Megaphone trust payment. Megaphone: trust payment

The stable operation of any telecommunications operator directly depends on the positive balance of the personal account. The promised payment Megafon, the combination of numbers of which will be considered in this material, is a good way to quickly replenish the balance for the required amount, in case you forgot to pay for communication services or accidentally used up Internet traffic or the included package of minutes, which contributed to unnecessary expenses. In 2019, every client of the company can use this service, and the operator has developed several ways to activate it. We will look at each activation method separately and describe in detail its advantages and disadvantages.

Megafon has revised in detail the standard system for connecting the promised payment, offering users more favorable conditions.

The ability to quickly top up the balance has been added to the user's personal account under the name "Service Guide", where you get access to other operator options.

The basic method of replenishing the balance via USSD request and SMS message has not gone anywhere, but has been redesigned, which requires separate consideration.

Working with a personal account is a recommended modern process available to all subscribers of the company. You can get to the control panel from the official website of the cellular operator. The interface of the site has been significantly redesigned, all functions have been conveniently grouped, and the design has become intuitive. Now any user will figure out how to perform the required operation.

To start working with the service, you must make a mandatory registration. This can be done by dialing the combination * 105 * 00 # on your mobile phone, after which your number will be entered into the appropriate database and a password will be assigned to it. You will receive your login information via SMS. After successfully logging in and confirming the login, you will be redirected to the main page of the service.

Here we are interested in the section responsible for managing the balance of your number. Here you can view the balance of funds, order a detailed statement of charges and expenses, activate the promised payment and set up automatic payment for services with a bank plastic card.

The amounts of the promised payment are generated automatically, depending on the validity period of your account and its "level". The mobile number level is formed from the amount of monthly expenses.

The promised payment instantly comes to the subscriber. If you previously could not make calls due to lack of funds, it is recommended to restart your mobile phone. Such payment must be repaid within 3 days.

Other features of the personal account include:

  • the ability to quickly change the tariff plan, activate and deactivate additional services;
  • management of the company's popular services - Megafon Bonus and Megafon Roaming;
  • the ability to detail calls and messages;
  • setting up the receipt of the company's advertising mailings by e-mail.

The classic methods of working with the promised payments are not to be done anywhere. USSD commands, as before, allow you to quickly add funds to your account. The payment amount can vary from 50 to 1300 rubles. Subscribers who use the services from 2 weeks to 3 months and have completed 2 or more balance top-ups can top up their account by 50 rubles. The term of such a payment is 3 days from the date of its accrual.

Allows you to take the promised payment Megafon command * 106 #, after entering which you will receive a special menu with a description of further actions. The * 1006 # command is an analogue of the above function.

Top-ups of up to 300 rubles are available if you have spent more than 400 rubles in the past 3 months. An amount up to 1,300 rubles is available for accrual to VIP-subscribers who spend more than 2,000 rubles monthly on communication services. The payment term for the promised payment for such users has been increased from 3 to 7 days. This system is constantly being improved. On the official website of the company there is a corresponding section where you can find out the current codes for activating the trust credit on your Megafon number.

How to make the promised payment on Megafon automatically

The automatic promised payment offered by the operator Megafon, the command for activating which is * 106 #. As in manual activation, after entering such a USSD request, you will be presented with a menu with further instructions on connecting the required solution. In this list, there is the possibility of setting up the automatic accrual of funds to the balance. The one-time cost of activating the service is 30 rubles, further service is free.

The automatic promised payment involves the accrual of funds with a balance of 10 rubles or less. The amount charged is 300 rubles, which must be repaid within 3 days. If you do not top up your account with the required amount, your number will be blocked for incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

Having considered how to take the promised Megafon payment, you can not worry about the inability to make a call with a negative balance. Do not forget to keep track of your personal account status, the balance of prepaid minutes and traffic packages. Optimization of expenses of the mobile operator Megafon depends entirely on you.

In the absence of an opportunity to replenish the account, you can always pay attention to the trust payment service. Megafon offers its verified subscribers to top up their account for a few days against future payment. Now everyone will stay in touch, even if he forgot to put money into the account on time.

How to take payment

Terms of registration for each are selected individually. The amount of money most often depends on the duration of cooperation with the company and gradually increases. Newcomers will not be able to formalize such a debt at all, but those who have been subscribers for more than six months can safely count on a large amount.

