The laptop cannot see the connected external hard drive. Device recognized but not displayed

Recently, subscribers often contact me with the following problem: after connecting to a computer, an external hard drive is not visible. The connection goes well, the drivers are installed without errors, but it does not appear in the list of logical drives in Windows 10 Explorer. Why is this happening. There are several reasons for this trouble, both software and hardware.

Before starting troubleshooting, first try disconnecting the removable storage device from the computer and reconnecting it to an adjacent port.

On some models, the cable comes with two USB connectors on one side. The first is used for the main connection, and the second provides additional power. If the second one is not connected, then the device may simply not have enough power.

If you connected the gadget to the USB 3.0 ports and the computer does not see the external drive, then try connecting it to the regular ports. They differ in color. High speed connectors of the new standard are usually highlighted in blue or yellow. Like this:

The usual ones are gray or black. With this step, you eliminate possible problems with the USB 3.0 driver on your computer or laptop, due to which the removable disk may not be visible.

Now let's move on to software-level reasons.
One of the most common cases when a removable external drive is not visible in explorer is that the Windows operating system did not assign a letter to the new logical partition when connecting. Accordingly, it will not appear in the list of logical partitions in the explorer. It is easy to fix.

On the desktop, right-click on the computer icon and select "Computer Management."
This window will open:

We find the section "Storage Devices", and in it - the item "Disk Management". A list of logical and physical drives should appear on the right side of the window. In it, by volume, we find our external hard drive:

Select a free letter and click on "OK". Personally, I like to line up the letters from the very end of the alphabet - X, Y or Z.

Also, if there are problems in the operation of a removable USB drive, I would advise you to open the Device Manager and look in the "Portable Devices" section:

Your gadget should be displayed here. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item.

In the window that appears, on the "General" tab, look in the "Device status" field. There should be no mistakes, everything should be fine. Then open the "Driver" tab:

If you still can't see your external hard drive in Windows 10 Explorer, try updating the driver. In some cases, completely removing the device and installing the driver again helps.

P.S .: If all the recommended steps did not bring the expected result, then I would recommend trying to connect your removable drive to another computer or laptop and check its performance on it, since most likely there is a hardware failure.

External removable media in the form of USB drives have recently become as popular as regular flash drives. There is more space on them, but they are not insured against malfunctions and errors in work. There may be many reasons for this. However, it is not always possible to fix them manually. That is why it is recommended to use system utilities if the system does not see the external hard drive.

Causes of problems

First, let's consider the main reasons that can lead to the fact that the operating system does not detect an external hard drive. There can be a lot of them: system errors, incorrect access settings, lack of power, and even physical damage to the surface of removable media.

BIOS settings

Before turning to the use of utilities, it is worth saying that no program for checking the hard drive will be able to determine it if the device is simply not included in the system. Often the reason may lie precisely in the BIOS settings. For example, if in the "Control Panel" go to the "Device Manager" and set the display of hidden devices, the disk present in the system will be displayed in the list, but the system itself in the device properties will display a message about the need to reconnect.

Connecting an external hard drive, as a rule, is done in the BIOS settings, which are called up on computers or laptops by pressing the Del, F2 or F12 key. It all depends on the BIOS manufacturer and the computer terminal itself. In the Boot or Advanced section, you can select priority boot devices and other hardware components. In this case, an external USB hard disk must be connected to the connectors before turning on the terminal. In some cases, you may need to enable disk accessibility using the Enable parameter.

Driver problems

If the external hard drive is not detected, you may need to reinstall the drivers. You can do this in the same "Device Manager" or use the original driver disc that comes with the removable device.

Lack of food

Sometimes a lack of power can cause errors. If you have two power cords, both must be plugged in. In some cases, if the external hard drive is not detected, you can disassemble it and connect to the computer terminal directly. But if a person is not an expert in this field, it is not recommended to perform such a procedure himself.

Incorrect disk ID assignment

When the system does not see the external hard drive, the reason may also be in the incorrect assignment of the letter of this drive or disk partition. It may well be that it is already being used by another device. In this case, you should go to the computer management system (disk management) and simply change the letter of the removable media.

