How to turn off melofon for hello. Complete list of USSD requests for A1 (velcom) subscribers. Ability to unsubscribe

USSD requests are an easy and quick way to get the information you need from your mobile operator. One has only to enter the required request in your phone. However, it is simply impossible to remember all of them. So save and use the KB directory with all USSD requests for velcom subscribers.

General information:

Information about the balance at the time of the request

Information about the remaining minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in the subscription fee

Information on the amount of the monthly payment, the remaining amount for payment of the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of contributions

The rest of the included minutes of the velcom international service 100/250, the rest of the Internet traffic of the “ITV velcom” service package

Information about the amount due for the last invoice, for clients working without prepayment

Information on the number of minutes of outgoing calls made within the Closed Subscriber Group (ZAG)

The total number of minutes used when calling a "favorite" number (tariff plans "Pair", "Time for pairs")

The ability to quickly disconnect communication services in case of debt

Registration of unconfirmed payment

Checking the balance of a subscriber of the "Privetik" tariff plan (available to velcom subscribers, whose number is assigned as a "favorite" by the subscriber of the "Privetik" tariff plan)

* 101 * Subscriber's number Hi #

"Waiting for a call": the subscriber, whose number was indicated, will receive an SMS notification with a request to call you back with your number.

* 131 * Company subscriber number #

Account top-up with express payment card

Change of postal address for delivery of invoices to e-mail

Repeat invoice for the closed period by e-mail

Refusal to receive invoices

Information and service management:


USSD request

Information about connected subscriber services

Information about the list of services available for connection

Information about phone number and tariff plan

Change of tariff plan

Information about your number in the international format

Setting / canceling the ban on listening to ACCA news

Reception of USSD messages in transliteration

Reception of USSD messages in Russian

Setting / canceling the ban on the use of conditional call forwarding in roaming

Connecting minute packages to all networks

"Connected again": all velcom subscribers who called you at a time when you were unavailable or your phone was busy will receive an SMS notification when you are in touch again

Providing the opportunity to work without prepayment

Switching to prepaid work

Activation / deactivation of the Stopitsot service (available to subscribers of the Kedy, Polukedy tariff plans)

Activation / deactivation of the service "Anti-identification"

Activation / deactivation of the Melofon service

Connecting / changing a "favorite" number (not available on tariff plans "Own Network", "BUSINESS.PRO", "BUSINESS.PRO.WEB")

Activation / deactivation of the "Pause" service

Connecting / disconnecting ISSA

Receiving the CCIS password

Activation / deactivation / change of the package within the "Director package" service for the tariff plan Manager +

USSD help.

Mobile Internet and MMS:


USSD request

Receiving settings for the "Mobile Internet" service, MMS, streaming video ("Mobile TV"), all available

Receiving test MMS

Connecting / disconnecting the Mobile Internet service, changing the Mobile Internet service package, changing / deleting the application for changing the Mobile Internet service package

Connecting / disconnecting MMS

Information about the connected “Mobile Internet” service package and access point

Information about the connected package of the "Mobile Internet" service, the cost of the package and the date of the next write-off of the package cost

Information about the provided static IP address

Activation / deactivation of the "Antivirus" service

Activation / deactivation of the "Firewall" service

Activation / deactivation of the "Children's Internet" service

Connecting additional traffic to WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16

Activation of services "Roaming. Vacation", "Roaming Business"

Deactivation of services "Roaming.Vacation", "Roaming.Business"

Information about roaming partners

Validity period of services "Roaming.Vacation", "Roaming.Business"

1. "Melofon" is a service that allows you to set an audio accompaniment (melody, sound message) against the background of the ringback tone (CPB) sound:

    when a subscriber of the A1 Unitary Enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the company), who has activated the Melofon service, makes an outgoing call to a specific subscriber number of the A1 network;

    when other subscribers of the company make a call to the number of the subscriber who connected Melofon.

2. Audio accompaniment is played if the called subscriber is available and the line is free.

3. The Melofon service is provided to all subscribers of the company upon conclusion of an agreement, except for tariff plans for the Internet and special tariff plans.

4. Subscribers - individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to disconnect / connect the Melofon service independently using one of the methods specified in clause 9 of this order.

5. New users of the Melofon service and subscribers who reconnect the service 30 or more days after disconnection are given the opportunity to:

    use the Melofon service without charging a subscription fee for 30 days, including the day the service is activated. The period of validity of the period without charging a subscription fee is not extended if the service is disconnected and reconnected before the expiration of 30 days. Starting from day 31, the Melofon service is provided with a subscription fee in accordance with clause 7 of this order;

    upload one own audio file to the personal list free of charge.

