Webinar as a form of distance learning. Webinar as a network form of organizing student learning activities. Regulations on the International Webinar "Sunlight"


Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Makhachkala

2nd year master's student

Vezirov T.G., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Informatics, FSBEI HE "Dagestan State Pedagogical University", Makhachkala


The article discusses one of the forms of distance learning for masters of teacher education - a webinar. The main forms of webinars are highlighted, as well as platforms for organizing webinars, in particular, platforms through the information and educational network 4portfolio.ru

The article discusses one of the forms of distance learning masters of pedagogical education - webinar. Basic forms of webinars and platform of the organization of webinars, in particular, the platform through information and education network 4portfolio.ru Keywords: webinar, remote form of education, undergraduate, teacher education, information-educational network 4portfolio.ru platform


webinar; distance education; master's student; Teacher Education; information and educational network 4portfolio.ru; platform

webinar; remote form of education; undergraduate; teacher education; information-educational network 4portfolio.ru; platform

UDC 378.147

The relevance of modern forms of education in the context of the development of professional pedagogical education at the present stage of global informatization of society predetermines the search for effective means of telecommunication interaction aimed at achieving high educational results using teaching aids based on information and communication technologies (ICT), ensuring the continuity of professional development, flexibility and mobility of training modern specialists.

Modern trends in the development of Russian society, as well as other scientific sources and Internet resources, actualize attention to the development of distance education, which is based on the need for specialists in continuous and rapid acquisition of new knowledge. The professional activity of a teacher is now impossible without the active use of ICT.

Already now, we can confidently assert that the Internet is a huge learning environment, a source of diverse educational resources (electronic textbooks, interactive tests, teachers' sites, electronic libraries, etc.), where each participant in educational activities can realize their potential.

The development of such an educational system is based on the conceptual foundations of lifelong education, based on various factors that determine the social demand for open educational systems (accessibility of education, demand for additional professional education, etc.)

Distance learning sets itself the task of providing an opportunity for everyone to get an education of any level in their place of residence, without the need to move, thanks to the use of modern ICT tools.

Thus, in essence, distance education is education obtained using the Internet and other ICT means.

With such training, the student learns most of the material himself. However, within the framework of the chosen course, the student is provided with methodological support and the possibility of online communication and consultation with the teacher. Within the framework of distance courses, group lessons are also usually conducted, where projects developed by students are jointly analyzed.

Therefore, the tasks solved during the implementation of the concept of lifelong education were concretized at the UNESCO international conference. This new reality is characterized by a variety of organizational forms of obtaining knowledge (bachelor's, master's, advanced training) and the presence of various technologies, among which distance educational technologies and e-learning tools play an important role.

That is why, in the educational process, various types of distance learning technologies have been increasingly used, which have recently become a necessary component of training, which complement traditional forms of education. The essence of such technologies lies in the fact that traditional education is complemented by the use of electronic and other means of communication. At the same time, it is important to note that this form of training excludes direct contact between the teacher and the student at all stages of the educational process and is a new form of training that does not replace the correspondence form, but has its own individual technologies and teaching tools. One example of such a connection can be the feedback of the student with the teacher using:


Specially organized forums;

Posting information on the teacher's personal website;

Using webinar and video conferencing services to create online training.

In this regard, the problem of choosing innovative means used in distance learning has become especially urgent. All this led to the identification and scientific and methodological study of webinars as an innovative-effective, interactive-visual way of interaction of all participants in the educational process.

Until recently, people did not see the difference between distance and distance learning, but now researchers of learning problems have distinguished between the two concepts. Very often, a webinar is equated with video chats or other forms of communication over the Internet, which is erroneous.

A webinar differs from a video conference by the ability to turn a larger number of viewers into real interlocutors with a microphone and a video camera installed. The Guinness Book of Records records the world's largest online business seminar, with 12,012 participants. Here are examples of various forms of conducting classes when organizing webinars: a consultation seminar, a meeting seminar, a provocation seminar, a seminar with elements of group work, a visualization seminar, a co-author's dialogue, an online conference-co-author's dialogue.

