Information Support. The structural model of the subject area. The concept and structure of information support for IP

Concept information support, its structure

The formation of market relations is determined by an increase in the level of economic management. Management should be considered as an information process that takes place between the management bodies, the controlled object and the external environment.

Information is understood as a collection of various messages about changes occurring in the system and the environment.

The management process includes the collection, processing and transmission of information to develop management decisions. Information is a subject of labor and at the same time a means and a product of labor in management activities. When considering the structure of information, its individual elements are highlighted, which can be both simple and complex. Simple elements do not lend themselves to further dissection; complex ones are formed as a combination of various elements and are represented by information aggregates.

The building blocks are called information items. There are several approaches to structuring economic information, one of which - logical - allows you to establish structural elements depending on the functional purpose of the information and its features. The following structural units are distinguished: requisite, indicator, information messages, information array, information flow, information system. The information unit of the lower level is the requisites, from which more complex information structures are formed. Attributes reflect individual properties of the object, include a combination of numbers or letters that have semantic content and cannot be further divided. Letter information can be presented in the form of code designations (for example, department code). In machine processing, the synonym for the concept "attribute" is "field", "element", "attribute". The requisites are not unambiguous in their content and the requisites-signs and requisites-base are subdivided. Attributes-attributes characterize the qualitative aspect of the object, and the attributes-bases characterize the quantitative one. For example, the name of the department and its code are used as the attribute-attribute, and the attribute-base is the number of employees. Each document includes any number of attributes-attributes and attributes-bases.

Homogeneous attributes-characteristics are combined into an item (for example, a product item). In the documents, the dominant attributes-signs are usually highlighted, that is, those by which the grouping is made. They can be codes of divisions, dictions, etc. Each props has a form and content. For- is the name of the requisite, for example, the name of the product. The content reflects its specific meaning (cast iron). One variable name can correspond to many of its values. The requisites are heterogeneous in the nature of the actions performed on them. Attributes-signs are subject to logical processing; base requisites - arithmetic. The requisites, when combined, form a structural unit of a higher level. The combination of one base and all related features forms an indicator.

Indicator - a logical statement containing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the displayed phenomenon. Let us give an example of constructing an indicator of the production of pig iron with the nomenclature number 824 in May in the amount of 200 tons. The structure of the indicator can be presented as follows:

The indicator is minimal in terms of the composition of the information; a set for the formation of an independent document. The documents, as a rule, contain a large number of indicators. Even in one line, several indicators that are different in structure can be distinguished. When organizing a database, indicators as a unit of information form its content. Each impression has many values ​​and is calculated according to its own algorithm. The set of indicators contained in the document forms a formation message. A group of homogeneous documents, united according to a certain criterion (for example, a reporting period), sets an information array (file). The file is the main structural unit in automated processing. Information is recorded in the PC memory by files, where files of constant and variable information are allocated. Arrays on various grounds can be combined into streams used in solving various complexes of control problems. The relationship of information to one or another management function gives rise to the selection of a complex structure of information as an information subsystem, the formation system covers all information of an economic object and is a structural unit top level.

When processing information, attribute attributes and base attributes are often called data. It is customary to refer to data as information presented in a formalized form that allows it to be transmitted, stored on various media and processed.

Thus, each indicator corresponds to a set of specific values ​​- data that, after automated processing, acquire economic sense, again become information that is used to form control decisions.

Management is provided with a huge amount of information, the size of which is constantly increasing. For example, in the management of a large enterprise, several tens of indicators, several million material and labor standards are circulating, and in the course of production, thousands of documents are created, on which various transformation operations are performed.

Management information is classified according to various criteria:

Sources of occurrence: primary and derivative (intermediate, command, reporting);

Fixation method: oral and documented;

Expression: numeric and alphabetical;

The nature of data fixation: fixed and non-fixed

Direction of movement: incoming and outgoing;

Stability: variable and conditionally constant (price lists, standards);

Management functions;

Belonging to spheres of activity and management functions design, technological, financial, accounting, economic planning, operational and production;

Time of occurrence: about past, current and future events.

The information system from the position of management presents him with management, where its various functions are implemented. Management functions can be classified according to various criteria: belonging to various types of management activities, the neighing of the management process, the sphere of production activities, etc. All of them are characterized by a certain composition of information (indicators, information messages, information and arrays).

General management functions are considered such as forecasting, planning, organization, operational management, accounting in and out, control and regulation, management decision-making. Special functions are associated with specific production activities: production, marketing, sales, etc. In turn, the following production functions are distinguished: technological preparation of production, main and auxiliary production; production quality control; operational management, human resources management. The creation of information systems and information technologies requires a special organization of information to provide a special subsystem - information support.

Information support (IO) is the most important element of IS and is intended to reflect information characterizing the state of a managed object and which is the basis for making management decisions.

Information support includes a set unified system indicators, information flows - options for organizing document flow; systems of classification and coding of economic information, a unified system of documentation and various information arrays (files) stored in the machine and on machine carriers and having various degrees of organization. The most complex organization is a databank, which includes arrays for solving routine tasks, issuing speeches and exchanging information between users. In the course of the development of IO IS, the composition of indicators necessary for solving economic problems of various management functions, their volume-time characteristics and information links... Various classifiers and codes are compiled, the composition of input and output documents for each task is determined, the information fund is organized, the composition of the database is determined.

The purpose of the development of IO IT is to improve the quality of management of the organization based on increasing the reliability of the timeliness and timeliness of the data necessary for making management decisions.

The main purpose of the IO is to provide such an organization for the presentation of information that would meet any user requirements, as well as the conditions of automated technologies.

The purpose of information support also determines the requirements for it.

Provide complete, reliable and timely information for the implementation of all calculations and management decision-making processes in functional IT subsystems with a minimum of costs for its collection, storage, search, processing and transmission.

Provide mutual coordination of tasks of functional topics based on an unambiguous formalized description of their input and output at the level of indicators and documents.

Provide for an efficient organization of data storage and retrieval, allowing the formation of data in the working masses for regulated tasks and functioning in the mode of information and reference service.

In the process of solving economic problems, ensure the joint work of management personnel and a computer in a dialogue mode.

One part of the information support takes into account the peculiarities of the user's interaction with the PC when performing technological operations on information processing, the other is connected with the organization in the computer of various information arrays used for solving economic problems and transferring data. Therefore, in the IO, external and internal information support is allocated.

Out-of-machine IO includes a system of economic indicators, information flows, a classification and coding system, and documentation.

Intra-machine IO - a system of specially organized data subject to automated processing, accumulation, storage, search, transmission in a form convenient for perception technical means... These are files (arrays), databases and data banks, knowledge bases, as well as their systems.

^ Classification and coding systems

Automated processing on a computer allows you to compile various summaries, tables, statements, where information is grouped according to any attribute-signs, for example, by working divisions.