For registration, you can use several ways:

  • Call to number 0006... After listening to the autoinformer, you can choose the appropriate option for the proposal.
  • * 106 # amount #... The exact amount of money that is available for this subscriber must be registered.
  • SMS to number 0006 with the amount of debt.
  • ... Now each operator on the site has a personal account, which makes it possible to connect all services.

For verified users available automatic connection services. This system is called a car loan. It is active only for those who connected more than 5 months ago, and also regularly replenish more than 600 rubles per month. Then subscribers can safely go to the minus.

Under the condition of the classic promised payment, it is calculated based on the expenses for the last 3 months and, accordingly, may be different:

  • Up to 100 rubles you can take only 10-30 rubles.
  • Up to 300, available 10-250.
  • Up to 600, let's say the range is from 10 to 250 rubles.

Disconnection is carried out automatically, the amount is debited three days after the balance is replenished with this program. Often, the promised payment helps a lot, makes it possible to urgently call or go to the Internet.

If you suddenly run out of funds in your account, then this is not a problem. The service of borrowing money from the operator "promised payment" is available for subscribers. Using it, you will be able to continue to communicate even after you cross the zero threshold.

This service is especially useful when, for some reason, you do not have the opportunity to replenish your account. For example, you may not have enough funds or time. It also happens that in the place where you are, there is no physical opportunity to replenish your account. Here you will learn how to activate the promised Megafon payment.

In order to prevent a situation with a sudden zeroing of the balance in the future, you can use the "live balance" service from Megafon. With its help, you can always be aware of what amount is on your personal account. After all, the balance will be displayed on the screen of the mobile device constantly. The slightest changes will be immediately displayed.

Under what conditions is the promised payment provided on Megafon?

After activation of the Megaphone trust payment service, a certain amount is credited to the subscriber's account. It can range from 100 to 1300 rubles. The operator sets aside from three days to a week to pay off the debt. During this time, you can continue to use communication services. However, if you spend the funds provided to you on the promised payment, then the connection will become unavailable for you.

If you do not top up your balance during the promised payment, your phone number will be blocked after the loan expires. And to unlock it, you will need to pay off your debt to a cellular operator.

The size and timing of the Megafon trust loan

Megafon offers its clients various loan amounts. Different times are also set for their repayment. It all depends on what status the client has.

Ordinary users who do not have an unlimited Internet connection can borrow a very small amount. The amount of the promised payment for such clients can be equal to 100, 200 or 300 rubles. For subscribers of this category, the debt repayment period does not exceed 3 days.

For those who use unlimited Internet, the company offers more loyal conditions. In addition to the denominations of 100 and 200 rubles, a loan of 500, 800, 1100 and 1300 rubles is available for this category of clients. However, they will also have to pay off the promised payment within three days.

VIP clients (and the company includes those who spend more than three thousand rubles a month on communications) the same denominations are available as for users of unlimited Internet. But they are offered the best conditions for repaying the loan amount. These clients can replenish their account with the required amount within seven days.

Another important point is that after activating the trust credit, you will need to receive at least 30 rubles on your balance. This should be taken into account if, when activating the promised payment, your account has a minus.

How to issue a trust payment Megafon?

And now a simple instruction on how to borrow on Megaphone. There are three methods to activate a promised payment.

  1. Free call to the number 0006 .
  2. Sending USSD request by number *106# or *1006# ... Type this combination and follow the instructions given.
  3. You can also send SMS to the room 0006 ... Do not forget to indicate the amount you want to receive in the message.
    The Megafon credit service will also allow you to stay in touch even when you reach zero.

Megafon is one of the largest mobile operators. Many customers using Megafon's services appreciated the excellent, as well as the friendliness of the operator in solving emerging issues. In turn, Megafon values \u200b\u200band trusts its users and tries to provide the most convenient and beneficial package of services for them. One of them is debt accounts. For this, the operator has developed a service that includes the services "Trust", "Credit", as well as the ability to use the Internet, even if the balance for some reason was not replenished in time.

Trust in Megafon customers is directly related to the duration of the use of communication services, as well as the level of solvency. That is, the longer you use the connection, and the more your payments, the more accessible the service.

