Interesting Applications for Windows Phone

Hi Dear readers! In the last article, I told you what it represents and how to download applications for a mobile phone or a tablet that runs under its control.

Today, as I promised, I continue the topic, but this time runs away by the applications that I personally use it, and perhaps one of you will find them too useful.

If not, then we boldly add the name in the comments best applications for Windows Phone which you personally use and tell why you think so.

Below will be shrinks from my phone, at the moment it Nokia Lumia 920. Well, let's go ...

Applications for Windows Phone 8 (8.1)

I will describe all applications in alphabetical order, because this is how the WP 8.1 OS is sorted in my mobile device.

Some of them are standard, which go along with the platform, and all the others need to download, the benefit you already know how to do it.

- This is a standard program that will allow you to wake up at a specified time. A simple interface, minimum of settings that it suits me is, so I do not consider it necessary to look for her replacement in the store.

As you can see, my working day begins at 5.01 in the morning.

- The next standard application, but already for watching video files. Let there not have a lot of opportunities, but to view the video, the film, the filming from the camera you will definitely work.

I tried to install other analogies, such as Moliplayer Pro, but they did not like that there is no Russian interface, and do not read some formats.

- Comments are inappropriate here, this is a client for the most popular social network.

- An application from one of the largest music sites. Here you can find your favorite compositions for one click.

That's just it is not clear where this app stores the downloaded melodies, from the computer they also not find, you have to listen to the music directly in the program.

Sure this bug soon, it will be corrected.

Calendar (364 days) - Built-in calendar from W. Phone is completely dull and not presentable.

A pair is difficult there to understand what the date, so I found him a replacement in the Application "Cheerful Calendar".

- I decided to leave the built-in, as it is simple and clear, and nothing more needs me.

- Built-in WP application for photo and video shooting. To create rapid pictures, a series of photos and high-quality video is quite suitable.

- Standard notebook.

- With this client, you can own full information about the services provided by all known banks.

- In connection with the difficult economic situation, it will be worthwhile to use this application and know in which bank is better to buy or sell currency.

- Built-in audio file player. Automatically finds all MP3 songs on the phone and sorts them by genres, performers, compositions.

- Customer to determine your location. Since the built-in Microsoft navigator is not suitable for residents of Belarus (there are no cards for this region), I had to look for him to replace and the application from Yandex perfectly coped with the task assigned to it.

Settings here are a lot, you can choose the type of card: a scheme, satellite, folk. Its display mode: day or night. Automatic scaling, etc.

"Everyone knows that every day a person must drink a certain amount of fluid, so to make it easier to make this program, this program was invented.

Its essence is that you enter your height, weight and it calculates how much fluid you should drink during the day.

The data is recorded in the chronology, and sound signal It will remind you that it's time to drink so much water liters.

- Simple online translator. You choose the topic, the direction of translation and enter a strange word.

Also, you can read the text you want to translate to save yourself from the routine work of its set on the touch keyboard.

Congratulator - app for reminder and congratulations close to people about the coming holidays.

- App to the Mail company to work with Accounts

Similar applications are for accounts.

RIA Novosti - the name speaks for itself. If you want to be aware recent eventstaking place around the world, I advise you to look at this program.

- This application scans any QR code in which any information can be encoded: Text, URL Address and other data.

- Allows you to create your own call melody from the available compositions of your phone.

Timer (Trafalgar Law) - this application can be used as a stopwatch or timer. It can work in the background and is suitable for any situations.

free client To manage phone files. With this software you will get the ability to manage all the files stored on the SD card and the built-in memory.

- Allows you to use the camera backlight as a flashlight.

- Search from Yandex you have in your phone. You can set search queries as a keyboard and voice.

- program for viewing PDF files. I use it to read your favorite books.

- The easiest way to find a companion online. All that you need to choose the direction of the trip (set the point of "departure" and "arrival") and find a suitable offer and contact the driver or a passenger.

eBay - Who loves to buy goods on the Internet cheap, the one like this application. Now the most popular auction in the world will be available from your phone.