To perform groupings, it becomes necessary to encode these grouping attributes-attributes with conventional symbols, for which classification and coding systems are used. They allow information to be presented in a form that is easy for a machine to read. As a rule, those literal expressions of visit-signs are coded according to which the grouping is made. This required the creation of a means of formalized description of economical information, on the basis of which classifiers are made. A classifier is a systematized collection of homogeneous names, that is, classified objects and their code designations.

A code is a conventional designation of an object, a sign or a group of characters according to certain rules, set by coding systems.

Codes can be numeric, alphabetic, combined. When processing economic information, mnemonic codes, bar codes are often used; in some cases, the machine itself can encode the objects entered into it. The simplest system of talent is used - ordinal. As a mnemonic code, a conditional short letter designation of the object is used. For example, the mnemonic code "MOL" is assigned to the financially responsible person.

The process of assigning codes to objects was called coding.

The main purpose of coding is to unambiguously designate objects, as well as to ensure the necessary reliability of the encoded information.

With the help of coding, the implementation of the main ones is ensured; functions related to the processing of economic information: minimizing the amount of recognized information when entering it into computing system and transmission over communication channels; sorting and searching information by key criteria; development of consolidated economic reports on various grounds; decoding when switching from feature codes to their names when printing consolidated economic reports.

The systematization of economic information necessitates the use of various classifiers:

National classifiers (OK), developed in a centralized manner and are uniform for the whole country.

Industry-specific, uniform for a specific industry.

Regional, uniform for a given territory,

Local, compiled into nomenclatures characteristic of a given enterprise, organization, firm.

The development of local classifiers is carried out locally during the design of the IS. Along with them, the enterprises also use classifiers of national and sectoral significance.

Classifiers of national importance make up the Unified System of Classification and Coding (ESKK), number about four dozen and are conventionally divided into 4 groups:

1. Classifiers of labor and natural resources, for example, OK of professions of workers, positions of employees and wage grades (OKPDTR).

2. Classifiers of information about the structure of the economy (SOOGU) and the administrative-territorial division of the country (SOATO).

3. Classifiers of information on products and services (OK of industrial and agricultural products - OKP), OK of construction products.

4. Classifiers of technical and economic indicators (OKTEP), management documentation (OKUD), units of measurement (OKEI), etc.

Most classifiers have a block structure of code words, which allows computer processing of information using separate blocks of code designations or their parts. Table 3.1 and 3.2 provide examples of code words (indicating their significance) of the structures of the National Classifiers of Industrial and Agricultural Products (OKP) and the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (EGRPO).

Let us give examples of constructing some OK that are most used in the automated processing of economic indicators at an enterprise. As a rule, these codes are put down in summary reports, as well as in some primary documents, for example, in an invoice, payment documents.

OK of industries (OKONI) is used to analyze the structure of an industry; five-digit code, includes the following features: industry, sub-industry, type, group, subgroup.

OK of enterprises and organizations (OKPO) - the registration number of the enterprise assigned by the state statistics authorities, an eight-digit code;

KOPF - code of organizational and legal form, means that the enterprise belongs to various forms of ownership;

OKEI - unit code; for example, the balance sheet of an enterprise compiled in thousand rubles has the code "0372";

OKUP - seven-digit management documentation code; for example, the balance has the code "0710001";

Taxpayer Identified Number (TIN) - ten-digit; the first and second signs mean the territory, the third and fourth - the number of the state tax inspection, the rest - the taxpayer number and control category;

The organization's personal account code is filled in the payment documents submitted to the bank; the code is built in accordance with the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and international requirements; has a complex structure: it includes from 20 to 28 characters and 11 highlighted features.

Local codes, as already noted, are compiled for items specific to a given organization. This includes a wide range of nomenclatures used by various departments and services of its management. At the same time, a strict rule must be observed: local codes must be uniform when solving various economic problems. For example, the codes for table numbers are simultaneously used by the personnel department to record the number of employees and in the accounting department to perform payroll calculations; material codes - when procurement of materials in the supply department; taking into account their movement - in the warehouse.

The main nomenclatures of local codes at the enterprise are: structural divisions, working suppliers and buyers, shareholders, materials, finished products, products, parts, connections, semi-finished products; technological process operations; fixed assets, specialties, etc.

When starting to compile classifiers, first of all, it is determined which national and sectoral classifiers can be used. Along with the information technology specialist, user economists play a significant role in the compilation of classifiers. Consider the order of compiling local classifiers.

The development of classifiers consists of four stages:

1. Establishing the list and number of objects to be encoded.

2. Systematization of objects according to certain classification criteria (choice of a classification system).

3. Determination of the rules for the designation of coding objects (selection of a coding system).

4. Development of code designations and provisions for their maintenance and amendments to them.

At the first stage, the objects (items) to be encoded are determined. They can be workers, materials, departments, equipment, enterprises, organizations, etc. Then, for each item, it is established full list all positions to be coded.

At the second stage, each nomenclature is systematized according to certain classification criteria based on the selected classification system. The ordered arrangement of the classified elements on the basis of the established relationships between the characteristics constitutes a classification system.

At the third stage, on the basis of the classification system, the rules for designating objects are determined in accordance with the selected coding system. The choice of a coding system mainly depends on the number of classification features and the developed classification system and the structure of its construction.

In the practice of machine processing of economic information, they are widely used the following systems coding: ordinal, serial-ordinal, positional, combined, repetition, checkerboard, dash.

At the fourth stage, the objects are directly assigned code designations, that is, the coding process is carried out - the assignment of symbols to various items of the nomenclature. This stage ends with the compilation of a classifier, which is drawn up in the form of a reference book.

Classifiers have two uses. The first is for manually entering codes in documents. In this case, classifiers are drawn up in the form of reference books and are used by economists to prepare primary and summary documents for machine processing.

So, in the consolidated accounting reports (balance sheet, profit and loss statement, etc.) in the heading part of the form, codes of permanent signs of the reporting organization are put down: taxpayer identification number (TIN), organization code according to OKPO, industry (type of activity) according to OKONKh, organizational - legal form for KOPF, state property management body for OKPO; unit of measurement by OCEI. If, during machine processing at enterprises (organizations, firms), data from primary documents is entered, then the documents are pre-encoded, codes are entered manually in accordance with the instructions in specially designated places in the document, in the zones of constant and variable attributes of the document.

The second use of codes involves storing all classifiers in the memory of a machine, on machine media in a data bank, as a vocabulary fund or conditionally permanent information.

Storing classifiers in a computer allows you to automatically generate the necessary text information in the weekend bulletins. For example, a reference book for workers is constantly stored in the car, where there are such details as the last name, first name, patronymic, personnel number, profession, etc. When calculating wages on a PC from the primary documents on accruals and deductions, only the employee's personnel number ( without surname) and data on wages. In the process of processing, the surname, name, patronymic taken from the reference book are formed for each personnel number. As a result, all the names of the employees are printed in the settlement and payment documentation.

