Management information support. Methodical recommendations "education of a culture of health among students" education of a culture of health among participants in the educational process. Intra-machine information support

Information support for the investigation of criminal offenses is an integral part of the complex of problems associated with the study and use of patterns in identifying and collecting information sources for the formation of forensic evidence. Their relevance and importance is explained by the importance that information support has in the process of proving, the role that it plays as a stimulus for the development, improvement of its means and methods in forensic science. IN recent times new scientific and technical means of searching, research, fixing and withdrawing information have appeared, it requires a revision of a number of procedural provisions, technical and tactical recommendations regarding information support pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings.

Under the provision for the investigation of crimes should be understood as a system in accordance with the scientific and practical directions of its optimization, as well as the development and adoption of certain decisions and measures in the process of activities of pre-trial investigation bodies in the proceedings on specific criminal cases.

Information support at the pre-trial stages is also a constant generalization of investigative practice, identification of shortcomings and pressing problems, their scientific development and the corresponding legislative, methodological and other forms of solution and it is permissible to consider how the directions are highlighted in which the development and implementation of specific means contributes to effective identification, research and fixing sources of information in the manner prescribed by law in order to form, on their basis, evidence about the circumstances of the commission of crimes, methods of their establishment and use in criminal proceedings.

Practice shows that the need for information about the nature and circumstances of a crime is in any case determined by such factors as the investigative situation, tasks and the choice of methods and measures for their solution, etc.

Information support for crime investigation activities has some common features with its forensic support, which, within the limits provided for by law, includes organizational, technical, scientific and methodological and other related aspects (for example, personnel, psychological, etc.) and is specifically directed, in particular:

- orientation of subjects in the choice of appropriate means, forms and methods of investigation;

- identifying the factors of the investigative situation and determining the forms and methods of influencing them to change for the better;

ABOUT determination of time, place, scale and volume of measures of influence on the subjects of pre-trial proceedings.

Information support can be viewed as a kind of general method of organizing or improving one or another activity. At the same time, this is a process associated with the receipt (collection), processing, use and storage of information, reflects real phenomena, events, facts, etc. As for the activities of law enforcement agencies in solving crimes, the main thing here is to find information that is significant for such activities, to clearly define its boundaries and document it in order to make appropriate decisions or measures. The value of information support in this case lies in the fact that all measures aimed at solving a crime should be based on objective systematized data about real events. The language is about an information system where information of different importance is stored and crossed, which can be used by both law enforcement and judicial authorities when clarifying the circumstances of a specific criminal offense.

Since the 60s, most authors regard the disclosure and investigation of crimes as a process of identifying, seizing, accumulating, processing and using information, that is, as a process that can be interpreted as a system of actions for the perception, processing, storage, transmission and use of information.

If you analyze the various procedural documents that are in the case, you can see that their content is information that is diverse in nature and meaning. In some cases, the information confirms or refutes certain circumstances of the case, that is, it has evidentiary value. In others, it only contributes to the construction of versions or determination of the direction of the search (witnesses, objects, etc.), that is, it has an orienting character, which is determined precisely by its content.

The information contained both in forensic evidence and in the materials of operational-search activity can be of an indicative nature. For example, information about a suspect's connection with other persons may be contained both in evidence and in materials of operational-search activities. In both cases, it can be called evidential in relation to a specific fact. But this information can be used to make a decision to conduct a search in such persons in order to find and seize items that are important for the case and can hide in them. That is, regarding the circumstances of the places where the search was carried out, the information acquires an orienting character, it only indicates the possibility of finding the persons with whom the suspect was in touch with objects related to the case.

If in evidence we understand information that in its essence confirms or refutes any events or phenomena, the application of the specified period is permissible not only to information that is established by procedurally determined means, but also to information established by the use of operational-search measures. After all, the information that is established by operational-search measures is not homogeneous, which determines the directions of its use. In some cases, it has an orientation character and is used to determine the directions of operational-search activity and preliminary investigation, tactics of operational-search measures and investigative actions, and the like.

