How to listen to early calls from a mobile. How to find out if a mobile phone is tapped, is there a wiretap on it? How and with what to check: whether the cellphone is tapped or not

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In parallel with the invention of any means of communication, research begins on the possibility of intercepting information. And no matter how the developers try - creating absolute protection is impossible: even a normal conversation between two people in a closed room can be heard from a fairly large distance, and there are several times more opportunities.


Many users take cellular communications for granted, without even thinking about the principles of data transfer. Of course, in-depth technical knowledge is not necessary for the successful use of services. Moreover, modern devices automatically perform all hidden operations to ensure communication - they tune to the nearest communication station, signal low quality of coverage, etc. However, the better you understand the principles of work of any mobile operator, the more benefit you can get from his services - including protecting his privacy and getting more information about other people.

To begin with, your phone is constantly in signal monitoring and automatically tunes to receive information from the base station whose signal is currently stronger. The quality of communication at a specific point in your location is reflected on the gadget: from a blank or crossed out label (outside the coverage area) to a full scale indicating a high signal level. While your phone constantly picks up the signal of the operator, the communication station in response monitors your gadget, identifying the user by the individual number of the SIM card. That's why the service appeared where you can read someone else's correspondence viber or hack whatsapp

What this gives the operator: he is always aware of your exact location, he can at any time send you a call or message signal.

What this gives you: you receive calls and SMS in real time, through the operator you can establish the reliable location of any subscriber, in the zone of weak coverage your phone discharges faster, since it is more difficult for it to establish a strong connection with the operator.

All subscribers of the mobile operator are constantly monitored by communication stations to establish a connection at any time. In fact, it happens like this: you send a call or message to a specific number, your phone converts the sound into a wave of a certain frequency (each operator broadcasts on its own frequency, the wavelength may vary in different regions) and directs it to the nearest communication tower. Next, the tower redirects the signal to the station that currently supports radio contact with your destination. As soon as a subscriber receives a call, his tower establishes a connection similar to yours, and you can hear each other.


Nobody really advertises this information, but anyone can. Unlike popular messengers, which encrypt their messages in several layers, the radio signal from phone to phone flies free, like a bird - anyone can intercept it. A good example of the defenselessness of citizens before wiretapping can be the famous "jammers" - at especially important sites or when guarding large state politicians, special services include special devices that simply clog the air and interrupt the radio contact with the communications tower.

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Can I eavesdrop on my phone off?

In addition to the legend of calculating the location of the phone using the triangulation method, there is another popular "horror story", periodically mentioned in the media.

It sounds like this: "Special services or criminal elements I can secretly turn on the microphone in your phone and eavesdrop on conversations that you conduct while being near the phone."

As in the case of triangulation, carefully mixing the truth with fiction, you can get a fairly believable fiction.

Let's try to figure out how realistic the implementation of such listening is.

Basic tenets of the eavesdropping legend

  • AT any   the mobile phone initially lays down the ability to record and listen to conversations, even if the mobile phone is turned off. We are not talking about equipping any one particular phone with listening tools to monitor any one particular person - this is possible in all GSM phones.
  • Listening can be activated at any time by special services or by attackers with sufficient resources. Listening is happening remotely, without the use of additional equipment or human resources.
  • The phone user cannot independently detect the fact of listening - it happens secretly.
  • This opportunity secret. Any descriptions, documentation, etc. accessible only to special services and those close to them.

Let's start from the end - with secrecy.

Who invented it, and who has access to it?

The text of legislation governing wiretapping of telephone conversations during operational-search measures and the necessary technical means for this is available to most people in most countries. It is not difficult to find on the network a description of the requirements for systems for the support of operational investigative measures (SORM) used in Russia, or systems of lawful interception used in the UK or the USA. After reviewing them, you can make sure that it is about listening telephone conversations of specific subscribers   (phone numbers). About listening carried out at the central nodes of the network switching. There is no talk about any “remote microphone activation”.

Could it be that documents that speak of such an opportunity exist, but are kept secret?

