The role of television in the lives of modern people. Topic in English: Television in our lives

Doluda Vladislav

Research paper on the prospects and disadvantages of television



Section: Culturology


The role of television in people's lives

Doluda Vladislav

school number 66, 3 a class


Primary school teacher

Highest qualification category

Batyrshina Milyausha Rubisovna


  1. Introduction ………………………………………………… .3-4
  2. Prospects for the development of television ……………… ........ 5-8
  3. Features and style of Russian television ……… .9-13
  4. Disadvantages of television ………………………………… 14-16
  5. Questionnaire …………………………………………… 17-22
  6. Conclusion ……………………………………………… .24-24
  7. List of used literature ……………………… 25


Passed XX century. presented to mankind atomic energy, artificial satellites, personal computers and many other scientific and technical achievements, large and small. Among them, the most important role for solving information, cultural, propaganda and even military tasks is played by television broadcasting (remember, during the well-known events in Kosovo in April-May 1999, Yugoslavia's television centers were recognized as "defense targets" and were hit by NATO missiles along with factories, power plants, gas depots and bridges).

The development of ideas for electrical transmission of images was international from the very beginning. By the beginning of the twentieth century. in eleven countries, at least twenty-five projects were put forward (five of them in Russia) under the names "telephotographer", "electric telescope", "telephot", etc. They were based on three physical processes: 1) the division of the transmitted picture into elementary sections and their subsequent transformation into a sequence of electrical signals; 2) transmission of this sequence to the receiving point; 3) restoration of the visible image from the received signal. The possibility of implementing these processes was prepared by fundamental physical discoveries, such as the photoelectric effect (G. Hertz, A. G. Stoletov), \u200b\u200belectromagnetic waves (J. Maxwell, G. Hertz), "luminiferous phenomena" - the transformation of electricity into light (B V. Petrov and others). As a vivid and unsurpassed phenomenon of the cultural and spiritual life of modern society, television brings to mankind the great benefits of freedom, enlightenment, the possibility of exchanging information, opinions, and brings nations together. Thanks to earthly and unearthly - in the literal sense of the word - capabilities, television delivers information to the house from the other end of the world, from close and distant neighbors. A new era of communication between people is being born.

Much has been written and said about the benefits of television. But a serious researcher of this phenomenon is obliged to discern in its future development the social dangers, the underestimation of which can cause, and is already causing noticeable harm to social progress.

Television development prospects

First - about the good of television, its new horizons at the turn of two centuries. This is what the developers of the Federal Target Program (FTP) for the development of television were concerned about in the coming years. Leading national specialists - scientists, engineers, communications workers, television journalists - took part in its formation.

The main task of the future development of Russian television, in their opinion, is to increase the coverage of the population with existing state programs. At the same time, efforts should be aimed at providing the entire population of the country with broadcasts of the so-called socially guaranteed block, which includes the necessary minimum of socio-political, information, cultural, educational, artistic, sports and educational broadcasting.

The socially guaranteed block includes television programs "Russia", some programs of the First Channel and one local program in each region of the country. Their reception should be ensured without additional financial costs on the part of the subscriber (for example, to purchase a satellite receiver, to replace a TV or to purchase additional devices to existing ones)

Having their own networks, regional STRCs become free to determine the volume and content structure of broadcasting. Its duration can be significantly increased, since the expansion of the number of sources for the formation of programs removes the problem of creating one's own significant creative and technical potential.

According to a 1996 poll, most regional STRCs expect to switch to their own distribution channel by 2000, with a significant increase in broadcasting volumes. At the same time, a number of regions prefer to leave some part of the broadcasting volume on the Rossiya channel until they create their own network, which is equivalent to it in terms of the coverage of TV viewers. A significant part of regional companies are oriented towards satellite channels.

The television program "Russia" (VGTRK) is the main socio-political, informational, cultural, educational and artistic program of the Russian Federation. The broadcasting volume is 17.3 hours a day. The program is distributed over five broadcast zones in the form of a main program and four takes. For broadcasting, a network of terrestrial and satellite communication channels, television transmitters and repeaters is used, which provides the ability to receive programs for 98.7 population of the country. The program "Russia" is also rebroadcast in the neighboring countries: Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia in full and Kazakhstan, Ukraine in a reduced volume.

