The world's first push-button telephone. The evolution of the telephone: from Alexander Bell to the present day. Modern telephone communication

Even in the myth of ancient Greek times about Theseus, there was the first mention of how information can be transmitted. Aegeus, the father of this hero, when he sent his son to the island of Crete, to fight the monster Minotaur, asked him upon his return, if successful, to raise a white sail on the ship, and in case of defeat - black. Unfortunately, the inventor of the telephone was not yet born, and the colors were confused, and Aegeus, deciding that his son was dead, drowned himself. The sea where he did it was called the Aegean.

Continuation of the story with communication

For some time, people did not pay special attention to solving the problem of transmitting symbols and signals over long distances. For a long time, birds and people remained the most reliable way to ensure high-quality communication. When the weather was disgusting and there were no people willing to escape, they used a bonfire, smoke, voice or other conventional signs.

Although, in all fairness, there was a proposal in the 16th century, by Giovanni della Porta, an Italian scholar, to use negotiating pipes for communication. A similar way acts on ships to communicate between the engine room and the captain. So, the proposal to lay such pipes throughout Italy did not meet with understanding, and the first telephone was not invented at that time.

Revolution in France and a breakthrough in communications

The mechanic Claude Chappe in 1789 proposed to the Convention to solve the problem of communication as follows: they intended to cover the whole of France with a network of towers and install devices made of slats on them. Moreover, they had to be clearly visible at a distance. In the dark, lanterns were lit at the ends of the slats. Inside the tower was a telegraph operator changing the location of the planks. The landmark for him was the tower in sight. The telegraph operator sitting in it copied the message and sent it on. And so it went - from the start point to the end. It was possible to get about 200 combinations by changing the position of the bars.

A cipher was compiled, which consisted of a notebook of 92 pages, each of which had the same number of words. The telegraph employee transmitted the word and page number, they did not know the cipher at the intermediate points, but simply passed on the received combinations. Claude Chappe is not yet the inventor of the telephone, but his big fan, Napoleon, introduced his method of communication to almost all of Europe. By the way, the transfer rate was quite high. For example, the communication from St. Petersburg to Warsaw took about 45 minutes, if only the weather was normal.

and communication

When electricity was invented, at first scientists could not find practical use for it. The first experience was the transmission of information over a distance. Austrian scientists, seeing the dependence of Schapp's telegraph on weather conditions, created its electric version. In 1809, a member of the Munich Academy Semmering invented a device that was connected by thirty-five wires, each of which corresponded to the numbers and letters of the alphabet. The message came in a bath filled with water, a short circuit occurred here electrical network, at which gas bubbles were released, information on them was read. The design was very complex, it did not take root right away, only in 1832 an electric telegraph was made suitable for use. It was invented by Schilling, a scientist from Russia, and later improved by the Englishmen Cook and Wheatstone. So, gradually, we will get to what happened, briefly dwelling on important points.

Morse's invention

He demonstrated his telegraph alphabet and Morse transmission apparatus to the public in 1837. From that moment on, the electric telegraph began its triumphant march around the world. In literally 10 years, his lines have entangled most of North America and Europe. His triumph was the laying of a communication cable along the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, carried out in 1866 with the help of the Great Eastern ship, specially built for this. When radio was invented, it got over the air.

And now, despite the massive spread of satellite, cellular and other sophisticated communications, the Internet, there are people, and there are a lot of them who prefer to send telegrams. And not only in villages, but also in big cities. Now we are quite close to such a significant date as the year of the invention of the telephone.

When the telephone was invented

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the telephone became the main means of communication. He was born much later than the telegraph, his predecessor. Even at a time when this predecessor was the main one, Philip Rice, a German scientist, in 1861 invented a device that, using a galvanic current, transports a human voice to any distance. Fifteen years later, Alexander Graham Bell, a teacher at a school in Philadelphia, demonstrated the first electric telephone at the World's Fair. Remember: 1876 is the date the telephone was invented. But Elish Gray, another inventor, was only a couple of hours late with a claim for the same invention. Therefore, the primacy in this matter is purely conditional.


Literally five years later, a new means of communication, which was much simpler than the telegraph, firmly entered human life. Have you seen the photo of the first phone? So, the famous one has improved this device, and it has become a truly everyday means of communication. And the telegraph was and remains public. There was also a field telephone option. Due to its speed of deployment and ease of handling, it has become indispensable for the army and military.

The first telephone exchange opened in 1878. This means of communication, like the telegraph, acquired the status of inviolable. Them normal functioning could not prevent either the revolution or the war. From the films about those times, it is clear that one of the favorite activities of the military commanders of both the White Army and the Red Army during the Civil War was abuse by telephone.

Briefly about the first phone

You have already understood who is the official inventor of the phone. What was this first phone like? By the way, the invention happened by accident, like many others in this life. During experiments and experiments, the stuck plate began to act as a primitive diaphragm, and it was already a matter of time to think out further. As a result, Bell's phone became a real sensation at the exhibition.