6. A1 subscribers (except PRIVET subscribers) disconnected from outgoing and incoming communications due to debt, as well as in the case of using the Pause service, the Melofon service is not provided. For PRIVET subscribers, the “Melofon” service is provided in the “Active” status, as well as in the “Outgoing communication barring” status if there is an amount on the balance equal to or exceeding the cost of the service.

7. A subscription fee is charged for using the Melofon service in accordance with the tariffs approved by the company.
7.1. For A1 subscribers (except PRIVET subscribers), the monthly subscription fee is charged daily in equal shares depending on the number of days in a month.
7.2. For PRIVET subscribers, the subscription fee is charged daily in a fixed amount.

8. Ordering a melody, recording / downloading your own audio file, setting a melody for an outgoing call are paid separately according to the tariffs approved by the company.

9. Management of the Melofon service (connecting / disconnecting, ordering / deleting melodies, operations with the Jukebox, setting a melody for an outgoing or incoming call) is carried out using:

    USSD-menu * 424 # call

    SMS to 424

10. Clients of the company - legal entities, if necessary, can prohibit subscribers from connecting to the Melofon service. The ban is set upon a written application issued by the client at the A1 sales and service center or the sales and service points of attorneys, or through the Personal Account for legal entities (Administrator access level).

11. The ordered melodies are stored in the subscriber's personal list until the subscriber deletes them. After disconnecting the Melofon service, the melodies are saved in the profile for 30 days.

12. The subscriber has the opportunity to order several melodies simultaneously at a special price - a package. The package can include melodies of one or different price categories. The removal of such melodies from the personal list is also carried out separately.

13. The subscriber has the opportunity to record a sound message (his own audio file) using the voice portal at 424, as well as upload his own melody to the personal list through the web portal of the Melofon service. For downloading your own audio content, a one-time fee is charged according to the company's tariffs, regardless
on the quality of the audio file / melody.
13.1. When downloading a melody or recording his own audio file, the subscriber is responsible for their content in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Unitary Enterprise "A1" provides the technical opportunity to use its own audio files in the "Melofon" service, and is not responsible for the quality of files uploaded and recorded by the subscriber. The subscriber can familiarize himself with the technical requirements for a downloaded audio file before downloading it on the website
13.2. Own audio files are included in the subscriber's personal list (without the ability to present to another subscriber).

14. Order a melody to a friend / Order a melody for two.
14.1. You can order a melody for a friend / for two, provided that both subscribers are A1 subscribers and users of the Melofon service.
14.2. Ordering a melody for a friend / for two is paid by the subscriber who placed the order. In this case, the melody (in the case of ordering a melody for two) will be added to his personal list after placing the order and debiting the funds.

15. Disconnection of the Melofon service is carried out by the subscriber independently. After disconnecting the service, the subscriber's profile (subscriber's settings and melodies / own audio files from the personal list) is saved for 30 days. If the Melofon service is reconnected within 30 days after disconnection, the subscriber's profile is restored with all settings.

16. Tariffs, specifics of the Melofon service, incl. restrictions and technical requirements for your own audio file are contained in the service description on the website.

17. Correct operation of the Melofon service is guaranteed when making calls from / to the company's subscribers in the A1 network.

18. The company has the right to unilaterally change this Procedure without additional notice by publishing the changes on the official website.

19. In everything else not regulated by this Procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the contract for the provision of telecommunication services concluded between the client and the company.

Mobile operators in Belarus take care of their subscribers and provide them with many necessary and useful services, one of which is “Voice box” on Velcom numbers. After connecting it, the client of the company can not worry about missing any important calls, even if the phone turns off, or there is simply no way to pick up the phone at the moment. If the subscriber has been using the option for some time, and then wants to turn off the “Voice Mail” on Velcom, this is his choice and right. The information on how to disable Velcom's "Voice box" presented in this material is for such clients of the company.

A function called "Voice mail" is available to subscribers using any Velcom tariff offers. You can use it free of charge if the standard option is implied, that is, when the client has not activated the Plus package.

The service works according to the following principle: the subscriber number is redirected to the service telephone of the Velcom company. The user can choose the type of forwarding on his own: the SIM card is not registered, the subscriber does not answer, is busy. In order for the call to be forwarded if all the prerequisites are met, you can set the general type.

Why disable

Sometimes even a Velcom client who uses Voice Mail all the time has to turn off this service. For example, while staying within your region, a person is not charged for call forwarding. However, if he is in roaming, and if he has conditional forwarding activated, he will have to pay double the cost - both for incoming and outgoing calls. This means that when a Velcom subscriber plans to go abroad for some time, it is better for him to disconnect Voice Mail.

