Functional subsystems of information systems. Supporting subsystems of information systems




Archiving -;

Regulatory -;


Self-organizing -;









To implement the above functions, the IP should include a set of subsystems:

FUNCTIONAL IP subsystems are designed to implement and support models, methods and algorithms for obtaining control information. Functional subsystems are understood as subsystems that implement individual control functions. These, for example, include subsystems of planning, control, accounting, regulation, etc.

The composition of the functional subsystems depends on the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe use of IP. Each of the subsystems provides the fulfillment of complexes of tasks and information processing procedures necessary for the effective management of an object.

The approximate composition of these subsystems for manufacturing organizations includes:

1. The subsystem of scientific and technical preparation of production is responsible for the implementation of scientific research, design and technological preparation of production.

2. The business planning subsystem performs technical, economic and operational-calendar production planning, provides the formation of business plans.

3. The operational management subsystem is designed to control the course of production, and also manages material flows, supplies and sales, taking into account production costs.

4. The financial management subsystem is responsible for the formation of the financial plan and portfolio of orders of the enterprise, the analysis of the results of its business activities.

5. The accounting subsystem provides reporting and accounting for labor and wages, inventory, fixed assets, results of financial transactions.

Consider the composition of the supporting subsystems IP.

1. Information support is a set of implemented decisions on the volume, location and forms of organization of information transmitted in the control system. Information support is the methods and means of organizing the information base of the system, which include classification and coding systems of information, standardized document systems, information flow diagrams, and database construction techniques.

2. Technical support is a complex of technical means involved in the technological process of converting information in the system. First of all, these are computers, peripheral equipment, equipment and data transmission channels.

3. The software includes a set of regular applications necessary to solve functional problems and programs that allow the most efficient use of computer technology, providing users with the greatest convenience in their work.

4. Software - a set of economic and mathematical methods, models and information processing algorithms used in the system.

In IS of an organizational and economic nature, MO tools quite often include methods of mathematical statistics, optimization methods, and tools for modeling control processes (simulation).

5. Linguistic support - a set of language tools used in the system in order to improve the quality of its development and facilitate communication between a person and a machine.

6. Human resources - the composition of specialists involved in the creation and operation of the system, staffing and functional responsibilities.

7. Ergonomic support - a set of methods and tools used in the development and operation of IS, creating optimal conditions for staff activities, for the quickest development of the system.

8. Legal support - a set of legal rules governing the creation and operation of an information system, the procedure for obtaining, converting and using information.

9. Organizational support is a set of decisions governing the processes of creation and functioning of both the system as a whole and its personnel.

The creation of an information system is preceded by a study of the subject area and the construction of a model of an automated object - an enterprise.

The integration of functional subsystems into a single system is achieved through the creation and functioning supporting subsystemssuch as information, software, mathematical, technical, technological, organizational and legal subsystems.

Providing subsystems are common to the entire IP, regardless of the specific functional subsystems in which certain types of support are used, and from the chosen subject area.

Information Support.

The information base consists of two interconnected parts: in-machine and in-machine.

TO off-machinerefers to the part that serves the control system in the form perceived by a person without any technical means. These are usually paper documents (orders, acts, invoices, accounts or registers, statements, etc.).

Machine insidethe information base is stored in computer memory and consists of files and data arrays. It can be created either as a set of local, that is, independent files and arrays, each of which reflects some set of homogeneous management documents (for example, invoices), or as a database. The difference is that when creating the database, the files are not independent, because the structure of some files (field composition) depends on the structure of others. Database files are developed in compliance with certain principles and focus on one of the database models (relational, hierarchical, network). Work with files is provided by the selected DBMS.

The composition and structure of the internal machine base is determined based on the information needs of each level of the administrative apparatus.

Technical support.

Technical means serve as the basis for building IP. Their parameters are largely determined by the management tasks being solved. The technical means of IP include computers, communications, and office equipment.

The entire computer park can be conditionally divided into two classes: personal and high-performance computers (Mainframe System). A significant proportion of IP is built on the basis of personal computers. Mainframes are needed to create large data warehouses and provide access to them. Such computers have high reliability requirements for round-the-clock operation, data protection and performance. Between them there is a wide range of other means of computer technology.

Enterprise computers can be integrated into local area networks (LANs).

Several operating modes are known in a LAN. The simplest mode does not imply the presence of a dedicated computer, the resources of which are distributed between other machines. Each computer has its own resources provided to other computers. This is the so-called peer-to-peer network. The second mode provides for the allocation of a separate computer for serving data network programs and other computers. Such a computer is called a “file server”. The third mode also involves the allocation of a separate computer and is known as “client-server”. In contrast to the previous mode, in a separate computer - “server” - there are not only common databases, but also search and write programs, which allows “clients” (other programs located on remote computers) to request not all information from the database, but only what he needs, partially or fully processed by the server. This reduces the load on the data transmission channels.