In other cases, information that is established by the use of operational-search measures to its content confirms or refutes the existence of the circumstances of the crime committed, has evidentiary, and not orienting, value. Thus, the grounds for making a decision to conduct operational-search activities are, for example, "the availability of sufficient information about crimes that are being prepared or committed by unidentified persons" (Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Operational-Search Activity").

Operational-search activity is carried out for the sake of obtaining information, its accumulation, processing, analysis and conclusions and taking appropriate measures. The work of each operational unit is associated, first of all, with the detection, prevention and investigation of crimes. It is impossible even to imagine that the operational units can fulfill their task without having any information about the criminal. Full and comprehensive coverage of the activities of the subject of the offense is the key to the successful termination of his illegal behavior. The presence of preliminary information about the crime and the person who committed it is the basis for its disclosure.

Information support (IO) is an important component of automated information systems and is directly related to the organizational structure of the object and the functional subsystems of the IS.

Information support is intended to reflect information characterizing the state of the managed object; serves as the basis for making management decisions.

Information is the basis of information support. In the theory of machine processing, information is considered in relation to the technology of its transformation for control purposes, i.e. as a set of information that is the object of collection, transfer, storage and processing. Information can be recorded in documents and on machine media; is an object and means of labor.

As a means of labor, information affects the control object in order to develop control decisions. As a subject of labor, information is the basis of construction information technologies.

Structure economic information is quite complex and includes various combinations of information structures that have hierarchical structure build. In fig. 3.1 is an example of a hierarchical structure of an information system.

Figure: 3.1. The structure of economic information

A logical approach to the structuring of economic information made it possible to distinguish the following structural units, depending on their functional purpose: requisite, indicator, document, information message, information array (file), information subsystem, etc. information system... Consider functional purpose and the role of various building blocks in automated processing.

Information units of the lowest level are details and indicators that serve as the basis for drawing up documents and storing them in the memory of the machine.

The props are the simplest unit, consisting of signs - numbers and letters that have semantic meaning and cannot be further divided. The requisites are not unambiguous in their purpose and are subdivided into attribute attributes that reflect the qualitative aspect of the object, for example, the name of the material, and base attributes, reflecting the quantitative line of the object, for example, the amount of material, amount, volume, length, etc.

Each attribute is characterized by its own names and values, for example:

Props names

Props values




Foundation details

Attributes-attributes are subject to logical processing (sorting, grouping, search), attributes-bases - arithmetic processing. The combination of one base and all the attributes related to it forms an indicator - logical statement, containing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the reflected phenomenon.

Based on this definition, it can be seen that the above example reflects two indicators.

Each indicator has many values \u200b\u200band is calculated according to its own algorithm.

A document is a composite unit of information that includes many details and gives certain quantitative and qualitative (or only qualitative) characteristics of an object, process, phenomenon.

Each economic task is characterized by certain forms of documents and the system of indicators contained in them.

The document is reflected on paper. Further, in the memory of the machine, all homogeneous documents ( information messages) are formed into an information file - the main structural unit of information storage in computer memory during automated processing economic challenges.

Information files have different functional purposes. So, files of conditionally constant, variable, input, intermediate, result, archive and other information are distinguished. Some files are used only for processing one task, others - for several tasks. As a rule, a large number of information files are involved in the automated processing of an economic task.

For example, when processing financial transactions related to cash settlements, information files of the chart of accounts, directories of accountable persons, cash receipts and other documents are created on the basis of which consolidated reporting is generated: cash book, order journal N ° 1, etc.

The set of various information files used to process any complex of economic tasks (for example, accounting for cash transactions) organizes the next, already quite complex, structural unit of information - an information flow.

As a rule, the creation of IS provides for the automated processing of economic tasks of various functional subsystems. For example, in functional subsystem "Accounting" automated financial and settlement operations, accounting of labor and wages, accounting of goods and materials, accounting of fixed assets, production accounting, consolidated reporting, which allows you to highlight the information subsystem "Accounting".