- The official application of the most popular social network in the West.

- Now you will know about the weather forecast absolutely everything.

Statistics are available both on day and for a week.

- The official app from Google, which will allow you to use all the possibility of the Google social network at the expense of the phone.

- Want to take pictures and share them with all all over the world? Instagram is a young and popular social network of media messages.

Many have a question as free from a computer or phone, so I wrote a detailed article, you can read it by going on the above link.

- One-of-a-kind online browser for Windows Phone from Microsoft.

To be honest, it is still far to the same opera or chrome. Often elements of sites Explorer displays very crooked.

M-BELARUSBANK (M-BANKING) - This application is suitable for those who live in Belarus and uses Belarusbank's services, but I think, for residents of other countries, something similar is also there.

With this client, you will have an excellent opportunity to pay any types of payments directly from the phone.

It is enough to tie a cash card and choose a tariff plan for using the program.

- An application for creating tree cards. Only one card will be available in the demo version.

- Standard windows application Phone that replaces me computer word Editors And Excel.

Many of the articles I am writing with the help of a phone, but I use a mobile Word as a text editor, very convenient.

cloud storage Data, something similar to, but only this development of Microsoft Corporation. Using this application, I can store all the contents of your phone on the Internet.

It is onedrive that helps me to move the article written in the phone to a computer.

- Built-in WP application like notebook. Here I march important events that I need to do today and for the future.

The planner also supports automatic synchronization Files with OneNote.

- An application created to search for unknown compositions. Suppose you heard some melody, for example, on the radio, but do not know who executes it.

Then include Shazam, take it to the sound source, and it will determine what kind of song is playing and to whom it belongs.

Skype is a popular application to communicate online networks by video calls.

- another mobile browserbut unlike Internet Explorer. It has even greater inhibitory, although he has a lot of functionality.

- Mobile application from YouTube. That's just a trouble that browse video videos you still wake up the Internet Explorer browser.

Nothing better I am not able to find anything in the application store. About how E, create and, and also download and, you will learn from the above links.

I didn't tell about the game, since this work is almost not fond of, but for gamers of business is not very bad, because the game store on Windows Phone is huge and everyone will wear something to taste.

For ease of searching for toys, use the standard "Games" clients from Xbox.

Summing up, I will say that the applications have Windows Phone 8.1 a lot, but here's really normal units.

Here Microsoft has yet to work well to be equated with the same android.

Alas, but for the maintenance and development of blogs of some useful programs I did not find.

On this I say goodbye to you if you know others useful applications For Windows Phone, please tell us about them in the comments, and maybe I will include them in the article.

IN modern world You can easily be lost in the abundance of various portable "helpers". We are talking about programs for mobile phones and tablets that are shot by the World Wide Network. An ordinary user is hard to understand what utility is better, and what worse. Consider the most best programs for Windows Phone.

Programs for work should be downloaded only from the official store

It all depends on the tasks that your gadget should solve. If a person is engaged in financial calculations, he needs to download utilities for working with numbers and currencies. If the main goal of the phone is entertainment and communication, then it is possible to "fill" the development for social networks, film advisers, games, etc. It is important to remember one thing: the best applications for any OS should be downloaded exclusively through the official store. So, let's talk about really necessary, free Utilities Under Windows Phone.


Tired of permanent advertising in applications and games? We strongly recommend installing AdBlocker! This program copes perfectly with the annoying messages, preventing them in 99% of cases. You can get it in the OS market, control is characterized by special simplicity. After installation, it is enough to click on "Update Hosts File" and wait a couple of seconds.

In contact with

The application uses all fans of communication in social networks, it is compatible with all devices that work on the Windows Phone platform. After installing from the official store and authorization, you will see a familiar blue-white background and keys from the world VK. Communication with friends, posting photos and video materials, listening to music, etc. - All this gives one of the most popular programs today!


"Fellow" of the previous application, designed to communicate on Facebook. The official utility from the world-famous corporation allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • notifications of new messages;
  • sending files, messages, videos, photos;
  • search for groups and people;
  • creating groups.


