How to translate PDF to Word for editing. How to convert Word document to PDF and vice versa in different ways

Often, when working with text documents of various formats, the user may be faced with the need to edit, convert and save any of them. At the same time, operations for converting DOC to PDF and vice versa are the most common. Read on to learn how to translate documents to PDF.

How to convert PDF to Word document?

There are several ways to convert PDF document to Word. Consider the simplest ones that can be useful to all PC users, regardless of their level of computer proficiency.

Method number 1. Google drive

It would seem how you can use the cloud storage to make a Word file from a PDF document. Simple enough. To do this, we perform the following actions:

Upload the PDF file to Google Drive. To do this, click "Create".

After the document is loaded, you should right-click on it and select "Open with", then "Connect other applications".

A new window will open. In the list, look for "Converter for Drive Document". Click "Connect".

Now we right-click again and select "Open with" and specify this application.

A new window will open in the browser. First, we point to the file (1). Select it (2). We choose the format we want to receive (3). We indicate where to save (4). Click "Convert" (5).

We are waiting for the conversion. Go to the folder you specified for saving. Let's see the result.

Method number 2. ABBYY PDF Transformer

Download ABBYY PDF Transformer. Install it in the standard way on your PC. It should be noted that the program is paid, but there is a free trial version.

  • We launch the software. Point the arrow at the DOC format.

  • We indicate where the file is stored.

  • Conversion will start immediately.

  • Open and see the result.

Method number 3. Online conversion

There are many sites on the net where you can translate a PDF document to Word for free and quickly.

Here are some good sites for example:

  • Go4convert is a free site where you need to upload a file and choose the final format.

  • PDF to DOC. You can convert not only to DOC, but also to other formats. It is enough to upload the file, select the desired tab and download the finished document.

  • SmallPDF is an easy-to-use resource. It is enough to drag the file and click "Convert".

You can also use other resources on the network. These sites are just an example.

How to make a PDF file from a DOC document?

A DOC document can be converted to PDF both online and using Word itself. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • In the Word document, click "File", "Save As ...".

  • A standard window for saving documents will open. In the column "File type" select "PDF".

  • The file is converted.

It should be noted that if the document is in landscape orientation, then it should be turned over in advance before converting.

There is also a free program OpenOffice for converting a document to PDF, which allows you to change the file format. The principle of operation is the same as in Microsoft Office.

To learn how to translate a document, see the video:

How to convert text from Word to PDF? A similar question may well arise for you when you need to send a document to a client by email, create your own e-book or instruction, or send a resume for a job. If you have been reading my blog for a long time, then it no longer seems difficult for you. For this you can use the free programs "Foxit Reader" and "Adobe Reader". But I have not seriously considered the issue of creating such an electronic document from a text document created in Word.

For this procedure, many programs have been created and are successfully used, free or requiring a license. For example: "PrimoPDF", "doPDF", "ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0", "Solid Converter PDF" and of course "Adobe Acrobat". They work in different ways. Some work as a separate program in which you can make various settings for the final document. Others are built into the system in the form of a virtual printer and create a document when you print it in a standard way, but choose not a physical printer, but a virtual one. The document is then saved into a special folder. It is usually located in the "My Documents" folder.

By the way, this is how the free application installed with Foxit Reader works. True, on all pages of such a document there is an image of the copyright of the program, which we do not need at all. However, Foxit Reader also has such a useful editing function as creating a menu for the document being viewed.

There are also online services for converting to PDF text documents. But in this post I will consider other basic options for converting text DOC files to PDF.

How to convert a document from Word to PDF in OpenOffice 3

One of the easiest ways to turn a document with text and pictures into pdf format is to use the free office one already discussed on the blog earlier.

In order to do this, you need:

  • Open a document in this program.
  • Click on the icon in the menu labeled "PDF"
  • In the "Export" window that appears, select the folder to save (by default, the same where the original document is located), enter the desired file name and click the "Save" button

After a short wait, the document in the new pdf format will be created in the specified folder. It can be opened, sent and used for the purpose for which it was created. The file will be saved with default settings, which are usually needed to get the best result. But, if you have a lot of images in the file, then the file will be quite large.