The television program "Channel One", created by the all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization - the joint-stock company "Public Russian Television". The volume of broadcasting is 18.5 hours a day. It is distributed in the territories of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. Coverage of the population of Russia - about 99% ... The television program "Petersburg - Channel 5" is created by the all-Russian state company "Petersburg - Channel 5" in the amount of 12.8 hours a day and is received on the territory of the Russian Federation, where 53% of the population lives.

Regional television programs (republics, territories, regions, autonomous okrugs) are created by 90 state television and radio companies and are distributed, as a rule, through the VGTRK channels within their regions. In most regions, the coverage of the population with a local program is lower than that on all-Russian channels. This is primarily due to the fact that the RTR program is transmitted both over terrestrial lines and through satellites to receiving stations and repeaters, while local programs use only terrestrial lines. In addition, radio relay links are lacking in some locations to cover the entire region with local programming. The difference in coverage of the population by the all-Russian program and the local one is from 10 to 30% in these regions.

The Federal Target Program for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting, approved in September 1996 by the FSTR board, also provides for an increase in the number of state channels. At the same time, the program policy of the state television and radio broadcasting should be viewed not as an extensive increase in the number of television and radio programs, but as an unloading of the existing "broad profile" channels, their differentiation by broadcasting directions. For these purposes, new technical possibilities for the distribution of television images will be used in order to provide a wide range of topics for all strata and groups of the population.

Thus, the lack of information on federal channels about events taking place in the regions of Russia should be filled with zonal channels of regional television, which would broadcast not one region or republic, but several neighboring ones (for example, the Urals or the Volga region).

The zonal channel will not be able to replace the programs of local studios in their main, most important function - "dialogue" with the population of their region.

The large size of the territory, multinationality, diversity, ethnic and religious differences require great specificity from regional broadcasting, which, of course, cannot be provided by a single program.

Thus, zonal channels should be created not instead of, but along with regional ones. At the same time, the task of organizing our own distribution channels in the process of developing local networks is a priority.

Features and style of Russian television

The proclamation of Russia's sovereignty led to the creation of the Russian Television and Radio Company. The Russian Public Television entered service with great difficulty. The monopoly right of the All-Union Television and Radio Company to technical means allowed it in every possible way to impede the normal operation of Russian television, which was provided with the first channel. On May 16, 1991, the RTR news program "Vesti" began to air regularly: first, once a day, and then - 3 times, 4 times. In 1996, Vesti was aired 6 times a day.

The television and radio broadcasting system of the Russian Federation includes: the Russian state television and radio company "Ostankino". - I program "Ostankino", All-Russian State TV and radio broadcasting company - II program, "Moscow program - III channel, Educational program" Russian Universities "- IV channel," Channel independent television "- NTV (IV channel)," TV-6 - Moscow "- VI channel. An important place in the system

The television and radio broadcasting system included television and radio organizations in national formations on the territory of the Russian Federation, the regional and regional television and radio organizations of Russian television were occupied by the program "Petersburg - Channel 5": city radio broadcasting, regional broadcasting, grassroots broadcasting.

The priority is to preserve and develop the traditions of educational, intellectual, cultural programs and programs related to entertainment broadcasting, including the most popular genre - film screening, as well as news, socio-political and analytical television.

The basis of the structure of the First Channel is information broadcasting, and, first of all, the news program "Time", which has a stable audience. Its popularity is facilitated both by the breadth of the topics covered and the emergence of young talented reporters. Today it is the traditional evening ("nine o'clock") edition. "Nochnoye Vremya" is an information and analytical channel that goes on the air with the results of the day and contains live broadcasts with comments from experts on the most important issues and topical issues, as well as issues of the author's program "However".

The "Good Morning" infotainment channel goes on the morning air.

A special place in broadcasting is occupied by publicistic programs, where the most relevant political, economic and other aspects of the life of modern society are discussed.

In addition, a special place on the channel is occupied by the genre of documentary investigation, built on the principle of reconstructing events of the past, which expands the demographic composition of the channel, attracting a significant youth and male audience to it - the programs "How It Was", "Documentary Detective", "Independent Investigation" ...

