How do I create an iTunes account without a credit card (AppStore)? How to create a new Apple ID: registering in the App Store without a card


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How to register in the App Store so that you can buy a variety of applications and Apple products for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch from this online iTunes Store.

To sign in, you need a personal Apple ID - a special number that is used in various Apple services.

Step by step registration

Mobile devices from the Apple brand are attractive not only for their quality, versatility, prestige and style. In addition to them, the developers have released a whole set of useful programs and interesting applications.

But you can get access to them only after the registration procedure in the app store.

So, first, let's create a personal Apple ID - an identification "apple" card that will be useful to you many times. The procedure is quite simple and takes a couple of minutes. You can run it through iTunes on MacBook and iMac, including iPhone and iPod touch, iPad. It.

We launch the application. A link to it can be embedded in the device itself of the Apple brand, if not, you will find it in any search engine. In the running application, at the very bottom of the page, you will see the item "Sign In" - "subscribe" or "become a member", you need to activate it.

It is better to read the rules presented for review, although to save time, you can simply agree with them by clicking on the corresponding item at the bottom of the page. You must enter your email address to create an Apple ID. She will act as a login. The password will have to be found with numbers and letters.

The next item is filling out the questionnaire. It is very simple and includes only a few questions, among which there are “three secret” ones: postal address, date of birth, telephone number. The answer to them is necessary to secure bank details and verify all entered data and operations.

In a couple of minutes an email with a link to activate your account will be sent to your inbox. You need to go on it. That's all. From now on, you can use the store without any restrictions.

How to sign up with iTunes

Registration is also available through the iTunes application.

To do this, you need to launch the application, find on the left in the menu "iTunes Store" and on the top right "Login".

On the page that opens, you will be prompted to create a new account. Clicking "Continue" will take you to the rules, at the bottom you will need to check the box, and click "Continue" again.

The next registration page will appear, where you will need to enter a valid mailbox, come up with a password and ask a secret question. In the future, this e-mail will become your Apple ID. The password must have no more than 8 characters, be sure to include numbers and letters (both lowercase and uppercase), not have spaces and characters repeated more than three times. The secret question is needed for password recovery cases, user identity verification.

At the next stage, the page for registering a bank card and fixing a phone number will open. The data must be entered very carefully and no mistakes should be made. After clicking "Continue", you will be sent an email to your mailbox with an active link. Clicking on it will activate your account.

Register directly from iPhone

You can register from a phone running iOS:

  • Via iOS settings - Settings -\u003e iTunes Store, App Store (usually the third screen) -\u003e Create new Apple ID
  • Through the standard built-in iOS application. Open the application -\u003e scroll down the main page and click Sing In. We activate the button Create Apple ID

The rest of the registration scheme completely repeats the methods already described.

There is another move - obtaining an Apple ID without a card

The essence of the method is to use any free application.

  • You need to launch iTunes and go to the "Store" section -\u003e select the App Store from the menu.
  • In the application, scroll the page until the Top Free Apps section appears. Choose any from the list, under the icon, click Free, that is, "Free".
  • An authorization window will immediately appear, where you can activate the "Create Apple ID" link.
  • The procedure is the same as described, except for the page for entering payment information on a credit card. In this window, under the inscription "Pleaseselectapaymentmethod" there will be another one - "None" (None of the listed means of payment). After clicking on it, the fields for entering information on the card will disappear.
  • Next, enter your email address, click Create Apple ID, wait for a confirmation letter, activate the link.

The method works for any Mac and iOS device, smartphone, phone.

Which bank card is needed for registration?

Any Visa Classic or higher card, any bank (VISA, MasterCard or AMEX) is suitable for registration. Not necessarily credit - debit can also be used.

Moreover, it is better to open an account in dollars for easier calculations. If this procedure seems too burdensome to you, then an account in national currency is also suitable, but only if the bank allows the conversion process when transferring funds (for example, sending in the recipient's currency).

Unfortunately, VISA Electron and Maestro cards cannot be used, since they are not intended for Internet payments.

You can register for virtual wallets, for example, QIWI.

Password recovery

This is a procedure available in several versions. First you need to open the page "My Apple ID", follow the link "Reset password". In the next window, enter your Apple ID and click Next, or click the Forgot Apple ID? Link.

The following methods become available:

  • Answer to security questions (they are asked directly during registration). Here you need to indicate your date of birth, correct answers, set a new password and click the "reset password" button.
  • E-mail authentication - sending a message from Apple to the main or additional user's e-mail. The message will contain a link that will allow you to enter a new combination and press the "Reset password" button.
  • Using two-step verification. Available to users with configured two-step verification. First, you need to enter the recovery key, select a trusted device to which the confirmation code will be sent. This code is entered on the verification page, a new password is indicated and the "Reset password" button is activated.