Correcting errors using standard Windows tools

Windows operating systems have their own tools and utilities for checking or formatting disks and storage media of all types. The USB hard disk is connected in a standard way. But sometimes a situation may arise when a removable hard drive is visible in the system, for example, in the "Device Manager", but there is no access to it from "Explorer" or any other file manager. In other words, the external hard drive won't open. In this case, errors can be corrected using standard operating system tools.

Volume creation

First, you need to go to "Disk Management" and select a removable media to which there is no access. By right-clicking the mouse, you can call the volume creation utility. But it allows you to use the "Create Simple Volume" command and "Setup Wizard", in which you first set the media size, then assign a letter, and then format the external hard disk with a preliminary selection of the file system type. Please note that in this case, all data on the removable hard drive will be automatically destroyed. Upon completion of the "Wizard", all that remains is to click the "Finish" button, after which the removable medium with all its characteristics will automatically appear in the system.

If in the future you need to restore an external hard drive, you can use special applications that allow you to recover data on a removable hard drive even after a complete formatting. But even in this case, it is not always possible to recover information.

Disk check

One of the simplest standard tools in Windows operating systems is the hard disk checker. Right-click on the disk icon to open the "Properties" menu and select the "Service" tab, where you can find the "Check" button. At the beginning of work, you can set up automatic correction of bad sectors.

The program can also be invoked using the command line, which specifies chkdsk and the external media parameter. But this is the simplest and not always effective way. In this case, it is better to turn to professional utilities that are offered for Windows operating systems by third-party manufacturers.

HDD Scan software

Today, there are many specialized programs for checking hard drives of all types, including removable media. One of the most popular and most powerful utilities is the HDD Scan software product.

The first advantage of the HDD Scan program is that it does not require installation, that is, it is available as a so-called portable version. The folder with the program can be placed anywhere on your hard disk or on the same USB flash drive. To start, the executable file of the same name with the extension .exe is used, after which you can proceed to the main operations.

For inexperienced users, the most preferred mode may be a system of "smart" scanning of removable media and correction of errors on it, called S.M.A.R.T. After choosing a hard drive, you just need to click on this button. Then the utility will display detailed characteristics in the form of a table with parameters, in which attributes that are within the normal range will be indicated in green. Yellow and red colors indicate errors or some incorrect parameters.

An interesting enough function is the Surface Test command, which checks the surface of a removable hard drive. The bug fix is \u200b\u200bthat the file system clusters are moved to the undamaged areas of the disk, and the damaged surface is blocked and not used in the future.

In general, this utility has a lot of tools for working with disks of all types. But without knowing English, you will have to dig into the interface. This is due to the fact that the application itself has too many features designed for advanced users.

Norton Disc Doctor

An equally interesting program for working with hard drives is the portable version of the Norton Disc Doctor (NDD) application. It does not require installation and does not create absolutely any entries in the system registry. It is also noteworthy that the size of the application is only 15.7 MB.

The operation of this application is very similar to the principles used in other programs, however, this utility is as automated as possible and is designed even for inexperienced users.

After starting the program, the main window appears, which lists all hard drives and removable media available in the system. You can check all the boxes or select one component. In this case, we are interested in an external hard drive. Put a check mark on it and run the check, after checking the box in the "Fix errors" box on the left side.

For more advanced users, there is a settings button on the right, where you can configure the program as you wish. But in most cases this is not required, since the factory settings are built in an optimal way for all types of hard drives.


Of course, this is just a small fraction of those programs and features that are designed to help computer and laptop users, if an external hard drive is not detected.

If we compare some programs with each other, then it is impossible to give preference to any one utility. Although each program uses almost the same algorithms for working with hard drives, it still has its own differences, advantages and disadvantages.

For example, it will not be easy for a beginner or inexperienced user to work with HDD Scan software. The interface itself may seem somewhat overloaded to many. And there are a lot of opportunities for fine-tuning here.

To ensure efficient work with removable media, it is better to use applications like Norton Disc Doctor or Ashampoo HDD Control 2. However, it is worth noting that in the second case we are dealing with a paid program.

