How to set up high-speed internet on your computer. High-speed connection: instructions for creating and configuring, tips and tricks

Good afternoon, in this article I will tell you how to properly configure a high-speed PPPoE connection in the Windows 7 operating system. More precisely, I will show you how this is done in practice!

By and large, setting up such a connection is very simple, but for some reason, every day there are more and more searches related to setting up a high-speed PPPoE connection in the Windows 7 operating system. Therefore, I decided to post this post on my blog so that my readers who own "Seven", there was always a setup guide at hand.


1. Press the button "Start"then "Control Panel"

2. Select "Network and Internet".

3. Select "Network and Sharing Center".

5. Choosing "Internet connection" and squeeze "Further"!

6. "Create a new connection anyway", we press "Further".

7. High Speed \u200b\u200b(with PPPoE).

8. Enter in the appropriate fields:

  • Username:enter your Login, for example adm-1256 (issued by the provider)
  • Password: Enter your Password, for example JkVcjmt (also issued by the provider)
  • Connection name: We enter here any name of your choice to connect

Check the boxes "Show entered characters", Remember this password, so as not to be mistaken, then press "To plug".

9. Press - "Skip".

10. Select the item - "Create this connection anyway".

That's basically it. The end! Any questions? Be sure to write in the blog comments.

1. Open the "Control Panel".

There are several ways to do this in Windows 8:

In normal or tiled interface mode, move the mouse to the lower left corner and wait for the Start menu (tiled interface) icon to appear. Right-click on the icon and select Control Panel.

Alternatively, start the Windows 8 Control Panel through Explorer. To do this, click on the Windows Explorer icon.

In it, in the left pane, click on the Desktop item, and in the right pane, on the Control Panel icon.

Move the mouse to the lower right corner, a side panel will appear, select "Options", then "Control Panel"

2. The "Control Panel" window will appear on the screen. In the window, select the "Network and Internet" icon.

3. In the window that opens, select "Network and Sharing Center".

4. Select "Setting up a new connection or network".

5. Select "Internet Connection", click "Next".

6. Select "Create a new connection anyway".

7. Select "High Speed \u200b\u200b(with PPPoE)"

8. Fill in the columns "Login", "Password", put a tick "Remember this password"

9. In the name of the connection, write "NETBYNET", click "Connect".

10.Click "Skip", if the connection is established, go to step 13

11. Click "Create a connection anyway"

12. Click "Close"

13. Return to the "Network and Sharing Center" folder, on the left, select "Change adapter settings", press the right button on the NETBYNET connection and select "Create Shortcut", When asked "Put it on the desktop?" click "YES"

12. Click "OK", reboot and check.

Local and regional providers offer customers options for joining the World Wide Web. ISPs are configured through the operating system (OS) interface and network devices. Let's take a look at how to configure a high-speed Internet connection on Windows 7. The article will indicate typical problem situations that arise in the process of configuring or operating a service.

A PPPoE connection uses a router configuration or a direct high-speed connection through a personal computer's network adapter to access the World Wide Web. The first option assumes that the PPPoE configuration process is performed on the router without using standard operating system tools. We will analyze the details in separate publications dedicated to specific models of network devices.

And also this article will talk about the second case: creating a high-speed connection using the "seven" options (Windows 7).

This completes the PPPoE connection setup procedure for Windows 7.

Automatic connection

Following the instructions above, the user creates a manually triggered configuration. As an alternative launch option, the "user" "creates" a shortcut on the desktop to automatically connect to the Internet Windows. More details about this will be discussed in a separate publication.

Deactivating high speed connection

Using the standard tools of the Windows operating system allows you to independently disconnect from the "world wide web". Right-click on the two computers icon located next to the clock. An additional menu will open, then - the "Network and Sharing Center" item. We activate the context menu on the high-speed service, created earlier, and then select the "Disable" option.

If a shortcut for activation has been placed on the PC, the disconnection is carried out through it. We start, select the "Disable" function.

Possible errors and how to fix them

During setup or operation, a high-speed service sometimes has some difficulties. Let's consider the common options.

An error occurred on the workstation that caused the operating system to crash. Accordingly, all data is lost.
After reinstalling Windows, it is necessary to restore what was contained on the disk From the computer or laptop until the system lost its performance (required software, documents, etc.), and also reconfigure the high-speed service from the provider.

Malfunctions also appear while working with the "global network".

Warning message 651 occurs in all Windows operating systems. The main causes of occurrence:

  1. the network cable is pinched (interrupted);
  2. more than one network adapter in the system;
  3. blocking outbound requests by a firewall and many other options.

More details about the nature of this problem will be discussed separately in the article.

Connection error 691 appears when we configure a high-speed service from a provider running Windows 7.

As you can see from the screenshot, the text contains information that the credentials are incorrect. This means that during configuration the user specified incorrect information. A similar situation is possible if there is erroneous data on the workstation: for example, network parameters.


The questions about configuring a high-speed Internet connection under Windows 7 are considered. Typical cases that appear during setup or during device operation are given as examples.

Setting up equipment for a high-speed Internet connection

Today, many users, especially in large cities, prefer a high-speed ADSL or local area network to a modem Internet connection. After concluding an agreement with the provider, a specialist will be sent to you who will perform all the necessary settings for connecting to the Internet. However, you should be aware of the key points of hardware setup so that you can fix them yourself if you encounter problems or reinstall the operating system. To do this, observe the actions of a specialist, and also read this subsection.


In this subsection, you may come across terms that are new to you, without which it is impossible to describe all the necessary steps to set up a connection. For a better understanding of these, read the "Structure of the Internet" section below.