If you lose the recovery key or you can't access a trusted device, you won't be able to reset your password.

How to buy apps

Step 1. Go to the App Store application (directly or through the iTunes Store tab - the App Store button at the top in the middle of the window).

Step 2. Select an application, click the Buy button under its logo.

Step 3. Confirm your action in the pop-up window, enter your Apple ID password for verification.

Step 4. If the details are correct, the money will be withdrawn from the account automatically, and the application will be downloaded to the device (in iTunes)

How to register on the App Store


Greetings, dear reader.

Recently, more and more people ask me a question about Apple ID.

Due to the fact that Apple products in Russia are becoming more and more popular, there are more and more happy owners of Apple devices (it does not matter iPhone / iPad or iPod).

Naturally, everyone needs to download various applications for their devices. This is where the problems begin, when downloading you must specify your Apple ID, but where to get it is not said. How do I register it?

There are two ways to create an Apple ID: using a personal computer with iTunes installed and directly using your iPad / iPhone / iPod. I will consider both of these options.

Create Apple ID via iTunes (from computer)

1. Launch iTunes. If you do not have this program, then check out this () article, from which you will learn - what is iTunes and where to get this program;

2. From the iTunes program, you need to enter the iTunes Store, for this click on the “iTunes Store” button in the upper right corner or, if the button is not visible, press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + H;

3. Click on the "Login" button. This button is in the upper left corner of the window;

4. In the window that opens, click on the "Create Apple ID" button;

5. In the window that appears, click the "Continue" button. Put a tick in front of the item “I am familiar with ...”, click the button “Accept”;

6. After you accept the terms of use, fill in all the necessary information: e-mail, Apple ID password (you need to come up with it) secret question (you can use any), date of birth, click on the "Continue" button;

7. In the next step, you need to specify your bank card number, expiration date and security code. You cannot register an account without a card.

If YOU DO NOT have a card, then this is not a problem, now we will create a virtual one for you, which can also be successfully used.

How to get a virtual card

1. Go to the site of the QIWI payment system () and click on the "Register" button.

3. When you log into your account, then in the menu click on the link "Maps".

4. Go down to the very bottom of the page and click on the "Buy Visa Virtual" button;

5. Next, you need to indicate your phone number (to which the card will be registered). Choose a payment method (card issue costs 25 rubles). Click pay. The card number, security code and expiration date will be sent to you via SMS to the phone number you indicated.

You can pay for the issue of the card from your QIWI account, for this, replenish it with the required amount, this is done in the replenish section.

After you get all the card details, we go back to creating an Apple ID.

To obtain an ID, you just have to go through one step: enter your card details in the appropriate fields and click the “Create Apple ID” button.

Registering Apple ID via iPad / iPhone (from your device)

So, let's move on to the process of creating an Apple ID using your device. I will show using the example of an iPad tablet computer.

1. We are looking for an application called “App Store” on your device and launch it;

3. Click on the "Create Apple ID" button;

4. Choose a country and click on the "Next" button;

5. In the next window we are offered to read the license agreement, read it and click “I Accept”;

6. In the next window, enter your email address, select three security questions, date of birth and click the "Next" button;

7. In the next window you will be asked to enter information on your bank card, enter it. If you DO NOT have a card, then I told you above how to get a virtual card.

Today there is an incredible variety of phones, but the iPhone is in the lead in terms of demand and sales. Such phones are very convenient, high-quality and provide a huge number of possibilities, and registering your iPhone will give even more interesting services and functions. But not every owner knows how to register such a smartphone correctly and profitably, although it is not at all difficult. There are several options for implementing this process, but here we will consider a method that does not require the use of a card (credit card). It is the fastest, lightest, most convenient, and also accessible to everyone, because many people are afraid to enter any data on their bank cards. In addition, for most iPhone owners, exclusively free applications are enough.

Preparation for registration

Each subscriber who has an iPhone can register an Apple ID at any time, both during the first turn-on of the device and long after successful activation. In each case, the scheme is almost completely identical. Below we will consider the second option, that is, creating an account on the iPhone, which has already been exploited.

The subscriber needs to prepare:

  1. An iPhone that has already been activated.
  2. Connection to the World Wide Web via Wi-Fi or an inserted SIM card with the Internet (nothing can be done without access to the Global Network).