Although the first apparatus worked only at a distance of up to two hundred meters, with monstrous sound distortions, the transmitting and receiving devices were very primitive. The inventor created the Bell Telephone Society and began to actively improve it. As a result, within one year he patented an armature and a new membrane for his device. A little later, I used a carbon microphone (to increase the transmission distance) and power from separate batteries. A little more than a hundred years, almost in this form, the telephone and existed.

Development of telephone communications in the twentieth century

How did the further development of the invention, the author of which was Alexander Bell, go? The telephone, created by him, soon surpassed and began to develop by leaps and bounds. In 1956, the first transatlantic telephone cable TAT-1 was laid between Canada and Scotland. And after that - more than one hundred thousand kilometers of such cables. Including - Washington - Moscow, the famous government special wire for communication between the American president and the leader of the Soviet Union. No one else had access to it. Such wired, cable telephone communication, of course, is much more expensive than radiotelephone communication, especially if you count the amount of sunken and buried copper, but it is not going to give up its positions. If only because of its greater reliability and the ability to intercept the conversation.

Phone today

Bell - the inventor of the telephone - most likely could not have imagined the progress that communication has made to date. Seemingly development cellular communication should slow down the wired, but the latter continues to move forward, especially in large cities: thanks, as already mentioned, to its reliability, as well as the introduction of the latest technologies, for example, fiber-optic communications.

Have you forgotten what wires the Internet is transmitted over? According to the very ones that our grandfathers and grandmothers used to communicate, and in the central part of Moscow - great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Thanks to the latest technologies, the telephone has mastered the air and has turned from a stationary object into a very convenient and advanced human companion.

Another version about the inventor of the telephone

Revealing the topic of invention this tool communication, one cannot fail to mention another version, according to which the inventor of the telephone is Eliasha Gray, and not Alexander Bell at all. In 2007, a book was published by the famous researcher, journalist Seth Shulman, in which he wrote that the latter had stolen a competitor's invention and passed it off as his own. The main evidence is notebook Bell, access to which was very limited until 1976. It turns out, among other things, that Gray applied for a patent first, but his competitor, thanks to bribery and aggressive lawyers, managed to register a patent earlier. But that's not all.

There is a version that Philip Rice, a German scientist, can also be considered the inventor of the first telephone. His device, created in the 1860s, was capable of transmitting speech over a distance, but it worked on a different principle. By the way, Gray started his work as a carpenter, while studying at Oberlin College. Then he experimented with telegraph technology and electricity, invented a hotel warning device, a telegraph switch, a direct-printing apparatus and other devices. He lost the court for the right to be considered the inventor of the telephone, and it was Bell who has since been considered the first.

Further prospects for the development of communications

The inventor of the telephone, whoever he was, could probably imagine what the future prospects for communication means. They are a little out of the realm of fantasy, but, nevertheless, they have a right to exist. This is telepathy, or, in other words, the transmission of thoughts over a distance. Back in the seventies of the last century, the Soviet academician Glushkov formulated this perspective. He noted that the human thought process will be sent to a computer, it will remember it, and over time, a complete symbiosis of a machine and a person will turn out. And I was sure that in 2020 full compatibility of the computer and the human brain will be achieved.

Considering how computer communications are replacing traditional means by distance, the academician's forecast does not seem very fantastic. After all, many seemingly unrealistic fantasies have come true. For example, a home that is fully computerized, helmets connected to a PC that convey visual sensations. Once upon a time it was fiction and Ray Bradbury. Or computer printing at the command of a human voice. When the transmission of thoughts to a distance is in demand, then this issue will also be resolved. It's just that no one really needs it yet.

A little about other inventions of mankind

Although the invention of the telephone is one of the most important, all the inventions of mankind do not end there. Now we will briefly list a dozen of the most basic ones.

Short biography of Alexander Bell

Since we talked about the invention of the great scientist, then we need to briefly outline his biography. He was born in Edinburgh (Scotland) on the third of March 1847. Many of his relatives were professional rhetoricians - uncle, grandfather and father. The latter even wrote a treatise on eloquence. Alexander at first also followed their path, finished the corresponding school and became a teacher of music and eloquence. He studied for a year at the University of Edinburgh, then moved to Bath (England). In 1870, the family moved to Canada and settled in Ontario. Here Bell continued to deal with the issue of signal transmission via telecommunications, which became interested in Scotland. He created, for example, an electric piano that transmitted music over wires. Soon, in 1873, Alexander became a professor of speech physiology at the University of Boston. And three years later he received a patent No. 174465 for the invention of the telephone. He also worked with light rays, which later contributed to the creation of fiber-optic technologies. In 1877 he married Mabel Hubbard, his student, in 1882 - became a US citizen. He died on August 2, 1992. In the country for a minute, in order to honor his memory, all telephones were turned off.