A feature of the webinar is its content and methodological richness, the specificity and practical nature of the training questions being worked out. The task of the teacher in this case is to perform an organizational function associated mainly with the direction and adjustment of the general course of the lesson.

A valuable advantage of webinars is the ability to provide students with learning materials without arriving at the university and to reduce the impersonality of teaching part-time students, which in turn brings the educational process closer to full-time education. As a result of this form of training, the participants significantly save time (no need to waste time on the road) and at any time can use the recording and revise the lesson again. In addition, webinars can have the function of anonymity or "invisibility" of users, so that the participants of the same conference may not be aware of each other's presence.

The introduction of webinars into the system of additional professional education contributes to an increase in the professional competence of teachers and the formation of pedagogical personnel that are adequate to the modern socio-cultural situation and the social order of the education system.

Currently, webinars in educational practice are used and widely used in the following cases:

When broadcasting lectures of famous professors, speeches at conferences, meetings of the academic council;

To preserve cultural heritage (holding a master class, fixing an experiment);

For additional counseling of students (for example, in case of insufficient number of allocated hours, upon departure of students);

For advanced training and second higher education without interrupting the main activity.

At the moment, there are a large number of different platforms for conducting webinars, which include various modules: text chat; voice communication; survey with immediate statistical processing of results; joint work on viewing documents posted on the Internet; exporting files, sending invitations, etc.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

1. BigBlueButton (http://www.bigbluebutton.org/). This site will only allow 30 participants to register, including the lecturer. It is distributed free of charge and is suitable for all operating systems. Integrates with Moodle, Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader. Allows you to upload documents, record a webinar, work with an interactive whiteboard.

2. OpenMeetings (http://incubator.apache.org/). Supports, like BigBlueButton, the basic capabilities required for hosting a webinar. The big disadvantage of this platform is the lack of Russification and the inconvenient arrangement of windows.

3. Webinar (http://www.webinar.ru) The free version allows you to organize a webinar for up to 5 users. Allows you to upload documents, record a webinar, work with an interactive whiteboard. This platform allows testing and voting. There is also statistics on the activity of participants, which helps a lot in the educational process.

4. Skype (http://skype.com/) The free version allows organizing video conferencing with up to 10 users. The software is easy to install and use, it allows you to transfer the image from the monitor screen. The big drawback of this platform is the unstable video communication and the quality of the screen broadcast and the lack of the possibility of joint work.

5. Microsoft Lync (http://lync.microsoft.com/). It is a paid software and allows you to organize online seminars for up to 100,000 participants. There is integration into office applications; a wide variety of functions (from sending instant messages to video conferencing), the ability to record webinars. The disadvantage of this platform is the need to install the server side, the lack of a variety of functions for working with an interactive whiteboard.

6. Comdi (http://www.comdi.com). It is also a paid shell that allows you to organize online seminars for up to 15,000 participants. It is a Russian development. Allows you to hold both open and closed events, scale video images, record webinars, integrate files from various applications, and conduct surveys.

7. Webinar through the information and educational network 4portfolio.ru. This platform is free today and does not limit the number of users on the network. The platform is full of various tools necessary for blogging, commenting, exchanging opinions and experiences, etc. The great advantage of this platform is the simplicity of design and interface for the user, as well as the ability to use it in the network interaction of all participants in the educational process.

It should be noted that any system has its drawbacks. For distance learning, this is, first of all, the lack of direct contact with the teacher, as well as brutal self-discipline and self-training of the teacher in innovative technologies. But the Internet - education - is already a reality, day after day, rapidly developing and present in the life of every person technology.

Master students of pedagogical education (master's programs "Information technologies in physical and mathematical education", "ICT in education") together with S.V. Panyukova, the head of the 4portfolio.ru information and educational network, organized webinars on the following topics:

  1. Methodology for using the social 4portfolio.ru network as an educational platform
  2. Advanced technologies in education.

