The concept and structure of information support is. Classification of ais is carried out according to a number of signs, depending on the problem being solved, that is, one and the same ais can be characterized by one or several prizes. Information support is automated


INFORMAT SECURITY   - Owl processes of collection, processing, storage, analysis and issuance of information for the provision of managerial activities and TP. INF   - a change in the volume and structure of knowledge in the subject domain by the perceiving system, regardless of the form and way of representing knowledge. INF RESOURCES   - documents and their arrays in infsist (libraries, archives, funds, data banks). INF SIST   - organizing prog-tech and other auxiliary means of TP and functional-def of groups of workers, ensuring collection, presentation and accumulation of information resources in the regional domain, search and delivery of information to satisfy the inf needs of the established contingent of users - subscribers of the system. DATA -   inf, reflection is the defect of the subject domain in the conc form, and sod is only the most essential for the purposes and tasks of collecting and processing information about the reflected object of reality. DOCUMENT   - info message in the language recorded manually or in print on the form set form, it is legal. The documentation process turns inf into inf resources.



COLLECTION INF   - special arr org process of receiving and selecting inf, referring to the subject area inf sys. ASSESSMENT OF RELIABILITY   inf to the subject area inf system is implemented automatically, or with the help of analysts. PRE-PROCESSING inf opr the presentation form of the input data and m including the information on the opr sections of the subject area in order to accumulate the materials of the def nature. STRUCTURIZATION   inf - the process of converting documented inf into AIS semantics. MAINTAINING INTEGRITY AND SECURITY inf incl review, screening and revision of data, maintaining their relevance. These tasks are solved by the category of employees - admins inf systems.


1)   Without a proper org, operational and effective operating org-technologist, a subsystem is impossible; the org org and functions of the whole IP. 2) The subsystem is presented and processed by the core of the IP and is a reflection of the presentation of the subject area by the developers and subscribers of the system, information about the cat should reflect the IP. It was the most complex component in the development of IP. 3) The subsystem for issuing inf data for users and subscribers of the system and implements the target aspect of the assignment and fulfillment of IP tasks.

Db   - data, org according to the rules, provides general principles for the description, storage and manipulation of data, regardless of application prog. DBMS   - a complex of software tools, implements the creation of a database, their maintenance in an up-to-date state, providing users can obtain from the database the necessary inf. DATA BANK (BND)   - Sov concr DB, DBMS, application components AIS (a set of input and output forms, typical queries for solving inf-tech tasks in the specific subject area), as well as a set of technical tools for which they are implemented.

FACTOGRAPHIC IP   - accumulate and store data in the form of multiple instances of structural elements, which reflects information on some event separated from all other information. DOCUMENTARY IP   - a single element of inf is a document divided into smaller elements, and the inf is structured in a limited form upon input. GEOINFORMATION IC   - org data in the form of separate info objects with a set of details, a link to the general topographic basis.


I   LEVEL   determined by the views of IP users about the subject area and about their inf needs. Based on their analysis, ODA inf-logic of the subject area. II - DB schema, naming a logical data structure, a description is presented by means of a DBMS inforological domain schema. Owls of means and methods implements DB schema Concre DBMS sost org data model . III - the “lowest” level is pre inf, expressed in the DB schema, identifies the structure of the org and storage of the inf array.


DBMS - application software designed for solving specific tasks. DBMS Feature   - a system of functions, that is, expanding the capabilities of open source file systems.

TRANSACTION - subsequent operations, they give meaning to the current state of the database. MAGAZINE means for ensuring data safety in case of breakdowns and data destruction. DBMS GENERAL PURPOSE it is not oriented toward any particular domain or user, but it is universal, it implements an excessive set of operations on data, it sets up tools for specific domain, service and user requirements. SPECIAL DBMS created if the general-purpose DBMS did not satisfy for some parameters. Bypass options  special DBMS reached: 1) due to the knowledge of the specific features of the Conc. 2)   by reducing the functions of completeness syst.

DBMS Kernel - a description processor, implements a data model, by means of a cat designer builds a logical database structure, corresponding to the IM domain and ensuring the maintenance of the internal database schema. INPUT INTERFACE  it implements an inf database language, provides subscriber-suppliers with information tools for describing and entering data into the infsystem. REQUEST INTERFACE  in conjunction with the query processor, provided a conceptual model of IP in terms of std typical queries, reflecting the needs of consumer subscribers inf. ISSUE INTERFACE  we receive the results of the execution of requests from the query processor and translates them into a form convenient for perception and delivery of information to the subscriber-user . REPORTER GENERATOR  Use to create "reports".


DATA MODEL- mathematics means of abstraction, allowing you to separate the facts from their interpretation and ensuring the development of the ability to represent data relationships.

Hierarchical data model

In IMD, entity objects and relationships are represented by a data set, which is a strictly tree-like structure. ADVANTAGES: Let us describe the structure at both logical and physical levels. LIMITATIONS: 1)   Rigid fixation of relations between data elements; 2)   The speed of access is achieved due to the loss of inf flexibility. The IMD has a strict tree traversal order (from top to bottom, from left to right) and the trace data operations: but)  find the specified tree; b)  go from one tree to dr; at)go from one record to dr; d)  go from one record to dr in the order of going around the hierarchy; e)  delete current record. In the integrity limitations of IMD, the focus is on the integrity of the links between ancestors and descendants according to the rule: no descendant can exist without parents.

Introduction 3
  1. The concept and composition of the information support of automated systems (IO AC) data processing 4
  2. The impact of new information technologies on the composition and processes of IOU 12
  Conclusion 18
  References 19


The transition to market relations in the economy and scientific and technological progress have extremely accelerated the pace of introduction in all spheres of the socio-economic life of Russian society of the latest achievements in the field of informatization. The term “informatization” first appeared when creating local multi-terminal information-computing systems and queuing networks.
Informatization in the field of economic process management presupposes, first of all, increasing the labor productivity of workers by reducing the cost / production ratio, as well as improving the qualifications and professional literacy of specialists involved in managerial activities. In developed countries, two revolutions take place simultaneously: in information technology and in business, mutually helping each other.
  Information technology - systematically organized to solve management problems, a set of methods and means for implementing the operations of collecting, registering, transmitting, accumulating, searching, processing and protecting information based on the use of developed software, used means of computer technology and communication, as well as methods by which Information is offered to customers.