Since listening tools are built into any GSM phone, there must be some specificationsthat describe the details and principles of their work. Since special services can use these capabilities, then mobile operators have support for these functions in their equipment. In order to securely classify all this, the following must be involved:

  1. The GSM consortium has developed specifications for these listening devices, but keeps them secret (despite the fact that all other GSM specifications are available to anyone on the website The specifications should describe, at a minimum, how to activate and deactivate listening to the phone — which commands come with the SIM card or phone, how they interact with each other, and how all elements of the operator’s network (switches, base station controllers, base stations, etc.) n.) participate in the transfer and processing of these commands.
  2. Manufacturers of GSM modules that do not make phones themselves. They must have access to the secret specifications of the GSM Consortium and implement them in their products. That part of the documentation that describes the listening system should be kept secret and transmitted only to those customers who also participate in the conspiracy of silence.
  3. Manufacturers of equipment for building mobile networks (switches, base stations, etc.). They must also have access to the secret specifications of the GSM Consortium. The accuracy of implementing secret specifications is especially important, because mobile operators like to build their networks from equipment from different manufacturers - it is necessary that different components of the listening system integrate well with each other, even if the system was made by different suppliers.
  4. Integrator companies building mobile networks. They should be able to organize the work of all subsystems of the mobile operator, including listening. To do this, their employees must attend secret courses organized by equipment manufacturers.
  5. Mobile operators. They should provide access to the listening system to the special services of their country and to ensure that special services of other countries do not gain access to them. But at the same time, operators should also cooperate with each other to ensure the operation of the listening system even when the subscriber is in roaming.
  6. Mobile phone manufacturers. It is on their shoulders to ensure the secrecy of listening - that the phone supports all secret functions, but the subscriber could not guess about their activation. Their warranty repair services should know that the phones have the appropriate secret modules, be able to diagnose and repair them.
  7. Intelligence services. They should be aware of how to work with operators.

This list could be continued further (adding manufacturers of SIM-cards, etc.), but in its current form it looks quite fantastic. After all, the secrecy of the specification implies that all who know are silent, and no one else knows. In the same time the current situation in the GSM equipment market is characterized by rather fierce competition, and there would certainly be manufacturers that produce phones without the listening function. Extra chips on the phone boards and “bookmarks” in the firmware would be found by enthusiasts, whose bread is the “unlock” of mobile phones. There would be experts disabling the ability to listen to your device for money. But nothing of the kind is observed in real life.

For comparison, the standard functions of lawful interception:

  1. Openly documented.
  2. Their support is implemented exactly at one point on the network - on the switches. Manufacturers have available documentation on the operation and administration of this functionality, in the public domain you can find the name, schedule and program of the relevant training courses, etc.
  3. They do not require any special support from manufacturers of telephones, SIM cards, GSM modules, etc.
  4. They cope with the task of listening to telephone conversations of a particular subscriber, complementing other possible covert surveillance mechanisms.

Suppose that such a global “conspiracy of silence” still exists. How does a secret listening system work? How can you implement such listening and transmitting the listened “where necessary”?

Since listening is secretive, we can assume that the phone has alternative systems for encoding and storing information that is transmitted over the air to some special antennas using a radio wave modulation system that is not similar to GSM. This assumption does not hold water: firstly, the GSM-modules of modern phones are similar to each other, the used microcircuits and their functions are well known and described. If such listening tools are built into any telephone, this means that neither the enthusiasts disassembling the phones for repair and modernization, nor third-party repair shops noticed anything suspicious in their design. But to hide another module in the phone, similar in functionality to a GSM transceiver, and even with its own separate antenna, is an absolutely impossible thing. "Extra" details will be visible to any specialist. In the end, there is no place for this in a modern phone.

Secondly, the transfer of listening through alternative channels implies the construction of a global network of receivers, the scale of which any mobile operator would envy, not to mention the fact that the question of financing such a project and sharing access to it between the special services of different countries remains open.

However, proponents of undocumented capabilities do not go so far in their statements. As a rule, they say that after "activating the microphone" the phone, without the knowledge of the owner, calls a certain numberthen "from the other side" everyone listens attentively and records.

The hypothesis of "hidden call"

Can a phone, without the knowledge of the owner, make a call (using the standard functions of the GSM network) to a certain number, moreover, secretly? A number of uncomfortable questions immediately arise:

  1. Why is the fact of having an active call not visible in the phone’s interface?
  2. How long will the battery last on your phone while listening?
  3. What to do with the characteristic pickups on the dynamics of the surrounding radio equipment that arise during the conversation?
  4. Why is the call used for listening not visible in the detailed listing of the subscriber’s calls? Who pays for it?