Highlighting information subsystems in IS depends on the type of activity of the object.

So, for example, in the IS of enterprises and organizations there is a functional subsystem "Accounting"; in the IS of the bank - "Operational day of the bank".

The totality of all information subsystems of an object constitutes a structural unit of information top level - an information system that implements various management functions.

The creation of information systems and information technologies requires the organization and allocation of a special subsystem - information support.

The basis of information support is a system of indicators subject area... For example, in accounting, the system of indicators is determined by various areas of accounting, financial reporting; In banking, the indicator systems are associated with settlement and cash services for legal entities, credit, deposit and foreign exchange transactions, deposits of individuals, etc.

The concept of "Information support" appeared in the 1970s. in connection with the introduction of computers into the practice of processing economic problems and with the creation automated systems management (ACS). The structure of IO was developed, suggesting the division of IO into out-of-machine (system of indicators, classifiers and codes, documentation, information flows) and in-machine (information arrays (files) in computer memory and on machine media).

In the context of the use of personal computers for processing economic tasks, the continuity of the previously developed principles for creating IO is preserved, but the benchmark is made on the following:

Organization of AWP and active participation of the user in the computing process (decentralized processing);

Automatic generation of primary documents by a personal computer (paperless technology);

Network integrated processing of complexes of economic tasks of an enterprise (organization);

Creation of a distributed organization database;

Extensive information and reference service for users;

Electronic document management;

E-mail, Internet access.

It can be considered that the division of information support into out-of-machine and intra-machine is rather arbitrary, since modern automated technology for processing economic tasks is based mainly on information files located in the memory of the computer's information system. Is happening automatic creation primary documents by a computer, while paper input is constantly decreasing. Document flow takes on an automated form; the route of their movement is established by the machine program.

The structure of information support includes:

The system of indicators of the subject area (for example, indicators of accounting, financial and credit activities, etc.);

Systems of classification and coding of economic information;

Unified documentation system created manually or automatically;

Information flows using various options for organizing electronic document management;

Arrays of information (files) stored in a machine on machine media, with varying degrees of organization (data bank) and subject to automated processing.

The purpose of the information support is as follows.

1. Ensuring the organization of the presentation of information to users for the fulfillment of professional tasks for the preparation of management decisions, as well as creating conditions for the work of automated information technologies.

2. Ensuring mutual coordination of the tasks of functional subsystems based on an unambiguous formalized description of their inputs and outputs at the level of indicators and documents.

3. Creation of an effective organization of storage and retrieval of data, allowing the formation of data for the solution of regulated tasks, as well as to operate in the information and reference service mode.

The composition of the information support is determined at the stage of designing the IS with the active participation of users.

The basis for its development is the analysis data of the survey of information systems of an economic object, during which the composition of the used documentation, the content of the database, information links complexes of economic tasks. A significant role in the creation of IO is assigned to the results of the formulation of the problem, during the development of which users determine the specific composition of primary and summary documents, present their structure, methods of compiling them, etc. (see chapter 2).

The design of the IO is carried out in close connection with the technology of automated processing and software.

Lecture 2

Information and information support

Information and information processes

Information - information about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, which increase the level of knowledge about them among its consumers.

Data are not identical to information, since they can be considered as information that for some reason is not used. When data is used to reduce the degree of uncertainty about an object, it becomes information. Therefore, we can say that information are the data used. Data register objectively existing signals. Information is subjective, because subjective methods of obtaining it from data (it all depends on the degree of awareness and understanding of the recipient). Thus, information that is perceived by the consumer as new and useful is information for him.

Information always has an end consumer. This consumer can be a person, a division of a company, a corporate IS module, or another IS. The process of transferring information (or data) in the form of a message from a source to a consumer through some medium ("communication channel") is called information exchange .