There are a number of requirements for codes. They should cover all objects to be encoded and give them an unambiguous designation; provide the ability to expand copy objects without changing the rules for their designation; be united for different tasks within one economic entity (for example, codes of materials, divisions should be the same for accounting tasks and technical preparation of production); be distinguished by stability, ease of perception and memorization of code designations, ensuring ease of filling, reading and processing; have the maximum awareness of the code with its minimum significance; be able to use codes to automatically obtain summary totals and automatically control code designations in order to detect errors. The purpose of the codes is to ensure the grouping of information in the machine; summarizing all grouping characteristics and printing them in pivot tables; performance of procedures for searching, storing, retrieving information; transmission of information through communication channels. In recent years, bar coding has become widely used. It is the least expensive and therefore the most useful. Barcode is based on the principle binary system reckoning: information is memorized as a sequence of 0 and 1. Wide lines and wide gaps are assigned a logical value - 1, narrow ones - O. Bar coding is a way of constructing a code by alternating wide and narrow, dark and light stripes. The use of bar coding allows you to obtain necessary information characterizing the product, its properties, and to ensure the possibility of effective management of commodity circulation in general and to the consumer in particular, to automate the payment processes for the goods sold and, consequently, to increase the efficiency of production management. The bar-coding system of information is a combination of the type of bar codes and technical means of applying to information carriers, verifying the quality of printing, reading from the carriers, as well as preliminary data processing. An example of a UPC-12 barcode is shown in Fig. 3.1.

In this example, 3 is the US drug code, 00025 is the manufacturer's code, 00234 is the product code, 9 is the control number.

The main technical means of applying bar codes to information carriers (paper, self-adhesive film, metal, ceramics, textile fabric, plastic, rubber, etc.) are equipment for making master films (bar code templates), compact printers of various operating principles. Verification, or control, of the quality of barcode printing can be carried out with specialized equipment equipped with appropriate software. Scanning devices are used to read the bar code from information carriers of various types: contact pencils and scanners; laser scanners and mobile terminals that read information from a distance. The mobile terminal provides, in addition to reading information from storage media, preliminary data processing and transmission to a computer for further generalization and analysis.

The concept of "identifier" belongs to the means of formalized description of economic information.

An identifier is a conventional designation of the details of documents in letters of the Latin or Russian alphabet; is used when describing the details of documents in the formulation of tasks for subsequent design and programming. The number of characters should be in the range 3 - 8. Let's give examples of assigning identifiers to some of the details (Table 3.3).

The identification of the requisites of primary documents, conditionally permanent information and summary reports is carried out in the process of setting the problem. The identifiers of the requisites correspond to the names of the fields in the memory of the machine.

^ Information security hardware

Hardware is the technical means used to process data. These include: Personal Computer(a set of technical means intended for automatic processing of information in the process of solving computational and information problems).

Peripheral equipment (complex external devices Computers that are not directly controlled by the central processor).

Physical media of machine information.

Hardware protection means include various electronic, electro-mechanical, electro-optical devices. To date, a significant number of hardware for various purposes has been developed, but the following are most widely used:

Special registers for storing security details: passwords, identification codes, signature stamps or secrecy levels;

Code generators designed to automatically generate a device identification code;

Devices for measuring individual characteristics of a person (voice, fingerprints) in order to identify him;

Special secrecy bits, the value of which determines the secrecy level of the information stored in the memory to which these bits belong;

Circuits for interrupting the transmission of information in a communication line in order to periodically check the address of issuing data. A special and most widespread group of hardware protection devices are devices for encrypting information (cryptographic methods).

^ Information security software

Software means are objective forms of presenting a set of data and commands intended for the functioning of computers and computer devices in order to obtain a certain result, as well as prepared and recorded on physical medium materials obtained in the course of their development and the audiovisual displays they generate. These include:

Software (a set of control and processing programs). Composition:

System programs (operating systems, maintenance programs);

Application programs (programs that are designed to solve problems of a certain type, for example, text editors, antivirus software, DBMS, etc.);

Instrumental programs (programming systems consisting of programming languages: Turbo C, Microsoft Basic, etc. and translators - a set of programs that provide automatic translation from algorithmic and symbolic languages ​​into machine codes);

Machine information of the owner, proprietor, user.

I carry out such detailing in order to later more clearly understand the essence of the issue under consideration, in order to more clearly highlight the methods of committing computer crimes, objects and weapons of criminal encroachment, as well as to eliminate disagreements about the terminology of computer technology. After a detailed consideration of the main components that together represent the content of the concept of a computer crime, we can proceed to the consideration of issues related to the main elements of the forensic characteristics of computer crimes.

Software protections include special programs, which are designed to perform protection functions and are included in the software data processing systems. Software protection is the most common type of protection, facilitated by such positive properties this tool, as universality, flexibility, ease of implementation, practically unlimited possibilities for change and development, etc. By their functional purpose, they can be divided into the following groups:

Identification of technical means (terminals, devices for group control of input-output, computers, information carriers), tasks and users;

Determination of the rights of technical means (days and hours of work allowed for the use of the task) and users;

Control over the operation of technical means and users;

Registration of the work of technical means and users when processing information of limited use;

Destruction of information in the memory after use;

Alarms for unauthorized actions;

Auxiliary programs for various purposes: monitoring the operation of the protection mechanism, affixing a secrecy stamp on issued documents.

^ Antivirus protection

Information security is one of the most important parameters of any computer system... To provide it, a large number of software and hardware have been created. Some of them are engaged in encryption of information, some are in the delimitation of access to data. Computer viruses are a particular problem. This is a separate class of programs aimed at disrupting the system and corrupting data. A number of varieties are distinguished among viruses. Some of them are constantly in the computer's memory, some produce destructive actions with one-time "blows". There is also a whole class of programs that outwardly are quite decent, but in fact spoil the system. Such programs are called "Trojan horses". One of the main properties of computer viruses is the ability to "multiply" - ie. self-propagation within a computer and a computer network.

The formation of market relations is determined by an increase in the level of economic management. The management of the economy should be considered as an information process that takes place between the governing bodies, the controlled object and the external environment. Information is understood as a collection of various messages about changes occurring in the system and the environment.

The management process includes the collection, processing and transmission of information to develop management decisions. Information is a subject of labor and at the same time a means and a product of labor in management activities. When considering the structure of information, its individual elements are highlighted, which can be both simple and complex. Simple elements do not lend themselves to further dissection; complex ones are formed as a combination of various elements and are represented by information aggregates.

The building blocks are called information items. There are several approaches to structuring economic information, one of which - logical - allows you to establish structural elements depending on the functional purpose of information and its features. The following structural units are distinguished:



information messages,

information array,

information flow,

Information system.