  • calendar of the birthday of popular film actors;
  • interview with celebrities, cinema news;
  • the freshest trailers;
  • information about sessions in cinemas different countries of the world (including Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine);
  • rental schedule;
  • different types of ratings.

MSN Weather

Do not know what to wear, leaving outside? With this application, everything will become extremely clear. The product provides accurate weather forecast from Microsoft, you can download it through the store. There are cards that provide complete information about the meteorological situation, the possibility of viewing the weather at a specific point of the planet, quick access to weather conditions within 10 days ahead, as well as articles, slideshow and weather on the weather.


The application will like fans of photos, it is called one of the most promising photographer assistants. Capabilities:

  • timer;
  • setting up exposure, exposure, ISO, white balance, flash;
  • serial shooting;
  • manual focus
  • and much more.

Download this utility for free through the Windows market, and make high-quality pictures through a mobile camera!

Flv Player.

It is no secret that on devices running under Windows Phone, you can view video in different formats. To the "picture" was high-quality and did not slow down, we strongly recommend downloading FLV Player. This utility is a convenient player to play MKV files, FLV, MPG, etc. The product has all the audio and video encodes needed to reproduce videos. A useful feature is considered to be the storage of the place on which the file is running. It is important to notice that the program works on tablets and PCs.


SoundCloud represents the official utility for Windows Phone. The application perfectly suits people who love to listen to music and are constantly looking for something new.

Main features:

  • view artist's biography;
  • reports of replenishment of the library;
  • latest novelties from popular groups;
  • creating playlists with favorite music;
  • quick search;
  • play music in the background;
  • repeat and rewind.


If you like to travel or learn a foreign language, you will be extremely difficult to do without such a utility. Download version for your OS can be free. The service provides more than thirty languages \u200b\u200bto use: you can not translate not just phrases, but also whole texts! Interestingly, even before you fully type the phrase, the program will show a synchronous translation. The useful bonus will preserve the history of translations, voicing phrases and individual words, interesting articles for development and training, as well as the definition of language in automatic mode.


Order products from a popular online store via the phone! The program can be downloaded through the OS shop for free. Features:

  • quick search and placement of the order;
  • the ability to set any product for sale;
  • creating a new user;
  • writing reviews for specific goods;
  • shopping.


Pay attention to your own development every free minute! With this application, you can find out the set placed in the free encyclopedia. You do not need to pay for use, just download the utility through the store.



There is a great set of useful utilities on Windows Phone. We hope the list of programs listed here will help simplify your life and make it more rich. The main thing is to download applications only through the official store to prevent malicious files to the device.

Is free.

Excellent tool for those who seriously control their finances. The appendix provides the ability to set the initial budget for a month, as well as add cost information indicating their categories - friendship and relationships, health, education, entertainment and others. Such a solution allows you to follow the cost of funds, to draw up a cost plan for the next month and save personal funds. In addition to categories, Money Lover has a partition to compile expense report on any event. With it, you can see how much money will have to highlight from the budget for the upcoming event. Another useful feature of this application is to scan receipts. She provides the ability to store all checks in in electronic format And at any moment browse them. In order for all the accumulated data to be disappeared due to a failure of the operating system or, as a result of the failure of the "iron" of the gadget, the developers of this financial manager have provided copying the entire contents to the cloud storage associated with the user account.

Money Lover is a free app. Part of its capabilities can be unlocked only after purchasing the Premium version. It does not have an advertisement, a complete list of tools is provided and the edit function of income and expenses is implemented through the browser.

The application for playing music files. Different from many players in Windows Store. What can play separate folders with compositions. Another feature of this program is the automatic stop of the playback queue after a specified time - after one, two, three or four hours from the moment the first track is launched. It is also possible to establish an arbitrary interval of the time of the pause. In addition, it can offer users a massive list of settings - activation of the local volume controller, changing the rewind range of the composition, tiles to play / stop tracks, stirring, switch to the next / previous and others.

  • Tag Editor. Is free.

