operator in writing of the termination of the Subscriber's right to own and / or use the premises in which the Subscriber's user (terminal) equipment is installed, specified in the Agreement, about the change in the registration address, mailing address, and corporate name of the Subscriber specified in the Agreement, within a period not exceeding 60 calendar days from the date of the corresponding changes. Notify the Operator in writing about the change in the address of delivery of invoices, invoices within 3 days from the date of its change, or (if technically possible) through the "Personal Account".

3.3.3. To notify the Operator of all cases of interruptions in communication in the Services provided to the Subscriber.

3.3.4. During working hours, provide unimpeded access for the Operator's employees who have presented the appropriate certificate to perform work required in pursuance of the Agreement, as well as for inspection, repair and maintenance of facilities, structures, communication lines in premises, as well as on land plots owned and (or) use of the Subscriber. If it is necessary to carry out work on the organization of the access line, ensure that the necessary permits and approvals are obtained from the owner of the territory (room) where the Operator's equipment and / or the Subscriber's equipment is located, to carry out work on cable laying, construction of cable ducts and organization of cable entry, as well as on the placement and power supply of the Operator's equipment.

3.3.5. In the event of a unilateral complete (partial) refusal to execute the Agreement, notify the Operator in writing prior to the expected date of disconnection of the Service, and also pay the Operator the cost of the Services provided in the amount stipulated by the Operator's Tariffs effective at the time of their provision. Payment must be made on the date of the respective refusal to execute the Agreement specified in the notification, but not later than the date the Operator receives the above notification.

3.3.6. Prevent unauthorized connection of user (terminal) devices and other terminal equipment to the network, connection to other subscriber lines, as well as unauthorized connection to the telecommunication network of user (terminal) devices with dedicated subscriber numbers in excess of the number stipulated in the Agreement, the corresponding Supplementary Agreements.

3.3.7. Prevent the use of communication facilities to deliberately create conditions for other subscribers that impede the use of the Services, as well as interfere with the normal functioning of the communication network.

3.3.8. Do not use the user (terminal) device and (or) a dedicated subscriber number for the provision of Communication Services to third parties, including by organizing gateways for access to the communication network, IP-telephony, etc.

3.3.9. Use only certified hardware and licensed software when receiving the Services.

3.3.10. Within 3 (three) business days from the date of receipt, provide the Operator with a signed Certificate of the beginning of the provision of services (Appendix No. 7) or provide a reasoned refusal. If the Operator has not received the Service Start Act signed by the Subscriber or a reasoned refusal has not been received by the Operator within the above period, then the date specified in the Service Start Act is considered to be the start date of the Services. In case of receipt of a reasoned refusal, the Parties draw up a bilateral act with a list of necessary improvements and an indication of the timing of their implementation.

3.3.11. When concluding the Agreement, familiarize yourself with these Rules and Tariffs / Tariff plans of the Operator.

3.3.12. Within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt, provide the Operator with a signed copy of the Acceptance Certificate for the services rendered (Appendix No. 8).

3.3.13. Do not take any actions deliberately aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Operator's equipment, obtaining unauthorized access to the equipment or the Operator's communication network.