How to take "Trust Payment" on Megafon

If the balance is close to "0", but there is no possibility to replenish the account, the "Trust Payment" service will allow you to stay in touch. It is connected for 5 days, after which it is necessary to replenish the account for an amount larger than the amount due. Also, while the "Trust Payment" is in effect, you cannot borrow again. The loan amount will depend on the amount deposited in the last month. So, if no more than 100 rubles were deposited into the account, the size of the "Trust Payment" will be from 10 to 30 rubles, if not more than 300 rubles. - from 10 to 100 rubles, if not more than 600 - from 10 to 200. If more than 600 rubles a month are spent on communication, then Megafon can credit from 10 to 250 rubles. The service is paid, for the use of the credit the operator withdraws 5 rubles from the account.

You can connect "Trusted Payment" in several ways:

Send SMS "amount of payment" to number 0006;

Use the USSD guide by dialing * 105 * 1 * 5 * 2 #.

How to take the "Credit of Trust"

"Credit of Trust" can be activated even if the balance is "negative". But it is impossible to use this service if a “Trust Payment” has been received before. In order to connect to the service, you need to visit the Megafon salon, taking your passport with you. If this is impossible or inconvenient, you can just dial * 138 # and press the green call button.

"Credit of Trust" is available only to those subscribers who have been using Megafon services for 5 months or more. In addition, communication costs for the past 3 months must be at least 600 rubles. Those subscribers who use the Ring-Ding and Megafon Login plan will not be able to receive the "Credit of Trust".

For other communication users, Megafon offers 3 basic packages - 300, 600 and 900 rubles. The selected amount is debited automatically when the service is connected and credited to the account as soon as the balance approaches "0".

You can disable the Credit of Trust service yourself by dialing * 138 * 2 #. In this case, the unspent funds will be returned to the account

"Trust payment" for Internet communication

The service works in the same way as "Trust Payment" for telephone communications. You can connect it even with a zero balance by simply dialing * 106 #. If the use of the Internet exceeds 90 days, Megafon will offer 100, 500 or 1000 rubles, which will be debited after 3 days. In order to use the "Trust Payment" service, you do not need to connect any special options or enter complex combinations of numbers. The system itself will offer the service by sending a message as soon as the balance goes into negative territory.

For MegaFon subscribers who urgently need to top up their balance, there is a Promised Payment service. It allows you to use a loan for three days. After that, you simply pay off the resulting debt.

How to take the promised payment on a megaphone?

  • Call the short number 0006;
  • Dial * 106 # on the phone and press the call button;
  • Send SMS with the required amount to number 0006;
  • Activate the "Promised payment" in the "Payments" section in the Personal Account of the "Service-Guide" system.

In roaming, you can take the promised payment in only one way: dial * 106 # and press the call button.

The service turns off automatically after three days.

Connection conditions

  • Subscribers of all tariffs, except for "MegaFon-Login" and "Ring-Ding", can connect a trust payment
  • You must use the number for more than 3 months
  • The amount spent on communication in the previous month must be greater than zero

For some tariffs "Promised payment" does not exceed 100 rubles, for others it can be 300 rubles. If the balance is negative and the Promised Payment is activated, you cannot use Mobile Transfer and Mobile Payments. The service is not connected simultaneously with the "Credit of Trust"

"Promised Payment" is activated free of charge.

"Credit of Trust"

This is another service with which you can use the connection even if your account balance is negative.

Connection methods

  • At the MegaFon office. To connect the Trust Credit for free, you can contact the nearest MegaFon office. There you will be calculated the size of your possible "Trust Credit". It will depend on how much you spent on communication in the previous 3 months.
  • Using a short number. To activate the payment, you need to dial * 138 # on your phone and press the call button. Then enter the required amount.

For this service to be free for you, the following conditions must be met:

  • you have been a MegaFon subscriber for more than five months
  • you spent more than 600 rubles on calls in the previous 3 months

If the conditions specified above are not met, then the "Credit of Trust" service will be conditionally paid for you. In this case, the credit limit does not depend on the amount you spent on communication in the previous months. You choose the loan amount yourself.

At the time of activation of the service, your account must have an amount equal to the desired credit limit. To activate the service dial * 138 # and select the desired package for 300, 600 or 900 rubles. After that, the corresponding amount will be debited from your balance. When your balance approaches zero, this money will be returned and you will continue to stay connected.

To disable the "Trust Credit" dial * 138 * 2 # on your phone and press the call button.

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