In order to change the situation, you need to make the transformation a little differently.

  • Click on "File" in the menu and then on "Export to PDF ..."
  • In the "General" tab, find the "Image" section
  • There, adjust the settings for "JPEG compression - Quality" and "Image resolution. The higher the settings, the better the quality of the resulting document and the more weight.
  • Click on "Export" and create PDF_document.

In the same window, you can configure many more parameters, including assigning a password to open a document (the "Security" tab). If the document contains external links and links for navigating the document itself, then you need to configure the appropriate parameters in the "Links" tab.

All in all, this is a pretty easy way to convert a text document to an e-book. Naturally, if you use OpenOffice in your practice.

How to convert document from Word to PDF in MS Word 2007

There is no PDF converter in the default 2007 version of the package. It was planned, but Adobe, which owns the rights to the format, forbade it from being included in the package. Nevertheless, for those who wish, a plug-in for MS Word 2007 is available on the Microsoft website: "Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS" e. It weighs a little less than a megabyte.

To install it you need:

  • Download it (from a file hosting service or offsite, at the link above).
  • Install the plugin by running the downloaded file. You will need to check the box under the warning and click "Continue".
  • After finishing the installation, click "OK"
  • Click on the "Office" button (in the upper left corner)
  • Click "Save As ..." and then click "PDF or XPS"
  • The "Publish as PDF or XPS" window appears.
  • In the window, select the target save folder
  • Enter file name
  • Select the optimization method "Standard" or "Minimum size"
  • Click "Publish"

If you have not unchecked the "Open file after publication" checkbox, then after processing the file will open in your reader for viewing PDF documents.

Everything described is true for Microsoft Word 2007. For other versions of this program, such plugins are not yet known to me.

Video podcast

- "Word to PDF - How to Convert" (Download). A visual video covers all the steps described above.

PDF (pdf) is a format through which you can easily and conveniently read books on a computer. It allows you to maintain good quality not only text, but also images, therefore it is often used in printed products.

If this is just an e-book that you read for the soul, then this format does not cause any inconvenience. But when you have to work with such a document, for many it can be a problem. It is not very clear how to translate it into plain text and, in general, whether it is possible to do this without losing formatting.

Now we will look at the simplest ways to translate into Word while maintaining the original look.

Using Microsoft Word 2013-2016

In the latest versions of Microsoft Office, the Word application has a built-in pdf conversion tool. You just need to open the file in this program, and then the system will do everything by itself.

1 . Click on the "FILE" button in the upper left corner of the window.

2. We go along the path Open → Computer and select the folder where our file is located.

3. Select the document and click the "Open" button.

A warning window will appear, which you can skip reading and immediately press the "OK" button.

That's all! Now the document can be edited and saved in the usual doc or docx format.

True, the page breaks are not located in the same places as in the original file, but this can somehow be survived. The main thing is that all tables and lists are editable.

Via Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader

If you have an old version of MS Word, but you have Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader (one of them usually opens all pdf files), then you can convert using it.

1 . Open the file in Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader and copy the desired fragment of the document.

Usually, you just need to open the file and it will immediately start in one of these programs (at the top it will be written in which one).

To copy all the text in Adobe Reader, click on "Edit" at the top and select "Copy file to clipboard".

In Foxit Reader, to transfer all the text, you need to click on "Home" at the top, click on the clipboard icon and select "Select All". Then click on the icon again and select "Copy".

2. We create a document in Word. To do this, right-click on any free space on the Desktop and select New → Microsoft Office Word Document.

Or you can simply open the program via Start → All Programs → Microsoft Office → Microsoft Office Word.

3. Insert into the document the fragment that we copied from the pdf file. To do this, right-click on the sheet and select "Insert" in the context menu.

As a result, we get the same text, but with the ability to edit. True, it is often added with slightly modified formatting and without images.


  • If the document is large, the insertion is very slow or the Word just hangs tight. And sometimes even small text is not inserted. Output: select / copy / paste in parts.
  • Images are not copied. Exit: take screenshots of them by pressing the Print Screen keyboard key, and then paste into Word (right button - Paste). But you still have to crop and resize the resulting image.
  • Sometimes formatting suffers a lot: fonts, letter sizes, colors, etc. Exit: edit the text manually.