The information unit of the lower level is the requisites, from which more complex information structures are formed. Attributes reflect individual properties of the object, include a combination of numbers or letters that have semantic content and cannot be further divided. Letter information can be presented in the form of code designations (for example, department code). In machine processing, the synonyms for the concept of "attribute" are "field", "element", "attribute". The requisites are not unambiguous in their content and are subdivided into attributes-signs and requisites-bases.

Attributes-signs characterize the qualitative side of the object, and requisites-bases - quantitative. For example, the name of the department and its code are used as the attribute-attribute, and the attribute-base is the number of employees. Each document includes any number of attributes-attributes and attributes-bases.

Homogeneous characteristic attributes are combined into an item (for example, a product item). In documents, the dominant attributes-signs are usually highlighted, that is, those by which the grouping is made. They can be codes of departments, products, etc.

Each attribute has a form and content. Form is the name of the attribute, for example, the name of the product. Content reflects its specific meaning (what the product is made of, such as cast iron). One variable name can correspond to many of its values. The requisites are heterogeneous in the nature of the actions performed on them. Attributes-signs are subject to logical processing; base requisites - arithmetic. The requisites, when combined, form a structural unit of a higher level. The combination of one base and all related features forms an indicator.

Indicator - a logical statement containing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the displayed phenomenon.

Let us give an example of constructing an indicator of the production of pig iron with the nomenclature number 824 in May in the amount of 200 tons. The structure of the indicator can be presented as follows:

May, cast iron, nomenclature 200

number 824, tons

Requisites-signs Requisite-basis

The indicator is the minimum information set for the formation of an independent document. The documents, as a rule, contain a large number of indicators.

Even in one line, several indicators that are different in structure can be distinguished. When organizing a database, indicators as a unit of information form its content. Each indicator has many values ​​and is calculated according to its own algorithm.

The set of indicators contained in the document forms an informational message.

A group of homogeneous documents, combined according to a certain criterion (for example, the reporting period), makes up an information array (file). The file is the main structural unit in automated processing. Information is recorded in the PC memory by files, where files of constant and variable information are allocated.

Arrays can be combined into streams based on various criteria, used in solving various complexes of control problems. The relation of information to a particular control function gives reason to single out the complex structure of information as an information subsystem.

The information system covers all information of an economic object and is a structural unit of the highest level.

When processing information, attributes-attributes and attributes-bases are often called data. It is customary to refer to data as information presented in a formalized form that allows it to be transmitted, stored on various media and processed.

Thus, each indicator corresponds to a set of specific values ​​- data that, after automated processing, acquire economic sense, again become information that is used to form control decisions.

Management is provided with a huge amount of information, the size of which is constantly increasing. For example, in the management of a large enterprise, several tens of thousands of indicators, several million material and labor standards are used, and in the course of production, thousands of documents are created, on which various transformation operations are performed.

Management information is classified according to various criteria:

§ sources of occurrence: primary and derivative (intermediate, command, reporting);

§ method of fixation: oral and documented;

§ way of expression: digital and alphabetical;

§ the nature of data fixation: fixed and non-fixed;

§ direction of movement: incoming and outgoing;

§ stability: variable and conditionally constant (price lists, standards);

§ management functions;

§ belonging to spheres of activity and management functions:

§ design, technological, financial, accounting, economic planning, operational and production;

§ time of occurrence: about past, current and future events.

An information system from the standpoint of management represents a management system where its various functions are implemented. Management functions can be classified according to various criteria:

belonging to various types of management activities, the content of the management process, the sphere of production activities, etc. All of them are characterized by a certain composition of information (indicators, information messages, information arrays).

General management functions are such as forecasting, planning, organization, operational management, accounting and analysis, control and regulation, management decision making. Special functions are associated with specific production activities: production, marketing, sales, etc. In turn, the following production functions are distinguished: technological preparation of production, main and auxiliary production;

production quality control; operational management, human resources management.

The creation of information systems and information technologies requires a special organization of information and the allocation of a special subsystem - information support.

Information support (IO) - the most important element of IS and IT - is designed to reflect information that characterizes the state of the managed object and is the basis for making management decisions.

Information support includes a set of a unified system of indicators, information flows (options for organizing document flow; systems for classifying and coding economic information, a unified documentation system and various information arrays (files) stored in a machine and on machine media and having a different degree of organization). The most complex organization is a data bank, which includes arrays for solving routine tasks, issuing certificates and exchanging information between users. In the course of the development of IO IS, the composition of indicators necessary for solving economic problems of various management functions, their volume-time characteristics and information links are determined. Various classifiers and codes are compiled, the composition of input and output documents for each task is determined, the information fund is organized, the composition of the database is determined.

The purpose of the development of IO IT is to improve the quality of management of the organization based on increasing the reliability and timeliness of the data necessary for making management decisions.

The main purpose of the IO is to provide such organization and presentation of information that would meet any user requirements, as well as the conditions of automated technologies.

The purpose of information support determines and requirements for him.

· Provide complete, reliable and timely information for the implementation of all calculations and management decision-making processes in functional IT subsystems with a minimum of costs for its collection, storage, search, processing and transmission.

· Provide mutual coordination of the tasks of functional subsystems based on an unambiguous formalized description of their inputs and outputs at the level of indicators and documents.

· Provide for efficient organization of data storage and retrieval, which allows you to form data into working arrays for regulated tasks and operate in the mode of information and reference service.

· In the process of solving economic problems, ensure the joint work of management personnel and a computer in a dialogue mode.

One part of the information support takes into account the peculiarities of the user's interaction with the PC when performing technological operations on information processing, the other is associated with the organization in the computer of various information arrays used to solve economic problems and transfer data.

(Therefore) external and internal information support is allocated in the IO.

Out-of-machine IO includes a system of economic indicators, information flows, a classification and coding system, and documentation.

Intra-machine IO is a system of specially organized data subject to automated processing, accumulation, storage, search, transmission in a form convenient for perception by technical means. These are files (arrays), databases and data banks, knowledge bases, as well as their systems.

Information support of IT and IS of personnel management of the organization

Management should be considered as an information process that takes place between the management bodies, the controlled object and the external environment.

Under information is understood a set of different messages about changes occurring in the system and the environment.

The management process includes the collection, processing and transmission of information to develop management decisions. Information is a subject of labor and at the same time a means and a product of labor in management activities.

When considering the structure of information, its individual elements are highlighted, which can be both simple and complex. Simple elements do not lend themselves to further dissection; complex ones are formed as a combination of various elements and are represented by information aggregates.