Modern people cannot imagine life without a telephone, although relatively recently it did not exist yet. The very first sample, similar to the current mobile "brothers", could transmit sound, had a tiny black and white screen and not a single hint of future greatness and functionality.

The invention of the telephone, which is the direct ancestor of today's smartphones, is shared by Antonio Meucci and Alexander Bell.

It is not known for certain which of them was the first to guess about this, but both have applied for patents. And, although Bell's application was created 5 years later than Meucci, Alexander Graham Bell is considered the official founding father of telephone communications.

The first telephone and telegraph (history of invention)

The inventor of the first electromagnetic telegraph is Pavel Schilling, a Russian scientist. He publicly demonstrated the discovery that allows information to be transmitted remotely in October 1832.

The idea was supported, and a year later a telegraph, built by Wilhelm Weber and Karl Gauss, appeared in Germany. Cook Wheatstone, a native of England, created an amazing apparatus according to Schilling's drawings in 1837, and in 1840 a similar invention was patented by a US resident Samuel Morse.


The Italian Antonio Meucci, who lives in England, went further and created an apparatus that transmits sounds through wires. The patent application of 1871 proudly listed "Telelectrophone".

Invented: the "talking telegraph"

Alexander Bell patented the Talking Telegraph in 1876. His device transmitted sounds "live" almost without delay, allowing the recognition of human speech. The device was presented to the public at the 1876 World Electrotechnical Exhibition, which was held in Philadelphia.

Who called the telephone a telephone?

Charles Bursel spoke about the principle of the telegraph in his dissertation back in 1854, but limited himself to theory. Nevertheless, Bursell distinguished himself and took his place in history by using the word "telephone".

Who invented the first cellular (mobile) phone?

The first cell phone is the DynaTAC 8000X, created by Motorola. It entered the market in 1983 and was so popular that, even at the fabulous price of $ 3995 at that time, it sold out like pies.

The DinTAK device held a full battery charge for about 60 minutes, could store 30 numbers, had no display or other functions except for a call. Weighed almost a kilogram, had an inconspicuous design and 12 keys.

It was only possible to talk on it for 30 minutes, after which it was necessary to put it on charge, which took 10 hours.

Satellite phone number 1

The Mobira Cityman 900, introduced in 1987 by Nokia, was the first satellite phone. It was him that Mikhail Gorbachev used to call Moscow while in Helsinki, which was captured by the paparazzi.

The entire elite wanted to buy a "tube" with an antenna, which weighed about 800 grams, despite the cost. If we recalculate the current exchange rate, the purchase cost people $ 6,700 or 202,500 rubles.

First inventor of the video camera phone

The first phone with a video camera was the Japanese Sharp J-SH04, released in 2000. At that time, the resolution of 0.1 megapixel seemed an impossible miracle, allowing you to create your own videos.

Who invented the touchscreen phone and when?

The creator of the touchscreen phone is considered to be the computer development company IBM. The novelty was presented to the general public in 1998, although its development took 5 years.

The 2007 LG KE850 Prada model was the first where the sensor worked not from the stylus, but with the help of a finger. It also had a striking design and wide functionality.

Who was the first to invent the Smartphone?

The first smartphone appeared in the mobile industry in 1996 and was called the Nokia 9000 Communicator. It weighed almost 400 grams, had a monochrome display, 8 MB of memory and a QWERTY keyboard.

But the term itself was introduced by Ericsson when in 2000 it introduced the Ericsson R380s to the world. Besides multifunctionality, this smartphone distinguished by its small size and weight of only 160 grams. Its feature was a flip cover that covers the touchscreen.

The invention of the Android phone

Android was developed by Android Inc., which was later acquired by Google. The world's first phone on android base originated in September 2008. It was called the T-Mobile G1 or HTC Dream.

In the vastness of Russia, the first such smartphone was the Highscreen PP5420 - 2009 release. After the release of the third version of Android in February 2011, tablets on this base began to appear.

Who Invented the iPhone?

Popular series iPhone smartphones invented by Apple Corporation. Steve Jobs announced it in January 2007 at a thematic conference, and the first model went on sale after 4 months.

The "name" of the series means the word "telephone" with the prefix i, which is an abbreviation of the word Internet.

  • inspire (inspiration),
  • instruct (training),
  • inform (knowledge),
  • individual (personality).

Refreshed iPhones appear every year. The latter was released in the spring of 2016. It is called the iPhone SE, popularly called the iPhone 7, because the previous one was called the iPhone 6 Plus, but in fact it is the model at number 9.

Wikipedia on telephone inventions

Wikipedia talks a lot about telephone inventions. In it, you can find events preceding the appearance of the telegraph, associated with the discoveries of famous physicists. It allows you to get acquainted with the full history of the origin and development of the apparatus, which has become important for modern society.

