How to use nero 7. Burn a disc with Nero Burning ROM

Nero program Burning rom is an easy to learn yet powerful CD burning software. This program has a convenient user interface, the language of which can be easily changed, including into Russian. This makes the program attractive to those people who do not own english language or other foreign languages. The program's capabilities are such that they allow you to record CDs of all currently existing standards, including audio and video CDs. The sources of information for burning discs can be both files on your computer and other CDs. When using this program, the risk of spoiling the workpiece is minimal, since the program provides various means that increase the reliability of the recording. The presence of an assistant makes the use of this program even more convenient. Additional opportunity The programs are built-in tools for encoding audio files into the popular MP3 format.

Introducing Nero Burning Rom

Before you start recording various discs using this program, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its working window and the basic principles of work.

Working window of the program and basic principles of work

When burning CDs with Nero Burning Rom, the concept of a project is used. A project is a task to write to a disc, which includes a description of the disc format, a list of files to be recorded and some service information. First, you create a new project, and then set the write command for this project. It is possible to save the project for later change. The rest of the terms used in the program do not differ from the generally accepted ones. These terms were described in the first part of our book.

Select the Nero Burning Rom command from the Windows main menu and the program will start. By default, the program is configured to use the assistant, and its first dialog will appear on the screen. We won't be using it for now, so click the Close Wizard button. After that, a window will appear prompting you to select the type of disk to create. Disc creation features different types we'll look at it later, but for now click the New button to close the dialog. Now the working window of the program will appear on the screen.

The working window of the program contains typical components windows windowssuch as window title and menu. Below the menu is the toolbar, which consists of buttons that represent various frequently performed actions during operation. The toolbar is divided into several groups.

The main group is located on the left side of the panel and is used to work with projects. With the tools in this group, you can open, save or create a new project. Tools in a large group located in the center of the toolbar are designed to perform various operations within the edited project. They are used to perform operations with the buffer windows sharing, as well as all operations related to disc burning and the choice of recording devices. Finally, everything related to tips and help is combined into a separate group located on the right side of the toolbar. As with other programs running under windows management, all commands associated with buttons on the toolbar can also be invoked by selecting the corresponding menu command.

Two windows can be opened in the workspace - the project window and the explorer window. The first of the windows is designed to combine various files into a project, which will then be written to disk. The second window allows you to select files for the project being created on various disks on your computer. Working with it is no different from working with Windows Explorer. At the bottom of the working window there is a status bar and tips, as well as a volume scale, which clearly shows the volume of the project being created and allows you to control it so as not to exceed the maximum volume that can be burned to a CD.

For normal operation, the program requires a CD burner on your computer. If there is no such device, the program will create a virtual recording device. With this device, you can create a disc image as a file and burn it later.

The disc creation process begins with the formation of the project. In this case, the type of disc to be created is indicated, as well as various parameters, if necessary. After defining the project parameters, the project and explorer windows appear in the working window. As you work on a project, you must transfer the files that you want to burn to disk from the Explorer window to the Project window. You can create your own folders of your choice in the project window and add or remove files. Working in this step is very similar to working with Windows Explorer. The volume bar located at the bottom of the working window shows the current volume occupied by the project on the intended disk. In this case, you should observe the volume scale and do not exceed the maximum amount of information that can be written to disk.

After forming the project, you need to configure the recording parameters. The main parameters are speed and recording method. In addition, you can simulate recording to estimate the speed of your computer while recording a given project. After the necessary configuration, the command is given to start recording, and the information is transferred to the CD. This process does not require any additional steps from you. When you finish burning the CD, you will be informed about this.

Obtaining and installing Russian language support

First of all, you need to get a file with the program components necessary for Russification. This file is called neXXXXru.exe. All the necessary components are in one self-extracting archive. Since there are different versions programs, each of them needs its own Russification file. The name of the file indicates the version of the program using four digits XXXX. For example, the file ne5038ru.exe is a Russification file for the program version

This file can be downloaded from the Internet from the Nero Burning Rom support page. This page is at Following the links on this page, you should be taken to the download page for new versions of the program and updates. Next, you select the file you want and download it to your computer. After the Russification file is rewritten, you need to run it. An unpacking dialog will appear.

You need to specify the folder where the contents of the archive will be unpacked. By default, the folder for temporary files used by Windows is suggested, but you can change the folder name to any other. This can be done by entering a name in the input field or by clicking the Browse button. In the latter case, a selection dialog will open. After selecting the folder, click the Unzip button to start unzipping. At the end of the unpacking, a dialog will appear informing about this.

Click the OK button of this dialog to close it. Then click the Close button to close the decompression dialog.

The resulting archive contains several files that must be manually copied to the folder where the program is located. To do this, you can use, for example, the Explorer program. Start the Explorer program and find in the left window of this program the folder where you unpacked the contents of the archive.

Click on this folder to open its contents in the right window. Now in the left window you need to find the folder where the Nero Burning Rom program is installed. Navigating the folder tree, find the Program Files \\ Ahead folder in the left window. Note that it contains two more folders: Nero and CoverEditor. We must place some of the files in the first folder, and some in the second. Select the two files named Nerorus, but with different icons, and move them to the Nero folder. Then move the file named Crussian to the CoverEditor folder. After you have moved the files to the desired folders, you can close the Explorer window.

Despite the fact that the interface of the program will change, you will not find Russian tips. This happens because the developers of the program do not supply a hint file in Russian. You can use the prompts in English.

Now you can start the Nero Burning Rom program. Please note that the program interface has become Russian automatically.

Changing the interface language during operation

If you follow the above procedure for Russification of the program while it is running, the interface language will not change. To change the language while the program is running, use the setup procedure.

First, you should close all auxiliary windows of the program. Click the X button in the upper-right corners of the project window and explorer window to close them. Then select the File\u003e Preferences menu command to display the dialog with the same name. Click on the Language tab to go to the corresponding tab.

On this tab, various languages \u200b\u200bare presented in the form of a list, which can be selected as the interface language. By selecting the corresponding item in the list, you can change the interface language. At the very beginning of this list there is only one item - English (English), but after performing the above installation of language support, the item Russian (Russian) will appear in this list. Select Russian from this list.

Optionally, you can change the font for shortcut names, menu commands, and so on. For these purposes, you should click the Choose Font button, but we will not do this. Click the OK button of the settings dialog to close it. Now you can start creating discs, and the easiest way to do this is using the assistant.