P U B L I CH N A Y O F E R T A on the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of long-distance and international telephone communication services on the basis of the selection of OJSC Rostelecom as an operator of long-distance and international communication, for each call on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Moscow, Open Joint-Stock Company of Long-Distance and International Telecommunications "Rostelecom" (hereinafter - "Rostelecom"), operating on the basis of the license for the provision of long-distance and international communication services No. 29777, issued on 11.12.2003. , represented by President Aleksandr Yuryevich Provotorov, acting on the basis of the Charter, will conclude an agreement for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services (subject to the selection of OJSC Rostelecom as a long-distance and international communication operator for each call) on the following conditions with any person meeting the criteria set out in clause 1.2. below, 1. DEFINITIONS: 1.1. "Agreement" means an agreement for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services (subject to the selection of OJSC Rostelecom as an operator of long-distance and international communication, for each call) concluded between Rostelecom and the User through the acceptance of this public offer made by the User in accordance with with Article 3 below, together with all Appendices, Changes, Supplements and Supplementary Agreements thereto. Any link in this public offer to the Agreement (Article of the Agreement) and / or its terms means the corresponding link to this public offer (its Article) and / or its terms. 1.2. "User" means an individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Telecommunications Operator who has made an acceptance in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 3, as a result of which the Agreement is considered concluded between this person and Rostelecom. 1.3. "Billing Period" means a calendar month starting immediately after the month in which the Communication Services were provided to the Users. 1.4. "Parties" means Rostelecom and the User. Rostelecom and the User individually may also be referred to as the "Party". 1.5. "Tariff" means the price at which the settlement for the rendered Communication Service between the Parties takes place. 1.6. "Communication service" means international and long-distance telephone communication services that are provided by Rostelecom to the User under the Agreement using an automatic service system and with the help of a telephone operator. 1.7. "User equipment" means user (terminal) equipment installed at the place of permanent residence (place of registration) of the User who is an individual, or at the location of the User who is a legal entity. The location of the User - a legal entity for the purposes of this Agreement means the legal address of the User and (or) another address at which the User operates. 1.8. "Agent" means a legal entity that has the right to carry out actions related to settlements with the User for the communication services rendered by Rostelecom, to conduct claims and claims with the User on the basis of an agreement concluded with Rostelecom. The list of Agents indicating the territory served by the Agent and (or) categories of Users served by the Agent is communicated to the Users by Rostelecom through the media and may change from time to time. 1.9. "Rostelecom's agent for receiving payment" means a legal entity entitled to receive payments from Users for the communication services rendered by Rostelecom on the basis of an agreement concluded with Rostelecom. The list of Rostelecom's Agents for accepting payments, indicating the territory served by the Agent for receiving payments, and (or) categories of Users served by the Agent, is communicated to Users by Rostelecom or the Agent through the media and may change from time to time. 1.10. "Payment Acceptance Agent" means a legal entity that has the right to receive payments from Users for communications services rendered by Rostelecom on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Agent. The list of Payment Acceptance Agents indicating the territory served by the Payment Acceptance Agent and (or) categories of Users served by the Agent is communicated to the Users by the Agent through the media and may change from time to time. 1.11. "Rules" means the Rules for the provision of local, intra-zone, long-distance and international telephone services in force on the date of entry into force of the Agreement. 1.12. "Local operator" means a legal entity licensed to provide local telephone services in the territory of the Russian Federation or a part of it, which provides the User with access to the Communication Service, the electrical communication network of which has access to the public communication network of the Russian Federation and the subscriber of which is the User ... 2. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT Rostelecom undertakes to provide the User with Communication Services when making calls from User Equipment, and the User undertakes to pay for Communication Services on the terms and in the manner set out in the Agreement. 3. CONCLUSION OF THE AGREEMENT AND TERMS OF RENDERING COMMUNICATION SERVICES 3.1. An individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Operator is considered to have entered into an Agreement with Rostelecom and accepted all the conditions of this public offer (accepting it), in the following cases: 3. 1.1. a) the following actual sequential actions are performed by an individual or a legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator: dialing "8" from the User Equipment; dialing the code for selecting the telephone network of OJSC Rostelecom for long-distance telephone connection ("55") or for international telephone connection ("10"); dialing the called subscriber's numbering area code; dialing the subscriber number of the called subscriber; or b) the following actual sequential actions are performed by an individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator: dialing "8" from the User Equipment; access code dialing ("15"); dialing the code for selecting the operator of the long-distance and international telephone communication network of OJSC Rostelecom ("55"); for long-distance telephone connection - dialing "8", dialing the called subscriber's numbering area code, dialing the subscriber's number of the called subscriber; or, in case of an international telephone connection - dial "10", dialing the called subscriber's numbering area code; dialing the subscriber number of the called subscriber, or c) performing the following actual sequential actions by an individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Operator: dialing "8" and the access number to the Communication Services provided by OJSC Rostelecom with the help of a telephone operator, information about which The user can get through the help desk "07" and (or) another service; ordering a long-distance or international telephone connection through a telephone operator through an immediate or ordered service system, in accordance with the Rules. 