What is Windows Window Manager and why does it overload the processor. Why does Windows start the Desktop Window Manager process Dwm does not work

The Desktop Window Manager (dwm.exe) in Windows is a system process that controls the display of application windows, is responsible for Windows visual and 3D effects and themes, renders window thumbnails on the taskbar, provides support for high-resolution displays and devices, and more. This process collects graphic information from all open applications and builds the final image that the user sees.

Each application writes its window image to a specific location in memory. Desktop Window Manager combines them into the final image and sends all graphics through the media integration layer. At this point, DWM can add various effects such as transparency, window animations, etc.

The dwm.exe process always runs in the background and uses a small amount of computer resources. Open Task Manager and on the Process tab in the Windows Process section, find Desktop Window Manager. Typically, the process uses 0.5-2% CPU and up to 50 MB of RAM (depending on the screen resolution, the number and type of running applications).

Right click on the Desktop Window Manager process and select Go to details. You will switch to the Details tab, where you will see a list of the processes running on the system. As you can see, this process corresponds to the executable file C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ dwm.exe.

As you can see, in my case, there are two dwm.exe processes running on the system. This is due to the fact that two users are simultaneously connected to this Windows 10 computer (local and remote via RDP). Accordingly, the system launched a separate process dwm.exe (DWM-1, DWM-2) to process the graphical representation of the desktop for each user.

In Windows Vista and Windows 7, there was a special Desktop Window Manager service that could be stopped or disabled (this turned off all visual effects). Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 does not have this service, so you cannot leave the dwm.exe process.

In some cases, the dwm.exe process can use quite a lot of computer resources (CPU and RAM).

If you see that the Desktop Window Manager process is consuming more RAM or CPU than usual: there are a couple of things you can try:

The other day I somehow optimized my Windows 10 (although, already for the umpteenth time) and now I came to the following question - what kind of dwm.exe process in the task manager is constantly hanging in memory, can I turn it off? Well, I will say right away that I do not advise you to turn off this process, since it is responsible for the operation of the effects, as well as for the normal and quick opening of windows, both new and minimized.

In other words, the dwm.exe process is a desktop manager (by the way, I personally run it from the DWM-1 user), and just like svchost.exe, you should never disable it, since there may be problems - which ones? To be honest, I don’t know, since I myself have not even tried to turn it off.

The dwm.exe process appeared in Windows Vista, and even then it was used to work effects, but not just like that ... but without the participation of the processor! That is, only a video card was used, this is precisely the advantage.

Or maybe dwm.exe is a virus? This process is started by the UxSms service and only, as I already wrote, from the DWM-1 user (but this is in Windows 10, I think that in others it is similar or maybe without the number 1, you can see it in the task manager!). But if the process is running on behalf of your account, then it is better to end it and see where it is, by default it should be here - C: \\ Windows \\ System32. If there are any suspicions, then personally I recommend checking the computer with this online scanner, it uses only the latest signature databases and does not require installation.

This process is in my task manager, as you can see, it does not consume much RAM, but maybe this is because I have an integrated graphics core in an Intel processor:

Is the dwm.exe process loading the processor? First remove all those programs that you installed recently, especially the utilities for changing the interface. Also, for some users, it loaded the processor after installing software for devices (the one that comes with drivers), for example SetPoint (it is possible that the problem has already been fixed). Often, a process loads a computer when you do nothing on it at all. Before looking for the cause, check your computer with a utility.

Try turning on the classic style and turning off the theme service (Win + R, enter the services.msc command - a list of services will open and look for Themes there), if the load stops, then it's definitely the Aero interface or effects. In this case, you can contact Microsoft support if licensed Windows.

How to disable dwm.exe process? Actually, this system process can be disabled, that is, you can make it so that it is not visible in the list. But I would not recommend doing this, except as a last resort. For example, disabling the service may cause problems in games as they use full screen mode. To disable it, hold down Win + R, write the following command there - services.msc and press enter.

In the list, find the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager service (I did not find this service in Windows 10), double-click on it and select Startup type: Disabled, and then, at the bottom, there will also be a Stop button to stop the service without rebooting. This is the window (only here in English, but I think everything will be the same for you):

For some, the problem began after installing the ICQ 6 client, while in order to completely remove the load of the process, you need to uninstall the ICQ client and reboot.

In general, look, remove unnecessary programs (you can use Revo Uninstaller for this, there is no problem on the Internet) and clean the TEMP folders, to quickly open it, just follow this path:% TEMP%. As I understand it, the problem is in some programs, it is they who cause this behavior of the dwm.exe process. Well, I hope that now everything has become clear - and what is dwm.exe in the task manager and the fact that glitches with it may appear at all after installing almost any software! But, by the way, I don't see such problems on Windows 10 ... maybe Microsoft really did finally make an OS after XP ...


Desktop Window Manager (Desktop Window Manager) is a window manager that has been present in the Windows operating system since the Vista release.

It was originally created to add an effect Aero, nevertheless, soon the functional DWM was expanded and it became an integral part of Windows.

Desktop Window Manager Features

As we said above, the main task dwm.exe is a desktop window management, it monitors the display of all pixels on your computer screen.

DWM can also be called a layout tool. Why? It uses graphical information collected from all simultaneously open applications (browser window, explorer, etc.) and creates the final image that we are used to seeing with the usual set of windows.

