Windows 10 full default mixer

For more than a year I have been using a small and simple program to improve the convenience of working at a computer - this is the volume control Ear trumpet... This utility allows you to very quickly control the volume of each running application separately on Windows 10.

Ear Trumpet - Volume Control for Windows 10

Just want to warn you that before the separate volume mixer in windows system can be reached without special programs... Moreover, it is only two clicks away from the taskbar. Ear Trumpet only removes one extra mouse click and gives a prettier, more compact look to the standard volume control window.

This is how we get into the standard system volume mixer - right-click on the sound icon ...

... then on "Open volume mixer" and here it is, our mixer ...

Here you can with a slight movement of the slider adjust the volume any application currently running on the computer individually.

With Ear Trumpet, this procedure, as mentioned above, is accelerated by one mouse click - just left-click on the program icon in the tray and ...

…no comment.

I haven't updated Ear Trumpet in over a year ...

... and only today I discovered that a new version has been released. It added a function to quickly mute any running application ...

Whether you need this program or not is up to you. If you have everything is fine with the computer (it's modern and powerful) then with the addition of the Ear Trumpet to system startup You will not notice changes in speed windows boot and you will not feel an extra burden on rAM , but the convenience of working at the computer will still slightly increase.

How to remove the volume icon from the Windows 10 tray

By the way, if you decide to use this program, you will most likely want to remove the extra standard volume icon from the tray. This is easily done through the "PC Settings" ...

This icon can be turned on right there if it has fallen off the taskbar for some reason.

Download Ear Trumpet Volume Control

Of course no viruses - I checked

Trick to turn on user interface Windows 7 volume control in Windows 10.

Microsoft has set itself the task of making Windows 10 more modern, and as part of this strategy, the smallest parts operating system got a visual makeover.

The volume control user interface, which can be accessed by simply clicking the volume icon in the system tray, is one of those features that gets such a modern touch.

Windows 10 ships from the start with a modern user interface for the volume controller, and latest updates OS features have brought more improvements in this regard. When you click on the volume icon in the tray, a small pop-up window opens with acrylic, one of the visual effectswhich are part of the Fluent Design language.

Fluent Design represents Microsoft's attempt to completely overhaul the Windows 10 interface and includes several other enhancements, such as the disclosure effect, which may also expand to the volume control interface at some point in the future.

For now, however, a modern acrylic user interface is all we get. And yet that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is a big fan of this interface. In fact, I've seen a lot of people claim that Windows 7 volume mixer was much better, although it's hard to say for others why the older design is preferable to the modern sibling, which is just as simple and has the same purpose.

Leaving it aside, few Windows users 10 know you can actually go back to windows interface 7 volume mixer using a simple registry hack. It's important to know that Microsoft may block this trick at some point in the future, leaving users with no option but to stick with the modern volume controller UI.

The first thing you need to do to enable old interfaceIs to make sure you are logged in with account administrator. You cannot make changes to the registry with a standard account. Also, create backupif you are afraid that something might go wrong and the stability of the system might be affected.

Start Registry Editor by pressing Win + R and typing regedit. Navigate to or paste the following path into the address bar:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ MTCUVC

If the location does not exist, you must manually create it. To do this, open the following location in Registry Editor:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion

Right-click the CurrentVersion folder and select New\u003e Section. Call new key MTCUVC and save it. In the right pane, make sure the existing (or newly created) MTCUVC key is selected and right-click to create a new 32-bit DWORD value called EnableMtcUvc. Enter the value 0 to enable the old speaker interface.

There is no need to reboot the system or kill the explorer.exe process because the changes are applied as soon as the value is changed. Just click on the volume icon in the system tray to see the old interface in action.

To revert to the previous configuration, there is no need to delete the newly generated key. All you have to do is change the value from 0 to 1, and modern interface will automatically recover, again without having to reboot the system or kill the explorer process.

I've tested this trick and it continues to work in pre-release builds of Windows 10 Redstone 5, although it goes without saying that Microsoft might kill it before this update is available to all users. Redstone 5 is expected to launch in the fall, so Microsoft has plenty of time to change its mind and make this hack obsolete to force users to stick with a modern user interface.

Question from user # 1

Good afternoon.

The volume icon on my laptop disappeared, and now I cannot turn up or turn down the volume. Very inconvenient, tell me what can be done?

Question from user # 2

Hello. An unpleasant thing happened in my Windows 10 - I click on the volume icon in the tray, but it does not respond (i.e. the volume slider itself does not appear). What could it be?

Good day.

Today I decided to combine several questions into one article (especially since the solution to both problems will be the same).

As a rule, when the volume icon disappears (and indeed with various problems with it), it is enough to take a number of simple steps to restore work. I will give them below in order.