Using the Nero Assistant

The assistant greatly facilitates the process of creating CDs, taking on all the subtleties of setting parameters. All you need to do is answer questions to tell the program what you want to do. First of all, in order to use the assistant, it must be turned on. To do this, select the menu command Help. In the help menu that appears, make sure the check box next to Use Nero Wizard is checked. If necessary, select this check box by choosing this command from the submenu.

To get started with the assistant, you need to create a new project. Click the button on the toolbar or select the File\u003e New menu command. The first wizard dialog will appear.

This dialog offers you a choice: either create a new disk, or copy an existing one. The selection is made by setting the switch. By answering this and the following questions, you can easily prepare your project for burning to CD.

Creating a new disc with files

Set the radio button of the first dialog in the Nero wizard to Compile a New CD, and then click Next to continue. The following wizard dialog will appear, specifying which drive you want to create.

Since we want to create a disc with files, set the switch to Data CD. Then click the Next button to continue. The following wizard dialog will appear, asking you to clarify whether you want to create a new disk or continue an existing disk.

To create a new disc, set the dialog switch to Compile a New Data-CD and click Next to continue. The final wizard dialog for this step will appear. It gives you detailed instructions on what to do next. Click the Finish button to close this dialog. When you close the last Nero Wizard dialog, the explorer and compilation windows appear in the work area. Now you need to find in the explorer window the folder with the files that you want to write to disk.

After finding the folder with the files, transfer the required files from the explorer window to the project window. Moving is done by dragging the icons with the mouse. Move the mouse pointer over the desired file in the explorer window, press and hold left button mouse. Move the mouse pointer over the project window, positioning it over the contents of the folder where you want to place the file. Release the mouse button and the selected file will be added to the project. Remember to follow the volume scale and do not exceed the maximum.

Remember that the standard says that a recordable or rewritable CD can hold six hundred and fifty megabytes of information. IN recent times there were blanks on which you can write seven hundred or more megabytes of information.

After moving all the necessary files, click the button on the toolbar or select the menu command File\u003e Write CD (File\u003e Write CD). The wizard dialog appears again, prompting you to set the recording parameters.

Using the switch in this dialog, you can select the type of recording. Test recording allows you to check the operation of the program for recording a disc, without actually recording information on the workpiece. This is to ensure that the computer can transfer data at the correct speed during the entire recording process. Most CD burners support this mode. In this case, the computer considers that the data is being recorded and all actions take place, as in the case of real recording. Data is transferred to the device at the desired speed, but the laser does not turn on and no real recording occurs. Novice users are recommended to use this mode of the program.

Real recording or burning (Burn) turns on the laser in the recorder and thus transfers the information to the workpiece. The intermediate position of the switch says that you need to record in two stages. First, a test recording is performed, and if everything is fine, then burning follows. It is best to choose this mode, however if you have already burned many discs and are confident in the capabilities of your equipment, you can choose simple burn. This will cut the recording time in half.

The next step is to select the write speed. This is done by selecting an item in the drop-down list of the same name. This list lists all the speeds at which your device can record information. Modern CD burners can record information at different speeds. The write speed, like the speed of reading CDs, is measured in times of the single speed corresponding to 150 kilobytes per second. However, no one writes CDs at first speed now.

One of the most big problems When writing to CDs, the data stream is interrupted during the disc burning or session. The data stream should not be interrupted in any way. If at some point it will be necessary to write data, but there is still no data for some reason, then the matrix will be damaged. The speed at which a computer can transfer data from a disc to a recording device depends on many reasons. One of the reasons that slows down this speed is the loading of the computer with other operations. In order to somehow stabilize the data flow, CD burners have a built-in large-capacity buffer, but this does not always help.

Modern CD burners support a special technology to protect against interruption of data flow, but not all devices are equipped with this technology.

The higher the write speed, the faster the process takes place. At second speed it takes about thirty-six minutes to write a full CD, and at eighth speed it takes nine minutes. Please note that high write speed is not always the best solution... At high write speeds, the storage reliability of the recorded data may be lower. However, recording at eighth and faster speeds often produces high quality discs. It should also be borne in mind that different blanks are designed for different write speeds. This is usually indicated on the cover of the blank envelope. The speed below the fourth is practically not used. If you are using high speeds, make sure with a test write that your equipment can transfer data to the CD writer at the correct speed.

If you select the Create Image check box, burning will not be performed, but a CD image file will be created. Then you can burn a disc from this image. More details on creating and using disk images will be discussed below.

After all the desired parameters are set, click the Burn button. A dialog will appear for selecting a recording device. In some cases, this dialog does not appear, and the required device is selected automatically. This dialog displays all the CD burners found by the program. If this dialog appears on your screen, select the required device from the list and click OK to close the dialog and start burning the disc.

If by this time a blank blank has not been inserted into the recorder, the tray of the recorder will automatically open and a dialog will appear indicating that it is necessary to insert the blank.

In this case, place the blank on the tray and push it in. The dialog will automatically close and the recording process will begin. If a disc has already been inserted into the device before the start of recording, then the dialog about disc insertion will not appear, but a dialog will immediately appear illustrating the recording process. This dialog shows various information about the recording process. You can find out the amount of recorded information, the name of the current operation, the state of the buffer, both the program and the device itself. With the help of a progress indicator, the degree of completion of the operation is clearly demonstrated. After completing the write operation to the CD, a dialog will appear, indicating that everything went well.

Click OK to close the dialog. Now you should click the Cancel button, which will appear in the burn process dialog. This is necessary in order not to save a record of the past recording. The dialog is closed and you can start creating a new project.

If during the burn there were errors that caused the termination of the process, you will be informed about this. Errors most often occur when the computer is unable to deliver information at the desired speed. In this case, take another workpiece and record again at a slower speed.

Adding information to an existing file disc

It is often necessary to save information on recordable discs in small portions, for example, when creating backups important data. Typically, these portions are less than the full disk capacity and when the usual way free place, remaining after recording a piece of information, would be lost.

To solve this problem, use the method of recording to disk using multiple sessions. Each new piece of information is recorded using a new session in addition to the previous one. In this case, you can replace old files with new ones. Naturally, old files are not deleted, just the mention of them is erased from the disc's table of contents. Such discs are called multisession or multisession.