DWM manages more than just windows. It is also responsible for important system functions such as visual effects, glass frames, screensavers, wallpapers, Windows themes, 3D animations and Windows Flip.

The main distinguishing feature of its latest versions is the ability to save graphic data in different buffers. This allows the introduction of new modern features that would not have been possible to run on older systems.

How do I enable or disable DWM?

Before we get down to this topic, it is important to note that Desktop Windows Manager has become an essential component of the operating system. Microsoft has disabled any ability to deactivate it since the release of Windows 8. However, you can disable this service if you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista.

Using the keyboard shortcut Windows + R, enter the command services.msc and press Enter... Search for the Desktop Windows Manager service and disable it.

It doesn't consume a lot of resources, so it shouldn't interfere. However, if you experience errors with visual effects, try restarting your computer.

DWM is loading CPU or memory.

Some users have complained that Desktop Windows Manager was consuming an excessive amount of computer resources for some reason. If you know your situation, try the following:

Disable transparency

Go to section Personalization\u003e Colors... Scroll to the bottom of the window and change the value Transparency Effects on Off.

Disable visual effects

An important step to reduce the load on DWM is to disable all possible Windows effects.

1. Right click on the icon My computer (This computer).

2. Go to Properties.

3. Discover Additional system parameters.

4. Open the tab Additionally.

5. On the menu Speed go to Options.

6. Install active state per parameter Provide the best performance.

7. Click Apply and OK.

These actions will significantly reduce the presentable appearance of Windows, however, the load on DWM will be reduced, and PC performance will increase.

Third party application

There are many processes that are launched by third party applications. As a result, they can directly affect the system utilization.

Remember if you installed a new program the other day - it is quite possible that the reason lies precisely in this action.

Is dwm.exe a virus?

A definite answer - no... By default, this service is located in the folder System32 system disk. If you find it in the wrong place, let's say it's another logical partition, then it makes sense to turn on alertness.

Scan your computer with Windows Defender or use third-party anti-virus software to eliminate a possible virus in time.

We hope this article was useful to you and helped you understand the features of the Desktop Window Manager!

Is a sophisticated window manager that handles effects in Windows: taskbar thumbnails and even Flip3D. Dwm.exe is an innovative process introduced in Windows Vista and is now part of the Windows 10, 7 operating system.

Dwm.exe is a system file. The original dwm.exe file is located in C: \\ Windows \\ System32. But if you have multiple dwm.exe launches at once OR this process is not in "System32", delete it immediately.

If you open the Task Manager, you will see the dwm.exe process listed, usually it takes about 20-45 MB of memory. The memory usage of the dwm.exe process depends on the number of open windows, as each window requires a certain amount of space and memory to store the contents of the window. Accordingly, if you open many windows, then dwm.exe will use more memory. The advantage of using a composite window manager is that in most cases, relatively little memory is required.

The only way to disable a process dwm.exe - to stop him. Open Services in the Administration toolbar, then find the location, click Windows Desktop Manager Session Manager in the list and click Stop.

To disable it completely, double-click the Window Manager Desktop Session Manager icon and select the Disabled startup type from the drop-down list.

On Winx64 system, it can be known as

Errors that can occur:
  • Desktop window manager encountered a fatal error (% 1)
  • Desktop window manager failed to start because desktop composition lock policy is enabled
  • Desktop Window Manager Cannot Start
  • The desktop window manager was unable to register the session port and an error occurred (% 1).
  • The desktop window manager has registered the session port.
  • The desktop window manager resumed blocking system memory because its working set threshold has not been reached.

Desktop Window Manager (dwm.exe) or Desktop Window Manager - a process that shows up in the task manager and gives an amazing look to your windows. This process supports Flip 3D, high resolution support, live thumbnails, transparency effects. It is a built-in feature of Microsoft Windows 10 that helps you control various features of the desktop screen. When you turn on your computer, you see animations, 3D effects, visual expressions, etc. All these functions are controlled by this process, component, file. This is a genuine Microsoft system file, not a virus as many think. Dwm.exe itself is an official Windows component, so it cannot cause any problems.

Sometimes you may find that the dwm.exe file is loading up the CPU. If you find this file in your path c: \\ windows system32then it is not a virus. However, if you find any other file with the same name and extension in any other folder, it could be malware. To find out the folder where any file is located, simply right-click and press " Open file location".

How does dwm.exe work?

It is a Windows layout manager and allows programs to write data according to their needs. It then combines them into the final image and sends all the graphics through the media integration layer before it's sent to the graphics card. This way the graphics card gives you the look you want on the screen.

Should you disable dwm.exe?

Since you know that dwm.exe controls all the visuals on your screen, there is no logic to turn it off. You will find an option in the Task Manager "End Task" of the process (dwm.exe), but since Windows uses high-resolution technology, you cannot end the process, and I would not recommend it.

dwm.exe high memory and cpu usage in Windows 10

dwm.exe in Windows 10 takes up a very small fraction of your system resources, roughly 0.4% of the CPU and about 40MB of RAM. It can be less or more depending on the screen resolution. Even while working with browsers and applications, you will notice minimal resource usage.

Dwm.exe Properties

  • File Description - Desktop Window Manager
  • Product name - Microsoft OS
  • Copyright - Microsoft Corporation
  • Size - 61.0 Kb
  • The original file name is dwm.exe

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