    Tag Editor is the editor of the tag of musical compositions. A rather useful utility for spares to keep in order your collection of music. With the help of such a simple tool, you can change the name of the track, the album, the name of the artist and the album artist, specify the genre, year of release, the sequence number of the composition and attach the cover. To make more accurate information in the track properties in the application there is a search, with which you can load everything you need from Xbox Music and services.

  • Moliplayer Pro. 199 rub.

    Player capable of playing almost all existing audio and video formats. Able to open files from internal memory and from an SD card, and also to receive a media system sent from a computer via Wi-Fi. To do this, it is necessary that the smartphone and PCs are in one local network. The player of this application is equipped with gestures. With their help, you can configure the brightness of the screen, the sound level and switch to the desired moment.

  • CCPlayer / Pro. Free / 129 rub.

    An application for playing video files of popular formats. It has a built-in file manager who slightly simplifies the process of searching and opening the content. Video viewing screen in CCPlayer boasts support for gestures to change the brightness of the display backlight and volume, as well as useful featuresAmong which adding subtitles, changing the video playback speed, change the decoding mode (from hardware to software and back) and blocking the automatic image orientation shift. Settings contain several parameters to set up color, subtitle font and change their size.

  • Meridian. Is free.

    Audio player for listening to the music collection of the social network VKontakte. Unlike the player in official customer, Meridian has an attractive interface, convenient control, and that is not unavailable, the function of saving audio records to the cache. This player is able to play music from the collection of the user, his friends, communities, from albums and from the wall. In addition, he knows how to seek albums and performers, add songs to a personal user collection, display a list of recommended audio recordings, display the current track in the status of VKontakte and load album covers with photos of the performers. Well, so that the user can remotely manage the Meridian player on the computer, the "RemotePlay" section is provided in the mobile application application. With it, you can switch tracks, put them on a pause, renew playing and adjust the volume.

    Meridian is free, but there is a paid section "Radio" inside it. In it, you can create stations of your favorite performers and listen to their compositions.

  • Thaw. Is free.

    The application for playing music and video from VKontakte. His interface will have to do with those who at one time liked the Zune player, designed to synchronize content between the computer, the same player and the smartphone on Windows Phone 7.x. You know how to play music and open video from the page of the user, from the collection of his friends and from groups. As an additional opportunity, the developer has been implemented to open documents from the personal section of the social network user and download them on mobile device. In addition to documents, this tool allows you to download musical compositions and videos from VKontakte to the phone for further playback in offline mode.

    To get the F2P model implemented. The application itself and its basic capabilities are available for free, but for the unlocking of some features (access to the viewing of the news feed, to the top of the compositions and performers, and to the list of recommended music), the developer asks a small amount of money.

  • Proshot Classic. 199 rub.

    Application for shooting photos with thin set Camera parameters. Directly on the viewfinder screen, users are invited to set an exposure and ISO value, select the white balance mode, configure the exposure, independently set the focus, activate the flash and HDR mode, output the grid, and select the appropriate image format.

  • Camera360 Sight. Is free.

    It is an application for photo processing. There is a camera mode in it, but it does not boast some outstanding features, but for editing a photo in Camera360 Sight "sewn" several useful tools and sets of effects. The users have a set of standard parameters (exposure, contrast, fading, shadow, saturation, liveliness, heat, blur, sharpness, center), as well as a collection of 60 effects. The intensity of each of them can be configured with just a few movements. Present in the Camera360 Sight and tools for trimming and aligning images. With their help, you can easily align the horizon in the pictures and remove unnecessary elements.

  • ONESHOT. Is free.

    Application for shooting photos with the possibility of their processing in real time. Before making a snapshot, ONeshot offers to choose a photo creation mode (handmade, portrait, macro, landscape, sport, night shooting), apply effects, adjust contrast, brightness, sharpness, temperature, white balance, exposure, manually set focus and so Further. All these things can be done in the settings of both the main and frontal chamber. The standard set of effects includes 14 presets, but it can be expanded by purchasing several paid collections.