The efficiency of using information, indicators of its quality are due to characteristics (properties) of information :

- adequacy - the degree of compliance and. the reflected properties of the object;

- credibility - accuracy of reflection of a real-life object;

- fullness - sufficiency and. to understand the situation and make a decision;

- availability - the degree of perception and .;

- relevance - the degree of value preservation, etc.;

- timelinessreceipts and .;

- accuracy;

- sustainability - ability and. react to changes in the initial data without violating the required accuracy;

- credibility - display of the parameter with the required accuracy. It is measured by the confidence level of the required accuracy, i.e. the probability that the displayed parameter value differs from its true value within the required accuracy.

Industrial Society considers information as a resource, similar to material, natural, energy, labor and financial resources. therefore information as a resource is characterized by cost, consumer value and price.

Informational resources (IR) Are forms of data and knowledge presentation: individual documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, depositories, museum depositories, data banks, etc.). In modern information society IR Is knowledge prepared for social use and recorded on computer media.

In terms of the scale of formation and use, global, national, regional and local R&D are distinguished.

If IR are available for automated information exchange, then they are called active R&D .

The concept and structure of information support for IP

To increase the efficiency of data collection and processing, all information used in the IS is structured (combined into a single information structure), creating on the basis of the database information Support. Information support (IO) is the most important element of the IS and reflects information about the state of an economic object.

Functions (purpose) of IO:

Organization of data storage and retrieval, provision of timely and reliable information to users;

Creation of working conditions for automated IT;

Coordination of tasks of functional subsystems based on an unambiguous formalized description of their inputs and outputs at the level of indicators and documents.

Distinguish between out-of-machine IO and in-machine IO.

Out-of-machine IOincludes:

Classification and coding system;

Documentation system;

Document management system (information flow schemes).

Intra-machine IO - this is the entire information fund of IP, i.e. the totality of all data recorded on machine media and grouped according to certain criteria (organized in a special way).

Basic requirements for the EUT (the EUT must provide):

Organization of AWP and active participation of the user in the computing process;

Decentralized data organization (involves splitting a database into several physically distributed databases, creating a distributed organization database);

Distributed data processing (assumes the distribution of functional IT among several participants, i.e. job processing by several processes in different network nodes);

Paperless technology (automatic generation of primary documents on a PC) and electronic document management;

Networked integrated processing of economic tasks;

Information and reference service for users;

Using email, Internet access.

Under iO structure the composition of information elements and the relationship between them is understood (Fig. 1).

The main structural elements information: requisites, economic indicators, economic documents (including electronic documents ), information arrays, streams.

Figure:1. The structure of economic information

IO structure includes:

1. The system of indicators of the subject area.

Requisitesand indicators are information units of the lowest level. They serve as the basis for the preparation of documents and storage in the memory of the machine, therefore the scorecard is the basis of the IO.

Props (attribute)- the simplest elementary unit of economic information; displays a separate property of an object or process in the real world; consists of signs - numbers and letters; characterized by name, type and value. Attributes are divided into attributes-signs and attributes-bases.

Attributes-signsreflect the qualitative properties of an object, process or phenomenon; are subject to logical processing, i.e. serve for searching, sorting, grouping, selecting, etc. composite units.

Foundation detailsreflect the quantitative aspect of the object (amount of material, amount, volume, length, etc.). They are expressed numerically, so logical and arithmetic operations are performed on them.

The requisites can be divided into smaller components - symbols and bits, but the semantic content of the requisites is lost.

A separate attribute cannot fully characterize a process or an object, so it is included with other details in the composition of economic indicators.

The combination of a base attribute and a group of attributes interconnected with it and among themselves within the meaning of attribute attributes forms index - a composite unit of economic information. An indicator is a logical statement that contains the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of an object. Each indicator has many values \u200b\u200band is calculated according to its own algorithm. In the given example, the figure shows two indicators (two lines).

Indexcan be defined as a qualitative variable that corresponds to a set of possible quantitative values, as well as algorithms for their calculation from various input data. This definition of the indicator is used in the practice of accounting, statistics, planning, etc.

Indexcan be defined as a statement containing a single quantitative characteristic (value) of any property of an object and a certain set of qualitative attributes necessary for its unambiguous identification. This interpretation of the indicator is accepted in the theory and practice of automated data processing.

