How to disable all automatic updates. Blocking updates through a firewall. Disable system notifications

To keep the operating system up to date, Windows Update always tries to find and download updates to Windows 10 automatically, as well as all the latest updates for it. Every day, he turns to Microsoft servers and finds out if they have the necessary updates for the OS itself and new drivers for devices. If it detects any, it immediately starts downloading and installing automatic updates for Windows 10, without informing the user about it. Unless only if you need to restart your device to install a prepared update.

It's no secret that even in Windows XP the user was given the opportunity to configure the behavior of the "Update Center" when updates were detected: automatically download and install it, do it manually, perform a custom installation, or completely disable checking for updates. This made it possible not only to control the installation of certain updates, but also to unload the Internet channel in case of a slow connection. These features were also implemented in Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1.

But in Windows 10, Microsoft left users with no choice - the Pro edition only allows you to postpone the installation of updates for a while, while Windows 10 Home users are not even allowed to. In other words, the new version of the operating system downloads and installs updates automatically and without notification. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but in fact it is not at all true, because often updates cause various problems. Sometimes it even comes to the point that after installing the next batch of patches, the system simply stops loading.

But in the case of Pro, we are not talking about a complete rejection of updates, but about postponing their installation until better times. Regardless of the edition, members of the Windows Insider program cannot opt \u200b\u200bout of updates.

In this article I will talk about how you can turn off automatic updates in Windows 10, each of you will decide for himself whether he needs it or not. There are several ways to disable updates.

Configuring Update Center

Please note that this method will not be able to completely disable automatic updating in Windows 10. You just configure it. You can disable the automatic restart of your computer and postpone the installation of updates. It is also important to know that this method will not work for owners of a home version of the operating system.

First thing you need to do is open Settings, the Update & Security section.

In the "Windows Update" tab, you need to click on the "Advanced options" item. In the drop-down menu, select the "Notify about reboot scheduling" item. This is necessary so that the computer itself does not restart to install updates. It also doesn't hurt to turn off the "When Windows update, provide updates for other Microsoft products" option. It is also important to check the box next to "Postpone updates". When this option is enabled, new updates will not be downloaded and installed for several days or months, with the exception of security updates.

I also advise you to disable the update from several places. To do this, click on "Choose how and when to get updates" and disable PC updates from several locations.

Now the update process will be less intrusive.

Using metered connection to prevent updates from being installed

This method of disabling automatic updates in Windows 10 is only suitable for those users who use an Internet connection via Wi Fi. It is enough to make this connection as "Limit connection" and your operating system will ask you when it wants to get into the Internet.

Metered connection mode is activated as follows:

    1. Connect to the desired Wi-Fi network;
    2. Now open the "Start" menu and select "Settings" in it. In the parameters window, click on "Network and Internet", scroll down the list of networks to the very bottom and click on "Additional parameters";
    3. Then a window will appear in which you will need to put the switch position in the "Enabled" position in the "Limit connection" item.

When available updates appear, the system will not download them, but will inform the user about this, who will already make a decision about the need to download these updates.

Prevent certain updates and drivers from installing on Windows 10

To hide some updates or not install it in the future, click hide updates and select those updates that you want to hide. If you need a hidden update, then re-run this utility and select "Show hidden updates", then display the updates and the next time the updates are installed, they will be installed.
That is, you decide when and which update to install. This is very useful when installing or uninstalling drivers, if you encounter problems when working, for example, a printer or other device.

Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates via Local Group Policy Editor

If you have Windows 10 Enterprise and Pro, then this is a good and reliable way to disable updates, but this method is also not suitable for the home version.

Opening the dialog box Executeusing the Win + R set, enter gpedit.msc and push Ok... The Local Group Policy Editor will open. Go to "Computer Configuration" - "Administrative Templates" - "Windows Components" - "Windows Update". Find the item "Configure automatic updates" and double-click on it.

Here in the window that opens Included,you can choose how to download and install yourself.

If you choose the second option, you will receive a notification about download and installation, whether you decide to install them or not.

The last option will give you the option to select options from the dropdown on the Windows Update settings page.

Place the switch next to the item " Disabled", Click on the" Apply "and" Ok "button.

There is also a way to disable automatic updates through the registry, and it is suitable only for professional and corporate versions of Windows 10, it does the same thing as group policies.

Should introduce regeditin the Run window and open Registry Editor. Then go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows

Create a new folder WindowsUpdateand one more subsection AU and our registry branch should look like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ WindowsUpdate \\ AU

And in the last section we create “ DWORD parameter"And give it a name NoAutoUpdate,open it with a double click and set the value to "1".