3.1.2. Establishing a telephone connection as a result of the actions specified in subparagraph a), subparagraph b) or subparagraph c) of paragraph 3.1.1 of the Agreement. 3.2 An individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Operator, from the moment the telephone connection is established, specified in clause 3.1.2 of the Agreement, becomes a User, acquiring all the rights and obligations of the User provided for in the Agreement. 3.3. After the conclusion of the Agreement, the User has the right to receive Communication Services, and Rostelecom, if technically feasible and if the User has access to long-distance and international telephone services, is obliged to provide the User with Communication Services. 3.4. To receive the Communication Services via the automatic service system, the User must perform the actions specified in subparagraph a) or subparagraph b) of paragraph 3.1.1. Agreement. The dialing procedure specified in subparagraph b) of paragraph 3. 1.1. The Agreement shall be applied if there is a technical and organizational feasibility of implementing this format in the networks of the Local Operator. In the absence of the technical and organizational feasibility of implementing this format in the networks of the Local Telecommunications Operator, with the automatic method of establishing a telephone connection, the dialing procedure established by subparagraph a) of paragraph 3.1.1 of the Agreement is applied. To receive Communication Services with the help of a telephone operator, the User must perform the actions specified in subparagraph c) of paragraph 3.1.1. Agreement. 3.5. The communication service is considered rendered from the moment a telephone connection is established as a result of the User's actions specified in subparagraph a), subparagraph b) or subparagraph c) of paragraph 3.1.1. Agreement. 3.6. Access to the Communication Services provided to the User from the User Equipment may be suspended at the initiative of Rostelecom in the cases provided for in clause 6.2 of the Agreement. 3.7. Rostelecom, in the event of a partial lack of technical ability to provide the User with Communication Services, has the right to impose restrictions on the number of orders for calls and the duration of a call, and in the absence of technical capability to provide Communication Services, it has the right to refuse to provide Communication Services. The User must be notified of the introduction of restrictions on Communication Services at the time of accepting an order or at the time of providing a telephone connection with a custom service system. In the event of long-term restrictions on the use of telephone communications, Rostelecom must take measures to inform the User about this using the media, referral services, announcements at points of collective use of communication services, etc. 3.8. The User agrees to the processing of his personal data by Rostelecom and / or by third parties, including representatives of Rostelecom, for the following purposes: - for information and reference services; - to provide to persons making payments for the Services on behalf of Rostelecom, collecting debts for the Services from the User, or to persons who have been delegated the right to claim such debts. The processing of personal data means actions (operations) with personal data, including the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, change), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking and destruction of personal data. This consent is given for the period from the moment of the conclusion of the Agreement until the moment of termination of the Agreement and / or the complete fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under the Agreement, depending on which of these circumstances occurs later. 3.9. In case of disagreement of the User - an individual, with the provision of information about him by Rostelecom in accordance with clause 3.8. These conditions do not apply to the relationship between the Parties, provided that the User - an individual signs a corresponding statement of refusal to apply clause 3.8. and will send it to Rostelecom during the term of the Agreement. In this case, the provisions of clause 3.8. will not be applicable from the moment Rostelecom receives the relevant application. 3.10 Clause 3.9. The Agreement does not apply to cases when information about the User - an individual is provided for making payments for the Services on behalf of Rostelecom, as well as for considering claims of Users - individuals in connection with the Services provided. 4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 4.1. Rostelecom undertakes to: 4.1.1. Provide the User with Communication Services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Rules, national standards, technical norms and rules, a license, as well as the Agreement (including eliminating faults within a specified time frame) incurred through the fault of Rostelecom and interfering with the use of the Communication Services). 4.1.2. If technically possible, and also subject to the availability of access to the Communication Services from the User Equipment, Rostelecom shall provide the User with the opportunity to use the Communication Services 24 hours a day, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.1.3. In accordance with subparagraph d) of paragraph 59 of the Rules, notify the User through the media about changes in the Tariffs for telephone services at least 10 days before the introduction of new Tariffs. The change in the Tariffs is formalized by the Supplementary Agreement to this Agreement, which is concluded between Rostelecom and the User by way of the User's acceptance of the corresponding public offer of Rostelecom. 4.1.4. Fulfill other obligations of Rostelecom stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement. 4.2. The User undertakes: 4.2.1. To make payment for the Communication Services rendered to him within the time frame and on the conditions stipulated by the Agreement. The User, who is an organization financed from the budgets of the corresponding level, is obliged to use the Communication Services exclusively within the budgetary funding limit established for such User. 4.2.2. Fulfill other obligations of the User provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement. 