The name of the indicator includes terms denoting the measured object, i.e. whatoccurs with the object (availability, capacity, output, costs, cost, losses, profit, etc. are determined), and a formal characteristic, i.e. asit is calculated (amount, volume, gain, percentage, difference, average, etc.).

Indicators form more complex composite structural units of information: documents, arrays, information flows, information base.

2. The set of interconnected in the meaning of the requisites and indicators is an informational messageabout the object - document ... A document (inf. Message) is a composite unit of information and characterizes an object, process, phenomenon.

Each document (message) has a specific form, i.e. is the main and most convenient form of information presentation from the management point of view, since it has a clear presentation of information and contains attributes that give it a legal status.

3. Information in documents can be presented in the form of information arrays (files on computer media). Information array (file) - the main structural unit of information storage. It is formed in the PC memory by combining homogeneous documents (one form and one name) according to a certain feature.

Some files can be used to process only one task (in this case, the array is called enlarged), the other part of the files is for several tasks.

Arrays can be combined into larger structural units - information flows and into the largest unit - information base.

4.Information flow - a set of various inf. arrays. It is used to process any complex of economic tasks, i.e. refers to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe object's activity.

To implement inf. flow uses technologies for organizing electronic document management.

5. Inf. subsystem Is an organized set of inf. flows in any functional subsystem. For example, automating tasks in funct. subsystem "Accounting" allows you to select in the enterprise IS inf. subsystem "Accounting". In the IS of the bank, the subsystem "Operational day of the bank" is distinguished.

6. The collection of all inf. subsystems of an object constitutes a structural unit of information of the highest level - information base (system) implementing various control functions. Information baseIs the whole set of information flows and subsystems of a real economic object.

The corresponding structural units of information are allocated depending on the characteristics of the machine carrier and the methods of fixing data on it.

Similar information.

Information support is almost always intertwined with the organizational and managerial and production and technological sphere. therefore information SupportIs a set of processes for collecting, processing, storing, analyzing and issuing information necessary to ensure management activities and technological processes.

The concept of information is fundamental in the definition of information support.

Information (from lat. infornatio - explanation, presentation) until the middle of the 20th century was understood as information transmitted by people by oral, written or other (signs, technical means) way. After the 1950s. against the background of the rapid development of communications and telecommunications, the emergence and introduction of electronic computing technology into various spheres of life, new, expanded concepts of information appeared. Information in the probabilistic-statistical (entropy) approach began to be interpreted as a decrease in the degree of uncertainty of knowledge about an object, system, process or phenomenon, or a change in the uncertainty of the state of the object, system, phenomenon, process (information according to Shannon).

The general scientific concept of information is a change in the volume and structure of knowledge of the perceiving system. In this case, the perceiving system is understood not only the person himself or his derivatives (collective, society), but in general any system, for example, a biological cell, which perceives genetic information at birth.

There is a normative-legal concept of information that is used in legislative acts regulating information processes and technologies. AT Federal law RF "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" dated 20.02.95 No. 24-FZ the concept of information is information about persons, objects, facts, events and processes, regardless of the way they are presented.

An important regulatory aspect. Article 128 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines information, along with things, works and services, results of intellectual activity, intangible benefits, by the type of objects of civil rights, as well as property rights and copyrights.

The content of the information and analytical sphere is the unification of the general scientific and legal concept of information. Therefore, it is better to consider information as a change in the volume and structure of knowledge about a certain subject area (persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena, processes) by the perceiving system (person, organizational structure, automated information system), regardless of the form and method of representing knowledge.

When considering the concept of information support in the form of information processing, the concept of data is of great importance. Data differ from information in a specific form of presentation and are a certain subset of it, determined by the goals and objectives of collecting and processing information. For example, data on the employees of any organization in the form of formalized record cards of the personnel department contain only a certain list of necessary information (name, year of birth, education, marital status, position, etc.), in contrast to the huge amount of information that characterizes each individual person.