Point 1 is usually explained either by the participation of mobile phone manufacturers in a global conspiracy, or they write that special services or a mobile operator remotely inject software into the phone that will hide suspicious activity from the user. Fortunately, there is currently no way to transfer active content to the phone that will be executed on any GSM phone.

For paragraph 2, there is no good counterargument, therefore, in articles about miracle listening, it is usually passed over in silence. Indeed, in modern phones, the batteries last for about four to five hours of continuous conversation maximum - this is clearly not enough for the organization of constant listening.

Point number 3 is also usually overlooked in silence. Obviously, for covert listening, the presence of such a “side effect” is completely unacceptable.

Paragraph 4 suggests that intelligence agencies are in collusion with mobile operators. As part of this conspiracy:

  1. The operator has nothing against the fact that his voice channels are used for listening, and he does not receive a cent for hours of calls (we do not consider the option “special services pay for the listener” to be absolutely fantastic).
  2. The operator excludes calls to special services from a detailed listing of calls and from all internal databases.
  3. If the listener is in the coverage area of \u200b\u200banother network (or in roaming), the operator additionally incurs the costs associated with international roaming.
  4. This conspiracy is valid at least for all operators in the country where the special services under discussion work.

Technically, all this is feasible.. However, what should be the motivation of the operators so that they agree to such a conspiracy, moreover, the conspiracy is secret?

Collusion provides for significant financial losses on the part of operators, so the incentive for cooperation should be significant enough. Obviously, we are not talking about the fact that the operators were obliged to participate in the conspiracy by law or through blackmail - history shows that any attempts of extra-market pressure on operators by government agencies immediately turn into a wave of media publications. There remains one option - the special services paid the operators to modify the billing and the costs associated with listening. The realism of such a scenario, you can, without a doubt, evaluate yourself.

So what do we have? Thanks to the global conspiracy of the main players in the mobile market, a secret method was invented and implemented to remotely activate the microphone of a mobile phone for covert surveillance of the subscriber. Recorded conversations are transmitted "where necessary" using standard means of the GSM network. The special services of a particular country use this secret opportunity, and they are not stopped by what their probable opponents have developed. The special services agree with all local mobile operators on concealing the fact of calls to a secret number belonging to the special services. Now, at the risk of being noticed every second by the quick discharge of the battery and pickups to the nearest radio equipment, the special services have the opportunity to listen to you for about 4-5 hours if you played into their hands and precharged the phone.

Think about whether the game is worth the candle for special services, given that there are many less global, less costly and more effective ways to listen to a particular person.


Talking about the hidden ability to remotely activate the microphone of any phone is nothing more than talk. On the other hand, there is a standard documented technical ability to listen and record telephone conversations of a specific, pre-known subscriber.

Previously, the so-called wiretapping of mobile phones was available only to representatives of special services. Currently, technology does not stand still, and an ordinary person can install wiretapping on the phone for their own purposes.

Why is cell wiretapping used most often?

Often wiretap cell   used by companies in the event that there is a suspicion of an information leak, to check the reliability of a business partner, some citizens conduct wiretaps to verify marital fidelity, control their children and their movements, and much more.

At the moment, there are several methods for wiretapping the phone. Among the most popular are the method of creating a transit base station and the method of intercepting data through a terrestrial transmission channel. The first method is based on the fact that the phone, when making calls, searches for the base station that has the highest signal level, and at the same time the largest number of time slots. When creating such a station, the signal from the telephone you are listening to will go to it. Of course, wiretapping cell phones This method has several disadvantages. The base station should be as close as possible to the listening device, significant funds are needed to create it, since creating such a device from improvised materials at home is extremely problematic, and the work of many qualified specialists in the laboratory is necessary.

The second method is simpler. In cellular communications, data is encrypted on the way from the phone to the nearest base station in a radio frequency transmission clock, and then all data is sent in unencrypted form. Such wiretap through cell   Needs access to the operator.

The above methods allow you to wiretap without direct contact with the telephone of the listener. There are other methods that require certain manipulations with the telephone of the listener to establish wiretapping. This may be installing a bug in the device or installing a special program. Is it possible wiretapping cell phones for free? It is quite possible to install the program on the desired device. Among the most popular wiretapping software is

What features does this software offer?

Wiretapping telephone conversations;
  interception of SMS messages;
  wiretapping of space near a specific mobile phone;
  determining the location of a particular device.

