What does a call center operator do. Sample job description for a Call Center operator. What are they

IN modern world working with clients requires immediate satisfaction of their requests. In order to attract buyers you have to be creative.

A good helper in solving this problem was the creation of call centers, which help to increase the company's reputation in the eyes of consumers and significantly increase the number of orders.

Purpose and purpose of creation

What does the English phrase call-center mean? Translated into Russian, this is a telephone call service center or call center (call center).

Such a center includes: technical software that allows you to register customer requests, as well as employees involved in the processing of calls and incoming information. Any modern person knows that by calling the hotline you can get timely help and, of course, at the other end of the line, they will definitely pick up the phone, listen carefully and prompt for further action.

Any Call Center give a chance users get the information they need in the shortest possible time, especially in places where other means of communication are powerless. This is an opportunity to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible or simply place an order. Getting advice on banking or insurance products, remote psychological assistance, ordering food at home - all these and many other issues are resolved by call center operators.

Technical component of the call center allows register incoming and outgoing calls, has a voice menu that works interactively, stores call records, leads operators and has many others useful functions... The human factor is no less important for the call center (call center), the operator needs to independently and as soon as possible solve the client's problem.

The faster and more professionally the consultant-operator works, the more positive the client will be and the higher the reputation of the company will become.

About what a contact center is and the basic rules of its operation are presented in the following video:

Benefits of opening a Call Center

Capabilitiesopening when installing the call center:

Many companies nowadays are very interested in promoting goods and services by telephone. In order to create a call center on the basis of your enterprise, you need to carry out a lot of serious measures, such as purchasing expensive technical equipment, hiring operators, training and preparing personnel for work. Not every company will be able to pull this option. In this regard, the so-called outsourcing call centers have emerged.

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Transfer of functions to an external company

Outsourcing call centers, what are they?

Delegation of authority when specialists from other firms take over the functions of a contact center.

The purpose such delegation is to improve the efficiency of existing resources with the help of third-party companies.

Pros of treatment to the outsourcing call center:

  1. significant saving of resources and unloading of own telephone lines;
  2. speed of deployment due to the available equipment and trained personnel;
  3. the ability to access such a service both on a permanent and temporary basis, for example, for advertising campaigns;
  4. reducing the number of own personnel without losing efficiency;
  5. and, of course, you can always change the contractor if the need arises.

An outsourced call center, takes over such functions, as:

  • telephone sales (implementation);
  • increasing the level of customer service;
  • taking orders;
  • accounting services;
  • help desk and so on.

There are cases when the customer company trusts the contracting contact center to accept orders, and keeps the line for processing complaints and cancellations of customer orders. Of course, when working with third-party resources, there is a danger of information leakage. In order to avoid a breach of obligations between partners, you should conclude contracts only with companies that have an impeccable reputation.

What is the profession - call center operator?

With the growing popularity of customer service, there is a great demand for consultant operators. The quality of the work of the call center personnel gives users an opinion about the company itself, which is why many serious companies invest a lot of resources in the educational base of their employees.

A seemingly simple profession will help in the shortest possible time to master unique skills that will be useful not only on the front line hotline, but also in a peaceful life. This is the skill of active sales, the ability to be persistent in all situations, increased self-control, stress resistance, the art of literate speech and work with client objections. As a rule, such work can be hired even without work experience and special education. The future specialist will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills during training, which is carried out by special trainers of the company.

Primary requirements to the job seeker in the call center:

  • well-delivered, competent speech;
  • excellent diction;
  • benevolence, patience, politeness;
  • the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor;
  • interest in self-education, advanced training;
  • ability to adapt;
  • basic skills of working on a personal computer.

Anyone with such skills can safely apply for this vacancy. In the resume, you must indicate the full name, age, should not be allowed grammatical errors and write a lie, it will be useful to indicate your attitude towards business trips. Applicants for leadership positions may be required - at least six months of experience in a similar position, ownership english language, high speed printing, higher education.

Job responsibilities call center operator:

  • processing of telephone calls;
  • advising clients on all issues of interest;
  • placing orders;
  • work with complaints and claims;
  • introduction of information into a common base;
  • compliance;
  • compliance with the preservation regime.

It turns out that anyone who has an intelligible speech and, at least somehow, knows how to use a computer can get this position. The work of an operator will be interesting for both students and women who are on parental leave.

Here you have the opportunity to choose a work schedule, if you wish, you can work the night shift and at the same time earn decent money. The undoubted advantage of this profession is career growth. There are certain criteria by which categories are assigned to each specialist.