The building blocks are called information items. There are several approaches to structuring economic information, one of which - logical - allows you to establish structural elements depending on the functional purpose of information and its features. The following structural units are distinguished:

Props- an information unit of the lowest level, reflects individual properties of an object that have semantic content and are not amenable to further division. In machine processing, the synonyms for the concept of "attribute" are "field", "element", "attribute". Attributes-signs characterize the qualitative side of the object, and requisites-bases - quantitative. Homogeneous characteristic attributes are combined into an item (for example, a product item). In documents, the dominant attributes-signs are usually highlighted, that is, those by which the grouping is made. They can be codes of departments, codes of positions, etc. Each attribute has a form and content. Form is the name of the property, for example, the name of the product. The content reflects its specific meaning (machine). One variable name can correspond to many of its values. The requisites are heterogeneous in the nature of the actions performed on them. Attributes-signs are subject to logical processing; base requisites - arithmetic. The requisites, when combined, form a structural unit of a higher level. The combination of one base and all related features forms an indicator.

Index - a logical statement containing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the displayed phenomenon, for example: air temperature +20 degrees. The combination of one base and all related features forms an indicator. The documents, as a rule, contain a large number of indicators. Even in one line, several indicators that are different in structure can be distinguished.

Announcement- a set of indicators contained in the document

Information array(file) - a group of similar documents, united by a certain criterion (for example, the reporting period). Allocate files of constant and variable information.

Information flow - arrays combined according to various criteria , used in solving various complexes of control problems.

Information system- covers all information about an economic entity and is a structural unit of the highest level.

When processing information, attributes-attributes and attributes-bases are often called data. Data refers to information presented in a formalized form that allows it to be transmitted, stored on various media and processed.

Management information is classified according to various criteria:

  • sources of occurrence: primary and derivative (intermediate, command, reporting);

§ method of fixation: oral and documented;

  • way of expression: numeric and alphabetical:
  • the nature of data fixation: fixed and non-fixed;
  • direction of movement: incoming and outgoing;
  • stability: variable and conditionally constant (price lists, standards);
  • management functions;
  • belonging to spheres of activity and functions of management design, technological, financial, accounting, economic planning, operational and production;
  • time of occurrence: about past, current and future events.

An information system from the standpoint of management represents a management system where its various functions are implemented. General management functions are such as forecasting, planning, organization, operational management, accounting and analysis, control and regulation, management decision making. Special functions are associated with specific production activities: production, marketing, sales, etc. In turn, the following production functions are distinguished: technological preparation of production, main and auxiliary production; production quality control; operational management, human resources management. The creation of information systems and information technologies requires a special organization of information and the allocation of a special subsystem of information support.

Information support (IO)- the most important element of IS and IT - designed to reflect information that characterizes the state of the managed object and is the basis for making management decisions.

Information support includes a set of a unified system of indicators, information flows - options for organizing document flow; systems of classification and coding of economic information, a unified documentation system, various information arrays (files) stored in a machine and on machine media and having a different degree of organization.

The purpose of the development of IO IT is to improve the quality of management of the organization based on increasing the reliability and timeliness of the data necessary for making management decisions.

The purpose of information support also determines the requirements for it.

Provide complete, reliable and timely information for the implementation of all calculations and management decision-making processes in functional IT subsystems with a minimum of costs for collection, storage, search, processing and transmission.

Provide mutual coordination of the tasks of functional subsystems based on an unambiguous formalized description of their inputs and outputs at the level of indicators and documents.

Provide for an efficient organization of storage and retrieval of data, allowing data to be formed into working arrays for regulated tasks and to operate in the information and reference service mode.

In the process of solving economic problems, ensure the joint work of management personnel and a computer in a dialogue mode.

Outside and intramachine information support is allocated as part of the IO.

Out-of-machine IO includes a system of economic indicators, information flows, a classification and coding system, documentation.

IntramachineAND ABOUT - a system of specially organized data subject to automated processing, accumulation, storage, search, transmission in a form convenient for perception by technical means. These are files (arrays), databases and data banks, knowledge bases, as well as their systems.

P. information support of economic information systems teaching aid





Faculty "Information technology

and management "

Musaliev A.A., Begalov B.A., Zhiemuratov T.P.



Edited by Academician S.S. GULYAMOV

TASHKENT - 200 7

Introduction ………………………………………………………………… ..


1. Information and information resources …………………………… ..


2. Composition, requirements and aspects of the description of information support ………………………………………………………………….

3. The structure and main elements of information support ... ..


4. Features and properties of economic information ……………… ...


5. Classification of economic information ………………………… ..


6. Classification of permanent information …………………………… ...


7. Composite units of economic information …………………… ..


8. System of economic indicators ………………………………… ...


9. Operations of processing economic information …………………….


10. Database technologies ………………………………………………


11. Organizational and methodological approach to the development of information support for economic information systems ……




Information support (IO) is the most important element of economic information systems and is designed to reflect information characterizing the state of a managed object and which is the basis for making management decisions. Any information system cannot work without information about the state of the controlled object and the external environment, without transferring information about the management decisions taken. Information support is faced with the task of high-quality information service for system users, ensuring the effective functioning of information flows in the process of implementing management functions, interacting with external systems.

Information support carries out the formation, according to the relevant rules, of a set of information, procedures for accumulating, storing information, as well as its use in solving specific problems of the system and is a set of means and methods for organizing data in an IS.

1. Information and information resources

The concept of information and information resources. Concepts andinformation is a fundamental scientific concept that requires precise formulations and explanations.

Term information comes from the Latin informatio, which means clarification, information, presentation. From the standpoint of materialistic philosophy, information is a reflection of the real world with the help of information (messages). A message is a form of presentation of information in the form of speech, text, images, digital data, graphs of tables, etc. In a broad sense, information is a general scientific concept that includes the exchange of information between people, the exchange of signals between animate and inanimate nature, people and devices.

The widespread view of information as a resource is similar to material, labor and monetary resources. This point of view is reflected in the following definition. Information - new information that allows you to improve the processes associated with the transformation of matter, energy and information itself.

Information system- an organizationally ordered set of information resources, information technologies and communication facilities, allowing the collection, storage, search, processing and use of information.

Informational resources can be defined as the entire amount of information available in the information system. For the country - it will be the information resources of the country, for the organization - the information resources of the organization. In other words, this is the entire volume of knowledge alienated from its creator, fixed on material carriers and intended for public use.

Informational resources- information, databank, database in electronic form as part of the information system.

Information resources, with their reasonable organization and use, act as an equivalent of labor, material and energy resources. In addition, information is the only type of resource that contributes to the most rational and efficient use and conservation of all other resources.

Information, information resources have always existed, but these resources, due to their specificity, were not considered as an economic category, although information has always been used by people for management. When, as a result of the development of society, the complication of technology, etc., the amount of information became so large that it could not be processed for management, humanity always found some solution. The emergence of management hierarchies, the emergence of commodity-money relations, the creation of computers from this point of view made it possible to overcome these difficulties in processing huge amounts of information for management.

One of the most important types of information is economic information. Its distinctive feature is its connection with the processes of managing the collectives of people by the organization. Economic information accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services

Information as a kind of resource... Information has all the characteristics of a commodity: the presence of its use value (utility, value) and value (i.e., some costs of social labor.

