A famous blogger has died. Arslan Valeev died of a bite of a mamba live (video)

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev died of a black mamba bite on September 25. This was reported in his public BobCat TV.

We express our sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of Arslan at this very difficult moment for all of us! Tentatively at noon he left, but his Love will remain in our hearts forever !, wrote the group’s administrator Andrei Derevyankin.

Live Bite

On the air of his channel, the blogger set a poisonous snake on himself. After a bite, he was immediately hospitalized. "Ambulance" called subscribers Valeev.

All these events took place on September 23. After a poisonous bite, the blogger fell into a coma and died two days later without regaining consciousness.

The recording of this stream has already disappeared from the YouTube channel. However, a shocking video is still present on the network. On it, Arslan sits in a half-faint state, but is still talking to the public. He dictates the phone of his ex-wife.

This is Katie's phone. If someone gets through to her and she has time to drive up to me and at least see ... I would be glad, the blogger barely picks up words, rolling his eyes. - In fact, I'm already dying ... But Katya would be glad to see ... How shaking.

It is known that a reckless act was preceded by a loud quarrel with ex-wife Ekaterina Pytyazhkina.

Back in August, a woman said on her Instagram page that a blogger who allegedly convicted her of treason broke into her apartment and beat her. The girl also published a certificate from the hospital with a diagnosis of concussion on social networks.

Then, however, Valeev apologized, but Catherine did not return to him. It was then that the blogger during the stream and poisoned the poisonous snake.

It is known that four lynxes lived at home in Arslan. As his comrades in the public say, now the animals are under the "watchful eye".

Sensitive and risky

Arslan Valeev was not just a popular blogger, but also a major specialist in poisonous snakes in the Northern capital. In any case, it was recommended in several large veterinary clinics of the city on the Neva. He used to be a livestock specialist for the exotarium of the Leningrad Zoo.

His close friend Polina Maratkanova, with whom they once started working together at the Leningrad Zoo in the exotarium department, spoke of Arslan as an excellent specialist and expert in her field.

He is not only in our city, he was one of the best in our country, ”she said. He is such a very risky guy, he was not afraid of anything. But he was a very sincere person, hospitable. I corresponded with him literally last week. It’s terrible that this happened to him. Reptiles - that was his life. He was so attached to his business. And madly adored reptiles, - said a friend of the blogger.

He bred many rare species. And he did amazing things, shot good videos and photos. He created his own private exotarium, - says Maratkanova.

Unsuccessful manipulation

Andrey Derevyankin, administrator of the public BobCat TV, told his version of what happened:

On the eve of the day, Arslan on a Instagram stream announced a nightly broadcast on YouTube with one of his favorite snakes - Mamba. Turning on the camera, as it used to be on a regular basis, he went to get a snake from the terrarium in order to move it into a plastic container used for broadcasts. In the process of manipulating the snake, a bite was obtained, he said.

Since the man worked with snakes for more than 20 years, he perfectly understood what happened to him.

Arslan, realizing what was happening, left a message to his wife Catherine, and asked the spectators, who were eyewitnesses, to contact Katya by phone, as his limbs began to quickly go numb, depriving him of the opportunity to call for help on his own, and then he soon went outside, waiting for help to arrive, - Derevyankin tells the events of that evening.

Fast and poisonous

Among the venomous snakes, the black mamba is second only to the king cobra in size. The Guinness Book of Records claims that it is probably the fastest snake in the world. But, despite his abilities, mamba, when meeting with a person, makes attempts to avoid contact in every possible way. She freezes in the hope that she will not be noticed and pass by, or she is trying to slip away just as quietly. And only in the inevitable meeting does the snake become aggressive.

In length, the mamba can grow up to 3 meters and has a deadly poison. In the wild, this African snake feeds on rodents and birds, avoiding humans.

If she does bite, then the person affected by her poison needs the immediate introduction of an antidote. Otherwise, death awaits him.


Arslan Valeev is a 32-year-old St. Petersburg blogger who owns the public BobCat TV / Wild cats. On the YouTube channel, he has 273,633 subscribers and more than 55 thousand people are united by the public of the exotarium. In it, he talked about lynxes and other wild cats.

Arslan Valeev - 32-year-old video blogger from the city of Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Region, is known for his public about BobCat TV cats and the video channel for snakes Exotarium  . During the next experiment, he died from a snakebite.

The tragedy occurred on September 23, when Arslan took out a black mamba from a terrarium and a poisonous African snake bit him.

Several versions of the tragedy are common on the Internet. According to one of them, published by the blogger’s friends on social networks, Arslan announced a nightly broadcast on YouTube with one of his most favorite snakes, Mamba, on Instagram streams. Turning on the camera, as it used to be on a regular basis, he went to get a snake from the terrarium in order to move it into a plastic container used for broadcasts. In the process of manipulating the snake, a bite was obtained.

Being a specialist in the field of terrarium and keeping poisonous snakes with twenty years of experience, Arslan realized what had happened and left a message to his wife Catherine, and also asked the audience, who turned out to be eyewitnesses, to contact her by phone, as his hands quickly began to go numb. The blogger himself could not call an ambulance due to the rapid numbness of his limbs. Then he went outside, waiting for help to arrive.

According to another version, according to the portal “Morning. ru ", the snake" avenged "the deceased for the spouse beaten by him. We quote: as the media and users of social networks write with reference to his wife Ekaterina Pytyazhkina, Valeev allegedly beat her out of jealousy, and when he left him, he pursued her.

Lenta.ru reports that the incident was preceded by another high-profile quarrel of Valeev with his ex-wife on the basis of jealousy. The girl reported on her Instagram about the attack: the blogger tracked down and beat her, as evidenced by the medical documents laid out by her ex-wife.