But the information about the first phones presented on Wikipedia is rather scarce. About camera phones, for example, it is said in passing. However, modern models, their functionality, design and manufacturers are described in detail.

The phone has come a long way from the telegraph, transmitting information over wires over short distances, to the smartphone, which contains almost all the world's knowledge, working thanks to the built-in satellite dish... Development continues. Perhaps in the near future the phone will become even more powerful and functional, as well as acquire a new look.

A person constantly needs communication. For the exchange of information and just for the soul. And it is not enough for him to communicate with people who are nearby. There is always something to say even to those who are on the next street, in another city or across the ocean. It has always been that way. But only at the end of the nineteenth century did we have such an opportunity. In this article, we will trace the history of the appearance of the telephone, find out who invented the telephone and what difficulties scientists faced.

Over the years, there have been the most different ways transmission of information. Our ancestors sent letters with messengers and carrier pigeons, burned fires, used the services of heralds.

16th century Italian Giovanni della Porta invented a system of communication pipes, which were supposed to "permeate" all of Italy. This fantastic idea was never implemented.

In 1837, American inventor Samuel Morse created the electric telegraph and developed the telegraph alphabet, which was called " morse code».

In the 1850s, an unexpected discovery was made by the Italian Antonio Meucci, who lives in New York. Confident in the positive effects of electricity on human health, he assembled a generator and opened a private medical practice. Once, having connected the wires to the patient's lips, Meucci went into a distant room to turn on the generator. As soon as the device is working, the doctor heard a patient scream... He was so loud and clear, as if the poor fellow were nearby.

Meucci began to experiment with the generator, and by the beginning of the 70s the drawings of the apparatus were already ready " telephone". In 1871, the inventor tried to register his creation, but something prevented him. Either the Italian did not have enough money for the registration procedure at the patent office, or the papers were lost during the shipment, or, perhaps, they were stolen.

Who first invented the telephone and what year

In 1861, a German scientist Philip Rice invented a device that could transmit all kinds of sounds through a cable. This was the first telephone... (It is worth familiarizing yourself with the fact and its history of creation) Rice failed to register a patent for his invention, therefore he did not become as widely known as the American Alexander Bell.

On February 14, 1876, Bell took the application to the Patent Office in Washington to patent " A telegraphic device with which human speech can be transmitted". Two hours later, Elijah Gray, an electrical engineer, showed up. Gray's invention was called "A device for transmitting and receiving vocal sounds by telegraph." He was denied a patent.

This device consisted of a wooden stand, an ear tube, a battery (a vessel of acid), and wires. The inventor himself called it a gallows.

The first words spoken on the phone were: “Watson, Bell says! If you can hear me, then go to the window and beckon with your hat. "

In 1878, a series of lawsuits against Alexander Bell began in America. About thirty people tried to take away the laurels of the inventor from him. Six claims were dismissed immediately. The claims of the remaining inventors were divided into 11 points and were considered separately. Bell's primacy was recognized on eight of these points, while inventors Edison and McDonough won the other three. Gray has not won a single case. Although a study of Bell's diaries and documents filed by Gray with the Patent Office many years later showed that the inventor is Gray.

Development and improvement of the phone

The further fate of Bell's invention was taken up by Thomas Edison. In 1878, he made some changes to the structure of the telephone: he introduced a carbon microphone and an induction coil into the circuit. Thanks to this modernization, the distance between interlocutors could be significantly increased.

In the same year, the first telephone exchange in history began operating in the small American town of New Chaven.

And in 1887 in Russia, the inventor K.A.Mostsitsky created a self-acting switchboard - a prototype of automatic telephone exchanges.

Who invented the mobile (cell) phone

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of a mobile phone is the United States. But first mobile phone the device appeared in the Soviet Union. 04.11.1957, radio engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich received a patent for " Calling and switching device for radiotelephone communication channels". His radiotelephone could transmit audio signals to base station up to 25 kilometers... The device was a box with a dial for dialing, two toggle switches and a tube. He weighed half a kilo and worked up to 30 hours in standby mode.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a cellular telephone communication appeared back in 1946 at the American company AT&T Bell Labs. The company rented car radio stations.

In parallel with AT&T Bell Labs, Motorola also conducted research. For about ten years, each of these companies has been striving to get ahead of the competition. Motorola won.

In April 1973, one of the employees of this company, engineer Martin Cooper, "shared his joy" with colleagues from a competing enterprise. He called the AT & T Bell Labs office, invited the head of the research department, Joel Engel, to the phone and said that he was currently on a New York street talking on the world's first mobile phone. Cooper then went to a press conference on the miracle of technology that he was holding.

The "firstborn" of Motorola was named Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. He weighed about a kilogram, and reached a height of 25 cm... The phone could work in talk mode for about 30 minutes, and charged for about 10 hours. And ten years later, in 1983, it finally went on sale. The new car cost a lot of money - $ 3500 - a little cheaper than a brand new car. Even so, there were plenty of potential buyers.