A somewhat different, but no less important task is being solved by the social program "Wait for Me", which helps in the search for people who sometimes lost each other many years ago, and creates a portrait of today's Russia through different, often tragic, human destinies.

One of the most important for the channel is the educational function, its screen embodiment is realized in two popular genres - cognitive and cultural, which are based on both modern materials and historical events. Popular science programs "Civilization", "In the world of animals", "Travelers Club" are always popular among the viewers of Channel One.

Among the cultural programs - author's cycles of the famous Russian art critic Vitaly Wolf (translator of plays by T. Williams) "Silver Ball"; cycles of historical programs of the writer and playwright Edward Radzinsky, awarded the Russian national television prize "Tefi"; the program "The Story of a Masterpiece", dedicated to the collections of the largest Russian museums - the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum and others.

The most popular and rated type of broadcasting is film screening, which occupies 40% of broadcasting on Channel One and is formed from all the cinematic genres and forms that exist today - fiction films, television series, documentaries and animation films. The film screening of Channel One is aimed at satisfying the interests of not only the mass audience, but also attracts viewers with non-standard aesthetic tastes. Recently, Channel One has seen the priority of domestic serials, which enjoy great success: "Spetsnaz", "Destructive Force", "Border. Taiga Romance", "Stop on Demand".

It was on the First Channel that such domestic films as "Burnt by the Sun", "Checkpoint", the trilogy "Love in Russian", "Peculiarities of the National Hunt", "Peculiarities of National Fishing" were first shown. The permanent presence of the channel on the international television and film market made it possible to conclude contracts with such companies as Warner Brothers, Paramount, MGM / UA, Turner, BBC, Gaumont, UGC and show Russian viewers films of famous Western directors - "Casino" M. Scorsese, "Leon "L. Besson," Air Prison "S. Vesta," Citizen Kane "by O. Wells," Life is Beautiful "by R. Benigny ...

The entertainment genre on Channel One is presented in two directions - music and games. The most popular musical program with the participation of domestic performers is "Song of the Year", as well as concerts of famous performers A. Pugacheva, O. Gazmanov, V. Leontiev, the Chaif, Aquarium and others. Among the notable musical actions of the channel are concerts of Sting, David Bowie, Joe Cocker, Tina Turner, Michael Jackson. Channel One's game broadcasts have a constant large audience, despite the fact that some of them have existed for many years. This is "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When?", KVN. New games - "People Against", "Russian Roulette" and "Weak Link", are addressed to TV intellectuals.

It should be noted that the channel's broadcasting direction is educational game programs for children: "Objective", "King of the Hill" and others. A special place on the air of Channel One is occupied by the quiz "Clever and Clever Men" for adolescents who are especially gifted in humanitarian terms; there are no analogues of this program on any channel.

Sports broadcasts occupy a significant place on television. Channel One, and numerous fans receive information about the most important sporting events - the World and European Championships in the most popular sports - football, hockey, figure skating, tennis, and so on. The program "On Football with Viktor Gusev", which has gained popularity among viewers, is on the air.

One of the channel's distinctive features is promotional broadcasting - special projects prepared for one or another memorable dates or specially created by permanent authors working on the channel. The most notable among them were: New Year's special project "Old songs about the main thing", whose producer Konstantin Ernst received the national Tefi prize for the best production work, and was named the best music program at the 4th International TV Festival in the city of Bar (Montenegro) and 8th International Festival "Golden Antenna" in Albena (Bulgaria). In addition, one cannot fail to mention the special quiz projects "Oh, yes Pushkin!" (to the 200th anniversary of the poet's birth) and "Russia. Bells of Fate" (to the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ). The action "Stars against video piracy" was held several times. Along with this, Channel One organizes large-scale social events, the most striking of which was Konstantin Ernst's "Russian Project", in the filming of which Russian cinema stars took part. He received the top award "Golden Olive" at the 2nd International Television Festival. Each year, Channel One broadcasts the Academy Awards, and the American Grammy Awards were broadcast on Channel One for the first time in 2000. Also annually on the air of the First Channel - the presentation of the Russian cinematographic award "Nika" and the national award "Golden Gramophone".