To conduct webinars, undergraduates have chosen a platform - 4portfolio.ru, which is rapidly developing, enriched with new functionalities, and every day is gaining more and more popularity among Internet users. To conduct webinars, master students of pedagogical education worked out in detail plans of events, compiled lists of participants, prepared handouts and demonstration materials. First-year students who had just moved to a new stage in their lives were selected as the object. The organizational and preparatory stage included the creation of a special community in the information and educational environment 4portfolio.ru for first-year students of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of DSPU in order to unite and notify them about upcoming webinars. During the webinars, master students of pedagogical education revealed all the advantages and capabilities of this system, held master classes on creating an electronic portfolio in the information and educational environment 4portfolio.ru, where the importance of having such a portfolio for each student was clarified, teaching materials were sent and video recording of the webinars held.
The webinars held allowed us to get acquainted with the capabilities of the 4portfolio.ru information and educational network in distance learning, which is now widespread and is a necessary component in the system of continuing education. Using it, undergraduates in the master's programs "Information Technologies in Physics and Mathematics Education", "ICT in Education" (supervisor TG Vezirov) developed their own web portfolios.

For a successful assessment of the quality of the learned material, as well as the development of skills in conducting webinars in educational activities, first-year students had to present and protect the author's web portfolio developed by them by organizing their own webinar.

Bibliographic list:

1. Vezirov T.G. Training of masters of pedagogical education in a new information and educational environment // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept" - 2013-№ 5.- P.32-25. - url: http://e-koncept.ru/2013/13093.htm
2. Vezirov T.G. Information and communication technologies in the formation of the project competence of masters of pedagogical education // Bulletin of the University (SUU) Theoretical and scientific-methodical journal. - 2012.-№ 10.-С.268-271.
3. Vezirov T.G. Information technology in science and education. Makhachkala, DGPU, 2005.- 64 p.
4. Gerkushenko G.G. The choice of a software platform for interactive learning and educational technologies // Bulletin of the Volgograd State Technical University. - 2013. -№ 13. - S. 29-32.
5. Kalinina S.D. Prerequisites for the use of distance educational technologies in the system of higher professional education // Pedagogical education in Russia. -2015. -No. 1.- P. 11 -15.
6. Mazelis A.L. Choosing a webinar platform for organizing distance learning // Vestnik VSUES.- 2012.-№ 5.- P.224-229
7. Nagaeva I.A. Organization of a distance learning management system with elements of distance technologies. Professional development and training in education. Collection of scientific papers, ed. prof. V.P. Simonova (series Education in the XXI century) first issue. International Pedagogical Academy-M., 2010.-p.38-41
8. Nagaeva I.A. Organization of the webinar // Science of Science. - 2012.- No. 3.-S. 10-16.
9. Panyukova S.V. Web services in the educational process of the university. // Scientific research and education. -2015.- No. 19.- S. 3-6.
10. Panyukova S.V. Cloud-based distance learning: problems and solutions. In the collection: ITO-Moscow-2014 III International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2014.S. 78-82.
11. Tupikin E.I., Matveeva E.F., Vasilieva P.D. Webinars as an innovative means of the educational process // Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. - 2014. - No. 4. - S.109-116.


1.07.2018, 16:23 Koltsova Irina Vladimirovna
Review: Recently, there have been serious changes in the system of higher education, which concern both foreign and Russian universities. They are associated with the manifestation of the following trends: the implementation of the concept of lifelong education, the globalization of the educational space, a change in the educational paradigm, as well as the large-scale introduction of information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process of universities. A fairly large number of articles have been written about this (S.D. Kalinina, E.V. Berezhnova, Yu.V. Frolov, N.V. Ivaschenko, etc.). In this regard, the topic of the article is relevant and significant. The text of the article is presented consistently and logically. In my opinion, the author should pay attention to the novelty of the proposed work through the description of the organization of webinars for masters of teacher education. The article will only benefit from this. After revision, I recommend it for publication.

07/02/2018 0:00 Reply to the author's review Kapaeva Alexandra Vladimirovna:
Good evening. Thank you for your review. Taking into account your comments, I have finalized the article. Could you please check the improvements. Thanks.