1. The concept and composition of the information support of automated systems (IO AC) data processing

Information support of an automated system is a combination of document forms, classifiers, regulatory framework and implemented decisions on the volumes, location and forms of existence of information used in an automated system during its operation (GOST 34.003-90 ("Automated systems. Terms and definitions")).
  IO - the totality of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in the organization, a methodology for building databases.
  This subsystem is designed for the timely presentation of information, making management decisions. IO of the enterprise is an information model of this object. To create an AI, a clear understanding of the goals and objectives, functions of the management system is needed; document management system; identification of the movement of information from the moment of its occurrence to its use at various levels of management; the availability and use of classification and coding of information; creation of information arrays on computer media; knowledge of the methodology for creating information models.
  When organizing AI, a systematic approach is used to ensure the creation of a single information base; development of a typical scheme for the exchange of data between different levels of the system and within each level; organization of a single scheme for maintaining and storing information; providing the tasks to be solved with initial data;
The main functions of AI are monitoring the progress of production and business activities, identifying and recording the state of controlled parameters and their deviation from predetermined modes; preparation for processing of primary documents reflecting the state of managed objects; providing automated data processing; implementation of direct and feedback between objects and subjects of management.
  IO of automated information systems consists of in-machine and in-machine IO.
  Non-machine includes a system for the classification and coding of technical and economic information; documentation system; scheme of information flows (workflow: primary, effective, normative and reference documents).
  The internal machine IO contains data sets on machine media and a program for organizing access to this data.
  Extra-machine AI - information that is perceived by a person without any technical means (documents).
  Under the classification refers to the conditional dismemberment of many elements of information into subsets based on similarities or differences for some reason.
  Classification - a system for the distribution of objects into classes in accordance with a specific attribute (classification basis). Objects must be classified for:
  -identification of the general properties of the information object, which is determined by the information parameters (details).
  -for the development of rules, information processing algorithms.
  Props - this is an elementary information set, with further dismemberment of which data loses its meaning. Details are presented either by numbers (year, cost) or by attributes (surname, color). In practice, to evaluate information volumes, an alphanumeric character, or byte (8 bits), as well as a machine word (20-48 bits) are widely used. To assess the volume of production and economic (economic) information, an indicator is used, which is a proposal, for example:<Отпуск электроэнергии с шин ТЭЦ № 12 в ноябре 1999 г. фактически составил 410 млн. кВт-ч.>. The indicator consists of the basis and details. The base is the numerical value of the indicator.
  Classifier is a documented systematic set of names and codes of a certain set of indicators, united by some common signs.
  When classifying, the following requirements must be observed: full coverage; uniqueness of details; the ability to include new objects.
  The sign of similarity or difference that underlies the classification of elements of a set is called the basis of classification.
All-Union, sectoral and local classifiers are introduced in AIS. In total, more than 300 all-Union, industry and local classifiers are operated in connection. Of the all-Union classifiers of various categories, such as<Система обозначений единиц измерения>, <Система обозначения органов государственного управления>, <Система обозначения объектов административно-территориального деления>  and others. Currently, more than 20 industry classifiers are in operation, of which the following are most common:<Отраслевой классификатор предприятий и организаций отрасли связи>, <Классификатор подсистем и задач <АСУ>, <Отраслевая система классификации и кодирования средств связи>, <Отраслевой классификатор технико-экономических показателей>  etc. In the communications industry, more than 210 local classifiers are operated.
  There are two systems for classifying objects: hierarchical and faceted.
  In a hierarchical system, many objects are divided into subordinate subsets. Each object at a certain level characterizes the specific value of the selected classification attribute. For further classification, new characteristics must be defined. The number of classification levels is called the classification depth. Pros: ease of construction, the use of independent classification features in various branches of the hierarchical structure. Cons: rigid structure - it is difficult to introduce changes, the inability to group objects according to previously not provided combinations of signs.
  Facet system - allows you to select classification features (facets) independently of each other. Each facet contains a set of homogeneous values \u200b\u200bof a given classification attribute. Pros: the use of a large number of signs of classification; the ability to modify the entire system without changing the structure of groups. Cons: the complexity of the construction - you need to consider the whole variety of facets.
  Classification is the basis of coding.
   Coding is the process of transferring information expressed by one system of characters to another, i.e., translating a regular record of information into a record using ciphers.
   A cipher is a conditional display of an information concept (position). It characterizes one concept or one position of a set using symbols (letters or numbers).
  The purpose of coding is to present information in a more compact and convenient form when recording it on a machine medium; adaptation to transmission over communication channels; simplification of logical processing. The coding system is used to replace the name of an object with a code. The code is based on the use of letters and numbers. The code is characterized by length (number of positions), structure (order of characters). Methods in the coding system: classification and registration.
Classification of the coding system - preliminary classification of objects. There is a bitwise classification; repetition system; combined system.
  Registration - does not require preliminary classification of objects. There is serial and serial.
  Ordinal coding system - sequential numbering of objects by natural numbers. Used when the number of objects is small (1,2,3 ...)
  Pros: simplicity and insignificance.
  Cons: with the advent of new objects, logical harmony is violated.
  Serial coding system involves the division of objects into classes, series. Inside the series is an ordinal system.
  It is used when the number of groups is small (1.1, 1.2 ... 2.2, 2.2 ...).
  Pluses: it is possible to provide a reserve of a series; You can summarize the series.
  Cons: you need to provide the right reserve.
  Bitwise (positional) system - used to encode complex nomenclatures, objects of which can be formed according to various criteria.
  For example. K-4-2: K is the position for the institute, 4 is the position of the course, 2 is the position of the group. Pros: clear identification of classification features; logical construction.
  Repetition system - alphanumeric designations are used that directly characterize the object.
  For example, a chart of accounts. Score 10 - raw materials. Inside the account there are several sub-accounts that reveal the contents of the account.
  Combined system - used to code large and complex items that need to be grouped according to several subordinate or independent features.
  A significant share of off-machine IO is documentation. Documents are presented with a number of requirements for composition, content. Unity of requirements is a single system of documentation. The goal is to ensure comparability of indicators of various areas of HX. Typical errors in the documentation: a large amount of unnecessary information; duplication. Therefore, uniform requirements are imposed on it. Distinguish: input documents (primary) contain raw information; weekend - the result of processing. (effective).
  Extra-machine IO also includes information flows. The scheme of information flows reflects the routes of information flow from the sources of formation to the recipient. The construction of schemes ensures the elimination of duplication, classification and rational presentation of information, optimization of document paths and rational processing. Units of information flows: documents, indicators, details.
Intra-machine IO is the aggregate of all data recorded on machine media, grouped according to certain criteria. IO forms the information environment.
  The totality of information on an object is called an information base. The information base is inherent in any object, regardless of the level of management technology. It is divided into subsystems, arrays, indicators, details. An array is a structural unit of information representing a set of data related to a single task (subsystem).
  The information base recorded on computer storage media and used to solve computer problems is called a database.
  The information base is the basis of the intra-machine IO. This is the totality of all data subject to accumulation, storage, retrieval, conversion, issuance in the prescribed manner, as well as use to organize communication between a person and a computer.
  Requirements for the formation of arrays in information security: a complete reflection of the state of the object; inclusion of calculated data from primary arrays; rational construction of the base; minimization of time for data search, the use of effective technical media; ensuring reliability of storage; ensuring timely updating and building arrays.

  1. With respect to the control system: input (contain initial data, as well as requests for solving problems), output (contain the results of machine processing of data intended for further use), internal (created and used inside automated information systems).
  2. In content: basic (contain data for solving problems); service (for managing data processing procedures and improving the quality of effective information. (directories, catalogs)).
  3. By the duration of use: constants (contain constant data), conditionally constant (information is recorded that remains unchanged for a long period), variables (constantly changing data is included).
  Conditional constants are divided into groups:
   regulatory (cost standards of material and labor resources);
   reference tabular (reference data on personnel, accounts);
   price (prices for materials, finished products, prices);
   permanent accounting (data on the status of individual resources);
   regulatory (data on staff responsibilities).
Variable arrays are organized as operational, accumulated, intermediate, resultant arrays. The information base can be created either as a set of files, each of which reflects a set of management documents, or as a database. When creating a database, files are organized in a special way (they are not independent).
  The organizational structure of the data bank includes a database, its management system, archive, archive management system, program library and database administrator.
  The database is a managed set of data that is the source information for solving ACS tasks and making management decisions.
  The database may include information for all tasks solved in ACS, or for groups of tasks.
  The database management system is a combination of language and software tools that provide the formation and introduction of data arrays.
  Processing and issuing the necessary information for a group of users or management tasks is implemented through information base management programs. The data bank management system includes a manipulator and a set of service programs and exists for organizing interaction between programs, monitoring and protecting data.
  The administrator manages and coordinates the work of the data bank, makes decisions in case of failures, serves users, etc.
  One of the most important AS data banks is the regulatory reference database, which includes all applicable data from directories, price tags, and other regulatory documents needed to solve problems. A regulatory reference base is created either for task complexes, or for the system as a whole.

