How to delete a table in Word 7. Office rules: a simple solution to complex problems

The multifunctional text editor MS Word has in its arsenal a fairly large set of functions and ample opportunities for working not only with text, but also with tables. You can learn more about how to create tables, how to work with them and change them in accordance with certain requirements from the material posted on our website.

So, as you could already understand after reading our articles, we have written quite a lot about tables in MS Word, providing answers to many pressing questions. However, we have not yet answered one of the equally common questions: how to make a transparent table in Word? This is what we will talk about today.

Our task with you is to hide, but not remove the borders of the table, that is, to make them transparent, invisible, invisible when printing, while leaving all the contents of the cells, like the cells themselves, in their places.

Important:Before you start hiding the borders of the table, in MS Word you must enable the option to display the grid, as otherwise it will become very difficult to work with the table. This can be done as follows.

Enabling the grid

1. In the tab "Home"("Format" in MS Word 2003 or "Page layout" in MS Word 2007 - 2010) in the group "Paragraph" click the button "Borders".

2. Select from the drop-down menu item "Show Grid".

Having done this, we can safely proceed to the description of how to make an invisible table in Word.

Hide all table borders

1. Select the table using the mouse.

2. Right-click on the selected field and select the item "Table properties".

3. In the window that opens, click the button located below "Borders and Fill".

4. In the next window in the section "A type" select the first item "No"... In chapter "Apply to" set the parameter "Table".Press the button "OK" in each of the two open dialog boxes.

5. After you complete the above steps, the border of the table from a solid line of one color will turn into a pale dotted line, which, although it helps to navigate in rows and columns, table cells, is not printed.

    Advice: If you turn off the grid display (tool menu "Borders"), the dotted line will also disappear.

Hiding some table borders or some cell borders

1. Select the part of the table where you want to hide the borders.

2. In the tab "Constructor" in Group "Framing" click the button "Borders" and select the option you want to hide the borders.

3. Borders in the selected part of the table or selected cells will be hidden. If necessary, repeat the same step for another fragment of the table or individual cells.

4. Press the key "ESC"to exit table mode.

Hiding a specific border or specific borders in a table

If necessary, you can always hide specific borders in the table, without bothering with the selection of a separate fragment or fragments. This method is especially useful in the case when you need to hide not only one specific border, but also several borders located in different locations of the table, at a time.

1. Click anywhere in the table to display the main tab "Working with tables".

2. Go to the tab "Constructor", in Group "Framing" select tool Border Styles and select the white (that is, invisible) line.

    Advice:If the white line does not appear in the dropdown menu, first select the one that is used as borders in your table, and then change its color to white in the section Pen Styles.

Note:In earlier versions of Word, to hide / delete individual table borders, you must go to the tab "Layout", section "Working with tables" and choose a tool there "Line style", and in the expanded menu select the parameter "No limits".

3. The cursor changes to a brush. Just click it in the place or places where you want to remove the borders.

Note:If you click with such a brush on the end of any of the outer borders of the table, it will disappear completely. The inner borders that frame the cells will be removed each separately.

    Advice:To remove the borders of several cells in a row, left-click on the first border and drag the brush to the last border that you want to delete, then release the left button.

4. Press “ESC” to exit the spreadsheet mode.

We will end there, because now you know even more about tables in MS Word and know how to hide their borders, making them completely invisible. We wish you success and only positive results in the further development of this advanced program for working with documents.

A spreadsheet is a convenient way to provide information, whether it's a listing of items on sale, a schedule, or a monthly report. And you can create a table using the Word text editor, which makes it possible to both draw a table manually and insert an express table using the samples available in the program.

Creating a table in Microsoft Word

To add a table to a text document, you can use the "Table" tool located in the "Insert" tab. However, it allows up to 10 rows and 8 columns.

A small table can be created using the "Draw Table" function in the same tab. Having selected this tool, you first need to select the area where the table will be located, and then add the required number of cells.

To create larger tables, it is best to use the Insert Table tool, which allows you to set the desired parameters. In addition, in the "Insert" tab it is possible to add an Excel table or express spreadsheet.

Working with tables in "Word"

Table items such as rows and columns can be added or removed as needed. To do this, click on the "Layout" item and click on the required command. You can also modify table elements using the context menu.