  • Picsart. Is free.

    Useful image editing tool. Lovers immerse themselves in the process of changing the pictures truly appreciate the set of this application. Picsart offers trimming tools (normal, free, harvested form), perspective changes, cloning elements, creating the effect of motion, brightness settings, contrast, shade with curves and sliders, radial and linear blur, add shots over other, text placement, and Also to resize the image. In addition to this set, the appendix has a good selection of effects, sets of stickers, frames, masks and glare, and drawing mode.

  • Black. Is free.

    For those who prefer black and white pictures, there is an Black Store in Windows Store. It includes a collection of B & W-style effects - HP5, FP-3000B, Lady Grey 400, TRI-X 400 and other presets. Also in the application provides a section of editing. In it, you can adjust the intensity of the fading, apply vignette and change the brightness, contrast using the curve.

  • Video: Selection of programs for Windows Phone 8.1

    We hope that thanks to our selection of applications, you have found something new and useful for yourself.

    Many applications for Windows Mobile 10 allow you to turn a smartphone from a multifunctional phone into portable computer - a real assistant of a modern and business person.

    Consider what programs for this should be downloaded to your device in order to largely expand the capabilities laid into it and turn into an indispensable tool that always remains with us.


    UC Browserhd.

    The Chinese Internet Overview, transferred from his own engine on Chromium, everything also has inherent in the WebKit Trident chips: the latest traffic compression technology, instant display of pages with many graphs and a complex structure.

    Night mode will help work with web content with poor lighting, and data compression exceeding compression will save wireless traffic.

    "Heavy" pages are loaded by much smoking and consume less than in other browsers.

    The start page contains pictograms of popular and frequently visited resources with their icons instead of a miniature and supports editing this list of resources.

    Castomize appearance Assist the themes of registration and rear backgrounds For browser.

    It also has plugins to work with buffer, scanner, advertising content lock and download manager.

    The port on the chromium allows you to get any plug-in for mobile UC Browser, released for.

    Hotspot Shield Free VPN

    After numerous locked hosts for free file sharing and social networks, more than ever are relevant to the Program, allowing you to go to the inaccessible site.

    It is designed using newest technologies In the area of \u200b\u200bintegration with other services, gesturing management and views and increase compression levels.

    Free 8 Zip supports only, but its complete edit is perfectly coping with tens of other compressed data formats.

    Not all similar programs are able to open huge files to preview directly in the window, including those located in the cloud.

    The archiver supports printing text and graphic files, and their shipment by mail or through social networks.


    The weather is very changeable, and hope for the best, not knowing that nature has prepared for the near future, it is not worth it.

    With the Gismeteo program, any smartphone owner is based on the database and even that neither the slowest Internet will receive a reliable weather forecast for which modern meteorologists are capable of.

    It will display accurate information about the current setting in the atmosphere and weather for the coming hours and even days.

    Moreover, it concerns this of any city, a town or village, and the settlements of Ukraine and Russia are actually listed in the database.

    GISMETEO automatically updates the forecast if there is an Internet through the user-specified intervals and show:

    • temperature at any time of the day;
    • air humidity;
    • probability of precipitation;
    • atmosphere pressure;
    • direction and strength of wind;
    • dynamics of temperature change;
    • maximum and lowest fixed temperature.

    With a widget for home Screen All information will always be before the user's eyes.

    Bookviser Reader.

    The best way For reading books and articles in popular formats with realistic animation of pages.

    The mass of the interface and behavior of the program allows you to personalize and make reading as comfortable as possible and enjoyable.

    Size and type of font, indents, fields, intervals - all sets, as the parameters are regulated, the orientation of the screen changes.

    Indicators of the read and remaining pages always hold the reader in the course of progress. Managing the brightness of the screen and the presence of night mode will help read in conditions of any lighting.

    Fast access To the huge library, including free literature, and popular network stores, and give the opportunity to acquire your favorite books and access access from any place.

    Whatsapp messenger

    Free app for communication capable of saving user spending on mobile communications.