2. The impact of new information technologies on the composition and processes of the IOU

Information technology not only changed the way people work, they also changed the way entrepreneurs compete. Although the first computers were used by entrepreneurs to increase efficiency by automating what was previously done manually, automation is taken for granted in the information age. Today’s companies not only automate, but are also actively looking for new ways to use IT to achieve superiority over competitors.
  Entrepreneurs have sought to achieve competitive advantage in the past (Porter, 1980) by competing in one of two ways:
   cost, i.e. cheap goods or services;
   differentiation of products or services, competing on the client’s perception of the quality of products and services.
Beginning in the 1960s, when large firms began installing computers in accounting departments, IT played a significant role in enabling firms to compete at low cost. Computers were used to automate online query processing, reducing the time cycle and providing operational data for decision making. The surge of new technologies in the 80s opened up additional opportunities, such as reducing the time for creating new products through computer-aided design tools; process optimization by computerized control systems, into which human expert decision rules have been introduced; rapid change of the production line with planning systems that integrate research into production and commercial information.
  By the 1990s, IT applications were widespread and sophisticated enough to allow firms to compete in innovative ways. If in the past firms had to choose between cost or differentiation strategies, today IT allows firms in some industries to compete with low prices and product differentiation at the same time. Some companies are trying to compete not only with low prices and high quality, but also in their ability to make highly customized products. Called “mass customization," IT is used to quickly link processes and workgroups, to produce customized products that are exactly what the customer needs.
In developed countries, e-commerce in the form of sales of goods and services using network access is widely represented not only due to the high rate of technological progress, but also because of the preparedness of the population for this type of service. The fact is that in developed countries for decades it has been practicing the purchase of goods according to catalogs, on order, with home delivery. In Russia, the development of trade relations of this kind is still at a low level. Moreover, the almost complete absence of quality standards has developed such a model of customer behavior that any item must be carefully inspected, touched, checked before purchase. Thus, even if in one day electronic payments become as widespread and available as in the USA, Web stores will not get a wide clientele. This applies not only to Russia and the CIS, but also to some states of Eastern Europe and almost all developing countries. However, e-commerce in other forms already exists in Russia, moreover, it is necessary for Russia.
  Currently, firms widely use the partial or full transfer of certain business functions and even parts of the business process to third parties and / or organizations. This phenomenon is called outsourcing (outsourcing - outsourcing (English) literally - the process of obtaining something from external sources). Outsourcing has been widely developed in the West for a number of reasons.
  Firstly, this is an increase in the intensity of competition in all sectors of the market and the associated need to achieve the highest efficiency of all company operations, striving to gain a stable and long-term advantage over competitors. It is almost impossible, and sometimes impractical, to independently achieve the maximum increase in the effectiveness of all company operations. You can bring to perfection the performance of key functions, and entrust the rest of the work to those who do it better than others. Thus, for many companies, attracting third-party organizations to carry out individual work was an unexpected and effective solution. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that there are always companies capable of performing relatively independent business functions with the greatest, almost unattainable efficiency.
Secondly, this is the desire of companies to be “global,” that is, to be represented by their products and services around the world. For this, first of all, the absence of a rigid “attachment” to a certain territory is necessary. For example, own production facilities, a delivery service or a chain of stores are not so much a serious hindrance, but rather an excessive luxury for a company moving from the market of one country to another, at least at the initial stage.
  The development of modern AIS, including ASU-communication, takes place against the background of changes in computer technology. The massive use of computers contributes to a significant increase in the efficiency of the national economy.
  The growth of labor productivity is associated with the introduction of integrated automation of production processes, the development of research automation and design automation. Operations and processes performed directly at the workplace should be automated, which is possible only on the basis of the massive use of microprocessor tools, manipulators, robots, and personal computers. Automated technological complexes, automated post-railway post offices, etc., should be developed.
  The creation of ACS by enterprises and institutions is associated with the transition to local area networks, i.e., the integration of personal automation tools, the formation of a database. Collective forms of using computer technology, organization of computer centers and shared computer networks based on the development of data transmission systems and teleprocessing facilities should be applied.
  Integrated automation of design and development work, as well as managerial activities, provides for the creation of computer-aided design systems, as well as computer-aided workplaces (AWS) for designers, technologists, and economists. This can be done by transferring most of the design and control processes to machine technology using developed software, specialized processors and external devices.
  There are two main trends in the development of ACS of organizational management in the communications industry: the complication of planning tasks due to the introduction of economic and mathematical optimization methods and multivariate calculations; the introduction of integrated databases and the transition from local tasks of accounting, control and analysis to a query-response mode of user operation, as well as an active dialogue with a consistent refinement of the information received.
The development of microprocessor technology and personal computers developed on its basis intensify the development of various spheres of the national economy and streamline its management. The interaction of personal computers with networks of small high-performance computers allows you to provide the consumer with the necessary information to control from the workplace, from home, transport, etc.
  Using the principle of parallelizing operations, high-performance computers will be built. If the current performance of mainframes
  105 ... 107 op / s, then in the future a performance of 1095 ... 1010op / s is expected. Such ultra-fast universal computers will include 20 ... 30 processors with a processor capacity of 3 * 106 ... 6 * 106op / s. These computing systems will have a hierarchical memory (super-operative, operational and external).
  In addition to universal processors, specialized processors will be created, for example, for scientific computing with a productivity of 3 * 108 ... 6 * 108op / s, matrix processors with a capacity of up to 107op / s, database processors oriented to the optimal processing of queries to local and distributed databases, data transfer processors providing packet switching functions, operation via digital communication channels.
  Microcomputers and supermicrocomputers are created, which makes it possible to increase the reliability of computer complexes by 5 ... 10 times. The development of various adapters allows you to create flexible computing systems for distributed processing with the possibility of reconfiguration.
  To build computing systems of high and ultra-high performance, as well as small and personal computers, it is necessary to develop new and perfect means of external memory. Reliability of information storage will be provided by automatic hardware systems due to duplication of data updates.
  The development of input-output systems in the direction of the development of synthesizers for speech analyzers, linguistic processors. All these devices are designed to provide more convenient user communication with computers, in particular in a natural language.
  Synthesizers must support the following modes: speech commands; sound mnemonics; dialogue mode.
  Speech analyzers provide the primary analysis of arbitrary information, commands, standard phrases.
  Linguistic processors carry out semantic analysis of text and synthesis of messages in a natural language for translation into another language, processing queries to databases or knowledge, operational dialogue, etc.


Information is the message of new, previously unknown information. Information support is the totality of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in the organization, as well as a methodology for building databases.
  Props - this is an elementary information set, with further dismemberment of which data loses its meaning. The totality of information on an object is called an information base.
  An organizational selection of information about an object or process or about a number of homogeneous objects or processes is called an array of information.
  Under the classification refers to the conditional dismemberment of many elements of information into subsets based on similarities or differences for some reason. For coding information in the control system, mainly three codes are used: ordinal, hierarchical and matrix.
  Classifier is a documented systematic set of names and codes of a certain set of indicators, united by some common signs. Information support is divided into extra-machine and intra-machine.