It should be remembered that when creating multisession discs, each session requires additional disk space, so the total amount of information that can fit on a multisession disc is less than when using one session. Some outdated devices CD readers cannot handle multisession discs. By default, when you use the Nero Wizard and create a new disc with files, it is created as a multisession disc. Let's take a look at how to add new files to such a disk.

Click the button on the toolbar or select the menu command File\u003e New. The first helper dialog will appear. Set the radio button of the first dialog of the Nero wizard to Compile a New CD, then click Next to continue. In the next dialog, set the switch to Data CD. Then click Next again to continue.

The following wizard dialog will appear, in which set the radio button to Continue an Existing Data-CD. Click the Next button to continue. The final wizard dialog for this step will appear. This dialog gives you detailed instructions on what to do next.

Click the Finish button to close this dialog. After the helper has finished working at this stage, a dialog will appear for selecting a session to which a new session with your files will be added.

If any information was previously recorded on the disc, a list of tracks will appear in the dialog window. Usually the last track is automatically selected to continue recording and we do not recommend changing this. If the last track is not selected, then select it by clicking on it with the mouse. Once a track is selected, click the OK button to close the track selection dialog.

Remember that the program remembers on the created disk the name of the folder from which the information was recorded. If the source folder exists when adding information to the disk, files from it will be automatically added to the project. This feature is convenient to use for regular backups or backups of information.

If there are folders from which the previous record was made to the disk, the program will check them for new or changed files. If new files are found, a dialog will appear saying this.

Click OK to close the dialog. After that, the project and explorer windows will appear in the workspace. Move required files from the explorer window to the project window. When you are finished moving files, click the button on the toolbar or select the File\u003e Burn CD menu command (File\u003e

This way you can add your files to disk and track the version changes of the recorded files. This can be done at any time as long as there is free space on the disk.

Creating an Audio CD from pre-prepared material

Music CDs or Audio CDs are a special class of CDs. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that such discs can be played not only on a computer, but also on household music centers. Let's take a look at how to create such discs.

Click the button on the toolbar or select the File\u003e New menu command. The first helper dialog will appear. Set the radio button of the first dialog in the Nero wizard to Compile a New CD, then click Next to continue. In the next dialog, set the switch to Audio CD. Click Next again to continue. The final wizard dialog for this step will appear. This dialog gives you detailed instructions on what to do next. Click the Finish button to close this dialog.

After that, the project and explorer windows will appear in the workspace. Usually, the source material for recording a music CD is music files that have extension wav... Move the files you want from the explorer window to the project window. If the file of this type cannot be written to a music disc, the program will warn you about this in a special dialog.

MP3 files can be used as source material. The program itself converts them to the desired format when burning to disk.

When moving phonograms to the project window, do not forget to follow the volume scale and do not exceed the limits. Remember that the standard requires seventy-four minutes of audio information to be stored on a recordable or rewritable CD. Recently, blanks have appeared on which you can write eighty or even ninety minutes. When you are finished moving files, click the button on the toolbar or select the File\u003e Write CD menu command. An assistant dialog will appear prompting you to set the recording parameters.

Change the speed and other burn parameters if necessary, and then click the Burn button. The recording process will begin, followed by the appearance of the corresponding dialogue. At the end of the recording, a dialog will appear, indicating that the recording is complete. Click OK to close the dialog. Now you should click the Cancel button, which will appear in the burn process dialog.

You can now play the burned disc on different devices... It should be remembered, however, that some home stereo systems cannot reliably reproduce recorded CDs. You may need to change the blanks you use or burn discs at a lower speed.

Copying an existing disc

Sometimes it becomes necessary to make a copy of an existing disk. You can overwrite its contents to your hard drive and then write to a new blank. However, there is an easier way to copy discs, implemented in the program. Moreover, you can copy discs of any format. Let's see how this can be done in Nero Burning Rom.

Click the button on the toolbar or select the File\u003e New menu command. The first helper dialog will appear. Set the radio button of the first dialog of the Nero wizard to Copy CD and click Next to continue. A wizard dialog will appear prompting you to select your copy options.

This dialog is intended to select a device from which copying will be performed. If your computer has only one CD-ROM drive, it will appear in this list. If multiple CD-ROM drives are installed, you can select any of them. Also, if you have multiple devices that can read CDs, the Fast Copy checkbox becomes available. If you select this check box, then copying will occur from the device with the original to the device for disc burning directly, bypassing the hard disk of the computer. If you have one device, then such an operation is impossible and copying will take place in two stages.

The information will be copied to the hard disk first and then it will be written to the CD. In general, it is better to check the box quick copy, if possible.

The operation of fast copying, or, as they say, copying "on the fly", is much faster than normal copying. However, before using this operation, make sure that the CD-ROM drive can read the information at the correct speed.

CD read speed depends on the quality of its workmanship and the degree of deterioration, so before using on-the-fly copying, check the read speed of the original disc.

Click the Next button to continue. The final wizard dialog at this stage will appear, prompting you to set the recording parameters. Select the burn type and speed, and then click the Burn button. A dialog may appear to select a recording device. In this case, select the device and click OK.

Now a dialog will appear that reflects the copy progress. This dialog dynamically displays the fill of the recorder and software buffers. A progress bar is also displayed to clearly show the progress of the copy operation. After copying is complete, the drive trays will open and you can remove both the original and the copy.

If you have only one device that is used for both writing and reading CDs, then after reading the original is finished, the drive will open and you will be prompted to insert a recordable CD into the drive. Insert the CD into the burner. The copying procedure will be automatically continued and the information recording dialog will appear.

When the recording is finished, a corresponding dialog will appear and the disc will be automatically ejected from the device. Now you can start creating or copying other discs.

Create video discs

Click the button on the toolbar or select the File\u003e New menu command. The first helper dialog will appear. Set the radio button of the first dialog in the Nero wizard to Compile a New CD, then click Next to continue. In the next dialog, set the radio button to Other CD Formats and click Next to continue. The following wizard dialog will appear, specifying the type of disk to be created. Figure: 7.13. Helper dialogs

Set the radio button to Video CD and click Next to continue. The final helper dialog for this step will appear. Click the Finish button to close this dialog. The project window and explorer window will now appear in the workspace. Please note that the directory structure is already formed in the project window, which is required when creating a video CD. You need to transfer MPEG-1 files conforming to the Video CD specification from the explorer window to the compilation window.