Information and material objects as goods have both common and distinguishing properties.

These objects have the following in common with ordinary products and material resources: There is consumer demand for them; they are property objects, i.e. they can be owned, used and disposed of; they have specific developers (suppliers); they have a value and, accordingly, a price; they can be supplied on different terms.

However, information resources and technology have a number of fundamental differences, which include:

  • - infinite replicability, which means their preservation with an unlimited number of sales;

  • practical indestructibility;

  • the need (with the exception of system-wide packages) individual adaptation to the conditions of specific users;

  • obligatory author's support of the supplied objects;

  • the possibility of imposing various restrictions not only on use, but also on secondary replication;

  • difficulty in identifying compliance with copyright or supplier rights;

  • multiplicity of duplicate objects. Unlike products, different designs of which may perform similar functions, information may reflect the same reality in different ways. For example, several options for the final information on the size of an open field in any product may be offered for an auction;

  • usefulness of indirect information; So, for example, the information that such information is available is quite expensive;

  • impairment due to trial use. Indeed, after reading the data and making sure that some of them are substandard, it is legitimate to postpone the purchase offer. However, it is almost impossible to force oneself to forget or not to use reliable information from among those offered;

  • unpredictable quotes. If products can be quoted with some limited dynamics (instant disappearance or emergence of demand is almost impossible), then information (but not technology) can instantly drop in price to zero;

  • mutual antagonism is possible, and not just competition. Offering one piece of information to the market may render another piece of information irrelevant;

  • uncertainty of some or all of the consumer properties;

  • extremely easy transportability and the ability to avoid transport (in this case, communication) damage;

  • physical wear and tear, meaning the presence of only obsolescence or loss of relevance at a fixed or indefinite point in time;

  • instantaneous transmission of information to the consumer and the ability to receive confirmation also in a vanishing short period of time;

  • not always a clear delivery period for non-automatically replicated technology;

  • constant readiness for delivery;

  • low identifiability of the provider of information data and technology, as well as sources of information and the use of technology components;

  • the ability to maintain confidentiality in relation to both the seller and the buyer of data and technology, as well as the very fact of sale or non-sale.
User satisfaction is assessed according to the following interrelated criteria:

  • quality, i.e. by the level of satisfaction of information needs, determined by the value (usefulness) of information;

  • benefits, i.e. to improve economic efficiency in general;

  • costs, i.e. the cost of information, determined by the amount of information.
The quality (usefulness) of information. The qualitative properties (usefulness) of information include: completeness, accessibility of perception, relevance, timeliness, accuracy, etc.

1. Completeness ... The completeness of information is expressed in the precise determination of the quantitative and qualitative parameters of certain aspects of the object's activity and in the development of adequate or solutions.

Incomplete information can lead to errors in decision making.

2. Credibility admits a certain level of distortion of both received and resultant information, at which the effectiveness of the decisions made is preserved.

3. Availability perception of information is determined by the rate of perception of data per unit of time. Therefore, the data is presented mainly in tabular form, which reveals not only the meaning of the information contained, but also is easily perceived.

4. Relevance data characterizes the suitability for the implementation of a particular function at a particular point in time. Therefore, the relevance, timeliness and efficiency are quite similar qualitative properties of information.

5. Timeliness means the arrival of information at a convenient or appointed time. Violation of this requirement may devalue information.

6. Accuracy means its correctness, the degree of its detail. The accuracy of the information ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers.

7. Promptness reflects the aging of information over time and the loss of relevance.

Untimely receipt of information causes a delay in decision making, as a result of which the decision made does not correspond to the changed situation. The more timely the information, the more its value. Over time, information ages and its value decreases.

The value of information increases rapidly as the degree of accuracy increases, or as the difference between reported and actual results decreases. More complete and reliable information provides the correct solution. The most desirable accuracy is when the value of the information exceeds the cost of obtaining it.

An important advantage of information systems is that it reduces processing time. There is a concept of the minimum, average and maximum age of information. Minimum age is half of the reporting period plus processing delay; middle - half of the interval between the processing period plus processing delay; maximum - one interval plus half of the reporting period.

The value of information decreases with increasing latency; as latency increases, information may become outdated and unsuitable for decision making.

An information system that immediately responds to any deviation can be considered a real-time system. It is assumed that such a system receives, processes and transmits data with such a small delay that the necessary action can be taken immediately.

As information ages, its value for decision making falls to a level that is achieved with less information. Upon receipt additional information the role of the decisions made increases.

With a decrease in the delay in information processing, firstly, decisions can be made earlier, and secondly, its content will improve.

In order for the information to be useful, it must be related to the problem being solved at any given time; the availability of only relevant information allows the user to make timely and more meaningful decisions, since he does not waste time looking for the factors he needs among many others. If the available information is not related to the generated solution, then it has no value. Knowledge (or ignorance) by the user of any part of the information and the actions that result from this are also important factor value of information.

2. The composition, requirements and aspects of the description of the information


Composition of information support. AEIS information support includes:

  • the composition of information, that is, a list of information units (messages) necessary for solving complexes of problems in the functional subsystems of the IS;

  • characteristics of information movement, i.e. quantitative estimates of the volume and intensity of information flows, routes of documents, workflow schemes, probabilistic - temporal characteristics of message conversion;

  • the structure of information and the patterns of its transformation, that is, the rules for constructing messages in chains "input - system - output";

  • characteristics of the quality of information transformation, i.e. quantitative assessments of the usefulness, reliability and timeliness of information;

  • methods of information transformation, including its retrieval, delivery, distribution and provision of information for complexes of tasks and individual tasks of functional subsystems of IS.
Requirements for information support. IS information support must meet the following requirements 15,16,17,18.:

  • promote the implementation of integrated information processing and management decision-making based on economic and mathematical methods and models, programs for their machine implementation in various modes;

  • provide complete, timely and reliable information for decision-making with a minimum of costs for its receipt, accumulation, search, processing and transmission;

  • facilitate the implementation of the dialogue between the user and the computer, providing for this all the necessary means and methods of effective interaction between a person and a computer;

  • accumulate and store information by creating an automated data bank;

  • provide conditions for the implementation of management functions through rational use of the entire information resource of the system.

  • completeness of displaying the state of the controlled system and the reliability of information, both necessary for solving problems and issued at the request of users;

  • high efficiency of methods and means of collecting, storing, accumulating, updating, searching and issuing data;

  • one-time registration and one-time input of information, and its multiple and multipurpose use;

  • simplicity and ease of access to information base data;

  • input and accumulation in an information database with a minimum of duplication;

  • organization of an efficient document management system;

  • development of information support by building up data and organizing new connections and designing more advanced methods and methods of information processing;

  • regulation of access to data with different levels of access, as well as the storage time of documented information.
Aspects of the description of information support. In general, IO IS can be characterized in functional, structural, transformational and methodological aspects.