1. Vasiliev D.V. Office work on the computer. - M., 2006.
  2. Dick V.V. Information systems in the economy. M., 1996.
  3. Kanygin Yu.M. Management Informatization: social aspects. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 2001.
  4. Kostomarov M.N., Sokolov A.V., Stepanov E.A. Information support management. - M., 2006.
  5. Kuznetsov S.L. Office work on the computer. - M., 2000.
  6. Kuznetsova T.V., Losev V.I. Management documentation. - M.: Economics, 2005.
  7. Lipaev V.V. Software Reliability. - M., 1998.
  8. Myers G. Software Reliability. - M., 1999.
  9. Myshenkov K.S., Novitsky V.O., Kuzmin A.G., Vasiliev A.G., Trofimov S.A., Drozdkov A.N. Automated information system of a bakery plant. - M., 2001.
  10. Myshenkov K.S. Technique for designing automated information systems for enterprise management. - M., 2000.

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The concept of information support and its structure

The concept of "Information Support" appeared in the 1970s. in connection with the introduction of computers in the practice of processing economic problems and with the creation of automated control systems (ACS). The structure of the information system was developed, suggesting its division into non-machine (system of indicators, classifiers and codes, documentation, information flows) and intramachine (information arrays (files) in computer memory and on computer media).

Information support (IO) is an important component of automated information systems and is directly related to the organizational structure of the object and the functional subsystems of IP.

Information Support is intended to reflect information characterizing the state of the managed facility; serves as the basis for management decisions.

There are several approaches to the structuring of economic information, one of which is logical - it allows you to establish structural elements depending on the functional purpose of the information and its features.

Consider the functional purpose and role of various structural elements in automated processing.

The lowest level information unit is requisitesfrom which more complex information structures are formed. Details reflect the individual properties of the object, include a combination of numbers or letters that have semantic content and are not amenable to further division. Literal information can be represented in the form of code symbols (for example, unit code). In machine processing, the synonyms of the concept of “requisites” are “field”, “element”, “attribute”, requisites are ambiguous in their content and are divided into attributes  and base details. Attributes signs  characterize the quality side of the object, and base details  - quantitative. For example, the name of the unit and its code are used as the attribute attribute, and the basis information is the number of employees. Each document includes any number of requisites-attributes and requisites-bases.

Indicator - a logical statement containing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the displayed phenomenon.

The indicator is the minimum informational composition for the formation of an independent document. Documents usually contain a large number of indicators. Even in one line, several indicators of different structure can be distinguished. When organizing a database, indicators as units of information form its content. Each indicator has many values \u200b\u200band is calculated according to its own algorithm. Scorecarddefines the content of management documents and arrays. For example, the system of economic indicators presented in the balance sheet of the enterprise, in the order for piece-rate wages, etc.

The scorecard is also set depending on the level of management: corporation, concern, firm, enterprise, organization, unit.

The set of indicators contained in the document forms informational message.

A group of homogeneous documents united by a certain characteristic (for example, a reporting period) is information array (file). A file is the basic structural unit in automated processing. Information is recorded in the PC memory by files, where files of constant and variable information are allocated. Arrays according to various criteria can be combined into streams used in solving various sets of control problems. The relation of information to a particular management function gives reason to highlight the complex structure of information as information subsystem. Information system  covers all the information of an economic object and is a structural unit of the highest level.

Information support (IO) is an important component of automated information systems and is directly related to the organizational structure of the object and the functional subsystems of IP.

Information support is intended to reflect information characterizing the state of the managed facility; serves as the basis for management decisions.

The basis of information support is information. In the theory of machine processing, information is considered in relation to the technology of its transformation for control purposes, i.e. as a set of information that is the object of collection, transmission, storage and processing. Information can be recorded in documents and on computer media; is the subject and means of labor.

As a means of labor, information acts on the control object in order to develop management decisions. As a subject of labor, information is the basis for building information technology.

The structure of economic information is quite complex and includes various combinations of information structures having a hierarchical structure. In fig. 3.1 is an example of a hierarchical construction of an information system.

Fig. 3.1. The structure of economic information

The logical approach to the structuring of economic information made it possible to distinguish the following structural units depending on their functional purpose: props, indicator, document, information message, information array (file), information subsystem and information system. Consider the functional purpose and role of various structural elements in automated processing.

The information units of the lower level are the details and indicators that serve as the basis for the compilation of documents and storage in the machine's memory.

Props - the simplest unit, consists of signs - numbers and letters that have semantic meaning and are not amenable to further division. Requisites are ambiguous in their purpose and are divided into attribute attributes reflecting the qualitative side of the object, for example, the name of the material, and base details reflecting the quantity line of the object, for example, amount of material, amount, volume, length, etc.

Each attribute is characterized by its names and meanings, for example:

Names of Props




Attributes signs

Base details

Details-attributes are subject to logical processing (sorting, grouping, searching), details-bases - to arithmetic processing. The combination of one base and all the attributes related to it forms an indicator - a logical statement containing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the reflected phenomenon.

Based on this definition, it can be seen that in the above example, two indicators are reflected.

Each indicator has many values \u200b\u200band is calculated according to its own algorithm.

A document is a composite unit of information, including many details and giving certain quantitative and qualitative (or only qualitative) characteristics of an object, process, phenomenon.

Each economic task is characterized by certain forms of documents and the system of indicators contained in them.

The document is reflected on paper. Further, in the machine’s memory, all homogeneous documents (information messages) are formed into an information file — the main structural unit for storing information in the computer’s memory during automated processing of economic tasks.

Information files have a different functionality. So, files of conditionally constant, variable, input, intermediate, result, archive and other information are distinguished. Some files are used only for processing one task, others for several tasks. As a rule, a large number of information files are involved in the automated processing of an economic task.

For example, when processing financial transactions related to cash settlement, information files are created for the chart of accounts, directories of accountable persons, incoming cash orders and other documents, on the basis of which consolidated reporting is generated: cash book, journal order No. 1, etc.

The set of various information files used to process a complex of economic tasks (for example, accounting for cash transactions) organizes the next, rather complex, structural unit of information - the information flow.

As a rule, the creation of IP provides for the automated processing of economic tasks of various functional subsystems. For example, in the functional subsystem "Accounting" automated financial and settlement operations, accounting of labor and wages, accounting of inventory materials, accounting of fixed assets, production accounting, consolidated reporting, which allows you to highlight the information subsystem "Accounting".

The allocation of information subsystems in IP depends on the type of activity of the object.

So, for example, in the IS of enterprises and organizations, the functional subsystem “Accounting” is distinguished; in the bank’s IP - “Bank’s operational day”.

The totality of all the information subsystems of an object is a structural unit of information of the highest level - an information system that implements various management functions.

The creation of information systems and information technologies requires the organization and allocation of a special subsystem - information support.

The basis of information support is a system of indicators of the subject area. For example, in accounting, a system of indicators is determined by various areas of accounting, financial reporting; in banking, indicator systems are associated with cash management services for legal entities, credit, deposit and foreign exchange transactions, private deposits, etc.

The concept of "Information Support" appeared in the 1970s. in connection with the introduction of computers in the practice of processing economic problems and with the creation of automated control systems (ACS). The structure of the IO was developed, suggesting the division of IO into extra-machine (system of indicators, classifiers and codes, documentation, information flows) and intrafine (information arrays (files) in computer memory and on computer media).