It is suggested that you prepare the video files in advance for burning to disc. Nero Burning Rom does not provide tools for creating such files. This must be done using other programs.

When copying video files from the explorer window to the project window, a corresponding dialog appears. At the same time, the program checks the files for compliance with the requirements of the Video CD standard. If the file does not meet the requirements, a warning will appear on the screen and it will not be copied.

When adding files, follow the timeline and do not exceed the established limits. After all the files are added to the project, click the button on the toolbar or select the menu command File\u003e Write CD (File\u003e Write CD). An assistant dialog will appear prompting you to set the recording parameters. Change the burn parameters if necessary and click the Burn button.

The recording process will begin, followed by the appearance of the corresponding dialogue. At the end of the recording, a dialog will appear, indicating that the recording is complete. Click OK to close the dialog. Then click the Cancel button that appears in the burn process dialog to close this dialog as well.

Now you can play the recorded video disc both on a computer and on a home device that allows you to play such discs. Using household appliance you should make sure it can handle burned CDs.

Mixed disc creation

Mixed discs contain both data and program files and audio tracks... If you insert such a disc into a household player, you can listen to it like a music disc. If you insert such a disc into your computer's CD-ROM drive, you can run the programs on the drive or view files or play music.

Click the button on the toolbar or select the menu command File\u003e New. The first helper dialog will appear. Set the radio button of the first dialog in the Nero wizard to Compile a New CD, then click Next to continue. In the next dialog, set the switch to

Other CD Formats and click Next to continue.

In the dialog that appears, set the switch to Mixed Audio + Data (Mixed Audio + Data) and click the Next button to continue working. The final helper dialog at this stage appears, with instructions on what to do next. Click the Finish button to close this dialog.

The project window and explorer window will appear in the workspace. Note that the project window is split into two parts. At the top there is an area for the location of data files, and at the bottom you can place sound files... Drag the necessary files to the file window, and transfer the required audio tracks to the sound information window. Remember to keep an eye on the volume scale.

To start the process of recording information, click the button on the toolbar or select the menu command File\u003e Write CD (File\u003e Write CD). In the appeared wizard dialog, if necessary, select different recording parameters from the default ones. Click the Burn button to start the burning process and open the corresponding dialog. At the end of the recording, a dialog will appear, indicating that the recording is complete. Click OK to close the dialog. Then click the Cancel button that appears in the burn process dialog to close this dialog as well.

Try playing the disc you created on your computer and in a home CD player.

Disk imaging

If you are currently unable to burn discs, you can save the disc image and burn it later. Click the button on the program toolbar or select the CD recorder menu command Select recorder (CD Recorder\u003e Select Recorder). The Select Recorder dialog will appear.

The Image Recorder is designed to create CD images as files. Select this device from the list and then click OK to close the dialog.

Now you can burn various discs as files. Click the button on the toolbar or select the menu command File\u003e New. Answering the questions of the assistant, create any type of disk described above. After clicking the Burn button, a dialog will appear to save the disc image.

In this dialog, you should select a folder to save, and also specify the name of the file that is the image of the CD. The location of the files is selected from the Folder drop-down list. After the folder is selected, you should specify a name for the saved disk image in the File Name input field.

Once you have specified the folder and name, click the Save button to close the dialog. The disk burn dialog will appear. After finishing writing to the file, a corresponding dialog will appear. Click OK to close it. Now click the Cancel button to close the recording dialog.

Burn disk image

If you have previously saved the CD image as a file, you can burn it at any time. Click the button on the toolbar or select the File\u003e New menu command. The first helper dialog will appear. Set the radio button of the first dialog of the Nero wizard to Compile a New CD and click Next. The next wizard dialog will appear, in which you should set the switch to the position Other CD Formats (Other CD Formats).

Click the Next button again to open the next dialog. In this dialog, set the radio button to Create a CD from an Image File and click Next to continue. A helper dialog will appear with instructions on what to do next. Click the Finish button to close it. The dialog for opening the image file will appear.

In this dialog, you should select a folder and file name with the image of the recording disc. The location of the files is selected from the Folder drop-down list. After the folder is selected, you should specify a name for the bootable disk image in the File Name input field. After you have done this, click the Open button. After opening the image file, another wizard dialog will appear asking you to select the recording parameters. Change these parameters if necessary and click the Burn button. The dialog for recording information will appear. At the end of the recording, a dialog will appear, indicating that the recording is complete. Click OK to close it. Now click the Cancel button that appears in the recording dialog to close that dialog as well. The disk from the file containing the image is now created.

Before you another portion of lessons on how to use the Nero 9. In this part of the video course you will learn how to use - a more advanced analogue of the utility.

You will master the program interface, learn how to burn data DVDs or CDs, audio CDs, DVD or video CDs, how to burn boot diskas well as mixed data discs. It will not be superfluous to learn about the features of recording and copying DVD or CD discs with this tool. So, without delay, go straight to watching video tutorials.

Lesson 9. How to use Nero Burning Rom, interface overview

Lesson 10. Setting up burning data DVD or CD discs. 1 part

Lesson 11. Setting up burning data DVD or CD discs. Part 2

Lesson 12. Setting up audio CD burning

Lesson 13. Setting up burning DVD or CD video discs

Lesson 14. Configuring Burning Bootable DVDs, CDs, and Mixed Content Discs

Lesson 15. Burning a disc

Lesson 16. Copy DVD or CD discs

In the next part of the course, you will have the opportunity to study two interesting applications Nero programs:

1. Video editor Nero Visionfrom which you will learn how to create slideshows and movies, and burn them to DVD or CD discs;

2. CD cover editor Nero Cover Designerwhere you will learn how to create beautiful DVD or CD covers and stickers.

Applications from the Nero 2015 Platinum suite have long ceased to serve exclusively for burning discs. Nero's arsenal now includes audio and video editors, backup and restore tools, and programs for syncing media files between devices home networkincluding using cloud storage. But in the first part of the Nero 2015 Platinum review, we will focus on applications for burning discs.

For an ordinary user, the name Nero is primarily associated with the application Nero Burning ROM, named after the Roman emperor Nero, according to legend, who ordered the burning of Rome - the phrases "Nero sets Rome on fire" and "Nero burns ROM" (this is the translation of the name of the program) in English sound the same.