    Registration in the program occurs at the phone number, eliminating the need to invent a login and password. The contact list is automatically tightened with the address book of the phone.

    Unlike the standard SMS program, the fee for international calls or messages is not removed. To the last, in addition to the text, you can attach photos, videos, documents and geometry.

    Also users are also available the following functions:

    • exchange contact;
    • group Chat.;
    • forwarding correspondence history by e-mail;
    • sending messages to multiple users simultaneously.

    The joint efforts of the Nokia and Microsoft on the Windows Phone platform have really interesting devices, such as Lumia 1020 or 1520. And what about the application store? It also appeared a lot of interesting things - from the Instagram client to the translator of your speech at seventy languages.

    Exceptionally positive an alarm clock. By putting the necessary time, you can go to bed and wake up in the morning (or at another day of day) from the call of one of the community participants. Or, as a last resort, a caring robot Budi. Only benevolent people participate in the project, including DJs Comedy Club Radio. Each user can act as Sony (who is sleeping) or a budist (who wakes). In the case of an interesting conversation there is an opportunity for a small fee to communicate longer than the usual. The service is anonymous, phone numbers of the interlocutors do not appear anywhere.

    54 rub., Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    One of the popular sports has received its own mobile app, where fans can read the news, view the calendar of races, information about athletes, results and cup position. The developer indicates that the entire functionality of the program is available for free, and spend 54 rubles. It is proposed as support if the application accounted for to taste. On the eve of the Olympics, the application is especially relevant.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    An excellent application for learning English, which has already gained no less popular than the web version of, which provides synchronization. The functionality of the program is impressive: 50 thematic sets of words with illustrations, six interactive workouts, a personalized dictionary with transcriptions and voice acting, translations for 60 thousand words in offline, tips and tips from Leo, searching for lyricfind song texts. Owners Nokia Lumia. Also have a pleasant opportunity to translate the lyrics during listening to their phone.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Hard but very interesting game For any age. Develops logic and helps reliably kill free time. So, the goal of the game is to go through the doors. And in order to open them, it is necessary to solve hidden puzzles. The "key" may be even a tilt or shaking phone. There are many levels, and the "keys" doors are far from obvious. The auto storage function is provided in order not to pass the levels on the second circle.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    The official app for Sochi 2014 includes full information on the sports program of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014. Having chosen the country, the fan makes up his elected tape to keep track of the news. All done by summitBut it will be possible to realize the possibilities of the application only during the Olympics.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Another excellent way to spend time and develop thinking. The application is focused on people from 16 and older. The meaning of the game is simple: on four pictures you need to solve the word. 950 Words are divided into thematic albums. It is possible to receive trophies, skip complex words and turn off advertising. In the paid version (and it is 34 rubles) you can buy coins (only in WP8) and with their help to open albums and receive tips.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Unusual photocollage editor. From the user you need to choose a photo. And a few seconds, it will turn into an advertising shield, postage stamp, a magazine cover or one of the works of art in the museum. In total, more than 300 options are provided, each of which makes smiling. In the latest version, support for devices with greater resolution and social networks Odnoklassniki and Mail.Ru are implemented. Since all manipulations with photos occur on the server, access to the Internet is required to work.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Multifunctional translator with support for 72 languages \u200b\u200band English interface. In addition to the dictionary and translations of words and phrases, there are voice recognition features (20 languages) and listening to the translation (44 languages), creating bookmarks and save history, search for source text or its translation online, as well as sending text or translation by SMS, email and through social networks.

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    Very simple, but powerful task manager and affairs. The main idea is that any idea, note or case can be quickly recorded quickly in the Chaos Box, or the "territory of chaos", and then disassemble chaos, decomposing everything in projects and other types of context. The authors say that the ideology of the application helps manage cases in accordance with the popular GTD Time Management System (Getting Things Done). Be that as it may, it is really convenient, especially with regard to the availability of web service and cloud synchronization between different devices.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    An excellent photo editing program with hundreds of filters and frames, as well as more than 70 light effects. In addition, you can configure brightness, contrast, saturation and exposure. The autoforming function of the edges is also provided. Finished masterpieces are easy to download on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and VKontakte directly from the application.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    The cats love almost everything, in whatever form they did not appear. In this application, cats play hide and seek with the user. At the same time, they are hiding in various places - houses, on the street (including in the snow). In general, wherever you can. They need to find what you need to be very attentive. By the way, there is no age restrictions from the game.