In terms of the use of personal computers for processing economic problems, the continuity of previously developed principles for the creation of AI remains, but the guideline is made on the following:

Organization of the workstation and active user participation in the computing process (decentralized processing);

Automatic generation of primary documents by a personal computer (paperless technology);

Network integrated processing of complexes of economic tasks of an enterprise (organization);

Creation of a distributed database of the organization;

Extensive information and reference services to users;

Electronic document management;

Email, Internet access.

We can assume that the division of information support into extramachine and intramachine is very conditional, since modern automated technology for processing economic tasks is based mainly on information files located in the memory of the computer information system. Computer automatically creates primary documents, while paper input is constantly reduced. The workflow takes on an automated form; the route of their movement is set by the machine program.

The structure of information support includes:

The system of indicators of the subject area (for example, indicators of accounting, financial and credit activity, etc.);

Classification and coding systems of economic information;

Unified documentation system created manually or automatically;

Information flows using various options for organizing electronic document management;

Information arrays (files) stored in a machine on machine media having various degrees of organization (data bank) and subject to automated processing.

The purpose of information support is as follows.

1. Ensuring the organization of the presentation of information to users for their professional tasks in the preparation of management decisions, as well as the creation of working conditions for automated information technologies.

2. Ensuring mutual coordination of the tasks of functional subsystems on the basis of a unique formalized description of their inputs and outputs at the level of indicators and documents.

3. Creation of an effective organization of data storage and retrieval, which allows generating data for solving regulated tasks, as well as functioning in a mode of information and reference services.

The composition of information support is determined at the stage of IP design with the active participation of users.

The basis of its development is the analysis of the information systems of the economic object, during which the composition of the documentation used, the contents of the database, and the information links of the complexes of economic tasks are determined. A significant role in the creation of IO is given to the results of the statement of the problem, during the development of which users determine the specific composition of primary and summary documents, present their structure, methods of their preparation, etc. (see chap. 2).

AI design is carried out in close connection with automated processing technology and software.

Chapter h information support

The structure of economic information

The structure and content of information support (IO)

The concept of classifiers and codes of economic information and the technology of their application

The procedure for developing forms of input and output documents

Improving workflow in the context of the creation of IP and the use of electronic workflow

The structure of machine information support

Databank, its composition and features

Data Warehouses and Knowledge Bases

3.1. The concept of information support, its structure

Information support (IO) is an important component of automated information systems and is directly related to the organizational structure of the object and the functional subsystems of IP.

Information support is intended to reflect information characterizing the state of the managed facility; serves as the basis for management decisions.

The basis of information support is information. In the theory of machine processing, information is considered in relation to the technology of its transformation for control purposes, i.e. as a set of information that is the object of collection, transmission, storage and processing. Information can be recorded in documents and on computer media; is the subject and means of labor.

As a means of labor, information acts on the control object in order to develop management decisions. As a subject of labor, information is the basis for building information technology.

The structure of economic information is quite complex and includes various combinations of information structures having a hierarchical structure. In fig. 3.1 is an example of a hierarchical construction of an information system.

Information system of an economic object

Information Subsystem 1

Information Subsystem 2

Information subsystem

Information Stream 1

Information Stream 2

Information flow n

Information array 1 (file)

Information array 2 (file)

Information array p (file)

Information message 1 (document)

Signs (numbers, letters)

Signs (numbers)

Fig. 3.1. The structure of economic information

The logical approach to the structuring of economic information made it possible to distinguish the following structural units depending on their functional purpose: props, indicator, document, information message, information array (file), information subsystem and information system. Consider the functional purpose and role of various structural elements in automated processing.

The information units of the lower level are the details and indicators that serve as the basis for the compilation of documents and storage in the machine's memory.

Props - the simplest unit, consists of signs - numbers and letters that have semantic meaning and are not amenable to further division. Requisites are ambiguous in their purpose and are divided into attribute attributes reflecting the quality side of the object, for example, the name of the material, and base attributes reflecting the quantity line of the object, for example, amount of material, amount, volume, length, etc.

  Each attribute is characterized by its names and meanings, for example:

Details-attributes are subject to logical processing (sorting, grouping, searching), details-bases - to arithmetic processing. The combination of one base and all the attributes related to it forms an indicator - a logical statement containing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the reflected phenomenon.

Based on this definition, it can be seen that in the above example, two indicators are reflected.

Each indicator has many values \u200b\u200band is calculated according to its own algorithm.

A document is a composite unit of information, including many details and giving certain quantitative and qualitative (or only qualitative) characteristics of an object, process, phenomenon.

Each economic task is characterized by certain forms of documents and the system of indicators contained in them.

The document is reflected on paper. Further, in the machine’s memory, all homogeneous documents (information messages) are formed into an information file — the main structural unit for storing information in the computer’s memory during automated processing of economic tasks.

Information files have various functional purposes. So, files of conditionally constant, variable, input, intermediate, result, archive and other information are distinguished. Some files are used only for processing one task, others for several tasks. As a rule, a large number of information files are involved in the automated processing of an economic task.

For example, when processing financial transactions related to cash settlement, information files are created for the chart of accounts, directories of accountable persons, incoming cash orders and other documents, on the basis of which consolidated reporting is generated: cash book, magazine order No. 1, etc.

The set of various information files used to process a complex of economic tasks (for example, accounting for cash transactions) organizes the next, rather complex, structural unit of information - the information flow.

As a rule, the creation of IP provides for the automated processing of economic tasks of various functional subsystems. For example, in the functional subsystem "Accounting" automated financial and settlement operations, accounting of labor and wages, accounting of inventory materials, accounting of fixed assets, production accounting, consolidated reporting, which allows you to highlight the information subsystem "Accounting".

The allocation of information subsystems in IP depends on the type of activity of the object.

So, for example, in the IS of enterprises and organizations, the functional subsystem “Accounting” is distinguished; in the bank’s IP - “Bank’s operational day”.

The totality of all the information subsystems of an object is a structural unit of information of the highest level - an information system that implements various management functions.

The creation of information systems and information technologies requires the organization and allocation of a special subsystem - information support.

The basis of information support is a system of indicators of the subject area. For example, in accounting, a system of indicators is determined by various areas of accounting, financial reporting; in banking, indicator systems are associated with cash management services for legal entities, credit, deposit and foreign exchange transactions, private deposits, etc.

The concept of "Information Support" appeared in the 1970s. in connection with the introduction of computers in the practice of processing economic problems and with the creation of automated control systems (ACS). The structure of the IO was developed, suggesting the division of IO into extra-machine (system of indicators, classifiers and codes, documentation, information flows) and intrafine (information arrays (files) in computer memory and on computer media).

In terms of the use of personal computers for processing economic problems, the continuity of previously developed principles for the creation of AI remains, but the guideline is made on the following:

aWP organization and active user participation in the computing process (decentralized processing);

automatic generation of primary documents by a personal computer (paperless technology);

network integrated processing of complexes of economic tasks of an enterprise (organization);

creating a distributed database of the organization;

extensive information and reference services to users;

electronic document management;

email, Internet access.

We can assume that the division of information support into extramachine and intramachine is very conditional, since modern automated technology for processing economic tasks is based mainly on information files located in the memory of the computer information system. Computer automatically creates primary documents, while paper input is constantly reduced. The workflow takes on an automated form; the route of their movement is set by the machine program.

The structure of information support includes:

a system of indicators of the subject area (for example, indicators of accounting, financial and credit activity, etc.);

systems for the classification and coding of economic information;

unified documentation system created manually or automatically;

information flows using various options for organizing electronic document management;

information arrays (files) stored in a machine on machine media having various degrees of organization (data bank) and subject to automated processing.