The functional aspect of the description of the IO reflects its role in solving various problems of IP. The following functions of IO are distinguished: tracking, memory, processing and distribution of information.

Tracking function provides preparation, transmission and reception of information to control the object. Moreover, tracking can be constant, periodic, operational, lagging and predictive.

Memory function is connected, first of all, with the storage of information in the IS and involves the selection, sorting, placement, updating, search and issuance of information.

V information processing function includes logical and arithmetic transformation of information.

V information distribution function includes selective delivery of information in the system by levels of the management hierarchy, to users.

Structural aspect of the description of IO involves the study of the form and structure of storage and transformation of information in IS and includes the classification of information, a system of indicators, information language, documentation, the structure of information arrays (files), the language of communication with the information system.

The transformational aspect of the description of IO considers language conversion economic management by levels of control and stages of information movement from the input to the output of the system.

Methodological aspect of the description of IO. When creating AEIS, it is based on the implementation of the following principles:

  • methodological unity of IO, i.e. the development of IO of various functional subsystems on the basis of uniform methods;

  • informational compatibility of IO, i.e. creation of a unified system of document forms, classifiers and codes for the entire system;

  • typification of IO blocks, that is, the construction of similar in functional and content relations of IO parts according to uniform standard rules in one language;

  • unification of information exchange, i.e. reduction of document forms;

  • integration of information processing, i.e., one-time input of information into the system with its repeated use.

3. The structure and main elements of information support

Information support structure. In the theory of automated information processing, IO is usually divided into: systems of indicators of a given subject area (for example, indicators of accounting, financial and credit activities, etc.); classification and coding systems; documentation; information flows - options for organizing document flow; various information arrays (files) stored in the machine and on machine media and having a different degree of organization.

In view of the complexity of the IO system, such components of its parts as external (out-of-machine) and internal (in-machine) IO are distinguished.

External (off-machine) information support is a part of information support, including a set of information messages, signals, documents used in the operation of the information system in the form of a person perceived without the use of information technology.

The structure of external information support includes: a system of classification and coding of information, a system of normative and reference information, documentation (input and output), as well as a system for organizing, maintaining and storing documentation and making changes to it.

Information classification and coding systems(objects, data elements) are means of formalized description of data, while the semantic content is unambiguously replaced by a compact code. First of all, this applies to the names of technical and economic indicators, documents, operations, products, enterprises, etc.

Regulatory - reference information refers to conditionally constant information characterizing a given state of controlled production parameters at a certain point in time. It includes planned tasks, production schedules, standards for the labor intensity of products, as well as norms and standards, etc.

Operational (input) documentation, reflecting the variable (current) information characterizes the state of the controlled parameters of production at a given moment in time (the volume of output for the current period, the receipt and consumption of materials, etc.), as well as for a certain period of time.

Input information is a collection of initial data required to solve problems. The data entered into the system and stored in it represent the individual values ​​of the parameters of objects, processes or phenomena in the form of words, letter symbols, numerical values, tables, graphs or in another form.

Sources of input data can be oral messages, handwritten materials, documents and information carriers in a form suitable for direct input into a computer. The initial data are obtained in ordinary documents for a non-automated system, handwritten, typed or on a typewriter with their subsequent transfer to machine storage media, etc.

Imprint, being the result of processing input information (operational and normative - reference) according to a certain algorithm, it is intended for making decisions on production management.

Output information includes information obtained as a result of solving a system problem and intended for direct use by the user. Typically, the output is presented in the form of machine documents. Documents are divided into groups according to their functional purpose, taking into account the purposes for which they are intended, the frequency of the release of documents and the expediency of their receipt by users, etc.

The grouping and location of information in a document is determined by the algorithm for using this information.

The result of solving the problem is also intermediate information used in solving other problems.

Internal (in-machine) information support, being part of the information support, it is a set of data used in the information system on machine media, including input, intermediate and output arrays that form the information base, as well as a system of programs for organizing, maintaining and accessing data. Internal information support includes all arrays (files) necessary for solving problems and processing data, as well as software recording, updating arrays and searching for data in them. The information base includes:

  • normative and reference data that make up the information basis of the system;

  • current information coming from outside the system and requiring a response from the system or affecting the decision-making algorithm;

  • accumulated archival and accounting data required to manage the economic system.
Thus, the information support of an IS is a collection of data, linguistic means of describing data, methods of organizing, storing, accumulating and accessing information arrays, which ensures the issuance of all information necessary in the process of solving functional problems of IS and reference information to users of the system.

The input data and the maintenance of the infobase are controlled by software tools. Under conducting information base (arrays of information) understand the provision of storage, accumulation of data, timely exclusion of obsolete data, introduction and control of changes.

The main elements of information support also consists of elements of external and internal information support.

The main elements external

Information flow- a group of messages in the process of its movement in space and time in one direction, provided that these messages have a source and a receiver;

props- an elementary message, the further dismemberment of which is impossible without destroying the semantic meaning of the message; requisites are divided into signs and grounds;

attribute-attribute- the part of the message that is functionally intended for the qualitative characteristics of the described object; the feature allows identification of an object in a certain set of messages;

base props- the part of the message that is functionally intended to quantitatively characterize the described object; physical basis is a numerical value obtained as a result of observation, measurement or calculation;

index- the part of the message that describes the qualitative and quantitative aspect of the object is informative and therefore capable of forming a document. The indicator is composed of attributes-attributes and attributes-bases and consists of one attribute - the base and one or several attributes-attributes characterizing the base and associated logical relations. During processing, arithmetic operations are performed on the attributes with the bases, and logical operations on the attributes by attributes (sorting, search, selection, etc.).

nomenclature- information set, including all values ​​of the same type of indicators;

document- means of securing different ways on special material information about facts, events, phenomena, objective reality and human mental activity;

coding- display of discrete messages in the form of certain combinations of symbols;

code- a specific symbol for each item in this nomenclature;

document flow- movement of documents from the moment of their origin or receipt until the completion of execution or dispatch;

documentation system- a set of documents created in the process of performing one of the management functions.

The main elements internal information support are:

file- this is a set of records of a homogeneous structure, intended for solving problems;

recording Is a set of fields of a certain format, united by a common key field. Record elements are designated by identifiers.

Information carriers. The functioning of economic objects is displayed by a system of economic indicators that characterize all aspects of production. To fix them, information carriers are used.

An information carrier is a variety of materials with physical properties (paper, magnetic disks, optical discs and others), which are used to store information, i.e., any material instrument on which it is written (registered) and from which information is read.

The purpose of information carriers is:

  • recording of primary data;

  • preparation of initial data for processing;

  • direct input of prepared data into the computer;

  • organization external memory computer; fixing the results of data processing.
Data carriers are characterized by their dimensions and capacity at the specified dimensions.