Any newcomer who comes to the company can quite realistically become first a specialist, and then a call center manager. Work experience comes with time, qualifications can be improved regularly at special trainings that the employer provides free of charge, the main thing is to have patience and a desire to work. A call center operator has to be extremely careful and not make mistakes in his work in order to receive a good bonus and bonus premiums.

Work rules

7 basic mistakes that operators cannot:

With the development of call centers, a completely new profession has appeared - remote operatorworking at home. For remote work, it is enough to have a computer with high-speed internet and a headset, and arrange a quiet place to exclude extraneous noise... The software is provided by the employer. Such specialists pass distance learning and successfully work and earn money while at home.

Opening your own contact center

Even small companies are currently trying to organize their own call center. This is not surprising, because their own consultants are well versed in both the product and the company itself.

Before creating your own call center, it is advisable to decide on its concept - whether it will be an external call center or for internal use. Next, the optimal number of employees is calculated and based on this, you can already choose a suitable room.

The workspace must comply with sanitary and technical standards (for one person at least 20 cubic meters). Operators' workplaces are separated by partitions; it is advisable to allocate a separate building for the administration.

Particular attention should be paid to the technical and software... Special telephone lines, a sufficient number of telephones and an internet connection. The final part in organizing a call center is recruiting and training personnel.

The creation, on the basis of any enterprise, of such a Call-center is an investment in the future and a unique opportunity to manage customer behavior, the ability to save money and human resources, the development of high competitiveness, the creation of an impeccable company image, the acquisition and retention of loyal customers.

Watch the training for Call-center operators in the following video seminar:

This job description is the main regulatory and organizational document that establishes the functions, rights and obligations, responsibility of the Call Center Specialist, regulating the organization of his activities, the procedure for business interaction with officials of structural divisions.

Sample job description for Call Center operator


1. The Call-center operator belongs to the category of specialists

2. The operator of the Call-center reports directly to ______________________ or to a person replacing him, carries out instructions of __________________________

3. During the absence of the Call Center Operator (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), another Call Center Operator performs his duties.

4. Appointment to the position of the Call Center Operator and release from it is made by order of the General Director of the Company


1. The Call-center operator must know and apply in his activities:

1.1. Technologies and techniques of negotiation in accordance with the approved list of references

1.2. Time management methods, as well as technologies for increasing one's own efficiency in accordance with the approved list of references

1.3. Quality management system standards approved at the enterprise

1.4. Approved instructions for the implementation of business processes in the company

1.5. Occupational health and safety instructions for office employees

1.6. Internal labor regulations

1.7. Softwareused by the Company to ensure the workflow

2. Follow the orders of the higher management

3. Observe the regime of preservation of commercial secrets

III. Job functions

Incoming calls

1.1. Advisory customer support and potential clients... Search and offer optimal solutions to the client, in connection with the question that has arisen

1.2. Providing all necessary information to the client on services, tariffs, procedures and company promotions

1.3. Placement of orders from clients

1.3. Working with customer complaints and wishes

1.4. Entering the received information into the database

2. Outgoing calls

2.1. Formation of databases in various directions

2.2. Calling customers to communicate information (informative dialing)

2.3. Calling customers to obtain information (survey / questionnaire)

2.4. Telephone sales

2.5. Entering the received information into the database

IV. Rights

1. Get acquainted with the decisions of the Company's Management concerning the activities of the unit.

2. Submit to the Manager for consideration proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.

3. Interact with other services of the Company on production and other issues that are part of his functional responsibilities.

4. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of their activities, necessary for the performance of their official duties.

5. Inform the immediate Supervisor about all deficiencies in the Company's activities identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination

V. Responsibility

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For mistakes made in the work that led to non-fulfillment of the targets set by the Management - within the variable part of the salary.

4. Misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes

5. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him

6. Failure to take measures to suppress detected violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Company and its employees.

7. For failure to comply with labor discipline

Vi. Performance evaluation criteria

The criteria for evaluating the activities of the Call Center Operator are:

  1. Number of completed tasks
  2. Quality of completed tasks
  3. Achievement of the target indicators by the Company.
  4. Absence of reasonable claims to the Call Center Operator from other structural divisions of the Company.
  5. Lack of substantiated claims from Clients.

Vii. Final provisions

1. The Tasks, Duties, Rights and Responsibilities of the Call-center Operator can be clarified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the Company

2. Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the General Director of the Company with the familiarization of the Employee under personal signature

First of all, it is worth noting that a call center operator is considered to be a specialist who assists in quickly obtaining this or that information, solving a certain problem, placing an order by phone. In other words, if you need to order food, flowers at home, call a taxi, get advice on the use of one or another bank card, make an appointment with doctors, then you should contact the call center. The operator will find out the client's problem, then either it is solved on its own, or he is transferred to a more competent specialist in this issue or situation.