Data - this is information that reflects a certain state of a certain subject area in a specific form of presentation and contains only the most significant elements of the image of the reflected fragment of reality from the point of view of the goals and objectives of collecting and processing information.

Thus, information at the data stage is determined by the form of presentation and an additional characteristic - the structure.

The data structure is associated with providing information and, in turn, is determined by functional, logical, technological, etc. the structure of a particular subject area, information about which data contains.

Exists unstructured and structured forms of data presentation, which predetermines the technological features of their accumulation and processing.

Unstructured forms.

  • 1. Coherent text (document in natural language - literary, official business, etc.).
  • 2. Graphic data in the form of photographs, pictures and other unstructured images.

Structured data forms.

  • 1. Questionnaires.
  • 2. Tables.
  • 3. Graphic data in the form of drawings, diagrams, diagrams.

There are significant differences in how structured and unstructured data are collected, analyzed and processed. The most developed from the point of view of tasks of processing and analyzing information are software processing structured data, since structuring can be considered primary and the most difficult to formalize and algorithmic processing.

The term information is used in two ways: as a reduction in uncertainty about anticipated events and as meaningful message, a certain essence of the communication flow, a resource.

Each control system with a closed loop is a set of subject and control object, the interaction between which occurs through the channels of the direct and feedbackthrough which flows of information pass. The management process itself is carried out according to a single scheme that provides for the receipt, storage, processing and transmission of information - an integral part of the management process.

All management specialists work with information, but their time expenditures are structured in different ways (Table 3.7).

Table 3.7

Approximate distribution of working time of management personnel,%

Types of informationused in management:

  • by the type of reflected relations - technical and technological, economic, social, political, ideological;
  • the scale of the reflected object - federal (national), regional, local;
  • branches (spheres) of the life of society - industrial, agricultural, military, educational, etc .;
  • structuredness - systematized and unsystematized;
  • the character of the carrier - documented and verbal.
  • structure is divided into administrative, coordination, control and evaluation, planning, etc.
  • the source of income is divided into internal and external.

Inside information arises as a result of describing the state and activities of an organization and is used within it to implement decision-making processes, operational management, the formation of accounting and reporting documentation, to issue information to external organizations. Its use is characterized by a high degree of regulation in terms of provision and use.

A significant amount of internal information is background information:

  • - organizational and economic - information about the state of the management system, personnel, material and technical, administrative and economic support and services;
  • - operational and technical information on the activities of functional and supporting subsystems of the organization, i.e. reflecting the course of the production and management process.

An even more regulated type of inside information - outgoing information, those. documents created in the management system:

  • - internal use, available for edits, changes;
  • - for issuance to external systems, the form of which is in most cases defined and cannot be changed.

Information on control actions in terms of content is one of the types of operational and technical information, since it includes information on the functioning of the departments that make decisions to maintain the system within the specified framework, modes. The form of their provision - orders, instructions, instructions, i.e. text documentswhose language is close to natural. The regulation lies in the fact that the set of control actions is limited, and the forms of its expression are diverse. From the regulation follows the possibility of standardization, unification, construction of standard forms, etc. Another manifestation of regulation is the assignment of temporal and situational characteristics.

External information - information from organizations participating or actively influencing the management process. In terms of content, it is close to internal information, describes (reflects) the course of the control action, acts in the form of indicators, information, is regulated in relation to content and time parameters. This type of information is not subject to control over the source and form of messages, unification and standardization of messages from the external environment is also impossible and a special apparatus is needed for preliminary processing of external information, its long-term storage and repeated use of primary documents.

Different types of management activities have different information need.

Strategic management (planning) foresees the future interaction of the organization and the environment. This requires information from external sources, not very accurate and detailed, but having rather wide boundaries, clarity of trends.

Management control, which is carried out by top and middle managers, relies on a different kind of information: from external and internal sources, more detailed, having narrower boundaries, more accurate, more specific, regulated by time parameters.