The purpose of information support is as follows.

1. Ensuring the organization of the presentation of information to users for their professional tasks in preparing management decisions, as well as creating working conditions for automated information technologies.

Ensuring mutual coordination of the tasks of functional subsystems based on a unique formalized description of their inputs and outputs at the level of indicators and documents.

Creation of an effective organization of data storage and retrieval, which allows generating data for solving regulated tasks, as well as operating in a mode of information and reference services.

The composition of information support is determined at the stage of IP design with the active participation of users.

The basis of its development is the analysis of the information systems of the economic object, during which the composition of the documentation used, the contents of the database, and the information links of the complexes of economic tasks are determined. A significant role in the creation of IO is given to the results of the statement of the problem, during the development of which users determine the specific composition of primary and summary documents, present their structure, methods of their preparation, etc. (see chap. 2).

AI design is carried out in close connection with automated processing technology and software.

3.2. Classifiers, codes and technology of their application

Automated processing of accounting and financial and credit information in terms of using personal computers allows you to get various summaries, tables, statements, where the information is located according to some grouping attributes, for example, accounting accounts, customers working, etc. To perform groupings, it becomes necessary to encode these grouping attributes attributes with symbols, for which various classifiers are used.

A classifier is a systematic collection of homogeneous names of objects, objects, phenomena by classification signs (nomenclature) and their code designations. Code - the symbol of an object with digital or alphanumeric characters according to certain rules established by coding systems.

Coding - the process of assigning symbols (codes) to items of an item. Codes can be digital, alphabetic and combined (examples: digital code - 21325, alphanumeric - ABS; combined - AB180).

When processing economic tasks on a PC, mnemonic codes are often used - a conditional short designation of an object. For example, in some machine programs, the document names are encoded with mnemonic codes, for example, a payment order - PP.

In some cases, a computer program provides for automatic coding of items, as well as the use of barcodes.

A number of requirements are imposed on codes: they must cover all items to be encoded; be the same for different tasks within the same economic object (for example, codes of materials, units must be the same for the tasks of accounting, warehouse accounting and logistics); differ in stability; have a reserve of free numbers (but not excessive, as this can lead to an increase in the significance of the code); the length of the code mark should be minimal.

The main purpose of coding is to uniquely identify objects. Using coding, the basic functions related to the processing of economic information are performed: minimizing the amount of source information when entering it into a computer system via communication channels; sorting and searching information by keywords; development of consolidated economic reports on various grounds; decoding during the transition from feature codes to their names when printing consolidated economic reports.

Systematization of economic information necessitates the use of various types of classifiers: international and operating only on the territory of the Russian Federation. International classifiers are part of the System of International Economic Standards (SIEC) and are required for the transfer of information between different countries. These include, for example, such UN classifiers as the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), the International Standard Trade Classification, the Classification of Basic Products (CPC), the classification of food and agricultural organizations, etc.

Classifiers operating in the territory of the Russian Federation are included in the Unified Classification and Coding System (ESCC), created by order of the government in the 1970s.

ESKK consists of the following groups of classifiers:

all-Russian classifiers (OK) are developed in a centralized manner and are uniform for the whole country;

industry-specific, common to any industry activity;

regional, uniform - for a given territory;

local, compiled on the nomenclatures characteristic of the given enterprise, organization, bank (codes of personnel numbers, divisions, customers, etc.).

In the processing of accounting and financial information, widespread use are national and local classifiers.

All-Russian classifiers (OK) - were revised in accordance with the requirements of a market economy and the state program for the transition of the Russian Federation to the International System of Accounting and Statistics. Currently, there are more than four dozen of them.

We give examples of constructing the code words of some OKs that are most used in the automated processing of accounting and financial-credit information.

OKPO - OK of enterprises and organizations is formed by state statistics bodies by assigning code numbers to enterprises, organizations, firms of any form of ownership. The code word consists of three blocks: 1 - registration number, 2 - name of the organization, 3 - departmental, territorial and branch affiliation of the enterprise, organization, company. The registration number (part of the code word) is affixed by enterprises and organizations in the financial reporting forms. All three blocks of the code word are used by state statistics authorities to automatically maintain OKPO in electronic form. Registration number consists of eight characters; built on a combined system.

OKVED - OK types of economic activity; (built in accordance with the requirements of the European Economic Community - EEC); the six-digit code word includes five features (class, subclass, group, subgroup, type).

OKFS - OK forms of ownership, double-digit, for example: 10 - Russian property, 20 - property of foreign states.

OKOPF - The legal form includes a two-digit code word. For example, code 65 - a limited liability company; 67 - closed joint-stock company.

OKUD - OK management documentation. The classification object is the all-Russian unified forms of documents approved by the ministries (departments) of the Russian Federation, included in the unified system of documentation (USD). The code consists of seven characters. The first two characters indicate that the document belongs to a specific field of activity. For example: 03 - primary accounting documentation (0315003 - receipt order); 04 - bank documents; 07 - accounting reporting documentation (0700001 balance sheet).

OKOGU - OK public administration bodies - the objects of classification are public authorities and administration; five-digit code.

OKATO - OK administrative divisions; the code word includes eight characters. The objects of classification are republics, territories, regions, cities, regions, districts, urban-type settlements, rural settlements.

TIN - tax identification number, is ten-digit; denotes the territory, inspection number of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties (IMNS), the serial number of the organization.

OKOF - OK fixed assets, built taking into account the international classification of industries and basic products, has a ten-digit code word.

OKEY - OK units of measurement, built on the basis of the international classification of units of measurement of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Units of measurement in OKEI are divided into seven groups: measures of length, area, volume, mass, technical units, units of time, economic units (unit, thousand units). Three-digit code, built on a serial system. For example, a unit of measure in the balance, thousand rubles. has the code 384.

The All-Russian classifiers also include: OKIN - OK population information; OKUN - OK services to the population; OKPDTR - OK professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories; OKB - currency classifier; OKP - OK products, etc.

When registering an enterprise (organization) with state statistics authorities, it is included in the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (EGRPO) and codes are assigned according to the following classifiers: OKPO, OKVED, OKFS, OKOGU, OKOPF and OKATO. The assigned code designations are reflected in the primary and consolidated unified documentation of the enterprise and organization.

The system of automated processing of banking information also provides for the mandatory use of nomenclature notations with code marks. The most complex is the personal account code, the structure of which since 1998 has been built in accordance with the new chart of accounts and the international standard.

The Bank of Russia’s instructions recommend a complex structure of the personal account code, built according to the combined system and including up to 11 grouping characteristics. The significance of the code is 20 characters, which include: the number of the banking section of the chart of accounts (3 characters); first order account number (2-3 digits); second-order account number (4-5 characters); currency code (6-8 characters); security key (9 characters); number of the branch, bank branch (10-13 characters); Bank account number (14-20 characters).

If necessary, the significance can be expanded up to 25 digits.

For example, the personal account code of a bank customer 40702810938170100653 has the structure:

4 - the account refers to section 4 of the chart of accounts “customer transactions”;

07 - the account belongs to a non-state enterprise;

02 - the account belongs to a commercial organization;

810 ^ RF currency code (rubles);

9 - a security key that detects the incorrectness of the code in the payment order;

3817 - number (code) of the bank branch;

0100653 - personal account of a commercial organization in this bank.

Local codes are compiled on items specific to the organization. This includes a wide range of items used by various units and services of its management (employees, units, products, etc.). Local codes must be uniform in solving various economic problems. Along with information technology specialists, user economists play a significant role in compiling classifiers.