The result will be the same as in group policies, it's just that it's harder to do everything here - this method is for those who like to play with the registry

Disconnection Center updates

Disabling Update Center is the safest and most working method and will work for all versions of Windows 10.

Press Win + R, enter services.msc in the field and press Enter to open the Services window.

At the end of the list of services we find "Windows Update".

Double click and d in the new window click on the "Stop" button. Select the startup type "Disabled". Click "Apply" and "Ok".

After these steps, the system will not automatically download and install updates. Until you start Windows Update again by setting the startup type to Automatic and restarting your computer.

Program for disconnections updates in Windows 10 : Win Updates Disabler

There are many programs that can be used to disable updates. One such program is called Win Updates Disabler. It is free, you can download it from the official website at the link This program is useful for Windows 10 users to be able to disable automatic updates. Besides automatic updates, Win Updates Disabler can also disable / enable Windows Security Center, Defender and Windows Firewall. To do this, you just need to mark the necessary items on the appropriate tabs and restart your computer.

Installation and use of the program is as simple as possible. Download it, install it and run it. In the window that appears, put a check mark next to " Disable Windows update", And press the button" Apply Now«.

After your device restarts, Update Center will be disabled.

I want to say right away that with the automatic update on your computer, Windows

Automatic updates are an important feature of any operating system. Thanks to her, the computer receives important updates on time, making the system more stable and secure. In Windows 7, the function is activated initially. This means that if there is a connection with Microsoft servers, the update service checks for fresh packages, downloads them and installs them. Usually, all processes proceed virtually unnoticed by the user, but when constant offers to upgrade to 10 appear, this is already overkill.

In theory, you shouldn't turn off automatic downloading of updates. It is useful because it closes security holes, optimizes the OS, adds new features to it (with regards to the "dozens"). There is also a list of reasons why the auto update service should be disabled:

  1. The user does not like that during the update the Internet speed drops and / or the PC cannot be turned off for a long time.
  2. On the computer, expensive or limited wireless Internet.
  3. Problems after starting the updated OS.
  4. Failures during the installation of service packs.
  5. There is not enough space on the system volume to increase the volume of Windows 7, which grows with each update.


However, before you turn off Windows 7 update, think about whether it is really necessary. In addition to deactivating the service, it can be switched to the following operating modes.

  1. Fully automatic - operations proceed without user intervention, only notifying the latter about the completion of package installation.
  2. Search and download of new fixes on a schedule, and the user installs packages.
  3. Automatic check notifying the user when updates are available.
  4. Self-updating is disabled. Everything is done manually.

Options are selected in the Update Center component.

Disconnection methods

Any Windows settings are stored in its registry. You can get access to the key responsible for the update center settings in several simple and a couple of more complex ways. Let's consider all of them.

Changing the Update Center settings

Let's start by customizing the service for ourselves. To access the configuration interface, open the "Update Center" using one of the following methods.


  1. Using the context menu of My computer, we call its "Properties".
  1. In the left vertical menu, click on the corresponding link located at the bottom of the window.

  1. We go to the "Control Panel".
  2. We open the section "System, Security".

  1. We call the element of the same name.

If the control panel elements are rendered as icons rather than categories, the link to the element will be displayed already in the main window.

  1. So, after getting into the desired window, click "Parameter settings".

  1. Move to the "Important Updates" section and select the appropriate option from the drop-down list.

Only stopping the service will help to completely disable receiving updates on a computer with Windows 7.

Disable the service

Services in the "seven" are managed by:

  • direct editing of registry keys, which is very inconvenient;
  • third-party programs for setting up the OS (we will skip this option);
  • mMC snap-ins
  • system configuration;
  • command line;
  • group Policy Editor (present in Windows 7 Ultimate, Enterprise).

Removing a service from autorun

The fastest way to disable updates is through the system configurator.

  1. We execute "msconfig" in the command interpreter window, which will open after pressing the Win + R keys or clicking on the "Run" button in the start.

  1. We go to the "Services" tab.
  2. Find "Windows Update" (maybe Windows Update) and remove the checkbox next to it.

  1. We save the new settings.

Until the end of the current session, the service will work, properly performing the tasks assigned to it. Windows 7 must be restarted to apply the new configuration.

Let's use the MMC snap-in

The system console snap-in of the same name provides access to the management of all services on a PC. It starts like this.