How to unsubscribe from "Voice Mail"

In order to disable the option (it is not so important whether it is disabled temporarily or permanently), you must cancel all call forwarding on your phone. Instructions on how to disable Voicemail on Velcom:

  1. The user with access to the Velcom subscriber information system can change the list of connected functions and disable what is no longer required.
  2. Send the combination * 441 * 1 # from your mobile. If the operation is successful, the operator will disable the function and send an appropriate notification.
  3. In the parameters of voice communication, which are in the general settings of the device, it is also possible to disable and cancel the use of "Voice mail".

Service activation and message listening

If the mail was disabled for some time, and then the subscriber decided to activate it again, it is necessary to access the VELCOM option menu by sending the same USSD-combination * 441 * 1. After that, it remains to set up call forwarding to the Velcom service number +375296000210 according to the conditions described above.

Important! Also, the owner of the phone can leave a greeting or address to callers no more than a minute long in the "Voice mail". You can do two, but the duration remains the same: for example, one will take forty seconds, and the second - twenty.

How to listen to messages

Messages are listened to in one of two ways:

  1. Make a call to the service number.
  2. Call the general access number - +375296000201, and then indicate a unique code with "#" to the authorization information and phone number.

The described services are also available to those who are in roaming.

Once the message has been listened to, the Velcom client can:

  • save it by pressing button 3;
  • remove by pressing button 5.

Mail messages are deleted only after you finish working with Voicemail. Because of this, the subscriber has the opportunity to get acquainted with them again, go to the optional menu.

It is quite simple to manage “Voice mail” on Velcom: it is possible to connect and disconnect it remotely, and there is no need to submit any applications to the company's office. If you do not want to use this function in principle, you can refuse it immediately after purchasing and installing a SIM card in your mobile device.

As it turned out, a sore subject for many - how Belarusian operators make money on the credulity of their subscribers. But gullibility is not the only "sin" of clients. You can also slightly increase ARPU due to our forgetfulness and inattention.

Part one, reference


In order to find information about this service of the first GSM-operator in Belarus, you have to tinker. In the description of tariff plans, the procedure for rendering services, and even in the full description of the service itself, there is not a single mention of the fact that it automatically connects to all new subscribers.

Only the skills of Sherlock Holmes will help lead to the lost link "Rules" and find among dozens of documents the one that we need - "Procedure for providing the Melofon service." Only there it is written that “the Melofon service is automatically assigned when concluding an agreement on the provision of telecommunication services under velcom tariff plans (except for tariff plans for the Internet and special tariff plans) and PRIVET tariff plans”.

The essence of "Melofon" is as follows: the subscribers calling you, instead of the usual beeps, hear different melodies, from the incorruptible creations of Mikhail Bublik to the soul-touching chants of Stas Mikhailov. Do many subscribers need such pleasure? Not sure. But every newbie has been connecting it for a long time.

The service cost is 7900 rubles per month. The first month is free. Not bad, especially for budget tariffs with a low monthly fee, such as "On the Line" (13,900 rubles). More than 50% increase in monthly fee comes out!

How to get rid of Stas Mikhailov? It will not work through the Internet with the help of ISSA - there is no Melofon in the list of services in the "Personal Account". You will either have to register on the service website and disconnect there, or, which is easier, send an SMS with the text rbtoff to number 424. Better yet, dial a USSD request * 424 * 5 * 1 # call.

"What's new"

We've dealt with Melofon, but that's not all. The operator also has the What's New service in its arsenal. Here is what velcom says about it: “For your convenience, the service starts working automatically after inserting a SIM card into the phone. Periodically, after the end of a voice call or sending an SMS, messages on various topics appear on the mobile phone screen. If you are interested in the announcement, just click OK and read, listen, view detailed information, and also use the entertainment services. "

The service itself does not provide for a monthly fee, but by accidentally or inadvertently clicking OK, you can easily, as they say, “get paid”. The service is especially dangerous for the elderly and children, who, without reading it carefully, can click OK to close the window, and in the end they will give more than a thousand rubles for the news about how Taiwanese are taking "selfies" in packages. In this case, you may also have to pay for Internet traffic.

Getting rid of the service is not easy. Again, the Personal Account will not help. Nevertheless, we advise you to look there and activate the services "Refusal from IVR | USSD newsletter" and "Refusal from SMS-mailings". This will save you some of the promotional messages, but judging by the service descriptions, it won't affect the nature of What's New in any way. There is also no universal SMS or USSD disconnect request.

You can try to go to the operator's SIM-menu and select "What's new", "Settings", "Service enabled", "Disable" and "Confirm". However, for some reason this particular menu item was not on my phone. So the only sure and trouble-free way is to call the call center at 410 or 411 and ask them to relieve you of the service.