Great attention is paid to the design of Channel One - image videos are constantly being created, logos are updated, an original system for announcing individual programs has been created, which is constantly being improved and has become, in essence, a new television genre, in which Channel One is the undisputed leader and trendsetter in Russian television.

Disadvantages of television

Modern man can no longer imagine his existence without television. From an invention (cathode telescope) that was invisible to society, made 92 years ago on July 25, 1907, it (television) has turned into a huge monster that has captured the minds and souls of billions of people on Earth.

We were always amazed and frightened by various kinds of shamans, spellcasters, hypnotists, psychotherapists. But in comparison with the power of the impact of television on the psyche of people, the impact of all of them taken together is a thousand times less.

Children with their not yet formed psyche and organism as a whole are especially susceptible to the influence of television. Sergei Obraztsov tried to inspire adults with a simple idea, which he followed throughout his long creative life: it is impossible for children under the age of seven to show (even in fairy tales) scenes of violence, cruelty, and rough treatment of animals and people. The great master knew: a child's soul, like a sponge, absorbs everything that happens around it, and especially everything that happens on the stage, on the screen, in the book.

What does modern children's television present us with? Watch "cartoons". These are solid "Tom and Jerry", where all the humor is concentrated in flattening Tom, then Jerry, dragging the cat by the tail, in various falls and other "pinching". As a result, children drag their pets by the tail, drive each other under the bed, etc.

Watch cartoons. This - "Star Wars", this - some incomprehensible animals (the child also does not represent ordinary household), again cruelty, the achievement of even noble goals through complete destruction, suppression of the enemy. What then do we want from our children? Where are the beautiful, kind, instructive, domestic cartoons such as those of the 50-70s, without scenes of rough violence?

Perhaps they were somewhat primitive, maybe the artists followed the requirements of socialist realism too much, but these films raised children in the spirit of generally accepted moral principles: do not steal, be tolerant of others, be obedient, be polite, be careful, value friendship, work hard and so on, and so on.

There are so few of them on today's television screen.

Watch modern children's TV shows with dolls. How often do these dolls depict something born of a sick person, you cannot say otherwise, by the artist's imagination. Some kind of monsters, animals of an incomprehensible breed. Have their creators thought about the perception of the world by a child? How they disfigure the still weak aesthetic sense of the child, distort the sense of beauty, in the end they lead away into the world of the unreal. What is beautiful? It is to this question that children's programs should, as it seems to me, be answered.

A small experiment was conducted: in one of the kindergartens, children were asked to draw what they like to watch on TV. And here are the results. Most (70%) drew scenes from Tom and Jerry, various Star Wars, even action films! (True, about 17% of children drew heroes of good-quality domestic cartoons).

Another, no less, and perhaps even more important aspect of the problem "children and television". This is the effect of television on the physical health of the child. As studies show, the following factors act on the child's still not matured organism: radiation from the TV screen, flickering of brightness and color spots on its screen, frequent change of images ("clip"). Radiation, although it does not exceed sanitary standards, has a cumulative (cumulative) effect and, with excessive doses of sitting at the TV, has a negative effect on the immune system, the hematopoietic system, etc. Flashes of brightness and color spots have a harmful effect on the child's visual apparatus in in general (not only on the eyes), on the functioning of the heart and brain, since the flickering frequencies (or, more correctly, some components of the spatio-temporal spectrum of these vibrations) can and coincide with the frequencies of the heart, the frequencies of the electrical vibrations accompanying the activity of the heart and the human brain. It is especially dangerous when the resonance of these vibrations occurs.

From what has been said, it follows that it is necessary to limit the time during which the child sits in front of the TV, not to allow him to watch programs with frequent flashing light and color spots. By the way, this is the sin of transmissions such as video music clips and advertising.

At the fifth conference "Modern Television", the Institute of Applied Research came up with an initiative to create a special public service that would issue a certificate for the admissibility of using certain video effects on the screen from the point of view of the impact on human health, would introduce tolerances for the flickering frequency of brightness and color spots. This initiative was supported by a number of prominent TV personalities.

Questionnaire sheet

  1. How many hours a day do you spend in front of TV screens?

2 ... What programs do you prefer to watch?

Junior link

Middle link

Senior link

3 ... Which channel do you prefer?