Is there an option that downloaded for " program for wiretapping"The software will not work on a particular phone? Of course, there is such an option. But for most models of phones and smartphones, the program works fine, and the subscriber does not even know about its presence in their own phone.

Mobile wiretapping is currently available to ordinary citizens. Enough to find on the internet cell phone tapping software   and download them. Next, select the moment to install the software on the desired device. Conversations are not only tapped, but also recorded. With modern programs, you can constantly be aware of all the conversations and movements of the subscriber of interest.

In order to learn how to listen to someone else’s mobile phone, just read this article. Then you can listen to other people's phone conversations, read their messages.

The easiest ways

To learn secret information about another person in our time has become very simple. You just need to buy or even make a bug with your own hands. The only question is where to install it?

Therefore, it is not enough to know how to listen to someone else's phone. It will take knowledge on how to use listening equipment. Most often, an office or other workplace is chosen for this event. Unfortunately, this is not very reliable. After all, a “bug” can be found, it can break or a sound simply cannot be heard.

Can I record a conversation myself?

Recording conversations in a room is quite dangerous. Your bug may fall off the attached surface or, even worse, it may be covered by something. Anyone understands that there will be little use for this device.

There is a more reliable way - installing a GSM bug directly into the phone. However, in this case, wiretapping someone else's mobile will cost more. The fact is that almost everyone can create a bug. But, for example, units are capable of mounting it in a communication medium.

You need to somehow convince the surveillance object to give you your phone, but sometimes it is completely impossible to do. Especially if you decide to listen to it precisely because you do not get along.

A new method of obtaining audio data

All these methods have their pros and cons, but they are inferior to the following method. Its essence lies in the fact that by installing special software, you can find out everything. Moreover, without the knowledge of the owner.

Visit a site that deals with mobile espionage at a professional level. Here you can download any spyware program of your choice.

Jealousy is an unpleasant thing. And for both. But also the fact that you can’t get anywhere from her. This is a feature of the psychophysical type of personality. And on the other hand, what if your other half really considers you to be only one quarter with a slight extra weight (+ horns)? Or it deceives you in other directions, which may turn out to be no less offensive. But, returning to your behavior, your suspicions can not only push you towards the search for the truth, but can also destroy your relationship with your missus. Moreover, the stronger your jealousy, the more likely the second outcome, because living under constant unreasonable suspicion is extremely unpleasant.

And here such a useful event as helping   wiretapping a wife's phone using a special spy program. With him, you can leave your wife alone and at the same time get answers to all your questions for a further decision on whether your wife is cheating on you, whether she’s cheating, or just someone’s paranoia ... And your relationship will be much more acceptable than if you did not give personal space to your wife.

And you need to know one more small nuance in the matter - you can’t just listen to phone conversations. With spyware you organize full tracking of his wife through the phone. It’s just that such applications also collect coordinates from the GPS module of the phone (or from the base stations of mobile operators, which is not very accurate) and then build routes for you on the map. Those. You will be aware of where and when your Madame was.

We put the program on the wife’s phone

Let's dwell on how to install a wiretap on the wife’s phone in more detail. In general, a lot has been written about the installation of mobile spies on our site (for example, here:), because now it’s only about working with the wife’s smartphone. The peculiarity of the issue is the direct availability of the mobile phone. You can even work out with installing, reinstalling or replacing the program with a more suitable one.

If the program suits you according to the functionality, you can configure the synchronization in the most acceptable way for you (by synchronization is meant the transmission of the collected spy data to a server on the Internet, from where you can view it later). For example, you can prevent a mobile spy from connecting to the Internet via mobile networks, allowing only data transfer via wi-fi, and independently, at a convenient time for you, go to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Just turn on wi-fi for a minute or two and then turn it off. So an already inconspicuous mobile spy will become completely invisible.

If you need to monitor your wife’s phone in real time, then you can take care of the tariff plan by adding unlimited internet to her to keep it turned on ... So you can follow your wife literally on his heels, watching your route through her smartphone.

Of course, you can also ask the program to connect to the mobile Internet itself for synchronization, but some spyware programs then do not turn off the Internet or leave a connection icon, which displays them.

Otherwise, in the matter of installing such programs, everything is standard and is described at the link above.

Understanding how to put an eavesdropper on his wife’s phone, it is worth considering her reaction and the consequences of receiving answers to her questions. And remember that the bitter truth is better ... And even better, if your fears were far-fetched.

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