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    Convenient simulator for preparing for the theoretical exam in the traffic police. It is guaranteed that after a few hours of training the user will be able to accurately respond to any question of the exam. In case of an error, a detailed comment is displayed with explanations, why it was the answer that was incorrect.

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    This is a formal game for any age on the popular cartoon "Nasty I". To earn the bossability of the Boss (Super Sloda Grew), it is necessary to participate in competitions - jump and fly, harm and growl, labee and collect feeds - and get the title of minion of the year. All this is with the company humor, magnificent voice acting and 3D graphics. Unfortunately, there are so far cards in the game.

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    Fans of tankers of any age can compete in wrestling. Protecting the base, you need to "catch" enemy shells, destroy the tanks, helicopters and jeeps of the enemy, shooting them from the machine gun, heavy tool and special weapons (from ion gun to a nuclear strike). Coins obtained for various achievements can be spent on improving and pumping weapons, as well as to enhance the protection of the base. It is worth noting that sometimes in the game of the game has not only shoot, but also to think.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Thanks to the application, all Wikipedia becomes available on the smartphone, but without Russian in the interface. From the basic functions there is a search in 100 languages, viewing an article with reference to the user's location, offline mode without connecting to the Internet and the ability to share articles. In addition, Pocket (Read it Later) and InstaPaper, voice commands and speech recognition, live tiles and NFC technology are supported.

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    One of the best applications that turn smartphone in mobile chamber. A number of filters and special effects are offered, Compass Tool for quick switching between six modes, editing functions, double exposure to combine two pictures, manual focus, the ability to share snapshots via the network, etc. The program interface in English. In the latest version, the "Sexy Lips" effect appeared for the portrait mode.

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    Simple and functional lamp for new version operating system. Beautiful icon, elegant interface design, uncomplicated settings, no advertising, nothing superfluous.

    69 rub., Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    A quick and pleasant RSS client with an English interface. When installing the user gets free license (i.e., you can delete the application and then re-install it without payment). Content synchronization used cloud service Feedly. The program offers a pretty interface, a subscription center, watching YouTube video, the ability to share news through social networks and the lack of advertising.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    An application that includes an Orthodox calendar and prayer. Thanks to him, the user daily receives information about the great and two-month holidays, multi-day posts, the days of particular commemoration of the deceased and solid weeks. Selected lives of Saints, Evangelical readings and the Day Paths are available. From the functions there is a search and installation of reminders and notes to any date. If you have access to the Internet, the icon will also be displayed.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Give beautiful wallpaper For the desktop in HD-resolution is the main and only function of this application. There are more than a million image in the gallery, each of which can be viewed, installing and saved. There is a search function for keyword, tag or color, browsing new, popular or random pictures, etc. Unfortunately, advertising is not turned off, and the application interface is English.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Convenient assistant for all 40 weeks of pregnancy. It includes a calculator of childbirth, information about each week and useful advice Future mothers, a base of 800 male and female names, as well as the signs of the zodiac. The program calendar is synchronized with a common phone calendar. Live tile displays the current period of pregnancy. Provided personal color setup application.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    One of the best fitness applications, however, without Russian. With it, you can train in running, walking, cycling, as well as engage in yoga, weightlifting, etc. The program supports GPS, writes time, distance spent calories, speed, height and other information, displays routes, stores the history of classes and Ave. Also, the user can make its own data and place the results on Facebook and Twitter, as well as on the Runtastic website for analysis and statistics.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    A good program to create your own drawings or transformation of photos into artwork using built-in filters. Oil paints, brushes and pencils are offered from the tools, the front camera of the phone is supported. You can mix colors, send pictures on SMS, email or through the SkyDrive application.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Those who take into account the influence of stars on their fate is addressed daily horoscope prepared by a professional astrologer with many years of experience. The program presents all zodiac signs. Updates occur in real time. Users marked a convenient interface and plausibility of information.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Simple I. convenient program For compiling shopping lists, affairs, things, etc. Implemented support for living tiles, several sorting options, grouping, saving backup In Skydrive and the history of the input of words to accelerate the set. The application interface can be configured using the topics. IN free version The list is limited to hundreds of records, and paid costs 84 rubles.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Useful assistant at the sports ground, in the kitchen and in other household situations. The function available for free includes confirmation of the button on the sound and vibration buttons. In the version for Windows Phone 8 there is a paid option that allows you to save measurements in the phone's memory.