Finally, there is one more pitfall, the name of which is “Voice Mail”. It has been “automatically” connected to all new and existing clients for five years already, having managed to annoy some of them. Someone resigned themselves and got used to listening to the invitations of the voice box over and over again, someone was not too lazy and got rid of the unnecessary service long ago.

The danger of "Voice Mail" lurks primarily for the caller. By default, call forwarding to your voice box is activated if the called party is unavailable or does not answer within 30 seconds. As a result, the person making the call pays for the call according to their rate, although they never spoke to you.

The problem with payment abroad is easy to solve. A person is given several non-chargeable seconds to decide whether to leave a message or not.

Let's be frank, almost all subscribers, having heard the offer to leave a message via voice mail, just hang up. In this case, the money, as a rule, still has time to be written off. It turns out actually a payment for "air". And even if you decide to leave a message, the chances that the called subscriber will listen to it is minimal - they will call you back rather than deal with the voice box.

The service is especially dangerous abroad when the forwarded call is paid for as incoming and outgoing calls at roaming rates.

There are several ways to get rid of voicemail. The easiest one is using a USSD request. We dial * 441 * 1 # call on the phone. Next, select the first item and cancel all conditions for call forwarding. In this case, SMS-notification about missed calls should remain.

More fine tuning of the service is available through CCIS. We go to “Personal Assistant” and go to the “Call Forwarding” tab. Here you can choose under what conditions the Voicemail is allowed to work.

Part two, practical

The journalist went to the camera salons. The task is as follows: connect to an inexpensive tariff and see if we will be offered to disable third-party services and whether they will say anything about them at all. Or is it still better for the future subscriber to arm himself with knowledge before the trip?

It is worth noting that before that I sent the operators only three simple questions, slightly different in the wording depending on the addressee. For example, I would like to get answers to the following questions from velcom:

  1. What additional services outside the tariff plan does a subscriber receive when connecting to velcom?
  2. For what purpose are new users automatically connected to the paid service "Melofon"?
  3. Does the operator of the subscriber making the call inform that money will be debited from his account for a message left with the help of "Voice Mail"?

Almost a week velcom was not enough to satisfy our curiosity. MTS, by the way, also ignored questions addressed to itself.

I visited the salons of operators on the same day, at approximately the same time (there was a place where service centers of velcom, MTS, and life :) are located nearby). It was not necessary to wait at velcom at all - three consultants quickly cope with their work and practically do not allow queuing.

So, I clearly formulate the goal: I want to subscribe to the "Summer is Calling" tariff, they say, I chose it especially for my mother and it suits everyone. Attempts to offer something more "talkative" or "Internet" have not met with success - I want a cheap tariff, and that's it!

We must pay tribute to the consultant: he immediately warned that for the termination of the contract before three months of service, he would have to pay a “penalty” something in the region of 60,000 rubles.

A few minutes - and the contract is completed! Surprisingly, the young man immediately offered to turn off Melofon and did it in a couple of clicks at the computer. But the consultant did not remember about What's New. After I asked about the service, the velcom employee carefully wrote on a piece of paper step-by-step instructions on how to disable the service.

- Can't you turn it off right now?

- Unfortunately no. You need to activate the SIM card and disable What's New yourself.

In general, the service was good. We connected and consulted quickly, clearly, to the point and as politely as possible. I was pleasantly surprised that they got rid of Melofon immediately, without questions or reminders.

An interesting moment is connected with a call to the velcom call center when I tried to turn off the “What's New” service. The girl on the other end of the "line" was surprised to note that for some reason this automatically connected service was deactivated for me. How did it happen? After all, in the salon I was told that it would be possible to turn it off only on my own. I just recently installed a SIM-card in my phone and have not had time to do anything yet!

The operator, as surprised as I was, suggested that the service might have been closed during connection. At the same time, the girl confirmed that it was impossible to deactivate What's New via SMS or USSD, but it is possible through CCIS (although I did not have such an item in my Personal Account) or a call to the call center.

Well, let this little mystery remain unsolved. Be that as it may, you need to keep your ear on the alert, and in order not to burden your account with unnecessary expenses, it is enough to adopt a few simple recommendations given in the article:

  1. * 424 * 5 * 1 # call - USSD request to deactivate the Melofon service.
  2. * 441 * 1 * 1 # call - USSD request to disable call forwarding to Voicemail.
  3. 410 or 411 - call the call center and ask you to deactivate the What's New service. Or you can search for the corresponding item in the operator's SIM-menu.

In the next articles of the cycle, we will tell you how MTS and life :) use forgetfulness and inattention of subscribers, and also write how to disconnect from the services of operators you do not need.

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