The most convenient way to control volume in windows. Volumouse program

Full description parameters, as well as instructions on how to configure the built-in sound cards Realtek. Setting up playback, recording, 3D sound. Windows Vista/7/8

2012-02-17T18: 19

2012-02-17T18: 19

Audiophile "s Software

Copyright 2017, Taras Kovrijenko

Full or partial copying of the text is allowed only with the written permission of the author.


This time I will touch upon a topic that is relevant, so to speak, for beginner enthusiasts - that is, for those who have not yet got hold of a discrete sound card and want to get the most out of the integrated one.

1. Educational program

To start - short educational program... Who does not know, or does not fully understand what it is hardware audio codec, take a good look at the respective Wikipedia pages:

Have you read it? Excellent! And now it would be very nice if you read my two articles:

Well, now we can start.

2. What do we have

So, at my disposal is Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate x64 (the setting described in the article is suitable for all operating systems, starting from Vista), built into motherboard (ASUS P7H55-V) ALC887 codec (datasheet available), external amplifier and microphone connected to the rear connectors (green and pink jacks, respectively). Please note that we will configure the map for output stereo sound by analog interface.

3. Software installation

First of all, you need to install the drivers. Of course, most likely Windows has already found and installed drivers for sound device, however, to gain access to all the functionality, as well as for peace of mind, we will install the driver package directly from Realtek, latest version which you can download on the corresponding page of my site. By the way, the settings specified here were tested on the R2.67 driver version.

We download the drivers, perform a simple installation procedure (by running HD_Audio / Setup.exe), restart your computer.

After loading the OS, a brown speaker icon should appear in the system tray:

4. Driver configuration

First of all we go to Windows Control Panel-\u003e Hardware and Sound-\u003e Sound and, making sure that our headphones or speakers are connected to the green jack of the sound card, we disconnect all unnecessary devices, and make our connected device the default device:

We'll do the same with recording devices at the same time:

Now double click on the tray icon. If there is no icon, look for it in hidden icons, if it is not there too, go to Control Panel-\u003e Hardware and Sound-\u003e... One way or another, the dispatcher window should open:

Here we immediately set the speaker configuration (stereo), set our analog device as the default device (after which the corresponding button will go out), turn off, if, God forbid, surround sound is turned on.

The button in the form of a yellow folder can be used to disable the detection of front panel connectors:

Also note that the connected connectors are displayed in bright color - in our case, speakers are connected to the green output, a microphone is connected to the pink input. Here is one very important detail: by double-clicking on the connector icon, you will see a window with a choice of the type of connected device. This is important because if you choose "headphones", then the codec will use a special additional amplifier (otherwise the sound in the headphones will be too quiet), for those connected active speakers or external amplifiers should be chosen "Output to front speakers"... This window also enables automatic pop-up of this window when the device is connected to any of the card slots:

Using the "i" button, you can open a window with information about the driver version, DirectX, audio controller and codec version, in the same place the display of the icon in the system tray is turned on / off:

Now let's turn off the effects:

The "Room corrections" settings for the stereo configuration are not available, which is actually strange - in the same console from THX (which is included, for example, in the driver package Creative X-Fi), you can adjust the distance and angle of direction to the speakers relative to your location, which is very useful when you are not sitting directly in front of the speakers, or they are not symmetrically located relative to you. Well, okay, let it be on the conscience of the developers.

The last tab duplicates the control panel settings (however, most of the settings from the Manager are also in the control panel):

Here you can set the parameters of the system mixer - with what sampling rate and depth windows bit will mix all the sounds played. Let's set it to 24 bit, 96 kHz. Why - I'll tell you further.

Since I am constantly being stormed by questions of how to set up a microphone (which, in my opinion, should cause a minimum of confusion), I will still focus on setting up recording devices. Their settings, by the way, as well as playback devices, are located on separate tabs at the top of the window. Let's start with a stereo mixer:

Everything is elementary here. This device records everything that you hear through the speakers, that is, the finished audio stream that Windows sends to the sound card. It is reduced to the indicated form (since the mixer operates with a sampling rate of 96 kHz, then we will put the same here).