When connecting to the Internet via an ADSL modem, install the drivers from the supplied CD and make sure the device is functioning properly. To do this, click the Start button, select Control Panel, click the System and Maintenance links, and then Device Manager. The ADSL Modem and Network Adapters categories should not display the modem name icon marked with a yellow exclamation mark. If you still find it, insert the driver disc into the drive, right-click on the icon of the incorrectly recognized device and try reinstalling the drivers for it by running the Update drivers command.

When connecting via a local network, make sure in the same way that the network adapter is working stably and a cable is connected to its connector.


ADSL modems have a USB or Ethernet interface. If your computer is already connected to the local network and you are going to purchase an ADSL modem for a high-speed Internet connection, you should give preference to the USB option, since motherboards have only one Ethernet connector for the built-in network adapter. Otherwise (if you choose the Ethernet option) you will have to install a network card in your computer.

At the next stage, you need to find out from the provider whether its server supports the DHCP protocol ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which automatically assigns an IP address to computers connected to a network (this is called dynamic IP addressing). If the answer is yes, it is sometimes necessary to change the computer name, since there cannot be machines with the same name on the same network. Click the Start button, right-click on Computer, and then click Properties. Click the Change settings link and click the Change button in the computer properties window (Fig. 4.2, left). In the window that opens, enter the required machine name, if necessary, using the Is a member switch, specify the computer's belonging to a domain or workgroup and enter its name (Fig.4.2, on right). Click OK to confirm the changes, and then click OK again in the System Properties window.

Figure: 4.2. Changing the computer name for identification on the network

If your ISP tells you that the network you are going to connect to uses static IP addressing, you will have to manually assign an IP address to your computer and enter the TCP / IP parameters that your ISP will provide you.

Open the Network Connections window. To do this, run the command Start? Control Panel? Network and Internet? Network and Sharing Center. In the window that opens, click the Manage network connections link on the left. You will be taken to a window that displays the icons of all Internet and local network connections available on the computer (Fig. 4.3).

Figure: 4.3. Network connections window with icons of available connections

When connecting via an ADSL modem or a local network, you must select the ADSL Connection or Local Area Connection icon, respectively. Right-click on it and execute the Properties command. In the window that opens (Fig.4.4, left) uncheck all boxes except Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and click Properties. Set the first radio button to Use the following IP address and below enter the information provided by your ISP. Set the second switch to the Use the following DNS server addresses position and enter the addresses specified in the provider's documentation (Fig.4.4, on right). Click OK, and then OK again in the ADSL Connection -Properties window.

Figure: 4.4. Configuring TCP / IP Settings


Pay attention to the list of components in the window shown in fig. 4.4, on the left. Among them is Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP / IPv6). Windows Vista introduces support for the new, sixth version of TCP / IP, which eliminates the problems that arise when using TCP / IP fourth. Currently, there are already several hundred networks based on TCP / IPv6 in the world, but in our country, the transition to the sixth version of TCP / IP can hardly be expected in the foreseeable future.

Next, the network will be automatically detected and the computer will connect to it. You will be notified about this by the appearance of the window shown in Fig. 4.5. In it you have to choose the location of the computer for this network. Selecting Home or Office will enable network discovery.

Figure: 4.5. Choosing a computer location

The further scenario for setting up an Internet connection depends on what is specified in the provider's documentation. If you are connected to a local network in which one of the computers has access to the Internet, and the rest of the machines use it to access the Network, then most likely the setup is complete. In other cases, you need to create a high-speed connection or a connection to a workplace using the Connect to a network window. To open it, run the command Start? Connect and follow the link Set up a connection or network. Then, depending on the type of connection required by your provider, click on the Connection to the Internet or Connect to a workplace item and, following the instructions of the setup wizard, enter the required data.

Specify additional information in the connection properties window, if necessary. To go to it, run the command Start? Connection, right-click on the name of the created connection and select Properties.

After all the adjustments are made, connect to the Internet by highlighting the connection name in the Connect to a network window and clicking the Connect button.

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Could you please help? Beg.
Unfortunately, I have not found answers to my internet problems.

  1. When the laptop goes to sleep, you have to press the button to connect to the Internet again. The network cable is directly connected to the laptop and a high-speed PPPoE connection is established. In Device Manager for Broadcom and Intel Gigabit Network Adapters, the Power Management tab is unchecked in the properties. I also created a shortcut for this connection and put it in Startup. And still, every time you need to connect to the Internet through a button, as in the 20th century. The firewall is disabled.
  2. I can't share the Internet via Wi-Fi. I did everything through the command line, the result of the Internet disappeared altogether, and the connection I asked with my name does not reflect at all in network connections, as if I had not created it. I had to demolish everything to the factory settings. Through the Windows settings, the same thing, my connection, which I do not reflect, shoves it like: Network and Internet - Connecting to the network - Wi-Fi, no one shoves it there. I do not have a computer-to-computer connection, as well as a hotspot.


On the first problem. In order for a high-speed connection in Windows 10 to start automatically, you need to create a shortcut for it and add it to startup in the Startup folder (as you already did). But before that, you still need to go to Network Connections, right-click on your PPPoE connection, and "Properties". Next, on the "Parameters" tab, uncheck the "Prompt for username, password" checkbox and click Ok.

And to automatically start after the connection is broken (going into sleep mode), you need to open the properties of your PPPoE connection and in the "Parameters" section, put a tick next to "Call back on disconnection".

On a problem with the distribution of Wi-Fi. It is very difficult to understand what exactly your problem is. I can only advise you to do everything according to the instructions:.

If something does not work out and you do not have the Mobile Hotspot tab, then you need to update Windows 10, and it is possible to reinstall the Wi-Fi adapter driver.

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