To change the width of a line, you can place the cursor on it and drag up or down while holding down the mouse button. If there is a need to create a row of a certain height, then you should select "Table Properties" in the "Layout" item or the context menu. Columns can be aligned in the same way as rows.

Using the "Design" item on the top panel, you can change the table style.

How to remove a table in the "Word"

There are several methods to completely remove a table from a document:

  1. Click on the icon in the corner of the table, click on the "Delete" button in the menu, and then click on the "Delete table" line.
  2. Select a table, go to the "Layout" item on the top toolbar and select the "Delete" button, and then "Delete Table".
  3. After selecting the table, open the menu with the right mouse button and click "Delete table".
  4. Cut the selected element using the context menu, the Ctrl + X combination, or the "Cut" button in the "Home" tab.

How to remove a table in the "Word" while preserving the text? To do this, go to "Layout" - "Data" and click on the line "Convert to Text". In the menu that appears, enter a character that will be added between words in different cells. To replace a character with spaces, you can use the Ctrl + H combination, select the "Replace" tab, enter the desired character in the "Find" field, and then put a space in the "Replace with" field and click "Replace All".

Office rules: simple solutions to complex problems

How do I remove a table from a document? I tried to select it and press Del, but it turns out to delete only the text, but the table itself remains.
There are several ways to delete a table:
- Place the cursor anywhere in the table and execute the command Table\u003e Delete\u003e Table.
- Use the Eraser button on the Tables And Borders toolbar and erase the table.
- Select the table and execute the command Edit\u003e Cut.
- Select the table and in the context menu, invoked by the right mouse button, select the Cut command.

How do I tab-stop text inside a table? Pressing the Tab key does not place a mark, but moves the cursor to the next cell.
If you need to place a tab stop inside the cell, use the CTRL + TAB key combination.

I am trying to sum the data of the cells, but Word only sums the numbers located in the last of them. How do you sum up the entire column?
In Microsoft Word, unlike Excel, AutoSum requires each cell in the column to contain a numeric value. Therefore, before auto-summarizing, check if the column contains empty cells. If they are, enter "0" for them.

When changing the data in the table, Word for some reason did not update the results obtained during auto-summing. Why?
The fact is that in Microsoft Word, unlike Excel, there is no option to automatically update the sum when the data changes. To update the amount, you must select and press F9.

Created an inscription, but for some reason the text "does not fit" into it. How to fit it into the inscription?
The caption cannot contain any amount of text - it is limited by its size. Therefore, if the text does not fit, increase the size of the rectangle using the handles. Another way to place text within a label is to link two or more labels. In this case, the text that did not fit in the first shape will be transferred to the second, from the second to the third, etc. To link labels:
1. Click on the first object.
2. Click the Create Text Box Link button on the TextBox toolbar.
3. Move the cursor to the window of another label and click in it with the mouse.
The inscriptions are linked.
When the frames are resized, the text will flow from one object to another. And if you change the direction of the text in one of the linked elements (the Change Text Direction button on the TextBox toolbar), it will change in the others as well.

How do I move a picture into a document from the Clip Organizer window?
When you are in the Clip Organizer window, you cannot place a picture in the document by clicking on it, as you may be accustomed to doing with the Task Pane. But you can drag the image from the Clip Organizer window directly into the document.

Align graphic elements on the page - text boxes, pictures, Auto-Shapes, etc. - can be quite tedious, especially when they are created by drag and drop. How do you automate this action?
1. Select all graphic elements to be aligned by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each of them.
2. On the Drawing toolbar (Fig. 4), click the Draw button, in the menu that appears, check the Align or Distribute item, and then, using the menu icons as a hint, select the alignment or distribution method ...

I need to draw the direction of movement on the map. How do I do this in Word?
1. Turn on the display of the Drawing panel.
2. Select the Line or Arrow tool on it.
3. Using the right mouse button, draw the first segment of the route. Instead of using many lines to represent the entire path, just change the first line. To do this, right-click on it and select the Edit Points item in the context menu. Now when you hover your cursor over a line, it turns into a crosshair with a small circle in the middle.
4. Click on the line and drag the new bend point in the desired direction.
If you want to add a new segment, right-click on the line and select Add Point from the context menu. Word will create a new bend location on the line. You can then click on that point and drag it to a different location, creating a new curve in the line.
Using this method, you will get a route, all of the individual segments of which will be inextricably linked.