LANs can be interconnected in such a way that subscribers of one network use the resources of another.

The listed classes of machines and computer networks can function only with the help of system-wide software.


To “revive” the technical software, that is, make it work with information, the software is intended. Software - a set of data processing programs and program documents necessary for the operation of these programs.

Distinguish between system software, general-purpose application software and special-purpose application software.

System software  intended for:

managing the entire set of technical means of the computing complex, their diagnostics and prevention, efficient use and implementation of various supporting processes (storage, copying, protection, restoration, archiving, virus protection);

organization of dialogue with the user;

launch of applied and instrumental programs;

exchange data between different applications.

This class of software is closely related to the type of computer and is an integral part of it. Very high demands are placed on it in terms of reliability, efficiency of use.

System software includes operating systems and various utilities.

Operating System (OS) -this is a collection of programs that automatically loads when you turn on the computer and presents the user with a basic set of commands to help communicate with the computer: launch the program, create a folder for storing files, format the disk, copy the file, etc. The most widely used are the Windows family of operating systems (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8).

Service programsrepresent a number of services to ensure the operation of computers and software. These include:

    toolkits Total Commander and Windows Commander;

    disk maintenance (verification and defragmentation) programs;

    winRAR and WinZIP data archiving programs;

    anti-virus programs: Kaspersky Lab, ESET NOD32, DrWeb, AVG, Avira, McAfee, Norton antivirus programs;

    programs for working on networks, including the Internet.

TO general purpose application software  include the following application packages.

Programming systemsrepresenting tools for qualified users - programmers and non-programmers (in other words - programs for developing other programs).

Examples of programming systems: Visual Basic, Delphi, C ++ Builder.

Word processors  - applied computer programs intended for the production (including typing, editing, formatting, sometimes printing) of any type of printed information. Sometimes a word processor is called a text editor. Word processors, unlike text editors, have more options for formatting text, embedding graphics, formulas, tables and other objects in it. Therefore, they can be used not only for typing, but also for creating various kinds of documents, including official ones.

The most famous examples of word processors: Microsoft Word as part of the Microsoft Office software package, Writer, WordPad, which is part of Microsoft Windows.

Table processors(formerly known as spreadsheets) programs that allow you to conveniently work with tables, automate many of the operations performed with them. In addition to working directly with tables, they make it possible to include text and graphic blocks, and they have automated tools for statistical, financial, and other operations.

Examples of table processors: Microsoft Excel, Calc.

Database management systems- a set of special language and software tools that facilitate users to perform all operations related to the organization of data storage, their adjustment, processing and access to them. By the power (volume of stored data), small or desktop DBMSs (for example, Microsoft Access, Base), medium (dBase, Paradox, Sybase, FoxPro, etc.) and large (for example, the Oracle DBMS family) are distinguished. The choice of a specific DBMS, on the basis of which the information system is built, is determined by the requirements for the system.

Integrated packagescombine several collaboration applications. The interface elements of the programs included in it are designed identically. Having learned to work with one of the applications, the user easily masters the rest. The programs included in the package “communicate” with each other in the same language, which allows a fairly simple exchange of information between them.

The most common integrated packages are Microsoft Office and, which include word processors, table processors, DBMSs, presentation tools, and other programs that ensure efficient work in the office.

Graphics Packagesin the economic sphere are of rather limited use. Note the powerful business graphics package that is included with Microsoft Excel and the Adobe Photoshop program that works with digital images, such as digital photographs.

Math packagesnecessary in the work of analysts. Note the mathematical modeling packages MathCad and MathLab and the statistical analysis packages SPSS and Statistica.

Specialized Application Software  - this is what we call functional software. In fact, this is the setup of an automated workstation (AWS), DBMS, software package of tasks and subsystems of IP, built using other design tools, for a specific information worker of a particular enterprise, taking into account the specifics of the data processing system that has developed there. Examples of such software: accounting systems, tax accounting systems, personnel accounting systems, document accounting systems, work planning systems, etc.

Organizational support.

This is one of the most important subsystems of IP, on which the successful implementation of the goals and functions of the system depends. As part of organizational support, four groups of components can be distinguished.

First groupincludes the most important teaching materials governing the process of creating and operating the system:

      industry-wide guidance for IP creation;

      standard design solutions;

      methodological materials for the organization and conduct of pre-project inspection at the enterprise;

      teaching materials on the creation and implementation of project documentation.