  1. Open the context menu of the "My Computer" directory.
  2. We call the command "Management".

  1. In the left vertical menu, expand the "Services and Applications" item. Next, click on the "Services" link.

A simpler way to call the same window would be to run the "services.msc" command through the "Run" dialog.

  1. Scroll through the list of services to the very end and open the "Properties" service Windows Update.

  1. In the drop-down list "Startup type" select "Disabled" instead of "Automatic", in order to say goodbye to automatic updates forever. If you need to disable the service now, be sure to click "Stop". Save the new parameters with the "Apply" button and close all windows.

The PC does not need to be rebooted to apply the settings.

Group Policy Editor

Another MMC snap-in called the Group Local Policy Editor will help you configure any system parameter.

It is not available in the home edition of the Seven!

  1. The tool is launched by running the "gpedit.msc" command through the "Run" window.

  1. In the subsection "PC configuration" expand the "Administrative Templates" branch.

  1. Open "Windows Components" and look for the update center.
  2. In the right part of the window, we find the parameter, the name of which begins with "Configure auto update"
  3. We call its settings.

  1. Move the checkbox to the "Disable" position and click "OK" to close the window with saving changes.

Let's use the command line

The command line performs all the same operations as with the graphical interface, and even more, but in text mode. The main thing is to know their syntax and parameters.

The command "cmd" is responsible for calling the command line.

  1. We open the command interpreter and execute it.

  1. In the black window, enter the text command "sc config wuauserv start \u003d disabled" - it sets the service startup type as "Disabled" - and press "Enter".

The service is stopped by the "sc stop wuauserv" command.

Registry editor

The last way to remove the annoying installation of updates is to disable the service responsible for this directly, through the system registry editor.

  1. It is launched by the "regedit" command.

  1. In Explorer, go to the HKLM section.
  2. Follow the path indicated in the screenshot to the Windows directory.

  1. Open the WindowsUpdate directory.
  2. Double click on the "DisableOSUpgrade" parameter or call the dialog for editing it via the context menu.

  1. Enter unit as the value and press "Enter".

Once the PC is restarted, updates will no longer disturb you.

The service is enabled by changing the key value back to zero. If the specified section or key is missing, create them yourself through the context menu. Key type: "Parameter DWORD 32 bit".

However, keep in mind that security updates should be manually installed at least periodically to keep the system stable.

How to disable automatic updating of applications on Android if the constant installation of new data consumes a lot of traffic and phone RAM?

You can disable the function using the built-in functions of your gadget.

How software updates work inAndroid

By releasing software, developers cannot make it perfectly adapted for all devices. That is why, often on certain models of smartphones the program may not work correctly. Noticing such inaccuracies, programmers fix the flaws, test the resulting product and release new components. By installing them, the user will receive a more advanced version of his favorite game or other type of software.

Each update has its own digital designation - version number. It is recorded in 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, and so on. When you first install something on your gadget from the Play Store, you get the most recent update. Over time, more and more program improvements will appear.

To prevent the user from uninstalling and installing it again, the store provides an update function - you just press the corresponding key and get the latest version in a few seconds. All user data and files will be saved. In the Google Store window, you can see what's new and what features have been added to your favorite app.

Figure: 2 - viewing information about new components in Google Play

Often, the Android store has already activated the automatic update function of the software installed on the phone. This feature will allow you not to keep track of constant releases of components, because the developers create them almost every week. If the background installation interferes with your work with the device, or consumes a lot of Internet, you should disable the function.

Disable automatic updates usingPlay Market

If you do not want to install additional utilities that are designed to work with updates in the Android system, use the standard Play Market. With its help, you can also configure the work of updates. Follow the instructions to prevent automatic download and installation of new components:

  • Open the app store;
  • The store home page appears. Open the menu by flip to the right or click on the corresponding icon;

Figure: 3 - home screen in the Play Market

  • At the bottom of the menu list, select "Settings" and go to the window for changing the program configuration;

Fig. 4 - the main menu of the store

  • In the general settings category, click on the "Auto-update programs" option. A window for selecting the update method will open. Select "Never" and close the window.

Figure: 5 - disable update

Disable update in phone settings

By installing any game or program, you accept the user agreement that the software may have access to the built-in system functions and other programs. Even if you disabled updates in the store, the installation of the new version can be carried out not by the Market, but by the application itself. This happens if the automatic software update function is activated in the smartphone settings.