Summary: with plain text, this option is quite acceptable, but if the document also contains tables, lists, images, it is better to convert in other ways.

Online services for converting PDF to Word

OCR programs:

ABBYY FineReader (paid)

WinScan2PDF (free)

The topic covered in this article has already been raised. Anyway, converting from Word to PDF remains relevant for everyone who works with documents in one way or another. Why stir up the old again? - you ask. And then, that the format conversion method described in this article is much easier, faster and more convenient. Plus, you can make PDF not only from Word, but also from others, for example, Excel.

First of all, we need to download a free pdf printer doPDF - you can from the official site, or straight. In general, it is installed as for your system, that is, after installation, it will appear in the section Devices and Printers... That is, in theory, you can save to PDF from any program where there is Printing... But more on that later. Let's get back to the installation now. It is important that there is a check mark on the item Install add-in for Microsoft Office... After making sure of this, press Install now.

Basically, you can now print to PDF from any program where printing is possible at all. You just need to select doPDF 8 from the list of printers. But now we are specifically interested in Microsoft Word - it is on this program that an example will be considered. There are two ways to export to PDF.

1.Using the command Printing... In the Word, open the desired document, click File / Print... Select the doPDF 8 printer and press the big button Printing.

A window with settings will appear, where you can select the quality of the generated PDF and the path to save. Click OK.

After a little thought, the program will open the freshly baked PDF file in the reader. The created file will be located in the folder you specified.

2. The second method is even easier than the first. After installing the doPDF 8 virtual printer, a new tab will appear in all Microsoft Office applications, including Word, -. To quickly export a Word document to PDF, open this tab and click Save as PDF.

In principle, you don't have to climb the settings - the result is already excellent. But just in case there is a button Settingswhere you can set some additional export options.

The main distinguishing feature of PDF files, which has led to the wide popularity of this format of text files in recent years, is that PDF documents look the same on all devices running different operating systems. Currently, this format of text-graphic files is used to publish electronic versions of books, glossy magazines, scientific and other documents. As long as you use PDF files only to view the information they contain, you won't have any problems with them.

Difficulties begin when you need to edit something in a PDF file, or use the information it contains in your documents. It is for this reason that users often look for ways to convert PDF to Word format. Let's consider the simplest and most affordable ones.

How to translate PDF to Word for free
A free and easy way to translate PDF to Word is to simply copy all or parts of the text from a PDF file and paste it into the created Word file. In order to copy all the text in a rhinestone in a PDF file, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A... However, if the file is large enough, then the computing resources of the computer may not be sufficient for such an operation. In this case, copy the text piece by piece.

Another free way to translate PDF to Word can be using the cloud storage from Google. The transformation is performed with its help as follows:
After the download is complete, you can open it on your computer to check how successfully it has been converted and start editing it.

How to translate PDF to Word online
There are also a large number of services that translate PDF files to Word online. For instance:

They all work on a similar principle. You upload your PDF file to them, it is converted on the service side and after the process is completed, you are given a link to download the resulting Word document.

For example, how does the conversion work on the website.
Online file conversion is very convenient as it does not require additional software to be installed on your computer.

PDF to Word translation software
As a rule, all online services have their own restrictions on the size of the file uploaded to them. If your PDF file is large, you still have to convert it on your computer using the appropriate software. One of the programs of this class is the free utility UniPDF. To use it to translate PDF to Word do the following:
Of course, UniPDF is not the only program for converting PDF files. There is a large selection of other both paid and free programs of this kind.

How to translate PDF to Word in FineReader
It is most difficult to translate PDF to Word when initially the text on the pages in the PDF is saved as digital snapshots. In this case, only optical character recognition using ABBYY FineReader or similar programs can help. To use FinerReader to translate PDF to Word, you need to go through the following steps:
In addition to those considered, there are many more different methods and programs for translating PDF to Word format. But none of them will do it perfectly, since initially such a transformation was not provided for and its quality will be different for different programs and services.

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