Second componentin the structure of organizational support of IP is the totality of tools necessary for the effective design and operation of IP (sets of management tasks, including typical application software packages, typical enterprise management structures, unified document systems, system-wide and industry classifiers, etc.).

Third componentorganizational support subsystem is the technical documentation obtained in the process of inspection, design and implementation of the system: feasibility study, terms of reference, technical and working projects and documents for the gradual commissioning of the system.

Fourth componentorganizational support subsystem is “Personnel”, which presents the organizational and staffing structure of the project, which determines, in particular, the composition of the chief designers of the system and specialists in functional management subsystems.

Legal support.

It is a set of norms expressed in normative acts establishing and securing the status of IP. Legal support of IP carries out legal regulation of IP development and the relationship of the developer and the customer. Legal support for the stage of the functioning of IP determines its status in the management process, providing information to the decision-making process and legal support for information security of the functioning of IP. Legal support includes general and special parts. The general part contains regulatory documents governing the activities of IP, while the special part provides legal support for decision-making. Currently, there are more than twenty products on the Russian market of commercial legal databases that can provide legal support for decision-making, and can be easily integrated into IP.

The general structure of an information system can be considered as a set of subsystems, regardless of scope. The following supporting subsystems are distinguished in IP:

· Technical

· Mathematical and software,

· Informational,


· Organizational

· Legal


Technical support (TO)- a set of technical means intended for the operation of the information system, as well as relevant documentation for these means and technological processes.

The complex of technical means comprises:

· Computers of any models;

· Devices for collecting, accumulating, processing, transmitting and outputting information;

· Data transmission devices and communication lines;

· Office equipment and automatic information retrieval devices;

· Operational materials, etc.

The documentation draws up the preliminary selection of technical equipment, the organization of their operation, the technological process of data processing, and technological equipment. The documentation can be divided into three groups:

· System-wide, including state and industry standards for technical support;

· Specialized, containing a set of techniques for all stages of the development of technical support;

· Regulatory reference used when performing calculations for technical support.

Technical support (TO) IS can be divided into two groups - universal and specialized.

Universal Maintenanceincludes means of input, processing, storage and transmission of information. The first three types of tools are currently standard components of universal computers, regardless of their class and scale. Information transfer means includes computer network and telecommunication equipment, general-purpose communication systems and means providing various types of communication, for example, data exchange between network computers, as well as remote access to resources.

Specialized maintenance (database machines). The basis of modern information systems is databases and database management systems (DBMS), which are means of storage, processing and access to large amounts of information.

The rapid development of the needs of database applications puts forward new requirements for the DBMS, such as:

· Support for a wide range of types of data presented and operations on them;

· Support for data consistency;

· Ensuring the integrity of the database;

· Management of distributed databases, integration of heterogeneous databases;

· A significant increase in the reliability of the database.

The entire computer park can be divided into PCs and high-performance computers (MainFrame System). Mainframes - an architecture where there is a powerful computer - actually a "mainframe" - that runs all the logic, and users have only terminals. Large foreign companies and banks cannot work without large class computers mainframe. Mainframes are needed to create large data warehouses and provide access to them. Such computers have high requirements for reliability during round-the-clock operation, for data protection and performance.

For some tasks requiring operational decisions, for example, to assess the degree of risk and adopt optimization of operations with securities, it is necessary that the system response to the request does not exceed several minutes. So computers like MainFrame System with a large amount of information cope with the task in 20 hours and supercomputers, for example, CRAY - 6 minutes. And the difference between 20h and 6 min is approximately equal to half the cost of a CRAY computer.

Mathematical and software  - a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for implementing the goals and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of a complex of technical means.

To funds mathematical support   relate:

· Tools for modeling management processes;

· Typical management tasks;

· Methods of mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, queuing theory, etc.

Part software   includes operating systems, programming systems, applications (application software packages).

operating systemdesigned to perform the following basic functions:

· Data management;

· Task management (tasks, processes);

· Communication with the human operator.

In various operating systems, they are implemented on various scales and using various technical, software, and information methods.

System softwareincludes operating systems for the used hardware platforms, various operating shells, programs for working on the network, system tests, programs for administering networks and databases.

Programming system  It is a programmer’s tool environment, which usually allows him to develop application programs, as well as software system components for the corresponding computers and operating systems.

The programming system includes software development tools, such as programming languages, text editors, translators, link editors, subprogram libraries, utilities, etc., which provide automation of the compilation and debugging of user programs .