In 1992 Motorola released a mobile phone that could fit in the palm of your hand.

At the same time, the Finnish company Nokia presented the first mass-produced GSM phone Nokia 1011.

In 1993, thanks to BellSouth / IBM, the first communicator appeared - a telephone connected to a PDA.

And 1996 is the year of the creation of the first clamshell phone. This is the merit of the same Motorola.

At this time, Nokia pleased the world with the first smartphone with intel processor 386 and a full QWERTY keyboard - Nokia 9000.

On average, a person makes almost one and a half thousand phone calls a year.

Who invented the touchscreen phone

The great-grandfather of the famous iPhone is IBM Simon, released in 1994. It was the world's first touchphone. Simon cost a lot - $ 1090. But it was no longer just a telephone. It combined the qualities of a telephone and a computer, and it could also be used as a pager or fax. Was equipped with a calculator, calendar, notepad, to-do list, a couple of games, and even an agent email.

The device had a monochrome display with a resolution of 160 × 293 pixels with a diagonal of 4.7 inches. Instead of the usual keys, virtual keyboard... The battery lasted for an hour of talk time or 12 hours of standby time.

Too high a price did not allow the model to become popular among users, but it was Simon went down in history as the first touchphone.

In 2000, the world saw the first telephone officially named smartphone - Ericsson R380. Touch screen The R380 was hiding under a flip cover with ordinary buttons. The screen was monochrome, with a diagonal of 3.5 inches and a resolution of 120 × 360.

The smartphone was based on the new Symbian OS for mobile devices. R380 supported WAP, browser, notepad, e-mail client, games were installed.

In 2007, IBM released the first phone with a sensor that responded to the touch of a finger rather than a stylus. It was the LG KE850 Prada. This model was also remembered for its unusual design and wide functionality.

In the same year, Apple introduced its famous iPhone to the general public.

With the advent of the first telegraph in 1837, which gave the world the opportunity to transmit information at a distance, people's lives changed radically. But the appearance of the first telephone, with the help of which remote sound transmission was realized, became a real sensation.

Today, no one can even imagine themselves without a personal mobile phone. Technologies do not stand still, the telephone market is constantly expanding and annually presents consumers with new, improved models. But let's remember how it all began, who invented the first telephone, how mobile phones appeared and what is the success of modern Apple models.

Create your first phone

The first telephone was introduced in 1876 in the United States of America, and he became the creator of his invention. Initially, Bell's phone worked at a distance of 200 meters, but the scientist did not stop working and improving his invention, and a year later the phone underwent such an upgrade that it remained unchanged after it for another 100 years.

Bell's first phone

The very creation of the phone was not planned by Bell. The goal facing the scientist was to improve the telegraph - he tried to achieve the transmission of 5 telegrams simultaneously. In the process of work, records were created with different frequencies, one of which once failed. Bell's partner got angry and started cursing. And Bell, who was at the receiving apparatus at that time, unexpectedly heard the voice of his own partner in the distance. From this moment the history of the creation of the first telephone set begins.

Bell's "telephone" patent is considered one of the most lucrative in the United States and in the world. He brought the creator wealth and worldwide recognition, and the name of Alexander Bell has gone down in history forever.

First mobile phone

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating mobile phones appeared in the middle of the 20th century, and again in the United States of America.

In 1947, Bell Laboratories put forward a proposal to create a mobile phone. True, by this they meant a device that will be mounted in a car, since the weight of the phone was 30-40 kg without a power source. Only in the 70s, the weight of the phones was reduced to 14 kg, but the power supply was still located in the car.

Until 1972, Motorola had nothing to do with cell phones; the company's main goal was to create portable radios. Everything changed thanks to a simple employee of the company, Martin Cooper, who at one random moment came to the conclusion that to create an oversized cellular telephone really. After sharing this discovery with colleagues, he embarked on development, which continued for a year.

In 1973, the Dyna-Tac was ready. It was a small-sized cell phone by those standards, weighing 1.15 kg and dimensions 22.5 * 12.5 * 3.75 cm. It housed 10 number keys, call and hang up button. The phone had no display. The battery withstood 35 minutes of continuous talk, but after that it took 10 hours to charge the phone.

To implement the invention, it only remained to test it in practice. It happened on April 3, 1973 in New York. The first "training" station was mounted on the roof of the 50-storey building, and Martin Cooper personally conducted the experiment by dialing the head of Bell Laboratories and talking to him on his cell phone. It was a triumph that was the first step in the rapid development and improvement of hand-held mobile phones.

The emergence of touchscreen phones

It may seem surprising, but the first touchscreen phone did not become widespread among users, and the creator company even refused to further work in the field of mobile devices.