But our main recording device is, of course, the microphone:

So, set the recording volume to maximum, and turn off the microphone gain (then, if necessary, you can turn it on). Also, very often people complain that they play the sound perceived by the microphone, so that this does not happen - turn off the playback. To your taste - noise filtering, echo cancellation... In the tab , again, the recording format is set:

Considering the characteristics of the sound recording path, the standard 16-bit / 44.1 kHz is enough here.

5. Setting up foobar2000

In principle, the work done is enough to ensure the highest (for this card) sound quality in any player. But for the real paranoid, I'll give you the foobar2000 settings. We will need, in fact, the player itself and several plugins for it - WASAPI output support and SoX Resampler... Well, or you can download my assembly, which already has everything.

So, in the player output settings (File-\u003e Preferences-\u003e Playback-\u003e Output) select WASAPI:<наше устройство> , we set the bit depth 24 bit:

WASAPI Exclusive output bypasses all sound card effects (if enabled), and windows mixer (for which we indicated the sampling frequency).

Now let's move on to the DSP settings:

Here we add SOund eXchange and Advanced Limiter resampler to the chain. Set the frequency to 96 kHz in the resampler settings.

And now - why 96 kHz. I did a series of experiments and here's what I found out. In the "front speakers output" mode, if the volume control is set to more than 90%, when playing a test tone udial (44.1 kHz sampling rate) strong distortion is heard. Distortion disappears if you either turn down the volume, switch to headphone mode, or resample audio to 96 kHz.

It is difficult to judge the reasons for this phenomenon according to the available data, but conclusions can be drawn and double-safe: output all audio at a sampling rate of 96 kHz, and do not increase the volume to more than 90%.

And a couple of words about the need to configure foobar2000. In principle, you can output audio to the “DS: Primary sound driver". In this case, resampling will be performed windows tools (the resampler is not the worst there), besides, all other sounds will not be turned off (as when playing via WASAPI Exclusive). In addition, choosing this device, Windows will output sound to the default device in the control panel, which is convenient (for example, when one of the devices is disconnected, the sound automatically switches to the other). So the choice is yours - convenience, or confidence in quality.

6. Resurrection of 3D sound and hardware mixing

And of course I haven't forgotten about the gamers. Since in Windows, starting from Vista, there is no access to hardware mixing of streams (all operations are performed by Windows, and then one single stream is output to the sound card), then the developers came up with special program, analogue of Creative ALchemy, but for Realtek - 3D SoundBack. It connects to hardware resources via the OpenAL interface, emulates Windows for the specified programs, emulates a DirectSound device (like in Windows XP), and then simply converts DirectSound (or DirectSound 3D) commands into OpenAL commands, as a result - we get real EAX 2.0 in games. and the ability to convert multi-channel audio to stereo with surround effects.

To run the program, open the folder ... / Program Files / Realtek / 3D Sound Back Beta0.1, in file properties 3DSoundBack.exe in the tab "Compatibility" install windows Vista SP2 compatibility mode:

Now run this file. To add an application - click Add Game, enter the name and address of the folder that contains the executable file of the program. For instance:

After adding, do not forget to highlight the added application and press the button Enable.

Now the specified application will by default use the emulated DirectSound device and will have access to the hardware resources of the sound card:


Well, another grandiose article is over. By the way, I just thought: but in a good way, this article should have been written one of the first ... However, at that time I still would not have enough knowledge to describe everything in detail like this, so it may be for the best.

If something is not clear, there are some questions left - ask, comment. Good luck!

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To create sound effects, the procedures of the CRT module are used:

Sound (X) -sound signal frequency X hertz;

Delay (N) -delay by N milliseconds;

NoSound-cancel sound.