2.07.2018, 7:42 Koltsova Irina Vladimirovna
Review: Given the revision, the article can be recommended for publication

2.07.2018, 10:52 Yakovlev Vladimir Vyacheslavovich
Review: The article is undoubtedly relevant at the present stage of education. The author logically builds the structure of the work, introduces readers to the course of ICT teaching tools, one of which she calls a webinar. However, the following should be taken into account: firstly, the article contains punctuation errors (for example, the title of the article does not need a comma after the word "webinar"; in the sixth paragraph "in this way" - an introductory construction, you need to put a comma, etc.), they should be corrected; secondly, in the second paragraph it is not clear what the author means by the words "literary sources", most likely, scientific sources should be indicated here, since the article is not literary-critical, but scientific; thirdly, most importantly, the specific methodological application of webinars in teaching undergraduates is not shown - this can be a fragment of a lesson using a webinar or a course program, where the place of webinars, their importance and role in training is shown in the planning (course program). After correcting these shortcomings, the article can be recommended for publication.

09.07.2018, 11:26 Yakovlev Vladimir Vyacheslavovich
Review: Alexandra Vladimirovna, there are still quite a few punctuation errors. The word "Internet resources" (second paragraph) is written with a hyphen. 6. Comdi (http://www.comdi.com). It is also a paid shell, which allows it, but it should be it ... Thus, in fact, distance education is education, ..... etc. The article must be carefully verified. Modify.

10/02/2018 09:09 Reply to the author's review Kapaeva Alexandra Vladimirovna:
Good afternoon. I apologize for not returning to the article for so long. Now it has been completely corrected for spelling and punctuation errors together with a philologist. Thanks for the review.

18.10.2018, 8:50 Yakovlev Vladimir Vyacheslavovich

19.10.2018, 9:06 Koltsova Irina Vladimirovna
Review: Taking into account improvements and corrections, the article can be recommended for publication.

How functional are webinars and what are they? Knowing the answer will help you greatly improve your educational outcomes and make your learning process more comfortable and dynamic.

Computer technologies are gradually penetrating into all areas of our life. And the system of additional education is no exception. Experts have long noted that due to the variety of forms of online classes, the effectiveness of educational programs has increased significantly. Online training, including webinars, which are one of the most common forms of additional online education, provide the fastest possible discussion and solution of the problem or question. This is especially true in the framework of business education and online learning.

This form of IT training removes the obstacles and delays associated with meeting time and distance between participants. But the question arises: How functional are webinars and what are they? Knowing the answer will help you greatly improve your educational outcomes and make your learning process more comfortable and dynamic.

What is a webinar?

A webinar is a type of web conferencing and online classes (seminars, lectures, courses, presentations) dedicated to a specific topic. It is conducted by the lecturer in real time. Participants do not need to go anywhere, they are at home, at their computers, where they see the presented materials and listen to the manager's comments. As a rule, in order to become a participant of the classes, you need to install a special web application.

Note that the functionality is not limited to educational online classes... Webinars are actively used to conduct:

  • presentations;
  • partner conferences;
  • corporate meetings;
  • business meetings.

Webinars have ample opportunities: video and audio communication, download / playback of videos and presentations, conducting polls and voting, drawing board, text chat, video broadcasting of the lecturer's screen, the function of transferring the rights to control the lesson to listeners.

Webinar advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of any webinar are:

  • interactive participation;
  • saving time and money (no need to spend money on travel and accommodation; to participate in professional webinar you can pay just one application for the whole team; there are also free webinars);
  • high learning efficiency;
  • dynamic presentation of educational materials;
  • the opportunity to see and communicate with renowned expert lecturers.

Naturally, webinars also have disadvantages. These include:

  • compulsory knowledge of a computer at a fairly good level;
  • the webinar will be useful only for those who are really tuned in to the maximum assimilation of the material;
  • participation in the webinar can be simulated, which somewhat undermines the "authority" of the documents confirming the completion and qualifications of the listeners internet classes.