As for free utilities, it is better to use software products from well-known manufacturers that have been leaders in the market for hard disk technologies for quite some time. In addition to using individual programs, you can give preference to whole complex solutions. But they will have to be installed on the hard drive, and they take up quite a lot of space, not to mention the fact that they have special "inspectors" working in real time. As a rule, the icon constantly hangs in the system tray (System Tray), and the processes of the applications themselves load the system quite heavily, taking up RAM and using the resources of the central processor.

Finally, it should be noted that if the use of all these popular utilities does not lead to the desired result, the problems with the hard disk can be much worse. This is most likely physical damage to the removable media. So you have to carry it to repair.

An external hard drive is a portable storage device containing an information storage device (HDD or SSD) and a controller for interacting with a computer via USB. When connecting such devices to a PC, sometimes some problems are observed, in particular, the absence of a disk in the "Computer" folder. We will talk about this problem in this article.

There are several reasons for this problem. If a new disk is connected, then, perhaps, Windows "forgot" to inform about it and offer to install drivers, format the media. In the case of old drives, this can be the creation of partitions on another computer using programs, the presence of a blocking virus, as well as the usual malfunction of the controller, the disk itself, the cable or the port on the PC.

Another reason is lack of nutrition. Let's start with her.

Reason 1: Nutrition

Quite often, due to the shortage of USB ports, users connect several devices to one socket through a hub (splitter). If the connected devices require power from the USB connector, there may be a power shortage. Hence the problem: the hard disk may not start and, accordingly, may not appear in the system. The same situation can arise when ports are overloaded with power-hungry devices.

In this situation, you can do the following: try to free one of the ports for an external drive or, in extreme cases, purchase a hub with additional power. Some portable drives may also require additional power supply, as indicated by the presence of not only a USB cable in the kit, but also a power cable. Such a cable can have two connectors for connecting to USB or a completely separate power supply unit.

Reason 2: Unformatted disk

When you connect a new blank disk to the PC, the system usually reports that the media is not formatted and prompts you to do so. In some cases this does not happen and it is sometimes necessary to do this procedure manually.

  1. Go to "Control Panel"... This can be done from the menu "Start" or press the keyboard shortcut Win + R and enter the command:

  2. Next we go to "Administration".

  3. Find a shortcut with the name "Computer Management".

  4. Go to the section "Disk Management".

  5. We are looking for our disk in the list. You can distinguish it from others by its size, as well as by the RAW file system.

  6. Click on the disk PKMand select the context menu item "Format".

  7. Next, select the label (name) and the file system. Put a daw opposite "Quick Format" and press OK... You just have to wait until the end of the process.

  8. The new disc appeared in the folder "A computer".

Reason 3: Drive letter

This problem can arise when performing disk operations - formatting, partitioning - on another computer using special software.

In such cases, you need to set the letter manually in the snap-in "Disk Management".

Reason 4: Drivers

The operating system is a very complex software and that is why various failures often occur in it. In normal mode, Windows itself installs standard drivers for new devices, but this is not always the case. If the system did not start the driver installation when the external drive was connected, then you can try to restart the computer. In most cases, this is sufficient. If the situation does not change, you will have to “work with pens”.

If the software for the disk could not be installed, you need to check the branch "Disk devices"... If it has a drive with a yellow icon, it means that the OS does not have such a driver or it is damaged.

Force installation will help resolve the issue. You can find software for the device manually on the manufacturer's website (perhaps there was a CD with a driver in the kit) or try to download it automatically from the network.

Reason 5: Viruses

Virus programs, among other nasty things, can prevent the initialization of external drives in the system. They are most often found on the removable drive itself, but they may also be present on your PC. First, check your system and, if any, second hard drive for viruses.

Using the tools given in the article above, you will not be able to check the external drive, since it cannot be initialized. Only a bootable USB flash drive with an antivirus scanner, for example, will help here. With its help, you can scan a medium for viruses without loading system files and services, and therefore the subject of an attack.