Any sound effect uses a construction similar to the following:

Sound (500); Delay (2000); NoSound;AT this example a 500 Hz beep will sound for 2 seconds (2000 ms). To generate this melodies, a set of frequencies or array elements are used, corresponding to notes of different octaves:

PROGRAM Demo_Sound; (program header)

USES CRT; (connecting the Crt module)

CONST M: ARRAY OF INTEGER \u003d (M-array of note frequencies)

(262,294,330,349,392,440,494,523); (frequency value)

VAR I: INTEGER; ChCHAR; (declaration of service variables)

BEGIN (start of statement section)

WHILE True DO BEGIN (organization of the WHILE loop)

Ch: \u003d READKEY; (waiting for a key press)

CASE Ch OF (analysis of key press result)

# 49: I: \u003d 1; (action if key 1 is pressed)

# 50: I: \u003d 2; (action if key 2 is pressed) ...

# 55: I: \u003d 7; (action if key 7 is pressed)

# 48: HALT; (exit by pressing key 0)

END; (CASE statement completion)

SOUND (M [I]); (sound frequency M [I])

DELAY (100); (setting the sound length)

NOSOUND; (canceling sound)

END; (end of WHILE statement)

END. (end of program)

End of work -

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The volume control gadgets category for Windows 7 and 8 includes desktop gadgets that control the sound of your computer. By installing one of these gadgets, you can customize the sound, as well as set and save sound parameters for specific styles of music.

Sound and loudness are subjective concepts. What seems to be the optimal level for you may seem too loud to your colleagues or household members. Conversely, what you hear well while directly at the computer is not always available to people who are at a certain distance.

Thus, enabling, disabling and adjusting the sound are one of the important accompanying functions when working with a computer. However, it is not always convenient to do this using the keyboard or through the control panel, especially if you need to manipulate the volume almost instantly. That is why, to increase the comfort of controlling sound, it is advisable to download the volume mixer for Windows 7 and install it directly on your desktop. Such mini-applications are controlled using the keys and the mouse wheel or buttons located on the interface of the gadget itself, which allows you to manipulate the sound quickly and easily.

What are the capabilities of such gadgets for the Windows 7 operating system? We have tried to collect the most versatile and multifunctional widgets in the collection so that you can easily choose the one suitable for your purposes. Most simple programs allow you to increase or decrease the playback volume, enable or disable the sound. For example, if you set to electronic device signal for wake-up or reminder, will perfectly match with the gadget to change the volume and mute. So your alarm clock will not lift those households out of bed with you, who today do not need to jump up neither light nor dawn.

Other options have been added to the arsenal of more complex multifunctional gadgets. In particular, this is channel adjustment using a sufficiently sensitive two-channel equalizer, which works equally productively with both speakers and headphones, analysis of sound spectra and monitoring of speaker activity, tuning tones depending on the musical style, the parameters of which, moreover, can be saved , avoiding the need to re-configure the next time you turn on the device. Also, many gadgets provide additional backgrounds and beautiful, elegant skins that allow you to choose the color scheme and style of the application for the specifics of your desktop profile.

In addition, you can choose a multifunctional utility that combines a volume control for Windows 7 and screen brightness, a clock, a basket, a battery level indicator, a processor load monitor, notes, slides, a timer, an operating system management manager, quick start programs and other useful options. Taking up a minimum of space both on the screen and on the disk, such programs will significantly optimize the workflow and increase the user's comfort at the computer, while not requiring the use of any additional settings.

Where to download volume mixer for Windows 7? Don't waste time looking!

Walking through the pages of our website, you will find in an extensive and diverse catalog structured for the convenience of visitors any gadgets for the operating room windows system 7, including mini-applications that allow you to quickly and efficiently control sound quality and volume. The only thing you need to do is choose the appropriate utility, download the volume control for Windows 7 and install it on your desktop anywhere you like.

All programs that you see on our resource are free to download and use. We do not offer you to register, receive a code by SMS, tell us the address of your mailbox, phone number and other personal data, because we care about convenience, security, and time saving of our guests. You can right now in any quantity without additional actions.

Listening to your favorite music and enjoying exciting films, listening to audiobooks and watching videos, gaining useful knowledge using video or audio lessons and performing other necessary actions related to sound, without disturbing those around you, is now even easier: just download the regulator volume for Windows 7 to any computer device you use, and in just a few minutes, optimize the sound management process as you see fit. Visit our site regularly, replenish your desktop with the latest news and make the process of using all available Windwos tools an easy pleasure!