How do I take part in the webinar?

The general scheme of participation in the webinar looks like the following. First, you need to choose a topic that interests you (the list can be found through the media or on the website of the organization hosting the webinar). Then you fill out an application for participation, pay for it (but there are also free classes), and a personal link to connect to the webinar comes to your mail. Be sure to check your computer settings the day before class. More details can be found on the organizer's website.

To get the most out of your webinar, you have to take care of the technical side of the issue. The incoming Internet speed must be high enough (512 kbps is recommended - reception, and no less than 256 - return). In order to just hear the lecturer, 32 kbps is quite enough. On the software side, you need to install a browser, Adobe Flash Player and Java system. Before the event, update your player and test your computer. In case of any problems, please contact technical support webinar organizer.

Functionality of the webinar in the system of additional education

The webinar, due to its interactivity and the ability to remotely unite people who work in different fields, into one whole, takes a special place among all forms of education. It is becoming more and more popular among organizations working in the marketing, management and education segment. And in the context of advanced training, professional retraining and specialized professional courses, webinars are simply irreplaceable. After all, they make it possible to remotely train and improve the professional level of specialists, regardless of their employment and location.

More specifically, functional webinar capabilities in the field of additional education are as follows:

  • web lecture (distance lecture that unites many listeners and gives them the opportunity to discuss and present their reports in the context of the lesson);
  • training (an online lesson dedicated to the practical improvement of skills, skills, the acquisition of new knowledge);
  • professional courses (course of studies, the purpose of which is to acquire knowledge and skills in a new sphere for a person - courses in makeup, accounting, management, foreign languages, massage or programming);
  • presentation (public presentation of a product, invention, technology or knowledge);
  • educational discussion;
  • poll;
  • collective work on a research project, study of a problem related to professional activity;
  • public defense of scientific works, reports, projects with the possibility of their discussion by listeners online.
It is important to understand that webinar effectiveness largely depends not so much on the qualifications and professionalism of the lecturer, but on your desire and perseverance. If you use all the possibilities of online classes, you can significantly improve your professional level without significant loss of time and money.

In the conditions of informatization of society, the problem of preparing young people for the use of modern information and communication technologies is becoming more and more urgent. Knowledge of all modern tools is essential for successful e-learning. To transfer knowledge at a distance, a new means of communication - webinars - is actively spreading.



Using webinars in the educational process.

Plastun N.A., teacher of mathematics and computer science,

Aktobe Cooperative College

In the context of informatization of society, the problem of preparing young people for the use of modern information and communication technologies is becoming more and more urgent. There is an undeniable need to modernize the teacher training process. The development of the country largely depends on the solution of this problem. It is educational, not judicial, not land that is the most powerful foundation of society - as far back as in the middle of the IXX century, Konstantin Ushinsky stated.

For successful e-learning, it is important to know all modern tools with regard to the introduction of information and communication technologies in the learning process, including those that can be used to transfer knowledge at a distance. Since 2009, the active dissemination of a new communication tool - a webinar - began. Webinar (web + seminar \u003d webinar)‑ group work on the Internet using modern means of communication video, flash, chat and the like.

There are a number of teaching tools that have come from traditional teaching and will remain mandatory at all times. At the same time, most of the training tools are constantly updated in the context of the rapid development of information and communication technologies. In particular, traditionally, it is communication that is assigned the main role in the learning process. Communication is a multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, which are aimed at exchanging information, perceiving and understanding others, focusing on a specific tactics and strategy of interaction. The means of communication are not permanent. In this process, as shown by the improvements of scientists and educational practice, Web 2.0 technologies occupy a prominent place, which allowed:

Ensure ease of communication and cooperation of all participants in the educational process using network technologies, the creation of social communities, means of collective communication and knowledge exchange;

Realistically introduce student-centered learning technologies in the context of a radical change in the role of the teacher from the main source of knowledge acquisition to the facilitator of the educational process.