Where do call center operators work

Today the profession of a call center operator is quite in demand in the labor market. The represented specialists can work in the following areas:

  1. Organizations:
  • consulting;
  • trading;
  • sociological.
  1. Operators:
  1. Services:

When did call center operators appear?

If you dig a little in history, then you can inquire that this profession got its start back in 1878, because it was then that the first telephone exchange was opened in America.

A little later telephone communications was established in Russia.

At that time, the concept of "operators" was not, and people working in this position were called telephone operators. By the way, only young people could work with them.

A few years later, namely at the beginning of the twentieth century, the famous telephone reference and address service appeared, as well as the exact time service.

If we talk directly about the appearance of the very name of the position "call center operator", then for the first time it can be found in support services mobile operators in the 90s. Today, specialists in this industry are in demand in many organizations and firms.

What responsibilities are assigned to the call center operator

Among the main responsibilities of call center operators, the following can be distinguished, which, by the way, depend on a certain field of activity of a particular company / organization:

  • receiving all incoming calls;
  • registration of orders / applications in documentary form;
  • processing received requests from clients from a particular site;
  • providing complete information regarding the products and services of a particular company;
  • preparation and submission of reports on the work performed.

In recent days, the range of responsibilities in this position has been expanding more and more often. So, to them is added the implementation of outgoing calls with various purposes, among which are:

  • full informing of the client base regarding the appearance of new services or promotions;
  • conducting a detailed survey or questionnaire;
  • attracting potential clients on a professional level.

Basic requirements for call center operators

Among the main requirements for a call center operator are the following:

  • excellent knowledge of PC;
  • emotional stability;
  • clear / competent speech;
  • correct diction.

In some cases, a specialist in this field may be required to:

  • availability of higher education;
  • proficiency in English at a professional / conversational level;
  • high speed printing;
  • work experience in this position from six months.

What it takes to become a call center operator

Often, call centers undertake to independently train future and current employees, relying on the specifics of their activities. However, today, on the basis of many colleges, institutes, the academy, additional courses are being opened. telephone operators for those wishing to get the appropriate profession.

What is the salary of call center operators in 2019

According to today's data, the average salary of a call center operator varies from 27 thousand rubles. up to 30 thousand rubles.

The income of newcomers is about 17 thousand rubles, experienced specialists - 40 thousand rubles / month. In some cases, the salary of call center operators includes a fixed rate and a variable part, depending on the number of attracted customers (completed applications).

Call statement-center is a specialist who helps you quickly get information, solve a problem or place an order by phone. Call a taxi, make an appointment with a doctor, order food at home, get advice on using a bank card - for these and many other questions we contact the call center. The operator finds out the client's problem and either solves it independently, or transfers the call to an employee competent in this situation.

Places of work

The profession of a call center operator is in great demand on the labor market today. These specialists work:

  • in help services;
  • in consulting, sociological and trade organizations;
  • from mobile operators, television and high-speed Internet;
  • in technical support services and other enterprises.

History of the profession

We can say that the profession was born in 1878, when the first telephone exchange... In Russia, telephone communication was organized several years later. Operators were then called telephone operators and young people worked as them. "Telephone ladies" appeared much later. At the beginning of the 20th century, a telephone reference and address service and a precise time service were created.

The very name of the position "call center operator" originated in the support services of mobile operators in the 90s of the last century. A wide variety of companies need telephone service professionals today.

Responsibilities of the call center operator

The job responsibilities of call center operators depend in part on the scope of the organization. The main functions of specialists are as follows:

  • receiving incoming calls;
  • providing information on the company's products and services;
  • documenting applications and orders;
  • processing customer requests from the site;
  • preparation of reports on the work performed.

Increasingly, the responsibilities of call center operators include making outgoing calls for various purposes:

  • attracting potential customers;
  • informing clients about new services or promotions;
  • conducting a questionnaire or survey.

Call center operator requirements

The basic requirements for a call center operator are as follows:

  • competent and clear speech, good diction;
  • excellent knowledge of PC;
  • sociability;
  • emotional stability.

Sometimes a specialist may be required to:

  • higher education;
  • knowledge of English;
  • high printing speed;
  • work experience in a similar position from six months.

Call center operator resume sample

How to become a call center operator

Most often, call centers independently train their employees in accordance with the specifics of their activities. However, today, on the basis of institutes and colleges, courses for telephone operators are being opened everywhere, and anyone can get a profession there.

Call center operator salary

The average salary of a call center operator is 27,000 rubles a month. Beginners earn about 17 thousand rubles, experienced specialists - up to 40 thousand rubles a month. Sometimes the salary of a call center operator consists of a fixed rate and a variable part, which depends on the number of attracted clients or submitted applications.

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