Registration actions

To successfully register your gadget, you should clearly, carefully, and also consistently perform the following steps:

Important points and notes

You need to pay special attention to some of the nuances:

  1. Be sure to enter your real email.
  2. The password should be composed of more than eight characters: numbers, English letters, and there must be at least one capital letter. Remember the password, or better write it down.
  3. Indicating the age should not be set less than 18 years old, but if you are younger, you can exaggerate a little.
  4. It is incredibly important to realize that the entered email and password will become your Apple ID in the future. This data should be accurately recorded and well preserved, not showing or disclosing to anyone.
  5. It is also required to remember that this information is your account, as well as the only confirmation that you are the owner of this mobile device.
  6. If you do not plan to use a credit card, then in the item "Payment details" you must select no. Otherwise, you need to specify the payment system, and then enter all the required data. You need to fill in all the information except for the item called ... ".
  7. The mail that you indicated some time earlier will receive a message that you need to open and follow the link contained in it.

That's all, registration with Apple ID (by the way, absolutely free) has been successfully completed. From this moment on, you can completely safely use the store called the App Store, download free (or paid) games, as well as various applications to your iPhone.

By strictly following the instructions given and following step by step, you should not have any problems with registration. You will spend the minimum time on this and the slightest effort on your part. Your iPhone will be successfully registered and the scope of opportunities will expand significantly, which will be a great pleasure, and remember that no money will be spent.

This article can be useful for novice Apple users and for those who are afraid to link a credit card with their hard-earned money to an account. It will not be a secret for anyone to download any, even free, application from the AppStore, you will need to create an AppleID account. But many don't want to shine with their credit card.

There are a lot of free applications in the AppStore. Many iPhone, iPad users know that programs or games that were paid yesterday can be distributed free of charge at some period of time. So why waste your money. And here the question arises: "How to create an iTunes account without a credit card (AppStore)?".

There are 2 ways to create an account without a credit card:

  • Directly from the gadget itself, from iPhone, iPad
  • From iTunes on a computer

To create an account from iPhone or iPad you need:

  • Open AppStore (if you already have an account, log out to create a second one)
  • Choose any free program
  • Click on the Free button, then Install
  • A window will open in which you select "Create New Apple ID"
  • Choosing a country
  • We accept the agreement, click "Next"
  • We fill in all the fields with our own data and go to the window with a bank card
  • In the field for filling in credit card details, in the upper field, select "No card" (This item appears only if you download a free application)
  • Next, you should fill in the required fields (e-mail, postal address, phone number), click "Next"
  • If everything is filled in, then click the "Finish" button
  • We open our e-mail and confirm the registration by clicking on the link in the received letter.
  • In the window that appears in the browser, enter the ID and password. Congratulations, you have created and activated your Apple account without a credit card.

You can use and download free applications in the AppStore, to purchase paid applications you will have to enter your credit card details.

To create an iTunes account you need:

  • Download the latest iTunes and install. You can download it from
  • Select iTunesStore on the right, after AppStore in the middle of the top panel
  • Choosing any free application
  • Click on Free under the program icon
  • In the pop-up window, click "Create AppleID"
  • On the page that opens, click Continue
  • We tick the box that we have read the agreement and click Accept
  • Fill in the required fields. The main thing is to enter your e-mail correctly, because confirmation will be sent to it
  • We go into the email box and open the link in the received letter
  • In this window, enter the ID and password, the account is created and activated

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A registered user of the Apple store gets access to numerous content, both paid and free. ? This can be done in various ways.

Instructions for creating a new App Store

To use the online store, we will definitely need to register, that is, create a new Apple ID. Unfortunately, without it, we will not be able to use the App Store, buy applications, and so on. Let's clarify right away: ID, account, account and Apple ID are one and the same.

To register directly from the device itself, open the App Store application by clicking on the store icon and scroll down to the "Login" button. By clicking on it, select "Create Apple ID". By specifying the country, they accept the terms of the user agreement. Now you need to provide the required personal information, including date of birth, email address (it will also be used as an identifier), password and answers to security questions. A letter from the support service will be sent to the specified mailbox with confirmation of registration.
You can also create an identifier through the iTunes application on your computer by going to the store menu. The registration principle is the same as when creating an Apple ID from a device.

Now that you've figured out how to create a new App Store, you're ready to start purchasing apps. To do this, the account must be linked to a credit or virtual card (specify the desired one in the "Payment Methods" menu). In addition, there is another use case for the store.

How you can create a new App Store without a credit card

If a person initially wants to use the store exclusively on a free basis, he must definitely follow these steps. Open the App Store app on the device and select any free app. Load it by clicking the appropriate button. Now you can start creating an identifier as described above. Proceeding to the indication of the payment method and billing information, choose "No" ("None"). If this option is not available, check if the country is correct, if Family Sharing is activated, and so on. It remains to confirm the registration by clicking on the link in the letter from the support service.

If a person wants to create an ID from a computer, he, as usual, uses the iTunes application, having previously downloaded any free application from the section he likes. If it is difficult to choose one, you can use the recommendations - for example, the top free programs. After downloading the application, go directly to registration. As with creating an account from a device, select "No" in the "Payment Methods" menu. Confirm registration.

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