Facilitation - the style of pedagogical communication, which provides for facilitated interaction in the course of joint activities of students and teachers; not intrusive help to a group or an individual in search of ways to identify solutions to problems, to establish communicative interaction between the subjects of activity.

High-quality distance learning process necessarily involves communication‑ asynchronous (mail, forum) and synchronous (chat, skype). Learning content management systems provide for the creation and placement of e-learning courses on their basis. The student receives personal access to such a system, which provides him with the opportunity to use at any time convenient for him the teaching materials of the new sample submitted and posted there. At the same time, he receives not only static text in electronic format, but multimedia and video resources and services for collective use and communication both online and in offline modes like Wikis, forums, blogs, webinars, and the like.

The webinar, as a rule, is held through social services on the Internet, for which you need to register on the corresponding website and open your virtual classroom. With a free service, the number of members is usually limited to 20 members, the number of entries is also limited (Wiziq.com‑ three entries) or partially executed (dimdim.com). The paid service provides more options. In some cases, the software can be installed on an organization's server (both free and paid).

Webinar software typically allows you to:

Show documents in the most common formats;

Transmit speech and video images of the presenter and several participants;

Chat and private chat;

Demonstrate videos;

Draw graphics and text on the whiteboard;

Intercept the computer screen;

Post files for exchange;

Conduct audience polls.

Webinars can be used to conduct:

Feedback lectures;

Thematic seminars;

Protection of the work performed;

Group work;

Conducting surveys;

Demonstration of computer techniques;

Various commercial product presentations;


To conduct a webinar, it is enough to have experience in creating PowerPoint presentations, conducting classroom studies, using pedagogical theories and social services on the Internet.

During the webinar, the following modes are used:

Control ... Mute the microphone, exclude the camera, go to documents in different formats.

Painting ... If necessary, you can select elements of the presentation using the drawing tools or the pointer.

Presentation ... Navigation through presentation slides.

Poll ... For interactive work with participants, you can create a survey and see the results.

Recording ... The webinar is being recorded by the producer.

Thus, a webinar is a technology that allows you to fully recreate the conditions of a coloborative (general) form of training organization, namely seminars, laboratory classes, lectures, using audio, video data exchange and collaboration with various objects, despite the fact that its participants can be physically located in different places. Thus, a virtual "audience" is created that unites all participants in the webinar. Webinars can be considered a virtual seminar organized by means of Internet technologies. The webinar has the main feature of the seminar - interactivity, which can be provided with the help of a model: the speaker - listeners who ask questions and discuss them, and the role of the speaker can be both a teacher and a student, depending on the role that he should perform according to the script holding such a seminar.

What are the advantages of a webinar over existing traditional and innovative technologies?

The webinar has all the advantages of a traditional seminar, reproducing the possibilities of personal communication between listeners, as well as live communication between listeners and the speaker. So webinars have the following advantages:

High availability for "visiting" by listeners;

Significant time savings for organizing;

Convenience for “visitors” - perception of information and knowledge in a familiar environment, without unnecessary noise, etc .;

Interactive interaction between the speaker and the audience, as well as listeners among themselves, etc.

Webinars are a technology that is compatible with many organizational forms and teaching methods. However, webinar attendees need time to develop the specific skills required to work in webinar mode. The training takes place through a webinar, this is an example of synchronous learning, when a teacher gives students educational material, exercises, answers questions from the audience, assesses the level of assimilation of knowledge, etc., through virtual communication in real time.

Regardless of the type of lesson in the process of preparing for the webinars, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

Advance preparation for participation and announcement of the date and time of its holding: all participants should take care of the availability of the necessary equipment and an appropriate Internet communication channel in advance, to check the operation of the system, enter the virtual room 10-15 minutes before the start of the webinar; check the sound and the ability to pose and ask questions by all participants. This will minimize the risks of technical "overlaps" during the webinar;

The choice of the topic, the pedagogical feasibility of setting the goals and objectives of the webinar: it is necessary to reveal the main points of the report, questions for discussion and the main purpose of the webinar, which would allow the student to find out the need for his participation in the virtual seminar and ways to further use the recorded video materials;