Not surprisingly, this application is the most popular CD burning tool. Indeed, since 1997, when the first version was released, the application has evolved and acquired more and more new features and tools.

Thanks to this, a whole suite of applications designed to work with media files that successfully complement each other are currently being released under the Nero trademark. But the name Nero has become the unifying name for all these products. And even the company Ahead Software GmbH, which developed this wonderful product, changed its name to Nero AG in 2005.

Nero-branded applications actively interact with each other during their work, transferring processed data to each other to perform various additional operations. Nevertheless, they are capable of working independently, and therefore they can be purchased separately. But it is still more profitable to buy them in one package, since the price in this case will be much lower.

I, in turn, will consider the Nero 2015 Platinum package. This is the most up-to-date package to date, containing the latest versions of Nero's most requested applications.

After installation, all programs are available from the menu installed applications, but those who have not used Nero before, or have worked with these programs for a very long time, may initially get confused by so many new software. A shortcut that is automatically created on the desktop helps to avoid confusion. It launches a helper shell that will easily help the user find the right program based on their current needs.

Considering this package, it would be logical to start with Nero Burning ROM - the veteran who gave birth to the project, but first I want to say a few words about the Nero ControlCenter program so as not to return to it again. This is a small helper application that manages installed licenses and is responsible for the timely updating of the products installed on the computer. In addition, it also allows you to select language settings for the entire software package.

Now let's talk about Nero Burning ROM. The application allows you to burn CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs or create image files based on them. It is possible to record a project with a separate type of data, such as audio, video, or mixed data.

When burning discs, you can use SecureDisc protected recording. Its use increases the degree of data safety in the event that the disc gets scratched or gets other physical damage of a similar scale. Of course, no one gives a 100% guarantee that the data will survive, but the chances of this nevertheless increase.

There are several ways to add files to the created project. For example, through Windows Explorer or the Nero MediaBrowser application launched by a special button in the interface. I'll tell you more about this application later, but for now let's continue talking about Nero Burning ROM.

As I said, Nero AG is constantly improving its products. At the same time, developers pay due attention to new technologies and actively implement their support in new versions of applications. One example of this approach is the appearance free apps for mobile devices running operating rooms android systems and iOS.

One of these apps is called Nero AirBurn. It is used to create projects for burning in Nero Burning ROM from files stored on mobile devices... And all this is done directly from the interface of these very devices. You simply select the files on your smartphone or tablet that you want to burn to a disc, click the "Burn" button, the marked data is transferred via Wi-Fi to a computer with Nero Burning ROM installed, and if a suitable disc is installed in the drive, then the project the same is recorded. It's that simple.

As an illustration, I am showing a screenshot taken using an Android application. The iOS version is located.

Using the editor Nero CoverDesigner, you can create a beautiful box cover for a finished disc or a picture for a disc. It has several templates designed to fit existing disc and package sizes, so all that remains is to insert an image and add text if necessary.

Nero CoverDesigner is not included in the original installation package, but it can be easily installed directly from the burning software interface.

Nero Burning ROM has a wide variety of settings that allow you to very clearly define your burning parameters. If you need to whip up a disc, you can use the Nero Express application.

The menu of this application contains the most requested burning options, and it allows you to create a project and burn it to disc in just a few clicks.

If you need to activate some additional settings that are not available in the express version, then using a special button you can go to the Nero Burning ROM application and continue working there.

You can use Nero MediaBrowser to add files to a project in the same way. Although this is perfectly done using a standard explorer or by dragging and dropping files with the mouse.

Over the years, these applications have become as user-friendly as possible, and, as a rule, there are no problems in mastering these tools. Moreover, the interface supports the Russian language.

Nevertheless, Nero AG has issued detailed guides for Nero Burning ROM and Nero Express in the format mobile applications for Android and iOS. The material in them is well-structured, and it is as easy as shelling pears to quickly find the required section in them. You can find links to these tutorials under this article.


Nero's unique application suite, which was previously only used for CD and DVD work, is now one version older. At the same time, he not only did not lose his indisputable advantages, such as speed, abundance of possibilities and versatility, but also expanded to the "center of the multimedia universe". As the description says, "create, edit and enjoy."

Starting from the 6th version, the package has been steadily expanding, and now it includes, in addition to applications for working with disks, programs for editing music and video, viewing them, as well as several service utilities.

All actions that are most often performed using a package can be divided into the following:

  • writing files;
  • copying and editing videos;
  • work with sound (processing and mixing);
  • viewing and structuring multimedia files;
  • maintenance of the necessary equipment.

Nero 7: burning discs

If you want to burn a file, audio or video to a CD or DVD, you can do this using Nero Burning ROM.

At startup, a dialog for creating a new project appears, where at the top you need to select the type of disc (CD or DVD), on the right - the type (data, music, video), and on the left, change the desired disc settings (presence of multisession, file system, name) and recording parameters ( speed, application of finalization, protection from emptying).

After clicking the "New" button, the familiar "Explorer" panels will appear, where simple drag and drop you can add files to the project. It is at this step that you can, for example, erase a rewritable disc or copy an existing one entirely. In addition, for fans of the highest quality, there is an opportunity to search for information about files or music tracks in special databases. There is a frequently used option to connect an antivirus scanner, which can be enabled in the "File" -\u003e "Options" menu. After finishing adding files, select the "Record" button right on the toolbar to start it.

When great opportunities don't play starring, you can use the lite version.

Nero Express combines the functionality of a complete application with the convenience of a step-by-step interface. In general, all major aspects of use remain the same.

But even such a step-by-step interface can be improved. With Nero InCD, it will be possible to work with discs as with rewritable media, such as floppy disks, that is, save and delete files standard means... After launch, a corresponding icon will appear in the tray, allowing you to quickly work with disks.

Sometimes you need not just a recording, but backup important information... Then you can use Nero BackItUp to replace routine actions. Here it is possible to save both the entire disk and a specific file. In addition, there are wizards and planners.

After recording, the question usually arises about the identification of each "blank". For users who do not want to mess with their discs, Nero Cover Designer was created, allowing several simple actions create a cover, print the front side (only if you have a special printer), and latest versions and artistically paint and work part using technology LightScribe .