Junior link

Middle link

Senior link

4 ... How, in your opinion, does television correspond to the principles of morality today?

5. Do you think watching television is harmful to your health?


As a result of the survey, I made the following conclusions.

On average, the middle team spends more hours in front of TV screens - 5 hours, then the junior team - 4 hours, and, finally, the senior team - 3 hours. When asked which program do you prefer, the results showed: the junior level - cartoons (50%), the middle and senior level answered almost the same - to feature films. The third question was directed to the rating of TV channels, in which the first place among the junior, middle and senior echelons was given to STS. TNT got the second place and Domashny got the third place. And, in my opinion, the most pressing issues of today are the fourth and fifth questions. The fourth question is about the moral and ethical state of television. All three links answered that our television does not comply with moral principles. However, not everyone shares this opinion. This can be clearly seen from the graph. And the last question about the negative impact of television on the health of students. Starting with the younger ones, the “Yes” answers increase, and the “No” answers decrease. Consequently, juniors are not well aware of the consequences of incessant TV viewing. In this regard, I propose to explain well not only to children, but also to adults that TV is dangerous. Some people understand this very well, but they do not stop watching it, so clear examples of the harm done are needed.


The new configuration of television exists not only because the authorities sought to create it. It is equally important that it fully meets the needs of the bulk of the population. The initiative “from above” thus met with approval from “below”. The Russians, who make up Putin's majority, are tired not only of the "chernukha", as is commonly believed. Previously, as a rule, only supporters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party negatively perceived "information with connotations", irony in the coverage of key political events, the attempt of television to take the position of the umpire in disputes involving the authorities, and even more so an appeal to the opinion of the "civilized world" (which implies, that Russia does not belong to him) - in a word, the style inherent in NTV Gusinsky and Kiselev. Now the number of dissatisfied people has seriously increased due to the "silent majority" approving Putin's policy, and even some of the liberals (from among the supporters of the Union of Right Forces).

Television ceases to play the role of a ruler of minds, ceases to be an ersatz of a political party or opposition, a conductor of ideas capable of mobilizing society. The role of TV as an active interpreter of news is declining. But the importance of such factors as regionalization (priority of local news), social differentiation of the audience (it began in the first half of the 90s, when some watched "soap" and others watched high-quality movies) and depoliticization (the most popular are entertainment shows , often terrifying a discerning audience).

The new configuration of the media corresponds to the policy adopted by the authorities and supported by the society to strengthen the position of the state. At the same time, it retains the opportunity for non-state structures to operate in the media market, albeit in a seriously weakened form. The objective need for them continues to exist, since various groups of influence existing in the conditions of the formation of a monocentric state need their own media resource, which contributes to the preservation of information pluralism, albeit on a more limited scale than in the 90s. The "factor of the West" cannot be disregarded either: if the Russian government continues to follow the path of westernization, it will not be possible to do without independent TV. This means that there is an opportunity for non-state media not only to survive in the medium and long term, but also to gradually expand their sphere of influence.


  1. Actual problems of improving SMIP. Sverdlovsk, USU, 1986
  2. Bagirov E.G. The place of television in the SMIP system: Textbook. M: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1976
  3. Yu.P. Budantsev Consistency in the study of mass information processes. –M: Publishing house of the Peoples' Friendship University, 1986
  4. Mass media in a socialist society. M: Politizdat, 1989
  5. Lyubivy Ya.V. Modern mass consciousness: dynamics and development trends / Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, University of Philosophy. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1993
  6. Fundamentals of Television Journalism. M: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1987
  7. Povalyaev S.A. Scientific information: activities, needs, motives. –Minsk: Universitetskoe, 1985

Television in our life

Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear, that television has advantages and disadvantages.

But are there more advantages than disadvantages? In the first place, television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five, for example, it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go out to find entertainment in other places. They don "t have to pay for expensive seats at the theater or cinema. They turn on the TV-set and can watch interesting films, concerts, football matches.

But some people think that it "s bad to watch TV. Those who watch TV need do nothing. We are passive when we watch TV. Television shows us many interesting programs. But again there is a disadvantage here: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives.

My friend told me that when his TV-set broke down, he and his family found that they had more time to do things and to talk to each other. There are other arguments for and against television.