After the statement of the ex-wife, instead of posts about cats in the public BobCat TV, revealing records began to appear on the cheating of the ex-wife of the blogger. The negative reaction of the subscribers forced Valeev to take back the charges of treason and publicly apologize.

Nevertheless, the ex-wife decided not to return to Valeev. Then, during his last stream, in front of thousands of spectators, he provoked a deadly snake to sting himself in the arm.

According to many sources, the tragic video has already been deleted, but we managed to find a small fragment:

Russian blogger Arslan Valeev, known for his videos about big cats and other dangerous animals, died after being bitten by a black mamba. He deliberately provoked a snake to bite live, and subscribers had to call an ambulance, which introduced him into an artificial coma. But to save the man failed. Later, acquaintances of the blogger began to write that a family drama provoked Arslan's strange act.

31-year-old Arslan Valeev, who wrote a blog about dangerous animals BobCat TV, died after being bitten by a black mamba, one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. Everything happened on September 23rd. A blogger showed live on YouTube that he was bitten by a snake. And instead of calling the doctors, he continued to broadcast, during which every minute it became clear that he was worse and worse. As a result, the audience called an ambulance, but it was not possible to save Valeev - he never left the coma.

Just stay with you a little bit. If anything, the phone has a recording for Katya. Just read your posts. Tell Katya that I really loved her. Bye everyone. I can’t even believe that this is happening to me. This is Katya’s phone, if she has time to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I'm already dying. Farewell. But I would be glad to see Katya. I'm shaking.

Later it turned out that shortly before the incident with the snake, Arslan broke up with his wife Catherine, writes the Dvacha Telegram channel, and before that, their family scandal was watched by subscribers. After the wife left, they began to poison her in the public of Arslan in VKontakte.

But then the man apologized to his ex-wife. At the same time, Ekaterina herself complained that Arslan had beaten her.

Valeev himself stated that his wife had cheated on him. But then he realized that this was not so, and made a public apology. But the spouse, apparently, decided not to accept the apology.

Meanwhile, the opinions of Arslan's subscribers about his action were divided. Some believe that he really committed a public suicide, others think that they witnessed an accident, and his dying speech was not planned. Many followers of Arslan urge not to blame Catherine for what happened to him. In his group on the page on VKontakte, comments are currently closed and condolences from friends are published.

Everything happened so unexpectedly that many of Arslan Valeev’s admirers still cannot believe what happened. Shortly before the tragedy, the video blogger, along with his girlfriend, drove the cougar cub to the doctor, after which young people decided to celebrate this event. Shortly afterwards, Arslan turned on the YouTube streaming to chat with his fans. According to eyewitnesses, the guy went away for just a few minutes, and after he came and showed a snake bite.

Dumbfounded viewers listened with horror as the video blogger informed them of an impending death. After that, Arslan showed the phone number of his ex-wife and asked fans to tell her that he loved her very much. The video blogger said that he would be happy to see her in the end. Soon, Catherine herself, the former wife of Arslan, appeared, who turned off the broadcast.

Later it became known that due to the bite of a black mamba, the video blogger fell into a deep coma. The doctors made every effort to save Arslan, however, unfortunately, nothing came of them. The news that the blogger died, became known today in the afternoon. Some of the fans believe that it was a suicide, to which the guy was prompted by the separation from his wife.

Law enforcement agencies together with experts decide what to do with poisonous snakes that remained in a private house in Vsevolozhsk after the death of herpetologist blogger Arslan Valeev. You need to attach almost 300 snakes, two lynxes and a dog. The young man could not be saved by the doctors after being bitten by a black mamba. Ambulance he called subscribers. Maria Marchenko restored the details of this story.

He was dying live, in front of thousands of subscribers. Well-known St. Petersburg blogger Arslan Valeev, creator of two television channels about exotic animals, as usual, got in touch at night. I wanted to show a black mamba. Here he comes back, and shows .... finger, with a wound from a snake bite. He asks to call his ex-wife.

An urgent blogger caused subscribers. At the Janelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, doctors introduced the young man into an artificial coma; they fought for his life for more than a day. But they could not help. There was no chance of salvation, said herpetologist Vladimir Cherlin.

Vladimir Cherlin,candidate of Biological Sciences, Herpetologist:

“She is very aggressive, very fast. And with incredibly powerful poison. In general, serums exist, but not with us. Because they don’t live with us. ”

Two black mambas lived with Arslan Valeev at once. And also cobras, vipers, lynx, cougar and other animals. The blogger also talked about caring for them, their habits and character on their YouTube channels. For the sake of likes, subscribers often took risks. He drank a cocktail from the poison of five cobras, caught vipers with his bare hands, and even bit the black mamba by the tail.

Arslan showed interest in reptiles since childhood. At eight, he asked his father to buy him a snake. Parents are allowed to have fish. But the young man dreamed of other pets.

Maria Marchenko,correspondent:

“Even in the Leningrad Zoo, where there are all the conditions for this, they don’t keep poisonous snakes. Arslan Valeev worked six years ago in this very department, dealing with harmless pythons and lizards. But in his house in Vsevolozhsk, a young man gathered a whole collection of deadly animals. ”

Poisonous snakes - a monocle cobra and an African viper - have bitten him more than once, and also on the air. The young man rendered first aid to himself. Then he went to the hospital. Why this time Arslan just sat in front of a computer and was waiting for death, his friends do not understand.

What was it, a fatal oversight or suicide, the investigators have to find out. According to friends, Arslan was very upset by the divorce from his wife Katya, who shared his passion for snakes.

The young man’s friends have already promised that his business - two YouTube channels - will live. But what will happen to the dangerous home zoo of Arslan is still unknown.

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