This happened in 1993. IBM Corporation, specializing in the production of computer technology, introduced the world to the first touchscreen mobile phone, calling it "IBM Simon". At that time, it represented the maximum possible characteristics, weighed 0.5 kg, and most of the operations on the display were actually performed with your fingers.

The phone's battery was rated for 1 hour of continuous talk time or 8 hours of standby time. RAM it was 1 MB, and the developers also provided for receiving e-mail and faxes on the phone.

However, as we have already noted, IBM Simon did not receive distribution. First of all, the phone was overpriced - $ 1100. Secondly, the apparatus was unreliable and often needed expensive repairs. As a result, the development company simply self-liquidated from the mobile phone market.

Apple in the life of a man of the XXI century

Today, Apple products are not only compact devices, the quality of which is noted all over the world, but also the most fashionable brand of the XXI century. People literally cannot imagine their life without an "apple", and the start of sales of a new product of the company always goes with excitement.

Hard to imagine, but the way out first iPhone took place 10 years ago. True, the creation of the famous smartphones began back in 2002 - by the founder of Apple.

His main idea was to create a device that meets the needs of consumers: stylish design, built-in player and mini-computer, as well as high power of the phone. But the first iPhone did not meet the expectations of even Jobs himself, the smartphone lacked power, but the main disadvantage was low speed internet connections. Therefore, the first model of the iPhone did not receive mass distribution.

The product modernization work continued, and a year later, new model - iPhone 3G. The problem with the Internet speed in this model was almost solved, the design was also modernized, and the operating memory was replaced. The success of this model was confirmed by information received from sales: more than 70 countries are interested in the new product.

After that, the iPhone 3G S was released, declared as high-speed. There are new features like voice control and encryption of personal information. Like the previous model, new iphone quickly filled the markets and was sold out.

Today, Apple smartphones are sold with great success in more than 80 countries around the world. IPhones have moved from an affordable smartphone to the category "for the level above average", since the cost of even old models rarely falls below 25,000 rubles, and new items cost 130-150 thousand rubles from the beginning of sales.

  • The inventor of the telephone might not be considered Alexander Bell, but Antonio Meucci, who also developed the telephone, but refused to patent his invention for $ 10, and Bell took advantage of this.
  • Today Nokia is developing a way that will make it possible to recharge the phone from radio waves.
  • The first telephone did not have a ring; a whistle was used instead.
  • Models are popular in Japan waterproof phonesbecause the Japanese use them even in the shower.

  • Antarctica also has its own dialing code, starting with +682.
  • 150 million mobile phones are sent to landfill every year because they are replaced with an improved device, not because of a malfunctioning phone.

The invention of the telephone and its modernization to a mobile one is, of course, a breakthrough for science and an extremely important discovery for humans. Now everyone, regardless of distance, feels close to friends and family, talking to them every day.

Also, modern phones provide instant access to necessary information 24 hours a day. The main thing is to correctly use the achievements of the XXI century and not stop there, because new demands of people lead to world discoveries, being a "push" and a call for development.

The history of the phone for children is extremely interesting, since today these gadgets are an integral part of life for them. So, the day of the appearance of the telephone can be considered February 14, 1876. On this day, the American scientist of Scottish descent, Alexander Graham Bell, applied to the US Patent Office for his invention. Interestingly, on the same day, but two hours later, another inventor, Elisha Gray, applied for a similar device. Subsequently, the latter tried to sue for the rights to this invention, but lost.

The history of the phone and photos will be presented to your attention further.

"Not Bellom alone" ...

Fifteen years before Bell, in 1860, the Italian Antonio Meucci demonstrated to the Americans a device he had designed for transmitting sound at a distance. However, for unclear reasons, he did not patent it. The documents he filed in 1871 were mysteriously lost.

And in 1861, the German scientist Philip Reis also invented a device for transmitting sounds. But the transmission quality was so low that the invention was not accepted by the public. But it was he who introduced the term "telephone" from the Greek words "tele" - far and "phono" - sound.

The history of the development of the phone

The device presented by Bell was not very similar to modern phones. He transmitted only the sound of a voice and very short distance... Only after some time did he manage to improve it, using a new membrane and a Yuza carbon microphone.

Alexander Bell first presented his invention to the public at a technical exhibition in Philadelphia. This is how the history of the development of the telephone began. Then the device did not have a bell, it was the only horn-tube designed for receiving and transmitting speech. The amazed audience heard from the pipe the monologue of the Prince of Denmark from the Shakespeare play, which the inventor himself was reading from a nearby room. The phone was a great success, but the practical benefits were not immediately appreciated. Bella Telephone Company was founded, which after a while turned into a huge prosperous concern.

Bell had to compete with the American inventor Thomas Edison, who in 1878 modified and improved the existing design, in particular, installed an induction coil. This made it possible to increase the distance between subscribers. The American Speaking Telephone Company was formed and began producing telephones, ignoring Bell's rights.