Very often the programs are bad. Sometimes they show too much violence in films and news programs. There is also too much pop music and ads. Ads on the whole are convenient for grown-ups. But is it good for children to watch all those ads where they show all kinds of underwear and what not?

Television in our lives

Television plays an important role in our life. It's hard to say if this is good or bad. It is clear that television has its advantages and disadvantages.

But what is more - advantages or disadvantages? First of all, television is entertainment. But this is not only convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five, for example, it is more convenient and profitable to stay at home than to go somewhere and look for entertainment elsewhere. They don't have to pay for expensive theater or cinema tickets. They turn on the TV and watch interesting films, concerts and football matches.

But some people think that watching TV is harmful. TV viewers don't have to do anything. When we watch TV, we are passive. Television shows us many interesting programs. But there is a drawback to this: we watch TV every night, and it begins to dominate our lives.

A friend of mine told me that when his TV broke, he and his entire family found that they had more time to do something or talk to each other. There are other arguments for and against television.

Bad programs are often shown. Sometimes there is a lot of violence in movies and news. There is also a lot of pop music and commercials on TV. In general, ads are adult friendly. But is it good for kids to watch all these ads that show different underwear and whatever?


1. What advantages does television have?
2. What disadvantages does television have?
3. What did my friend find when his TV-set broke down?
4. What do they sometimes show?


entertainment - entertainment
to turn on - turn on
passive - passive
to dominate - to dominate
to break down - to break
argument - argument
violence - cruelty
pop music - pop music
ads (advertisemets) - advertising, announcements

17 Sep

Topic in English: Television in our lives

Topic in English: Television in our life (TV in our life). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on the topic.

Television in the modern world

I think it is impossible to imagine our life without television. It is widely used in the modern world as the fastest way to transfer information. It also plays an important role in reflecting the life of society.

Television is power

Television is a great power. It raises our intellectual level, gives us the opportunity to see the best actors play, hear the latest news and witness political debate. Television provides us with unique educational opportunities and helps us relax after a working day. There is a large selection of TV programs, so we can always choose what we like. Television brings the whole world to our living room. We can learn more about other countries, customs, crafts, opinions and concerns. Everyone can choose a program to their liking: chronicles of current events, documentaries, sports and educational programs, feature films, plays, art programs, news, pop shows and many others. It is the viewer who decides which program is the most interesting, valuable, informative or funny, and which program is really worth watching.

Favorite channels

As for me, my favorite television channels are ORT, NTV and Discovery, because here I can see everything that interests me.

Another look

However, some people think that watching TV is a waste of time. It also leads to health problems, snacking in front of the TV screen, lack of sleep and impaired vision. They believe that one should not sit “glued to the box” instead of visiting friends and family. They especially sympathize with children who have forgotten about books and made TV their main entertainment.


I cannot say that I fully share this point of view, but I agree that it is necessary to dose the viewing of television programs.

Download Topic in English: Television in our lives

TV in our life

Televistion in modern life

I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without TV. It’s widely used in today’s world because it’s the quickest means of spreading news and information. It also plays a significant role in reflecting the life of our society.

TV is a great force

TV is indeed a great force. It enriches our intellect, gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. TV gives wonderful possibilities for education and helps us to relax after a day’s work. There is a considerable variety of programs, so we can choose what we want to see. TV brings the world into our living room. We can learn more about other countries, customs, occupations, and opinions problems. Every person chooses a program which appeals to him most: current events, documentaries, sport and educational programs, films, plays, the arts, news, variety shows and many others. You always decide which program is the most exciting, valuable, informative or amusing and is worth seeing.

Favorite channels

As for me, my favorite TV channels are ORT, NTV and Discovery Channel because they satisfy my interests in the best way.

TV is a waste of time

However, some people believe that watching TV is a waste of time. Besides, it leads to poor health through rushed meals, lack of sleep and eyestrain. They think it’s not right to sit glued to the TV screen instead of visiting their friends and relatives. They feel especially sorry for those children who forget to read books making TV their main leisure activity.


I can’t say I share this opinion but I agree on the point that we should use TV reasonably.

Topic in English: Television in our life (TV in our life). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on the topic.