Applications  include software products and shell systems. Software product is a software package configured to solve one or more tasks. IP shells are flexible software packages that are customizable to user tasks. The most common shells include DBMS and AIPS.

In the structural composition of the DBMS, the kernel and the environment can be distinguished. Core   DBMS is a software package that provides direct execution of physical operations on the database. Wednesday   - a set of interface modules providing communication between users and the kernel and through it with the database. The environment includes user interfaces and database administrator utilities.

DBMS structure

User Tools  are

· Dialogue interfaces;

· Report generators;

· A system for designing and supporting interactive technologies in IP.

UtilitiesdB administrators form a library of database maintenance programs in privileged mode and perform basic functions, which include:

· Physical preparation of disk memory for database placement;

· Preparation of certificates on the composition of the database, file structure, amount of data and volume occupied;

The structure of an information system is represented by the totality of its individual parts, which are called subsystems. The latter are functional and providing. The functional part consists of a number of subsystems that solve specific tasks of planning, control, analysis, accounting, and managing the activities of objects. To ensure the normal functioning of the main part of the information system, it should include a supporting subsystem.

The general structure of an information system is a complex of subsystems, the purpose of which may be different. So, providing are:

  • informational;
  • technical;
  • mathematical and software;
  • organizational;
  • legal.

Information Support Subsystem

The IO subsystem is a single classification system and a unified documentation system, a scheme of information flows that circulate in organizations and a database organization methodology.

The structure of the information system provides this element to ensure the timely formation and delivery of reliable information for management decisions.

In order to correctly organize information support, you need the following:

Clearly represent the goals, objectives, and functions of the entire information system;

Accurately determine the movement of information and present it in the form of a scheme of information flows;

Improve the workflow process;

Use the current classification and coding system;

Own a methodology for creating links;

Create arrays of information on data carriers.

Technical Subsystem

Technical support is a set of technical means for ensuring the operability of an information system and documentation for them.

Hardware is represented by computers of any models; devices for the collection, accumulation of information, as well as its processing, transmission and organization of output; devices for office equipment and devices for automatic reading of information; operational materials, etc.

The subsystem of mathematical and software IP

The structure of the information system provides for the existence of a subsystem of mathematical and software, which is a combination of mathematical methods, algorithms, and programs for performing functioning.

Software tools include tools for modeling management processes, mathematical programming, etc.

Software is developed with them.

Organizational support

This subsystem is a combination of methods and means aimed at regulating the use of technical means and the interaction of workers among themselves during the development and industrial operation of IP.

The functions of the subsystem are to analyze the current type of control and identify tasks that require automation; setting tasks for execution on a computer, justification of their effectiveness; the development of managerial decisions to the structure of the organization, methodologies for solving problems that increase the effectiveness of the management system.

Legal Support Subsystem

It represents the legal norms that determine the creation of an information system, its main task of legal support is to strengthen the legality of the system, therefore it is composed of laws, decrees, instructions, decrees, etc.

The architecture of an information system is defined by a concept that defines the model, structure, functions and relationships of components.

The concept of "information system" includes that of traditional architectures. This is a file-server, client-server, transition to a three-layer and three-layer architecture.

Extra-machine information support (IO) includes indicators necessary for solving managerial tasks; their space-time characteristics and information connections; various classifiers and codes; unified documentation system to reflect indicators; forms for outputting processing results.

Automation of management operations requires bringing the entire set of indicators into a single, integrated system, establishing their meaningful and terminological unity (uniqueness), as well as clear interactions between them.

Systematization of management information necessitates the use of the following types classifiers:

· Nationwide classifiers (OK), developed in a centralized manner and which are uniform for the whole country (for example, industrial and agricultural products OK - OKP; OK sectors of the national economy - OKONKH; system of designations of government bodies - SOOGU; system of designations of administrative and territorial objects - SOATO; OK of professions and services; OK of works and services; OK of units of measurement, system of classification of forms of ownership - SKFS, etc.);

· Industry-specific, unified for a particular industry activity (as a rule, they are developed in standard projects of automated processing);

· Local classifiers compiled on the nomenclatures characteristic of the given enterprise, bank, firm (personnel card numbers, divisions, bank accounts, etc.). Of particular importance in automated information systems.

When classifying information, the items to be encoded are first identified. These include those attributes, signs that are used to compose groups. Then, for each nomenclature, a complete list of all items to be encoded is compiled. The logical dependence of various characteristics in the nomenclature under consideration is observed. For example, when coding territories, districts are located by region. Such an ordered list of homogeneous names, fixed on paper or other media, consisting of separate lines (positions), is called nomenclature.  Each nomenclature provides for a certain number of reserve positions in case of new objects. In this way, classification this is the ordering of the elements of the set into subsets based on the analysis of features and identifying dependencies within features.