Reason 6: Physical problems

Physical malfunctions include the breakdown of the disk itself or the controller, failure of ports on the computer, as well as the banal "breaking" of the USB or power cable.
To determine the malfunction, you can do the following:

  • Replace cables with known good ones.
  • Connect the disk to other USB ports, if it works, then the connector is faulty.
  • Dismantle the device and connect the drive directly to the motherboard (remember to turn off your computer before doing this). If the media is detected, then there is a controller malfunction, if not, then the disk. You can try to restore a non-working HDD at a service center, otherwise it will go straight to the trash can.

Good day.

External hard drives (HDD) are becoming more popular day by day, sometimes it seems that very soon they will be more popular than flash drives. And it is not surprising, because modern models are some kind of box, the size of a cell phone and contain 1-2 TB of information!

Many users are faced with the fact that the computer does not see the external hard drive. Most often, this happens immediately after purchasing a new device. Let's try to figure it out in order, what's the matter here ...

If the new external HDD is not visible

New here means the disk that you connected to your computer (laptop) for the first time.

1) First what are you doing - go to computer control .

To do this, go to control Panel then in system and security settings -\u003e administration -\u003e computer control ... See screenshots below.

2) Pay attention to the left column. It has a menu - disk management ... Let's move on.

All drives (including external ones) connected to the system should be displayed in front of you. Very often, the computer does not see the connected external hard drive due to an incorrect drive letter assignment. You then need to change it!

To do this, right-click on the external drive and select " change drive letter ... ". Next, assign the one that is not yet in your OS.

3) If the disc is newand you connected it to your computer for the first time - it may not be formatted! Therefore, it will not appear in "my computer".

If this is the case, then you cannot change the letter (you simply will not have such a menu). You just need to right click on the external drive and select “ create a simple volume ... «.

Attention! All data on the disk (HDD) will be deleted during this process! Be careful.

4) Lack of drivers ... (Update 04/05/2015)

If the external hard drive is new and you do not see it in either "my computer" or " disk management“, But on other devices it works (for example, a TV or another laptop sees it and detects it) - then 99% of the problems are related to the Windows OS and drivers.

Despite the fact that modern Windows 7, 8 operating systems are quite "smart" and when a new device is found, they automatically search for a driver for it - this does not always happen ... The fact is that versions of Windows 7, 8 (including all kinds of assemblies from " craftsmen ") a huge number, and no one canceled various mistakes. Therefore, I do not recommend excluding this option right away ...

1. Check the USB port if it works. For example, connect a phone or a camera, even just an ordinary USB flash drive. If the device works, then the USB port has nothing to do with it ...

2. Go to Device Manager (In Windows 7/8: Control Panel / System and Security / Device Manager) and look at the two tabs: other devices and disk devices.

Windows 7: Device Manager reports that there are no drivers for the "My Passport ULTRA WD" drive on the system.

The screenshot above shows that Windows does not have drivers for the external hard drive, so the computer cannot see it. Usually, Windows 7, 8, when connecting a new device, automatically installs a driver for it. If this has not happened to you, there are three options for action:

a) Click the "Update hardware configuration" command in the device manager. This is usually followed by an automatic installation of the drivers.

b) Search for drivers using special. programs:;

c) Reinstall Windows (to install, select a "clean" licensed system, without any assemblies).

Windows 7 - device manager: drivers for external HDD Samsung M3 Portable are installed correctly.

If you can't see your old external hard drive

Old here refers to a hard drive that was previously running on your computer and then stopped.

1. First, go to the disk management menu (see above) and change the drive letter. This is definitely worth doing if you've created new partitions on your hard drive.

2. Secondly, check the external HDD for viruses. Many viruses disable the ability to see disks or block them ().

3. Go to Device Manager and see if the devices are detected correctly. There should be no yellow exclamation marks (or red ones) that signal errors. It is also recommended to reinstall the drivers on the USB controller.

4. Sometimes reinstalling Windows OS helps. Anyway, check the hard drive on another computer / laptop / netbook first and then try reinstalling.

It is also useful to try to clean your computer from unnecessary junk files and optimize the registry and programs (here is an article with all the utilities: use a couple ...).

