Calling a doctor from the clinic at home. What documents are required to receive medical care

Breakdowns in everyday life cause discomfort in using household items and require immediate correction. How to troubleshoot and fix them by calling a plumber or electrician from the housing office, we will figure it out in this article.

The service life of plumbing installations does not last forever, and in the house you can often encounter malfunctions such as pipe leaks or broken taps. Before dealing with the plumber's call, you need to highlight a number of services that he provides.

Among the works carried out by a master from housing and communal services with plumbing, the following are distinguished:

  • clearing sewer blockages;
  • renovation of waterproofing in the toilet and bath;
  • replacement of the flushing pipe;
  • installation of brackets;
  • flush cistern change;
  • replacement of sinks and sinks;
  • replacement of offsets;
  • valve head replacement;
  • cleaning siphons and other areas of the pipeline.

How to call a plumber from the housing office

Sometimes minor breakdowns occur, but in what situations is it better not to take risks and seek the help of a highly qualified specialist? A visit from the master on duty is needed if you have observed in your home:

  • leakage of taps and pipelines;
  • pipe blockages;
  • malfunction of taps, toilets, sinks;
  • unsuitability of the pipeline layout.

The method of calling a plumber from a housing management company to your address is very simple. In order to use the services of a professional, you need to visit the main building of the housing and communal services or leave an application at the institution by means of a phone call. In the application, you need to indicate information about the urgency of correcting the problem and the time at which you will be at home. If immediate intervention of a plumber is necessary, you call the plumber on duty, who will arrive at the site shortly.

Important! If you doubt the quality of the work provided by the housing and communal services locksmiths, then refer to private ads. In this case, it will be possible to use the skills of the workers only for a fee. The cost will depend entirely on the complexity of the breakdown.

It is advisable in such a decision to recall the free work provided by the management company of the utilities. These include maintenance:

  • replacement of gaskets and stuffing of glands in water taps;
  • elimination of leaks;
  • normalization of the functioning of the toilet cisterns;
  • cleaning the pipeline.

How to call an electrician at home from the housing office

If a minor breakdown can be corrected by yourself, then issues related to electricity are best left to professional workers. Calling an electrician at your home at the place of residence is carried out if you encounter the following inconveniences:

  • problems with switches;
  • breakdown of household appliances;
  • sudden voltage drops in the network;
  • problems with the outlet.

What you do not pay for by calling the foreman on duty at your place of residence:

  • replacement of burnt out light bulbs;
  • strengthening of shades and weakened sections of external electrical wiring.

What you have to pay for:

  • change of the electric stove;
  • replacement and landing of switches;
  • repair work and replacement of electrical wiring;
  • the behavior of the wiring;
  • dismantling the panel with the counter, fixing it;
  • replacement of sockets, ceiling and wall sockets.

Calling an electrician is no different from calling a locksmith - you just need to leave an application to the management company and be patient. You can find the organization number on the paid receipt for accommodation services. Remember that you have to pay for every job. But you should not be skeptical about fitters from a government organization, and pay for the services of private electricians. After all, it is difficult to predict the quality of the work of independent repairmen. The most safe option would be to contact a private specialized electrical installation company. In this case, you need to pay several times more, but the long-term and reliability of the work done will be at its best, and the second visit of the master is free.

Advantages of contacting the employees of the housing and communal services management company

The ZhEK remains the most popular organization to which people who encounter problems in their home turn to. This is not surprising, since the hotbed of commercial companies providing identical repair services does not instill confidence and confidence in a properly performed job.

The main advantage that should be noted in the services provided by the organization of housing and communal services is the affordable price of the work of the master. Previously, it was possible to notice the dishonesty in the performance of official duties of locksmiths and electricians, but today the ranks of highly qualified and responsible specialists are growing. Fewer complaints are received by the organization, and the implementation of the work being done is only accelerating.

Important! The homeowner does not have to worry about the fact that the master turns out to be a swindler, take the money and disappear. This cannot happen in a housing and communal services management company. All shortcomings of work that can be detected during operation will be eliminated and corrected free of charge.

In this article, we answered the question "how to call an electrician or a locksmith from the housing office at the place of residence", explained in detail the method of work of the organization's professionals and highlighted a part of the services that are carried out for a fee by the specialist on duty.

Everyone has the right to receive qualified medical care. However, not everyone uses the services available. Of course, if you come to the clinic for an appointment with a specialist, it will be convenient for him. However, you can also make a house call. This is what will be discussed below. You will learn how to call a doctor at home from a polyclinic and what is needed for this.