Recall that this technology allows you to create drawings directly on the working surface of the disk, but requires a special compatible drive. To do this, choose required type, and according to it, several pages will be created, for example, the inserts at the front and back, as well as a view of the disc itself. The convenience lies in the fact that properties can be changed in groups - in the "Object" menu, the last five items are responsible for this. In general, the interface is not much different from Paint - we select what we want to add (shape, text or picture) and paste it into the document. At the end, the work can be saved or printed immediately. If you want to take advantage of the capabilities of your LightScribe drive, select "LightScribe Preview" from the "File" menu to check what will be created and "Print LightScribe Label" directly for recording.

Nero 7: video editing and editing

To create your own clips or edit existing ones, use the Nero Vision application.

If you want to edit your video, the first thing to do is to click the "Create Movie" button, which opens an interactive Wizard that accompanies us at all stages. In the first step, the content management opens, which should contain everything that you plan to see in the future. To do this, in the upper right part - the so-called. "Asset type" - using the "Search for media" button or using ready-made catalogs, add our videos. Next, we dissect them using the appropriate button to the scenes and add the desired one by dragging it to the lower, main part of the window. Here you need to switch to the "Timeline" tab. There, in five lines in chronological order, everything that will be included in the film is depicted. By the way, all your scenes have been dragged to the "Video track" line of this table. The rest of the lines show text and other effects and two audio tracks. To add text, you need to use the tab of the same name "Asset windows", after clicking on the desired location in the "Timeline" window. A window will open required settingssuch as color, duration and, in fact, the text itself. Another tab of the same window - "Show Movements" - adds spectacular appearance to scenes. To do this, select the desired fragment and click the appropriate effect. You can add an effect to the video track itself - the last remaining tab of the asset window does just that. During the work, each resulting part can be viewed in the third part of the window - a mini-media player. To do this, select an effect or video clip and click "Play".

When the project is completely ready, click "Next". Possible options will be displayed again: return to editing ("Continue editing"), save as a video file ("Export movie"), write to the media and save the project in a form available for further editing.

In the case when you need to burn a collection of ready-made films, select "DVD-Video" in the initial menu. Next, you should add content: capture video, copy from a file or from a ready-made disc. There are also points for creating new media content and editing existing ones. After everything you need is collected, we get to the "Edit Menu" step. First, select the type ("Menu of titles and sections", "Only menu of titles" and "No menu creation"). We designate our choice by double-clicking and get into the "Properties". The direct setting takes place there. After setting the necessary parameters, click "Next" and continue working. By the way, there are several already prepared templates that you can use by selecting them in the appropriate menu. At the next step after the menu, you can start testing, studying the behavior of the disk when you press the buttons on the virtual remote control. When everything is tested, you can start burning. In the menu that appears when you move the mouse pointer, you can change the recording settings. But it is not necessary to save immediately to CD / DVD discs, you can first save it, for example, to HDD, for further editing or subsequent recording.

Nero 7: Recode Movies to DVD

Often, you just need to copy an existing movie to DVD - rewrite it to "disc" or compress the content to burn to a single layer DVD or CD. Then Nero Recode comes to the rescue.

Here you can choose to either capture movies from DVD and then burn them with preserving both the high-quality original format and loss of quality when encoding to MPEG4, or create a new DVD. It can be seen that the first and second, as well as the fourth and fifth points are very similar to each other - the only difference is that when you select an item that begins with the words "Recode the main movie", the program will automatically select the fragments containing the movie itself, and not the splash screen of the famous film company. But in all five points, the second step will be to select those titles, audio tracks, files and subtitles that will be contained in the future DVD.

The third step is to record the project on hDD or other media. Upon completion of these operations, you will be presented with a list of possible further actions, including the transition to creating a new project and opening new applications.

Nero 7: audio processing

The whole process of creation own disk can be divided into two stages: capturing the source materials and the creative part itself.

Nero WaveEditor will help you in the first step. Collected here necessary tools for semi-professional music processing. To begin with, select the required sound file in the "File" -\u003e "Open" menu. A huge number of audio formats are supported, so this shouldn't be a problem. After that, in the center of the window appears a curve with a timer for more convenient orientation, and at the bottom - a media player panel for playing unfinished "masterpieces" and a window for viewing and editing the perfect changes. Further, in the corresponding menus, you will need to select the desired filter or tool, in the window that appears, change its settings to the necessary ones and apply it by clicking "OK". It should be noted separately that almost all parameters are changed using symbolic knobs or using curves on graphs, which is quite convenient. For example, in order to remove noise, select an area right on the diagram, and then in the "Improvement" menu select "Remove noise". You can select a profile, for example, to remove clicks from vinyl records. After making the necessary modifications, the file can be saved, by the way, in any, not just the original, format.

When all the "sources" are collected, you can start creating mixes and recording to discs and media. Nero SoundTrax will help here. When you open the program, a specific dialog for creating a new project appears. There are 5 main groups, among which: "Templates" - possible basic actions, including those that were created by the user himself; "Helpers" - Wizards for a known sequence of actions, for example, to transfer music from audio tapes to a computer; and "Projects" and "Recently used files" to access After selecting one or another item, if it is not the Master, the corresponding number of audio temporary tracks will appear immediately.

On the right of each one will be shown what is on it at the moment, and on the left - some of its settings, such as "Panorama", playback, and "Editing the effect chain". You can add new tracks through sound files, direct recording or using the built-in sound library "SoundBox" - a convenient tool for editing or creating thematic inserts. You can change the order of track sections using Drag & Drop. Right-clicking brings up a menu where you can add music files, go to properties and options, or select mixing options for a given site. There, both the possibility of an abrupt and several options for a gradual transition are available. If the click was made in place of the track, you can select "Edit audio file in WaveEditor". When finished, you can save the project, or go to other applications.

Nero 7: Viewing Multimedia

Nero 7 lets you turn your computer into a true media center. It is on these opportunities that the stake in the new package is being made, so they are extremely well developed.

All basic cataloging and browsing functions are collected in Nero Home. He is your main advisor and guide to the digital world. The new "face" of the whole package turned out to be premium. In contrast to the rather strict StartSmart, there is both interactivity and a visual interface. The "orbital" menu offers (by the way, in Russian - as in all other applications) the items "Music", "Collections", "Photos", "Video and TV" and "Devices". All of them perform similar functions: when you double-click, a set of places of content of the corresponding content opens, and you just select the one you need and immediately play it. For example, if you go to photos, you will be able to view pictures from all collections and the "My Documents" folder.