    69 rub., Windows Phone 8

    One of the principal windows restrictions Phone is difficult to replenish the media library. For example, you can not download the MP3 file directly from the website and listen to immediately. Here comes to the aid of the Music Import, which deserved good feedback Users for quality performance of basic functions - download and save. From the ability to search and edit ID3 information before downloading. It is emphasized that the application does not distribute personal information about the user, such as location data. Delicates the porky support of the Russian language.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    VKontakte's official client, providing users with the main features of the social network: messages, news, groups, music, etc. True, some possibilities available in desktop and Android versions, in this application there is no. IN last update Added creation of discussions in groups and the ability to respond in the discussion, add tiles with a user or a group to the desktop, etc.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    The application for playing a media system from the VKontakte network allows you to listen to music and watch videos, including without Internet access. You can search and play recording, add and delete them, view recommendations, information about the performers and texts of songs, write your own videos and publish them online. And much more.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    The color test for an objective assessment of the subjective state of the person invented by the Swiss psychologist Max Lucher is known to many. This application Allows you to spend a quick and deep analysis of personality on the phone directly on the phone and get an individual assessment and professional recommendations on how to avoid stress and its physical consequences.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    Popular weather service mobile application. The forecast is displayed in three modes: "outside the window", by the hour and by day. You can see the data for a number of selected cities and the nearest, as well as choose settlements whose information will be removed in live tiles. The interface is simple and beautiful, its color scheme is configured. The accuracy of the forecast is no different from the desktop version.

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    The application for controlling the battery level and the remaining time autonomous work. Data is displayed on the desktop and the lock screen and updated every half hour. In addition, schedule and detailed battery usage statistics are available, various notifications, saving the schedule, sending e-mail history, copying data to SkyDrive, etc. The program interface is configured.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    The official application supports all the main network capabilities and has a number of additional functions. You can fix the correspondence with the selected friend on the desktop, view, save and add photos, listen to music and, of course, receive notifications about important events. In the latest version, the possibilities of removing photometers with them are added, canceling classes, disconnecting alerts and auto-turn screen.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    In the framework of the program, thousands of melodies are stored, any of which can be downloaded for free and install as a ringtone to your phone without any restrictions. The compositions are divided into categories (classics, games, jazz, children's, etc.). The musical collection is constantly updated. Program interface - English.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    YouTube client with an English-speaking interface for watching video in HQ- and HD quality and free download rollers in your phone. You can view your favorite channels and subscribe to new, share videos through social networks, email and text messages, draw up playlists and change the sound quality during playback, play rollers in offline and much more.

    Free, Windows Phone 7.5 / 8

    This application is an excellent opportunity to have fun at any convenient time in any, even uncomfortable place. The choice is offered more than 150 draws of various topics: for the company, crowds, office, schools and students, telephone and SMS jokes. The last category provides sending SMS messages. New Year's draws were added in the latest version.

    Free, Windows Phone 8

    Instagram Client, which many users consider the best than the official app. So, it allows you to download videos and pictures, use original filters, celebrate friends, view messages on the map. In addition, it can be mounted and recorded using it. Support for the front and rear cameras, synchronization with Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Foursquare, Vkontakte, etc., etc.

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