The classification is performed coding   - The process of assigning a symbol to various items of an item. Code symbol designation of an object with a symbol or group of symbols according to certain rules established by the coding system. Codes can be numeric, alphabetic or mixed. In machine processing, digital codes are preferred as the most convenient for machine grouping.

As a result of assigning code marks to each item of the item, classifier   - a systematic set of homogeneous names and their code designations.

Classifiers are drawn up in the form of reference books and are used by economists to prepare documents for machine processing. Codes are put down manually in accordance with the instructions in specially designated places in the document, in areas where constant and variable features of the document are placed. In the presence of an automated IP, it is envisaged to store all classifiers on machine media in a data bank as a vocabulary or conditionally permanent information.

Codes have a number of requirements. They have to

· Cover all items to be encoded

· Be the same for different tasks within the same economic object (for example, codes of materials, units should be the same for the tasks of marketing and logistics);

· Differ in stability;

· Have a reserve of free numbers (but not excessive, because this can lead to an increase in the significance of the code);

· Have a minimum length of the code mark;

· Have the same value codes of this nomenclature for all items.

Often, a check digit is added to the codes (through a dash to the main code), which ensures that the machine automatically finds the error if the economist incorrectly puts a digit in the code or when rearranging the numbers.

Codes provide a grouping of information in the computer's memory, summarizing all grouping characteristics and printing them in summary tables. They find application in performing such processing procedures as searching, storage, retrieval of information, and also significantly reduce the time of its transmission through communication channels.

Information is encoded for a specific the system coding   - a set of rules that determine the construction of the code. Currently, several coding systemsamong which the most widespread are: serial, serial, positional and combined. The choice of coding system depends on the number of distinguished characteristics in the nomenclature, the number of positions in each characteristic and the degree of stability of the nomenclature.

When building ordinal system all items of the nomenclature are encoded according to the least characteristic, without taking into account the older characteristics. All positions are assigned serial numbers without reserve. The codes of the system are of little importance, simple, but they only take into account the junior attribute, which excludes the receipt of totals for the older attributes. Another drawback of the system is the lack of reserve positions. The ordinal system is used when coding stable single-valued items.

Serial system   resembles an ordinal, but it can encode two or more significant nomenclatures. Each senior item group of items is assigned a series of numbers. Within this series, each position of the minor characteristics of an item is encoded by a serial number. The serial system provides backup numbers for the older item attributes. It is convenient for computer processing in the event that the machine memory contains numerical values \u200b\u200bof a series of numbers characterizing older features. The computer provides a summary of all grouping characteristics.

At position system codingeach sign is clearly distinguished and one or more categories are assigned to it, depending on its significance. Then each feature is encoded separately starting at 1, 01, 001, etc. - depending on the significance of the sign. This code provides the automatic formation in the computer of all the necessary results. Combined system   as well as positional, provides for a clear allocation of all the attributes of the nomenclature. Moreover, each feature can be encoded in any system: serial, serial or positional. The combined system is more flexible and is widely used in solving economic problems, since it provides automatic receipt of all the necessary results.

In the context of the rapidly increasing use of computer technology in all sectors of activity, it is difficult to underestimate the role of bar coding   in improving the efficiency of production, trade, transport, banking. In Western countries, almost all trade is based on bar codes, which are applied to 99% of all manufactured goods. If it is absent from trade, they do not accept goods from the manufacturer or do so at a great discount (30–40% or more). Such actions are explained by the fact that bar coding of goods is economically justified when it covers at least 85% of the goods. In fact bar code - a method of entering information into a computer, with which you can quickly "find out" an object and transfer information about it to a computer. Let us briefly consider how this happens in trade.

The bar code combines a sequence of dark and light stripes of different widths. Product information carries the relative dimensions of the width of these strips and their combinations. A certain combination of strokes (dark stripes) and spaces (light stripes) is a sign (symbol), and the combination of a number of signs forms a product code.

There are three features of using machine-readable documents with barcodes:

1. Reading, control and decoding of the code are carried out using microprocessor devices, which requires the introduction of specialized technical means.

2. It is mandatory to have a personal computer, where standardized characteristics of the goods are recorded in advance for their subsequent comparison with the product code, as well as use as conditionally constant data for solving specific sales problems.

3. Automatic reading of data from a bar code or label takes place practically without distortion and does not require special skills in work, therefore it can be performed by the cashier-operator or seller-cashier.

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