4.3. Rostelecom has the right to: 4.3.1. Change the Tariffs in accordance with clause 4.1.3. Agreement. 4.3.2. Initiate a temporary suspension of the provision of access to long-distance and international communication to the User in the cases provided for in clause 6.2. Agreement. 4.3.3. Make changes to the terms of the Agreement by sending the User the appropriate offers and / or posting the relevant public offers to change the terms of the Agreement (including by publishing in the media), containing an indication of the method of acceptance of such offers (public offers). From the moment the User takes legal or other actions to accept these offers (public offers), in accordance with the instructions set forth in them, the Agreement will be considered amended and will act in a new edition. 4.3.4 In case of non-payment by the User of the invoices stipulated by this Agreement, take measures provided for by law to recover from the User the amount of unfulfilled obligations and losses. Rostelecom has the right to involve third parties in debt collection, while the provision of information necessary for debt collection does not violate the provisions of this Agreement, the Rules and the current legislation on disclosing communication secrets and confidential information. 4.4. The user has the right: 4.4.1. To make claims on the received invoice in the manner prescribed by Article 7 of the Agreement. 4.4.2. Refuse to pay for Communication Services provided to the User without his consent. When using the User Equipment, the actions specified in cl. 3.1.1. Of the Agreement, the Communication Service is considered to be provided with the consent of the User. 4.4.3. Use the Communication Services around the clock, all days of the week, subject to the restrictions established by the Agreement. 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURE 5.1. Tariffs for Long distance communication services are established and changed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Tariffs for International Communication Services are set by Rostelecom and can be changed at any time. 5.2. The charging unit for long-distance or international telephone connections is set by Rostelecom and is one minute. If the connection was less than a full minute, rounding up to a full minute is made. The duration of a long-distance or international telephone connection is accounted for in accordance with the tariffication unit adopted by Rostelecom. The charging unit can be changed by Rostelecom at any time unilaterally. 5.3. The user is obliged to pay for the communication services rendered to him by Rostelecom in cash through the payment points of Rostelecom, Agent, Agent of Rostelecom for receiving payment or Agent for receiving payment, or by bank transfer, on the basis of an invoice for payment of Communication Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Account") issued by Rostelecom, or by the Agent on behalf of Rostelecom, using the bank details specified in the Account. 5.4. An invoice for payment for Communication Services is issued by Rostelecom, or the Agent on behalf of Rostelecom before the 8th day of the month following the month in which the Communication Services were provided, indicating the total amount of the payment, as well as indicating each type of Communication Services, their volume and cost. The basis for invoicing the User is the data obtained with the help of the equipment used to record the volume of the provided Communication Services. Payment for Communication Services is made monthly, within 20 days from the date of the invoice. 5.5. Delivery of the Invoice is carried out within the terms provided for by the Rules, in one of the ways at the choice of Rostelecom - through the information and reference system "Personal Account" via the Internet, at the e-mail specified by the User, in the Sales and Service Center of Rostelecom or the Agent, at the fax number specified by the User , by mail or by courier to the installation address of the terminal subscriber device, or in another way. Failure to receive the Invoice is not a ground for violation by the User of obligations to pay the Invoice. 5.6. If the Invoice is issued by Rostelecom, the User shall pay for the Communication Services by the User to Rostelecom in cash at its payment points, or at the payment points of the Agent of Rostelecom for receiving payment, or by transferring funds to the current account specified in the Invoice. 5.7. If the Invoice is issued by the Agent on behalf of Rostelecom, the User shall pay for the Communication Services to this Agent in cash at his payment points, or at the Agent's payment points upon receiving the payment of the corresponding Agent, or by transferring funds to the current account specified in the Invoice. 5.8. When paying for the Communication Services by non-cash funds, the User's monetary obligations for the Communication Services provided to him cease from the moment the funds are credited to the bank account specified in the invoice issued to the User. When paying for Communication Services in cash, the User's monetary obligations for the Communication Services rendered to him cease from the moment the funds are deposited at the payment points of Rostelecom or the Agent of Rostelecom for collection of payments (if the invoice is issued by Rostelecom), or at the points of payment of the Agent or Agent for receiving payment of the corresponding Agent (if the Invoice is issued by the Agent). 5.9. Settlements with a User who is a legal entity can be carried out in cash, only within the limits established by law for legal entities at the Agent's, Rostelecom's, Rostelecom's Payment Acceptance Agent's, or the Payment Acceptance Agent's payment acceptance points. 6. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 6.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement, Rostelecom and the User are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including the Rules) and the Agreement. 6.2. In the event of a delay in payment or any other violation by the User of the requirements established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Communications", the Rules or the Agreement, Rostelecom has the right to initiate the unilateral suspension of the provision of access to the Communication Services for a period until the User has fully repaid the debt, or, accordingly, elimination of other violations committed by the User. The resumption of the provision of access to Communication Services is carried out by Rostelecom within 5 working days from the date the User fulfills the violated obligations. 