Be that as it may, already in 1877 the first telephone exchange was created in New Hay-Vienna. And over the next 10 years, more than 100 thousand phones were installed. 25 years later, there were over a million. Over the years, telephones have improved, the quality of communication has improved. In the 20s of the twentieth century, the first automatic telephone exchanges - automatic telephone exchanges - were installed. Prior to that, telephone operators connected subscribers. And in 1956, the first transatlantic cable was laid, linking Scotland and Canada. Since then, more than 100 thousand kilometers of transatlantic cables have been laid connecting countries and continents.

The history of the emergence of automotive communications in America

Soon after the creation of the telephone, technical and scientific circles began to discuss the possibility of creating mobile communication devices. However, the experiments and studies carried out did not give practical results and this topic was forgotten for some time. At the beginning of the 20th century, radio broadcasting began to develop rapidly, and scientists again returned to the ideas of portable communications.

On June 17, 1946, AT&T launched a radiotelephone system mobile communication Mobile Telephone Service. The equipment for it weighed about 40 kg and was installed in the car. It was a radio transmitter with the help of which it was possible to make a call to a PBX and contact any subscriber of a fixed telephone. Such a communication line had limited bandwidth and was very expensive, so it was not commercially successful.

However, further research continued not only in America, but also in England, France and the USSR. This was the beginning of the history of the mobile phone.

In particular, in 1957, the Soviet radio engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich registered the copyright certificate for his own development, which he called the radio telephone LK-1. The device weighed about three kilograms, it contained: a dial for dialing, four switches and a microphone. The battery provided the radio phone with 20-30 hours of operation, and the range was 20-30 kilometers. Kupriyanovich's apparatus communicated with city lines through an automatic telephone radio station. And already in 1958, the new model of the radio telephone, together with the battery, weighed only 500 grams. Despite the obvious progress in development, radio phones did not receive mass distribution and remained in the experimental stage.

It is worth noting the Altai mobile communication system created in the 60s with the Soviet Union. Unlike the amateur developments of Kupriyanovich, the Altai system was ordered and financed by the state. It differed from its American counterpart in that it was fully automatic, and the weight of the equipment was only 13 kg. It was first mounted in the trunk, and later on the dashboard of the car. The Altai system was introduced in more than a hundred cities of the USSR, but mobile subscribers could not move more than 60 km from the central station, otherwise the connection was interrupted.


Mobile communication in its modern form appeared only with the advent of a fundamentally new communication technology - cellular communication. This idea was announced back in 1947, but it was only in the 70s that the employees of the Bell Labs research laboratory, Richard Frenkel, Joel Engel and Amos Joel, were able to implement it. The history of the creation of the phone had a happy continuation, as they developed layouts of transmitting stations and technologies that allowed them to move between cells without interrupting communications.

At this time, two large companies seriously engaged in research in the field of mobile communications. These are AT&T corporation and Motorola company. The first one was more concerned with the improvement and promotion of its own automotive communication systems, considering the topic of portable communication devices unpromising. Motorola, on the other hand, focused on the development of compact communication devices with mobility. The company has spent 10 years and more than $ 100 million on research.

Finally, on April 3, 1973, Martin Kupper, who led the development team, made a historic call from the street to landline phone... He called Joel Engel of rival AT&T to brag about his success. This day is considered by many to be the day of the beginning of the history of the mobile phone. And yet, cellular communication devices took 10 long years of improvements and bureaucratic red tape before the first of them hit store shelves. Despite the shortcomings and high cost, they have gained immense popularity, especially in the business community. How did the history of the mobile phone develop? More on this later in our article.

Motorola's first mobile phones

In 1928, businessman Paul Galvin from Chicago registered the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation, which was engaged in the manufacture of network rectifiers. The company employed only five employees. Several years later, the product range has expanded. The company began producing Motorola car radios. This is how the history of Motorola phones began. Things started to work, the company constantly made research and introduced new developments into production. In 1947, the company changed its name to Motorola Inc. Gradually, they become the leading manufacturers of radio and television equipment. Not surprisingly, it was Motorola Inc that developed and released the first working model of a mobile phone.

This first model was called the DynaTAC 8000X and went on sale in 1984. The first mobile weighed 794 grams and operated on a single charge for no more than an hour of talk time. It took 10 hours to charge the battery. The novelty was a resounding success. The registration for its purchase was several months in advance. Telephones improved rapidly. Already in 1989, much lighter ones went on sale motorola models MicroTAC. It was the first flip phone. And in 1996 the Motorola StarTAC, the first clamshell phones, saw the light. Due to the enormous commercial success, many modifications of this model were released over the next six years. Gradually, Motorola had more and more serious competitors stepping on its heels. The last truly successful model was the RAZR V3, which went on sale in 2004. The ultra-thin body provided her success. But it became increasingly difficult to compete in the growing market, and in 2011 the company split into Motorola Solutions and Motorola Mobility. The latter was immediately absorbed by Google, and in 2014 the company's assets were bought by the electronics manufacturer Lenovo.