How do I print notes?
To print notes:
1. Select File\u003e Print.
2. Click the Options button.
Select List of MarkUp from the Print What drop-down menu.

How do I create a hyperlink in Word?
To do this, use the Insert Hyperlink option. To open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box:
- Use the key combination Ctrl-K.
- Select Insert\u003e Hyperlink.
- Click on the Insert Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar.
There are four options on the left side of the window that allow you to quickly create hyperlinks that link to 4 different kinds of targets:
- to an existing file or to a web page (Existing File or Web Page);
- to another place in the same document (Place in This Document);
- for a new document (Cre-ate New Document);
- to the e-mail address (E-Mail Address).
Regardless of what kind of hyperlink you create, you can simplify its use by entering text in the Text to Display field. Then, instead of the URL or network address of the file or directory, the user will see the text that you enter. If you enter a hint in the ScreenTip field, it will be displayed in a yellow text box that pops up when you hover (without clicking) the mouse cursor over the link. If you don't enter a hint, Word displays a URL or other address associated with this text in this window. You can enter hint text in this window up to 255 characters.

When creating web pages with Word, files are generated that are too large. Can I change them?
Download Microsoft Office 2000 HTML filter 2.0 ( to reduce file size. It can be used alone or as part of Word. The filter removes all tags typical for office applications from HTML files.
To install the filter, double click on the downloaded file. After that, when you convert your Word 2000 files to HTML, instead of using File\u003e Save as Web Page (File\u003e Sava as Web Page), use the command File\u003e Export\u003e Compact HTML (File\u003e Export\u003e Compact HTML).

When working with a hyperlink, I use the context menu commands. But when right-clicking on some hyperlinks, these commands are missing. Why?
Apparently, you have the automatic spell checker turned on, and the hyperlink text contains grammatical or spelling errors. If so, the hyperlink is underlined with a red or green squiggly line. You can correct the error or select the Ignore Once command so that the commands for working with hyperlinks appear in the context menu. If you do not need Word to check the spelling and grammar of hyperlinks, disable this option in the program settings. For this:
1. Select Tools\u003e Options.
2. Go to the Spelling tab.
3. Check the box next to Skip Internet addresses and file names.

How do I link to an email in a Word document?
1. Highlight the word or phrase that you want to use as hypertext.
2. Call the Insert Hyperlink dialog box:
Using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-K.
Using the command Insert\u003e Hyperlink (Insert\u003e Hyperlink).
Clicking on the Insert Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar.
There are four options on the left side of the window that allow you to quickly create hyperlinks. Select the E-Mail Address button.
3. Fill in the E-mail Address and Subject, if desired.
Now, if someone clicks on the hyperlink, Word will use the installed email program to invoke the function for creating a new letter. The created letter will contain your address in the Recipient address field and the specified subject line in the Subject field.

I created a hyperlink that opens the document when clicked. However, the document opens in a new window.
When creating the hyperlink, you probably set the frame parameters incorrectly. They can be easily changed. For this:
1. Click on the hyperlink with the right mouse button and select the Edit Hyperlink line from the context menu.
2. Click the Target Frame button.
3. In the Select the Frame Where You Want the Document to Appear list, change the Whole Page value to the desired value.

When I previewed it before printing, I saw that there are only a few lines of text on the last page. Is there any way to "compress" the text so that it does not "climb" onto a new page?
To do this, there is an option Shrink To Page. While in the print preview mode, click the corresponding button on the Print Preview toolbar.

Cyrillic characters are printed in the form of squares. How can you deal with this?
This problem occurs with some types of printers. If you face such a problem, you can do the following:
1. Select Start\u003e Run and type "regedit".
2. In the Registry Editor window, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Office \\ 10.0 \\ Word \\ Options key.
3. Select the command Edit\u003e New\u003e String Value.
4. Name the new parameter NoWideTextPrinting.
5. Select the Edit\u003e Modify command and assign the value 1 (value data) to it.

The Drawing toolbar contains buttons that allow you to insert rectangles and ovals into your document. With their help, however, it is difficult to create shapes with the correct proportions, such as a square or a circle.
To draw a square:
1. Select the Rectangle tool from the Drawing toolbar.
2. Press and hold the Shift key.
3. Draw the shape where you want it on the document.
By holding down the Shift key, you can also draw regular circles and other AutoShape objects.