Briefly consider the procedure for compiling local classifiers, which includes two stages. At the first stage, information is classified, at the second, its encoding.

Classification begins with the identification of the nomenclature of objects, objects to be encoded. At the same time, they are guided by the requisites-signs that are used to compile groupings, obtain summary tables and calculations. For each nomenclature, a complete list of all items to be encoded is compiled.

After the classification is compiled, the next step is performed - coding - the process of assigning symbols to items of an item. After approval and approval, the work on creating a classifier is considered completed.

Consider the features of coding methods. The coding of information is carried out according to a specific system - a set of rules that determine the construction of code. Currently, several systems of coding of economic information are used, among which the most widely used are ordinal, serial, positional and combined. The choice of coding system depends on a number of factors, the main of which are the number of distinguished features in the nomenclature, the number of positions in each feature and the degree of stability of the nomenclature.

When constructing the ordinal system, all items of the nomenclature are encoded according to the least characteristic by assigning serial numbers without reserve. Therefore, the ordinal system is of limited use and is used in the coding of stable single-valued items.

According to the ordinal system, the computer automatically encodes single-valued items.

The serial system supplements the ordinal one, it can encode two or more significant nomenclatures. Each group of senior item attributes is assigned a series of numbers, and each item of the minor item features is encoded with a serial number. The serial system provides backup numbers of senior features of the item.

With a positional coding system, each attribute is clearly distinguished and one or more bits are assigned to it, depending on its significance. Then each feature is encoded separately, starting from 1, 01, 001, and so on, depending on the significance of the feature. This code provides automatic generation in the machine of all the necessary results in accordance with the selected features.

The combined system, as well as the positional one, provides for a clear identification of all the attributes of the nomenclature. But at the same time, each feature can be encoded in any system: serial, serial or positional. The combined system is more flexible and is widely used in solving economic problems, because it provides automatic receipt of all the necessary results in accordance with the selected features.

In addition to the aforementioned coding systems, a repetition code and a chess system with limited use are also used. The repetition code is the numbers of specific items, for example, the garage number of a car, the number of a warehouse, etc. The chess system is used to encode two-valued items with a stable connection. It is built in the form of a table and resembles a positional system.

Consider practical examples of the use of certain codes in the computer solution of economic problems.

Codes of accounts of accounting are widely used in both manual and automated processing. Under the existing accounting system, the code of accounting accounts (working chart of accounts) can consist of three levels: the first (two characters) means the balance account; the second is a subaccount; the third is an analytical account established at the enterprise, organization.

In computer programs for automated processing of accounting, there are various approaches to constructing an analytical accounting code. As a rule, the code structure is distinguished by a different level of analyticity and different significance. Programs allow you to keep records of different levels of analytics (different characteristics) that are installed at a particular enterprise, organization (firm).

The construction of the code for accounting accounts (working chart of accounts) is of great importance in those programs that do not provide for local processing of individual accounting sections, where all accounting is performed on the basis of the logbook of business organizations, which is typical for small enterprises. A flexible system for constructing code allows you to perform analytical development with varying degrees of detail. Levels of analytics are those signs by which data is grouped. For example, for account 70 “Settlements with personnel for pay”, two levels can be distinguished: the first for the unit, the second for personnel numbers. In this case, analytical reports will be compiled by departments and personnel numbers. For account 10 “Materials”, for example, three levels of analytics can be distinguished: the first is a group of materials (one character), a subaccount, is set in the chart of accounts; the second is a warehouse (one sign); the third is the item number of the materials (two characters).

Here is an example of constructing an oil paint code 108301, taking into account the dependence of all the selected features:

oil paint stock number

building warehouse


subaccount of construction


balance sheet account “materials”

The code is multi-valued, with four features highlighted, built according to the positional system.

When posting and dispensing materials in the original document must be affixed with all these codes. In this case, the automated processing will ensure the receipt of various summaries of synthetic and analytical accounting in the context of the selected features.

3.3. Bar coding and technology of its application in economic activity

In the technology of computer processing of financial and economic problems, a significant place is given to the automated input of primary information. For this purpose, information technology based on the use of bar coding is used in various fields of activity (trade, the banking system, postal departments, etc.). For this purpose, consumer goods are supplied with labels and tags that bear a barcode that uniquely identifies the product and its manufacturer. In the places of goods acceptance and sale, there are technical means - scanners, which allow to automatically read this code and enter the received information into a computer for processing, as well as make cash payments for goods sold, which ultimately increases the efficiency of management.

The bar code is an alternation of dark and light stripes of different widths and is based on the principle of the binary number system: wide lines and wide spaces are assigned the value 1; narrow - 0.

The most common coding standards for goods in production and trade are the following coding standards:

UPC (Uniform Product Code), adopted in the USA in 1973 for coding goods in trade;

EAN (European Article Numbering), created in Europe in 1977 on the basis of UPC: the European coding system, which received the status of the International Association of EAN; used by many countries of the world.

There are other barcode systems (UCC / EAN, etc.). Coding standards EAN-8, EAN-13 and UCC / EAN are widely used in the Russian Federation (Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.2. An example of constructing an EAN-8 code (460 - Russian code, 0234 - product code, 1 - control number)

Depending on the significance, for example, codes EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-12 are distinguished, where the numbers indicate the significance of the code.

The structure of the EAN-8 code is shown in Fig. 3.2 and means the following:

The first three characters are the country of origin of the product, the next four are the product, the last digit is the control.

The structure of the 13-bit EAN-13 code allows us to identify more features: country, manufacturer, product name of this manufacturer, control number.

When constructing a barcode, a modified, floating structure can be used when, for example, two or three characters are assigned to a country, an enterprise code up to six characters, a product code up to six characters.

The country code is assigned by the International Association, for example, the USA and Canada have codes - LLC, 010, 030, 040, 050; France - 300-370, Germany 400-430, Russia - 460-469. The code of the manufacturer is assigned centrally, the codes of goods are decentralized by manufacturers of products, after the decision to release it. This information is transferred in advance or together with the goods to consumers, wholesale bases, shops where there is an automated system.

The most widely used bar coding is used in the production and sale of consumer goods, which allows you to automate the production and sale of goods, increase the speed and culture of customer service, keep an operational record of incoming and sold goods in each store, section, and warehouse.

The main object of coding in production and trade is the goods. Its particular unit is uniquely identified; goods that differ by at least one attribute (price, weight, size) must have different codes, since only in this case can automated information processing for each product, assortment, uniquely determining the price when selling by code.

This encoding capability is provided by the EAN code, the most widely used in commerce.

The trading and operational activities of retail enterprises consist of a set of interconnected processes for the purchase and import of goods, their reception, storage and preparation for sale, sale of goods, financial transactions, and the formation of a product range based on a study of consumer demand.

Therefore, great importance is attached to the introduction of automated processing technology with the use of barcodes, which provides quick input of information into a computer at all sections of the movement of goods and obtaining real-time information.

Accounting and analysis of demand, inventory at all stages of product distribution allow you to timely increase the level of management in a market economy and fierce competition.

The implementation of computer technology using barcodes and cash registers is widely used in complex accounting, warehouse and trading systems.

The most powerful representative is the BEST-4 program, focused on wholesale and retail trade, which implements integration with various cash registers, trade equipment (electronic scales), barcode readers and thermal printers.

Of the other software systems that implement the technology for working with barcodes, one can name the Galaxy system (Retail circuit), BEST-store, etc.