The Finnish success story of Nokia. Takeoff

How did the history of Nokia phones begin? The Finnish company Nokia was registered on May 12, 1865 and was a pulp mill. In 1922, the major rubber manufacturer Finnish Rubber Works bought out a controlling stake in Nokia, which also bought another company that made electrical cables. It was this acquisition that determined the telecommunications direction for the further functioning of enterprises. For a long time, the three companies worked separately, releasing products under a single Nokia brand. The final merger took place only in 1967. In the same year, the corporation created a division that specialized in industrial automation and communication systems. In collaboration with Salora, they are developing high-frequency radio broadcasting technology and creating the ARP cellular standard.

The company released its first handheld phone, Mobira Talkman, in 1984. It looked a little like a mobile phone. Weighed 4.7 kg and consisted of a transmitter with antenna and battery, and a tube. But three years later, the next Nokia Cityman model turned out to be much lighter and already fit comfortably in the hand. The company gradually switched from the ARP standard to the GSM standard, and in 1992 the first GSM-phone Nokia 1011 was produced. And two years later a new product of the Finnish company was released - the Nokia 2100 phone with a branded call Nokia Tune. It is with this model that the company enters the Japanese market, where until then local manufacturers dominated. More than 20 million Nokia 2100 have been sold worldwide.

By the end of the 90s Nokia, thanks to the release of successful new products, became the leader in the mobile communications market. In 1996, the company released the world's first communicator, the Nokia 9000 Communicator. It has advanced features and a screen high resolution... In 1999, the Nokia 7110 was released, which had access to mobile internet WAP.

Until that time, mobile phones were quite expensive and high-status, but by the early 2000s, the market began to need more budgetary and available models... Therefore, the Finnish company produces a number of low-cost phones, such as the Nokia 3210 and 3310. These models have become the best-selling phones in the world. For example, the Nokia 3310 has sold over 120 million units. This phone had a limited number of features, but it was reliable and convenient.

The fall of the Finnish giant

Over the next few years, the company managed to release many more successful models, both budget and premium line. But the emergence of other, more dynamically developing manufacturers, gradually made Nokia's products little competition. In 2013, Nokia's mobile phone division was acquired by Microsoft. But already in 2016, the other two companies Foxconn and HMD Global, which bought production facilities and the name "Nokia", announced the revival of the brand.

History of Samsung mobile phones

The South Korean company Samsung was founded in 1938 by Lee Byung Chul, who started by serving his own noodles. The company grew, expanded and in 1960 began to conquer the electronics market. The company began producing consumer electronics: TVs, refrigerators, VCRs, etc. With the beginning of the era of mobile communications, a new division of Samsung Telecommunications Corporation was opened, and 10 years later, in 1988, the first cell phone produced in South Korea SH-100. It was then that the history of Samsung phones began.

In 1993, the ultra-light SH-700 for that time appeared on the market, which weighed only 100 grams. In 1996, the company entered the American market, and a couple of years later sold its phones in South America and Japan.

Samsung has always paid great attention to the design of its models. Therefore, their products are distinguished by elegance and original appearance... Among the memorable products of the company, we can recall the first purely female clamshell phone A400. It was very light, beautiful and featured a set of feminine functions, such as calculating calories burned or biological cycle.

The Samsung V200 was equipped with a rotating camera. A revolutionary solution at the time. The company used this mechanism for several of its next models. In 2009, one of the first phones with Android I7500 appeared. And in 2010, the Samsung Galaxy S came out. So the era of smartphones began. Today the company is one of the leaders in the sale of smartphones and other mobile communication devices in the world.

The history of the iPhone. The beginning of an era

Everyone, for sure, is interested in the history of the creation of the iPhone phone, as it is today the "trend of the season". Apple Inc, founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steven Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, specialized in the production of computer hardware. Apple gradually grew into a huge corporation, a leader in manufacturing software, electronics and online services.

In 2002, Steve Jobs announced his intention to create a device that would combine the functions of a mini-computer, communicator and music player... And in 2007 he presented the first iPhone model... A distinctive feature of the new device was the complete absence of a keyboard and stylus. The telephone could only be controlled with the fingers. But there were also disadvantages: lack of access to 3G, inability to record video, etc. But despite this, about 7 million copies were sold.

The developers took into account some shortcomings in the next model, which was released a year later, the IPhone 3G. The phone got access to 3G, GPS and a new download center apps App Store.

Every year Apple presents a new, more advanced iPhone model, and each time it becomes a landmark and discussed event in the world of mobile technologies. The company not only keeps pace with the times, but is ahead of it. This is what allowed iPhones to become iconic and highly salable devices.

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