The photo I wanted to insert into the document is too light. Can I change its settings in Microsoft Word?
After inserting an image into your document, the Picture toolbar appears. With its help, you can perform simple image editing operations: change the contrast and brightness, rotate, set the thickness of the line along the contour of the picture. After the image has been moved into the document, all operations that are carried out are saved only in the file with which you are working. The original drawing file does not change in any way.
Two more modes - Grayscale (GreyScale) and Black & White (Black & White) - allow you to convert an image to 256 shades of gray and make it contrast, respectively.
The Reset Picture button cancels all edits.

Inserted a graphic object into the document. When I add or remove text from a document, the picture does not move with the text to which it belongs, but stays in place. How do I make it move?
To do this, you need to change the parameters of text flow around the picture. In order for the picture to change its position along with the text, you must set the In text mode. For this:
1. Select the graphic object.
2. In the context menu invoked by the right mouse button, select the Format Picture command.
3. Click the Layout tab.
Select the In Line With Text wrap mode.

I often work with tables that do not fit on one page. If you need to select several columns, I spend a lot of time on it, because the document now and then "skips" the desired area, and the selected area jerks up and down.
In this case, as in working with text, you can select the desired area by holding down the Shift key and smoothly moving the document using the Up / Down buttons. If you have a three-button scrolling mouse, you can do the same thing much faster. Shift will replace the left mouse button, and Up / Down will replace the scroll wheel.

How to combine multiple table cells into one?
In order to combine several table cells into one, or, conversely, split a cell into several equal ones:
1. Place the cursor on the cell to be changed, or select the required number of cells.
2. Select Table\u003e Merge Cells or Table\u003e Split Cells.
3. Specify the number of columns and cells to get.
You can also use the Merge Cells and Split Cells buttons on the Tables And Borders toolbar to do this.

I wanted to sort the data in the table, but nothing works. What is the reason?
You may be dealing with a table that has merged cells. Microsoft Word cannot sort the data in such a table.

Aligning to the width of the columns creates too large spaces between words. How can you avoid this?
Users face this problem not only when aligning multi-column text, but also when working with any other narrow blocks of text. To solve the problem, you need to set the automatic hyphenation option. For this:
1. Select Tools\u003e Language\u003e Hyphenation.
2. Check the box next to the Automa-tically Hyphenate Document line.

How to make a full-page heading above multi-column text?
To do this, you need to use section breaks:
1. Type a heading above the text that will later be divided into columns. Set the necessary formatting for it, select the font size so that the text fits the width of the page.
2. Position the cursor over the title area.
3. Select Insert\u003e Break.
4. In the Break dialog box, select the option to insert a break on the current page (Continuous).
Move the cursor to the main text and click the Columns button on the Formatting toolbar. Set the required number of columns. The text will now be multi-column with a heading above it.

I formatted the text and then styled it and my formatting disappeared.
When you apply a style, Word removes all formatting options that were previously applied to the text. Therefore, if you want to use style and special formatting at the same time, first apply the style to the text and then apply other formatting options.

When pasting bullet text from another application, the markers turned into squares. Is it a virus?
No. It's just that formatting was lost during copy-paste operations. You can easily change the look of the marker. For this:
1. Highlight the list.
2. Select Format\u003e Bullets And Numbering.
3. Go to the Bulleted tab. It allows you to select one of the seven most commonly used markers. If you want to use a different marker type, use the Customize button.
The Customize Bulleted List dialog box, which appears when you click the Customize button, allows you to select:
Font - the design of the marker in the form of a text symbol.
Sign (Symbol) - the design of the marker in the form of any of the symbols of the symbol table.
Picture - the design of the marker in the form of any of the pictures available in the clipart library.
Bullet Position - change the bullet's indent from the text.
Text Position - change the indentation of the text of a paragraph with a bulleted list.
In the Preview section, you can see how the list will look with the specified parameters.

Sergey Bondarenko, Marina Dvorakovskaya,

Very often, working with documents, you can find information in the form of a table. Yes, this makes the data easier and faster to understand, but this presentation of information is not always appropriate. For example, you had it initially large, but over time there were a couple of lines left. So why do you need it if everything can be beautifully designed in the form of text.

So let's figure it out in this article: how to delete a table in Word. This can be done in several ways, and we'll talk about them.


If you need to completely remove it from the document, move the mouse cursor to its upper left edge. Arrows will appear pointing in four directions, click on them. After that, all cells will be selected entirely.