5. Try connecting the external HDD to a different USB port. It happened that, for some unknown reason, after connecting to another port, the disk worked fine as if nothing had happened. I noticed this several times on Acer laptops.

6. Check the cords.

One time the external hard did not work due to the fact that the cord was damaged. From the very beginning I did not notice this and killed 5-10 minutes in search of the reason ...

Almost every computer user has come across a situation when an external media is purchased, the computer does not see the external hard drive. Sometimes the interaction with the media that was already working with the PC stops. There are many ways to solve this problem.

It is a useful device that allows you to store and exchange data with computers. The size of the device may vary, up to a maximum of several terabytes. The device makes it possible to safely store various information for a long time.

Why the PC can't see the external hard drive

If the laptop does not see the external hard drive, you should use a certain algorithm of actions. First, in the Control Panel you should find "System settings" and "Administration"... It is there that you can see the section "Control".

It is important to turn your attention to the left column. You need to go to disk management, there you will see the disks currently connected to the system. Often, the system does not see the external hard drive due to the incorrect assignment of its letter. To change the letter, you need to click on the external media icon and change the drive letter. Then a letter is assigned that is not yet in the system.

If a new disk is not detected and it is connected to the PC for the first time, it is probably not formatted, and therefore not visible in the list of working devices. In this case, click on the medium to create a simple volume. This action deletes all information on the disk.

If the PC has stopped seeing the external hard drive, most likely this situation is due to a lack of drivers or a system failure. Modern systems are quite smart, and when a new device appears, they quickly search for the appropriate driver. But sometimes, due to accumulated errors in the system, it does not detect the device.

First of all, you need to investigate the USB port. To do this, you can connect a flash drive, camera or smartphone. If the system sees devices, then the port is working.

It is also useful to investigate the constituent parts of the device manager, it can be found in "Control panels"... The media icon is in "Other devices" or "Disk devices".

PC drivers may be out of date. By clicking the mouse on the hard disk (opposite it with an exclamation mark), you should select "Update drivers". Finding drivers is provided by special programs or by searching the Internet.

Windows often becomes outdated, and this is the answer to why the computer does not see the external hard drive. The system should be reinstalled.

Windows 10 can't see external hard drive

Latest generation operating systems may also not detect old or new media. The media may not be formatted, not have partitions, as a result of which it is not indicated in Explorer.

When you stopped seeing the external hard drive Windows 10, you can go to the "Toolbar", then to the "Security System" and to the "Administration" subsection. Next, you should work with the section "Creating and managing hard disks".

If you enter the command "diskmgmt.msc" in the search, a utility called "Disk Management"... In this case, you can see the medium, and its sections will have a blue tint. An unallocated drive is highlighted in black.

Click on the tab "Disc 1", then choose "Initialize Disk"... Then you need to click on the black bar, and then on "New section". In this location, a section is formed, where a free letter is assigned.

Large format discs are divided into several parts. You can format the media with the NTFS file system. When the person presses the button "Done", the system will display the media.

If the PC does not see the external hard drive, provided that it is new, you can enter the BIOS, turn off AHCI, then the computer is rebooted and the disk appears.

Sometimes it is necessary to integrate SATA drivers into the Windows 10 operating system. Only the latest drivers should be installed. It is optimal if this work is entrusted to a competent person.

External media does not show the PC if it was previously exposed to mechanical stress. If the drive has been used for a long time, then you can use special utilities to detect errors and bad blocks.

Infection of the carrier with viruses becomes the reason why the external hard drive is not visible. Windows will block it. Also, the situation often arises due to failures in the motherboard, its diagnostics are shown.

For a device to work optimally, it must be in DMA mode. When the disk is functioning in PIO, you can open "Device Manager"and then "IDE ATA / ATAPI Controllers"... Next, you should find the heading "Extra options" and remove secondary or primary IDE channels. The final step shows a system reboot. In addition, the problem is solved by purchasing an additional loop.

If the drive is overheated, the system can turn it off. If necessary, a cooler is installed and the device is cleaned of dirt.

The PSU that came with the drive may not have enough power. This will cause the system to not see the external hard drive. It is better to use the original cable, it has the desired length and metallized latches.

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