Also, any of them can be added to the corresponding group or, conversely, deleted. In addition to the usual overview, you can make a presentation consisting of all files in a given group.

Exception from general rule there are only "Collections", where you directly manage your collections, and "Devices", which allow you to work with files of any type from anywhere on your computer.

But, as you can see, the abundance of possibilities is achieved by combining the functionality of external programs, including such as Nero Scout and Nero ShowTime.

In case of specific file types maximum comfort help to achieve specialized applications. When you want to enjoy high-quality video viewing, Nero ShowTime is such a "specialist".

Its functionality is similar to DVD-players: it also plays movies, but, in addition, also music and, if desired, pictures. But the main goal remains unchanged - to obtain high quality, for which there are many different settings, including for full adjustment of both video and sound. In particular, for the former, you can set up deinterlisting and manually set the color balance, and for the latter, the number of columns and the corresponding "enhancing" technologies. All this becomes available when clicked right click -\u003e "Configuration". There you can also adjust the assignment of specific program users to restrict access to settings. The file for playing is selected, as in similar programs - by clicking on the small button "Select source", and there - find the desired disk \\ file \\ folder. Playback control - using the familiar "Play", "Stop", "Pause", and hot keys.

The standard photo viewing and processing applications in the Nero 7 suite have competitors. Nero PhotoSnap is responsible for image processing, with an emphasis on home photography. There are a number of tools for changing them, and you can start working immediately, without prior preparation. First, click on the "Open" button and select the desired image (there, by the way, on a special tab, you can use the Nero Scout search bases), use the necessary filters, to confirm each time by clicking "Apply". If necessary, cancel the changes and save the masterpiece with the buttons of the same name. Now about the tools. Of those necessary for an ordinary owner, there are "Red Eye Removal", "Noise" and "JPEG Artifact Compensator". In addition to these, quite specialized, there are also necessary everywhere "Rotate", "Resize" and "Crop". For any solemn and highly artistic actions, you may need "Lens Distortion", "Aging" and the "Vignette" mode. And this list is far from complete: despite their apparent simplicity, filters have proven their worth not only as a replacement for Paint, but also as a simple home-style alternative to Photoshop. In addition, the functionality can be extended with plugins. They should be applied in the "Settings" -\u003e "Plugins" menu. All add-ons for this program are divided into 2 types: supporting new file types and containing new tools. It's funny, but all the original features are the work of 4 add-ons included by default.

When you need to limit yourself to viewing, Nero PhotoSnap Viewer takes over. This is the same PhotoSnap without filters and with the ability to quickly "scroll through" images. Clicking on the "Edit" button opens the already reviewed application.

Organizing remains an important part of working with interactive content. When you want to create a list of all your photos on different discs, build a playlist of your favorite songs, you cannot do without Nero Scout.

This program is the true face of all catalogs that have become an integral part of most of the package's products. She creates a virtual system folder, where the list of all groups is conveniently explored and edited. Besides, in context menu there are specific opportunities associated with the configuration of playlists. Here you can edit them and view their contents through external programs. With the help of virtual folders, you can conveniently sort all the multimedia information on your computer.

Often the question arises of sharing necessary files with friends and acquaintances. Many people use file-sharing networks for this, but in order for, for example, a friend to download a couple of films from you, this is not necessary - just use Nero MediaHome.

You will be able to share your pictures, movies and music with your entire local network and even with the Internet. To do this, you need to launch the program from the "Start" menu, specify in the "Shared Directories" menu which folders you want to make publicly available, and click "Start Server". In addition, while the firewall is running, you must either disable stealth mode and allow access for the MediaHome, or allow full access to local network... That's it, now on the "Status" tab you can see who is downloading what and from where. In addition, there are options such as "Autoplay and tray settings". If you want your server to work all the time, you should check the boxes next to "Start MediaHome at startup" and "Start media server at startup". For advanced users, there is a possibility of specific server settings, including port and network name.

Nero 7: Service utilities

Are you wondering which drive is faster: yours or your neighbor's? Do you need to assess the quality of a recording on a particular "disc"? Or maybe you just want to know if it's time for an upgrade? The answer to these questions will prompt Nero CD-DVD Speed \u200b\u200b- an indispensable tool for checking the status of both a specific disc and drive. Shows several parameters at once, including maps of bad sectors and maximum and average read speed.

Many people know that moderate use of speed can help save the life of their "cutter". It also reduces noise levels, but unfortunately decreases performance. Nero DriveSpeed \u200b\u200bis a smart combination of speed, drive uptime and noise.

Some users are accustomed to make images and use them directly from the hard drive for lack of empty disks. Nero ImageDrive is a program for creating virtual CD and DVD-ROM drives. After launch, virtual devices, for which you can specify image files. Of course, copy-protected programs and games cannot be launched from an image.

Often, despite care and attention, malfunctions and strange sounds begin to appear in the drive. Nero InfoTool will be able to collect detailed information about the disk, drive, drivers and the computer in general. It will also display the version of the drive firmware.

Nero 7: conclusion

The new version of the Nero 7 package from Nero AG continued to move towards the creation of a comprehensive set of programs for working with multimedia information. The Nero Home shell allows you to turn your computer into a media center without resorting to specialized operating systems or other software packages. And the player Nero Showtime 2 pleases with wide format support. So for novice users, the Nero 7 package is quite an all-in-one tidbit. All of its functions, and this is the creation, storage and viewing of multimedia information, the package performs excellently. Finally, let's note the support for the Russian language.

On the other hand, if you do not need these functions, some importunity of Nero 7 catches your eye: the default installation is not recommended, since the package will bind to itself many video and audio formats, as well as files with photos.

The editors thank the company CPS , the only official distributor of Nero AG in Russia, for the program provided.

The software was tested on AMD platform. The editors would like to thank the Russian representative office of AMD for the platform provided.

Hello everyone. Let's talk today about a program like Nero, I'll tell you what this program is and what it is for. I think you can understand whether you need it or not, and if anything, I will show you how to remove it. In general, I'll show you what you need ..