Solving problems with the volume icon

STEP 1 - checking for hidden icons

Windows hides under-used icons by default (although usually the loudspeaker icon does not fall under this). But nevertheless, now there are so many windows assemblies, various tweaks, etc., which does not hurt to check.

To do this, click on the arrow in the tray and see if there is this sign (see example below).

The sound icon appears to have been hidden by Windows as unused

STEP 2 - restarting explorer

In case of problems with the explorer (and everything that you see belongs to it: the desktop, the taskbar, icons, etc.), problems appear with the visibility of some elements, or their response to mouse clicks. Restarting Explorer - helps to solve this very problem.

How to restart explorer: open task manager (shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc ), in the processes find the "conductor" (or explorer) right-click on it and select "Restart" from the menu (see screen below).

Alternative option to restart Explorer: restart your computer.

STEP 3 - check the display of icons in the Windows Control Panel

Many icons (for example, sound, power, network, clock, etc.) can be customized via. This is done in the "Design and Personalization" section, in the "Taskbar and Navigation" subsection (see screenshot below).

If you have Windows 7, then you can immediately start configuring what to display and what not.

If you have Windows 10, then another window will appear in which you need to open one of two links (see below), for example, "Turning on and off system icons".

Then you can manually set what you want to see in the taskbar and what not. About the volume icon - turn it on and off. Often, such a restart helps to solve the problem of its invisibility or inactivity.

Turn Windows 10 system icons on and off

STEP 4 - are the icons hidden in the Group Policy Editor

In order to open the Group Policy Editor, press the button combination Win + R , enter the command gpedit.msc and press Enter .

Note: Group Policy Editor does not open in Windows 10 Home.

Then look for an option (this is for Windows 10), or "Hide the volume control icon" (this is for Windows 7).

After opening the parameter, see if it is enabled! If enabled, change the value to "Not configured" (or "disabled").

STEP 5 - editing the system registry

Due to the "lost" parameters in the system registry, it may well be that the icon volume will disappear (or will not respond adequately to your clicks on it). To return everything to its original state, you can try to delete a couple of parameters that are responsible for it and restart the PC. Let's show with an example ...

First, open the registry editor:

  1. we press Win + R ;
  2. enter the command into the window regedit
  3. press Enter.

In principle, working with the registry is not much different from the usual explorer.

We need to find two parameters: PastIconsStream and IconStreams and both delete!

Do not forget to restart your computer after the operation!

STEP 6 - checking and adjusting the sound driver

When installing drivers for sound, they often come with specials. sound control center. Thanks to it, you can fine-tune the sound, select the tone, echo, adjust the bass, etc. I mean, you can work with sound parameters without a system icon (and in most cases, it's even more convenient)!

Volume2 or.

Thanks to such programs, you can take the sound settings to the place you need (for example, on the desktop or replace the standard icon in the tray) and not know the problems with adjusting the volume (do everything in 1-2 mouse clicks).

I'm not talking about the fact that the sound setting can be bound to the keys you need. Appearance similar icons are also very attractive, will satisfy any esthete (see example below).

That's all for me. For additions - merci ...

All the best!

M iksher windows volume 10 is a noticeable feature not only in the latest OS from Bill Gates, but also in earlier versions of the OS. With its help, you can tighten the volume of audio sounds, adjust the level of high or low frequencies, adjust the sound of individual programs and devices (Skype, microphone, system sounds). In the system, this miniature module is practically indispensable, since the keyboard does not always have buttons for adjusting the volume, and you need to constantly control the audio sound, either adding or decreasing the sound level. But sometimes it happens that the volume control icon disappears from the screen at once. At the same time, the sound does not disappear, just a certain bug occurs in the system, and the mixer icon simply disappears. This may be a flaw in Windows programmers, or such a result may be caused by the installation or behavior of some third party application, but in the end, the slider has to be put back in one way or another. How to do it? In the material presented to your attention, I will tell you in detail and in detail what actions should be taken to return the mixer icon to the system tray.

The simplest operations to return the volume control

The very first thing that comes to mind is to carry out a banal system reboot. Most likely, as a result of turning off and then turning on the PC, everything will fall into place, including the mixer icon. If you rebooted your computer, and this did not cause any changes, let's move on to other methods.

Customize the display of icons in the taskbar Win 10

The mixer icon may not be available in the system tray due to the fact that its display is disabled in windows parameters... Let's check given value... To this end, it is worth going to the Start menu -\u003e System snap-in Settings, new for Windows 10 -\u003e Personalization, and here we get access to the "Taskbar" subcategory. On the form that opens, select the option "Disable and enable system icons" and make sure that the "Volume" value is on, and the Windows 10 volume mixer is activated, respectively.

As additional option it is worth checking the value set in the section "Selecting icons displayed in the taskbar". If both of these parameters are set to "On", and the volume control icon is still missing, it is worth moving on to the methods described below.