Television in the modern world

I think it is impossible to imagine our life without television. It is widely used in the modern world as the fastest way to transfer information. It also plays an important role in reflecting the life of society.

Television is power

Television is a great power. It raises our intellectual level, gives us the opportunity to see the best actors play, hear the latest news and witness political debate. Television provides us with unique educational opportunities and helps us relax after a working day. There is a large selection of TV programs, so we can always choose what we like. Television brings the whole world to our living room. We can learn more about other countries, customs, crafts, opinions and concerns. Everyone can choose a program to their liking: chronicles of current events, documentaries, sports and educational programs, feature films, plays, art programs, news, pop shows and many others. It is the viewer who decides which program is the most interesting, valuable, informative or funny, and which program is really worth watching.

Favorite channels

As for me, my favorite television channels are ORT, NTV and Discovery, because here I can see everything that interests me.

Another look

However, some people think that watching TV is a waste of time. It also leads to health problems, snacking in front of the TV screen, lack of sleep and impaired vision. They believe that one should not sit “glued to the box” instead of visiting friends and family. They especially sympathize with children who have forgotten about books and made TV their main entertainment.


I cannot say that I fully share this point of view, but I agree that it is necessary to dose the viewing of television programs.

Download Topic in English: Television in our lives

TV in our life

Televistion in modern life

I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without TV. It’s widely used in today’s world because it’s the quickest means of spreading news and information. It also plays a significant role in reflecting the life of our society.

TV is a great force

TV is indeed a great force. It enriches our intellect, gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. TV gives wonderful possibilities for education and helps us to relax after a day’s work. There is a considerable variety of programs, so we can choose what we want to see. TV brings the world into our living room. We can learn more about other countries, customs, occupations, and opinions problems. Every person chooses a program which appeals to him most: current events, documentaries, sport and educational programs, films, plays, the arts, news, variety shows and many others. You always decide which program is the most exciting, valuable, informative or amusing and is worth seeing.

Favorite channels

As for me, my favorite TV channels are ORT, NTV and Discovery Channel because they satisfy my interests in the best way.

TV is a waste of time

However, some people believe that watching TV is a waste of time. Besides, it leads to poor health through rushed meals, lack of sleep and eyestrain. They think it’s not right to sit glued to the TV screen instead of visiting their friends and relatives. They feel especially sorry for those children who forget to read books making TV their main leisure activity.


I can’t say I share this opinion but I agree on the point that we should use TV reasonably.

The first attempts to get an image on the screen were made in the late XIX century. But the large-scale production of the first televisions did not start until 1930s. Soon, with the development of science and technologies, television became an essential part of our life.

Television variety

Today, it is hard not to get lost in this diverse TV world. Thus, there is high definition television, which is characterized by images and sound of high quality. There is also smart-TV - television with integrated Internet. There is also 3D-television, which can only be watched with the help of special goggles.

Television for everyone

Television is one of the mass media with the largest audience of all.

Due to its accessibility everyone can watch television despite their age and social status. Some people get an update on the latest news; others watch soap operas and talk-shows.

However, television does not exist for information and entertainment only. It can also be educational. That is why students and little children may find it useful as well.

Television in our life

Television came to our life about 100 years ago, but nowadays there is hardly a household without a TV set. Despite the development of other sources of information, TV still remains one of the most important ones.

History of creation

The first attempts to get an image on the screen were made at the end of the 19th century. But it wasn't until the 1930s that mass production of the first televisions began. Soon, thanks to the development of science and technology, television became an integral part of our life.

Such a different television

Today it is easy to get confused about all the variety of TVs. Thus, high-definition television is distinguished by high image and sound quality. Smart TV is a television that is integrated with the Internet. There are televisions with three-dimensional images that can be seen through special glasses.

Television for everyone

Television is one of the media with the largest audience.

Thanks to its general availability, everyone can watch TV, regardless of age and social status. Some watch the latest news on TV, others watch TV series and talk shows.

However, television is not only a source of information and entertainment. It also has an educational function. Thus, it can be useful for students and young children.

Television in our lives

Television appeared in our life about 100 years ago, but today it is difficult to find a family in which there would be no television. Despite the development of other sources of information, television is still one of the most important.

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