If you are an ardent music lover who sits at a computer a lot, then you probably often listen to music on it, you have a cool multimedia player installed that allows you to work with your music collection as conveniently as possible. But can your turntable give you the ability to conveniently and visually adjust the volume? Many laptop users have this option. For users stationary computers the situation is worse, since the volume can be adjusted either from the multimedia keyboard, or to poke with the mouse in the "Volume control". But there is another very good and visual way to adjust the volume using the mouse wheel, hovering over the taskbar. At the same time, a large and stylish knob will be shown on the desktop, which will show the current volume status. All this can be done using the Volume2 utility.

The program allows you to flexibly adjust the volume control, including it appearance on the taskbar and desktop. In the settings, you can choose several options for displaying the controller on the desktop of your computer. It is worth noting that they look very stylish!

Do not think that this is where the program's capabilities end! In addition to the beautiful knob, you can change the values \u200b\u200bof a huge variety of settings. On the "General" tab, you will find a list of devices for which you can change the volume, there you can also set a separate application in which to adjust the volume.

On the "System tray" tab in Volume2, you can set the appearance and settings of the indicator located in the notification area (tray). Here you will find a wide variety of indicator display options that change beautifully when the volume is changed. The main thing, when using this indicator, is to turn off the standard one so that there is one, not two indicators in the clock area.

In the "Mouse Events" section, you can configure the behavior of the mouse on the application icon in the tray, the way to change the volume using the mouse wheel, and change a number of other settings. For example, you can make the volume control with the mouse wheel when you hover over the title bar or when you hover over the desktop. By default, this setting is in the "Taskbar" position, that is, when standard settings the volume is adjusted with the mouse wheel when you hover over the taskbar.

In addition to volume control, Volume2 allows you to set various additional featureswhich have nothing to do with loudness. For example, you can assign hotkeys not only to control the volume, but also to control the screen brightness, remove discs from a CD / DVD drive, and safely remove USB devices. One more interesting feature program is the ability to set a schedule for the execution of various tasks. You can automate the process of turning off or lowering the volume level at a certain time of the day, automatically launch applications in set time, as well as display messages on the screen according to the schedule.

In general, Volume2 is quite crammed with a wide variety of settings, which may seem useful to some music lovers. Naturally, the program is completely Russified (the author is our compatriot with you) and it will not be difficult to understand the settings if you have the time and desire to customize your system, making it as convenient as possible for working and listening to music. The utility works under operating windows systems 7 / Vista / XP.

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Sound control

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After you've protected the room from the outside world as best you can, you need to figure out how sound travels inside the room itself.

Sound travels in the air as waves. These waves bounce off the walls of the room and cause effects such as reverb and echo. One of the curses of home studios is that they tend to be very small. Since the sound travels fast enough (at a speed of about 330 m / s), when you sit around acoustic systems and listening to music, you can equally hear the sound coming from the speakers and the sound bouncing off the walls. In large rooms, you hear the original and reflected sound separately, which reduces problems. In a good studio, you need to “tame” these reflections so that they do not interfere with the clear sound coming from the speakers.

It is rather difficult to describe all the reflections occurring in the room. Read books on acoustics (the science of sound propagation) and you will learn that there are different modes of resonance: axial (one dimension), tangential (two dimensions), and oblique (three dimensions). Each of the modes is associated with a certain way of propagation and interaction of sound waves in the room. Knowing the fashions of your room can help you choose your acoustics strategy. However, the formulas used to calculate the modes are indeed very complex, especially for tangential and oblique ones.

You can learn more about room resonance modes and even find mod calculators on the Internet by asking your favorite search engine the phrase “resonance modes”. You will be offered just a few links from which you can start studying this issue. Study it for yourself, as a detailed examination is worthy of an entire book.

So, at the risk of being anathematized by professional acoustic engineers around the world, I will nevertheless share with you some of the tricks I used in my studios. My main goal was to create a room with a sound that I personally like, and a sufficient level of control over reflections. I, like many, recorded and mixed in the same room, which made it possible to make small adjustments along the way so that the sound more closely resembled what I was striving for.

There are two points in which sound plays a very important role - the actual recording and mixing. Each of these processes requires a different approach in order for the recording to sound the best possible. We will consider both of these processes in this section.

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