Medical help

Many people are used to self-medicating. However, this is not entirely correct. It's one thing if you have a common cold or cut your finger. A person finds himself in a completely different situation when he cannot cope with his illness on his own. In this case, you need to visit or make a house call.

What documents are required to receive medical care?

Before calling the doctor at home from the clinic, make sure you have all the necessary papers. For service in a public medical institution, you must have a passport of a citizen of the country in which you are located. You will also need an insurance policy and a pension card (SNILS).

If you need a home from a polyclinic, then, in addition to documents for the child, a policy and SNILS), you will need your own passport.

It is worth noting that when calling the brigade, you can do without an insurance policy at all. Few people know this, since during a visit, the team always requires documents. Remember that you can call the doctor on call at home from the ambulance without providing insurance for free. Everyone has the right to receive emergency assistance.

How to call a doctor at home from a polyclinic?

Call to reception

If you call the registry of a medical institution, a specialist will be sent to you on the same day. This method of calling a doctor at home is the most common. When talking with the registrar, be ready to give your details: last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth and address of residence. You will also be asked about complaints and symptoms. Most often, doctors visit patients in cases when the patient is unable to independently get to the clinic.

The most common complaints when calling a specialist are high fever, chills and nausea, sore throat and bone aches.

Application on the website of the clinic

In large cities, it is common to use the Net to call medical professionals. So, you can go online via a computer or phone and leave a request for a medical visit. In this case, you will have to indicate not only personal data, but also the policy number. This is necessary to reassure the medical institution in connection with the frequent occurrence of false calls.

Medical facility visit

A house call can be made by someone from your relatives or friends. Nowadays, almost every person has a mobile phone. However, situations are different. Perhaps your machine is simply broken. What to do in this case? How to call a doctor at home?

Ask your neighbors or relatives to go to the clinic and leave a request. In this case, you will need all the same data as when calling by phone. Each state polyclinic provides a doctor's home call free of charge.

How to call a narrow specialist?

Is it possible to call an ENT doctor at home or, for example, an ophthalmologist? Definitely yes. However, this requires certain indications.

If you feel unwell and have called a doctor, the therapist will come to you first (a pediatrician to the children). After that, after conducting an examination, the doctor will make a conclusion. In most cases, disabled patients are hospitalized and additional studies and examinations are carried out in the hospital. However, if you refuse to go to the hospital, your doctor must provide you with home help. For this, a special registration book is kept in each clinic. In it, the therapist leaves a request for a visit to a particular doctor. If you need an eye doctor, wait for an eye doctor to come. The doctor will examine yours and give the necessary appointments. For heart problems, a cardiologist will visit you. During the examination, the main manipulations will be carried out and a conclusion will be made. If you have ear or nose diseases, the ENT doctor will come.

There is a group of people to whom a narrow circle of specialists comes without the appointment of a therapist. These patients include the disabled, veterans and their widows, bedridden patients and simply the elderly. If a person from this category of the population needs the help of one or another doctor, then he can simply call the registry department of the polyclinic and call him. Also, if necessary, laboratory assistants are required to come to this group of people to take some analyzes.

Calling the doctor on duty

What to do if you get sick on holidays or weekends? No one is immune from this. That is why a doctor is always on duty within the walls of the polyclinic. If possible, you can come directly to the hospital. There is also an option to call the specialist on duty at home. You just need to call and leave a request.

Many medical institutions do not like to send doctors on call for calls. Remember that you have every right to use this service.

Calling an ambulance

Emergency help is urgent and can be called at any time of the day. If your doctor's working hours are over, and you need his consultation and examination, then call the "ambulance". In some cases, recommendations can be given by phone, but most often the medical team is sent personally to the patient.

Also, you can use the ambulance services in the daytime, when your doctor is still seeing. Sometimes situations arise when you can't hesitate. In this case, the doctor's waiting hours may not work in your favor. Call an ambulance and get expert advice and examination.

Is it possible to call a gynecologist at home?

You already know how to call a therapist and a narrow circle of specialists. The question arises, is it possible to use the services of doctors such as a gynecologist or obstetrician at home?

If you have severe pain in the organs of the reproductive system or bleeding has begun, then you should not try to call a doctor at home. The most correct option for you would be to go to a medical institution on your own. You may need urgent surgery.

The same is true at the onset of labor. Don't wait for the midwife to visit you. Procrastination can cost your baby's life. Go on your own or use the emergency services.

Alternative option

In our time, private clinics and medical institutions have become widespread. You can also use their services at home. It should be noted that you do not need standard documents for this. Any diagnostics is carried out only for money.

However, many clinics promise very quick help. If you have to wait half a day for a doctor from an ordinary (state) institution, then private staff will come to you within half an hour. However, be prepared to shell out a good amount of money for it.