The selection of material that will be considered at the webinar: it is necessary to clearly plan the ratio of the studied and new material, formulate the problem, questions and prepare descriptions of relevant cases, provide for discussion of issues in small groups and pairs, plan the participation of each of its participants, paint the corresponding roles, provide students with specific tasks for independent work of the material and clear criteria for its assessment, to offer specially developed forms of mutual assessment and self-assessment;

Methodological preparation of the teacher and students for the seminar: the teacher must divide the content of the topic into specific questions; describe in advance the recommendations for preparing all participants for their discussion, develop instructions for processing the main and additional literature; choose the forms of independent messages of students - report, speech, mastering, preparation of a presentation and, depending on the purpose of the webinar, it is necessary to develop indicators for its assessment and forms of reflection;

Webinar scenario. It is advisable to prescribe, indicating the time, the following main stages of the webinar: reporting the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, giving the floor to students to report on the topic of the webinar, commenting on the message of students, focusing students' attention on the issues that are provided for in the plan; posing questions in the process of communication, encourage discussion, require evidence, strength of knowledge, ingenuity, summing up the results of the lesson, assignment for further independent processing of the material; evaluating and encouraging students to actively participate in the webinar, assessing responses and actively participating in the webinar;

Summing up the results of the webinar: after the lesson, the teacher should conduct an analysis, according to which the topic is revealed, what knowledge the students received, the attitude of students to the lesson and their creative activity, and the achievement of the lesson goal.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in his annual message emphasized that Kazakhstan needs to implement a set of tasks in ten areas, including the priority goals are creating an effective training system, introducing innovative technologies and increasing the computer literacy of the population.

From the above, we can conclude that in conditions when a single intellectual and emotional space is created by means of Internet technologies, the combination of classical pedagogical technologies with information technologies of teaching becomes an urgent problem. Technologies Web 2.0., In particular a webinar, contain great potential for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process and require a clear definition of the conditions for their use.

The word "webinar" is derived from the English words "web-based seminar" (abbreviated .. webinar) and is used to define various events (seminars, discussions, conferences, presentations and even trainings) taking place on-line. The webinar is held over the Internet in real time in a virtual classroom. The presenter uses video broadcasting, voice communication and pre-prepared presentation slides, tables, tasks, etc. At the same time, webinar participants can communicate with the presenter and among themselves in a chat. The webinar usually does not exceed an hour and a half.

Webinars, as a distance learning form, have long been widely used by internal training centers of commercial companies with a developed regional network. This is due to the fact that it is webinars that can significantly reduce costs and save time for staff training. In addition, important advantages include: the ability to conduct training at the same time for a large number of students; providing knowledge with active interaction between the presenter and the audience; assessment of acquired knowledge immediately after the event.

However, webinars also have certain drawbacks, in particular, the difficulty in the formation of listeners' skills and practical activities, the lack of direct contact between the presenter and the listener.

Note that conducting webinars requires a certain skill from the teacher, which is explained by the lack of direct contact with the participants. For the teacher, this means that voice and demonstration material are the main means of influencing the audience. As for the educational material of the webinar, its distribution is not much different from traditional lectures or seminars, namely:

  1. setting goals and objectives of the lesson;
  2. presentation of the main part;
  3. solving practical problems, cases, discussing acute issues;
  4. quality control of the assimilation of the material (survey, testing, etc.);
  5. summarizing. Typically, training material is presented as an PPT presentation.

Therefore, in order to constantly maintain the attention of the audience, the presentation should be as informative and interesting as possible. The optimal time to comment on one slide is about five minutes. In addition, every 3-5 slides, you need to include those that contain problematic questions, allowing you to get feedback from the audience.

Thus, the didactic value of a webinar largely depends on the professional training of the teacher and his pedagogical skills, as well as on the ability of listeners to quickly process educational material, clearly and concisely express their thoughts, and ask questions.

So, webinars are an effective distance learning form that provides two-way communication between the presenter and the participants in real time, who have taken their rightful place among the forms of distance learning.

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