6.3 In the event of non-payment, incomplete or late payment for Communication Services, Rostelecom has the right to collect from the User a penalty in the form of a penalty in the amount of 1% (one percent) of the value of those rendered in the month preceding the Settlement Period, but unpaid, not paid in full or untimely paid Communication services for each day of delay up to the day of repayment of the debt, but not more than the amount payable. The user is obliged to pay such a penalty to Rostelecom within 5 (five) calendar days from the moment Rostelecom presented him with a request for payment. 7. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES 7.1. In the event of disputes and disagreements under the Agreement, they are subject to settlement in the manner prescribed by this Article 7. 7.2. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by Rostelecom of its obligations to provide Communication Services, the User submits a claim to Rostelecom before going to court. The User's claims are presented and considered in the manner and within the time frame provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. If the User's claim is rejected in whole or in part, or if a response to the User's claim is not received within the time limits established for its consideration by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the User who is an individual has the right to sue in court in accordance with the rules on jurisdiction established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" from 07. 02.92 g (No. 2300-1), and the User who is a legal entity has the right to sue in court at the location of the Agent, if settlements with the User for Communication Services are carried out by the Agent, or in court at the location of Rostelecom (or a branch of Rostelecom, in the zone actions of which the User's place of residence (location) is located) - if settlements with the User for Communication Services are made by Rostelecom. 7.3 In case of default by the User to pay for the Services, in whole or in part, Rostelecom has the right to bring a claim in court against the User of its choice either at the place of residence (location) of the User, or at the location of Rostelecom (or a branch of Rostelecom, in the area of \u200b\u200boperation of which is the place of residence (location) of the User), or at the location of the Agent (or the branch of the Agent, in the area of \u200b\u200boperation of which the place of residence (location) of the User is located). 8. FORCE MAJEURE 8.1. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement if they prove that proper fulfillment was impossible due to force majeure, that is, extraordinary, unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances under these conditions. At the same time, the presence of force majeure prolongs the period for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under the Agreement in proportion to the period of its validity. In the event that the force majeure effect lasts more than six months, the Parties are obliged, at the suggestion of one of the Parties, to agree on further terms of action and / or the possibility of terminating the Agreement. 8.2. If the failure to comply with the term for the provision of Communication Services was due to force majeure circumstances, the Parties, by agreement among themselves, are obliged to determine a new term for the provision of Communication Services. 9. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT. CONDITIONS FOR AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 9.1. The Agreement shall enter into force from the moment an individual or a legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Telecommunications Operator accepts this public offer in the manner provided for in Article 3 of the Agreement, and is considered concluded for an indefinite period. 9.2. The Agreement may be terminated or changed in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement. In case of termination of the Agreement, the Parties must make mutual settlements for all obligations 10. OTHER PROVISIONS 10.1. All legal relations of the Parties arising in connection with the provision of Communication Services by Rostelecom to the User, not directly regulated by the Agreement, are governed by the Rules, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. Rostelecom and the User acknowledge that the Agreement is binding on both Parties in terms of all conditions. 10.2 The User is familiar with and agrees with the characteristics of the provided Communication Services, regarding their quality, reliability and limitations. The user is familiar with the Rules and undertakes to comply with them. 10.3. All of its rights and obligations (or part of them) under the Agreement may be transferred by Rostelecom to a third party without the consent of the User, but with a mandatory prior written warning to the User. 10.4. Since there is an agreement between Rostelecom and the Agent, on the basis of which the Agent has the right to take actions to issue invoices to the User for the provided Communication Services, to receive payment from the Users for the provided Communication Services, as well as actions to conduct claims and claims with the User, the User agrees accordingly , accept invoices issued by the Agent for Communication Services, make payments for Communication Services to the Agent and, in the manner prescribed by this Agreement, send claims to the Agent against Rostelecom caused by non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement by Rostelecom. 10.5. In the event that the place of residence (place of registration) of the User is an individual, or the location of the User of a legal entity does not coincide with the territory served by the Agent, and (or) the User is not included in the category of Users served by the Agent, the provisions of this Agreement concerning the Agent , during the execution of the Agreement by its Parties are not applied. 11.Address and bank details of OJSC "Rostelecom" OJSC "Rostelecom" Legal address: 191002, Saint-Petersburg, Dostoevskogo street, 15 Settlement account: 40702810300000000610 In OJSC AKB "Svyaz-Bank" Correspondent account: 30101810900000000848 BIK : 044525848 INN: 7707049388 Checkpoint: 771032001 Primary State Registration Number: 1027700198767 12. Signature from OJSC Rostelecom From Rostelecom: Provotorov A.Yu. 6

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