Now you know several ways to call a doctor at home from a polyclinic. Use the services of medical personnel if necessary. Start treatment on time and always be healthy!

Our people are modest, and therefore, even almost in a dying state, citizens go to the clinic for medical help. Yes, it is really convenient, but not for you, but for the doctor. On the other hand, there is such a thing as calling a doctor at home from a polyclinic at the place of residence, and every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to do so. So let's try to figure out how to call a specialist home and use his services in Moscow in 2018.

Health care

Oddly enough, but the fear of health workers is present in almost everyone, and therefore many citizens will better use the Internet, find some popular recipe and treat themselves. In principle, it is normal for a person to catch a cold or hit their little toe on the corner of a table. But there are other, more serious diseases that you yourself cannot cure, and you will have to contact a specialist in any case. And if you pre-engage in self-medication, this will complicate the task of the doctor later, and even more so it will not save you time.

What documents will be needed when visiting a doctor

So, you have decided to call the doctor to the house from the clinic at your place of residence. First, make sure that you have all the necessary documents, namely, an identity card confirming that you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, an insurance policy, and SNILS.

If your child is sick and needs urgent medical attention, you will need SNILS, policy and birth certificate of your child. Plus, you will be required to show your own ID.

Many do not call a doctor at home due to the lack of an insurance policy, but this is a huge misconception. Remember, it does not force you to have a policy, and, moreover, the services of a doctor on duty are completely free, since this is emergency assistance that every citizen of the Russian Federation can count on.

Calling a doctor from the clinic at home

You can call the reception

When you call the reception, the specialist goes to the patient on the same day. In fact, almost all citizens use this particular method, since it is really convenient. But keep in mind, when you call a health worker, you will need to give certain passport details. After that, there will be a question about the state of health and symptoms, so that the doctor has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he is dealing with in advance. As a rule, the doctor goes home to the patient in the event that the latter is not able to get to the clinic on his own

As a rule, a doctor is called at home from a polyclinic at an elevated temperature, nausea, chills, aching bones, and so on.

You can leave a request on the official website of the medical institution

Many people prefer not to call the registry, but to simplify their task and leave a request on the website of the medical institution. Indeed, by means of a computer or a mobile phone, if the Internet is available, you leave an application, where it is examined, and then sent to the specified address of the doctor. But keep in mind that in this case there will be little passport data. You will also need a policy number. Thus, the polyclinic is reinsured, since there are a lot of false calls with this method.

Visiting a medical facility

There are times when you cannot call a doctor. Today, many are abandoning landline phones, as there are mobile ones. But mobile communication is not always reliable, and the phone itself can fail. And medical help is needed urgently. How to be in this case?

In fact, your relatives or even neighbors can leave an application to the clinic. The most important thing is that they have your data. In fact, the application is made in the same way as by phone, but the doctor's call is free of charge according to the law.

If you need a narrow specialist

Many do not even think about the fact that you have the right to call even an ENT doctor, an ophthalmologist and even a gynecologist at home. But in order to call doctors of a narrow profile, you need to have some indications.

Let's say a citizen feels bad. Then a therapist comes to him initially, in the case of a sick child - a pediatrician. If a citizen really feels bad and cannot move independently, then he must be hospitalized, where an examination and additional research will be carried out. But if the patient does not want to go to the hospital, the doctor has no choice but to work at home. In any clinic, a registration book is provided for this, where the therapist notes the visit of the required doctor. It already depends on the patient's illness. A problem with the eyes, it means that an ophthalmologist will come, if the heart is junk - a cardiologist and everything like that.

But a therapist does not have to come beforehand in order to subsequently appoint a highly specialized doctor. There is a category of the population to which the doctor comes immediately. This category includes the elderly, disabled, veterans, their widows, disabled patients. That is, if such a person needs emergency medical care, he should call the registry, and a specialist of the required specialization will be sent to him. In addition to a doctor, laboratory assistants, as a rule, come to such citizens, who must collect certain tests.

How to call the doctor on duty at home

There are times when a citizen is simply unlucky. He gets sick on some national holiday when no one really works. But the state also took care of this. In each district polyclinic in such cases, a doctor on duty works, who will always help. In this case, it is best, of course, to independently go to the clinic for help. But if this is not possible, call the reception and leave a request, the doctor on duty will definitely come to you.

Just keep in mind that in such cases, at least in our country, doctors on duty do not particularly like to go somewhere, and can "get away". Remember, this is your civil right to emergency medical care, and you have the full constitutional right to use the services of a specialist at home.