The use of barcodes is increasingly used in various fields of activity.

In bank documents, barcodes can be used to encode organizations and enterprises (OKPO), company account numbers at specific banks, and bank names. When calculating the population for utilities, barcodes are also used. You can put the account number on the covers of savings books. Barcodes can also be used to identify mailing addresses (instead of or together with existing 6-bit stylized fonts). An important area of \u200b\u200bapplication of bar coding is printing industry, an industry designed to provide the printing of bar codes themselves. Printed products include books, brochures, newspapers, magazines, etc.

In the near future, barcodes will find application almost everywhere where a clear identification of names is necessary for the purpose of automatically reading them, for example, various official documents for a car, money documents, passbooks, check books, credit cards, travel tickets, etc.

3.4. Documentation and methods of its formation

The performance of management functions is closely related to the transformation, analysis and evaluation of information. The main medium of information is a document - a material medium containing information in a fixed form, drawn up in the prescribed manner and having legal force in accordance with applicable law.

The document is a means of carrying out confirmation of business operations and is widely used for operational management.

For example, these invoices serve as the basis for the shipment of products to customers. All banking operations (settlement, cash, loan, etc.) are reflected in accounting on the basis of monetary settlement documents. The latter come to bank institutions from business entities (organizations) and contain the necessary information about the nature of financial transactions, allowing you to verify their legitimacy and exercise banking control. The set of all documents circulating in the management system represents a documentation system focused on the performance of certain functions. So, the set of documents used by the bank to manage money circulation, interbank settlements, lending, forms bank documentation.

The set of documents reflecting the performance of business operations at the enterprise (organization), is the accounting documentation, distributed by areas of accounting: labor and salary, materials, fixed assets, etc.

In financial authorities, the documentation system serves to form a budget, national income, etc.

Reduction of processing cycles and timely receipt of all necessary data on the results of the organization’s production and business activities largely depend on the correct and carefully developed documentation system.

Documents are classified according to a number of signs:

nature of information: primary and outcome;

in relation to the control object - incoming and outgoing;

field of activity - planned, accounting, statistical, banking, financial, accounting, etc .;

appointment - administrative, executive, acquittal, combined;

method of use - one-time and cumulative;

the number of positions taken into account - single-line and multi-line;

filling method - manually or using automation tools.

In accounting and financial credit institutions, the adopted documentation systems are governed by the existing unified regulatory acts, rules and instructions developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Statistics Service, and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The development of information systems involving the exchange of information between them required the unification and standardization of documentation. The unification of documentation was carried out nationwide in the 1970s. Resolution of the State Committee of Standards "Unified Documentation Systems Used in ACS", which defines the requirements for a unified documentation system (DCL), i.e. a set of interrelated documents that meets the uniform rules and requirements of the construction.

The structure of the USD includes accounting, reporting, statistical, financial, banking, settlement and payment and other documentation. Each document is assigned a code in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD). For example, for a payment order - 0401060.

For a number of documents, uniform unified and standard forms of forms have been developed. Unification has put forward a number of requirements for documents, the main of which is the convenience of computer processing of information.

The documentation in force in the financial and credit authorities is completely unified and mandatory for use in all organizations. Creating a fully unified documentation system for all areas of accounting is not yet possible due to the variety of industry forms and methods for some areas of accounting. Samples of unified documents are contained in special albums.

When creating IP at an enterprise (organization), it is recommended to use standardized forms of documents, the composition of which is determined in the process of design work.

When compiling the primary document, all the requirements of GOST are complied with regarding the standard form of construction and adaptation to automated processing. The location of the main details in the document is carried out in accordance with GOST in three parts: heading, content (tabular) and formatting, in which there are six zones (Fig. 3.3).

Fig. 3.3. Form template for constructing a primary unified document

The following details are located in the zones: zone 1 - name of the enterprise (organization, structural unit), its mailing address, bank details;

zone 2 - form code and stamp of approval;

zone 3 - the name and codes of constants for the document attribute details. At the top of the document, a frame for affixing codes is highlighted. For each attribute, two cells are allocated - for typing in the typographic way the name of the attribute attribute and its code. Zone 3 is surrounded by a thickened line, which indicates the entry of details into the PC during computational processing;

zone 4 - name of the document, date of compilation;

zone 5 - the tabular part of the document containing the names of the lines, graph and their values. In the table, the variable details (attributes and bases) entered into the PC are distinguished by thickened lines;

zone 6 - signatures of legal entities responsible for the correctness of the preparation of documents, date of filling out the document.

The stated requirements are related to the procedure for placing document data in the machine's memory and to increasing the efficiency of automated processing.

When designing bank primary documents, the requirements for a unified documentation system are mainly observed. A sample of a unified banking document is shown in Fig. 3.4.

Modern information technology provides for the input of data from completed primary documents into the computer directly by the user by typing data on the keyboard. First, the formation of the primary document occurs on the display screen, and then in the storage device (in the database) of the machine. An information file of homogeneous documents is created, which is used in the future to perform all the necessary calculations and compile summary data.

To enter the primary documents into the PC, input layouts are used (Fig. 3.5).

The layout determines the sequence of placing the data of the primary document on the display screen. It is developed during the compilation of a machine program and in different programs may have various construction options. However, in any case, the variable details are entered manually into the layout displayed on the screen, and the permanent and reference data are automatically entered. At the same time, visual and machine control is carried out on the filling of details, their correspondence to permissible values, logical and arithmetic control of details, control on checksums. If an erroneous recording is detected, a diagnostic message is displayed on the screen and the recordings must be adjusted.

Order - Order No.

on extradition (repayment)

short-term loan

  Fig. 3.4. An example of building a unified banking document

The machine keeps a register of documents drawn up. If desired, it is possible to print a document in a unified form (Fig. 3.6).

The development of computer technology and programming methods using a graphical interface allowed a new approach to creating documents in a computer, which can rightfully be called an electronic document.

An electronic document is a structured copy of a primary document reflected in the machine’s memory and on the display screen. The electronic document must meet all the requirements of the DCM; contain all the necessary details in the manner that meets the requirements of computer processing. Along with text content

* L ".Dospiy Onopduw -" prptchіpі Dok / nmgy Khtenai | "" chg * s wwow ґ * T Seryoz Skna "fcwsftb

encoding of attribute details is applied, according to which information is grouped. The output of an electronic document for printing is executed in accordance with the requirements established for a document drawn up manually.

Fig. 3.5. An example of building a layout for entering credit orders (1C: Accounting 7.7)

The technology for processing an electronic document provides for the presence in the computer of mock-ups developed by a computer program of all necessary primary documents. The list of primary documents is contained in the “menu” of the program (for example, in the program “1C: Accounting” in the “Documents” function). When you call the appropriate name of the document on the display screen, a document layout appears, the details of which are filled in different ways.

Consider the process of filling in "Incoming order No. 000026", reflected in Fig. 3.5. The document number is entered automatically; date is selected from the calendar; type of receipt, warehouse, supplier, contract, name of material, unit of measurement, price - are filled automatically based on previously compiled reference books. Manually affixed only the percentage of VAT and the amount of material; columns “Amount”, “VAT” and “Total” are filled in automatically.

Material values

unit of measurement


price, rub. cop.

Amount excluding

VAT, RUB cop.

Amount of VAT, RUB cop.

Total considering

VAT, RUB cop.

Passport ID


stock card number

name, grade, brand, size

stock number


according to the document


Gloves res.

Sponge for washing dishes

Food wrap

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