Now right-click on any selected area and select "Delete ..." from the context menu.

Our question can be solved in another way. Select it, go to the tab "Working with tables" and open the "Layout" tab. Here you will find the item "Delete", click on it and select from the menu "Delete table".

Another way: first, select everything and click on the "Cut" button on the "Home" tab. Alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X. After that, it will disappear from the sheet.

Convert to text

If you want to convert it to text, that is, all borders will be deleted, and the entered data will remain, select it in its entirety by clicking on the arrows in different directions in the upper left corner. Then go to the tab "Working with tables" and open the "Layout" tab. Here click on the button "Convert to Text".

The next window will appear in which you need to select a separator. Select a character that you do not use in the text of the document. Click OK.

The table will be converted to text. The indicated sign will stand between the words that were in different cells. Empty cells are also counted. You see I have two plus signs at the end of the line - these are former empty cells.

Now let's replace the separator with spaces. To do this, press Ctrl + H. In the field "Find" put your sign, I have a "+", in the field "Replace with" put one space, you will certainly not see it. Click Replace All. The data will be separated by spaces, and a window will appear that the replacement was successful.

Delete button

If you are used to using the Delete or Backspace buttons, then you can also delete the table with their help. Select it in its entirety with one paragraph before or after it, then press Delete or Backspace.

Please note that if you just select the table and press "Delete", then only the entire content will be deleted - the borders will remain.

That's all. Now you know various ways to help you delete a table in Word.

Read other articles on the topic "Working with tables in Word":
How to make a table in MS Word
How to delete a row, column or cell in a table in MS Word
How to combine or split tables in MS Word

Rate article: . In order for the table to look nice and neat, you need to edit and format it. This is what we'll talk about now. As in the Word, we looked at it last time. The table can and should be beautifully designed and formatted. It will not be good if your table has different fonts, or if the record on one line is on the right, and on the other on the left. This is especially true of numbers.

But the biggest difficulty is adding or removing a row or column if necessary. For this reason alone, some do not like to create and edit tables in a text editor Word. All our fears exist as long as we don’t know or understand something. As soon as a person understands what is happening in this or that case, all fears and self-doubt simply disappear. You will see for yourself in this.

Adding rows to a table

All operations with tables in all versions of the program are done the same way. Some methods are shown only for Word 2003.

Add a row to the end of the table

The first way

Position the cursor to the right outside the table edge near the last line and press Enter on keyboard.

Second way

Place the cursor in the last cell of the table and press the key on the keyboard< Tab>.

Add a row in the middle of the table

The first way

Place the cursor on the right next to the line after which you want to insert a new line and press Enter.

Second way

Place the cursor in any cell in the row before or after which you want to insert a new row and select from the menu - TablePasteThe lines above or The lines below.

Insert multiple lines at the same time

To insert several rows into a table at the same time, do the following.

Select as many cells (exactly cells - the entire line does not need to be selected) how many lines you need to add (select three lines - get three new lines) and select the command from the menu - TablePasteStrings higher or The lines below .

Removing rows from a table

Deleting one row from the table.

The first way

Right click on any cell in the row you need to delete. In the drop-down menu, select " Delete cells ...».

A window will open " Removing cells».

Select the item "delete the entire line" and press the button " OK».

Second way

Place the cursor in any cell of the row that you want to delete and select the menu item - TableDeleteStrings.

Delete multiple lines at the same time

Select in any column several cells in the rows that you need to delete and click on the selected area with the right mouse button. In the drop-down menu, select " Delete cells ...».

In the opened window " Removing cells"Select" Delete entire line».

You can add and remove table columns in the same way.

Adding and Removing Table Columns

Add column to table.

Place the cursor in the cell near which you want to add a column and select the item in the menu - TablePasteColumns left / right (choose what you need).

Remove a column from a table.

In order to delete a column from the table, right-click in any cell of the column that you want to delete and in the drop-down menu select the item - Delete cells ...Delete entire column - or select menu item - TableDeleteColumns.

In either case, the column on the left is deleted by default.

Working with table cells

Concatenation of cells in a table.

Select the cells to be merged and right-click on the selected area. In the drop-down menu, select - Merge cells.

Splitting a table cell.

To split a cell, do the following. Right-click on the cell you want to split and select - Break cells.

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