Operational control requires information about day-to-day activities - very precise, narrow and up-to-date. It should come almost exclusively from internal sources. In addition, you need specific information related to the area of \u200b\u200bspecific professional activity, reflecting the external circumstances in which the organization operates.

The main difficulties that arise in the collection and dissemination of information are associated with communication problems... Information is processed by a person and its subjective assessment as unsuitable is inevitable, which can cause distortion of information. Therefore, informatization as an important direction for increasing the efficiency of management should be understood not only as technical, but mainly - social process... Most complex problems are in the sphere of social (economic, legal, cultural) transformations. The role of a person in management, his intellect and information culture... This is a broad concept that includes the ability to navigate in the information space, a heightened sense of time, a desire to increase the efficiency of one's mental work, etc.

Intelligencecan be represented as a set of signals from physical processes perceived by a subject (man, animal, apparatus) through the senses (perceiving devices). It is clear that such information is not information yet.

We are used to the fact that this word is used to define something important that has a very specific meaning. That is, it is necessary that the information be interpreted somehow. However, this is not all. After the information has acquired meaning for the perceiving subject, it must be presented in a form suitable for storage, transmission and processing. This is necessary so that this information can be useful, that is, used to solve any problems, including with the help of electronic computers. Such information in information theory is called data.

In this way, informationthese are data, organized in a certain way, having meaning, significance and value for the subject and necessary for solving various problems.

Definitions of "information"

1. Probabilistic-statistical definition (Shannon).

The concept of "information" is defined as a decrease in the degree of uncertainty of knowledge about an object, system, process or phenomenon, or a change in the uncertainty of the state of the object, system, phenomenon, process.

2. General scientific definition.

Information is a general scientific concept that includes the exchange of information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton; exchange of signals in the animal and plant world; transmission of signs from cell to cell, from organism to organism ("Great Encyclopedic Dictionary", 1997).

3. Legal and regulatory definition.

The RF Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" provides the following definition of the term " information» - information about persons, objects, facts, events and processes, regardless of the way they are presented.

Definition of data

From information datadiffer in a specific form of presentation and are a certain subset of it, determined by the goals and objectives of collecting and processing information.

We define data as information that reflects a certain state of a certain subject area in a specific form.

Data presentation forms

Can be distinguished unstructured and structuredpresentation form data.

Unstructureddata presentation form:

    Coherent text (i.e. a natural language document);

    Graphic data in the form of photographs, pictures and other unstructured images.

Structuredpresentation form data:

  • Graphic data in the form of drawings, diagrams, diagrams.

There are significant differences in how structured and unstructured data are collected, analyzed, and processed. The most developed are software tools for processing structured data, because structuring can be considered primary and the most difficult to formalize and algorithmized processing.

Definition of "document"

In terms of operating with information in the processes of its creation, collection, issuance and consumption, the concept of documented informationor simply document.

1. Historicallythe document was defined as object, means, method for identification, property rightsetc.

2.In organizational and managerialsense of the document is defined as form and way of expressing organizational and managerial decisions and influences.

3. In regulatoryaspect, the document is defined as information recorded on a material medium with details that allow it to be identified(Law of the Russian Federation "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection").

The most important requisite for identifying traditional documents is the signature of the official. A similar approach for computer information is currently developed in the form of a technique of "electronic digital signatures" based on cryptographic methods.

Under documentinginformation in the broad sense of the word can be understood as the allocation of a single semantic part of information (data) on a certain subject area in its total mass, the isolation of this part with giving it an independent role (name, status, details, etc.).

Documentation processturns information into informational resources... Legal and regulatory interpretation information resources defines them as "individual documents and separate arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other types of information systems)." (Law of the Russian Federation "On participation in international information exchange" dated 04.07.1996, N85-FZ.).

Documenting information leads to one of the most fundamental concepts in information support - information systems.

Under information systeman organizational set of hardware, software and other auxiliary means, technological processes and workers that provide collection, presentation and accumulation of information resources in a certain subject area in order to meet the information needs of system users is understood.

IS, in which the presentation, storage and processing of information is carried out using computer technology, are called automated .

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