How to call an ambulance

There is such a thing as emergency care. This is when a person really needs consultation and examination by a specialist, but the working hours of his attending physician have come to an end. Then there is nothing else to do but call the ambulance. On the phone, you explain what happened to you. Sometimes you are counseled directly over the phone, but if it really is necessary, the medical team is sent home to the patient.

But the "ambulance" works not only at night. Sometimes it is simply impossible to hesitate, and the doctor examines other patients. In this case, the citizen also has every right to call an ambulance home, since it may be too late for the doctor to do all his business and arrive at the patient's office. And there is nothing to be ashamed of, we are talking about health and even life.

How to call a gynecologist at home

In principle, in this article, we figured out how to call even a narrow profile health workers home as needed. The question remains, do such specialists as an obstetrician or gynecologist come on call?

Each of us was faced with the need to use plumbing services. Eliminating pipe leaks, installing new elements, repairing cranes and much more - all this should be done by a professional, which will save you from the problems of living in an apartment and a private house. Numerous commercial companies have emerged on the utility market offering various services. And yet, most of us, if it is necessary to call a plumber, turn to the ZhEKi, the specialists from which carry out all the necessary repair work. Let's talk in more detail about the advantages of contacting the housing office if you need to eliminate problems.

In the recent past, most of the work carried out by plumbers from housing offices was performed free of charge, as residents paid for the corresponding maintenance services in monthly utility bills. Today, the terms of service have changed significantly, so most of them are performed on a paid basis. Only works to keep the pipeline in good working order are carried out free of charge.

Despite the emergence of numerous commercial companies offering relevant services, it is the appeal to the housing office that is most popular. This can be explained primarily by the affordable price level. This is why many homeowners are looking to save money and turn to local specialists from utility management companies.

The transparency of the pricing of the services offered will allow the homeowner to accurately plan their expenses when carrying out renovations in the house. The homeowner can preliminarily, when completing the application by phone, clarify the cost will be performed by a plumber in your home. You can be sure that the estimated cost of the performed service will fully comply with the approved tariffs.

Previously, it was believed that plumbers from housing offices are not always professional
specialists who are not able to perform even the simplest work.
However, this is fiction and does not correspond to reality. Today, high-class craftsmen work in housing offices and management companies, who can not only replace taps, they can also perform the most complex ones - for laying sewer pipes and installing installations.

Another undoubted advantage of contacting such specialized specialists is the efficiency of the work performed. When your pipes are leaking, any delay can lead to even greater costs required to eliminate the consequences of the leaking pipes. That is why fast and high-quality plumbing work is the key to the trouble-free operation of the house. In case of emergency, you can call plumbers from the emergency service, whose specialists will eliminate all existing problems with the water supply.

By contacting the housing office at the place of residence and calling a plumber, the homeowner can be sure of the quality of the work performed. A quality guarantee is provided, so in case of repeated leaks or problems in the functioning of the taps installed by the plumber, you can call a specialist from the housing office again, and all existing shortcomings will be eliminated completely free of charge.

Professional specialists have all the necessary approvals, which allows them to install water meters. An experienced craftsman will determine the required number of meters used in each specific apartment, tell you where to buy them and carry out their high-quality installation. You just have to seal the installed meters, but based on the indicators of which, payment for utilities will be made.

We order plumbing from the housing office

The services are used when it is necessary to perform the following works:

  1. When taps are leaking.
  2. If there are blockages in the pipes.
  3. For replacing taps, sinks, washbasins, toilets.
  4. If necessary, install water meters.
  5. When performing a major overhaul with piping.

Finding a specialist plumber is not difficult. You can call a specialist by calling the appropriate telephone number of your housing maintenance company. Leaving a request, you need to indicate the urgency of the work and a convenient time for the arrival of a specialist. In
in the event that there is a pipe leakage, the plumber on duty will arrive on call as soon as possible.

Also, by phone, you can receive valuable instructions that will help you shut off the water and thereby get rid of the danger of flooding your neighbors below.

If you need to carry out any complex repairs, you can first consult with a specialist. An experienced master will estimate the volume, tell you what you need to buy and advise the best plumbing. All this will allow not only to improve the quality of the work carried out, but also to significantly speed up their implementation. You just need to purchase all the necessary plumbing, and the master will install it as soon as possible.


Calling a plumber from the housing office at the place of residence is not difficult. You will be able to receive the highest quality services and save on contacting private offices. Remember that not only homeowners, but also tenants can apply to the management company for the services of specialists. Therefore, if you live in a rented apartment and you have any problems with taps and pipe leaks, you can safely contact the housing office, which will allow you to save money on fixing problems with plumbing.

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