An elementary technique for returning the volume mixer icon to the system tray

Let's talk about one of the simplest techniques for returning a mixer to its place. It is difficult to say why, but in many cases this method works flawlessly (probably because of the bugs of the “ten”).

Follow these steps to fix the icon on the task bar:

- right-click on an unoccupied space on the desktop and select the "Display settings" option in the drop-down menu;

- in the first section entitled “Screen” set the slider “Change the size of text, programs and other elements” to the position “125%”. Save the changes made (for this, if there is an "Apply" button on the display, click it. Otherwise, simply close the current form). Do not log out from the operating system and do not reboot the PC;

- refer to the same form again and return the changed parameter back to the value "100%";

- log out and log back into the system, or you can completely restart your computer.

Despite the fact that the actions performed do not directly affect the display of icons in the system tray, this technique, oddly enough, works, as you can see for yourself. Now let's move on to the most hardcore ways to return the volume tuning icon to the taskbar, namely, using the services of the registry configurator.

Returning the Audio Volume Adjustment Icon Using Registry Editor

This time, in order to return the Windows 10 volume mixer, we only need to erase two values \u200b\u200bfrom the registry, after which we will need to trigger a restart of the PC.

- use the combination Win + R on the keyboard, then enter the value “regedit” in the appeared mini-window. The required editor snap-in will open;

- on the left side of the snap-in, open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Classes / Local Settings / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / TrayNotify directory;

- in the text block on the right, you will see two parameters: iconstreams and PastIconStream (if only one of them is present here, do not worry - one key is enough for us). Right click on each of them (or on one) and select "Delete";

- reboot the laptop or stationary PC.

After all the implemented actions, check for yourself if the icon appears. If done correctly, it should have already appeared.

If the instructions described above still did not lead to anything, try another mechanism so that the Windows 10 volume mixer is returned to its rightful place:

- for this you need to open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop branch;

- create in open folder two string keys. Title the first one WaitToKillAppTimeout, and the last one HungAppTimeout;

- set the value of 20000 for both keys and close the editor form.

Now restart your PC again and look at the results of the executed instruction.

We hope that at least one of the above steps will help you return the Windows 10 Volume Mixer to the system tray, and together these iterations will certainly help you deal with the volume control once and for all.

It should be noted that computer speakers themselves perform better than any equalizer for Windows 10. They relentlessly cut off all the low frequencies and hardly transmit the high ones. Actually, each system has a certain gain, which depends on the frequency. No wonder a good speaker has three or more speakers. Each of them is tuned to its own range. Big ones are usually bass, small ones are ultrasound. but realtek driver provides some other possibilities. In addition to those indicated.

Why bother trying to tweak an equalizer at all? Few notice this, but any professional composition has been corrected. It is passed through electronic filters to give it a special timbre and sound. Simply put, there are people who need to make any piece of work ideal for auditory perception. They try to change something this way and that, but they quickly realize that standard PC tools are, to put it mildly, scarce. So they are looking for how to tune the sound more subtly.

Established funds

In addition to the Realtek driver, there are meager standard tools for shaping the composition into the desired shape. Let's consider this in more detail. Most of the citizens use only stereo output, although it is possible to connect more. At least - 5-6 speakers, getting the so-called Sound Around. Where to see it?

As you can see, you can switch from stereo to other systems. In particular, quadrophony is the best (according to professionals). But not the one drawn by Microsoft specialists, but the so-called Diamond. Thus, an ordinary PC turns into a real media center. By clicking on a speaker, you can select only one column to check. It is very convenient.

How to connect?

If there are more than two columns, then the next window will help you figure out their arrangement.

To go here, right-click on the speakers and select Properties. Each name has a color corresponding to the plastic part of the connector on the back system unit... Connect all speakers following these instructions.

Where are the sound settings?

It's too early to open the Realtek driver because there are a few things you can customize without it. Here are some of the options that affect the overall sound.

Realtek driver

Actually, there is no need to go into the driver settings. Because we have already learned how to set up all this. But for the sake of formality, we will perform all the necessary operations.

Inside, we will see everything the same as discussed above, but in more colorful packaging.

And I don't have a Realtek driver

The Realtek system driver has become the de facto standard on Windows. Download it from\u003d1&PNid\u003d24&PFid\u003d24&Level\u003d4&Conn\u003d3&DownTypeID\u003d3&GetDown\u003dfalse, after accepting license agreement... You will see that these drivers are generic and there are dozens of options. Along with other operating systems.

Third Party Equalizers

The third-party program has features that the system cannot provide. For example, fine tuning the frequencies the way the user wants. Do not forget that the capabilities of computer speakers, to put it mildly, are limited. The frequencies will be distorted relative to what we see on the screen when played back.

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