I have known the Nero program for a long time, and I honestly will not argue, but it seems that it was already on the computer that was presented to me. And that was, well, a very long time ago, so to speak, ten years for sure. At that time, it seems to me that Nero was still very popular, but now there is no such popularity, or is it? It just seemed to me that not ...

But why is it not so popular anymore? And the thing is that before Nero was a simple and convenient program, inside of which there were several tools for working with disks. I didn't write something at all about what the Nero program is for. Everything is simple here, at the time when I knew her, she was needed to work with disks: write files to them, erase, delete data from them, well, and something else. There were also some proprietary technologies. But over time, the program became so big and cool, such a damn harvester in the end turned out that in order to write data to disk, it is better to use some simple utility like UltraISO. Although there seem to be separate utilities from Nero, well, those that are intended purely for burning discs. The Nero utilities themselves are of high quality, for they are small and bugless

Although at first it does not seem that it is big, it is worth giving credit to the fact that the interface is well made, so to speak, not annoying and at the same time stylish

By the way, together with Nero, I also installed such a program as Music Recorder.

Nero is paid program, but there is a free trial period, so you can evaluate how the program works

So I downloaded the program, installed it, by the way, it was not installed so quickly, a couple of minutes for sure, which only confirms that Nero today is already such a sickly combine with a bunch of possibilities! These are essentially several programs in one. Evidently, everything is normal, but it weighs almost one and a half gigabytes, what a pod!

When I started the program, this window popped up, where it was written that I had two weeks left to study the program:

This is what Nero looks like:

To say that she has changed is to say nothing. She has never been like this before, she has simply changed beyond recognition! Well look, this is an old version of Nero 7, this is how it looks:

What do you think about this? It seems to be much better, there is some kind of interesting style, everything is convenient, in general it is convenient to use the program. In the modern version, and I'm considering Nero 2016, everything is done somehow without a twist, everything is in some kind of incomprehensible style .. But maybe it just seems to me

In general, a lot of all kinds of tools are collected in the Nero start screen, there is also Nero Burning ROM, Nero Express, this is what I remember, which was in the old convenient versions. In general, I run Nero Burning ROM:

By the way! After I pressed, then this whole program, and it was deployed in full screen, and then it quickly drove off to the left! Then the window appeared again, well, what you need to buy a program and all that. And then, when I closed this window, I saw the Nero Burning ROM utility. There will still be a window, well, like a welcome, they will ask you to indicate your first name, last name, in short, I just clicked Close there and that's it. Then it was necessary to create a New project:

As the project was created, there will already be a Nero Burning ROM window, it's good that at least they didn't change it much:

But what is this Nero Burning ROM program? This is for you to write some files to disk. You can record music, movies, in general, anything. You can even download an ISO image of a disc on the Internet (or in some other format) and burn it to a regular disc too.

In the Nero Burning ROM program itself, you need to select the type of disc, this is selected first, then in the program, throw all the files onto the future disc. At the bottom of the program there will be a filling scale from the total volume, but it still depends on which disk you have selected. Ordinary CDs hold somewhere around 700 megs, and DVDs around 4.6 gigs, well, something like this. Well, here I have thrown some files, well, just to check, in general, see:

Below you see the green one, it means all the oceans, all the rules are here, but where there is red, it will no longer fit on the disk. On the right, select and drag the files to the left, drag and drop with the mouse, there is no difficulty.

And then there is Nero Express:

Well, you will think, what kind of program is this Nero Express? This is almost the same as Nero Burning ROM, only a simplified version of the type! So I launched it, this is how it looks:

It seems to me that it is a little easier here, you immediately need to choose what you will record and on which disc. Then, in the next window you need to add files (Add button):

Well, and then burn the disc (before inserting a blank disc into the drive):

Well, as you can see, everything works fine. Nero is a fairly simple program, you just need to take your time and you will master it for sure. Nothing complicated as for me. Whenever you want to burn files to disc, I recommend doing it in Nero Express. Look very carefully at all the settings and all that, just regular discs, well, that is, CD-R, DVD-R, then they are only for one-time recording. Then you can no longer delete anything from there. Therefore, you only have one attempt to write the files to disk normally. Multisession recording is a recording in which you can add something else to the disc later. But this is such a thing, then the computer will definitely be able to read such a disk, but another device is not known. But often there are no problems with reading, only some household DVD-players can be capricious.

In general, if you are a beginner, then I advise you to use Nero Express

There is a lot of things there in Nero, if you are interested, you can see. But as for me, before the Nero program was better, there was only the main thing. Well, maybe a little rubbish, but somehow it did not bother me. Yes, and it does not interfere here, but damn it, I installed the Nero program for several minutes, it's very strange, well, because it took a long time! That is, it is not small, although the utilities Nero Burning ROM and Nero Express are very small, which then takes up a lot of space? Regarding the size, I looked and now see how much the installed Nero program weighs:

As for me, 1.39 giga is not so little ..

So think, and if anything, I will now write how to remove Nero from your computer so that you know how to do it just in case. I will uninstall from Windows 7, but in other Windows everything is almost the same!

To remove, you can generally use a remover such as, it will remove the program and clean the Windows from traces. The deleter is good, it has been around for a long time, it works well, in general I advise it, I don't see anything wrong with it ..

Well, now how to remove it in a simple way, so to speak. So we hold down the Win + R buttons and write the following command there:

We find the Programs and Features icon there, well, run it:

Then we find Nero 2016 in the list, right-click and select Delete:

A message will appear like this, in it you also click Yes:

A window like this will pop up, it will hang a little, it's like the process of deletion is in progress:

In general, my window hung, so to speak, decently, when compared with the removal of other programs. As I understand it, components are removed in turn and all this is in automatic mode happened to me. The window hung for about three minutes so accurately, so do not be surprised that it hangs for a long time. While the window is hanging, I advise you not to do anything at the computer, so that everything is fine there. As you can see, all the same, today the Nero program is already weighty, so to speak, and if you need to stupidly write files to disk, then maybe you should use another program? Although, if you have a super powerful computer with Intel Core i7, then you can use Nero 2016 ...

After remove Nero you still have something in your computer, well, I mean some other little programs from Nero, you can also delete them in this way (I mean through the Programs and Features window).

All guys, that's all, I hope that everything here was clear to you, and if something is wrong, then I'm sorry. Good luck and have all the chiki-bunches in your life

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