To disable the feature, follow these steps:

  • Go to the gadget settings;
  • Click on the "About device" icon;
  • Select the "Software Update" option;

Fig. 6 - "About device" window in OS Android

  • In the new window, deactivate the checkbox opposite the "Auto update" item.

Manual software update

By manually downloading the latest novelties and versions of your favorite programs, you can reduce traffic consumption and simply speed up your smartphone, because the process of downloading data will not be constantly carried out in the background processes. Manual work with updates is suitable for those users, but whose phones have too many applications installed, and the phone resources do not allow performing many background operations.

Also, constantly enabled updates quickly reduce battery power and make the gadget run slowly. After disabling the installation of new data, you should periodically update yourself. This can be done as follows:

  • Go to Google Play;
  • Click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the application;
  • In the list that opens, select the item "My applications and games";
  • Go to the "Installed" tab;

Fig. 8 - viewing and updating installed applications manually

  • The "Update" button will appear next to the software for which an update is available. You can start the process of downloading a new version of the utility for one application or for all at once. Just click "Update All" at the top right of the open store tab.

After clicking on only one "Update All" button, the process of downloading and installing the latest program data from the store server will begin. This can take a long time, depending on how much software you have on your gadget.

For each program, the process of installing new components will be launched through the Google Play Market:

Fig. 9 - installing new components

The advantage of this method of working with applications is that you yourself choose when to install the components and they will not start downloading at the wrong time, when there is little traffic on the phone or a low connection speed.

Another method of updating is tracking system messages in the window of a running application. When a developer releases important security or functional updates, and the user ignores them, immediately after starting the software, a window will appear with a notification about the need to install a new version of the game / utility. In this case, just accept the installation, check your internet connection and download the developer data pack to make the program work stably.

Even if you have disabled automatic updates, Play Market will periodically notify you about the availability of new versions of games and utilities. One or more messages will appear in the notification center with information about new program features and a key to install.

Fig. 10 - Android notification center

Please note that if there is no key in the Google Play window for updating specific programs or all installed data, you should install new components for the store itself:

  • Go to the device settings;
  • Open the "Applications" - "All" - "Play Store" window;
  • Run the update process and also delete the cache to prevent errors.

Fig. 11 - Play Market update

How do I uninstall a program update?

If the update has already been installed, but after it there were difficulties in using the application: freezes, errors, bugs, or you simply did not like the new design. On Android, you can always return the previous version of the software. To do this, disable automatic updates and follow these steps in the settings:

  • Open the list of all programs;
  • Select the required application;
  • In the window that opens, click on "Remove updates".

Fig. 12 - uninstalling an update

Thematic videos:

How to turn off auto-update for Android apps on Google Play

Not everyone knows that Google Play may have an option to automatically update apps. This can lead to unforeseen costs if you have a pay-for-internet data plan. This screencast shows you how to disable automatic app updates.

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

I do not know about you, but personally I am enraged by the auto update in windows 7. By and large, not only me, but also everyone I know. In fact, there is no sense from him, tk. Microsoft has stopped supporting the OS and your PC / laptop is not downloading anything important.

In addition to what has been said above, updates still worsen the speed of the Internet, the speed of the computer (affects only weak and old models), and you still need to wait when turning it off and on.

As you can see for yourself, there is no sense in automatic updates in windows 7, and let's see all the possible images on how to disable it.

How to turn off auto-update windows 7

Or another option, thanks to our almost selfless YouTube videos

If for some reason the video above did not suit you, for example, you save traffic (is this still possible in 2018?), Let's take a look using step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the start menu, click on the control panel, then click on the update center.
  1. Settings. Find this option on the left side as shown in the picture.

  1. In the drop-down menu, click “Do not check for updates (not recommended)”, do not be afraid, even if they do not recommend, the main thing is that we will no longer be enraged by this. I almost forgot, you need to remove the jackdaws as in the screenshot and click OK.

That's all, such an easy way to disable updates, and how many nerves are saved).

How to disable updating via the command line

Dedicated to those who don't need a graphical front-end, he thinks he is a hacker and a fan of Ubuntu. Come on, I'm kidding. This is the fastest and easiest way you can think of.

At the command prompt, enter - net stop wuauserv

And that's it! Just in case, for those who don't know how to open it:

Click "Start" and "All programs".

Select directory "Standard".

In the list of standard applications, find "Command line"... Click on this item PKM... Choose "Run as administrator".

"Command line" launched. Enter your command command:

That's it, we live in peace, we rejoice. All updates are disabled)

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