Lecture 2

Information and information support

Information and information processes

Information- information about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, which increase the level of knowledge about them among its consumers.

Data are not identical to information, since they can be considered as information that for some reason is not used. If data is used to reduce the degree of uncertainty about an object, then it becomes information. Therefore, we can say that information are the data used. Data register objectively existing signals. Information is subjective, because subjective methods of obtaining it from data (it all depends on the degree of awareness and understanding of the recipient). Thus, information that is perceived by the consumer as new and useful is information for him.

Information always has a final consumer. This consumer can be a person, a division of a company, a corporate IS module, or another IS. The process of transferring information (or data) in the form of a message from a source to a consumer through some medium ("communication channel") is called information exchange .

The effectiveness of the use of information, indicators of its quality are due to characteristics (properties) of information :

- adequacy- the degree of compliance and. reflected properties of the object;

- credibility- the accuracy of the reflection of a real-life object;

- fullness- sufficiency and. to understand the situation and make a decision;

- availability- the degree of perception and .;

-relevance- the degree of preservation of value, etc.;

- timeliness receipts and .;

- accuracy;

-sustainability- ability and. to react to changes in the initial data without violating the required accuracy;

-credibility- display of the parameter with the required accuracy. It is measured by the confidence level of the required accuracy, i.e. the probability that the displayed parameter value differs from its true value within the required accuracy.

Industrial society considers information as a resource, similar to material, natural, energy, labor and financial resources. That's why information as a resource is characterized by cost, consumer value and price.

Informational resources (IR) - these are forms of data and knowledge presentation: individual documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, depositories, museum repositories, data banks, etc.). In the modern information society IR Is knowledge prepared for social use and recorded on machine media.

In terms of the scale of formation and use, global, national, regional and local R&D are distinguished.

If IRs are available for automated information exchange, then they are called active R&D .

The concept and structure of information support for IP

To increase the efficiency of data collection and processing, all information used in the IS is structured (combined into a single information structure), creating on the basis of the database Information Support. Information support (IO) is the most important element of the IS and reflects information about the state of an economic object.

Functions (purpose) of IO:

Organization of storage and retrieval of data, provision of timely and reliable information to users;

Creation of working conditions for automated IT;

Coordination of tasks of functional subsystems based on an unambiguous formalized description of their inputs and outputs at the level of indicators and documents.

Distinguish between out-of-machine IO and in-machine IO.

Out-of-machine IO includes:

Classification and coding system;

Documentation system;

Document management system (information flow diagrams).

Intra-machine IO- this is the entire information fund of IP, i.e. the totality of all data recorded on machine media and grouped according to certain criteria (organized in a special way).

Basic requirements for the EUT (the EUT must provide):

Organization of AWP and active participation of the user in the computing process;

Decentralized organization of data (involves splitting a database into several physically distributed databases, creating a distributed database of an organization);

Distributed data processing (assumes the distribution of functional IT among several participants, i.e. job processing by several processes in different network nodes);

Paperless technology (automatic generation of primary documents on a PC) and electronic document management;

Networked integrated processing of economic tasks;

Information and reference service for users;

Usage Email, Internet access.

Under IO structure the composition of information elements and the relationship between them is understood (Fig. 1).

The main structural elements of information: requisites, economic indicators, economic documents(including electronic documents), information arrays,streams.

Rice. 1. The structure of economic information

IO structure includes:

1. The system of indicators of the subject area.

Requisites and indicators are information units of the lowest level. They serve as the basis for the preparation of documents and storage in the memory of the machine, therefore the scorecard is the basis of the IO.

Props (attribute)- the simplest elementary unit of economic information; displays a separate property of an object or process in the real world; consists of signs - numbers and letters; characterized by name, type and value. Attributes are divided into attributes-signs and attributes-bases.

Attributes-signs reflect the qualitative properties of an object, process or phenomenon; are subject to logical processing, i.e. serve for searching, sorting, grouping, selecting, etc. composite units.

Foundation details reflect the quantitative aspect of the object (amount of material, amount, amount of volume, length, etc.). They are expressed in digital form, so logical and arithmetic operations are performed on them.

Attributes can be divided into smaller components - symbols and bits, but the semantic content of the attributes is lost.

A separate attribute cannot fully characterize a process or an object, therefore, it is included with other details in the composition of economic indicators.

The combination of a base attribute and a group of attributes interconnected with it and with each other within the meaning of attribute attributes forms index - a composite unit of economic information. An indicator is a logical statement that contains the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of an object. Each indicator has many values ​​and is calculated according to its own algorithm. In the given example, the figure shows two indicators (two lines).

Index can be defined as a qualitative variable, which corresponds to a set of possible quantitative values, as well as algorithms for their calculation based on various input data. This definition of the indicator is used in the practice of accounting, statistics, planning, etc.

Index can be defined as a statement containing a single quantitative characteristic (value) of any property of an object and a certain set of qualitative features necessary for its unambiguous identification. This interpretation of the indicator is accepted in the theory and practice of automated data processing.

The name of the indicator includes terms denoting the measured object, i.e. what occurs with the object (availability, capacity, output, costs, cost, losses, profit, etc. are determined), and a formal characteristic, i.e. how it is calculated (amount, volume, increase, percentage, difference, average, etc.).

Indicators form more complex composite structural units of information: documents, arrays, information flows, information base.

2. The set of interconnected in the meaning of the requisites and indicators is an informational message about the object - document ... A document (inf. Message) is a composite unit of information and characterizes an object, process, phenomenon.

Each document (message) has a specific form, i.e. is the main and most convenient form of information presentation from the point of view of management, since it has a clear presentation of information and contains attributes that give it a legal status.

3. Information in documents can be presented in the form of information arrays (files on computer media). Information array (file) - the main structural unit of information storage. It is formed in the PC memory by combining homogeneous documents (one form and one name) on a certain basis.

Some of the files can be used to process only one task (in this case, the array is called enlarged), the other part of the files is for several tasks.

Arrays can be combined into larger structural units - information flows and into the largest unit - information base.

4.Information flow - a set of various inf. arrays. It is used to process any complex of economic tasks, i.e. refers to a specific area of ​​the object's activity.

For the implementation of inf. flow, technologies for organizing electronic document management are used.

5. Inf. subsystem Is an organized set of inf. flows in any functional subsystem. For example, the automation of tasks in funct. subsystem "Accounting" allows you to select in the IS of the enterprise inf. subsystem "Accounting". In the IS of the bank, the subsystem "Operational day of the bank" is distinguished.

6. The collection of all inf. subsystems of an object constitutes a structural unit of information of the highest level - information base (system) implementing various control functions. Information base Is the entire set of information flows and subsystems of a real economic object.

The corresponding structural units of information are allocated depending on the characteristics of the machine carrier and the methods of fixing data on it.

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